/* * tracker music (module file) decoding support using libmodplug * * Copyright (C) 2013 O.Sezer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "quakedef.h" #if defined(USE_CODEC_MODPLUG) #include "snd_codec.h" #include "snd_codeci.h" #include "snd_modplug.h" #include static void S_MODPLUG_SetSettings (snd_stream_t *stream) { ModPlug_Settings settings; ModPlug_GetSettings(&settings); settings.mFlags = MODPLUG_ENABLE_OVERSAMPLING; settings.mChannels = shm->channels; settings.mBits = shm->samplebits; settings.mFrequency = shm->speed; settings.mResamplingMode = MODPLUG_RESAMPLE_SPLINE;/*MODPLUG_RESAMPLE_FIR*/ settings.mLoopCount = -1; /* to enable module internal loops */ ModPlug_SetSettings(&settings); if (stream) { stream->info.rate = shm->speed; stream->info.bits = shm->samplebits; stream->info.width = stream->info.bits / 8; stream->info.channels = shm->channels; } } static qboolean S_MODPLUG_CodecInitialize (void) { return true; } static void S_MODPLUG_CodecShutdown (void) { } static qboolean S_MODPLUG_CodecOpenStream (snd_stream_t *stream) { /* need to load the whole file into memory and pass it to libmodplug */ byte *moddata; long len; int mark; len = FS_filelength (&stream->fh); mark = Hunk_LowMark(); moddata = (byte *) Hunk_Alloc(len); FS_fread(moddata, 1, len, &stream->fh); S_MODPLUG_SetSettings(stream); stream->priv = ModPlug_Load(moddata, len); Hunk_FreeToLowMark(mark); /* free original file data */ if (!stream->priv) { Con_DPrintf("Could not load module %s\n", stream->name); return false; } ModPlug_Seek((ModPlugFile*)stream->priv, 0); /* default volume (128) sounds rather low? */ ModPlug_SetMasterVolume((ModPlugFile*)stream->priv, 384); /* 0-512 */ return true; } static int S_MODPLUG_CodecReadStream (snd_stream_t *stream, int bytes, void *buffer) { return ModPlug_Read((ModPlugFile*)stream->priv, buffer, bytes); } static void S_MODPLUG_CodecCloseStream (snd_stream_t *stream) { ModPlug_Unload((ModPlugFile*)stream->priv); S_CodecUtilClose(&stream); } static int S_MODPLUG_CodecJumpToOrder (snd_stream_t *stream, int to) { ModPlug_SeekOrder((ModPlugFile*)stream->priv, to); return 0; } static int S_MODPLUG_CodecRewindStream (snd_stream_t *stream) { ModPlug_Seek((ModPlugFile*)stream->priv, 0); return 0; } snd_codec_t modplug_codec = { CODECTYPE_MOD, true, /* always available. */ "s3m", S_MODPLUG_CodecInitialize, S_MODPLUG_CodecShutdown, S_MODPLUG_CodecOpenStream, S_MODPLUG_CodecReadStream, S_MODPLUG_CodecRewindStream, S_MODPLUG_CodecJumpToOrder, S_MODPLUG_CodecCloseStream, NULL }; #endif /* USE_CODEC_MODPLUG */