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synced 2025-03-18 00:42:25 +00:00
DEFAULT_SOUND_PACKET_VOLUME and DEFAULT_SOUND_PACKET_ATTENUATION from sound.h to protocol.h. remove unused gamealive, soundalive and splitbuffer members from the dma_t structure. make SNDDMA_Init() to take a dma_t* parameter and make sn static to snd_dma.c. copy over LordHavoc's S_StartSound skip calculation fixes from uhexen2. make many functions/data static to their respective files. many whitespace/formatting clean-ups. git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/quakespasm/code/trunk/quakespasm@356 af15c1b1-3010-417e-b628-4374ebc0bcbd
223 lines
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223 lines
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Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Id Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2002-2009 John Fitzgibbons and others
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// protocol.h -- communications protocols
#define PROTOCOL_NETQUAKE 15 //johnfitz -- standard quake protocol
#define PROTOCOL_FITZQUAKE 666 //johnfitz -- added new protocol for fitzquake 0.85
// if the high bit of the servercmd is set, the low bits are fast update flags:
#define U_MOREBITS (1<<0)
#define U_ORIGIN1 (1<<1)
#define U_ORIGIN2 (1<<2)
#define U_ORIGIN3 (1<<3)
#define U_ANGLE2 (1<<4)
#define U_STEP (1<<5) //johnfitz -- was U_NOLERP, renamed since it's only used for MOVETYPE_STEP
#define U_FRAME (1<<6)
#define U_SIGNAL (1<<7) // just differentiates from other updates
// svc_update can pass all of the fast update bits, plus more
#define U_ANGLE1 (1<<8)
#define U_ANGLE3 (1<<9)
#define U_MODEL (1<<10)
#define U_COLORMAP (1<<11)
#define U_SKIN (1<<12)
#define U_EFFECTS (1<<13)
#define U_LONGENTITY (1<<14)
//johnfitz -- PROTOCOL_FITZQUAKE -- new bits
#define U_EXTEND1 (1<<15)
#define U_ALPHA (1<<16) // 1 byte, uses ENTALPHA_ENCODE, not sent if equal to baseline
#define U_FRAME2 (1<<17) // 1 byte, this is .frame & 0xFF00 (second byte)
#define U_MODEL2 (1<<18) // 1 byte, this is .modelindex & 0xFF00 (second byte)
#define U_LERPFINISH (1<<19) // 1 byte, 0.0-1.0 maps to 0-255, not sent if exactly 0.1, this is ent->v.nextthink - sv.time, used for lerping
#define U_UNUSED20 (1<<20)
#define U_UNUSED21 (1<<21)
#define U_UNUSED22 (1<<22)
#define U_EXTEND2 (1<<23) // another byte to follow, future expansion
//johnfitz -- PROTOCOL_NEHAHRA transparency
#define U_TRANS (1<<15)
#define SU_VIEWHEIGHT (1<<0)
#define SU_IDEALPITCH (1<<1)
#define SU_PUNCH1 (1<<2)
#define SU_PUNCH2 (1<<3)
#define SU_PUNCH3 (1<<4)
#define SU_VELOCITY1 (1<<5)
#define SU_VELOCITY2 (1<<6)
#define SU_VELOCITY3 (1<<7)
#define SU_UNUSED8 (1<<8) //AVAILABLE BIT
#define SU_ITEMS (1<<9)
#define SU_ONGROUND (1<<10) // no data follows, the bit is it
#define SU_INWATER (1<<11) // no data follows, the bit is it
#define SU_WEAPONFRAME (1<<12)
#define SU_ARMOR (1<<13)
#define SU_WEAPON (1<<14)
//johnfitz -- PROTOCOL_FITZQUAKE -- new bits
#define SU_EXTEND1 (1<<15) // another byte to follow
#define SU_WEAPON2 (1<<16) // 1 byte, this is .weaponmodel & 0xFF00 (second byte)
#define SU_ARMOR2 (1<<17) // 1 byte, this is .armorvalue & 0xFF00 (second byte)
#define SU_AMMO2 (1<<18) // 1 byte, this is .currentammo & 0xFF00 (second byte)
#define SU_SHELLS2 (1<<19) // 1 byte, this is .ammo_shells & 0xFF00 (second byte)
#define SU_NAILS2 (1<<20) // 1 byte, this is .ammo_nails & 0xFF00 (second byte)
#define SU_ROCKETS2 (1<<21) // 1 byte, this is .ammo_rockets & 0xFF00 (second byte)
#define SU_CELLS2 (1<<22) // 1 byte, this is .ammo_cells & 0xFF00 (second byte)
#define SU_EXTEND2 (1<<23) // another byte to follow
#define SU_WEAPONFRAME2 (1<<24) // 1 byte, this is .weaponframe & 0xFF00 (second byte)
#define SU_WEAPONALPHA (1<<25) // 1 byte, this is alpha for weaponmodel, uses ENTALPHA_ENCODE, not sent if ENTALPHA_DEFAULT
#define SU_UNUSED26 (1<<26)
#define SU_UNUSED27 (1<<27)
#define SU_UNUSED28 (1<<28)
#define SU_UNUSED29 (1<<29)
#define SU_UNUSED30 (1<<30)
#define SU_EXTEND3 (1<<31) // another byte to follow, future expansion
// a sound with no channel is a local only sound
