David Chisnall 04554d25c8 Fix accidental variable shadowing.
We were looking up the ivar, but then not using the result, so got null
pointer dereferences later.

This should have been caught by normal compiler warnings, but apparently
Gorm turns them off.
2019-02-03 09:23:14 +00:00

3790 lines
93 KiB

/* GormDocument.m
* This class contains Gorm specific implementation of the IBDocuments
* protocol plus additional methods which are useful for managing the
* contents of the document.
* Copyright (C) 1999,2002,2003,2004,2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Author: Gregory John Casamento <>
* Date: 2002,2003,2004,2005
* Author: Richard Frith-Macdonald <>
* Date: 1999
* This file is part of GNUstep.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111 USA.
#include "GormPrivate.h"
#include "GormClassManager.h"
#include "GormCustomView.h"
#include "GormOutlineView.h"
#include "GormFunctions.h"
#include "GormFilePrefsManager.h"
#include "GormViewWindow.h"
#include <Foundation/NSUserDefaults.h>
#include <Foundation/NSException.h>
#include <AppKit/NSImage.h>
#include <AppKit/NSSound.h>
#include <AppKit/NSNibConnector.h>
#include <AppKit/NSNibLoading.h>
#include <AppKit/NSScreen.h>
#include <GNUstepGUI/GSGormLoading.h>
#include "NSView+GormExtensions.h"
#include "GormSound.h"
#include "GormImage.h"
#include "GormResourceManager.h"
#include "GormClassEditor.h"
#include "GormSoundEditor.h"
#include "GormImageEditor.h"
#include "GormObjectEditor.h"
#include "GormWrapperBuilder.h"
#include "GormWrapperLoader.h"
#include "GormDocumentWindow.h"
#include "GormDocumentController.h"
@interface GormDisplayCell : NSButtonCell
@implementation GormDisplayCell
- (void) setShowsFirstResponder: (BOOL)flag
[super setShowsFirstResponder: NO]; // Never show ugly frame round button
@interface NSNibConnector (GormExtension)
- (BOOL) isEqual: (id)object;
@implementation NSNibConnector (GormExtension)
- (BOOL) isEqual: (id)object
BOOL result = NO;
if([object isKindOfClass: [NSNibConnector class]] == NO)
return NO;
if(self == object)
result = YES;
else if([[self source] isEqual: [object source]] &&
[[self destination] isEqual: [object destination]] &&
[[self label] isEqual: [object label]] &&
([self class] == [object class]))
result = YES;
return result;
@interface NSDocument (GormPrivate)
- (NSWindow *) _docWindow;
@implementation NSDocument (GormPrivate)
- (NSWindow *) _docWindow
static Ivar iv;
if (!iv)
iv = class_getInstanceVariable([NSDocument class], "_window");
NSAssert(iv, @"Unable to find _window ivar in NSDocument class");
return object_getIvar(self, iv);
@implementation GormFirstResponder
- (NSImage*) imageForViewer
static NSImage *image = nil;
if (image == nil)
NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
NSString *path = [bundle pathForImageResource: @"GormFirstResponder"];
image = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile: path];
return image;
- (NSString*) inspectorClassName
return @"GormNotApplicableInspector";
- (NSString*) connectInspectorClassName
return @"GormNotApplicableInspector";
- (NSString*) sizeInspectorClassName
return @"GormNotApplicableInspector";
- (NSString*) classInspectorClassName
return @"GormNotApplicableInspector";
- (NSString*) className
return @"FirstResponder";
// Implementation of trivial classes.
@implementation GormObjectToEditor
@implementation GormEditorToParent
@implementation GormDocument
static NSImage *objectsImage = nil;
static NSImage *imagesImage = nil;
static NSImage *soundsImage = nil;
static NSImage *classesImage = nil;
static NSImage *fileImage = nil;
* Initialize the class.
+ (void) initialize
if (self == [GormDocument class])
NSBundle *bundle;
NSString *path;
bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
path = [bundle pathForImageResource: @"GormObject"];
if (path != nil)
objectsImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile: path];
path = [bundle pathForImageResource: @"GormImage"];
if (path != nil)
imagesImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile: path];
path = [bundle pathForImageResource: @"GormSound"];
if (path != nil)
soundsImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile: path];
path = [bundle pathForImageResource: @"GormClass"];
if (path != nil)
classesImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile: path];
path = [bundle pathForImageResource: @"Gorm"];
if (path != nil)
fileImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile: path];
// register the resource managers...
[IBResourceManager registerResourceManagerClass:
[IBResourceManager class]];
[IBResourceManager registerResourceManagerClass:
[GormResourceManager class]];
[self setVersion: GNUSTEP_NIB_VERSION];
* Initialize the new GormDocument object.
- (id) init
self = [super init];
if (self != nil)
NSNotificationCenter *nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
// initialize...
openEditors = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
classManager = [(GormClassManager *)[GormClassManager alloc] initWithDocument: self];
* NB. We must retain the map values (object names) as the nameTable
* may not hold identical name objects, but merely equal strings.
objToName = NSCreateMapTableWithZone(NSObjectMapKeyCallBacks,
NSObjectMapValueCallBacks, 128, [self zone]);
// for saving the editors when the gorm file is persisted.
savedEditors = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
// observe certain notifications...
[nc addObserver: self
selector: @selector(handleNotification:)
name: IBClassNameChangedNotification
object: classManager];
[nc addObserver: self
selector: @selector(handleNotification:)
name: IBInspectorDidModifyObjectNotification
object: classManager];
[nc addObserver: self
selector: @selector(handleNotification:)
name: GormDidModifyClassNotification
object: classManager];
[nc addObserver: self
selector: @selector(handleNotification:)
name: GormDidAddClassNotification
object: classManager];
[nc addObserver: self
selector: @selector(handleNotification:)
name: IBWillBeginTestingInterfaceNotification
object: nil];
[nc addObserver: self
selector: @selector(handleNotification:)
name: IBWillEndTestingInterfaceNotification
object: nil];
[nc addObserver: self
selector: @selector(handleNotification:)
name: IBResourceManagerRegistryDidChangeNotification
object: nil];
// load resource managers
[self createResourceManagers];
* Set up container data....
nameTable = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
connections = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
topLevelObjects = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
visibleWindows = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
deferredWindows = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
filesOwner = [[GormFilesOwner alloc] init];
[self setName: @"NSOwner" forObject: filesOwner];
firstResponder = [[GormFirstResponder alloc] init];
[self setName: @"NSFirst" forObject: firstResponder];
// preload headers...
if ([defaults boolForKey: @"PreloadHeaders"])
NSArray *headerList = [defaults arrayForKey: @"HeaderList"];
NSEnumerator *en = [headerList objectEnumerator];
id obj = nil;
while ((obj = [en nextObject]) != nil)
NSString *header = (NSString *)obj;
NSDebugLog(@"Preloading %@", header);
if(![classManager parseHeader: header])
NSString *file = [header lastPathComponent];
NSString *message = [NSString stringWithFormat:
_(@"Unable to parse class in %@"),file];
NSRunAlertPanel(_(@"Problem parsing class"),
nil, nil, nil);
NSString *message = [localException reason];
NSRunAlertPanel(_(@"Problem parsing class"),
nil, nil, nil);
// are we upgrading an archive?
isOlderArchive = NO;
// document is open...
isDocumentOpen = YES;
return self;
* Perform any additional setup which needs to happen.
- (void) awakeFromNib
NSRect scrollRect = {{0, 0}, {340, 188}};
NSRect mainRect = {{20, 0}, {320, 188}};
NSNotificationCenter *nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
NSMenu *mainMenu = nil;
NSEnumerator *en = nil;
id o = nil;
// get the window and cache it...
window = (GormDocumentWindow *)[self _docWindow];
[IBResourceManager registerForAllPboardTypes:window
[window setDocument: self];
// set up the toolbar...
toolbar = [(NSToolbar *)[NSToolbar alloc] initWithIdentifier: @"GormToolbar"];
[toolbar setAllowsUserCustomization: NO];
// [toolbar setSizeMode: NSToolbarSizeModeSmall];
[toolbar setDelegate: self];
[window setToolbar: toolbar];
[toolbar setSelectedItemIdentifier: @"ObjectsItem"]; // set initial selection.
// set up notifications for window.
[nc addObserver: self
selector: @selector(handleNotification:)
name: NSWindowWillCloseNotification
object: window];
[nc addObserver: self
selector: @selector(handleNotification:)
name: NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification
object: window];
[nc addObserver: self
selector: @selector(handleNotification:)
name: NSWindowWillMiniaturizeNotification
object: window];
[nc addObserver: self
selector: @selector(handleNotification:)
name: NSWindowDidDeminiaturizeNotification
object: window];
// objects...
mainRect.origin = NSMakePoint(0,0);
scrollView = [[NSScrollView alloc] initWithFrame: scrollRect];
[scrollView setHasVerticalScroller: YES];
[scrollView setHasHorizontalScroller: YES];
[scrollView setAutoresizingMask:
[scrollView setBorderType: NSBezelBorder];
objectsView = [[GormObjectEditor alloc] initWithObject: nil
inDocument: self];
[objectsView setFrame: mainRect];
[objectsView setAutoresizingMask:
[scrollView setDocumentView: objectsView];
// images...
mainRect.origin = NSMakePoint(0,0);
imagesScrollView = [[NSScrollView alloc] initWithFrame: scrollRect];
[imagesScrollView setHasVerticalScroller: YES];
[imagesScrollView setHasHorizontalScroller: YES];
[imagesScrollView setAutoresizingMask:
[imagesScrollView setBorderType: NSBezelBorder];
imagesView = [[GormImageEditor alloc] initWithObject: nil
inDocument: self];
[imagesView setFrame: mainRect];
[imagesView setAutoresizingMask: NSViewHeightSizable|NSViewWidthSizable];
[imagesScrollView setDocumentView: imagesView];
// sounds...
mainRect.origin = NSMakePoint(0,0);
soundsScrollView = [[NSScrollView alloc] initWithFrame: scrollRect];
[soundsScrollView setHasVerticalScroller: YES];
[soundsScrollView setHasHorizontalScroller: YES];
[soundsScrollView setAutoresizingMask:
[soundsScrollView setBorderType: NSBezelBorder];
soundsView = [[GormSoundEditor alloc] initWithObject: nil
inDocument: self];
[soundsView setFrame: mainRect];
[soundsView setAutoresizingMask: NSViewHeightSizable|NSViewWidthSizable];
[soundsScrollView setDocumentView: soundsView];
/* classes view */
mainRect.origin = NSMakePoint(0,0);
classesView = [(GormClassEditor *)[GormClassEditor alloc] initWithDocument: self];
// [classesView setFrame: mainRect];
* Set the objects view as the initial view the user's see on startup.
