Gregory John Casamento 3ec0137332 * English.lproj/GormDocument.gorm: Added section in file section
to show fileType.
	* GormCore/GormFilePrefsManager.m: Changed version number from 
	1,1,0 to 1,1,2.
	* GormCore/GormInspectorsManager.m: Removed kludge from 
	* GormCore/GormScrollViewEditor.m: Remove code which returns 
	the table view editor in editorClassName.  In mouseDown:
	remove check in mouseDown: for NSScroller and subclasses.
	* GormCore/GormViewEditor.h: Declare frameDidChange:
	* Palettes/3Containers/GormTableViewEditor.m: Remove redundant
	implementation of performDragOperation:.  Call draggingUpdated 
	* Palettes/4Data/DataPalette.m: Change minimum size.
	* Palettes/4Data/GormTextViewEditor.m: Add handleNotification: 
	and add initWithObject:inDocument:.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521
2006-10-02 02:47:22 +00:00

450 lines
11 KiB

/* GormTableViewEditor.m - Editor for matrices.
* Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Author: Pierre-Yves Rivaille <>
* Date: 2002
* This file is part of GNUstep.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111 USA.
#include <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#include <InterfaceBuilder/InterfaceBuilder.h>
#include "GormTableViewEditor.h"
#include "GormNSTableView.h"
#include <GormCore/GormViewKnobs.h>
NSString *IBTableColumnPboardType = @"IBTableColumnPboardType";
static NSCell *_editedCell;
static NSCell *_currentHeaderCell;
static NSText *_textObject;
@interface GormTableViewEditor (Private)
- (void) editHeader: (NSTableHeaderView*) th
withEvent: (NSEvent *) theEvent;
@implementation GormTableViewEditor
* Initialize the table editor.
- (id) initWithObject: (id)anObject inDocument: (id<IBDocuments>)aDocument
self = [super initWithObject: anObject inDocument: aDocument];
if(self != nil)
return self;
- (void) setFrame: (NSRect)frame
if(tableView != nil)
[tableView deselectAll: self];
[super setFrame: frame];
* Decide whether an editor can accept data from the pasteboard.
- (BOOL) acceptsTypeFromArray: (NSArray*)types
return NO;
* Activate an editor - inserts it into the view hierarchy or whatever is
* needed for the editor to be able to provide its functionality.
* This method should be called by the document when an editor is created
* or opened. It should be safe to call repeatedly.
- (BOOL) activate
if ([super activate])
if ([_editedObject isKindOfClass: [NSScrollView class]])
tableView = [(NSScrollView *)_editedObject documentView];
tableView = (GormNSTableView *)_editedObject;
RETAIN(tableView); // FIXME: Temporary fix.
[tableView setAllowsColumnResizing: YES];
[tableView setAllowsColumnSelection: YES];
[tableView setAllowsMultipleSelection: NO];
[tableView setAllowsEmptySelection: YES];
[tableView setAllowsColumnReordering: YES];
[tableView setGormDelegate: self];
return YES;
return NO;
* Deactivate an editor - removes it from the view hierarchy so that objects
* can be archived without including the editor.
* This method should be called automatically by the 'close' method.
* It should be safe to call repeatedly.
- (void) deactivate
if (activated == YES)
// [tableView unselect];
if ([tableView selectedColumn] != -1)
[tableView deselectColumn: [tableView selectedColumn]];
[tableView setAllowsColumnResizing:
[tableView gormAllowsColumnResizing]];
[tableView setAllowsColumnSelection:
[tableView gormAllowsColumnSelection]];
[tableView setAllowsMultipleSelection:
[tableView gormAllowsMultipleSelection]];
[tableView setAllowsEmptySelection:
[tableView gormAllowsEmptySelection]];
[tableView setAllowsColumnReordering:
[tableView gormAllowsColumnReordering]];
[tableView setGormDelegate: nil];
[tableView setNeedsDisplay: YES];
[super deactivate];
* This method deletes all the objects in the current selection in the editor.
- (void) deleteSelection
if ([selection count] == 0)
NSDebugLog(@"no column to delete");
else if([[selection objectAtIndex: 0] isKindOfClass: [NSTableColumn class]])
[tableView removeTableColumn: [selection objectAtIndex: 0]];
[tableView deselectAll: self];
[self selectObjects: [NSArray array]];
* This method places the current selection from the editor on the pasteboard.
- (void) copySelection
if ([[[self selection] objectAtIndex: 0]
isKindOfClass: [NSTableColumn class]])
[document copyObjects: [self selection]
type: IBTableColumnPboardType
toPasteboard: [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]];
NSDebugLog(@"no paste");
* This method is used to add the contents of the pasteboard to the current
* selection of objects within the editor.
