/* cd_sdl.c Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. Taken from the Twilight project with modifications to make it work with Hexen II: Hammer of Thyrion. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #if defined(SDL_FRAMEWORK) || defined(NO_SDL_CONFIG) #if defined(USE_SDL2) #include #else #include #endif #else #include "SDL.h" #endif #ifndef SDL_INIT_CDROM /* SDL dropped support for cd audio since v1.3.0 */ #pragma message ( "SDL CDAudio support disabled" ) #include "cd_null.c" #else /* SDL_INIT_CDROM */ #include "quakedef.h" static qboolean cdValid = false; static qboolean playing = false; static qboolean wasPlaying = false; static qboolean enabled = true; static qboolean playLooping = false; static byte remap[100]; static byte playTrack; static double endOfTrack = -1.0, pausetime = -1.0; static SDL_CD *cd_handle; static int cd_dev = -1; static float old_cdvolume; static qboolean hw_vol_works = true; static void CDAudio_Eject(void) { if (!cd_handle || !enabled) return; if (SDL_CDEject(cd_handle) == -1) Con_Printf ("Unable to eject CD-ROM: %s\n", SDL_GetError ()); } static int CDAudio_GetAudioDiskInfo(void) { cdValid = false; if (!cd_handle) return -1; if ( ! CD_INDRIVE(SDL_CDStatus(cd_handle)) ) return -1; cdValid = true; return 0; } int CDAudio_Play(byte track, qboolean looping) { int len_m, len_s, len_f; if (!cd_handle || !enabled) return -1; if (!cdValid) { CDAudio_GetAudioDiskInfo(); if (!cdValid) return -1; } track = remap[track]; if (track < 1 || track > cd_handle->numtracks) { Con_Printf ("CDAudio_Play: Bad track number %d.\n", track); return -1; } if (cd_handle->track[track-1].type == SDL_DATA_TRACK) { Con_Printf ("CDAudio_Play: track %d is not audio\n", track); return -1; } if (playing) { if (playTrack == track) return 0; CDAudio_Stop(); } if (SDL_CDPlay(cd_handle, cd_handle->track[track-1].offset, cd_handle->track[track-1].length) == -1) { Con_Printf ("CDAudio_Play: Unable to play track %d: %s\n", track, SDL_GetError ()); return -1; } playLooping = looping; playTrack = track; playing = true; FRAMES_TO_MSF(cd_handle->track[track-1].length, &len_m, &len_s, &len_f); endOfTrack = realtime + ((double)len_m * 60.0) + (double)len_s + (double)len_f / (double)CD_FPS; /* Add the pregap for the next track. This means that disc-at-once CDs * won't loop smoothly, but they wouldn't anyway so it doesn't really * matter. SDL doesn't give us pregap information anyway, so you'll * just have to live with it. */ endOfTrack += 2.0; pausetime = -1.0; if (bgmvolume.value == 0) /* don't bother advancing */ CDAudio_Pause (); return 0; } void CDAudio_Stop(void) { if (!cd_handle || !enabled) return; if (!playing) return; if (SDL_CDStop(cd_handle) == -1) Con_Printf ("CDAudio_Stop: Unable to stop CD-ROM (%s)\n", SDL_GetError()); wasPlaying = false; playing = false; pausetime = -1.0; endOfTrack = -1.0; } void CDAudio_Pause(void) { if (!cd_handle || !enabled) return; if (!playing) return; if (SDL_CDPause(cd_handle) == -1) Con_Printf ("Unable to pause CD-ROM: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); wasPlaying = playing; playing = false; pausetime = realtime; } void CDAudio_Resume(void) { if (!cd_handle || !enabled) return; if (!cdValid) return; if (!wasPlaying) return; if (SDL_CDResume(cd_handle) == -1) Con_Printf ("Unable to resume CD-ROM: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); playing = true; endOfTrack += realtime - pausetime; pausetime = -1.0; } static void CD_f (void) { const char *command; int ret, n; if (Cmd_Argc() < 2) { Con_Printf("commands:"); Con_Printf("on, off, reset, remap, \n"); Con_Printf("play, stop, loop, pause, resume\n"); Con_Printf("eject, info\n"); return; } command = Cmd_Argv (1); if (q_strcasecmp(command, "on") == 0) { enabled = true; return; } if (q_strcasecmp(command, "off") == 0) { if (playing) CDAudio_Stop(); enabled = false; return; } if (q_strcasecmp(command, "reset") == 0) { enabled = true; if (playing) CDAudio_Stop(); for (n = 0; n < 100; n++) remap[n] = n; CDAudio_GetAudioDiskInfo(); return; } if (q_strcasecmp(command, "remap") == 0) { ret = Cmd_Argc() - 2; if (ret <= 0) { for (n = 1; n < 100; n++) if (remap[n] != n) Con_Printf(" %u -> %u\n", n, remap[n]); return; } for (n = 1; n <= ret; n++) remap[n] = atoi(Cmd_Argv (n + 1)); return; } if (!cdValid) { CDAudio_GetAudioDiskInfo(); if (!cdValid) { Con_Printf("No CD in player.\n"); return; } } if (q_strcasecmp(command, "play") == 0) { CDAudio_Play((byte)atoi(Cmd_Argv (2)), false); return; } if (q_strcasecmp(command, "loop") == 0) { CDAudio_Play((byte)atoi(Cmd_Argv (2)), true); return; } if (q_strcasecmp(command, "stop") == 0) { CDAudio_Stop(); return; } if (q_strcasecmp(command, "pause") == 0) { CDAudio_Pause(); return; } if (q_strcasecmp(command, "resume") == 0) { CDAudio_Resume(); return; } if (q_strcasecmp(command, "eject") == 0) { if (playing) CDAudio_Stop(); CDAudio_Eject(); cdValid = false; return; } if (q_strcasecmp(command, "info") == 0) { int current_min, current_sec, current_frame; int length_min, length_sec, length_frame; Con_Printf ("%u tracks\n", cd_handle->numtracks); if (playing) Con_Printf("Currently %s track %u\n", playLooping ? "looping" : "playing", playTrack); else if (wasPlaying) Con_Printf("Paused %s track %u\n", playLooping ? "looping" : "playing", playTrack); if (playing || wasPlaying) { SDL_CDStatus(cd_handle); FRAMES_TO_MSF(cd_handle->cur_frame, ¤t_min, ¤t_sec, ¤t_frame); FRAMES_TO_MSF(cd_handle->track[playTrack-1].length, &length_min, &length_sec, &length_frame); Con_Printf ("Current position: %d:%02d.%02d (of %d:%02d.%02d)\n", current_min, current_sec, current_frame * 60 / CD_FPS, length_min, length_sec, length_frame * 60 / CD_FPS); } Con_Printf("Volume is %f\n", bgmvolume.value); return; } } static qboolean CD_GetVolume (void *unused) { /* FIXME: write proper code in here when SDL supports cdrom volume control some day. */ return false; } static qboolean CD_SetVolume (void *unused) { /* FIXME: write proper code in here when SDL supports cdrom volume control some day. */ return false; } static qboolean CDAudio_SetVolume (float value) { if (!cd_handle || !enabled) return false; old_cdvolume = value; if (value == 0.0f) CDAudio_Pause (); else CDAudio_Resume(); if (!hw_vol_works) { return false; } else { /* FIXME: write proper code in here when SDL supports cdrom volume control some day. */ return CD_SetVolume (NULL); } } void CDAudio_Update(void) { CDstatus curstat; /* static double lastchk;*/ if (!cd_handle || !enabled) return; if (old_cdvolume != bgmvolume.value) CDAudio_SetVolume (bgmvolume.value); /* if (playing && realtime > lastchk)*/ if (playing && realtime > endOfTrack) { /* lastchk = realtime + 2;*/ /* two seconds between chks */ curstat = SDL_CDStatus(cd_handle); if (curstat != CD_PLAYING && curstat != CD_PAUSED) { playing = false; endOfTrack = -1.0; if (playLooping) CDAudio_Play(playTrack, true); } } } static const char *get_cddev_arg (const char *arg) { #if defined(_WIN32) /* arg should be like "D:\", make sure it is so, * but tolerate args like "D" or "D:", as well. */ static char drive[4]; if (!arg || ! *arg) return NULL; if (arg[1] != '\0') { if (arg[1] != ':') return NULL; if (arg[2] != '\0') { if (arg[2] != '\\' && arg[2] != '/') return NULL; if (arg[3] != '\0') return NULL; } } if (*arg >= 'A' && *arg <= 'Z') { drive[0] = *arg; drive[1] = ':'; drive[2] = '\\'; drive[3] = '\0'; return drive; } else if (*arg >= 'a' && *arg <= 'z') { /* make it uppercase for SDL */ drive[0] = *arg - ('a' - 'A'); drive[1] = ':'; drive[2] = '\\'; drive[3] = '\0'; return drive; } return NULL; #else if (!arg || ! *arg) return NULL; return arg; #endif } static void export_cddev_arg (void) { /* Bad ugly hack to workaround SDL's cdrom device detection. * not needed for windows due to the way SDL_cdrom works. */ #if !defined(_WIN32) int i = COM_CheckParm("-cddev"); if (i != 0 && i < com_argc - 1 && com_argv[i+1][0] != '\0') { static char arg[64]; q_snprintf(arg, sizeof(arg), "SDL_CDROM=%s", com_argv[i+1]); putenv(arg); } #endif } int CDAudio_Init(void) { int i, sdl_num_drives; if (safemode || COM_CheckParm("-nocdaudio")) return -1; export_cddev_arg(); if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_CDROM) == -1) { Con_Printf("Couldn't init SDL cdrom: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return -1; } sdl_num_drives = SDL_CDNumDrives (); Con_Printf ("SDL detected %d CD-ROM drive%c\n", sdl_num_drives, sdl_num_drives == 1 ? ' ' : 's'); if (sdl_num_drives < 1) return -1; if ((i = COM_CheckParm("-cddev")) != 0 && i < com_argc - 1) { const char *userdev = get_cddev_arg(com_argv[i+1]); if (!userdev) { Con_Printf("Invalid argument to -cddev\n"); return -1; } for (i = 0; i < sdl_num_drives; i++) { if (!q_strcasecmp(SDL_CDName(i), userdev)) { cd_dev = i; break; } } if (cd_dev == -1) { Con_Printf("SDL couldn't find cdrom device %s\n", userdev); return -1; } } if (cd_dev == -1) cd_dev = 0; /* default drive */ cd_handle = SDL_CDOpen(cd_dev); if (!cd_handle) { Con_Printf ("CDAudio_Init: Unable to open CD-ROM drive %s (%s)\n", SDL_CDName(cd_dev), SDL_GetError()); return -1; } for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) remap[i] = i; enabled = true; old_cdvolume = bgmvolume.value; Con_Printf("CDAudio initialized (SDL, using %s)\n", SDL_CDName(cd_dev)); if (CDAudio_GetAudioDiskInfo()) { Con_Printf("CDAudio_Init: No CD in drive\n"); cdValid = false; } Cmd_AddCommand ("cd", CD_f); hw_vol_works = CD_GetVolume (NULL); /* no SDL support at present. */ if (hw_vol_works) hw_vol_works = CDAudio_SetVolume (bgmvolume.value); return 0; } void CDAudio_Shutdown(void) { if (!cd_handle) return; CDAudio_Stop(); if (hw_vol_works) CD_SetVolume (NULL); /* no SDL support at present. */ SDL_CDClose(cd_handle); cd_handle = NULL; cd_dev = -1; SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_CDROM); } #endif /* SDL_INIT_CDROM */