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Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Id Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2002-2009 John Fitzgibbons and others
Copyright (C) 2010-2014 QuakeSpasm developers
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// gl_mesh.c: triangle model functions
#include "quakedef.h"
#define countof(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))
Saves data needed to build the VBO for this model on the hunk. Afterwards this
is copied to Mod_Extradata.
Original code by MH from RMQEngine
void GL_MakeAliasModelDisplayLists (qmodel_t *m, aliashdr_t *paliashdr)
int i, j;
int maxverts_vbo;
unsigned short *indexes;
trivertx_t *verts;
aliasmesh_t *desc;
// there can never be more than this number of verts and we just put them all on the hunk
// front/back logic says we can never have more than numverts*2
maxverts_vbo = paliashdr->numverts * 2;
desc = (aliasmesh_t *) Hunk_Alloc (sizeof (aliasmesh_t) * maxverts_vbo);
// there will always be this number of indexes
indexes = (unsigned short *) Hunk_Alloc (sizeof (unsigned short) * paliashdr->numtris * 3);
paliashdr->indexes = (intptr_t) indexes - (intptr_t) paliashdr;
paliashdr->meshdesc = (intptr_t) desc - (intptr_t) paliashdr;
paliashdr->numindexes = 0;
paliashdr->numverts_vbo = 0;
for (i = 0; i < paliashdr->numtris; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
int v;
// index into hdr->vertexes
unsigned short vertindex = triangles[i].vertindex[j];
// basic s/t coords
int s = stverts[vertindex].s;
int t = stverts[vertindex].t;
// check for back side and adjust texcoord s
if (!triangles[i].facesfront && stverts[vertindex].onseam) s += paliashdr->skinwidth / 2;
// see does this vert already exist
for (v = 0; v < paliashdr->numverts_vbo; v++)
// it could use the same xyz but have different s and t
if (desc[v].vertindex == vertindex && (int) desc[v].st[0] == s && (int) desc[v].st[1] == t)
// exists; emit an index for it
indexes[paliashdr->numindexes++] = v;
// no need to check any more
if (v == paliashdr->numverts_vbo)
// doesn't exist; emit a new vert and index
indexes[paliashdr->numindexes++] = paliashdr->numverts_vbo;
desc[paliashdr->numverts_vbo].vertindex = vertindex;
desc[paliashdr->numverts_vbo].st[0] = s;
desc[paliashdr->numverts_vbo++].st[1] = t;
verts = (trivertx_t *) Hunk_Alloc (paliashdr->numposes * paliashdr->numverts_vbo*2 * sizeof(*verts));
paliashdr->vertexes = (byte *)verts - (byte *)paliashdr;
for (i=0 ; i<paliashdr->numposes ; i++)
for (j=0 ; j<paliashdr->numverts_vbo ; j++)
verts[i*paliashdr->numverts_vbo*2 + j] = poseverts_mdl[i][desc[j].vertindex];
verts[i*paliashdr->numverts_vbo*2 + j + paliashdr->numverts_vbo] = poseverts_mdl[i][desc[j].vertindex + paliashdr->numverts_vbo];
case PV_QUAKE1:
verts = (trivertx_t *) Hunk_Alloc (paliashdr->numposes * paliashdr->numverts_vbo * sizeof(*verts));
paliashdr->vertexes = (byte *)verts - (byte *)paliashdr;
for (i=0 ; i<paliashdr->numposes ; i++)
for (j=0 ; j<paliashdr->numverts_vbo ; j++)
verts[i*paliashdr->numverts_vbo + j] = poseverts_mdl[i][desc[j].vertindex];
case PV_QUAKE3:
break; //invalid here.
extern float r_avertexnormals[NUMVERTEXNORMALS][3];
Upload the given alias model's mesh to a VBO
Original code by MH from RMQEngine
may update the mesh vbo/ebo offsets.
void GLMesh_LoadVertexBuffer (qmodel_t *m, aliashdr_t *mainhdr)
//we always need vertex array data.