- (void) pasteInSelection
NSArray *objects;
objects = [document pasteType: IBTableColumnPboardType
fromPasteboard: [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]
parent: _editedObject];
if (objects == nil)
if ([objects count] == 0)
if ([objects count] > 1)
NSDebugLog(@"warning strange behaviour : GormTableViewEditor pasteInSelection");
else if ([[objects objectAtIndex: 0] isKindOfClass: [NSTableColumn class]]
== NO)
NSDebugLog(@"invalid data in IBTableColumnPboardType");
[tableView addTableColumn: [objects objectAtIndex: 0]];
- (void) mouseDown:(NSEvent*)theEvent
BOOL onKnob = NO;
id hitView;
if ([parent respondsToSelector: @selector(selection)] &&
[[parent selection] containsObject: _editedObject])
IBKnobPosition knob = IBNoneKnobPosition;
NSPoint mouseDownPoint =
[self convertPoint: [theEvent locationInWindow]
fromView: nil];
knob = GormKnobHitInRect([self bounds],
if (knob != IBNoneKnobPosition)
onKnob = YES;
if (onKnob == YES)
if (parent)
return [parent mouseDown: theEvent];
return [self noResponderFor: @selector(mouseDown:)];
if (opened == NO)
NSDebugLog(@"not opened");
[super mouseDown: theEvent];
hitView =
[[tableView enclosingScrollView]
[[[tableView enclosingScrollView] superview]
convertPoint: [theEvent locationInWindow]
fromView: nil]];
if (hitView == [tableView headerView])
if ([theEvent clickCount] == 2)
[self editHeader: hitView
withEvent: theEvent];
[hitView mouseDown: theEvent];
else if ([hitView isKindOfClass: [NSScroller class]])
[hitView mouseDown: theEvent];
else if (hitView == tableView)
if ([theEvent modifierFlags] & NSControlKeyMask)
[super mouseDown: theEvent];
else if ([tableView selectedColumn] != -1)
[tableView deselectColumn: [tableView selectedColumn]];
- (void) tableViewSelectionDidChange: (id) tv
if ([tableView selectedColumn] != -1)
[self selectObjects:
[NSArray arrayWithObject:
[[tableView tableColumns]
objectAtIndex: [tableView selectedColumn]]]];
[self selectObjects:
[NSArray arrayWithObject: tableView]];
- (void) outlineViewSelectionDidChange: (id) tv
if ([tableView selectedColumn] != -1)
[self selectObjects:
[NSArray arrayWithObject:
[[tableView tableColumns]
objectAtIndex: [tableView selectedColumn]]]];
[self selectObjects:
[NSArray arrayWithObject: tableView]];
- (void) editHeader: (NSTableHeaderView*) th
withEvent: (NSEvent *) theEvent
NSText *t;
NSTableColumn *tc;
NSRect drawingRect;
int columnIndex = [th columnAtPoint:
[th convertPoint:[theEvent locationInWindow]
fromView: nil]];
if (columnIndex == NSNotFound)
_textObject = nil;
[[th tableView] scrollColumnToVisible: columnIndex];
t = [[th window] fieldEditor: YES forObject: self];
if ([t superview] != nil)
if ([t resignFirstResponder] == NO)
// Prepare the cell
tc = [[tableView tableColumns] objectAtIndex: columnIndex];
// NB: need to be released when no longer used
_editedCell = [[tc headerCell] copy];
_currentHeaderCell = [tc headerCell];
[_editedCell setStringValue: [[tc headerCell] stringValue]];
[_editedCell setEditable: YES];
_textObject = [_editedCell setUpFieldEditorAttributes: t];
drawingRect = [th headerRectOfColumn: columnIndex];
[_editedCell editWithFrame: drawingRect
inView: th
editor: _textObject
delegate: self
event: theEvent];
- (void) textDidEndEditing: (NSNotification *)aNotification
[_editedCell endEditing: _textObject];
[_currentHeaderCell setStringValue: [[_textObject text] copy]];
- (unsigned) draggingEntered: (id<NSDraggingInfo>)sender
return [self draggingUpdated: sender];
- (unsigned) draggingUpdated: (id<NSDraggingInfo>)sender
NSPasteboard *dragPb;
NSArray *types;
dragPb = [sender draggingPasteboard];
types = [dragPb types];
if ([types containsObject: GormLinkPboardType] == YES)
id destination = nil;
NSView *hitView =
[[tableView enclosingScrollView]
[[[tableView enclosingScrollView] superview]
convertPoint: [sender draggingLocation]
fromView: nil]];
if (hitView == [tableView headerView])
NSPoint p = [hitView convertPoint: [sender draggingLocation]
fromView: nil];
int columnNumber =
[(NSTableHeaderView*) hitView columnAtPoint: p];
if (columnNumber != -1)
destination = [[tableView tableColumns]
objectAtIndex: columnNumber];
if (hitView == tableView)
destination = tableView;
if (destination == nil)
int col = 0;
destination = _editedObject;
if((col = [_editedObject selectedColumn]) != -1)
destination = [[_editedObject tableColumns] objectAtIndex: col];
[NSApp displayConnectionBetween: [NSApp connectSource]
and: destination];
return NSDragOperationLink;
return NSDragOperationNone;
- (BOOL) performDragOperation: (id<NSDraggingInfo>)sender
return ([self draggingUpdated: sender] == NSDragOperationLink);
- (NSWindow *)windowAndRect: (NSRect *)prect
forObject: (id) object
if (object == tableView)
*prect = [tableView convertRect: [tableView visibleRect]
toView :nil];
return _window;
return [super windowAndRect: prect forObject: object];