2001-11-20 16:52:51 +00:00
/* inspectors - Various inspectors for control elements
Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Author: Laurent Julliard <laurent@julliard-online.org>
Date: Aug 2001
This file is part of GNUstep.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#include "../../GormPrivate.h"
/* This macro makes sure that the string contains a value, even if @"" */
#define VSTR(str) ({id _str = str; (_str) ? _str : @"";})
* NSBrowser
@implementation NSBrowser (IBInspectorClassNames)
- (NSString*) inspectorClassName
return @"GormBrowserAttributesInspector";
@interface GormBrowserAttributesInspector : IBInspector
id optionMatrix;
2002-02-18 12:37:26 +00:00
id tagField;
2001-11-20 16:52:51 +00:00
- (void) _getValuesFromObject: (id)anObject;
@implementation GormBrowserAttributesInspector
- (void) _setValuesFromControl: (id)control
if (control == optionMatrix)
BOOL flag;
flag = ([[control cellAtRow: 0 column: 0] state] == NSOnState) ? YES : NO;
[object setAllowsMultipleSelection: flag];
flag = ([[control cellAtRow: 1 column: 0] state] == NSOnState) ? YES : NO;
[object setAllowsEmptySelection: flag];
flag = ([[control cellAtRow: 2 column: 0] state] == NSOnState) ? YES : NO;
[object setAllowsBranchSelection: flag];
flag = ([[control cellAtRow: 3 column: 0] state] == NSOnState) ? YES : NO;
[object setSeparatesColumns: flag];
flag = ([[control cellAtRow: 4 column: 0] state] == NSOnState) ? YES : NO;
[object setTitled: flag];
flag = ([[control cellAtRow: 5 column: 0] state] == NSOnState) ? YES : NO;
[object setHasHorizontalScroller: flag];
2002-02-18 12:37:26 +00:00
else if( control == tagField )
[object setTag:[[tagField cellAtIndex:0] intValue]];
2001-11-20 16:52:51 +00:00
- (void) _getValuesFromObject: anObject
2002-03-26 17:15:26 +00:00
2001-11-20 16:52:51 +00:00
if (anObject != object)
[optionMatrix deselectAllCells];
if ([anObject allowsMultipleSelection])
[optionMatrix selectCellAtRow: 0 column: 0];
if ([anObject allowsEmptySelection])
[optionMatrix selectCellAtRow: 1 column: 0];
if ([anObject allowsBranchSelection])
[optionMatrix selectCellAtRow: 2 column: 0];
if ([anObject separatesColumns])
[optionMatrix selectCellAtRow: 3 column: 0];
if ([anObject isTitled])
[optionMatrix selectCellAtRow: 4 column: 0];
if ([anObject hasHorizontalScroller])
[optionMatrix selectCellAtRow: 5 column: 0];
2002-02-18 12:37:26 +00:00
[[tagField cellAtIndex:0] setIntValue:[anObject tag]];
2001-11-20 16:52:51 +00:00
- (id) init
if ([super init] == nil)
return nil;
if ([NSBundle loadNibNamed: @"GormBrowserInspector" owner: self] == NO)
NSLog(@"Could not gorm GormBrowserInspector");
return nil;
return self;
- (void) ok: (id)sender
[self _setValuesFromControl: sender];
- (void) setObject: (id)anObject
[super setObject: anObject];
[self _getValuesFromObject: anObject];
2002-03-26 17:15:26 +00:00
@interface GormViewSizeInspector : IBInspector
NSButton *top;
NSButton *bottom;
NSButton *left;
NSButton *right;
NSButton *width;
NSButton *height;
NSForm *sizeForm;
@interface GormTableViewSizeInspector : GormViewSizeInspector
@implementation GormTableViewSizeInspector
- (void) setObject: (id)anObject
id scrollView;