//if we don't support vbos(gles?) then we just use system memory.
//if we're not using glsl(gles1?), then we don't actually need all the data, but we do still need some so its easier to just alloc the lot.
int totalvbosize = 0;
const aliasmesh_t *desc;
const void *trivertexes;
byte *ebodata;
byte *vbodata;
int f;
aliashdr_t *hdr;
unsigned int numindexes, numverts;
intptr_t stofs;
intptr_t vertofs;
//count how much space we're going to need.
for(hdr = mainhdr, numverts = 0, numindexes = 0; ; )
case PV_QUAKE1:
totalvbosize += (hdr->numposes * hdr->numverts_vbo * sizeof (meshxyz_mdl_t)); // ericw -- what RMQEngine called nummeshframes is called numposes in QuakeSpasm
totalvbosize += (hdr->numposes * hdr->numverts_vbo * sizeof (meshxyz_mdl16_t));
case PV_QUAKE3:
totalvbosize += (hdr->numposes * hdr->numverts_vbo * sizeof (meshxyz_md3_t));
numverts += hdr->numverts_vbo;
numindexes += hdr->numindexes;
if (hdr->nextsurface)
hdr = (aliashdr_t*)((byte*)hdr + hdr->nextsurface);
hdr = NULL;
vertofs = 0;
totalvbosize = (totalvbosize+7)&~7; //align it.
stofs = totalvbosize;
totalvbosize += (numverts * sizeof (meshst_t));
if (!totalvbosize) return;
if (!numindexes) return;
//create an elements buffer
ebodata = (byte *) malloc(numindexes * sizeof(unsigned short));
if (!ebodata)
return; //fatal
// create the vertex buffer (empty)
vbodata = (byte *) malloc(totalvbosize);
if (!vbodata)
{ //fatal
memset(vbodata, 0, totalvbosize);
numindexes = 0;
for(hdr = mainhdr, numverts = 0, numindexes = 0; ; )
// grab the pointers to data in the extradata
desc = (aliasmesh_t *) ((byte *) hdr + hdr->meshdesc);
trivertexes = (void *) ((byte *)hdr + hdr->vertexes);
//submit the index data.
hdr->eboofs = numindexes * sizeof (unsigned short);
numindexes += hdr->numindexes;
memcpy(ebodata + hdr->eboofs, (short *) ((byte *) hdr + hdr->indexes), hdr->numindexes * sizeof (unsigned short));
hdr->vbovertofs = vertofs;
// fill in the vertices at the start of the buffer
case PV_QUAKE1:
for (f = 0; f < hdr->numposes; f++) // ericw -- what RMQEngine called nummeshframes is called numposes in QuakeSpasm
int v;
meshxyz_mdl_t *xyz = (meshxyz_mdl_t *) (vbodata + vertofs);
const trivertx_t *tv = (trivertx_t*)trivertexes + (hdr->numverts_vbo * f);
vertofs += hdr->numverts_vbo * sizeof (*xyz);
for (v = 0; v < hdr->numverts_vbo; v++, tv++)
xyz[v].xyz[0] = tv->v[0];
xyz[v].xyz[1] = tv->v[1];
xyz[v].xyz[2] = tv->v[2];
xyz[v].xyz[3] = 1; // need w 1 for 4 byte vertex compression
// map the normal coordinates in [-1..1] to [-127..127] and store in an unsigned char.
