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Raw Normal View History

* Each document has a GormFirstResponder object that is used as a placeholder
* for the first responder at any instant.
@interface GormFirstResponder : NSObject
* Each document may have a GormFontManager object that is used as a
* placeholder for the current fornt manager.
@interface GormFontManager : NSObject
@interface GormDocument : GSNibContainer <IBDocuments>
GormFilesOwner *filesOwner;
GormFirstResponder *firstResponder;
GormFontManager *fontManager;
NSString *documentPath;
NSMapTable *objToName;
NSWindow *window;
NSMatrix *selectionView;
NSScrollView *scrollView;
id objectsView;
BOOL hasSetDefaults;
BOOL isActive;
NSMenu *savedMenu;
NSMenuItem *quitItem; /* Replaced during test */
NSMutableArray *savedEditors;
NSMutableArray *hidden;
- (void) addConnector: (id<IBConnectors>)aConnector;
- (NSArray*) allConnectors;
- (void) attachObject: (id)anObject toParent: (id)aParent;
- (void) attachObjects: (NSArray*)anArray toParent: (id)aParent;
- (void) beginArchiving;
- (NSArray*) connectorsForDestination: (id)destination;
- (NSArray*) connectorsForDestination: (id)destination
ofClass: (Class)aConnectorClass;
- (NSArray*) connectorsForSource: (id)source;
- (NSArray*) connectorsForSource: (id)source
ofClass: (Class)aConnectorClass;
- (BOOL) containsObject: (id)anObject;
- (BOOL) containsObjectWithName: (NSString*)aName forParent: (id)parent;
- (BOOL) copyObject: (id)anObject
type: (NSString*)aType
toPasteboard: (NSPasteboard*)aPasteboard;
- (BOOL) copyObjects: (NSArray*)anArray
type: (NSString*)aType
toPasteboard: (NSPasteboard*)aPasteboard;
- (void) detachObject: (id)anObject;
- (void) detachObjects: (NSArray*)anArray;
- (NSString*) documentPath;
- (void) endArchiving;
- (void) handleNotification: (NSNotification*)aNotification;
- (BOOL) isActive;
- (NSString*) nameForObject: (id)anObject;
- (id) objectForName: (NSString*)aString;
- (BOOL) objectIsVisibleAtLaunch: (id)anObject;
- (NSArray*) objects;
- (id) loadDocument: (NSString*)path;
- (id) openDocument: (id)sender;
- (id) parentOfObject: (id)anObject;
- (NSArray*) pasteType: (NSString*)aType
fromPasteboard: (NSPasteboard*)aPasteboard
parent: (id)parent;
- (void) removeConnector: (id<IBConnectors>)aConnector;
- (id) revertDocument: (id)sender;
- (id) saveAsDocument: (id)sender;
- (id) saveDocument: (id)sender;
- (void) setupDefaults: (NSString*)type;
- (void) setDocumentActive: (BOOL)flag;
- (void) setName: (NSString*)aName forObject: (id)object;
- (void) setObject: (id)anObject isVisibleAtLaunch: (BOOL)flag;
- (void) touch; /* Mark document as having been changed. */
- (NSWindow*) window;
- (BOOL) windowShouldClose: (id)sender;