mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 11:41:05 +00:00
Add capability to handle all color spaces in NSColorWell
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 201 additions and 60 deletions
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
#import "GormXIBModelGenerator.h"
static NSArray *_externallyReferencedClasses = nil;
static NSDictionary *_signatures = nil;
static NSArray *_skipClass = nil;
static NSArray *_skipCollectionForKey = nil;
@ -243,9 +244,22 @@ static NSUInteger _count = INT_MAX;
if (self == [GormXIBModelGenerator class])
_externallyReferencedClasses =
[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
_valueMapping =
[[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:
@"catalog", @"NSNamedColorSpace",
@"white", @"NSWhiteColorSpace",
@"deviceWhite", @"NSDeviceWhiteColorSpace",
@"calibratedWhite", @"NSCalibratedWhiteColorSpace",
@"deviceCMYK", @"NSDeviceCMYKColorSpace",
@"RGB", @"NSRGBColorSpace",
@"deviceRGB", @"NSDeviceRGBColorSpace",
@"calibratedRGB", @"NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace",
@"pattern", @"NSPatternColorSpace",
_signatures =
@ -279,9 +293,16 @@ static NSUInteger _count = INT_MAX;
_skipCollectionForKey =
[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
@"headerView", @"controlView",
@"outlineTableColumn", @"documentView",
@"menu", @"nextKeyView", @"owner", @"subviews", @"contentView", @"previousKeyView",
_singletonObjects =
@ -298,20 +319,82 @@ static NSUInteger _count = INT_MAX;
@"name", @"colorNameComponent",
@"catalog", @"catalogNameComponent",
@"colorSpace", @"colorSpaceName",
@"white", @"whiteComponent",
@"red", @"redComponent",
@"green", @"greenComponent",
@"blue", @"blueComponent",
@"alpha", @"alphaComponent",
@"cyan", @"cyanComponent",
@"magenta", @"magentaComponent",
@"yellow", @"yellowComponent",
@"black", @"blackComponent",
_nonProperties =
[[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"colorNameComponent",
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"colorSpaceName", nil],
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"colorSpaceName", nil],
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"colorSpaceName", nil],
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"colorSpaceName", nil],
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"colorSpaceName", nil],
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"colorSpaceName", nil],
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"colorSpaceName", nil],
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"colorSpaceName", nil],
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"colorSpaceName", nil],
_mappedClassNames =
[[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:
@"NSColor", @"GSNamedColor",
@"NSColor", @"GSWhiteColor",
@"NSColor", @"GSDeviceWhiteColor",
@"NSColor", @"GSCalibratedWhiteColor",
@"NSColor", @"GSDeviceCMYKColor",
@"NSColor", @"GSRGBColor",
@"NSColor", @"GSDeviceRGBColor",
@"NSColor", @"GSCalibratedRGBColor",
@"NSColor", @"GSPatternColor",
_excludedKeys =
[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
@ -321,8 +404,9 @@ static NSUInteger _count = INT_MAX;
@"attributedAlternateTitle", @"attributedTitle", @"miniwindowImage", @"menuItem",
@"showsResizeIndicator", @"titleFont", @"target", @"action", @"textContainer", @"subviews",
@"selectedRanges", @"linkTextAttributes", @"typingAttributes",
@"defaultParagraphStyle", @"tableView", @"sortDescriptors",
@"defaultParagraphStyle", @"tableView", @"sortDescriptors", @"previousText", @"nextText",
@"needsDisplay", @"postsFrameChangedNotifications", @"postsBoundsChangedNotifications",
@"menuRepresentation", @"submenu",
@ -624,6 +708,21 @@ static NSUInteger _count = INT_MAX;
[elem addChild: rectElem];
- (void) _addSize: (NSSize)size toElement: (NSXMLElement *)elem withName: (NSString *)name
NSXMLElement *rectElem = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"size"];
NSXMLNode *attr = nil;
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"key" stringValue: name];
[rectElem addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"width" stringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%ld", (NSUInteger)size.width]];
[rectElem addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"height" stringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%ld", (NSUInteger)size.height]];
[rectElem addAttribute: attr];
[elem addChild: rectElem];
- (void) _addKeyEquivalent: (NSString *)ke toElement: (NSXMLElement *)elem
if ([ke isEqualToString: @""] == NO)
@ -751,9 +850,12 @@ static NSUInteger _count = INT_MAX;
if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSButtonCell class]])
NSBezelStyle bezel = (NSBezelStyle)[obj bezelStyle] - 1;
NSLog(@"bezel = %u", bezel);
NSArray *bezelTypeArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@ -906,6 +1008,14 @@ static NSUInteger _count = INT_MAX;
NSXMLNode *attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: name
stringValue: @"YES"];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
// Somewhat kludgy fix for button border problem...
if ([name isEqualToString: @"bordered"])
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"borderStyle"
stringValue: @"border"];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
@ -929,21 +1039,28 @@ static NSUInteger _count = INT_MAX;
- (void) _addProperty: (NSString *)name
withType: (NSString *)type
toElem: (NSXMLElement *)elem
toElement: (NSXMLElement *)elem
fromObject: (id)obj
NSString *objClassName = NSStringFromClass([obj class]);
if ([_excludedKeys containsObject: name])
NSDebugLog(@"skipping %@", name);
return; // do not process anything in the excluded key list...