// this introduces some error (less than 0.004), but the normals were very coarse
// to begin with
xyz[v].normal[0] = 127 * r_avertexnormals[tv->lightnormalindex][0];
xyz[v].normal[1] = 127 * r_avertexnormals[tv->lightnormalindex][1];
xyz[v].normal[2] = 127 * r_avertexnormals[tv->lightnormalindex][2];
xyz[v].normal[3] = 0; // unused; for 4-byte alignment
for (f = 0; f < hdr->numposes; f++) // ericw -- what RMQEngine called nummeshframes is called numposes in QuakeSpasm
int v;
meshxyz_mdl16_t *xyz = (meshxyz_mdl16_t *) (vbodata + vertofs);
const trivertx_t *tv = (trivertx_t*)trivertexes + (hdr->numverts_vbo*2 * f);
vertofs += hdr->numverts_vbo * sizeof (*xyz);
for (v = 0; v < hdr->numverts_vbo; v++, tv++)
xyz[v].xyz[0] = (tv->v[0]<<8) | tv[hdr->numverts_vbo].v[0];
xyz[v].xyz[1] = (tv->v[1]<<8) | tv[hdr->numverts_vbo].v[0];
xyz[v].xyz[2] = (tv->v[2]<<8) | tv[hdr->numverts_vbo].v[0];
xyz[v].xyz[3] = 1; // need w 1 for 4 byte vertex compression
// map the normal coordinates in [-1..1] to [-127..127] and store in an unsigned char.
// this introduces some error (less than 0.004), but the normals were very coarse
// to begin with
xyz[v].normal[0] = 127 * r_avertexnormals[tv->lightnormalindex][0];
xyz[v].normal[1] = 127 * r_avertexnormals[tv->lightnormalindex][1];
xyz[v].normal[2] = 127 * r_avertexnormals[tv->lightnormalindex][2];
xyz[v].normal[3] = 0; // unused; for 4-byte alignment
case PV_QUAKE3:
for (f = 0; f < hdr->numposes; f++) // ericw -- what RMQEngine called nummeshframes is called numposes in QuakeSpasm
int v;
meshxyz_md3_t *xyz = (meshxyz_md3_t *) (vbodata + vertofs);
const md3XyzNormal_t *tv = (md3XyzNormal_t*)trivertexes + (hdr->numverts_vbo * f);
float lat,lng;
vertofs += hdr->numverts_vbo * sizeof (*xyz);
for (v = 0; v < hdr->numverts_vbo; v++, tv++)
xyz[v].xyz[0] = tv->xyz[0];
xyz[v].xyz[1] = tv->xyz[1];
xyz[v].xyz[2] = tv->xyz[2];
xyz[v].xyz[3] = 1; // need w 1 for 4 byte vertex compression
// map the normal coordinates in [-1..1] to [-127..127] and store in an unsigned char.
// this introduces some error (less than 0.004), but the normals were very coarse
// to begin with
lat = (float)tv->latlong[0] * (2 * M_PI)*(1.0 / 255.0);
lng = (float)tv->latlong[1] * (2 * M_PI)*(1.0 / 255.0);
xyz[v].normal[0] = 127 * cos ( lng ) * sin ( lat );
xyz[v].normal[1] = 127 * sin ( lng ) * sin ( lat );
xyz[v].normal[2] = 127 * cos ( lat );
xyz[v].normal[3] = 0; // unused; for 4-byte alignment
// fill in the ST coords at the end of the buffer
meshst_t *st;
float hscale, vscale;
//johnfitz -- padded skins
hscale = (float)hdr->skinwidth/(float)TexMgr_PadConditional(hdr->skinwidth);
vscale = (float)hdr->skinheight/(float)TexMgr_PadConditional(hdr->skinheight);
hdr->vbostofs = stofs;
st = (meshst_t *) (vbodata + stofs);
stofs += hdr->numverts_vbo*sizeof(*st);
case PV_QUAKE3:
for (f = 0; f < hdr->numverts_vbo; f++)
{ //md3 has floating-point skin coords. use the values directly.