[selectionBox setContentView: scrollView];
// add to the objects view...
[objectsView addObject: filesOwner];
[objectsView addObject: firstResponder];
* Set image for this miniwindow.
[window setMiniwindowImage: [(id)filesOwner imageForViewer]];
hidden = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
// reposition the loaded menu appropriately...
mainMenu = [nameTable objectForKey: @"NSMenu"];
if(mainMenu != nil)
NSRect frame = [window frame];
NSPoint origin = frame.origin;
NSRect screen = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame];
// account for the height of the menu we're loading.
origin.y = (screen.size.height - 100);
// place the main menu appropriately...
[[mainMenu window] setFrameTopLeftPoint: origin];
// load the file preferences....
if(infoData != nil)
if([filePrefsManager loadFromData: infoData])
NSInteger version = [filePrefsManager version];
NSInteger currentVersion = [GormFilePrefsManager currentVersion];
if(version > currentVersion)
NSInteger retval = NSRunAlertPanel(_(@"Gorm Build Mismatch"),
_(@"The file being loaded was created with a newer build, continue?"),
if(retval != NSAlertDefaultReturn)
// close the document, if the user says "NO."
[self close];
NSLog(@"Loading gorm without file. Default settings will be assumed.");
// load the images and sounds...
en = [images objectEnumerator];
while((o = [en nextObject]) != nil)
[imagesView addObject: o];
en = [images objectEnumerator];
while((o = [en nextObject]) != nil)
[soundsView addObject: o];
// Retain the file prefs view...
// All of the entries in the items array are "top level items"
// which should be visible in the object's view.
en = [topLevelObjects objectEnumerator];
while((o = [en nextObject]) != nil)
[objectsView addObject: o];
// set the file type in the prefs manager...
[filePrefsManager setFileTypeName: [self fileType]];
* Add aConnector to the set of connectors in this document.
- (void) addConnector: (id<IBConnectors>)aConnector
if ([connections indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: aConnector] == NSNotFound)
NSNotificationCenter *nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[nc postNotificationName: IBWillAddConnectorNotification
object: aConnector];
[connections addObject: aConnector];
[nc postNotificationName: IBDidAddConnectorNotification
object: aConnector];
* Returns all connectors.
- (NSArray*) allConnectors
return [NSArray arrayWithArray: connections];
* Creates the proxy font manager.
- (void) _instantiateFontManager
GSNibItem *item = nil;
item = [[GormObjectProxy alloc] initWithClassName: @"NSFontManager"];
[self setName: @"NSFont" forObject: item];
[self attachObject: item toParent: nil];
// set the holder in the document.
fontManager = (GormObjectProxy *)item;
[self changeToViewWithTag: 0];
* Attach anObject to the document with aParent.
- (void) attachObject: (id)anObject toParent: (id)aParent
NSArray *old;
BOOL newObject = NO;
// Modify the document whenever something is added...
[self touch];
* Create a connector that links this object to its parent.
* A nil parent is the root of the hierarchy so we use a dummy object for it.
if (aParent == nil)
aParent = filesOwner;
old = [self connectorsForSource: anObject ofClass: [NSNibConnector class]];
if ([old count] > 0)
[[old objectAtIndex: 0] setDestination: aParent];
NSNibConnector *con = [[NSNibConnector alloc] init];
[con setSource: anObject];
[con setDestination: aParent];
[self addConnector: (id<IBConnectors>)con];
* Make sure that there is a name for this object.
if ([self nameForObject: anObject] == nil)
newObject = YES;
[self setName: nil forObject: anObject];
* Add top-level objects to objectsView and open their editors.
if ([anObject isKindOfClass: [NSWindow class]] ||
[anObject isKindOfClass: [GSNibItem class]])
[objectsView addObject: anObject];
[topLevelObjects addObject: anObject];
if ([anObject isKindOfClass: [NSWindow class]])
NSWindow *win = (NSWindow *)anObject;
NSView *contentView = [win contentView];
NSArray *subviews = [contentView subviews];
NSEnumerator *en = [subviews objectEnumerator];
NSView *view = nil;
// Turn off the release when closed flag, add the content view.
[anObject setReleasedWhenClosed: NO];
[self attachObject: contentView
toParent: anObject];
// Add all subviews from the window, if any.
while((view = [en nextObject]) != nil)
[self attachObject: view toParent: win];
[[self openEditorForObject: anObject] activate];
* Determine what should be a top level object.
else if((aParent == filesOwner || aParent == nil) &&
[anObject isKindOfClass: [NSMenu class]] == NO)
if([anObject isKindOfClass: [NSObject class]] &&
[anObject isKindOfClass: [NSView class]] == NO)
[objectsView addObject: anObject];
[topLevelObjects addObject: anObject];
else if([anObject isKindOfClass: [NSView class]] && [anObject superview] == nil)
[objectsView addObject: anObject];
[topLevelObjects addObject: anObject];
* Check if it's a font manager.
else if([anObject isKindOfClass: [NSFontManager class]])
// If someone tries to attach a font manager, we must attach
// the proxy instead.
[self _instantiateFontManager];
* Add the menu items from the popup.
else if([anObject isKindOfClass: [NSPopUpButton class]])
NSPopUpButton *button = (NSPopUpButton *)anObject;
NSEnumerator *en = [[button itemArray] objectEnumerator];
id item = nil;
// add all of the items in the popup..
while((item = [en nextObject]) != nil)
[self attachObject: item toParent: button];
* Add the menu item.
else if([anObject isKindOfClass: [NSMenuItem class]])
NSMenu *menu = [(NSMenuItem *)anObject submenu];
if(menu != nil)
[self attachObject: menu toParent: anObject];
* Add the current menu and any submenus.
else if ([anObject isKindOfClass: [NSMenu class]])
BOOL isMainMenu = NO;
NSMenu *menu = (NSMenu *)anObject;
NSEnumerator *en = [[menu itemArray] objectEnumerator];
id item = nil;
// If there is no main menu and a menu gets added, it
// will become the main menu.
if([self objectForName: @"NSMenu"] == nil)
[self setName: @"NSMenu" forObject: menu];
[objectsView addObject: menu];
[topLevelObjects addObject: menu];
isMainMenu = YES;
if([[menu title] isEqual: @"Services"] && [self servicesMenu] == nil)
[self setServicesMenu: menu];
else if([[menu title] isEqual: @"Windows"] && [self windowsMenu] == nil)
[self setWindowsMenu: menu];
else if([[menu title] isEqual: @"Open Recent"] && [self recentDocumentsMenu] == nil)
[self setRecentDocumentsMenu: menu];
// if it doesn't have a supermenu and it's owned by the file's owner, then it's a top level menu....
else if([menu supermenu] == nil && aParent == filesOwner)
[objectsView addObject: menu];
[topLevelObjects addObject: menu];
isMainMenu = NO;
// add all of the items in the menu.
while((item = [en nextObject]) != nil)
[self attachObject: item toParent: menu];
// activate the editor...
[[self openEditorForObject: menu] activate];
// If it's the main menu... locate it appropriately...
if(isMainMenu && [self isActive])
NSRect frame = [[self window] frame];
NSPoint origin = frame.origin;
NSRect screen = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame];
origin.y = (screen.size.height - 100);
// Place the main menu appropriately...
[[menu window] setFrameTopLeftPoint: origin];
* If this a scrollview, it is interesting to add its contentview.
else if (([anObject isKindOfClass: [NSScrollView class]])
&& ([(NSScrollView *)anObject documentView] != nil))
if ([[anObject documentView] isKindOfClass:
[NSTableView class]])
NSInteger i;
NSInteger count;
NSArray *tc;
id tv = [anObject documentView];
tc = [tv tableColumns];
count = [tc count];
[self attachObject: tv toParent: anObject];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
[self attachObject: [tc objectAtIndex: i]
toParent: tv];
else // if ([[anObject documentView] isKindOfClass: [NSTextView class]])
[self attachObject: [anObject documentView] toParent: anObject];
* If it's a tab view, then we want the tab items.
else if ([anObject isKindOfClass: [NSTabView class]])
NSEnumerator *tie = [[anObject tabViewItems] objectEnumerator];
NSTabViewItem *ti = nil;
while((ti = [tie nextObject]) != nil)
[self attachObject: ti toParent: anObject];
* If it's a tab view item, then we attach the view.
else if ([anObject isKindOfClass: [NSTabViewItem class]])
NSTabViewItem *ti = (NSTabViewItem *)anObject;
id v = [ti view];
[self attachObject: v toParent: ti];
* If it's a matrix, add the elements of the matrix.
else if ([anObject isKindOfClass: [NSMatrix class]])
NSCell *cell = nil;
NSEnumerator *en = [[anObject cells] objectEnumerator];
// add all of the cells....
while((cell = [en nextObject]) != nil)
[self attachObject: cell toParent: anObject];
* If it's a simple NSView, add it and all of it's subviews.
else if ([anObject isKindOfClass: [NSView class]])
NSView *view = (NSView *)anObject, *sv = nil;
NSEnumerator *en = [[view subviews] objectEnumerator];
// Add all subviews from the window, if any.
while((sv = [en nextObject]) != nil)
[self attachObject: sv toParent: view];
// Attach the cell of an item to the document so that it has a name and
// can be addressed.
if([anObject respondsToSelector: @selector(cell)])
[self attachObject: [anObject cell] toParent: anObject];
// Detect and add any connection the object might have.
