/* Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2002-2009 John Fitzgibbons and others Copyright (C) 2010-2014 QuakeSpasm developers This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef _QUAKE_PROGS_H #define _QUAKE_PROGS_H #include "pr_comp.h" /* defs shared with qcc */ #include "progdefs.h" /* generated by program cdefs */ typedef union eval_s { string_t string; float _float; float vector[3]; func_t function; int _int; int edict; } eval_t; #define MAX_ENT_LEAFS 32 typedef struct edict_s { qboolean free; link_t area; /* linked to a division node or leaf */ unsigned int num_leafs; int leafnums[MAX_ENT_LEAFS]; entity_state_t baseline; unsigned char alpha; /* johnfitz -- hack to support alpha since it's not part of entvars_t */ qboolean sendinterval; /* johnfitz -- send time until nextthink to client for better lerp timing */ float freetime; /* sv.time when the object was freed */ entvars_t v; /* C exported fields from progs */ /* other fields from progs come immediately after */ } edict_t; #define EDICT_FROM_AREA(l) STRUCT_FROM_LINK(l,edict_t,area) //============================================================================ typedef void (*builtin_t) (void); typedef struct qcvm_s qcvm_t; void PR_Init (void); void PR_ExecuteProgram (func_t fnum); void PR_ClearProgs(qcvm_t *vm); qboolean PR_LoadProgs (const char *filename, qboolean fatal, builtin_t *builtins, size_t numbuiltins); //from pr_ext.c void PR_InitExtensions(void); void PR_EnableExtensions(ddef_t *pr_globaldefs); //adds in the extra builtins etc void PR_AutoCvarChanged(cvar_t *var); //updates the autocvar_ globals when their cvar is changed void PR_ShutdownExtensions(void); //nooooes! void PR_ReloadPics(qboolean purge); //for gamedir or video changes func_t PR_FindExtFunction(const char *entryname); void PR_DumpPlatform_f(void); //console command: writes out a qsextensions.qc file //special hacks... int PF_SV_ForceParticlePrecache(const char *s); int SV_Precache_Model(const char *s); int SV_Precache_Sound(const char *s); void PR_spawnfunc_misc_model(edict_t *self); //from pr_edict, for pr_ext. reflection is messy. qboolean ED_ParseEpair (void *base, ddef_t *key, const char *s); const char *PR_UglyValueString (int type, eval_t *val); ddef_t *ED_FindField (const char *name); ddef_t *ED_FindGlobal (const char *name); dfunction_t *ED_FindFunction (const char *fn_name); const char *PR_GetString (int num); int PR_SetEngineString (const char *s); int PR_AllocString (int bufferlength, char **ptr); void PR_ClearEngineString(int num); void PR_Profile_f (void); edict_t *ED_Alloc (void); void ED_Free (edict_t *ed); void ED_Print (edict_t *ed); void ED_Write (FILE *f, edict_t *ed); const char *ED_ParseEdict (const char *data, edict_t *ent); void ED_WriteGlobals (FILE *f); const char *ED_ParseGlobals (const char *data); void ED_LoadFromFile (const char *data); /* #define EDICT_NUM(n) ((edict_t *)(sv.edicts+ (n)*pr_edict_size)) #define NUM_FOR_EDICT(e) (((byte *)(e) - sv.edicts) / pr_edict_size) */ edict_t *EDICT_NUM(int n); int NUM_FOR_EDICT(edict_t *e); #define NEXT_EDICT(e) ((edict_t *)( (byte *)e + qcvm->edict_size)) #define EDICT_TO_PROG(e) ((byte *)e - (byte *)qcvm->edicts) #define PROG_TO_EDICT(e) ((edict_t *)((byte *)qcvm->edicts + e)) #define G_FLOAT(o) (qcvm->globals[o]) #define G_INT(o) (*(int *)&qcvm->globals[o]) #define G_EDICT(o) ((edict_t *)((byte *)qcvm->edicts+ *(int *)&qcvm->globals[o])) #define G_EDICTNUM(o) NUM_FOR_EDICT(G_EDICT(o)) #define G_VECTOR(o) (&qcvm->globals[o]) #define G_STRING(o) (PR_GetString(*(string_t *)&qcvm->globals[o])) #define G_FUNCTION(o) (*(func_t *)&qcvm->globals[o]) #define G_VECTORSET(r,x,y,z) do{G_FLOAT((r)+0) = x; G_FLOAT((r)+1) = y;G_FLOAT((r)+2) = z;}while(0) #define E_FLOAT(e,o) (((float*)&e->v)[o]) #define E_INT(e,o) (*(int *)&((float*)&e->v)[o]) #define E_VECTOR(e,o) (&((float*)&e->v)[o]) #define E_STRING(e,o) (PR_GetString(*(string_t *)&((float*)&e->v)[o])) extern int type_size[8]; FUNC_NORETURN void PR_RunError (const char *error, ...) FUNC_PRINTF(1,2); #ifdef __WATCOMC__ #pragma aux PR_RunError aborts; #endif void ED_PrintEdicts (void); void ED_PrintNum (int ent); eval_t *GetEdictFieldValue(edict_t *ed, int fldofs); //handles invalid offsets with a null int ED_FindFieldOffset (const char *name); //from