#ifndef GORMDOCUMENT_H #define GORMDOCUMENT_H @class GormClassManager, GormClassEditor; /* * Each document has a GormFirstResponder object that is used as a placeholder * for the first responder at any instant. */ @interface GormFirstResponder : NSObject { } @end /* * Each document may have a GormFontManager object that is used as a * placeholder for the current font manager. */ @interface GormFontManager : NSObject { } @end @interface GormDocument : GSNibContainer { GormClassManager *classManager; GormFilesOwner *filesOwner; GormFirstResponder *firstResponder; GormFontManager *fontManager; GormClassEditor *classEditor; // perhaps should not be here... NSString *documentPath; NSMapTable *objToName; NSMutableDictionary *tempNameTable; NSWindow *window; NSMatrix *selectionView; NSBox *selectionBox; NSScrollView *scrollView; NSScrollView *classesScrollView; NSScrollView *soundsScrollView; NSScrollView *imagesScrollView; id classesView; id objectsView; id soundsView; id imagesView; BOOL hasSetDefaults; BOOL isActive; NSMenu *savedMenu; NSMenuItem *quitItem; /* Replaced during test */ NSMutableArray *savedEditors; NSMutableArray *hidden; NSMutableArray *deferredWindows; NSMutableSet *sounds; NSMutableSet *images; // NSFileWrapper *wrapper; } - (void) addConnector: (id)aConnector; - (NSArray*) allConnectors; - (void) attachObject: (id)anObject toParent: (id)aParent; - (void) attachObjects: (NSArray*)anArray toParent: (id)aParent; - (void) beginArchiving; - (GormClassManager*) classManager; - (NSArray*) connectorsForDestination: (id)destination; - (NSArray*) connectorsForDestination: (id)destination ofClass: (Class)aConnectorClass; - (NSArray*) connectorsForSource: (id)source; - (NSArray*) connectorsForSource: (id)source ofClass: (Class)aConnectorClass; - (BOOL) containsObject: (id)anObject; - (BOOL) containsObjectWithName: (NSString*)aName forParent: (id)parent; - (BOOL) copyObject: (id)anObject type: (NSString*)aType toPasteboard: (NSPasteboard*)aPasteboard; - (BOOL) copyObjects: (NSArray*)anArray type: (NSString*)aType toPasteboard: (NSPasteboard*)aPasteboard; - (void) detachObject: (id)anObject; - (void) detachObjects: (NSArray*)anArray; - (NSString*) documentPath; - (void) endArchiving; - (void) handleNotification: (NSNotification*)aNotification; - (BOOL) isActive; - (NSString*) nameForObject: (id)anObject; - (id) objectForName: (NSString*)aString; - (BOOL) objectIsVisibleAtLaunch: (id)anObject; - (NSArray*) objects; - (id) loadDocument: (NSString*)path; - (id) openDocument: (id)sender; - (id) parentOfObject: (id)anObject; - (NSArray*) pasteType: (NSString*)aType fromPasteboard: (NSPasteboard*)aPasteboard parent: (id)parent; - (void) removeConnector: (id)aConnector; - (id) revertDocument: (id)sender; - (id) saveAsDocument: (id)sender; - (id) saveDocument: (id)sender; - (void) setupDefaults: (NSString*)type; - (void) setDocumentActive: (BOOL)flag; - (void) setName: (NSString*)aName forObject: (id)object; - (void) setObject: (id)anObject isVisibleAtLaunch: (BOOL)flag; - (void) touch; /* Mark document as having been changed. */ - (NSWindow*) window; - (BOOL) windowShouldClose: (id)sender; // classes support.. - (id) createSubclass: (id)sender; - (id) instantiateClass: (id)sender; - (id) editClass: (id)sender; - (id) createClassFiles: (id)sender; - (void) changeCurrentClass: (id)sender; // sound support - (id) openSound: (id)sender; // Internals support - (void) rebuildObjToNameMapping; - (id) parseHeader: (NSString *)headerPath; - (BOOL) removeConnectionsWithLabel: (NSString *)name forClassNamed: (NSString *)className isAction: (BOOL)action; @end #endif