// This is done so that any palette items which have predefined connections will be
// shown in the connections list.
if([anObject respondsToSelector: @selector(action)] &&
[anObject respondsToSelector: @selector(target)] &&
SEL sel = [anObject action];
if(sel != NULL)
NSString *label = NSStringFromSelector(sel);
id source = anObject;
NSNibControlConnector *con = [[NSNibControlConnector alloc] init];
id destination = [(NSControl *)anObject target];
NSArray *sourceConnections = [self connectorsForSource: source];
// if it's a menu item we want to connect it to it's parent...
if([anObject isKindOfClass: [NSMenuItem class]] &&
[label isEqual: @"submenuAction:"])
destination = aParent;
// if the connection needs to be made with the font manager, replace
// it with our proxy object and proceed with creating the connection.
if((destination == nil || destination == [NSFontManager sharedFontManager]) &&
[classManager isAction: label ofClass: @"NSFontManager"])
// initialize font manager...
[self _instantiateFontManager];
// set the destination...
destination = fontManager;
// if the destination is still nil, back off to the first responder.
if(destination == nil)
destination = firstResponder;
// build the connection
[con setSource: source];
[con setDestination: destination];
[con setLabel: label];
// don't duplicate the connection if it already exists.
// if([sourceConnections indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: con] == NSNotFound)
if([sourceConnections containsObject: con] == NO)
// add it to our connections set.
[self addConnector: (id<IBConnectors>)con];
// destroy the connection in the object to
// prevent any conflict. The connections are restored when the
// .gorm is loaded, so there's no need for it anymore.
[anObject setTarget: nil];
[anObject setAction: NULL];
// release the connection.
* Attach all objects in anArray to the document with aParent.
- (void) attachObjects: (NSArray*)anArray toParent: (id)aParent
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [anArray objectEnumerator];
NSObject *obj;
while ((obj = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
[self attachObject: obj toParent: aParent];
- (void) changeToViewWithTag: (int)tag
switch (tag)
case 0: // objects
[selectionBox setContentView: scrollView];
[toolbar setSelectedItemIdentifier: @"ObjectsItem"];
if (![NSApp isConnecting])
[self setSelectionFromEditor: objectsView];
case 1: // images
[selectionBox setContentView: imagesScrollView];
[toolbar setSelectedItemIdentifier: @"ImagesItem"];
[self setSelectionFromEditor: imagesView];
case 2: // sounds
[selectionBox setContentView: soundsScrollView];
[toolbar setSelectedItemIdentifier: @"SoundsItem"];
[self setSelectionFromEditor: soundsView];
case 3: // classes
NSArray *selection = [[(id<IB>)NSApp selectionOwner] selection];
[selectionBox setContentView: classesView];
// if something is selected, in the object view.
// show the equivalent class in the classes view.
if ([selection count] > 0)
id obj = [selection objectAtIndex: 0];
[classesView selectClassWithObject: obj];
[toolbar setSelectedItemIdentifier: @"ClassesItem"];
[self setSelectionFromEditor: classesView];
case 4: // file prefs
[toolbar setSelectedItemIdentifier: @"FileItem"];
[selectionBox setContentView: filePrefsView];
- (NSView *) viewWithTag:(int)tag
switch (tag)
case 0: // objects
return objectsView;
case 1: // images
return imagesView;
case 2: // sounds
return soundsView;
case 3: // classes
return classesView;
case 4: // file prefs
return filePrefsView;
return nil;
- (void) changeToTopLevelEditorAcceptingTypes: (NSArray *)types
andFileType: (NSString *)fileType
// NSToolbar *toolbar = [_window toolbar];
if([objectsView acceptsTypeFromArray: types] &&
fileType == nil)
[self changeToViewWithTag: 0];
else if([imagesView acceptsTypeFromArray: types] &&
[[imagesView fileTypes] containsObject: fileType])
[self changeToViewWithTag: 1];
else if([soundsView acceptsTypeFromArray: types] &&
[[soundsView fileTypes] containsObject: fileType])
[self changeToViewWithTag: 2];
else if([classesView acceptsTypeFromArray: types] &&
[[classesView fileTypes] containsObject: fileType])
[self changeToViewWithTag: 3];
* Change the view in the document window.
- (void) changeView: (id)sender
[self changeToViewWithTag: [sender tag]];
* The class manager.
- (GormClassManager*) classManager
return classManager;
* Returns all connectors to destination.
- (NSArray*) connectorsForDestination: (id)destination
return [self connectorsForDestination: destination ofClass: 0];
* Returns all connectors to destination of class aConnectorClass.
- (NSArray*) connectorsForDestination: (id)destination
ofClass: (Class)aConnectorClass
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 16];
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [connections objectEnumerator];
id<IBConnectors> c;
while ((c = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
if ([c destination] == destination
&& (aConnectorClass == 0 || aConnectorClass == [c class]))
[array addObject: c];
return array;
* Returns all connectors to source.
- (NSArray*) connectorsForSource: (id)source
return [self connectorsForSource: source ofClass: 0];
* Returns all connectors to a given source where the
* connectors are of aConnectorClass.
- (NSArray*) connectorsForSource: (id)source
ofClass: (Class)aConnectorClass
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 16];
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [connections objectEnumerator];
id<IBConnectors> c;
while ((c = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
if ([c source] == source
&& (aConnectorClass == 0 || aConnectorClass == [c class]))
[array addObject: c];
return array;
* Returns YES, if the document contains anObject.
- (BOOL) containsObject: (id)anObject
if ([self nameForObject: anObject] == nil)
return NO;
return YES;
* Returns YES, if the document contains an object with aName and
* parent.
- (BOOL) containsObjectWithName: (NSString*)aName forParent: (id)parent
id obj = [nameTable objectForKey: aName];
if (obj == nil)
return NO;
return YES;
* Copy anObject to aPasteboard using aType. Returns YES, if
* successful.
- (BOOL) copyObject: (id)anObject
type: (NSString*)aType
toPasteboard: (NSPasteboard*)aPasteboard
return [self copyObjects: [NSArray arrayWithObject: anObject]
type: aType
toPasteboard: aPasteboard];
* Copy all objects in anArray to aPasteboard using aType. Returns YES,
* if successful.
- (BOOL) copyObjects: (NSArray*)anArray
type: (NSString*)aType
toPasteboard: (NSPasteboard*)aPasteboard
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
NSMutableSet *editorSet;
id obj;
NSMutableData *data;
NSArchiver *archiver;
* Remove all editors from the selected objects before archiving
* and restore them afterwards.
editorSet = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
enumerator = [anArray objectEnumerator];
while ((obj = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
id editor = [self editorForObject: obj create: NO];
if (editor != nil)
[editorSet addObject: editor];
[editor deactivate];
// Windows are a special case. Check the content view and see if it's an active editor.
if([obj isKindOfClass: [NSWindow class]])
id contentView = [obj contentView];
if([contentView conformsToProtocol: @protocol(IBEditors)])
[contentView deactivate];
[editorSet addObject: contentView];
// encode the data
data = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity: 0];
archiver = [[NSArchiver alloc] initForWritingWithMutableData: data];
[archiver encodeClassName: @"GormCustomView"
intoClassName: @"GSCustomView"];
[archiver encodeRootObject: anArray];
// reactivate
enumerator = [editorSet objectEnumerator];
while ((obj = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
[obj activate];
[aPasteboard declareTypes: [NSArray arrayWithObject: aType]
owner: self];
return [aPasteboard setData: data forType: aType];
* The given pasteboard chaned ownership.
- (void) pasteboardChangedOwner: (NSPasteboard *)sender
NSDebugLog(@"Owner changed for %@", sender);
- (id) release
return [super release];
- (id) retain
[super retain];
NSDebugLog(@"Retaining document, retain count %d", (int)[self retainCount]);
return self;
* Dealloc all things owned by a GormDocument object.
- (void) dealloc
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver: self];
ASSIGN(lastEditor, nil);
// [filePrefsWindow close];
// Get rid of the selection box.
// [selectionBox removeFromSuperviewWithoutNeedingDisplay];
if (objToName != 0)
// RELEASE(filePrefsWindow); // FIXME: Causes NIB to crash...
[super dealloc];
* Pull all objects which are under the given parent, into array.
- (void) _retrieveObjectsForParent: (id)parent
intoArray: (NSMutableArray *)array
recursively: (BOOL)flag
NSArray *cons = [self connectorsForDestination: parent
ofClass: [NSNibConnector class]];
NSEnumerator *en = [cons objectEnumerator];
id con = nil;
while((con = [en nextObject]) != nil)
id obj = [con source];
if(obj != nil)
[array addObject: obj];
[self _retrieveObjectsForParent: obj intoArray: array recursively: flag];
* Pull all of the objects which are under a given parent. Returns an
* autoreleased array.
- (NSArray *) retrieveObjectsForParent: (id)parent recursively: (BOOL)flag
NSMutableArray *result = [NSMutableArray array];
// If parent is nil, use file's owner.
if(parent == nil)
parent = filesOwner;
[self _retrieveObjectsForParent: parent intoArray: result recursively: flag];
return result;
* Deteach anObject from the document.
- (void) detachObject: (id)anObject
if([self containsObject: anObject])
NSString *name = RETAIN([self nameForObject: anObject]); // released at end of method...
unsigned count;
NSArray *objs = [self retrieveObjectsForParent: anObject recursively: NO];
id obj = nil;
NSEnumerator *en = [objs objectEnumerator];
id editor = [self editorForObject: anObject create: NO];
id parent = [self parentEditorForEditor: editor];
// close the editor...
