//desc:Haze Particle Set if $developer>0 then echo "Haze Particles Initialized (Nov 2015)" r_bouncysparks 1 r_grenadetrail 1 r_rockettrail 1 r_part_sparks_trifan 1 r_part_rain 1 sv_nailhack 1 cl_muzzleflash 1 r_effect "progs/lavapool.mdl" tex_*lava1 r_effect "progs/flame2.mdl" cu_flame 1 r_effect "progs/flame.mdl" cu_torch 0 r_effect "progs/s_explod.spr" pyroflame11 1 r_trail "progs/s_explod.spr" pyroflame1 1 r_effect "progs/s_expl.spr" pyroflame11 1 r_trail "progs/s_expl.spr" pyroflame1 1 r_effect "progs/s_light.mdl" sham_lightning1 0 r_effect "progs/v_spike.mdl" tr_vorelight r_effect "progs/quaddama.mdl" te_quad_lite r_trail "progs/quaddama.mdl" te_quad2 r_effect "progs/invulner.mdl" te_pent_lite r_trail "progs/invulner.mdl" te_pent2 r_trail "progs/spike.mdl" nailtrail r_trail "progs/s_spike.mdl" nailtrail //r_trail "progs/v_spike.mdl" te_tracer3 r_trail "progs/laser.mdl" tr_enforcerlaser r_trail "progs/v_spike.mdl" tr_vorespike r_trail "progs/s_light.mdl" sham_lightning2 0 r_trail "progs/beam.mdl" te_railtrail 0 r_effect "progs/beam.mdl" te_raillight 0 r_trail "progs/beam2.mdl" te_railtrail 0 r_effect "progs/beam2.mdl" te_raillight 0 r_trail "progs/e_spike1.mdl" te_railtrail 0 r_effect "progs/e_spike1.mdl" te_raillight 0 r_trail "progs/e_spike2.mdl" te_railtrail 0 r_effect "progs/e_spike2.mdl" te_raillight 0 r_trail "progs/proxgren.mdl" proxygren1 r_effect "progs/proxgren.mdl" proxygren2 r_trail "progs/w_proxgren.mdl" proxygren1 r_effect "progs/w_proxgren.mdl" proxygren2 r_effect "progs/s_ablast.spr" ctf_airblast_0 1 r_trail "progs/s_ablast.spr" ctf_airblast_1 1 r_effect "progs/sm2.spr" ctf_smokescreen_0 1 r_trail "progs/sm2.spr" ctf_smokescreen_1 1 r_trail "progs/lasrspik.mdl" ctf_lasercannon r_effect "progs/s_bubble.spr" gunbubble2 1 r_part te_pent { texture "particles/flame" count 64 scale 40 scalerand 15 scalefactor 1 scaledelta -15 alpha 0 die 2 randomvel 4 12 veladd 5 rgb 222 11 5 #rgbdelta 0 -11 -5 blend modulate spawnorg 10 5 spawnmode box spawnvel 6 0 up 15 #assoc cu_torchbits rampmode delta ramp -444 -4 -2 -0.7 ramp -222 -4 -2 0.4 ramp -222 -4 -2 0.3 } r_part +te_pent { texture "ball" type texturedspark count 25 scale 0.3 scalerand 0.3 scalefactor 1 veladd 11 randomvel 30 spawnorg 5 5 spawnvel 5 40 alpha 0.7 die 1.2 diesubrand 0.2 rgb 11 1 1 gravity 50 blend modulate cliptype bloodsplat_small_dark clipcount 1 } r_part te_pent2 { texture "" step 1 veladd 10 up 30 spawnorg 20 20 spawnmode ball alpha 0 #rgb 64 64 255 die 0 } r_part te_quad { texture "particles/menudot6.png" scale 10 scaledelta 300 count 0.5 veladd 0 up 20 gravity 0 spawnmode ball spawnorg 2 2 spawnvel 0 alpha 0.1 rgb 64 64 255 die 2 rotationstart 227 scalefactor 1 } r_part +te_quad { texture "particles/menudot6.png" scale 3 scalerand 2 count 30 veladd 0 up 20 gravity 0 spawnmode ball spawnorg 40 40 spawnvel -30 -30 randomvel -5 -5 alpha 0.5 rgb 64 64 255 rgbrandsync 20 20 20 die 1.5 diesubrand 0.3 #rotationstart 227 scalefactor 1 } r_part +te_quad { texture "particles/zing1.png" #type texturedspark scale 30 scalerand 10 scaledelta 200 count 10 veladd 0 up 20 gravity 0 spawnmode ball spawnorg 10 10 spawnvel 0 alpha 0.1 alphadelta -0.3 rgb 128 128 255 rgbrandsync 128 die 0.3 diesubrand 0.1 #rotationstart 227 //227 scalefactor 1 cliptype "" clipcount 0 #rampmode delta #ramp 0 0 0 0.3 #ramp 0 0 0 -0.1 #ramp 0 0 0 -0.1 } r_part te_quad_sparkfan { texture "" type sparkfan scale 200 scale delta 400 count 20 veladd 0 up 20 gravity 0 spawnmode ball spawnorg 20 20 spawnvel 400 alpha 0.1 rgb 128 128 255 rgbrandsync 128 die 