scrollView = [anObject enclosingScrollView];
[super setObject: scrollView];
2002-03-29 16:30:01 +00:00
* NSTableColumn
@implementation NSTableColumn (IBInspectorClassNames)
- (NSString *) inspectorClassName
return @"GormTableColumnAttributesInspector";
- (NSString*) sizeInspectorClassName
return @"GormTableColumnSizeInspector";
@interface GormTableColumnAttributesInspector : IBInspector
id titleAlignmentMatrix;
id contentsAlignmentMatrix;
id identifierTextField;
id resizableSwitch;
id editableSwitch;
@implementation GormTableColumnAttributesInspector
- (id) init
if ([super init] == nil)
return nil;
if ([NSBundle loadNibNamed: @"GormTableColumnInspector" owner: self] == NO)
NSLog(@"Could not gorm GormTableColumnInspector");
return nil;
return self;
- (void) ok: (id)sender
[self _setValuesFromControl: sender];
- (void) setObject: (id)anObject
[super setObject: anObject];
[self _getValuesFromObject: anObject];
- (void) _getValuesFromObject: anObject
switch ([[anObject headerCell] alignment])
case NSLeftTextAlignment:
[titleAlignmentMatrix selectCellAtRow: 0 column: 0];
case NSCenterTextAlignment:
[titleAlignmentMatrix selectCellAtRow: 0 column: 1];
case NSRightTextAlignment:
[titleAlignmentMatrix selectCellAtRow: 0 column: 2];
switch ([[anObject dataCell] alignment])
case NSLeftTextAlignment:
[contentsAlignmentMatrix selectCellAtRow: 0 column: 0];
case NSCenterTextAlignment:
[contentsAlignmentMatrix selectCellAtRow: 0 column: 1];
case NSRightTextAlignment:
[contentsAlignmentMatrix selectCellAtRow: 0 column: 2];
[identifierTextField setStringValue: [anObject identifier]];
if ([anObject isResizable])
[resizableSwitch setState: NSOnState];
[resizableSwitch setState: NSOffState];
if ([anObject isEditable])
[editableSwitch setState: NSOnState];
[editableSwitch setState: NSOffState];
- (void) _setValuesFromControl: (id) control
if (control == titleAlignmentMatrix)
if ([[control cellAtRow: 0 column: 0] state] == NSOnState)
[[object headerCell] setAlignment: NSLeftTextAlignment];
else if ([[control cellAtRow: 0 column: 1] state] == NSOnState)
[[object headerCell] setAlignment: NSCenterTextAlignment];
else if ([[control cellAtRow: 0 column: 2] state] == NSOnState)
[[object headerCell] setAlignment: NSRightTextAlignment];
if ([[object tableView] headerView] != nil)
[[[object tableView] headerView] setNeedsDisplay: YES];
else if (control == contentsAlignmentMatrix)
if ([[control cellAtRow: 0 column: 0] state] == NSOnState)
[[object dataCell] setAlignment: NSLeftTextAlignment];
else if ([[control cellAtRow: 0 column: 1] state] == NSOnState)
[[object dataCell] setAlignment: NSCenterTextAlignment];
else if ([[control cellAtRow: 0 column: 2] state] == NSOnState)
[[object dataCell] setAlignment: NSRightTextAlignment];
[[object tableView] setNeedsDisplay: YES];
else if (control == identifierTextField)
[object setIdentifier:
[identifierTextField stringValue]];
else if (control == editableSwitch)
[object setEditable:
([editableSwitch state] == NSOnState)];
else if (control == resizableSwitch)
[object setResizable:
([resizableSwitch state] == NSOnState)];
@interface GormTableColumnSizeInspector : IBInspector
id widthForm;
@implementation GormTableColumnSizeInspector
