/* Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2002-2009 John Fitzgibbons and others Copyright (C) 2010-2014 QuakeSpasm developers This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // sv_user.c -- server code for moving users #include "quakedef.h" edict_t *sv_player; extern cvar_t sv_friction; cvar_t sv_edgefriction = {"edgefriction", "2", CVAR_NONE}; extern cvar_t sv_stopspeed; static vec3_t forward, right, up; // world float *angles; float *origin; float *velocity; qboolean onground; usercmd_t cmd; cvar_t sv_idealpitchscale = {"sv_idealpitchscale","0.8",CVAR_NONE}; cvar_t sv_altnoclip = {"sv_altnoclip","1",CVAR_ARCHIVE}; //johnfitz qboolean SV_RunThink (edict_t *ent); /* =============== SV_SetIdealPitch =============== */ #define MAX_FORWARD 6 void SV_SetIdealPitch (void) { float angleval, sinval, cosval; trace_t tr; vec3_t top, bottom; float z[MAX_FORWARD]; int i, j; int step, dir, steps; if (!((int)sv_player->v.flags & FL_ONGROUND)) return; angleval = sv_player->v.angles[YAW] * M_PI*2 / 360; sinval = sin(angleval); cosval = cos(angleval); for (i=0 ; iv.origin[0] + cosval*(i+3)*12; top[1] = sv_player->v.origin[1] + sinval*(i+3)*12; top[2] = sv_player->v.origin[2] + sv_player->v.view_ofs[2]; bottom[0] = top[0]; bottom[1] = top[1]; bottom[2] = top[2] - 160; tr = SV_Move (top, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, bottom, 1, sv_player); if (tr.allsolid) return; // looking at a wall, leave ideal the way is was if (tr.fraction == 1) return; // near a dropoff z[i] = top[2] + tr.fraction*(bottom[2]-top[2]); } dir = 0; steps = 0; for (j=1 ; j -ON_EPSILON && step < ON_EPSILON) continue; if (dir && ( step-dir > ON_EPSILON || step-dir < -ON_EPSILON ) ) return; // mixed changes steps++; dir = step; } if (!dir) { sv_player->v.idealpitch = 0; return; } if (steps < 2) return; sv_player->v.idealpitch = -dir * sv_idealpitchscale.value; } /* ================== SV_UserFriction ================== */ void SV_UserFriction (void) { float *vel; float speed, newspeed, control; vec3_t start, stop; float friction; trace_t trace; vel = velocity; speed = sqrt(vel[0]*vel[0] +vel[1]*vel[1]); if (!speed) return; // if the leading edge is over a dropoff, increase friction start[0] = stop[0] = origin[0] + vel[0]/speed*16; start[1] = stop[1] = origin[1] + vel[1]/speed*16; start[2] = origin[2] + sv_player->v.mins[2]; stop[2] = start[2] - 34; trace = SV_Move (start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, stop, true, sv_player); if (trace.fraction == 1.0) friction = sv_friction.value*sv_edgefriction.value; else friction = sv_friction.value; // apply friction control = speed < sv_stopspeed.value ? sv_stopspeed.value : speed; newspeed = speed - host_frametime*control*friction; if (newspeed < 0) newspeed = 0; newspeed /= speed; vel[0] = vel[0] * newspeed; vel[1] = vel[1] * newspeed; vel[2] = vel[2] * newspeed; } /* ============== SV_Accelerate ============== */ cvar_t sv_maxspeed = {"sv_maxspeed", "320", CVAR_NOTIFY|CVAR_SERVERINFO}; cvar_t sv_accelerate = {"sv_accelerate", "10", CVAR_NONE}; void SV_Accelerate (float wishspeed, const vec3_t wishdir) { int i; float addspeed, accelspeed, currentspeed; currentspeed = DotProduct (velocity, wishdir); addspeed = wishspeed - currentspeed; if (addspeed <= 0) return; accelspeed = sv_accelerate.value*host_frametime*wishspeed; if (accelspeed > addspeed) accelspeed = addspeed; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) velocity[i] += accelspeed*wishdir[i]; } void SV_AirAccelerate (float