st[f].st[0] = hscale * desc[f].st[0];
st[f].st[1] = vscale * desc[f].st[1];
case PV_QUAKE1:
for (f = 0; f < hdr->numverts_vbo; f++)
st[f].st[0] = hscale * ((float) desc[f].st[0] + 0.5f) / (float) hdr->skinwidth;
st[f].st[1] = vscale * ((float) desc[f].st[1] + 0.5f) / (float) hdr->skinheight;
if (hdr->nextsurface)
hdr = (aliashdr_t*)((byte*)hdr + hdr->nextsurface);
hdr = NULL;
if (gl_vbo_able)
// upload indexes buffer
GL_DeleteBuffersFunc (1, &m->meshindexesvbo);
GL_GenBuffersFunc (1, &m->meshindexesvbo);
GL_BindBufferFunc (GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, m->meshindexesvbo);
GL_BufferDataFunc (GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, numindexes * sizeof (unsigned short), ebodata, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
// upload vertexes buffer
GL_DeleteBuffersFunc (1, &m->meshvbo);
GL_GenBuffersFunc (1, &m->meshvbo);
GL_BindBufferFunc (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m->meshvbo);
GL_BufferDataFunc (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, totalvbosize, vbodata, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
free (vbodata);
free (ebodata);
m->meshvboptr = NULL;
m->meshindexesvboptr = NULL;
m->meshvboptr = vbodata;
m->meshindexesvboptr = ebodata;
// invalidate the cached bindings
GL_ClearBufferBindings ();
Loop over all precached alias models, and upload each one to a VBO.
void GLMesh_LoadVertexBuffers (void)
int j;
qmodel_t *m;
aliashdr_t *hdr;
for (j = 1; j < MAX_MODELS; j++)
if (!(m = cl.model_precache[j])) break;
if (m->type != mod_alias) continue;
hdr = (aliashdr_t *) Mod_Extradata (m);
GLMesh_LoadVertexBuffer (m, hdr);
Delete VBOs for all loaded alias models
void GLMesh_DeleteVertexBuffers (void)
int j;
qmodel_t *m;
if (!gl_vbo_able)
for (j = 1; j < MAX_MODELS; j++)
if (!(m = cl.model_precache[j])) break;
if (m->type != mod_alias) continue;
if (m->meshvbo)
GL_DeleteBuffersFunc (1, &m->meshvbo);
m->meshvbo = 0;
m->meshvboptr = NULL;
if (m->meshindexesvbo)
GL_DeleteBuffersFunc (1, &m->meshindexesvbo);
m->meshindexesvbo = 0;
m->meshindexesvboptr = NULL;
GL_ClearBufferBindings ();
//from gl_model.c
extern char loadname[]; // for hunk tags
void Mod_CalcAliasBounds (aliashdr_t *a);
#define MD3_VERSION 15
//structures from Tenebrae
typedef struct {
int ident;
int version;
char name[64];
int flags; //assumed to match quake1 models, for lack of somewhere better.
int numFrames;
int numTags;
int numSurfaces;
int numSkins;
int ofsFrames;
int ofsTags;
int ofsSurfaces;
int ofsEnd;
} md3Header_t;
//then has header->numFrames of these at header->ofs_Frames
typedef struct md3Frame_s {
vec3_t bounds[2];
vec3_t localOrigin;
float radius;
char name[16];
} md3Frame_t;
//there are header->numSurfaces of these at header->ofsSurfaces, following from ofsEnd
typedef struct {
int ident; //
char name[64]; // polyset name
int flags;
int numFrames; // all surfaces in a model should have the same
int numShaders; // all surfaces in a model should have the same
int numVerts;
int numTriangles;