[editor close];
if([parent respondsToSelector: @selector(selectObjects:)])
[parent selectObjects: [NSArray array]];
count = [connections count];
while (count-- > 0)
id<IBConnectors> con = [connections objectAtIndex: count];
if ([con destination] == anObject || [con source] == anObject)
[connections removeObjectAtIndex: count];
// if the font manager is being reset, zero out the instance variable.
if([name isEqual: @"NSFont"])
fontManager = nil;
if ([anObject isKindOfClass: [NSWindow class]]
|| [anObject isKindOfClass: [NSMenu class]]
|| [topLevelObjects containsObject: anObject])
[objectsView removeObject: anObject];
// if it's in the top level items array, remove it.
if([topLevelObjects containsObject: anObject])
[topLevelObjects removeObject: anObject];
// eliminate it from being the windows/services menu, if it's being detached.
if ([anObject isKindOfClass: [NSMenu class]])
if([self windowsMenu] == anObject)
[self setWindowsMenu: nil];
else if([self servicesMenu] == anObject)
[self setServicesMenu: nil];
else if([self recentDocumentsMenu] == anObject)
[self setRecentDocumentsMenu: nil];
* Make sure this window isn't in the list of objects to be made visible
* on nib loading.
if([anObject isKindOfClass: [NSWindow class]])
[self setObject: anObject isVisibleAtLaunch: NO];
// some objects are given a name, some are not. The only ones we need
// to worry about are those that have names.
if(name != nil)
// remove from custom class map...
NSDebugLog(@"Delete from custom class map -> %@",name);
[classManager removeCustomClassForName: name];
if([anObject isKindOfClass: [NSScrollView class]])
NSView *subview = [anObject documentView];
NSString *objName = [self nameForObject: subview];
NSDebugLog(@"Delete from custom class map -> %@",objName);
[classManager removeCustomClassForName: objName];
else if([anObject isKindOfClass: [NSWindow class]])
[anObject setReleasedWhenClosed: YES];
[anObject close];
// make certain it's not displayed, if it's being detached.
if([anObject isKindOfClass: [NSView class]])
[anObject removeFromSuperview];
[nameTable removeObjectForKey: name];
// free...
NSMapRemove(objToName, (void*)anObject);
// iterate over the list and remove any subordinate objects.
if(en != nil)
while((obj = [en nextObject]) != nil)
[self detachObject: obj];
[self setSelectionFromEditor: nil]; // clear the selection.
RELEASE(name); // retained at beginning of method...
[self touch]; // set the document as modified
* Detach every object in anArray from the document.
- (void) detachObjects: (NSArray*)anArray
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [anArray objectEnumerator];
NSObject *obj;
while ((obj = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
[self detachObject: obj];
* The path to where the .gorm file is saved.
- (NSString*) documentPath
return [self fileName];
* Create a subclass of the currently selected class in the classes view.
- (id) createSubclass: (id)sender
return [classesView createSubclass: sender];
* Add an outlet/action to the classes view.
- (id) addAttributeToClass: (id)sender
[classesView addAttributeToClass];
return self;
* Create an instance of a given class.
- (id) instantiateClass: (id)sender
return [classesView instantiateClass: sender];
* Remove a class from the classes view
- (id) remove: (id)sender
return [classesView removeClass: sender];
* Parse a header into the classes view.
- (id) loadClass: (id)sender
return [classesView loadClass: sender];
* Create the class files for the selected class.
- (id) createClassFiles: (id)sender
return [classesView createClassFiles: sender];
* Close anEditor for anObject.
- (void) editor: (id<IBEditors>)anEditor didCloseForObject: (id)anObject
NSArray *links;
* If there is a link from this editor to a parent, remove it.
links = [self connectorsForSource: anEditor
ofClass: [GormEditorToParent class]];
NSAssert([links count] < 2, NSInternalInconsistencyException);
if ([links count] == 1)
[connections removeObjectIdenticalTo: [links objectAtIndex: 0]];
* Remove the connection linking the object to this editor
links = [self connectorsForSource: anObject
ofClass: [GormObjectToEditor class]];
NSAssert([links count] < 2, NSInternalInconsistencyException);
if ([links count] == 1)
[connections removeObjectIdenticalTo: [links objectAtIndex: 0]];
* Add to the master list of editors for this document
[openEditors removeObjectIdenticalTo: anEditor];
* Make sure that this editor is not the selection owner.
if ([(id<IB>)NSApp selectionOwner] ==
[self resignSelectionForEditor: anEditor];
* Returns an editor for anObject, if flag is YES, it creates a new
* editor, if one doesn't currently exist.
- (id<IBEditors>) editorForObject: (id)anObject
create: (BOOL)flag
return [self editorForObject: anObject inEditor: nil create: flag];
* Returns the editor for anObject, in the editor anEditor. If flag is
* YES, an editor is created if one doesn't already exist.
- (id<IBEditors>) editorForObject: (id)anObject
inEditor: (id<IBEditors>)anEditor
create: (BOOL)flag
NSArray *links;
* Look up the editor links for the object to see if it already has an
* editor. If it does return it, otherwise create a new editor and a
* link to it if the flag is set.
links = [self connectorsForSource: anObject
ofClass: [GormObjectToEditor class]];
if ([links count] == 0 && flag)
Class eClass = NSClassFromString([anObject editorClassName]);
id<IBEditors> editor;
id<IBConnectors> link;
editor = [[eClass alloc] initWithObject: anObject inDocument: self];
link = AUTORELEASE([[GormObjectToEditor alloc] init]);
[link setSource: anObject];
[link setDestination: editor];
[connections addObject: link];
if(![openEditors containsObject: editor] && editor != nil)
[openEditors addObject: editor];
if (anEditor == nil)
* By default all editors are owned by the top-level editor of
* the document.
anEditor = objectsView;
if (anEditor != editor)
* Link to the parent of the editor.
link = AUTORELEASE([[GormEditorToParent alloc] init]);
[link setSource: editor];
[link setDestination: anEditor];
[connections addObject: link];
NSDebugLog(@"WARNING anEditor = editor");
[editor activate];
RELEASE((NSObject *)editor);
return editor;
else if ([links count] == 0)
return nil;
[[[links lastObject] destination] activate];
return [[links lastObject] destination];
* Forces the closing of all editors in the document.
- (void) closeAllEditors
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
id<IBConnectors> con;
NSMutableArray *editors = [NSMutableArray array];
// remove the editor connections from the connection array...
enumerator = [connections objectEnumerator];
while ((con = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
if ([con isKindOfClass: [GormObjectToEditor class]])
[editors addObject: con];
else if ([con isKindOfClass: [GormEditorToParent class]])
[editors addObject: con];
[connections removeObjectsInArray: editors];
[editors removeAllObjects];
// Close all of the editors & get all of the objects out.
// copy the array, since the close method calls editor:didCloseForObject:
// and would effect the array during the execution of
// makeObjectsPerformSelector:.
[editors addObjectsFromArray: openEditors];
[editors makeObjectsPerformSelector: @selector(close)];
[openEditors removeAllObjects];
[editors removeAllObjects];
static void _real_close(GormDocument *self,
NSEnumerator *enumerator)
id obj;
NSNotificationCenter *nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
while ((obj = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSWindow class]])
[obj setReleasedWhenClosed: YES];
[obj close];
// deactivate the document...
[self setDocumentActive: NO];
[self closeAllEditors]; // shut down all of the editors..
[nc postNotificationName: IBWillCloseDocumentNotification object: self];
[nc removeObserver: self]; // stop listening to all notifications.
* Close the document and all windows associated. Mark this document as closed.
- (void) close
isDocumentOpen = NO;
_real_close(self, [nameTable objectEnumerator]);
[super close];
* Handle all notifications. Checks the value of [aNotification name]
* against the set of notifications this class responds to and takes
* appropriate action.
- (void) handleNotification: (NSNotification*)aNotification
NSString *name = [aNotification name];
if ([name isEqual: NSWindowWillCloseNotification] && isDocumentOpen)
_real_close(self, [nameTable objectEnumerator]);
isDocumentOpen = NO;
else if ([name isEqual: NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification] && isDocumentOpen)
[self setDocumentActive: YES];
else if ([name isEqual: NSWindowWillMiniaturizeNotification] && isDocumentOpen)
[self setDocumentActive: NO];
else if ([name isEqual: NSWindowDidDeminiaturizeNotification] && isDocumentOpen)
[self setDocumentActive: YES];
else if ([name isEqual: IBWillBeginTestingInterfaceNotification] && isDocumentOpen)
if ([(id<IB>)NSApp activeDocument] == self)
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
id obj;
if ([[self window] isVisible])
[hidden addObject: [self window]];
[[self window] setExcludedFromWindowsMenu: YES];
[[self window] orderOut: self];
enumerator = [nameTable objectEnumerator];
while ((obj = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSMenu class]])
if ([[obj window] isVisible])
[hidden addObject: obj];
[obj close];
else if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSWindow class]])
if ([obj isVisible])
[hidden addObject: obj];
[obj orderOut: self];
else if ([name isEqual: IBWillEndTestingInterfaceNotification] && isDocumentOpen)
if ([hidden count] > 0)
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
id obj;
enumerator = [hidden objectEnumerator];
while ((obj = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSMenu class]])
[obj display];
else if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSWindow class]])
[obj orderFront: self];
[hidden removeAllObjects];
[[self window] setExcludedFromWindowsMenu: NO];
else if ([name isEqual: IBClassNameChangedNotification] && isDocumentOpen)
[classesView reloadData];
[self setSelectionFromEditor: nil];
[self touch];
else if ([name isEqual: IBInspectorDidModifyObjectNotification] && isDocumentOpen)
[classesView reloadData];
[self touch];
else if (([name isEqual: GormDidModifyClassNotification] ||
[name isEqual: GormDidDeleteClassNotification]) && isDocumentOpen)
if ([classesView isEditing] == NO)
[classesView reloadData];
[self touch];
else if ([name isEqual: GormDidAddClassNotification] && isDocumentOpen)
NSArray *customClasses = [classManager allCustomClassNames];
NSString *newClass = [customClasses lastObject];
// go to the class which was just loaded in the classes view...
[classesView reloadData];
[self changeToViewWithTag: 3];
if(newClass != nil)
[classesView selectClass: newClass];
else if([name isEqual: IBResourceManagerRegistryDidChangeNotification] && isDocumentOpen)
if(resourceManagers != nil)
Class cls = [aNotification object];
id mgr = [(IBResourceManager *)[cls alloc] initWithDocument: self];
[resourceManagers addObject: mgr];
[IBResourceManager registerForAllPboardTypes:window
* Returns YES, if document is active.
