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/* GormAppDelegate.m
* Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Author: Gregory John Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com>
* Date: 2023
* This file is part of GNUstep.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111
* USA.
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#import <Foundation/NSSet.h>
#import <AppKit/NSImage.h>
#import <AppKit/NSMenu.h>
#import "GormAppDelegate.h"
#import "GormLanguageViewController.h"
@interface GormDocument (Private)
- (NSMutableArray *) _collectAllObjects;
@implementation GormAppDelegate
// App delegate...
- (BOOL)applicationShouldOpenUntitledFile: (NSApplication *)sender
if (NSInterfaceStyleForKey(@"NSMenuInterfaceStyle", nil) ==
return YES;
return NO;
- (void) applicationOpenUntitledFile: (NSApplication *)sender
GormDocumentController *dc = [GormDocumentController sharedDocumentController];
// open a new document and build an application type document by default...
[dc newDocument: sender];
- (void) applicationDidFinishLaunching: (NSNotification *)n
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
if ( [defaults boolForKey: @"ShowInspectors"] )
[[[self inspectorsManager] panel] makeKeyAndOrderFront: self];
if ( [defaults boolForKey: @"ShowPalettes"] )
[[[self palettesManager] panel] makeKeyAndOrderFront: self];
- (void) applicationWillTerminate: (NSNotification *)n
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
setBool: [[[self inspectorsManager] panel] isVisible]
forKey: @"ShowInspectors"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
setBool: [[[self palettesManager] panel] isVisible]
forKey: @"ShowPalettes"];
- (BOOL) applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed: (NSApplication *)sender
if (NSInterfaceStyleForKey(@"NSMenuInterfaceStyle", nil) ==
GormDocumentController *docController;
docController = [GormDocumentController sharedDocumentController];
if ([[docController documents] count] > 0)
return NO;
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL) validateMenuItem: (NSMenuItem*)item
GormDocument *active = (GormDocument*)[self activeDocument];
SEL action = [item action];
GormClassManager *cm = nil;
NSArray *s = nil;
// if we have an active document...
if(active != nil)
cm = [active classManager];
s = [_selectionOwner selection];
if(sel_isEqual(action, @selector(loadPalette:)))
return YES;
else if (sel_isEqual(action, @selector(close:))
|| sel_isEqual(action, @selector(miniaturize:)))
if (active == nil)
return NO;
else if (sel_isEqual(action, @selector(testInterface:)))
if (active == nil)
return NO;
else if (sel_isEqual(action, @selector(copy:)))
if ([s count] == 0)
return NO;
id o = [s objectAtIndex: 0];
NSString *n = [active nameForObject: o];
if ([n isEqual: @"NSOwner"] || [n isEqual: @"NSFirst"])
return NO;
return [_selectionOwner respondsToSelector: @selector(copySelection)];
else if (sel_isEqual(action, @selector(cut:)))
if ([s count] == 0)
return NO;
id o = [s objectAtIndex: 0];
NSString *n = [active nameForObject: o];
if ([n isEqual: @"NSOwner"] || [n isEqual: @"NSFirst"])
return NO;
return ([_selectionOwner respondsToSelector: @selector(copySelection)]
&& [_selectionOwner respondsToSelector: @selector(deleteSelection)]);
else if (sel_isEqual(action, @selector(delete:)))
if ([s count] == 0)
return NO;
id o = [s objectAtIndex: 0];
NSString *n = [active nameForObject: o];
if ([n isEqual: @"NSOwner"] || [n isEqual: @"NSFirst"])
return NO;
return [_selectionOwner respondsToSelector: @selector(deleteSelection)];
else if (sel_isEqual(action, @selector(paste:)))
if ([s count] == 0)
return NO;
id o = [s objectAtIndex: 0];
NSString *n = [active nameForObject: o];
if ([n isEqual: @"NSOwner"] || [n isEqual: @"NSFirst"])
return NO;