pr_cmds, no longer static so that pr_ext can use them. sizebuf_t *WriteDest (void); char *PR_GetTempString (void); int PR_MakeTempString (const char *val); char *PF_VarString (int first); #define STRINGTEMP_BUFFERS 1024 #define STRINGTEMP_LENGTH 1024 void PF_Fixme(void); //the 'unimplemented' builtin. woot. struct pr_extfuncs_s { //various global qc entry points that might be called by the engine, if set. func_t EndFrame; func_t SV_ParseClientCommand; //csqc-specific entry points func_t CSQC_Init; func_t CSQC_DrawHud; //for the simple hud-only csqc interface. func_t CSQC_DrawScores; //(optional) for the simple hud-only csqc interface. func_t CSQC_InputEvent; func_t CSQC_ConsoleCommand; func_t CSQC_Parse_Event; func_t CSQC_Parse_Damage; //todo... // func_t CSQC_Parse_CenterPrint; // func_t CSQC_Parse_Print; // func_t CSQC_Parse_TempEntity; //evil... This is the bane of all protocol compatibility. Die. // func_t CSQC_Parse_StuffCmd; //not in simple. Too easy to make cheats by ignoring server messages. }; extern cvar_t pr_checkextension; //if 0, extensions are disabled (unless they'd be fatal, but they're still spammy) struct pr_extglobals_s { //csqc-specific globals... float *cltime; float *maxclients; float *intermission; float *intermission_time; float *player_localnum; float *player_localentnum; //float *clientcommandframe; //we don't have prediction. //float *servercommandframe; //we don't have prediction. }; struct pr_extfields_s { //various fields that might be wanted by the engine. -1 == invalid //I should probably use preprocessor magic for this list or something int items2; //float int gravity; //float int alpha; //float int movement; //vector int viewmodelforclient; //entity int traileffectnum; //float int emiteffectnum; //float int scale; //float int colormod; //vector int tag_entity; //entity int tag_index; //float int button3; //float int button4; //float int button5; //float int button6; //float int button7; //float int button8; //float int viewzoom; //float int modelflags; //float, the upper 8 bits of .effects //REMEMBER TO ADD THESE TO qsextensions.qc AND pr_edict.c }; typedef struct { int s; dfunction_t *f; } prstack_t; typedef struct areanode_s { int axis; // -1 = leaf node float dist; struct areanode_s *children[2]; link_t trigger_edicts; link_t solid_edicts; } areanode_t; #define AREA_DEPTH 4 #define AREA_NODES 32 #define CSIE_KEYDOWN 0 #define CSIE_KEYUP 1 #define CSIE_MOUSEDELTA 2 #define CSIE_MOUSEABS 3 //#define CSIE_ACCELEROMETER 4 //#define CSIE_FOCUS 5 #define CSIE_JOYAXIS 6 //#define CSIE_GYROSCOPE 7 struct qcvm_s { dprograms_t *progs; dfunction_t *functions; dstatement_t *statements; float *globals; /* same as pr_global_struct */ ddef_t *fielddefs; //yay reflection. int edict_size; /* in bytes */ builtin_t builtins[1024]; int numbuiltins; int argc; qboolean trace; dfunction_t *xfunction; int xstatement; unsigned short crc; struct pr_extglobals_s extglobals; struct pr_extfuncs_s extfuncs; struct pr_extfields_s extfields; //was static inside pr_edict char *strings; int stringssize; const char **knownstrings; int maxknownstrings; int numknownstrings; int freeknownstrings; ddef_t *globaldefs; unsigned char *knownzone; size_t knownzonesize; //originally defined in pr_exec, but moved into the switchable qcvm struct #define MAX_STACK_DEPTH 64 /* was 32 */ prstack_t stack[MAX_STACK_DEPTH]; int depth; #define LOCALSTACK_SIZE 2048 int localstack[LOCALSTACK_SIZE]; int localstack_used; //originally part of the sv_state_t struct //FIXME: put worldmodel in here too. double time; int num_edicts; int reserved_edicts; int max_edicts; edict_t *edicts; // can NOT be array indexed, because edict_t is variable sized, but can be used to reference the world ent struct qmodel_s *worldmodel; struct qmodel_s *(*GetModel)(int modelindex); //returns the model for the given index, or null. //originally from world.c areanode_t areanodes[AREA_NODES]; int numareanodes; }; extern globalvars_t *pr_global_struct; #if 0 extern qcvm_t ssqcvm; #define qcvm (&ssqcvm) #define PR_SwitchQCVM(n) #else extern qcvm_t *qcvm; void PR_SwitchQCVM(qcvm_t *nvm); #endif extern builtin_t pr_ssqcbuiltins[]; extern int pr_ssqcnumbuiltins; extern builtin_t pr_csqcbuiltins[]; extern int pr_csqcnumbuiltins; #endif /* _QUAKE_PROGS_H */