Here is an email which was sent to the list Jun 4, 2005: Hey, As promised here's a detailed report of what's happening. As many of you know one problem with moving .gorm files from one machine to another is that sometimes, when the machine which is running the app has a considerably smaller screen than the one on which the app was created, the window will be created against the edge of the screen. This is somewhat annoying. I decided to add information to the GSWindowTemplate in gui and also make it so that all windows in Gorm are archived using the template (whether they are custom or not) so that this information is present in when the window is unarchived and can be used to autoposition the window on the screen. I have also added backwards compatibility changes to Gorm so that it will notify users when the file is going to be updated as well as a new entry in the "File" section of the main window so that it is possible to save it using the previous version. I have tested this extensively for the last couple of days, so I don't expect any issues. I will notify all of you if there are any other changes which might have some impact. Thanks, GJC Gregory John Casamento -- CEO/President Open Logic Corp. (A MD Corp.) ## Maintainer of Gorm (IB Equiv.) for GNUstep. ------------------ BTW, forgot to mention: You MUST update core (specifically gui) and Gorm together for this change. Later, GJC