- (id) init
if ([super init] == nil)
return nil;
if ([NSBundle loadNibNamed: @"GormTableColumnSizeInspector" owner: self] == NO)
NSLog(@"Could not gorm GormTableColumnSizeInspector");
return nil;
return self;
- (void) ok: (id)sender
[self _setValuesFromControl: sender];
- (void) setObject: (id)anObject
[super setObject: anObject];
[self _getValuesFromObject: anObject];
- (void) _getValuesFromObject: anObject
[[widthForm cellAtRow: 0 column: 0] setFloatValue:
[anObject minWidth]];
[[widthForm cellAtRow: 1 column: 0] setFloatValue:
[anObject width]];
[[widthForm cellAtRow: 2 column: 0] setFloatValue:
[anObject maxWidth]];
- (void) _setValuesFromControl: (id) control
[object setMinWidth:
[[widthForm cellAtRow: 0 column: 0] floatValue]];
[object setWidth:
[[widthForm cellAtRow: 1 column: 0] floatValue]];
[object setMaxWidth:
[[widthForm cellAtRow: 2 column: 0] floatValue]];
[self _getValuesFromObject: object];
2001-11-20 16:52:51 +00:00
* NSTableView (possibly embedded in a Scroll view)
@implementation NSTableView (IBInspectorClassNames)
- (NSString*) inspectorClassName
return @"GormTableViewAttributesInspector";
2002-03-26 17:15:26 +00:00
- (NSString*) sizeInspectorClassName
return @"GormTableViewSizeInspector";
2001-11-20 16:52:51 +00:00
@interface GormTableViewAttributesInspector : IBInspector
id selectionMatrix;
id verticalScrollerSwitch;
id horizontalScrollerSwitch;
id borderMatrix;
id rowsHeightForm;
id optionMatrix;
2002-02-18 12:37:26 +00:00
id tagField;
2001-11-20 16:52:51 +00:00
- (void) _getValuesFromObject: (id)anObject;
@implementation GormTableViewAttributesInspector
- (void) _setValuesFromControl: (id)control
BOOL flag;
BOOL isScrollView;
id scrollView;
scrollView = [[object superview] superview];
isScrollView = [ scrollView isKindOfClass: [NSScrollView class]];
2002-03-29 16:30:01 +00:00
if (control == selectionMatrix)
2001-11-20 16:52:51 +00:00
flag = ([[control cellAtRow: 0 column: 0] state] == NSOnState) ? YES : NO;
2002-03-29 16:30:01 +00:00
[object setGormAllowsMultipleSelection: flag];
2001-11-20 16:52:51 +00:00
flag = ([[control cellAtRow: 1 column: 0] state] == NSOnState) ? YES : NO;
2002-03-29 16:30:01 +00:00
[object setGormAllowsEmptySelection: flag];
2001-11-20 16:52:51 +00:00
flag = ([[control cellAtRow: 2 column: 0] state] == NSOnState) ? YES : NO;
2002-03-29 16:30:01 +00:00
[object setGormAllowsColumnSelection: flag];
2001-11-20 16:52:51 +00:00
else if ( (control == verticalScrollerSwitch) && isScrollView)
flag = ([control state] == NSOnState) ? YES : NO;
[scrollView setHasVerticalScroller: flag];
else if ( (control == horizontalScrollerSwitch) && isScrollView)
flag = ([control state] == NSOnState) ? YES : NO;
[scrollView setHasHorizontalScroller: flag];
else if ( (control == borderMatrix) && isScrollView)
[scrollView setBorderType: [[control selectedCell] tag]];
else if (control == rowsHeightForm)
[object setRowHeight: [[control cellAtIndex: 0] intValue] ];
else if (control == optionMatrix)
flag = ([[control cellAtRow: 0 column: 0] state] == NSOnState) ? YES : NO;
[object setDrawsGrid: flag];
flag = ([[control cellAtRow: 1 column: 0] state] == NSOnState) ? YES : NO;