- (BOOL) isActive
return isActive;
* Returns the name for anObject.
- (NSString*) nameForObject: (id)anObject
return (NSString*)NSMapGet(objToName, (void*)anObject);
* Returns the object for name.
- (id) objectForName: (NSString*)name
return [nameTable objectForKey: name];
* Returns all objects in the document.
- (NSArray*) objects
return [nameTable allValues];
* Returns YES, if the current select on the classes view is a class.
- (BOOL) classIsSelected
return [classesView currentSelectionIsClass];
* Remove all instances of a given class.
- (void) removeAllInstancesOfClass: (NSString *)className
NSMutableArray *removedObjects = [NSMutableArray array];
NSEnumerator *en = [[self objects] objectEnumerator];
id object = nil;
// locate objects for removal
while((object = [en nextObject]) != nil)
NSString *clsForObj = [classManager classNameForObject: object];
if([className isEqual: clsForObj])
[removedObjects addObject: object];
// remove the objects
[self detachObjects: removedObjects];
* Select a class in the classes view
- (void) selectClass: (NSString *)className
[classesView selectClass: className];
* Select a class in the classes view
- (void) selectClass: (NSString *)className editClass: (BOOL)flag
[classesView selectClass: className editClass: flag];
* Build our reverse mapping information and other initialisation
- (void) rebuildObjToNameMapping
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
NSString *name;
NSDebugLog(@"------ Rebuilding object to name mapping...");
NSMapInsert(objToName, (void*)filesOwner, (void*)@"NSOwner");
NSMapInsert(objToName, (void*)firstResponder, (void*)@"NSFirst");
enumerator = [[nameTable allKeys] objectEnumerator];
while ((name = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
id obj = [nameTable objectForKey: name];
NSDebugLog(@"%@ --> %@",name, obj);
NSMapInsert(objToName, (void*)obj, (void*)name);
if (([obj isKindOfClass: [NSMenu class]] && [name isEqual: @"NSMenu"]) || [obj isKindOfClass: [NSWindow class]])
[[self openEditorForObject: obj] activate];
* Open the editor for anObject.
- (id<IBEditors>) openEditorForObject: (id)anObject
id<IBEditors> e = [self editorForObject: anObject create: YES];
id<IBEditors, IBSelectionOwners> p = [self parentEditorForEditor: e];
if (p != nil && p != objectsView)
[self openEditorForObject: [p editedObject]];
// prevent bringing front of menus before they've been properly sized.
if([anObject isKindOfClass: [NSMenu class]] == NO)
[e orderFront];
[[e window] makeKeyAndOrderFront: self];
return e;
* Return the parent editor for anEditor.
- (id<IBEditors, IBSelectionOwners>) parentEditorForEditor: (id<IBEditors>)anEditor
NSArray *links;
GormObjectToEditor *con;
links = [self connectorsForSource: anEditor
ofClass: [GormEditorToParent class]];
con = [links lastObject];
return [con destination];
* Return the parent of anObject. The File's Owner is the root object in the
* hierarchy, if anObject's parent is the Files's Owner, this method should return
* nil.
- (id) parentOfObject: (id)anObject
NSArray *old;
id<IBConnectors> con;
old = [self connectorsForSource: anObject ofClass: [NSNibConnector class]];
con = [old lastObject];
if ([con destination] != filesOwner && [con destination] != firstResponder)
return [con destination];
return nil;
* Paste objects of aType into the document from aPasteboard
* with parent as the parent of the objects.
- (NSArray*) pasteType: (NSString*)aType
fromPasteboard: (NSPasteboard*)aPasteboard
parent: (id)parent
NSData *data;
NSArray *objects;
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
NSPoint filePoint;
NSPoint screenPoint;
NSUnarchiver *u;
data = [aPasteboard dataForType: aType];
if (data == nil)
NSDebugLog(@"Pasteboard %@ doesn't contain data of %@", aPasteboard, aType);
return nil;
u = AUTORELEASE([[NSUnarchiver alloc] initForReadingWithData: data]);
[u decodeClassName: @"GSCustomView"
asClassName: @"GormCustomView"];
objects = [u decodeObject];
enumerator = [objects objectEnumerator];
filePoint = [[self window] mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream];
screenPoint = [[self window] convertBaseToScreen: filePoint];
* Windows and panels are a special case - for a multiple window paste,
* the windows need to be positioned so they are not on top of each other.
if ([aType isEqualToString: IBWindowPboardType])
NSWindow *win;
while ((win = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
[win setFrameTopLeftPoint: screenPoint];
screenPoint.x += 10;
screenPoint.y -= 10;
else if([aType isEqualToString: IBViewPboardType])
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [objects objectEnumerator];
NSRect frame;
id obj;
while ((obj = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
// check to see if the object has a frame. If so, then
// modify it. If not, simply iterate to the next object
if([obj respondsToSelector: @selector(frame)]
&& [obj respondsToSelector: @selector(setFrame:)])
frame = [obj frame];
frame.origin.x -= 6;
frame.origin.y -= 6;
[obj setFrame: frame];
// attach the objects to the parent and touch the document.
[self attachObjects: objects toParent: parent];
[self touch];
return objects;
* Remove aConnector from the connections array and send the
* notifications.
- (void) removeConnector: (id<IBConnectors>)aConnector
NSNotificationCenter *nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
RETAIN(aConnector); // prevent it from being dealloc'd until the notification is done.
// issue pre notification..
[nc postNotificationName: IBWillRemoveConnectorNotification
object: aConnector];
// mark the document as changed.
[self touch];
// issue post notification..
[connections removeObjectIdenticalTo: aConnector];
[nc postNotificationName: IBDidRemoveConnectorNotification
object: aConnector];
RELEASE(aConnector); // NOW we can dealloc it.
* The editor wants to give up the selection. Go through all the known
* editors (with links in the connections array) and try to find one
* that wants to take over the selection. Activate whatever editor we
* find (if any).
- (void) resignSelectionForEditor: (id<IBEditors>)editor
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [connections objectEnumerator];
Class editClass = [GormObjectToEditor class];
id<IBConnectors> c;
while ((c = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
if ([c class] == editClass)
id<IBEditors> e = [c destination];
if (e != editor && [e wantsSelection])
[e activate];
[self setSelectionFromEditor: e];
* No editor available to take the selection - set a nil owner.
[self setSelectionFromEditor: nil];
* Set aName for object in the document. If aName is nil,
* a name is automatically created for object.
- (void) setName: (NSString*)aName forObject: (id)object
id oldObject = nil;
NSString *oldName = nil;
NSMutableDictionary *cc = [classManager customClassMap];
NSString *className = nil;
if (object == nil)
NSDebugLog(@"Attempt to set name for nil object");
if (aName == nil)
* No name given - so we must generate one unless we already have one.
oldName = [self nameForObject: object];
if (oldName == nil)
NSString *base;
unsigned i = 0;
* Generate a sensible name for the object based on its class.
if ([object isKindOfClass: [GSNibItem class]])
// use the actual class name for proxies
base = [(id)object className];
base = NSStringFromClass([object class]);
// pare down the name, if we're generating it.
if ([base hasPrefix: @"Gorm"])
base = [base substringFromIndex: 4];
if ([base hasPrefix: @"NS"] || [base hasPrefix: @"GS"])
base = [base substringFromIndex: 2];
aName = [base stringByAppendingFormat: @"(%u)", i];
while ([nameTable objectForKey: aName] != nil)
aName = [base stringByAppendingFormat: @"(%u)", ++i];
return; /* Already named ... nothing to do */
else // user supplied a name...
oldObject = [nameTable objectForKey: aName];
if (oldObject != nil)
NSDebugLog(@"Attempt to re-use name '%@'", aName);
oldName = [self nameForObject: object];
if (oldName != nil)
if ([oldName isEqual: aName])
return; /* Already have this name ... nothing to do */
[nameTable removeObjectForKey: oldName];
NSMapRemove(objToName, (void*)object);
// add it to the dictionary.
[nameTable setObject: object forKey: aName];
NSMapInsert(objToName, (void*)object, (void*)aName);
if (oldName != nil)
RETAIN(oldName); // hold on to this temporarily...
[nameTable removeObjectForKey: oldName];
if ([objectsView containsObject: object])
[objectsView refreshCells];
// check the custom classes map and replace the appropriate
// object, if a mapping exists.
if (cc != nil)
className = [cc objectForKey: oldName];
if (className != nil)
[cc removeObjectForKey: oldName];
[cc setObject: className forKey: aName];
// release oldName, if we get to this point.
if(oldName != nil)
// touch the document...
[self touch];
* Add object to the visible at launch list.
- (void) setObject: (id)anObject isVisibleAtLaunch: (BOOL)flag
if (flag)
[visibleWindows addObject: anObject];
[visibleWindows removeObject: anObject];
* Return YES, if anObject is visible at launch time.
- (BOOL) objectIsVisibleAtLaunch: (id)anObject
return [visibleWindows containsObject: anObject];
* Add anObject to the deferred list.
- (void) setObject: (id)anObject isDeferred: (BOOL)flag
if (flag)
[deferredWindows addObject: anObject];
[deferredWindows removeObject: anObject];
* Return YES, if the anObject is in the deferred list.
- (BOOL) objectIsDeferred: (id)anObject
return [deferredWindows containsObject: anObject];
// windows / services menus...
* Set the windows menu.
- (void) setWindowsMenu: (NSMenu *)anObject
if(anObject != nil)
[nameTable setObject: anObject forKey: @"NSWindowsMenu"];
[nameTable removeObjectForKey: @"NSWindowsMenu"];
* return the windows menu.
- (NSMenu *) windowsMenu
return [nameTable objectForKey: @"NSWindowsMenu"];
* Set the object that will be the services menu in the app.
- (void) setServicesMenu: (NSMenu *)anObject
if(anObject != nil)
[nameTable setObject: anObject forKey: @"NSServicesMenu"];
[nameTable removeObjectForKey: @"NSServicesMenu"];
* Return the object that will be the services menu.
- (NSMenu *) servicesMenu
return [nameTable objectForKey: @"NSServicesMenu"];
* Set the menu that will be the recent documents menu in the app.
