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506 lines
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Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "quakedef.h"
static void CL_FinishTimeDemo (void);
When a demo is playing back, all NET_SendMessages are skipped, and
NET_GetMessages are read from the demo file.
Whenever cl.time gets past the last received message, another message is
read from the demo file.
// from ProQuake: space to fill out the demo header for record at any time
static byte demo_head[3][MAX_MSGLEN];
static int demo_head_size[2];
Called when a demo file runs out, or the user starts a game
void CL_StopPlayback (void)
if (!cls.demoplayback)
fclose (cls.demofile);
cls.demoplayback = false;
cls.demofile = NULL;
cls.state = ca_disconnected;
if (cls.timedemo)
CL_FinishTimeDemo ();
Dumps the current net message, prefixed by the length and view angles
static void CL_WriteDemoMessage (void)
int len;
int i;
float f;
len = LittleLong (net_message.cursize);
fwrite (&len, 4, 1, cls.demofile);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
f = LittleFloat (cl.viewangles[i]);
fwrite (&f, 4, 1, cls.demofile);
fwrite (net_message.data, net_message.cursize, 1, cls.demofile);
fflush (cls.demofile);
static int CL_GetDemoMessage (void)
int r, i;
float f;
// decide if it is time to grab the next message
if (cls.signon == SIGNONS) // always grab until fully connected
// Wait for full frame update on stufftext messages:
// If the server stuffs a "reconnect", failing to wait
// for the client to re-initialize before accepting
// further messages freezes demo playback. -- Pa3PyX
if (host_framecount == cls.stufftext_frame)
return 0;
if (cls.timedemo)
if (host_framecount == cls.td_lastframe)
return 0; // already read this frame's message
cls.td_lastframe = host_framecount;
// if this is the second frame, grab the real td_starttime
// so the bogus time on the first frame doesn't count
if (host_framecount == cls.td_startframe + 1)
cls.td_starttime = realtime;
else if (/* cl.time > 0 && */ cl.time <= cl.mtime[0])
return 0; // don't need another message yet
// get the next message
fread (&net_message.cursize, 4, 1, cls.demofile);
VectorCopy (cl.mviewangles[0], cl.mviewangles[1]);
for (i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
r = fread (&f, 4, 1, cls.demofile);
cl.mviewangles[0][i] = LittleFloat (f);
net_message.cursize = LittleLong (net_message.cursize);
if (net_message.cursize > MAX_MSGLEN)
Sys_Error ("Demo message > MAX_MSGLEN");
r = fread (net_message.data, net_message.cursize, 1, cls.demofile);
if (r != 1)
CL_StopPlayback ();
return 0;
return 1;
Handles recording and playback of demos, on top of NET_ code
int CL_GetMessage (void)
int r;
if (cls.demoplayback)
return CL_GetDemoMessage ();
while (1)
r = NET_GetMessage (cls.netcon);
if (r != 1 && r != 2)
return r;
// discard nop keepalive message
if (net_message.cursize == 1 && net_message.data[0] == svc_nop)
Con_Printf ("<-- server to client keepalive\n");
if (cls.demorecording)
CL_WriteDemoMessage ();
if (cls.signon < 2)
// record messages before full connection, so that a
// demo record can happen after connection is done
memcpy(demo_head[cls.signon], net_message.data, net_message.cursize);
demo_head_size[cls.signon] = net_message.cursize;
return r;
stop recording a demo
void CL_Stop_f (void)
if (cmd_source != src_command)
if (!cls.demorecording)
Con_Printf ("Not recording a demo.\n");
// write a disconnect message to the demo file
SZ_Clear (&net_message);
MSG_WriteByte (&net_message, svc_disconnect);
CL_WriteDemoMessage ();
// finish up
fclose (cls.demofile);
cls.demofile = NULL;
cls.demorecording = false;
Con_Printf ("Completed demo\n");
record <demoname> <map> [cd track]
void CL_Record_f (void)
int c;
char name[MAX_OSPATH];
int track;
if (cmd_source != src_command)
if (cls.demoplayback)
Con_Printf ("Can't record during demo playback\n");
if (cls.demorecording)
c = Cmd_Argc();
if (c != 2 && c != 3 && c != 4)
Con_Printf ("record <demoname> [<map> [cd track]]\n");
if (strstr(Cmd_Argv(1), ".."))