#define SND_VOLUME (1<<0) // a byte
#define SND_ATTENUATION (1<<1) // a byte
#define SND_LOOPING (1<<2) // a long
//johnfitz -- PROTOCOL_FITZQUAKE -- new bits
#define SND_LARGEENTITY (1<<3) // a short + byte (instead of just a short)
#define SND_LARGESOUND (1<<4) // a short soundindex (instead of a byte)
//johnfitz -- PROTOCOL_FITZQUAKE -- flags for entity baseline messages
#define B_LARGEMODEL (1<<0) // modelindex is short instead of byte
#define B_LARGEFRAME (1<<1) // frame is short instead of byte
#define B_ALPHA (1<<2) // 1 byte, uses ENTALPHA_ENCODE, not sent if ENTALPHA_DEFAULT
//johnfitz -- PROTOCOL_FITZQUAKE -- alpha encoding
#define ENTALPHA_DEFAULT 0 //entity's alpha is "default" (i.e. water obeys r_wateralpha) -- must be zero so zeroed out memory works
#define ENTALPHA_ZERO 1 //entity is invisible (lowest possible alpha)
#define ENTALPHA_ONE 255 //entity is fully opaque (highest possible alpha)
#define ENTALPHA_ENCODE(a) (((a)==0)?ENTALPHA_DEFAULT:Q_rint(CLAMP(1,(a)*254.0f+1,255))) //server convert to byte to send to client
#define ENTALPHA_DECODE(a) (((a)==ENTALPHA_DEFAULT)?1.0f:((float)(a)-1)/(254)) //client convert to float for rendering
#define ENTALPHA_TOSAVE(a) (((a)==ENTALPHA_DEFAULT)?0.0f:(((a)==ENTALPHA_ZERO)?-1.0f:((float)(a)-1)/(254))) //server convert to float for savegame
// defaults for clientinfo messages
// game types sent by serverinfo
// these determine which intermission screen plays
#define GAME_COOP 0
// note that there are some defs.qc that mirror to these numbers
// also related to svc_strings[] in cl_parse
// server to client
#define svc_bad 0
#define svc_nop 1
#define svc_disconnect 2
#define svc_updatestat 3 // [byte] [long]
#define svc_version 4 // [long] server version
#define svc_setview 5 // [short] entity number
#define svc_sound 6 // <see code>
#define svc_time 7 // [float] server time
#define svc_print 8 // [string] null terminated string
#define svc_stufftext 9 // [string] stuffed into client's console buffer
// the string should be \n terminated
#define svc_setangle 10 // [angle3] set the view angle to this absolute value
#define svc_serverinfo 11 // [long] version
// [string] signon string
// [string]..[0]model cache
// [string]...[0]sounds cache
#define svc_lightstyle 12 // [byte] [string]
#define svc_updatename 13 // [byte] [string]
#define svc_updatefrags 14 // [byte] [short]
#define svc_clientdata 15 // <shortbits + data>
#define svc_stopsound 16 // <see code>
#define svc_updatecolors 17 // [byte] [byte]
#define svc_particle 18 // [vec3] <variable>
#define svc_damage 19
#define svc_spawnstatic 20
//#define svc_spawnbinary 21
#define svc_spawnbaseline 22
#define svc_temp_entity 23
#define svc_setpause 24 // [byte] on / off
#define svc_signonnum 25 // [byte] used for the signon sequence
#define svc_centerprint 26 // [string] to put in center of the screen
#define svc_killedmonster 27
#define svc_foundsecret 28
#define svc_spawnstaticsound 29 // [coord3] [byte] samp [byte] vol [byte] aten
#define svc_intermission 30 // [string] music
#define svc_finale 31 // [string] music [string] text
#define svc_cdtrack 32 // [byte] track [byte] looptrack
#define svc_sellscreen 33
#define svc_cutscene 34
//johnfitz -- PROTOCOL_FITZQUAKE -- new server messages
#define svc_skybox 37 // [string] name
#define svc_bf 40
#define svc_fog 41 // [byte] density [byte] red [byte] green [byte] blue [float] time
#define svc_spawnbaseline2 42 // support for large modelindex, large framenum, alpha, using flags
#define svc_spawnstatic2 43 // support for large modelindex, large framenum, alpha, using flags
#define svc_spawnstaticsound2 44 // [coord3] [short] samp [byte] vol [byte] aten
// client to server
#define clc_bad 0
#define clc_nop 1
#define clc_disconnect 2
#define clc_move 3 // [usercmd_t]
#define clc_stringcmd 4 // [string] message
// temp entity events
#define TE_SPIKE 0
#define TE_GUNSHOT 2
#define TE_EXPLOSION 3
#define TE_LIGHTNING1 5
#define TE_LIGHTNING2 6
#define TE_WIZSPIKE 7
#define TE_LIGHTNING3 9
#define TE_LAVASPLASH 10
#define TE_TELEPORT 11
#define TE_EXPLOSION2 12
// PGM 01/21/97
#define TE_BEAM 13
// PGM 01/21/97
#endif /* _QUAKE_PROTOCOL_H */