int ofsTriangles;
int ofsShaders; // offset from start of md3Surface_t
int ofsSt; // texture coords are common for all frames
int ofsXyzNormals; // numVerts * numFrames
int ofsEnd; // next surface follows
} md3Surface_t;
//at surf+surf->ofsXyzNormals
/*typedef struct {
short xyz[3];
byte latlong[2];
} md3XyzNormal_t;*/
//surf->numTriangles at surf+surf->ofsTriangles
typedef struct {
int indexes[3];
} md3Triangle_t;
//surf->numVerts at surf+surf->ofsSt
typedef struct {
float s;
float t;
} md3St_t;
typedef struct {
char name[64];
int shaderIndex;
} md3Shader_t;
void Mod_LoadMD3Model (qmodel_t *mod, void *buffer)
md3Header_t *pinheader;
md3Surface_t *pinsurface;
md3Frame_t *pinframes;
md3Triangle_t *pintriangle;
unsigned short *poutindexes;
md3XyzNormal_t *pinvert;
md3XyzNormal_t *poutvert;
md3St_t *pinst;
aliasmesh_t *poutst;
md3Shader_t *pinshader;
int size;
int start, end, total;
int ival, j;
int numsurfs, surf;
int numframes;
aliashdr_t *outhdr;
start = Hunk_LowMark ();
pinheader = (md3Header_t *)buffer;
ival = LittleLong (pinheader->version);
if (ival != MD3_VERSION)
Sys_Error ("%s has wrong version number (%i should be %i)",
mod->name, ival, MD3_VERSION);
numsurfs = LittleLong (pinheader->numSurfaces);
numframes = LittleLong(pinheader->numFrames);
if (numframes > MAXALIASFRAMES)
Sys_Error ("%s has too many frames (%i vs %i)",
mod->name, numframes, MAXALIASFRAMES);
if (!numsurfs)
Sys_Error ("%s has nosurfaces", mod->name);
pinframes = (md3Frame_t*)((byte*)buffer + LittleLong(pinheader->ofsFrames));
// allocate space for a working header, plus all the data except the frames,
// skin and group info
size = sizeof(aliashdr_t) + (numframes-1) * sizeof (outhdr->frames[0]);
outhdr = (aliashdr_t *) Hunk_AllocName (size * numsurfs, loadname);
for (surf = 0, pinsurface = (md3Surface_t*)((byte*)buffer + LittleLong(pinheader->ofsSurfaces)); surf < numsurfs; surf++, pinsurface = (md3Surface_t*)((byte*)pinsurface + LittleLong(pinsurface->ofsEnd)))
aliashdr_t *osurf = (aliashdr_t*)((byte*)outhdr + size*surf);
if (LittleLong(pinsurface->ident) != (('I'<<0)|('D'<<8)|('P'<<16)|('3'<<24)))
Sys_Error ("%s corrupt surface ident", mod->name);
if (LittleLong(pinsurface->numFrames) != numframes)
Sys_Error ("%s mismatched framecounts", mod->name);
if (surf+1 < numsurfs)
osurf->nextsurface = size;
osurf->nextsurface = 0;
osurf->poseverttype = PV_QUAKE3;
osurf->numverts_vbo = osurf->numverts = LittleLong(pinsurface->numVerts);
pinvert = (md3XyzNormal_t*)((byte*)pinsurface + LittleLong(pinsurface->ofsXyzNormals));
poutvert = (md3XyzNormal_t *) Hunk_Alloc (numframes * osurf->numverts * sizeof(*poutvert));
osurf->vertexes = (byte *)poutvert - (byte *)osurf;
for (ival = 0; ival < numframes; ival++)
osurf->frames[ival].firstpose = ival;
osurf->frames[ival].numposes = 1;
osurf->frames[ival].interval = 0.1;
osurf->frames[ival].frame = ival;
q_strlcpy(osurf->frames[ival].name, pinframes->name, sizeof(osurf->frames[ival].name));
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
{ //fixme...