if ([_skipClass containsObject: objClassName] || objClassName == nil)
// Class clz = NSClassFromString(type);
if ([type isEqualToString: @"id"]) // clz != nil) // type is a class
SEL s = NSSelectorFromString(name);
NSLog(@"%@ -> %@", name, type);
// NSLog(@"%@ -> %@", name, type);
if (s != NULL)
if ([obj respondsToSelector: s])
@ -966,7 +1083,12 @@ static NSUInteger _count = INT_MAX;
o = [_valueMapping objectForKey: o];
if (o != nil && [o isEqualToString: @""] == NO)
if ([name isEqualToString: @"keyEquivalent"])
[self _addKeyEquivalent: o
toElement: elem];
else if (o != nil && [o isEqualToString: @""] == NO)
NSXMLNode *attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: name
stringValue: o];
@ -978,7 +1100,8 @@ static NSUInteger _count = INT_MAX;
NSString *className = NSStringFromClass([o class]);
if ([_singletonObjects containsObject: className] == NO)
if ([_singletonObjects containsObject: className] == NO
|| [_externallyReferencedClasses containsObject: className])
NSString *ident = [self _createIdentifierForObject: o];
NSXMLNode *attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: name
@ -997,51 +1120,38 @@ static NSUInteger _count = INT_MAX;
else if ([name isEqualToString: @"frame"])
else if ([type isEqualToString: @"NSRect"])
NSRect f = [obj frame];
SEL sel = NSSelectorFromString(name);
if (sel != NULL)
IMP imp = [obj methodForSelector: sel];
if (imp != NULL)
NSRect f = ((NSRect (*)(id, SEL))imp)(obj, sel);
[self _addRect: f toElement: elem withName: name];
else if ([name isEqualToString: @"keyEquivalentModifierMask"])
else if ([type isEqualToString: @"NSSize"])
NSUInteger k = [obj keyEquivalentModifierMask];
[self _addKeyEquivalentModifierMask: k toElement: elem];
else if ([name isEqualToString: @"buttonType"])
SEL sel = NSSelectorFromString(name);
if (sel != NULL)
NSString *buttonTypeString = [obj buttonTypeString];
[self _addButtonType: buttonTypeString
toElement: elem];
else if ([name isEqualToString: @"autoresizingMask"])
IMP imp = [obj methodForSelector: sel];
if (imp != NULL)
NSAutoresizingMaskOptions m = [obj autoresizingMask];
[self _addAutoresizingMask: m
toElement: elem];
NSSize s = ((NSSize (*)(id, SEL))imp)(obj, sel);
[self _addSize: s toElement: elem withName: name];
else if ([name isEqualToString: @"alignment"] && [obj respondsToSelector: @selector(cell)] == NO)
[self _addAlignment: [obj alignment]
toElement: elem];
else if ([name isEqualToString: @"bezelStyle"] && [obj respondsToSelector: @selector(cell)] == NO)
[self _addBezelStyleForObject: obj
toElement: elem];
else if ([name isEqualToString: @"isBordered"] && [obj respondsToSelector: @selector(cell)] == NO)
BOOL bordered = [obj isBordered];
NSDebugLog(@"Handling isBordered...");
[self _addBorderStyle: bordered
toElement: elem];
else if ([name isEqualToString: @"titlePosition"])
NSTitlePosition p = [obj titlePosition];
[self _addTitlePosition: p
toElement: elem];
else if ([type isEqualToString: @"CGFloat"])
NSString *keyName = name;
@ -1085,14 +1195,45 @@ static NSUInteger _count = INT_MAX;
else if ([name isEqualToString: @"cell"])
else if ([name isEqualToString: @"keyEquivalentModifierMask"])
if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSBrowserCell class]] == NO)
[self _collectObjectsFromObject: [obj cell]
forKey: name
withNode: elem];
NSUInteger k = [obj keyEquivalentModifierMask];
[self _addKeyEquivalentModifierMask: k toElement: elem];
else if ([name isEqualToString: @"buttonType"])
NSString *buttonTypeString = [obj buttonTypeString];
[self _addButtonType: buttonTypeString
toElement: elem];
else if ([name isEqualToString: @"autoresizingMask"])
NSAutoresizingMaskOptions m = [obj autoresizingMask];
[self _addAutoresizingMask: m
toElement: elem];
else if ([name isEqualToString: @"alignment"] && [obj respondsToSelector: @selector(cell)] == NO)
[self _addAlignment: [obj alignment]
toElement: elem];
else if ([name isEqualToString: @"bezelStyle"] && [obj respondsToSelector: @selector(cell)] == NO)
[self _addBezelStyleForObject: obj
toElement: elem];
else if ([name isEqualToString: @"isBordered"] && [obj respondsToSelector: @selector(cell)] == NO)
BOOL bordered = [obj isBordered];
NSDebugLog(@"Handling isBordered...");
[self _addBorderStyle: bordered
toElement: elem];
else if ([name isEqualToString: @"titlePosition"])
NSTitlePosition p = [obj titlePosition];
[self _addTitlePosition: p
toElement: elem];
@ -1126,7 +1267,7 @@ static NSUInteger _count = INT_MAX;
if (type != nil)
[self _addProperty: name withType: type toElem: elem fromObject: obj];
[self _addProperty: name withType: type toElement: elem fromObject: obj];
Reference in a new issue