return [_selectionOwner respondsToSelector: @selector(pasteInSelection)];
else if (sel_isEqual(action, @selector(setName:)))
NSString *n;
id o;
if ([s count] == 0)
return NO;
if ([s count] > 1)
return NO;
o = [s objectAtIndex: 0];
n = [active nameForObject: o];
if ([n isEqual: @"NSOwner"] || [n isEqual: @"NSFirst"]
|| [n isEqual: @"NSFont"] || [n isEqual: @"NSMenu"])
return NO;
else if(![active isTopLevelObject: o])
return NO;
else if(sel_isEqual(action, @selector(createSubclass:)) ||
sel_isEqual(action, @selector(loadClass:)) ||
sel_isEqual(action, @selector(createClassFiles:)) ||
sel_isEqual(action, @selector(instantiateClass:)) ||
sel_isEqual(action, @selector(addAttributeToClass:)) ||
sel_isEqual(action, @selector(remove:)))
if(active == nil)
return NO;
if(![active isEditingClasses])
return NO;
if(sel_isEqual(action, @selector(createSubclass:)))
NSArray *s = [_selectionOwner selection];
id o = nil;
NSString *name = nil;
if([s count] == 0 || [s count] > 1)
return NO;
o = [s objectAtIndex: 0];
name = [o className];
if([active classIsSelected] == NO)
return NO;
if([name isEqual: @"FirstResponder"])
return NO;
if(sel_isEqual(action, @selector(createClassFiles:)) ||
sel_isEqual(action, @selector(remove:)))
id o = nil;
NSString *name = nil;
if ([s count] == 0)
return NO;
if ([s count] > 1)
return NO;
o = [s objectAtIndex: 0];
name = [o className];
if(![cm isCustomClass: name])
return NO;
if(sel_isEqual(action, @selector(instantiateClass:)))
id o = nil;
NSString *name = nil;
if ([s count] == 0)
return NO;
if ([s count] > 1)
return NO;
if([active classIsSelected] == NO)
return NO;
o = [s objectAtIndex: 0];
name = [o className];
if(name != nil)
id cm = [self classManager];
return [cm canInstantiateClassNamed: name];
else if(sel_isEqual(action, @selector(loadSound:)) ||
sel_isEqual(action, @selector(loadImage:)) ||
sel_isEqual(action, @selector(debug:)))
if(active == nil)
return NO;
return YES;
- (IBAction) stop: (id)sender
if(_isTesting == NO)
// [super stop: sender];
[self endTesting: sender];
- (IBAction) miniaturize: (id)sender
NSWindow *window = [(GormDocument *)[self activeDocument] window];
[window miniaturize: self];
/** Info Menu Actions */
- (IBAction) preferencesPanel: (id) sender
if(! _preferencesController)
_preferencesController = [[GormPrefController alloc] init];
[[_preferencesController panel] makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
/** Document Menu Actions */
- (IBAction) close: (id)sender
GormDocument *document = (GormDocument *)[self activeDocument];
if([document canCloseDocument])
[document close];
- (IBAction) debug: (id) sender
[[self activeDocument] performSelector: @selector(printAllEditors)];
- (IBAction) loadSound: (id) sender
[(GormDocument *)[self activeDocument] openSound: sender];
- (IBAction) loadImage: (id) sender
[(GormDocument *)[self activeDocument] openImage: sender];
/** Edit Menu Actions */
- (IBAction) copy: (id)sender
if ([[_selectionOwner selection] count] == 0
|| [_selectionOwner respondsToSelector: @selector(copySelection)] == NO)
if([self isConnecting])
[self stopConnecting];
[(id<IBSelectionOwners,IBEditors>)_selectionOwner copySelection];
- (IBAction) cut: (id)sender
if ([[_selectionOwner selection] count] == 0
|| [_selectionOwner respondsToSelector: @selector(copySelection)] == NO
|| [_selectionOwner respondsToSelector: @selector(deleteSelection)] == NO)
if([self isConnecting])
[self stopConnecting];
[(id<IBSelectionOwners,IBEditors>)_selectionOwner copySelection];
[(id<IBSelectionOwners,IBEditors>)_selectionOwner deleteSelection];
- (IBAction) paste: (id)sender
if ([_selectionOwner respondsToSelector: @selector(pasteInSelection)] == NO)
if([self isConnecting])
[self stopConnecting];
[(id<IBSelectionOwners,IBEditors>)_selectionOwner pasteInSelection];
- (IBAction) delete: (id)sender