wishspeed, vec3_t wishveloc) { int i; float addspeed, wishspd, accelspeed, currentspeed; wishspd = VectorNormalize (wishveloc); if (wishspd > 30) wishspd = 30; currentspeed = DotProduct (velocity, wishveloc); addspeed = wishspd - currentspeed; if (addspeed <= 0) return; // accelspeed = sv_accelerate.value * host_frametime; accelspeed = sv_accelerate.value*wishspeed * host_frametime; if (accelspeed > addspeed) accelspeed = addspeed; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) velocity[i] += accelspeed*wishveloc[i]; } void DropPunchAngle (void) { float len; len = VectorNormalize (sv_player->v.punchangle); len -= 10*host_frametime; if (len < 0) len = 0; VectorScale (sv_player->v.punchangle, len, sv_player->v.punchangle); } /* =================== SV_WaterMove =================== */ void SV_WaterMove (void) { int i; vec3_t wishvel; float speed, newspeed, wishspeed, addspeed, accelspeed; // // user intentions // AngleVectors (sv_player->v.v_angle, forward, right, up); for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) wishvel[i] = forward[i]*cmd.forwardmove + right[i]*cmd.sidemove; if (sv_player->onladder) { wishvel[2] *= 1+fabs(wishvel[2]/200)*9; //exaggerate vertical movement. if (sv_player->v.button2) wishvel[2] += 400; //make jump climb (you can turn around and move off to fall) } if (!cmd.forwardmove && !cmd.sidemove && !cmd.upmove && !sv_player->onladder) wishvel[2] -= 60; // drift towards bottom else wishvel[2] += cmd.upmove; wishspeed = VectorLength(wishvel); if (wishspeed > sv_maxspeed.value) { VectorScale (wishvel, sv_maxspeed.value/wishspeed, wishvel); wishspeed = sv_maxspeed.value; } wishspeed *= 0.7; // // water friction // speed = VectorLength (velocity); if (speed) { newspeed = speed - host_frametime * speed * sv_friction.value; if (newspeed < 0) newspeed = 0; VectorScale (velocity, newspeed/speed, velocity); } else newspeed = 0; // // water acceleration // if (!wishspeed) return; addspeed = wishspeed - newspeed; if (addspeed <= 0) return; VectorNormalize (wishvel); accelspeed = sv_accelerate.value * wishspeed * host_frametime; if (accelspeed > addspeed) accelspeed = addspeed; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) velocity[i] += accelspeed * wishvel[i]; } void SV_WaterJump (void) { if (qcvm->time > sv_player->v.teleport_time || !sv_player->v.waterlevel) { sv_player->v.flags = (int)sv_player->v.flags & ~FL_WATERJUMP; sv_player->v.teleport_time = 0; } sv_player->v.velocity[0] = sv_player->v.movedir[0]; sv_player->v.velocity[1] = sv_player->v.movedir[1]; } /* =================== SV_NoclipMove -- johnfitz new, alternate noclip. old noclip is still handled in SV_AirMove =================== */ void SV_NoclipMove (void) { AngleVectors (sv_player->v.v_angle, forward, right, up); velocity[0] = forward[0]*cmd.forwardmove + right[0]*cmd.sidemove; velocity[1] = forward[1]*cmd.forwardmove + right[1]*cmd.sidemove; velocity[2] = forward[2]*cmd.forwardmove + right[2]*cmd.sidemove; velocity[2] += cmd.upmove*2; //doubled to match running speed if (VectorLength (velocity) > sv_maxspeed.value) { VectorNormalize (velocity); VectorScale (velocity, sv_maxspeed.value, velocity); } } /* =================== SV_AirMove =================== */ void SV_AirMove (void) { int i; vec3_t wishvel, wishdir; float wishspeed; float fmove, smove; AngleVectors (sv_player->v.angles, forward, right, up); fmove = cmd.forwardmove; smove = cmd.sidemove; // hack to not let you back into teleporter if (qcvm->time < sv_player->v.teleport_time && fmove < 0) fmove = 0; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) wishvel[i] = forward[i]*fmove + right[i]*smove; if ( (int)sv_player->v.movetype != MOVETYPE_WALK) wishvel[2] = cmd.upmove; else wishvel[2] = 0; VectorCopy (wishvel, wishdir); wishspeed = VectorNormalize(wishdir); if (wishspeed > sv_maxspeed.value) { VectorScale (wishvel, sv_maxspeed.value/wishspeed, wishvel); wishspeed = sv_maxspeed.value; } if ( sv_player->v.movetype == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP) { // noclip VectorCopy (wishvel, velocity); } else if ( onground ) { SV_UserFriction (); SV_Accelerate (wishspeed, wishdir); } else { // not on ground, so little effect on velocity SV_AirAccelerate (wishspeed, wishvel); } } /* =================== SV_ClientThink the move fields specify an intended velocity in pix/sec the angle fields specify an exact angular motion in degrees =================== */ void SV_ClientThink (void) { vec3_t v_angle; if (sv_player->v.movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE) return; if (qcvm->extfuncs.SV_RunClientCommand) return; //this stuff is handled on inputs. don't corrupt anything. onground = (int)sv_player->v.flags & FL_ONGROUND; origin = sv_player->v.origin; velocity = sv_player->v.velocity; DropPunchAngle (); // // if dead, behave differently // if (sv_player->v.health <= 0) return; // // angles // show 1/3 the pitch angle and all the roll angle cmd = host_client->cmd; angles = sv_player->v.angles; VectorAdd (sv_player->v.v_angle, sv_player->v.punchangle, v_angle); angles[ROLL] = V_CalcRoll (sv_player->v.angles, sv_player->v.velocity)*4; if (!sv_player->v.fixangle) { angles[PITCH] = -v_angle[PITCH]/3; angles[YAW] = v_angle[YAW]; } if ( (int)sv_player->v.flags & FL_WATERJUMP ) { SV_WaterJump (); return; } // // walk // //johnfitz -- alternate noclip if (sv_player->v.movetype == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP && sv_altnoclip.value) SV_NoclipMove (); else if ((sv_player->v.waterlevel >= 2||sv_player->onladder) && sv_player->v.movetype != MOVETYPE_NOCLIP) SV_WaterMove (); else SV_AirMove (); //johnfitz } /* =================== SV_ReadClientMove =================== */ void SV_ReadClientMove (usercmd_t *move) { int i; vec3_t angle; int buttonbits; int newimpulse; unsigned int inweapon; float curs_screen[2]; vec3_t curs_start, curs_impact; unsigned int curs_entity; eval_t *eval; qboolean drop = false; float timestamp; vec3_t movevalues; int sequence; eval_t *val; if (host_client->protocol_pext2 & PEXT2_PREDINFO) { i = (unsigned short)MSG_ReadShort(); sequence = (host_client->lastmovemessage & 0xffff0000) | (i&0xffff); //tollerance of a few old frames, so we can have redundancy for packetloss if (sequence+0x100 < host_client->lastmovemessage) sequence += 0x10000; if (sequence <= host_client->lastmovemessage) drop = true; } else sequence = 0; //read the data timestamp = MSG_ReadFloat(); for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { if (sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_NETQUAKE && !