# GNU Makefile for QuakeSpasm unix targets. # You need the SDL library fully installed. # "make DEBUG=1" to build a debug client. # "make SDL_CONFIG=/path/to/sdl-config" for unusual SDL installations. # "make DO_USERDIRS=1" to enable user directories support # Enable/Disable user directories support DO_USERDIRS=0 ### Enable/Disable SDL2 USE_SDL2=0 ### Enable/Disable codecs for streaming music support USE_CODEC_WAVE=1 USE_CODEC_FLAC=0 USE_CODEC_MP3=1 USE_CODEC_VORBIS=1 USE_CODEC_OPUS=0 # either mikmod or xmp USE_CODEC_MIKMOD=0 USE_CODEC_XMP=0 USE_CODEC_UMX=0 # which library to use for mp3 decoding: mad or mpg123 MP3LIB=mad # which library to use for ogg decoding: vorbis or tremor VORBISLIB=vorbis # --------------------------- # Helper functions # --------------------------- check_gcc = $(shell if echo | $(CC) $(1) -Werror -S -o /dev/null -xc - > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "$(1)"; else echo "$(2)"; fi;) # --------------------------- HOST_OS := $(shell uname|sed -e s/_.*//|tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') DEBUG ?= 0 # --------------------------- # build variables # --------------------------- CC ?= gcc LINKER = $(CC) STRIP ?= strip PKG_CONFIG ?= pkg-config #CPUFLAGS= -mtune=i686 #CPUFLAGS= -march=pentium4 #CPUFLAGS= -mtune=k8 #CPUFLAGS= -march=atom CPUFLAGS= LDFLAGS = DFLAGS ?= CFLAGS ?= -Wall -Wno-trigraphs CFLAGS += $(CPUFLAGS) ifneq ($(DEBUG),0) DFLAGS += -DDEBUG CFLAGS += -g do_strip= else DFLAGS += -DNDEBUG CFLAGS += -O2 CFLAGS += $(call check_gcc,-fweb,) CFLAGS += $(call check_gcc,-frename-registers,) cmd_strip=$(STRIP) $(1) define do_strip $(call cmd_strip,$(1)); endef endif ifeq ($(DO_USERDIRS),1) CFLAGS += -DDO_USERDIRS=1 endif ### X11BASE only gets used if its in an unusual place X11DIRS := /usr/X11R7 /usr/local/X11R7 /usr/X11R6 /usr/local/X11R6 X11BASE_GUESS := $(shell \ if [ -e /usr/include/X11/Xlib.h ] && \ [ -e /usr/lib/libX11.a ]; then exit 0; fi; \ if [ -e /usr/local/include/X11/Xlib.h ] && \ [ -e /usr/local/lib/libX11.a ]; then exit 0; fi; \ for DIR in $(X11DIRS); do \ if [ -e $$DIR/include/X11/Xlib.h ] && \ [ -e $$DIR/lib/libX11.a ]; then echo $$DIR; break; fi; \ done ) X11BASE ?= $(X11BASE_GUESS) ifneq ($(X11BASE),) LDFLAGS+= -L$(X11BASE)/lib CFLAGS += -I$(X11BASE)/include endif ifeq ($(USE_SDL2),1) CFLAGS += -DUSE_SDL2 endif ifeq ($(USE_SDL2),1) SDL_CONFIG ?= sdl2-config else SDL_CONFIG ?= sdl-config endif SDL_CFLAGS := $(shell $(SDL_CONFIG) --cflags) SDL_LIBS := $(shell $(SDL_CONFIG) --libs) ifeq ($(HOST_OS),sunos) NET_LIBS :=-lsocket -lnsl -lresolv else NET_LIBS := endif ifneq ($(VORBISLIB),vorbis) ifneq ($(VORBISLIB),tremor) $(error Invalid VORBISLIB setting) endif endif ifneq ($(MP3LIB),mpg123) ifneq ($(MP3LIB),mad) $(error Invalid MP3LIB setting) endif endif ifeq ($(MP3LIB),mad) mp3_obj=snd_mp3 lib_mp3dec=-lmad endif ifeq ($(MP3LIB),mpg123) mp3_obj=snd_mpg123 lib_mp3dec=-lmpg123 endif ifeq ($(VORBISLIB),vorbis) cpp_vorbisdec= lib_vorbisdec=-lvorbisfile -lvorbis -logg endif ifeq ($(VORBISLIB),tremor) cpp_vorbisdec=-DVORBIS_USE_TREMOR lib_vorbisdec=-lvorbisidec -logg endif CODECLIBS := ifeq ($(USE_CODEC_WAVE),1) CFLAGS+= -DUSE_CODEC_WAVE endif ifeq ($(USE_CODEC_FLAC),1) CFLAGS+= -DUSE_CODEC_FLAC CODECLIBS+= -lFLAC endif ifeq ($(USE_CODEC_OPUS),1) # opus and opusfile put their *.h under /opus, # but they include the headers without the opus directory # prefix and rely on pkg-config. ewww... CFLAGS+= -DUSE_CODEC_OPUS CFLAGS+= $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags opusfile) CODECLIBS+= $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --libs opusfile) endif ifeq ($(USE_CODEC_VORBIS),1) CFLAGS+= -DUSE_CODEC_VORBIS $(cpp_vorbisdec) CODECLIBS+= $(lib_vorbisdec) endif ifeq ($(USE_CODEC_MP3),1) CFLAGS+= -DUSE_CODEC_MP3 CODECLIBS+= $(lib_mp3dec) endif ifeq ($(USE_CODEC_MIKMOD),1) CFLAGS+= -DUSE_CODEC_MIKMOD CODECLIBS+= -lmikmod endif ifeq ($(USE_CODEC_XMP),1) CFLAGS+= -DUSE_CODEC_XMP CODECLIBS+= -lxmp endif ifeq ($(USE_CODEC_UMX),1) CFLAGS+= -DUSE_CODEC_UMX endif COMMON_LIBS:= -lm -lGL LIBS := $(COMMON_LIBS) $(NET_LIBS) $(CODECLIBS) # --------------------------- # targets # --------------------------- .PHONY: clean debug release DEFAULT_TARGET := quakespasm # --------------------------- # rules # --------------------------- %.o: %.c $(CC) $(DFLAGS) -c $(CFLAGS) $(SDL_CFLAGS) -o $@ $< # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # objects # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUSIC_OBJS:= bgmusic.o \ snd_codec.o \ snd_flac.o \ snd_wave.o \ snd_vorbis.o \ snd_opus.o \ $(mp3_obj).o \ snd_mp3tag.o \ snd_mikmod.o \ snd_xmp.o \ snd_umx.o COMOBJ_SND := snd_dma.o snd_mix.o snd_mem.o $(MUSIC_OBJS) SYSOBJ_SND := snd_sdl.o SYSOBJ_CDA := cd_sdl.o SYSOBJ_INPUT := in_sdl.o SYSOBJ_GL_VID:= gl_vidsdl.o SYSOBJ_NET := net_bsd.o net_udp.o SYSOBJ_SYS := pl_linux.o sys_sdl_unix.o SYSOBJ_MAIN:= main_sdl.o SYSOBJ_RES := GLOBJS = \ gl_refrag.o \ gl_rlight.o \ gl_rmain.o \ gl_fog.o \ gl_rmisc.o \ r_part.o \ r_world.o \ gl_screen.o \ gl_sky.o \ gl_warp.o \ $(SYSOBJ_GL_VID) \ gl_draw.o \ image.o \ gl_texmgr.o \ gl_mesh.o \ r_sprite.o \ r_alias.o \ r_brush.o \ gl_model.o OBJS := strlcat.o \ strlcpy.o \ $(GLOBJS) \ $(SYSOBJ_INPUT) \ $(COMOBJ_SND) \ $(SYSOBJ_SND) \ $(SYSOBJ_CDA) \ $(SYSOBJ_NET) \ net_dgrm.o \ net_loop.o \ net_main.o \ chase.o \ cl_demo.o \ cl_input.o \ cl_main.o \ cl_parse.o \ cl_tent.o \ console.o \ keys.o \ menu.o \ sbar.o \ view.o \ wad.o \ cmd.o \ common.o \ miniz.o \ crc.o \ cvar.o \ cfgfile.o \ host.o \ host_cmd.o \ mathlib.o \ pr_cmds.o \ pr_edict.o \ pr_exec.o \ sv_main.o \ sv_move.o \ sv_phys.o \ sv_user.o \ world.o \ zone.o \ $(SYSOBJ_SYS) $(SYSOBJ_MAIN) $(SYSOBJ_RES) # ------------------------ # Linux build rules # ------------------------ quakespasm: $(OBJS) $(LINKER) $(OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) $(SDL_LIBS) -o $@ $(call do_strip,$@) image.o: lodepng.c lodepng.h stb_image_write.h release: quakespasm debug: $(error Use "make DEBUG=1") clean: rm -f $(shell find . \( -name '*~' -o -name '#*#' -o -name '*.o' -o -name '*.res' -o -name $(DEFAULT_TARGET) \) -print) install: quakespasm cp quakespasm /usr/local/games/quake