QuakeSpasm <toc> <verb></verb> QuakeSpasm 0.85.6 (02 January 2012) <sect> About <p> QuakeSpasm is a Quake 1 engine based on the SDL port of FitzQuake. It includes 64bit CPU support, a new sound driver, several networking fixes and a few graphical niceities. <url url="http://quakespasm.sourceforge.net"> <sect> Downloads <p> <itemize> <item><url url="http://quakespasm.sourceforge.net/download.htm"> </itemize> <sect> Hints <p> <em> Visit the <url url="http://www.celephais.net/fitzquake" name="FitzQuake Homepage"> for a full run-down of the engine's commands and variables.</em> <itemize> <item>To disable some changes, use "<bf>quakespasm -fitz</bf>" <item>For different sound drivers use "<bf>SDL_AUDIODRIVER=</bf><em>DRIVER</em><bf> ./quakespasm</bf>" , where DRIVER may be alsa, dsp, pulse, esd ... <item><bf>Shift+Escape</bf> draws the Console. <item>From the console, use <bf>UP</bf> to browse the command line history and <bf>TAB</bf> to autocomplete command and map names. <item>There is currently no CD Music volume support. cd_sdl.c needs replacing with cd_linux.c, cd_bsd.c etc.. <item>In windows, alternative CD drives are accessible by "<bf>quakespasm -cddev F</bf>" (for example) <item>Quakespasm allows loading new games (mods) on the fly with "<bf>game</bf> <em>GAMENAME</em>" </itemize> </p> <sect1>Music Playback<p> Since version 0.85.4, Quakespasm can play back external MP3, OGG and Wave music files. <itemize> <item>Tracks should be named like "track02.ogg", "track03.ogg" ... (there is no track01) and placed into "Quake/id1/music". <item>Unix users may need some extra libraries installed: "libmad" or "libmpg123" for MP3, and "libogg" and "libvorbis" for OGG. <item>To prevent tracks from being downsampled, use the "-sndspeed" option to set a sufficiently high sample rate. <item>Use the "-noextmusic" option to disable this feature. <item>See README.music for more details, if necessary. </itemize> <sect> Compiling <p> <p>To check-out the latest version of QuakeSpasm, use : <newline> <em>svn co https://quakespasm.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/quakespasm/trunk</em></p> <sect1> Linux/Unix <p> After extracting the source tarball, browse the Makefile and edit the music streaming options, then <code> make cp quakespasm /usr/local/games/quake (for example) </code> <newline> Compile time options include <itemize> <item><bf>make DEBUG=1</bf> for debugging <item><bf>make SDL_CONFIG=</bf><em>/PATH/TO/SDL-CONFIG</em> for unusual SDL installations </itemize> <p>Streaming music playback requires "libmad" or "libmpg123" for MP3, and "libogg" and "libvorbis" for OGG files. <p>HOME directory support can be enabled via <bf>Misc/homedir_0.patch</bf> <p>The project can also be built with Codeblocks (project files included).</p> <sect1> Windows <p> The QuakeSpasm developers cross-compile windows binaries using <url url="http://www.mingw.org" name="MinGW"> and <url url="http://mingw-w64.sf.net" name="Mingw-w64">. The project can also be built using Visual Studio 2005 (or newer).</p> <sect1> Mac OS X <p> A Quakespasm App (including program launcher and update framework) can be made using the <bf>Xcode</bf> template found in the MacOSX directory. Alternatively, have a look at <bf>Makefile.darwin</bf> for more instructions on building from a console. </p> <sect> Changes<p> <sect1> Changes in 0.85.6<p> <itemize> <item> More work for string buffer safety <item> Reverted v0.85.5 change of not allowing deathmatch and coop cvars to be set at the same time (was reported for possibility of causing compatibility issues with mods) <item> Several cleanups/changes in the cvar layer <item> Minor SDL video fixes. </itemize> </p> <sect1> Changes in 0.85.5<p> <itemize> <item> SDL input driver updated adding native keymap and dead key support to the console <item> Fixed a crash in net play in maps with extended limits <item> Verified successful compilation using gcc-4.6.x <item> Added workaround against GL texture flicker (z fighting), controlled by new cvar 'gl_zfix' <item> Read video variables early so that a vid_restart isn't necessary after init <item> mlook and lookspring fixes <item> Added support for loading external entity files, controlled by new cvar 'external_ents' <item> Made mp3 playback to allocate system memory instead of zone <item> Some updates to the progs interpreter code <item> Fixed r_nolerp_list parsing code of fitzquake <item> Made sure that deathmatch and coop are not set at the same time <item> Several code updates from uHexen2 project, several code cleanups. </itemize> </p> <sect1> Changes