2002-03-29 16:30:01 +00:00
[object setGormAllowsColumnResizing: flag];
2001-11-20 16:52:51 +00:00
flag = ([[control cellAtRow: 2 column: 0] state] == NSOnState) ? YES : NO;
2002-03-29 16:30:01 +00:00
[object setGormAllowsColumnReordering: flag];
2001-11-20 16:52:51 +00:00
2002-02-18 12:37:26 +00:00
else if( control == tagField )
[object setTag:[[tagField cellAtIndex:0] intValue]];
2002-03-26 17:15:26 +00:00
[scrollView setNeedsDisplay: YES];
2002-03-29 16:30:01 +00:00
2001-11-20 16:52:51 +00:00
- (void) _getValuesFromObject: anObject
BOOL isScrollView;
id scrollView;
2002-03-26 17:15:26 +00:00
scrollView = //[[object superview] superview];
[object enclosingScrollView];
2001-11-20 16:52:51 +00:00
isScrollView = [ scrollView isKindOfClass: [NSScrollView class]];
if (anObject != object)
2002-03-29 16:30:01 +00:00
2001-11-20 16:52:51 +00:00
[selectionMatrix deselectAllCells];
2002-03-29 16:30:01 +00:00
if ([anObject gormAllowsMultipleSelection])
[selectionMatrix selectCellAtRow: 0 column: 0];
if ([anObject gormAllowsEmptySelection])
[selectionMatrix selectCellAtRow: 1 column: 0];
if ([anObject gormAllowsColumnSelection])
[selectionMatrix selectCellAtRow: 2 column: 0];
2001-11-20 16:52:51 +00:00
if (isScrollView)
[verticalScrollerSwitch setEnabled: YES];
[verticalScrollerSwitch setState:
([scrollView hasVerticalScroller]) ? NSOnState : NSOffState];
[horizontalScrollerSwitch setEnabled: YES];
[horizontalScrollerSwitch setState:
2002-03-26 17:15:26 +00:00
([scrollView hasHorizontalScroller]) ? NSOnState : NSOffState];
2001-11-20 16:52:51 +00:00
[borderMatrix setEnabled: YES];
[borderMatrix selectCellWithTag: [scrollView borderType]];
[verticalScrollerSwitch setEnabled: NO];
[horizontalScrollerSwitch setEnabled: NO];
[borderMatrix setEnabled: NO];
[[rowsHeightForm cellAtIndex: 0] setIntValue: [anObject rowHeight] ];
[optionMatrix deselectAllCells];
if ([anObject drawsGrid])
[optionMatrix selectCellAtRow: 0 column: 0];
2002-03-29 16:30:01 +00:00
if ([anObject gormAllowsColumnResizing])
2001-11-20 16:52:51 +00:00
[optionMatrix selectCellAtRow: 1 column: 0];
2002-03-29 16:30:01 +00:00
if ([anObject gormAllowsColumnReordering])
2001-11-20 16:52:51 +00:00
[optionMatrix selectCellAtRow: 2 column: 0];
2002-02-18 12:37:26 +00:00
[[tagField cellAtIndex:0] setIntValue:[anObject tag]];
2001-11-20 16:52:51 +00:00
- (id) init
if ([super init] == nil)
return nil;
if ([NSBundle loadNibNamed: @"GormTableViewInspector" owner: self] == NO)
NSLog(@"Could not gorm GormTableViewInspector");
return nil;
return self;
- (void) ok: (id)sender
[self _setValuesFromControl: sender];
- (void) setObject: (id)anObject
[super setObject: anObject];
[self _getValuesFromObject: anObject];
* NSScrollView
* For now NSScrollView has no inspector in itself. It is only used as a
* convenience in the NSTableView and NSTextView controls and there
* are minimal NSScrollView settings in the inspector of these 2 controls
* (like horizontal and vertical scrollbar)
@implementation NSScrollView (IBInspectorClassNames)
- (NSString*) inspectorClassName
return @"GormEmptyInspector";
@interface GormScrollViewAttributesInspector : IBInspector
@implementation GormScrollViewAttributesInspector