Con_Printf ("Relative pathnames are not allowed.\n");
if (c == 2 && cls.state == ca_connected)
#if 0
Con_Printf("Can not record - already connected to server\nClient demo recording must be started before connecting\n");
if (cls.signon < 2)
Con_Printf("Can't record - try again when connected\n");
// write the forced cd track number, or -1
if (c == 4)
track = atoi(Cmd_Argv(3));
Con_Printf ("Forcing CD track to %i\n", cls.forcetrack);
track = -1;
q_snprintf (name, sizeof(name), "%s/%s", com_gamedir, Cmd_Argv(1));
// start the map up
if (c > 2)
Cmd_ExecuteString ( va("map %s", Cmd_Argv(2)), src_command);
if (cls.state != ca_connected)
// open the demo file
COM_DefaultExtension (name, ".dem", sizeof(name));
Con_Printf ("recording to %s.\n", name);
cls.demofile = fopen (name, "wb");
if (!cls.demofile)
Con_Printf ("ERROR: couldn't create %s\n", name);
cls.forcetrack = track;
fprintf (cls.demofile, "%i\n", cls.forcetrack);
cls.demorecording = true;
// from ProQuake: initialize the demo file if we're already connected
if (c == 2 && cls.state == ca_connected)
byte *data = net_message.data;
int cursize = net_message.cursize;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
net_message.data = demo_head[i];
net_message.cursize = demo_head_size[i];
net_message.data = demo_head[2];
SZ_Clear (&net_message);
// current names, colors, and frag counts
for (i = 0; i < cl.maxclients; i++)
MSG_WriteByte (&net_message, svc_updatename);
MSG_WriteByte (&net_message, i);
MSG_WriteString (&net_message, cl.scores[i].name);
MSG_WriteByte (&net_message, svc_updatefrags);
MSG_WriteByte (&net_message, i);
MSG_WriteShort (&net_message, cl.scores[i].frags);
MSG_WriteByte (&net_message, svc_updatecolors);
MSG_WriteByte (&net_message, i);
MSG_WriteByte (&net_message, cl.scores[i].colors);
// send all current light styles
for (i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTSTYLES; i++)
MSG_WriteByte (&net_message, svc_lightstyle);
MSG_WriteByte (&net_message, i);
MSG_WriteString (&net_message, cl_lightstyle[i].map);
// what about the CD track or SVC fog... future consideration.
MSG_WriteByte (&net_message, svc_updatestat);
MSG_WriteByte (&net_message, STAT_TOTALSECRETS);
MSG_WriteLong (&net_message, cl.stats[STAT_TOTALSECRETS]);
MSG_WriteByte (&net_message, svc_updatestat);
MSG_WriteByte (&net_message, STAT_TOTALMONSTERS);
MSG_WriteLong (&net_message, cl.stats[STAT_TOTALMONSTERS]);
MSG_WriteByte (&net_message, svc_updatestat);
MSG_WriteByte (&net_message, STAT_SECRETS);
MSG_WriteLong (&net_message, cl.stats[STAT_SECRETS]);
MSG_WriteByte (&net_message, svc_updatestat);
MSG_WriteByte (&net_message, STAT_MONSTERS);
MSG_WriteLong (&net_message, cl.stats[STAT_MONSTERS]);
// view entity
MSG_WriteByte (&net_message, svc_setview);
MSG_WriteShort (&net_message, cl.viewentity);
// signon
MSG_WriteByte (&net_message, svc_signonnum);
MSG_WriteByte (&net_message, 3);
// restore net_message
net_message.data = data;
net_message.cursize = cursize;
play [demoname]
void CL_PlayDemo_f (void)
char name[MAX_OSPATH];
int i, c;
qboolean neg;
if (cmd_source != src_command)
if (Cmd_Argc() != 2)
Con_Printf ("playdemo <demoname> : plays a demo\n");
// disconnect from server
CL_Disconnect ();
// open the demo file
q_strlcpy (name, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(name));
COM_DefaultExtension (name, ".dem", sizeof(name));
Con_Printf ("Playing demo from %s.\n", name);
COM_FOpenFile (name, &cls.demofile, NULL);
if (!cls.demofile)
Con_Printf ("ERROR: couldn't open %s\n", name);
cls.demonum = -1; // stop demo loop
// ZOID, fscanf is evil
// O.S.: if a space character e.g. 0x20 (' ') follows '\n',
// fscanf skips that byte too and screws up further reads.
// fscanf (cls.demofile, "%i\n", &cls.forcetrack);
cls.forcetrack = 0;
neg = false;
// read a decimal integer possibly with a leading '-',
// followed by a '\n':
for (i = 0; i < 13; i++)
c = getc(cls.demofile);
if (c == '\n')
if (c == '-') {
neg = true;
// check for multiple '-' or legal digits? meh...
cls.forcetrack = cls.forcetrack * 10 + (c - '0');
if (c != '\n')
fclose (cls.demofile);
cls.demofile = NULL;
cls.demonum = -1; // stop demo loop
Con_Printf ("ERROR: demo \"%s\" is invalid\n", name);
if (neg)
cls.forcetrack = -cls.forcetrack;
cls.demoplayback = true;
cls.state = ca_connected;
// get rid of the menu and/or console
key_dest = key_game;
// Get a new message on playback start.
// Moved from CL_TimeDemo_f to here, Pa3PyX.
cls.td_lastframe = -1;
static void CL_FinishTimeDemo (void)
int frames;
float time;
cls.timedemo = false;
// the first frame didn't count
frames = (host_framecount - cls.td_startframe) - 1;
time = realtime - cls.td_starttime;
if (!time)
time = 1;
Con_Printf ("%i frames %5.1f seconds %5.1f fps\n", frames, time, frames/time);
timedemo [demoname]
void CL_TimeDemo_f (void)
if (cmd_source != src_command)
if (Cmd_Argc() != 2)
Con_Printf ("timedemo <demoname> : gets demo speeds\n");
CL_PlayDemo_f ();
if (!cls.demofile)
// cls.td_starttime will be grabbed at the second frame of the demo, so
// all the loading time doesn't get counted
cls.timedemo = true;
cls.td_startframe = host_framecount;
// cls.td_lastframe = -1; // get a new message this frame
// Moved to CL_PlayDemo_f(), Pa3PyX.