in 0.85.4<p> <itemize> <item> Implement music (OGG, MP3, WAV) playback <item> A better fix for the infamous SV_TouchLinks problem, no more hard lockups with maps such as "whiteroom" <item> Add support for mouse buttons 4 and 5 <item> Fix the "unalias" console command <item> Restore the "screen size" menu item <item> Fixed an erroneous protocol check in the server code <item> Raised the default zone memory size to 384 kb <item> Raised the default max_edicts from 1024 to 2048 <item> Revised lit file loading, the lit file must be from the same game directory as the map itself or from a searchpath with a higher priority <item> Fixed rest of the compiler warnings <item> Other minor sound and cdaudio updates </itemize> </p> <sect1> Changes in 0.85.3<p> <itemize> <item> Fix the "-dedicated" option (thanks Oz) and add platform specific networking code (default) rather than SDL_net <item> Much needed OSX framework stuff from Kristian <item> Add a persistent history feature (thanks Baker) <item> Add a slider for scr_sbaralpha, which now defaults to 0.95 (slightly transparent, allowing for a nicer status bar) <item> Allow player messages longer than 32 characters <item> Sockaddr fix for FreeBSD/OSX/etc networking <item> Connect status bar size to the scale slider <item> Include an ISNAN (is not-a-number) fix to catch the occassional quake C bug giving traceline problems <item> Enumerate options menus <item> Add a "prev weapon" menu item (from Sander) <item> Small fix to Sound Block/Unblock on win32 <item> Lots of code fixes (some from uhexen2) <item> Sys_Error calls Host_Shutdown <item> Added MS Visual Studio support <item> Add a "-cd" option to let the CD Player work in dedicated mode, and some other CD tweaks. </itemize> <sect1> Changes in 0.85.2<p> <itemize> <item> Replace the old "Screen size" slider with a "Scale" slider <item> Don't constantly open and close condebug log <item> Heap of C clean-ups <item> Fix mapname sorting <item> Alias the "mods" command to "games" <item> Block/Unblock sound upon focus loss/gain <item> NAT fix (networking protocol fix) <item> SDLNet_ResolveHost bug-fix allowing connection to ports other than 26000 <item> Bumped array size of sv_main.c::localmodels from 5 to 6 fixing an old fitzquake-0.85 bug which used to cause segfaults depending on the compiler. <item> Accept commandline options like "+connect ip:port" <item> Add OSX Makefile (tested?) </itemize> <sect1> Changes in 0.85.1<p> <itemize> <item>64 bit CPU support <item>Restructured SDL sound driver <item>Custom conback <item>Tweaked the command line completion and added a map/changelevel autocompletion function <item>Alt+Enter toggles fullscreen <item>Disable Draw_BeginDisc which causes core dumps when called excessively <item>Show helpful info on start-up <item>Include real map name (sv.name) and skill in the status bar <item>Remove confirm quit dialog <item>Don't spam the console with PackFile seek requests <item>Default to window mode <item>Withdraw console when playing demos <item>Don't play demos on program init <item>Default Heapsize is 64meg <item>Changes to default console alpha, speed <item>Changes to cvar persistence gl_flashblend (default 0), r_shadow, r_wateralpha, r_dynamic, r_novis </itemize> <sect> Todo <p> <itemize> <item>Add uHexen2's first person camera (and menu item) <item>Native CD audio support (if desired). cd_sdl.c doesn't have proper volume controls <item>Test usb keyboards. Do the keypads work? Make the OSX apple key work. <item>Complete the unix user directories support </itemize> <sect> Links <p> <itemize> <item><url url="http://quakespasm.sourceforge.net" name="QuakeSpasm Homepage"> <item><url url="http://sourceforge.net/projects/quakespasm" name="QuakeSpasm Project page"> <item><url url="http://www.celephais.net/fitzquake" name="FitzQuake Homepage"> <item><url url="http://www.kristianduske.com/fitzquake" name="Sleepwalkr's Original SDL Port"> <item><url name="Baker's 0.85 Source Code" url="http://quakeone.com/proquake/src_other/fitzquake_sdl_20090510_src_beta_1.zip"> <item><url url="http://www.celephais.net/board/view_thread.php?id=60452" name="Func Quakespasm forum"> <item><url url="http://www.celephais.net/board/view_thread.php?id=60172" name="Func SDL Fitzquake forum"> <item><url url="mailto:gmail - dot - com - username - sezeroz" name="Ozkan's email"> <item><url url="mailto:yahoo - dot - com - username - stevenaaus" name="Stevenaaus email"> <item><url url="mailto:gmail - dot - com - username - inveigle" name="Kristian's email"> </itemize> </article>