- (void) setRecentDocumentsMenu: (NSMenu *)anObject
if(anObject != nil)
[nameTable setObject: anObject forKey: @"NSRecentDocumentsMenu"];
[nameTable removeObjectForKey: @"NSRecentDocumentsMenu"];
* Return the object that will be the receent documents menu.
- (NSMenu *) recentDocumentsMenu
return [nameTable objectForKey: @"NSRecentDocumentsMenu"];
* Marks this document as the currently active document. The active document is
* the one being edited by the user.
- (void) setDocumentActive: (BOOL)flag
if (flag != isActive && isDocumentOpen)
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
id obj;
// stop all connection activities.
[(id<Gorm>)NSApp stopConnecting];
enumerator = [nameTable objectEnumerator];
if (flag)
GormDocument *document = (GormDocument*)[(id<IB>)NSApp activeDocument];
// set the current document active and unset the old one.
[document setDocumentActive: NO];
isActive = YES;
// display everything.
while ((obj = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
NSString *name = [document nameForObject: obj];
if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSWindow class]])
[obj orderFront: self];
else if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSMenu class]] &&
[name isEqual: @"NSMenu"])
[obj display];
// Reset the selection to the current selection held by the current
// selection owner of this document when the document becomes active.
// This allows the app to switch to the correct inspector when the new
// document is selected.
[self setSelectionFromEditor: lastEditor];
isActive = NO;
while ((obj = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSWindow class]])
[obj orderOut: self];
else if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSMenu class]] &&
[[self nameForObject: obj] isEqual: @"NSMenu"])
[obj close];
[self setSelectionFromEditor: nil];
* Sets the current selection from the given editor. This method
* causes the inspector to refresh with the proper object.
- (void) setSelectionFromEditor: (id<IBEditors>)anEditor
NSNotificationCenter *nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
NSDebugLog(@"setSelectionFromEditor %@", anEditor);
ASSIGN(lastEditor, anEditor);
[(id<Gorm>)NSApp stopConnecting]; // cease any connection
if ([(NSObject *)anEditor respondsToSelector: @selector(window)])
[[anEditor window] makeKeyWindow];
[[anEditor window] makeFirstResponder: (id)anEditor];
[nc postNotificationName: IBSelectionChangedNotification
object: anEditor];
* Mark the document as modified.
- (void) touch
[self updateChangeCount: NSChangeDone];
* Returns the window and the rect r for object.
- (NSWindow*) windowAndRect: (NSRect*)r forObject: (id)object
* Get the window and rectangle for which link markup should be drawn.
if ([objectsView containsObject: object])
* objects that exist in the document objects view must have their link
* markup drawn there, so we ask the view for the required rectangle.
*r = [objectsView rectForObject: object];
return [objectsView window];
else if ([object isKindOfClass: [NSMenuItem class]])
NSArray *links;
NSMenu *menu;
id editor;
* Menu items must have their markup drawn in the window of the
* editor of the parent menu.
links = [self connectorsForSource: object
ofClass: [NSNibConnector class]];
menu = [[links lastObject] destination];
editor = [self editorForObject: menu create: NO];
*r = [editor rectForObject: object];
return [editor window];
else if ([object isKindOfClass: [NSView class]])
* Normal view objects just get link markup drawn on them.
id temp = object;
id editor = [self editorForObject: temp create: NO];
while ((temp != nil) && (editor == nil))
temp = [temp superview];
editor = [self editorForObject: temp create: NO];
if (temp == nil)
*r = [object convertRect: [object bounds] toView: nil];
else if ([editor respondsToSelector:
return [editor windowAndRect: r forObject: object];
else if ([object isKindOfClass: [NSTableColumn class]])
NSTableView *tv = (NSTableView *)[[(NSTableColumn*)object dataCell] controlView];
NSTableHeaderView *th = [tv headerView];
NSUInteger index;
if (th == nil || tv == nil)
NSDebugLog(@"fail 1 %@ %@ %@", [(NSTableColumn*)object headerCell], th, tv);
*r = NSZeroRect;
return nil;
index = [[tv tableColumns] indexOfObject: object];
if (index == NSNotFound)
NSDebugLog(@"fail 2");
*r = NSZeroRect;
return nil;
*r = [th convertRect: [th headerRectOfColumn: index]
toView: nil];
return [th window];
else if([object isKindOfClass: [NSCell class]])
NSCell *cell = object;
NSView *control = [cell controlView];
if ([control isKindOfClass: [NSMatrix class]])
NSInteger row, col;
NSMatrix *matrix = (NSMatrix *)control;
if ([matrix getRow: &row column: &col ofCell: cell])
NSRect cellFrame = [matrix cellFrameAtRow: row column: col];
*r = [control convertRect: cellFrame toView: nil];
return [control window];
// if we get here, then it wasn't any of the above.
*r = NSZeroRect;
return nil;
* The document window.
- (NSWindow*) window
NSWindowController *winController = [[self windowControllers] objectAtIndex: 0];
return [winController window];
* Removes all connections given action or outlet with the specified label
* (paramter name) class name (parameter className).
- (BOOL) removeConnectionsWithLabel: (NSString *)name
forClassNamed: (NSString *)className
isAction: (BOOL)action
NSEnumerator *en = [connections objectEnumerator];
NSMutableArray *removedConnections = [NSMutableArray array];
id<IBConnectors> c = nil;
BOOL removed = YES;
BOOL prompted = NO;
// find connectors to be removed.
while ((c = [en nextObject]) != nil)
id proxy = nil;
NSString *proxyClass = nil;
NSString *label = [c label];
if(label == nil)
if (action)
if (![label hasSuffix: @":"])
if (![classManager isAction: label ofClass: className])
proxy = [c destination];
if ([label hasSuffix: @":"])
if (![classManager isOutlet: label ofClass: className])
proxy = [c source];
// get the class for the current connectors object
proxyClass = [proxy className];
if ([label isEqualToString: name] && ([proxyClass isEqualToString: className] ||
[classManager isSuperclass: className linkedToClass: proxyClass]))
NSString *title;
NSString *msg;
NSInteger retval;
if(prompted == NO)
title = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"Modifying %@",(action==YES?@"Action":@"Outlet")];
msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:
_(@"This will break all connections to '%@'. Continue?"), name];
retval = NSRunAlertPanel(title, msg,_(@"OK"),_(@"Cancel"), nil, nil);
prompted = YES;
removed = NO;
if (retval == NSAlertDefaultReturn)
removed = YES;
[removedConnections addObject: c];
removed = NO;
// actually remove the connections.
en = [removedConnections objectEnumerator];
while((c = [en nextObject]) != nil)
[self removeConnector: c];
// done...
NSDebugLog(@"Removed references to %@ on %@", name, className);
return removed;
* Remove all connections to any and all instances of className.
- (BOOL) removeConnectionsForClassNamed: (NSString *)className
NSEnumerator *en = nil;
id<IBConnectors> c = nil;
BOOL removed = YES;
NSInteger retval = -1;
NSString *title = [NSString stringWithFormat: _(@"Modifying Class")];
NSString *msg;
msg = [NSString stringWithFormat: _(@"This will break all connections to "
@"actions/outlets to instances of class '%@' and it's subclasses. Continue?"), className];
// ask the user if he/she wants to continue...
retval = NSRunAlertPanel(title, msg,_(@"OK"),_(@"Cancel"), nil, nil);
if (retval == NSAlertDefaultReturn)
removed = YES;
removed = NO;
// remove all.
NSMutableArray *removedConnections = [NSMutableArray array];
// first find all of the connections...
en = [connections objectEnumerator];
while ((c = [en nextObject]) != nil)
NSString *srcClass = [[c source] className];
NSString *dstClass = [[c destination] className];
if ([srcClass isEqualToString: className] ||
[classManager isSuperclass: className linkedToClass: srcClass] ||
[dstClass isEqualToString: className] ||
[classManager isSuperclass: className linkedToClass: dstClass])
[removedConnections addObject: c];
// then remove them.
en = [removedConnections objectEnumerator];
while((c = [en nextObject]) != nil)
[self removeConnector: c];
// done...
NSDebugLog(@"Removed references to actions/outlets for objects of %@",
return removed;
* Refresh all connections to any and all instances of className. Checks if
* the class has the action/outlet present and deletes it, if it doesn't.
- (void) refreshConnectionsForClassNamed: (NSString *)className
NSEnumerator *en = [connections objectEnumerator];
NSMutableArray *removedConnections = [NSMutableArray array];
id<IBConnectors> c = nil;
// first find all of the connections...
while ((c = [en nextObject]) != nil)
NSString *srcClass = [[c source] className];
NSString *dstClass = [[c destination] className];
NSString *label = [c label];
if ([srcClass isEqualToString: className] ||
[classManager isSuperclass: className
linkedToClass: srcClass])
if([c isKindOfClass: [NSNibOutletConnector class]])
if([classManager outletExists: label onClassNamed: className] == NO)
[removedConnections addObject: c];
else if([dstClass isEqualToString: className] ||
[classManager isSuperclass: className
linkedToClass: dstClass])
if([c isKindOfClass: [NSNibControlConnector class]])
if([classManager actionExists: label onClassNamed: className] == NO)
[removedConnections addObject: c];
// then remove them.
en = [removedConnections objectEnumerator];
while((c = [en nextObject]) != nil)
[self removeConnector: c];
* Rename connections connected to an instance of on class to another.
- (BOOL) renameConnectionsForClassNamed: (NSString *)className
toName: (NSString *)newName
NSEnumerator *en = [connections objectEnumerator];
id<IBConnectors> c = nil;
BOOL renamed = YES;
NSInteger retval = -1;
NSString *title = [NSString stringWithFormat: _(@"Modifying Class")];
NSString *msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:
_(@"Change class name '%@' to '%@'. Continue?"),
className, newName];
// ask the user if he/she wants to continue...
retval = NSRunAlertPanel(title, msg,_(@"OK"),_(@"Cancel"), nil, nil);
if (retval == NSAlertDefaultReturn)
renamed = YES;
renamed = NO;
// remove all.
while ((c = [en nextObject]) != nil)
id source = [c source];
id destination = [c destination];
// check both...
if ([[[c source] className] isEqualToString: className])
[source setClassName: newName];
NSDebugLog(@"Found matching source");
else if ([[[c destination] className] isEqualToString: className])
[destination setClassName: newName];
NSDebugLog(@"Found matching destination");
// done...