if ([[_selectionOwner selection] count] == 0
|| [_selectionOwner respondsToSelector: @selector(deleteSelection)] == NO)
if([self isConnecting])
[self stopConnecting];
[(id<IBSelectionOwners,IBEditors>)_selectionOwner deleteSelection];
- (IBAction) selectAll: (id)sender
if ([[_selectionOwner selection] count] == 0
|| [_selectionOwner respondsToSelector: @selector(deleteSelection)] == NO)
if([self isConnecting])
[self stopConnecting];
[(id<IBSelectionOwners,IBEditors>)_selectionOwner deleteSelection];
- (IBAction) selectAllItems: (id)sender
/** Grouping */
- (IBAction) groupSelectionInSplitView: (id)sender
if ([[_selectionOwner selection] count] < 2
|| [_selectionOwner respondsToSelector: @selector(groupSelectionInSplitView)] == NO)
[(GormGenericEditor *)_selectionOwner groupSelectionInSplitView];
- (IBAction) groupSelectionInBox: (id)sender
if ([_selectionOwner respondsToSelector: @selector(groupSelectionInBox)] == NO)
[(GormGenericEditor *)_selectionOwner groupSelectionInBox];
- (IBAction) groupSelectionInView: (id)sender
if ([_selectionOwner respondsToSelector: @selector(groupSelectionInView)] == NO)
[(GormGenericEditor *)_selectionOwner groupSelectionInView];
- (IBAction) groupSelectionInScrollView: (id)sender
if ([_selectionOwner respondsToSelector: @selector(groupSelectionInScrollView)] == NO)
[(GormGenericEditor *)_selectionOwner groupSelectionInScrollView];
- (IBAction) groupSelectionInMatrix: (id)sender
if ([_selectionOwner respondsToSelector: @selector(groupSelectionInMatrix)] == NO)
[(GormGenericEditor *)_selectionOwner groupSelectionInMatrix];
- (IBAction) ungroup: (id)sender
// NSLog(@"ungroup: _selectionOwner %@", _selectionOwner);
if ([_selectionOwner respondsToSelector: @selector(ungroup)] == NO)
[(GormGenericEditor *)_selectionOwner ungroup];
/** Classes actions */
- (IBAction) createSubclass: (id)sender
[(GormDocument *)[self activeDocument] createSubclass: sender];
- (IBAction) loadClass: (id)sender
// Call the current document and create the class
// descibed by the header
[(GormDocument *)[self activeDocument] loadClass: sender];
- (IBAction) createClassFiles: (id)sender
[(GormDocument *)[self activeDocument] createClassFiles: sender];
- (IBAction) instantiateClass: (id)sender
[(GormDocument *)[self activeDocument] instantiateClass: sender];
- (IBAction) addAttributeToClass: (id)sender
[(GormDocument *)[self activeDocument] addAttributeToClass: sender];
- (IBAction) remove: (id)sender
[(GormDocument *)[self activeDocument] remove: sender];
/** Palettes Actions... */
- (IBAction) inspector: (id) sender
[[[self inspectorsManager] panel] makeKeyAndOrderFront: self];
- (IBAction) palettes: (id) sender
[[[self palettesManager] panel] makeKeyAndOrderFront: self];
- (IBAction) loadPalette: (id) sender
[[self palettesManager] openPalette: sender];
// Translation
- (IBAction) importXLIFFDocument: (id)sender
NSArray *fileTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"xliff", nil];
NSOpenPanel *oPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
int result;
[oPanel setAllowsMultipleSelection: NO];
[oPanel setCanChooseFiles: YES];
[oPanel setCanChooseDirectories: NO];
result = [oPanel runModalForDirectory: nil
file: nil
types: fileTypes];
if (result == NSOKButton)
GormDocument *doc = (GormDocument *)[self activeDocument];
NSMutableArray *allObjects = [doc _collectAllObjects];
NSString *filename = [oPanel filename];
NSEnumerator *en = nil;
id obj = nil;
BOOL result = NO;
GormXLIFFDocument *xd = [GormXLIFFDocument xliffWithGormDocument: doc];
result = [xd importXLIFFDocumentWithName: filename];
NSString *message = [localException reason];
NSRunAlertPanel(_(@"Problem loading XLIFF"),
message, nil, nil, nil);
// If actual translation was done, then refresh the objects...
if (result == YES)
[doc touch]; // mark the document as modified...