(host_client->protocol_pext2 & PEXT2_PREDINFO) && !NET_QSocketGetProQuakeAngleHack(host_client->netconnection)) angle[i] = MSG_ReadAngle (sv.protocolflags); else angle[i] = MSG_ReadAngle16 (sv.protocolflags); //johnfitz -- 16-bit angles for PROTOCOL_FITZQUAKE } movevalues[0] = MSG_ReadShort (); movevalues[1] = MSG_ReadShort (); movevalues[2] = MSG_ReadShort (); if (host_client->protocol_pext2 & PEXT2_PRYDONCURSOR) buttonbits = MSG_ReadLong(); else buttonbits = MSG_ReadByte(); newimpulse = MSG_ReadByte(); inweapon = (buttonbits & (1u<<30))?MSG_ReadLong():0; curs_screen[0] = (buttonbits & (1u<<31))?MSG_ReadShort()/32767.0:0; curs_screen[1] = (buttonbits & (1u<<31))?MSG_ReadShort()/32767.0:0; curs_start[0] = (buttonbits & (1u<<31))?MSG_ReadFloat():0; curs_start[1] = (buttonbits & (1u<<31))?MSG_ReadFloat():0; curs_start[2] = (buttonbits & (1u<<31))?MSG_ReadFloat():0; curs_impact[0] = (buttonbits & (1u<<31))?MSG_ReadFloat():0; curs_impact[1] = (buttonbits & (1u<<31))?MSG_ReadFloat():0; curs_impact[2] = (buttonbits & (1u<<31))?MSG_ReadFloat():0; curs_entity = (buttonbits & (1u<<31))?MSG_ReadEntity(host_client->protocol_pext2):0; buttonbits &= ~((1u<<30)|(1u<<31)); if (drop) return; //okay, we don't care about that then // calc ping times host_client->lastmovemessage = sequence; //so client can know which input frames still need predicting. if (!(host_client->protocol_pext2 & PEXT2_PREDINFO)) { host_client->ping_times[host_client->num_pings%NUM_PING_TIMES] = qcvm->time - timestamp; host_client->num_pings++; } //otherwise time is still useful for determining the input frame's time value // read movement VectorCopy (angle, host_client->edict->v.v_angle); move->forwardmove = movevalues[0]; move->sidemove = movevalues[1]; move->upmove = movevalues[2]; // read buttons host_client->edict->v.button0 = (buttonbits & 1)>>0; //button1 was meant to be 'use', but got reused by too many mods to get implemented now host_client->edict->v.button2 = (buttonbits & 2)>>1; if ((val = GetEdictFieldValue(host_client->edict, qcvm->extfields.button3))) val->_float = (buttonbits & 4)>>2; if ((val = GetEdictFieldValue(host_client->edict, qcvm->extfields.button4))) val->_float = (buttonbits & 8)>>3; if ((val = GetEdictFieldValue(host_client->edict, qcvm->extfields.button5))) val->_float = (buttonbits & 0x10)>>4; if ((val = GetEdictFieldValue(host_client->edict, qcvm->extfields.button6))) val->_float = (buttonbits & 0x20)>>5; if ((val = GetEdictFieldValue(host_client->edict, qcvm->extfields.button7))) val->_float = (buttonbits & 0x40)>>6; if ((val = GetEdictFieldValue(host_client->edict, qcvm->extfields.button8))) val->_float = (buttonbits & 0x80)>>7; if (newimpulse) host_client->edict->v.impulse = newimpulse; eval = GetEdictFieldValue(host_client->edict, qcvm->extfields.movement); if (eval) { eval->vector[0] = move->forwardmove; eval->vector[1] = move->sidemove; eval->vector[2] = move->upmove; } //FIXME: attempt to apply physics command now, if the mod has custom physics+csqc-prediction if (qcvm->extfuncs.SV_RunClientCommand && host_client->knowntoqc) { if (timestamp > qcvm->time) timestamp = qcvm->time; //don't let the client exceed the current time if (timestamp < qcvm->time-0.5) timestamp = qcvm->time-0.5; //don't let the client bank too much time for bursts... if (timestamp < host_client->lastmovetime) timestamp = host_client->lastmovetime; //don't let the client report times in the past (to get extra time with the next clc_move) if (qcvm->extglobals.input_timelength) *qcvm->extglobals.input_timelength = timestamp - host_client->lastmovetime; host_client->lastmovetime = timestamp; if (qcvm->extglobals.input_sequence) *qcvm->extglobals.input_sequence = sequence; if (qcvm->extglobals.input_servertime) *qcvm->extglobals.input_servertime = timestamp; if (qcvm->extglobals.input_buttons) *qcvm->extglobals.input_buttons = buttonbits; if (qcvm->extglobals.input_impulse) *qcvm->extglobals.input_impulse = newimpulse; if (qcvm->extglobals.input_movevalues) VectorCopy(movevalues, qcvm->extglobals.input_movevalues); if (qcvm->extglobals.input_angles) VectorCopy(angle, qcvm->extglobals.input_angles); if (qcvm->extglobals.input_weapon) *qcvm->extglobals.input_weapon = inweapon; if (qcvm->extglobals.input_cursor_screen) qcvm->extglobals.input_cursor_screen[0] = curs_screen[0], qcvm->extglobals.input_cursor_screen[1] = curs_screen[1]; if (qcvm->extglobals.input_cursor_trace_start) VectorCopy(curs_start, qcvm->extglobals.input_cursor_trace_start); if (qcvm->extglobals.input_cursor_trace_endpos) VectorCopy(curs_impact, qcvm->extglobals.input_cursor_trace_endpos); if (qcvm->extglobals.input_cursor_entitynumber) *qcvm->extglobals.input_cursor_entitynumber = curs_entity; pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(host_client->edict); PR_ExecuteProgram(pr_global_struct->PlayerPreThink); if (!SV_RunThink (host_client->edict)) return; //ent was removed? o.O pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(host_client->edict); PR_ExecuteProgram(qcvm->extfuncs.SV_RunClientCommand); pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(host_client->edict); PR_ExecuteProgram(pr_global_struct->PlayerPostThink); } } void SV_ReadQCRequest(void) { int e; char args[8]; const char *rname, *fname; func_t f; int i; client_t *cl = host_client; for (i = 0; ; ) { byte ev = MSG_ReadByte(); /*if (ev >= 200 && ev < 200+MAX_SPLITS) { ev -= 200; while (ev-- && cl) cl = cl->controlled; continue; }*/ if (i >= sizeof(args)-1) { if (ev != ev_void) { msg_badread = true; return; } goto done; } switch(ev) { default: args[i] = '?'; G_INT(OFS_PARM0+i*3) = MSG_ReadLong(); break; case ev_void: goto done; case ev_float: args[i] = 'f'; G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0+i*3) = MSG_ReadFloat(); break; case ev_vector: args[i] = 'v'; G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0+i*3+0) = MSG_ReadFloat(); G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0+i*3+1) = MSG_ReadFloat(); G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0+i*3+2) = MSG_ReadFloat(); break; case ev_ext_integer: args[i] = 'i'; G_INT(OFS_PARM0+i*3) = MSG_ReadLong(); break; case ev_ext_uint32: args[i] = 'u'; G_INT(OFS_PARM0+i*3) = MSG_ReadLong(); break; case ev_ext_sint64: args[i] = 'I'; G_INT64(OFS_PARM0+i*3) = MSG_ReadInt64(); break; case ev_ext_uint64: args[i] = 'U'; G_DOUBLE(OFS_PARM0+i*3) = MSG_ReadUInt64(); break; case ev_ext_double: args[i] = 'F'; G_DOUBLE(OFS_PARM0+i*3) = MSG_ReadDouble(); break; case ev_string: args[i] = 's'; G_INT(OFS_PARM0+i*3) = PR_MakeTempString(MSG_ReadString()); break; case ev_entity: args[i] = 'e'; e = MSG_ReadEntity(host_client->protocol_pext2); if (e < 0 || e >= qcvm->num_edicts) e = 0; G_INT(OFS_PARM0+i*3) = EDICT_TO_PROG(EDICT_NUM(e)); break; } i++; } done: args[i] = 0; rname = MSG_ReadString(); if (i) fname = va("CSEv_%s_%s", rname, args); else fname = va("CSEv_%s", rname); f = PR_FindExtFunction(fname); /*if (!f) { if (i) rname = va("Cmd_%s_%s", rname, args); else rname = va("Cmd_%s", rname); f = PR_FindExtFunction(rname); }*/ if (!cl) ; //bad seat! not going to warn as they might have been removed recently else if (f) { pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(cl->edict); PR_ExecuteProgram(f); } else SV_ClientPrintf("qcrequest \"%s\" not supported\n", fname); } /* =================== SV_ReadClientMessage Returns false if the client should be killed =================== */ qboolean SV_ReadClientMessage (void) { int ccmd; const char *s; MSG_BeginReading (); while (1) { if (!host_client->active) return false; // a command caused an error if (msg_badread) { Sys_Printf ("SV_ReadClientMessage: badread\n"); return false; } ccmd = MSG_ReadChar (); switch (ccmd) { case -1: return true; //msg_badread, meaning we just hit eof. default: Sys_Printf ("SV_ReadClientMessage: unknown command char\n"); return false; case clc_nop: // Sys_Printf ("clc_nop\n"); break; case clc_stringcmd: s = MSG_ReadString (); if (q_strncasecmp(s, "spawn", 5) && q_strncasecmp(s, "begin", 5) && q_strncasecmp(s, "prespawn", 8) && qcvm->extfuncs.SV_ParseClientCommand) { //the spawn/begin/prespawn are because of numerous mods that disobey the rules. //at a minimum, we must be able to join the server, so that we can see any sprints/bprints (because dprint sucks, yes there's proper ways to deal with this, but moders don't always know them). client_t *ohc = host_client; G_INT(OFS_PARM0) = PR_SetEngineString(s); pr_global_struct->time = qcvm->time; pr_global_struct->self = EDICT_TO_PROG(host_client->edict); PR_ExecuteProgram(qcvm->extfuncs.SV_ParseClientCommand); host_client = ohc; } else Cmd_ExecuteString (s, src_client); break; case clc_disconnect: // Sys_Printf ("SV_ReadClientMessage: client disconnected\n"); return false; case clc_move: if (!host_client->spawned) return true; //this is to suck up any stale moves on map changes, so we don't get confused (quite so easily) when protocols are changed between maps SV_ReadClientMove (&host_client->cmd); break; case clcdp_ackframe: SVFTE_Ack(host_client, MSG_ReadLong()); break; case clcdp_ackdownloaddata: Host_DownloadAck(host_client); break; case clcfte_qcrequest: SV_ReadQCRequest(); break; case clcfte_voicechat: SV_VoiceReadPacket(host_client); break; } } return true; } /* ================== SV_RunClients ================== */ void SV_RunClients (void) { int i; //receive from clients first //Spike -- reworked this to query the network code for an active connection. //this allows the network code to serve multiple clients with the same listening port. //this solves server-side nats, which is important for coop etc. while(1) { struct qsocket_s *sock = NET_GetServerMessage(); if (!sock) break; //no more this frame for (i=0, host_client = svs.clients ; inetconnection == sock) { sv_player = host_client->edict; if (!SV_ReadClientMessage ()) { SV_DropClient (false); // client misbehaved... break; } } } } //then do the per-frame stuff for (i=0, host_client = svs.clients ; iactive) continue; sv_player = host_client->edict; if (!host_client->spawned) { // clear client movement until a new packet is received memset (&host_client->cmd, 0, sizeof(host_client->cmd)); continue; } if (!host_client->netconnection) { //botclients can't receive packets. don't even try. //not sure where to put this code, but here seems sane enough. //fill in the user's desired stuff according to a few things. eval_t *ev = GetEdictFieldValue(host_client->edict, qcvm->extfields.movement); if (ev) //.movement normally works the other way around. oh well. { host_client->cmd.forwardmove = ev->vector[0]; host_client->cmd.sidemove = ev->vector[1]; host_client->cmd.upmove = ev->vector[2]; } host_client->cmd.viewangles[0] = host_client->edict->v.v_angle[0]; host_client->cmd.viewangles[1] = host_client->edict->v.v_angle[1]; host_client->cmd.viewangles[2] = host_client->edict->v.v_angle[2]; } // always pause in single player if in console or menus if (!sv.paused && (svs.maxclients > 1 || key_dest == key_game) ) SV_ClientThink (); } }