@section Noteworthy changes in version @samp{0.11.0}
@itemize @bullet
@item Improved implementation of canSubstituteForClass: the default implementation of this method tests the classes to see if initWithCoder: or encodeWithCoder: is implemented on a subclass to determine automatically if that class has the same encoding signature as the original class, if it does, it can be substituted.
@item Improved handling of classes which use cell classes in the custom class inspector. The inspector now autmatically replaces the cell class with the appropriate one when the user selects a given subclass.
@item Browser based class editor in document panel. This interface is more like the one on OSX. The user now has a choice in preferences to determine which view they would like to use.
@item Translation tools. The Document->Translate menu allows the user to export string and import strings in the strings format, so that someone can easily translate just the strings in the file and doesn't need to directly edit anything in Gorm. The strings file can then be loaded back into Gorm and all of the relevant strings are updated.
@item Alignment tools. In the new Layout menu there are options to align views, center views, bring views to front or push them to the back of the view layers.
@item Implementation of IBViewResourceDraggingDelegate. This allows updating of the pull down in the inspectors panel dynamically. It requires the developer of a palette to implement some code to enable this, as on OSX.
@item Lots of bugfixes and usability changes are also included in this release.
@section Noteworthy changes in version @samp{0.9.10}
@itemize @bullet
@item Gorm now has a full implementation of canSubstituteForClass: which is used to determine if a class can be substituted in the custom class inspector. This allows classes added in palettes to say whether or not they can be used as a subsitute for a kit class.
@item Better separation of Gorm into libraries. As well as the ability to compile on windows with a simple: "make install"
@item Implementation of IBResourceManager class. This class is used by palettes to register drag types to be considered by the top level editors in the document window: object, sound, image, class.
@item Gorm now is able to switch views in the document window when you drag a file into it. If it's an image it will switch to the image view, if it's a sound, the sound view, an object the object view etc or if it's a class (a .h file) it will switch to the classes view.
@item Drag and drop parsing of header files (if you hadn't gathered from the previous item).
@item Better support for standalone views. while the user cannot instantiate from the classes view (there were too many problems with this approach). They can now drag any view from the palette into the objects view and have it work.
@item It's now possible to add methods to classes which are not custom. This allows the user to add actions which may have been added to those classes by categories.
@item Completely new header parser implemented.
@item Improved cut/paste. It's now possible to use cut/paste from almost anywhere. The class editor now fully supports it.
@item Improved implementation of some of the InterfaceBuilder framework classes.
@item Object editor will now remove all instances of a class that has been deleted from the class editor.
@item The class inspector and the classes view will now apply stricter rules to names of actions and outlets to ensure that they are properly entered.
@item All inspectors work perfectly with customized colors.
@section Noteworthy changes in version @samp{0.8.0}
PLEASE NOTE: It is important for this release that you upgrade to Gorm 0.8.0 when using Gorm with the new GNUstep libraries (base-1.10.0 and gui-0.9.4). This version of Gorm contains some features which are reliant on changes made in those versions of the libraries. It is stated in Gorm's documentation (the Gorm.texi file) that this is required, but I felt it important enough to also mention it here so that it is known beyond a reasonable doubt.
@itemize @bullet
@item New gorm file version.
@item Full custom palette support
@item Palette preferences panel to allow the user to configure palettes to load
@item Experimental: Standalone views. This feature is to allow the use of a view without the need of a containing window. This allows developers to treat these views as they would any other top level object in the .gorm file. This is experimental functionality.
@item Improved NSTableColumn inspector. The new inspector allows the user to change the data cell used for a given column. This allows the user to select from a list of cell subclasses and set the appropriate custom or non-custom one they want to appear in that column of the table.
@item Improved layout of some of the inspectors.
@item Removed old class parser. The parser was somewhat buggy and was actually causing some issues. A new parser will be available in the next version of Gorm. For now users will need to use the class inspector or the outline view to enter classes into Gorm.
@item Experimental: ``File'' section. This is essentially a per-file preference which allows the user to control which version of GNUstep a given file will be compatible with. It also lists the potential compatibility issues with the selected version.
@item Improved controls palette. New items for some of the standard font replace the old ``Title'' widget which was a System-14 font. The new widgets use a selection of the standard System font to allow the user to easily build a gui using these and reducing the amount of time the user needs to spend fiddling with the font panel.
@section Noteworthy changes in version @samp{0.7.7}
@itemize @bullet
@item Important bugfixes in editor classes.
@item Rearranged some of the editor classes to be in the palettes which contain the classes they are responsible for editing (GormButtonEditor & GormTabViewEditor).
@item Image and Sound editors will now display system default images or sounds if they are available.
@item Document window now uses an NSToolbar (experimental).
@item Improved the layout of some of the inspectors.
@item Corrected some minor issues in the inspectors
@item Added code to allow NSTableView and NSOutlineView to show some data during testing
@item Gorm will now show an alert panel when a model fails to load or test properly.
@item The 'reparent' feature in the class inspector. This allows the user to change the class hierarchy from within Gorm.
@item Some important bugfixes
@item a property 'GormRepairFileOnLoad' (untested) which should repaire old .gorm files... It is HIGHLY recommended that Gorm not be run with this on constantly and that you back up any files which you want to repair before opening them with this option turned on.
@item A shelf inspector in prefs that lets you expand the size of the names in the object view..
@item Support for NSFontManager
@item A way to restore a complete NSMenu if it's deleted (a new palette entry for NSMenu, not just an item)
@section Noteworthy changes in version @samp{0.4.0}
@itemize @bullet
@item New Menu and Menu Item inspectors.
@item User can now specify the Services and Windows menus in the menu inspector.
@item User can specify a non-custom subclass as well as a custom one to replace the class when the .gorm is unarchived. This can be used to turn a NSTextField into NSSecureTextField and etc.
@item New set name panel.
@item New switch control on the font panel to allow the user to specify if a font is encoded with its default size or not.
@item Added NSStepper and NSStepperCell to the class list to allow creation of custom subclasses.
@item Windows and Services menus now function correctly.
@section Noteworthy changes in version @samp{0.3.0}
@itemize @bullet
@item Preferences added.
@item User can now enable and disable guidlines for easier editing.
@item Refactored code into GormLib which is a clone of the InterfaceBuilder framework. This facilitates creating palettes and inspectors outside of Gorm.
@item Added class inspector for easier editing of classes. This gives the user the option to use either the outline view or the inspector to edit new classes.
@item Added inspectors for the following: NSScrollView, NSProgressIndicator, NSColorWell, GormImageInspector (for images added to .gorm files).