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/** <title>GormClassInspector</title>
<abstract>allow user to select custom classes</abstract>
Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Author: Gregory John Casamento <>
Date: March 2003
This file is part of GNUstep.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
/* All Rights reserved */
#include <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#include "GormClassInspector.h"
#include "GormPrivate.h"
#include "GormClassManager.h"
#include "GormDocument.h"
#include <InterfaceBuilder/IBApplicationAdditions.h>
NSNotificationCenter *nc = nil;
// the data source classes for each of the tables...
@interface GormOutletDataSource : NSObject
id inspector;
- (void) setInspector: (id)ins;
@interface GormActionDataSource : NSObject
id inspector;
- (void) setInspector: (id)ins;
@implementation GormOutletDataSource
- (int) numberOfRowsInTableView: (NSTableView *)tv
NSArray *list = [[(Gorm *)NSApp classManager] allOutletsForClassNamed: [inspector _currentClass]];
return [list count];
- (id) tableView: (NSTableView *)tv
objectValueForTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *)tc
row: (int)rowIndex
NSArray *list = [[(Gorm *)NSApp classManager] allOutletsForClassNamed: [inspector _currentClass]];
id value = nil;
if([list count] > 0)
value = [list objectAtIndex: rowIndex];
return value;
- (void) tableView: (NSTableView *)tv
setObjectValue: (id)anObject
forTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *)tc
row: (int)rowIndex
NSArray *list = [[(Gorm *)NSApp classManager] allOutletsForClassNamed: [inspector _currentClass]];
NSString *name = [list objectAtIndex: rowIndex];
[[(Gorm *)NSApp classManager] replaceOutlet: name
withOutlet: anObject
forClassNamed: [inspector _currentClass]];
// set methods
- (void) setInspector: (id)ins
ASSIGN(inspector, ins);
@implementation GormActionDataSource
- (int) numberOfRowsInTableView: (NSTableView *)tv
NSArray *list = [[(Gorm *)NSApp classManager] allActionsForClassNamed: [inspector _currentClass]];
return [list count];
- (id) tableView: (NSTableView *)tv
objectValueForTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *)tc
row: (int)rowIndex
NSArray *list = [[(Gorm *)NSApp classManager] allActionsForClassNamed: [inspector _currentClass]];
return [list objectAtIndex: rowIndex];
- (void) tableView: (NSTableView *)tv
setObjectValue: (id)anObject
forTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *)tc
row: (int)rowIndex
NSArray *list = [[(Gorm *)NSApp classManager] allActionsForClassNamed: [inspector _currentClass]];
NSString *name = [list objectAtIndex: rowIndex];
[[(Gorm *)NSApp classManager] replaceAction: name
withAction: anObject
forClassNamed: [inspector _currentClass]];
// set method
- (void) setInspector: (id)ins
ASSIGN(inspector, ins);
@implementation GormClassInspector
+ (void) initialize
if (self == [GormClassInspector class])
nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
- (id) init
self = [super init];
if (self != nil)
// initialize all member variables...
actionTable = nil;
addAction = nil;
addOutlet = nil;
classField = nil;
outletTable = nil;
removeAction = nil;
removeOutlet = nil;
tabView = nil;
currentClass = nil;
actionData = nil;
outletData = nil;
// load the gui...
if (![NSBundle loadNibNamed: @"GormClassInspector"
owner: self])
NSLog(@"Could not open gorm GormClassInspector");
return nil;
[nc addObserver: self
selector: @selector(handleNotification:)
name: GormDidModifyClassNotification
object: nil];
return self;
- (void) awakeFromNib
// instantiate..
actionData = [[GormActionDataSource alloc] init];
outletData = [[GormOutletDataSource alloc] init];
// initialize..
[actionData setInspector: self];
[outletData setInspector: self];
// use..
[actionTable setDataSource: actionData];
[outletTable setDataSource: outletData];
// delegate...
[actionTable setDelegate: self];
[outletTable setDelegate: self];
- (void) _refreshView
id addActionCell = [addAction cell];
id removeActionCell = [removeAction cell];
id addOutletCell = [addOutlet cell];
id removeOutletCell = [removeOutlet cell];
BOOL isCustom = [classManager isCustomClass: [self _currentClass]];
BOOL isFirstResponder = [[self _currentClass] isEqualToString: @"FirstResponder"];
[classField setStringValue: [self _currentClass]];
[outletTable reloadData];
[actionTable reloadData];
// activate for actions...
[addActionCell setEnabled: isCustom];
[removeActionCell setEnabled: isCustom];
// activate for outlet...
[addOutletCell setEnabled: (isCustom && !isFirstResponder)];
[removeOutletCell setEnabled: (isCustom && !isFirstResponder)];
- (void) addAction: (id)sender
[[(Gorm *)NSApp classManager] addNewActionToClassNamed: [self _currentClass]];
[nc postNotificationName: IBInspectorDidModifyObjectNotification
object: classManager];
[actionTable reloadData];
- (void) addOutlet: (id)sender
[[(Gorm *)NSApp classManager] addNewOutletToClassNamed: [self _currentClass]];
[nc postNotificationName: IBInspectorDidModifyObjectNotification
object: classManager];
[outletTable reloadData];
- (void) removeAction: (id)sender
int i = [actionTable selectedRow];
NSArray *list = [[(Gorm *)NSApp classManager] allActionsForClassNamed: [self _currentClass]];
NSString *name = [list objectAtIndex: i];
[[(Gorm *)NSApp classManager] removeAction: name fromClassNamed: [self _currentClass]];
[nc postNotificationName: IBInspectorDidModifyObjectNotification
object: classManager];
[actionTable reloadData];
- (void) removeOutlet: (id)sender
int i = [outletTable selectedRow];
NSArray *list = [[(Gorm *)NSApp classManager] allOutletsForClassNamed: [self _currentClass]];
NSString *name = [list objectAtIndex: i];
[[(Gorm *)NSApp classManager] removeOutlet: name fromClassNamed: [self _currentClass]];
[nc postNotificationName: IBInspectorDidModifyObjectNotification
object: classManager];
[outletTable reloadData];
- (void) select: (id)sender
- (void) setObject: (id)anObject
ASSIGN(classManager, [(Gorm *)NSApp classManager]);
[self _refreshView];
- (NSString *) _currentClass
return [theobject className];
- (void) handleNotification: (NSNotification *)notification
if([notification object] == classManager)
[self _refreshView];
// table delegate/data source methods...
- (BOOL) tableView: (NSTableView *)tableView
shouldEditTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn
row: (int)rowIndex
BOOL result = NO;
NSArray *list = nil;
NSString *name = nil;
NSTabViewItem *tvi = [tabView selectedTabViewItem];
BOOL isAction = [[tvi identifier] isEqualToString: @"Actions"];
NSString *className = [self _currentClass];
// id classManager = [(Gorm *)NSApp classManager];
list = [classManager allActionsForClassNamed: className];
name = [list objectAtIndex: rowIndex];
list = [classManager allOutletsForClassNamed: className];
name = [list objectAtIndex: rowIndex];
if([classManager isCustomClass: className])
if (isAction)
result = [classManager isAction: name
ofClass: className];
result = [classManager isOutlet: name
ofClass: className];
return result;