// change to translated values.
en = [allObjects objectEnumerator];
while((obj = [en nextObject]) != nil)
if([obj isKindOfClass: [NSView class]])
[obj setNeedsDisplay: YES];
// redisplay/flush, if the object is a window.
if([obj isKindOfClass: [NSWindow class]])
NSWindow *w = (NSWindow *)obj;
[w setViewsNeedDisplay: YES];
[w disableFlushWindow];
[[w contentView] setNeedsDisplay: YES];
[[w contentView] displayIfNeeded];
[w enableFlushWindow];
[w flushWindowIfNeeded];
- (IBAction) exportXLIFFDocument: (id)sender
NSSavePanel *savePanel = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass: [GormLanguageViewController class]];
NSModalResponse result = 0;
GormDocument *doc = (GormDocument *)[self activeDocument];
if (doc != nil)
NSString *fn = [[doc fileURL] path];
fn = [[fn lastPathComponent] stringByDeletingPathExtension];
fn = [fn stringByAppendingPathExtension: @"xliff"];
_vc = [[GormLanguageViewController alloc]
initWithNibName: @"GormLanguageViewController"
bundle: bundle];
NSDebugLog(@"view = %@, _vc = %@", [_vc view], _vc);
[savePanel setTitle: @"Export XLIFF"];
[savePanel setAccessoryView: [_vc view]];
[savePanel setDelegate: self];
// [savePanel setURL: [NSURL fileURLWithPath: fn]];
result = [savePanel runModalForDirectory: nil
file: fn];
if (NSModalResponseOK == result)
NSString *filename = [[savePanel URL] path];
GormXLIFFDocument *xd = [GormXLIFFDocument xliffWithGormDocument: doc];
[xd exportXLIFFDocumentWithName: filename
withSourceLanguage: [_vc sourceLanguageIdentifier]
andTargetLanguage: [_vc targetLanguageIdentifier]];
- (NSString *) panel: (id)sender
userEnteredFilename: (NSString *)filename
confirmed: (BOOL)flag
if (flag == YES)
NSDebugLog(@"Writing the document... %@", filename);
NSDebugLog(@"%@ not saved", filename);
return filename;
* This method is used to translate all of the strings in the file from one language
* into another. This is helpful when attempting to translate an application for use
* in different locales.
- (IBAction) translate: (id)sender
NSArray *fileTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"strings", nil];
NSOpenPanel *oPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
int result;
[oPanel setAllowsMultipleSelection: NO];
[oPanel setCanChooseFiles: YES];
[oPanel setCanChooseDirectories: NO];
result = [oPanel runModalForDirectory: nil
file: nil
types: fileTypes];
if (result == NSOKButton)
GormDocument *doc = (GormDocument *)[self activeDocument];
NSMutableArray *allObjects = [doc _collectAllObjects];
NSString *filename = [oPanel filename];
NSEnumerator *en = nil;
id obj = nil;
[doc importStringsFromFile: filename];
NSString *message = [localException reason];
NSRunAlertPanel(_(@"Problem loading strings"),
message, nil, nil, nil);
[doc touch]; // mark the document as modified...
// change to translated values.
en = [allObjects objectEnumerator];
while((obj = [en nextObject]) != nil)
if([obj isKindOfClass: [NSView class]])
[obj setNeedsDisplay: YES];
// redisplay/flush, if the object is a window.
if([obj isKindOfClass: [NSWindow class]])
NSWindow *w = (NSWindow *)obj;
[w setViewsNeedDisplay: YES];
[w disableFlushWindow];
[[w contentView] setNeedsDisplay: YES];
[[w contentView] displayIfNeeded];
[w enableFlushWindow];
[w flushWindowIfNeeded];
* This method is used to export all strings in a document to a file for Language
* translation. This allows the user to see all of the strings which can be translated
* and allows the user to provide a translateion for each of them.
- (IBAction) exportStrings: (id)sender
NSSavePanel *sp = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
int result;
[sp setRequiredFileType: @"strings"];
[sp setTitle: _(@"Save strings file as...")];
result = [sp runModalForDirectory: NSHomeDirectory()
file: nil];
if (result == NSOKButton)
NSString *filename = [sp filename];
GormDocument *doc = (GormDocument *)[self activeDocument];
[doc exportStringsToFile: filename];
// Print
- (IBAction) print: (id) sender
[[NSApp keyWindow] print: sender];