osurf->frames[ival].bboxmin.v[j] = 0;
osurf->frames[ival].bboxmax.v[j] = 255;
for (j=0 ; j<osurf->numverts ; j++)
poutvert[j] = pinvert[j];
poutvert += osurf->numverts;
pinvert += osurf->numverts;
osurf->numposes = osurf->numframes = numframes;
osurf->numtris = LittleLong(pinsurface->numTriangles);
osurf->numindexes = osurf->numtris*3;
pintriangle = (md3Triangle_t*)((byte*)pinsurface + LittleLong(pinsurface->ofsTriangles));
poutindexes = (unsigned short *) Hunk_Alloc (sizeof (*poutindexes) * osurf->numindexes);
osurf->indexes = (intptr_t) poutindexes - (intptr_t) osurf;
for (ival = 0; ival < osurf->numtris; ival++, pintriangle++, poutindexes+=3)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
poutindexes[j] = LittleLong(pintriangle->indexes[j]);
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
osurf->scale_origin[j] = 0;
osurf->scale[j] = 1/64.0;
//guess at skin sizes
osurf->skinwidth = 320;
osurf->skinheight = 200;
//load the textures
pinshader = (md3Shader_t*)((byte*)pinsurface + LittleLong(pinsurface->ofsShaders));
osurf->numskins = LittleLong(pinsurface->numShaders);
for (j = 0; j < osurf->numskins; j++, pinshader++)
char texturename[MAX_QPATH];
char fullbrightname[MAX_QPATH];
char *ext;
//texture names in md3s are kinda fucked. they could be just names relative to the mdl, or full paths, or just simple shader names.
//our texture manager is too lame to scan all 1000 possibilities
if (strchr(pinshader->name, '/') || strchr(pinshader->name, '\\'))
{ //so if there's a path then we want to use that.
q_strlcpy(texturename, pinshader->name, sizeof(texturename));
{ //and if there's no path then we want to prefix it with our own.
q_strlcpy(texturename, mod->name, sizeof(texturename));
*(char*)COM_SkipPath(texturename) = 0;
//and concat the specified name
q_strlcat(texturename, pinshader->name, sizeof(texturename));
//and make sure there's no extensions. these get ignored in q3, which is kinda annoying, but this is an md3 and standards are standards (and it makes luma easier).
ext = (char*)COM_FileGetExtension(texturename);
if (*ext)
*--ext = 0;
//luma has an extra postfix.
q_snprintf(fullbrightname, sizeof(fullbrightname), "%s_luma", texturename);
osurf->gltextures[j][0] = TexMgr_LoadImage(mod, texturename, osurf->skinwidth, osurf->skinheight, SRC_EXTERNAL, NULL, texturename, 0, TEXPREF_PAD|TEXPREF_ALPHA|TEXPREF_NOBRIGHT|TEXPREF_MIPMAP);
osurf->fbtextures[j][0] = TexMgr_LoadImage(mod, fullbrightname, osurf->skinwidth, osurf->skinheight, SRC_EXTERNAL, NULL, texturename, 0, TEXPREF_PAD|TEXPREF_ALPHA|TEXPREF_FULLBRIGHT|TEXPREF_MIPMAP);
osurf->gltextures[j][3] = osurf->gltextures[j][2] = osurf->gltextures[j][1] = osurf->gltextures[j][0];
osurf->fbtextures[j][3] = osurf->fbtextures[j][2] = osurf->fbtextures[j][1] = osurf->fbtextures[j][0];
if (osurf->numskins)
osurf->skinwidth = osurf->gltextures[0][0]->source_width;
osurf->skinheight = osurf->gltextures[0][0]->source_height;
//and figure out the texture coords properly, now we know the actual sizes.
pinst = (md3St_t*)((byte*)pinsurface + LittleLong(pinsurface->ofsSt));
poutst = (aliasmesh_t *) Hunk_Alloc (sizeof (*poutst) * osurf->numverts);
osurf->meshdesc = (intptr_t) poutst - (intptr_t) osurf;
for (j = 0; j < osurf->numverts; j++)
poutst[j].vertindex = j; //how is this useful?
poutst[j].st[0] = pinst->s;
poutst[j].st[1] = pinst->t;
GLMesh_LoadVertexBuffer (mod, outhdr);
//small violation of the spec, but it seems like noone else uses it.
mod->flags = LittleLong (pinheader->flags);
mod->type = mod_alias;
Mod_CalcAliasBounds (outhdr); //johnfitz
// move the complete, relocatable alias model to the cache
end = Hunk_LowMark ();
total = end - start;
Cache_Alloc (&mod->cache, total, loadname);
if (!mod->cache.data)
memcpy (mod->cache.data, outhdr, total);
Hunk_FreeToLowMark (start);