NSDebugLog(@"Changed references to actions/outlets for objects of %@", className);
return renamed;
* Print out all editors for debugging purposes.
- (void) printAllEditors
NSMutableSet *set = [NSMutableSet setWithCapacity: 16];
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [connections objectEnumerator];
id<IBConnectors> c;
while ((c = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
if ([GormObjectToEditor class] == [c class])
[set addObject: [c destination]];
NSLog(@"all editors %@", set);
* Open a sound and load it into the document.
- (id) openSound: (id)sender
NSArray *fileTypes = [NSSound soundUnfilteredFileTypes];
NSArray *filenames;
NSString *filename;
NSOpenPanel *oPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
int result;
int i;
[oPanel setAllowsMultipleSelection: YES];
[oPanel setCanChooseFiles: YES];
[oPanel setCanChooseDirectories: NO];
result = [oPanel runModalForDirectory: nil
file: nil
types: fileTypes];
if (result == NSOKButton)
filenames = [oPanel filenames];
for (i=0; i<[filenames count]; i++)
filename = [filenames objectAtIndex:i];
NSDebugLog(@"Loading sound file: %@",filenames);
[soundsView addObject: [GormSound soundForPath: filename]];
return self;
return nil;
* Open an image and copy it into the document.
- (id) openImage: (id)sender
NSArray *fileTypes = [NSImage imageFileTypes];
NSArray *filenames;
NSOpenPanel *oPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
NSString *filename;
int result;
int i;
[oPanel setAllowsMultipleSelection: YES];
[oPanel setCanChooseFiles: YES];
[oPanel setCanChooseDirectories: NO];
result = [oPanel runModalForDirectory: nil
file: nil
types: fileTypes];
if (result == NSOKButton)
filenames = [oPanel filenames];
for (i=0; i<[filenames count]; i++)
filename = [filenames objectAtIndex:i];
NSDebugLog(@"Loading image file: %@",filename);
[imagesView addObject: [GormImage imageForPath: filename]];
return self;
return nil;
* Return a text description of the document.
- (NSString *) description
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"<%s: %lx> = <<name table: %@, connections: %@>>",
(unsigned long)self,
nameTable, connections];
* Returns YES, if obj is a top level object.
- (BOOL) isTopLevelObject: (id)obj
return [topLevelObjects containsObject: obj];
* Return first responder stand in.
- (id) firstResponder
return firstResponder;
* Return font manager stand in.
- (id) fontManager
return fontManager;
* Create resource manager instances for all registered classes.
- (void) createResourceManagers
NSArray *resourceClasses = [IBResourceManager registeredResourceManagerClassesForFramework: nil];
NSEnumerator *en = [resourceClasses objectEnumerator];
Class cls = nil;
if(resourceManagers != nil)
// refresh...
resourceManagers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
while((cls = [en nextObject]) != nil)
id mgr = AUTORELEASE([(IBResourceManager *)[cls alloc] initWithDocument: self]);
[resourceManagers addObject: mgr];
* The list of all resource managers.
- (NSArray *) resourceManagers
return resourceManagers;
* Get the resource manager which handles the content on pboard.
- (IBResourceManager *) resourceManagerForPasteboard: (NSPasteboard *)pboard
NSEnumerator *en = [resourceManagers objectEnumerator];
IBResourceManager *mgr = nil, *result = nil;
while((mgr = [en nextObject]) != nil)
if([mgr acceptsResourcesFromPasteboard: pboard])
result = mgr;
return result;
* Get all pasteboard types managed by the resource manager.
- (NSArray *) allManagedPboardTypes
NSMutableArray *allTypes = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects: NSFilenamesPboardType,
NSArray *mgrs = [self resourceManagers];
NSEnumerator *en = [mgrs objectEnumerator];
IBResourceManager *mgr = nil;
while((mgr = [en nextObject]) != nil)
NSArray *pbTypes = [mgr resourcePasteboardTypes];
[allTypes addObjectsFromArray: pbTypes];
return allTypes;
* This method collects all of the objects in the document.
- (NSMutableArray *) _collectAllObjects
NSMutableArray *allObjects = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [topLevelObjects allObjects]];
NSEnumerator *en = [topLevelObjects objectEnumerator];
NSMutableArray *removeObjects = [NSMutableArray array];
id obj = nil;
// collect all subviews/menus/etc.
while((obj = [en nextObject]) != nil)
if([obj isKindOfClass: [NSWindow class]])
NSMutableArray *views = [NSMutableArray array];
NSEnumerator *ven = [views objectEnumerator];
id vobj = nil;
subviewsForView([(NSWindow *)obj contentView], views);
[allObjects addObjectsFromArray: views];
while((vobj = [ven nextObject]))
if([vobj isKindOfClass: [GormCustomView class]])
[removeObjects addObject: vobj];
else if([vobj isKindOfClass: [NSMatrix class]])
[allObjects addObjectsFromArray: [vobj cells]];
else if([vobj isKindOfClass: [NSPopUpButton class]])
[allObjects addObjectsFromArray: [vobj itemArray]];
else if([vobj isKindOfClass: [NSTabView class]])
[allObjects addObjectsFromArray: [vobj tabViewItems]];
else if([obj isKindOfClass: [NSMenu class]])
[allObjects addObjectsFromArray: findAll(obj)];
// take out objects which shouldn't be considered.
[allObjects removeObjectsInArray: removeObjects];
return allObjects;
* This method is used to translate all of the strings in the file from one language
* into another. This is helpful when attempting to translate an application for use
* in different locales.
- (void) translate: (id)sender
NSArray *fileTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"strings", nil];
NSOpenPanel *oPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
int result;
[oPanel setAllowsMultipleSelection: NO];
[oPanel setCanChooseFiles: YES];
[oPanel setCanChooseDirectories: NO];
result = [oPanel runModalForDirectory: nil
file: nil
types: fileTypes];
if (result == NSOKButton)
NSMutableArray *allObjects = [self _collectAllObjects];
NSString *filename = [oPanel filename];
NSDictionary *dictionary = nil;
NSEnumerator *en = nil;
id obj = nil;
dictionary = [[NSString stringWithContentsOfFile: filename] propertyListFromStringsFileFormat];
NSString *message = [localException reason];
NSRunAlertPanel(_(@"Problem loading strings"),
message, nil, nil, nil);
// change to translated values.
en = [allObjects objectEnumerator];
while((obj = [en nextObject]) != nil)
NSString *translation = nil;
if([obj respondsToSelector: @selector(setTitle:)] &&
[obj respondsToSelector: @selector(title)])
translation = [dictionary objectForKey: [obj title]];
if(translation != nil)
[obj setTitle: translation];
else if([obj respondsToSelector: @selector(setStringValue:)] &&
[obj respondsToSelector: @selector(stringValue)])
translation = [dictionary objectForKey: [obj stringValue]];
if(translation != nil)
[obj setStringValue: translation];
else if([obj respondsToSelector: @selector(setLabel:)] &&
[obj respondsToSelector: @selector(label)])
translation = [dictionary objectForKey: [obj label]];
if(translation != nil)
[obj setLabel: translation];
if(translation != nil)
if([obj isKindOfClass: [NSView class]])
[obj setNeedsDisplay: YES];
[self touch];
// redisplay/flush, if the object is a window.
if([obj isKindOfClass: [NSWindow class]])
NSWindow *w = (NSWindow *)obj;
[w setViewsNeedDisplay: YES];
[w disableFlushWindow];
[[w contentView] setNeedsDisplay: YES];
[[w contentView] displayIfNeeded];
[w enableFlushWindow];
[w flushWindowIfNeeded];
* This method is used to export all strings in a document to a file for Language
* translation. This allows the user to see all of the strings which can be translated
* and allows the user to provide a translateion for each of them.
- (void) exportStrings: (id)sender
NSSavePanel *sp = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
int result;
[sp setRequiredFileType: @"strings"];
[sp setTitle: _(@"Save strings file as...")];
result = [sp runModalForDirectory: NSHomeDirectory()
file: nil];
if (result == NSOKButton)
NSMutableArray *allObjects = [self _collectAllObjects];
NSString *filename = [sp filename];
NSMutableDictionary *dictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
NSEnumerator *en = [allObjects objectEnumerator];
id obj = nil;
BOOL touched = NO;
// change to translated values.
while((obj = [en nextObject]) != nil)
NSString *string = nil;
if([obj respondsToSelector: @selector(setTitle:)] &&
[obj respondsToSelector: @selector(title)])
string = [obj title];
else if([obj respondsToSelector: @selector(setStringValue:)] &&
[obj respondsToSelector: @selector(stringValue)])
string = [obj stringValue];
else if([obj respondsToSelector: @selector(setLabel:)] &&
[obj respondsToSelector: @selector(label)])
string = [obj label];
if(string != nil)
[dictionary setObject: string forKey: string];
touched = YES;
NSString *stringToWrite =
@"/* TRANSLATORS: Make sure to quote all translated strings if\n"
@" they contain spaces or non-ASCII characters. */\n\n";
stringToWrite = [stringToWrite stringByAppendingString:
[dictionary descriptionInStringsFileFormat]];
[stringToWrite writeToFile: filename atomically: YES];
* Arrange views in front or in back of one another.
- (void) arrangeSelectedObjects: (id)sender
NSArray *selection = [[(id<IB>)NSApp selectionOwner] selection];
NSInteger tag = [sender tag];
NSEnumerator *en = [selection objectEnumerator];
id v = nil;
while((v = [en nextObject]) != nil)
if([v isKindOfClass: [NSView class]])
id editor = [self editorForObject: v create: NO];
if([editor respondsToSelector: @selector(superview)])
id superview = [editor superview];
if(tag == 0) // bring to front...
[superview moveViewToFront: editor];
else if(tag == 1) // send to back
[superview moveViewToBack: editor];
[superview setNeedsDisplay: YES];
* Align objects to center, left, right, top, bottom.
- (void) alignSelectedObjects: (id)sender
NSArray *selection = [[(id<IB>)NSApp selectionOwner] selection];
NSInteger tag = [sender tag];
NSEnumerator *en = [selection objectEnumerator];
id v = nil;
id prev = nil;
// Mark the document modified.
[self touch];
// Iterate over all in the selection and align them...
while((v = [en nextObject]) != nil)
if([v isKindOfClass: [NSView class]])
id editor = [self editorForObject: v create: NO];
if(prev != nil)
NSRect r = [prev frame];
NSRect e = [editor frame];
if(tag == 0) // center vertically
float center = (r.origin.x + (r.size.width / 2));
e.origin.x = (center - (e.size.width / 2));
else if(tag == 1) // center horizontally
float center = (r.origin.y + (r.size.height / 2));
e.origin.y = (center - (e.size.height / 2));
else if(tag == 2) // align left
e.origin.x = r.origin.x;
else if(tag == 3) // align right
float right = (r.origin.x + r.size.width);
e.origin.x = (right - e.size.width);
else if(tag == 4) // align top
float top = (r.origin.y + r.size.height);
e.origin.y = (top - e.size.height);
else if(tag == 5) // align bottom
e.origin.y = r.origin.y;
[editor setFrame: e];
[[editor superview] setNeedsDisplay: YES];
prev = editor;
* The window nib for the document class...
- (NSString *) windowNibName
return @"GormDocument";
* Call the builder and create the file wrapper to save the appropriate format.
- (NSFileWrapper *)fileWrapperRepresentationOfType: (NSString *)type
id<GormWrapperBuilder> builder = [[GormWrapperBuilderFactory sharedWrapperBuilderFactory]
wrapperBuilderForType: type];
NSFileWrapper *result = nil;
* Warn the user, if we are about to upgrade the package.
if(isOlderArchive && [filePrefsManager isLatest])
NSInteger retval = NSRunAlertPanel(_(@"Compatibility Warning"),
_(@"Saving will update this gorm to the latest version \n"
@"which may not be compatible with some previous versions \n"
@"of GNUstep."),
_(@"Don't Save"), nil, nil);
if (retval != NSAlertDefaultReturn)
return nil;
// we're saving anyway... set to new value.
isOlderArchive = NO;
* Notify the world that we are saving...
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
postNotificationName: IBWillSaveDocumentNotification
object: self];
// build the archive...
[self deactivateEditors];
result = [builder buildFileWrapperWithDocument: self];
[self reactivateEditors];
* This is the last thing we should do...
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
postNotificationName: IBDidSaveDocumentNotification
object: self];
return result;
- (BOOL)loadFileWrapperRepresentation: (NSFileWrapper *)wrapper ofType: (NSString *)type
id<GormWrapperLoader> loader = [[GormWrapperLoaderFactory sharedWrapperLoaderFactory]
wrapperLoaderForType: type];
BOOL result = [loader loadFileWrapper: wrapper withDocument: self];
// this is the last thing we should do...
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
postNotificationName: IBDidOpenDocumentNotification
object: self];
// make sure that the newly loaded document does not
// mark itself as modified.
[self updateChangeCount: NSChangeCleared];
return result;
- (BOOL) keepBackupFile
return ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
integerForKey: @"BackupFile"] == 1);
- (NSString *)displayName
if ([self fileName] != nil)
return [[self fileName] lastPathComponent];
return [super displayName];
* All of the objects and corresponding names.
- (NSMutableDictionary *) nameTable
return nameTable;
* All of the connections...
- (NSMutableArray *) connections
return connections;
* All top level objects.
- (NSMutableSet *) topLevelObjects
return topLevelObjects;
* All windows marked, visible at launch.
- (NSSet *) visibleWindows
return visibleWindows;
* All windows marked, deferred.
- (NSSet *) deferredWindows
return deferredWindows;
- (NSFileWrapper *) scmWrapper
return scmWrapper;
- (void) setSCMWrapper: (NSFileWrapper *)wrapper
ASSIGN(scmWrapper, wrapper);
* Images
- (NSArray *) images
return [imagesView objects];
* Sounds
- (NSArray *) sounds
return [soundsView objects];
* Sounds
- (void) setSounds: (NSArray *)snds
ASSIGN(sounds,[snds mutableCopy]);
* Images
- (void) setImages: (NSArray *)imgs
ASSIGN(images,[imgs mutableCopy]);
* File's owner...
- (GormFilesOwner *) filesOwner
return filesOwner;
* Gorm file prefs manager.
- (GormFilePrefsManager *) filePrefsManager
return filePrefsManager;
- (void) setDocumentOpen: (BOOL) flag
isDocumentOpen = flag;
- (BOOL) isDocumentOpen
return isDocumentOpen;
- (void) setInfoData: (NSData *)data
ASSIGN(infoData, data);
- (NSData *) infoData
return infoData;
- (void) setOlderArchive: (BOOL)flag
isOlderArchive = flag;
- (BOOL) isOlderArchive
return isOlderArchive;
- (void) encodeWithCoder: (NSCoder *)coder
[coder encodeObject: topLevelObjects];
[coder encodeObject: nameTable];
[coder encodeObject: visibleWindows];
[coder encodeObject: connections];
- (id) initWithCoder: (NSCoder *)coder
ASSIGN(topLevelObjects, [coder decodeObject]);
ASSIGN(nameTable, [coder decodeObject]);
ASSIGN(visibleWindows, [coder decodeObject]);
ASSIGN(connections, [coder decodeObject]);
return self;
- (void) awakeWithContext: (NSDictionary *)context
NSEnumerator *en = [connections objectEnumerator];
id o = nil;
while((o = [en nextObject]) != nil)
[o establishConnection];
en = [visibleWindows objectEnumerator];
o = nil;
while((o = [en nextObject]) != nil)
[o orderFront: self];
* Deactivate the editors for archiving..
- (void) deactivateEditors
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
id<IBConnectors> con;
* Map all connector sources and destinations to their name strings.
* Deactivate editors so they won't be archived.
enumerator = [connections objectEnumerator];
while ((con = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
if ([con isKindOfClass: [GormObjectToEditor class]])
[savedEditors addObject: con];
[[con destination] deactivate];
else if ([con isKindOfClass: [GormEditorToParent class]])
[savedEditors addObject: con];
[connections removeObjectsInArray: savedEditors];
* Reactivate all of the editors...
- (void) reactivateEditors
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
id<IBConnectors> con;
* Restore editor links and reactivate the editors.
[connections addObjectsFromArray: savedEditors];
enumerator = [savedEditors objectEnumerator];
while ((con = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
if ([[con source] isKindOfClass: [NSView class]] == NO)
[[con destination] activate];
[savedEditors removeAllObjects];
- (void) setFileType: (NSString *)type
[super setFileType: type];
[filePrefsManager setFileTypeName: type];
- (BOOL) revertToContentsOfURL: (NSURL *)url
ofType: (NSString *)type
error: (NSError **)error
GormDocumentController *dc = [NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController];
// [dc performSelector:@selector(openDocumentWithContentsOfURL:) withObject:url afterDelay:2];
[self close];
[dc openDocumentWithContentsOfURL:url];
return YES;
- (NSString *) classForObject: (id)obj
return [classManager classNameForObject: obj];
- (NSArray *) actionsOfClass: (NSString *)className
return [classManager allActionsForClassNamed: className];
- (NSArray *) outletsOfClass: (NSString *)className
return [classManager allOutletsForClassNamed: className];
@implementation GormDocument (MenuValidation)
- (BOOL) isEditingObjects
return ([selectionBox contentView] == scrollView);
- (BOOL) isEditingImages
return ([selectionBox contentView] == imagesScrollView);
- (BOOL) isEditingSounds
return ([selectionBox contentView] == soundsScrollView);
- (BOOL) isEditingClasses
return ([selectionBox contentView] == classesView);
@implementation GormDocument (NSToolbarDelegate)
- (NSToolbarItem*)toolbar: (NSToolbar*)toolbar
itemForItemIdentifier: (NSString*)itemIdentifier
willBeInsertedIntoToolbar: (BOOL)flag
NSToolbarItem *toolbarItem = AUTORELEASE([[NSToolbarItem alloc]
initWithItemIdentifier: itemIdentifier]);
if([itemIdentifier isEqual: @"ObjectsItem"])
[toolbarItem setLabel: @"Objects"];
[toolbarItem setImage: objectsImage];
[toolbarItem setTarget: self];
[toolbarItem setAction: @selector(changeView:)];
[toolbarItem setTag: 0];
else if([itemIdentifier isEqual: @"ImagesItem"])
[toolbarItem setLabel: @"Images"];
[toolbarItem setImage: imagesImage];
[toolbarItem setTarget: self];
[toolbarItem setAction: @selector(changeView:)];
[toolbarItem setTag: 1];
else if([itemIdentifier isEqual: @"SoundsItem"])
[toolbarItem setLabel: @"Sounds"];
[toolbarItem setImage: soundsImage];
[toolbarItem setTarget: self];
[toolbarItem setAction: @selector(changeView:)];
[toolbarItem setTag: 2];
else if([itemIdentifier isEqual: @"ClassesItem"])
[toolbarItem setLabel: @"Classes"];
[toolbarItem setImage: classesImage];
[toolbarItem setTarget: self];
[toolbarItem setAction: @selector(changeView:)];
[toolbarItem setTag: 3];
else if([itemIdentifier isEqual: @"FileItem"])
[toolbarItem setLabel: @"File"];
[toolbarItem setImage: fileImage];
[toolbarItem setTarget: self];
[toolbarItem setAction: @selector(changeView:)];
[toolbarItem setTag: 4];
return toolbarItem;
- (NSArray*) toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers: (NSToolbar*)toolbar
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"ObjectsItem",
- (NSArray*) toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers: (NSToolbar*)toolbar
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"ObjectsItem",
- (NSArray*) toolbarSelectableItemIdentifiers: (NSToolbar*)toolbar
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"ObjectsItem",