0.3 #diesubrand 0.2 #rotationstart 227 scalefactor 1 cliptype "" clipcount 0 rampmode delta ramp 0 0 0 -1 ramp 0 0 0 1 ramp 0 0 0 1 } r_part te_quad2 { texture "" step 1 veladd 10 up 30 spawnorg 20 20 spawnmode ball alpha 0 rgb 64 64 255 die 0 } r_part TE_MUZZLEFLASHx { texture "particles/gunflash.PNG" count 1 scale 15 scalefactor 1 stretchfactor 10 alpha 1 alphadelta -20 scaledelta -20 die 0.05 up 15 rgb 255 128 76 blend add friction 10 veladd 300 lighttime 0.1 lightshadows 1 lightradius 155 lightrgb 1 1 1 } //hazed telporter effect r_part tex_*teleport { texture "" scale 15 count 11 alpha 0 die 6 diesubrand 1 randomvel 1 veladd 1 rgb 222 255 222 gravity 0 blend merge scalefactor 1 spawnorg 5 5 emit teletrifan emitinterval 0.2 rampmode delta ramp 0 0 0 -0.05 0 ramp 0 0 0 -0.05 0 ramp 0 0 0 0.05 0 ramp 0 0 0 0.05 0 ramp 0 0 0 0.1 0 } r_part teletrifan { texture "particles/generic.png" alpha 0 count 1 scale 1 scalerand 0.5 scalefactor 1 die 0.5 rgb 255 214 170 gravity 0 randomvel 0 rampmode delta ramp 0 0 0 -1.5 ramp 0 0 0 1 spawnvel -10 spawnorg 40 } //hazed teleport splash r_part te_teleport //splash { count 64 spawnmode ball spawnorg 20 50 texture "particles/generic.png" blend add die 0.7 diesubrand 0.1 friction 2 gravity 0 addvel 10 scale 50 scalerand 25 scaledelta -25 alpha 0.2 alphadelta -0.3 randomvel 46 rgb 255 255 255 scalefactor 1 lighttime 0.1 lightradiusfade 150 lightshadows 1 lightradius 300 lightrgb 1 1 1 } r_part +te_teleport //little particles { count 64 spawnmode ball spawnorg 20 50 texture "particles/generic.png" blend add die 0.7 friction 0 gravity 0 veladd 11 scale 1 alpha 0.6 randomvel 64 rgb 255 255 255 scalefactor 1 } r_part +te_teleport //big fans { texture "" type sparkfan spawnmode ball spawnorg 2 2 count 10 alpha 0.2 die 0.2 diesubrand 0 randomvel 400 veladd 200 rgb 255 255 255 gravity 0 blend add scalefactor 1 scale 111 cliptype nothing clipcount 1 } //hazed rocket trail r_part t_rocket { texture "particles/rfire" count 1 scale 10 alpha 0.2 die 0.2 randomvel 0 veladd 0 rgb 255 192 128 rgbdelta 28 -600 -600 blend add gravity 0 scalefactor 1 scaledelta -10 inwater bubbletrail1 } r_part +t_rocket { texture "particles/smoke.tga" count 1 scale 12 scalerand 6 scaledelta 50 alpha 0.3 die 0.8 diesubrand 0.2 randomvel 1 veladd 0 rgb 255 50 10 rgbdelta -400 -100 -30 gravity -10 scalefactor 1 inwater bubbletrail1 } r_part +t_rocket { texture "particles/rtrail" count 1 scale 8 scalefactor 1 scaledelta 30 alpha 0.3 die 0.7 diesubrand 0.2 randomvel 11 veladd 0 rgb 60 10 4 rgbdelta -80 -16 -8 gravity -10 blend modulate spawnmode spiral spawnparam1 360 spawnvel 6 spawnorg 2 2 inwater bubbletrail1 } r_part +t_rocket { texture "particles/rtrail" count 1 scale 8 scalefactor 1 scaledelta 30 alpha 0.3 die 0.7 diesubrand 0.2 randomvel 11 veladd 0 #rgb 5 5 5 rgb 60 10 4 rgbdelta -80 -16 -8 gravity -10 blend modulate spawnmode spiral spawnparam1 240 spawnvel 6 spawnorg 2 2 inwater bubbletrail1 } r_part +t_rocket { texture "particles/rtrail" count 1 scale 3 scalefactor 1 scaledelta 30 alpha 0.3 die 0.7 diesubrand 0.2 randomvel 11 veladd 0 rgb 255 192 128 rgbdelta -655 -755 -755 gravity -10 blend modulate spawnmode spiral spawnparam1 120 spawnvel 6 spawnorg 1 1 inwater bubbletrail1 } r_part bubbletrail1 { texture "particles/rfire" count 1 scale 5 alpha 1 die 0.1 randomvel 0 veladd 0 rgb 255 192 128 rgbdelta 28 -800 -800 blend add #assoc bubbletrail2 gravity 0 scalefactor 1 scaledelta -10 } r_part +bubbletrail1 { texture "particles/bubble.png" count 0.5 scale 1 scalerand 22 scaledelta -10 alpha 0.6 die 1.2 diesubrand 0.4 blend add veladd 130 randomvel 40 spawnorg 3 3 spawnvel 3 3 friction 0.3 rgb 255 255 255 gravity -100 scalefactor 1 } //hazed explosions r_part te_explosion { type decal texture "particles/blood3.tga" count 1 scale 65 scalerand 35 alpha 0.8 die 20 inwater expbubble1 } r_part +te_explosion { texture "particles/exp.tga" count 15 scale 111 scalefactor 1 scalerand 22 alpha 0.6 die 0.5 diesubrand 0.2 randomvel 88 rgb 1 1 1 rgbdelta 510 256 152 friction 0 blend merge #modulate spawnmode ball emit zz_explosion emitinterval 2 inwater expbubble1 lighttime 0.1 lightradiusfade 150 lightshadows 1 lightradius 300 lightrgb 1 1 1 rampmode delta ramp 0 0 0 0.1 ramp 510 256 152 0.5 ramp -300 -152 -60 0.3 } r_part +te_explosion { texture "particles/exp.tga" count 5 scale 111 scalefactor 1 die 2 randomvel -33 veladd 0 gravity -44 friction 1 spawnmode circle diesubrand 0.3 alpha 1 rgb 1 1 1 rgbdelta 4 4 4 rgbrand 1 1 1 inwater expbubble } r_part +te_explosion //ember { count 50 texture "particles/fireline4g.tga" rgb 255 125 68 alpha 0.5 scalerand 22 scale 55 scalefactor 1 friction 0 gravity -55 diesubrand 0.2 die 0.5 blend add randomvel -77 spawnmode ball inwater expbubble } r_part ember { count 1 spawnmode ball spawnorg 10 #spawnvel 10 texture "" type texturedspark scale 1 rgb 255 128 76 gravity 200 die 0.6 disubrand 0.3 up 5 alpha 0.5 blend add randomvel 10 veladd 1 cliptype randomspark clipcount 1 inwater expbubble } r_part zz_explosion { texture "particles/flame.tga" count 2 scale 7 scalefactor 1 scalerand 0.5 veladd 5 randomvel -133 alpha 0.7 die 0.4 diesubrand 0.1 rgb 255 200 200 friction 0 gravity 222 blend add emit ember emitinterval 1 inwater expbubble } r_part ember2 { count 1 texture "particles/flame.tga" rgb 255 128 76 rgbdelta 255 255 255 blend modulate alpha 0.7 scale 7 scalefactor 1 scalerand 0.5 die 0.4 diesubrand 0.1 blend add randomvel 111 #rampmode delta #ramp 0 0 0 1 inwater expbubble } r_part randomspark { count 1 texture "" scale 0 rgb 255 128 76 alpha 1 gravity 200 spawnmode ball die 1 blend add randomvel 111 veladd 0 inwater expbubble } r_part expbubble { texture "particles/bubble.png" count 5 scale 1 scalerand 6 alpha 1 die 1.5 diesubrand 0.4 blend add veladd 0 randomvel 20 spawnorg 3 3 spawnvel 3 3 rgb 255 255 255 gravity -150 scalefactor 1 } r_part expbubble1 { texture "particles/bubble.png" count 22 scale 10 scalerand 20 scalechange -20 alpha 1 die 1.1 diesubrand 0.4 blend add veladd 0 randomvel 0 spawnorg 10 0 spawnvel 10 -50 rgb 255 255 255 gravity -205 scalefactor 1 assoc expbubble2 emit zz_explosionbubble emitinterval 2 } r_part expbubble2 { texture "particles/bubble.png" count 5 scale 1 scalerand 6 alpha 1 die 1.5 diesubrand 0.4 blend add veladd 0 randomvel 20 spawnorg 3 3 spawnvel 3 3 rgb 255 255 255 gravity -150 scalefactor 1 assoc expbubble3 } r_part expbubble3 { texture "particles/generic.png" count 5 scale 96 scalefactor 1 spawnorg 20 20 alpha 0.4 die 0.7 diesubrand 0.2 randomvel 23 rgb 255 128 76 rgbdelta -255 -128 -76 blend add spawnmode ball } r_part zz_explosionbubble { texture "particles/fireline4g.tga" count 2 scale 1 scalefactor 1 scalerand 1 veladd 0 randomvel -500 alpha 1 die 0.1 diesubrand 0.05 rgb 255 200 200 stains 0 friction 0 gravity -300 blend add emit ember2 emitinterval 0.01 spawnorg 2 2 spawnvel 30 30 } r_part explosion_decal { type decal texture "particles/blood3.tga" count 1 scale 100 alpha 0.8 die 20 #blend modulate #blend invmod } //Hazed flame effect r_part cu_flame { texture "particles/flame" count 64 scale 50 scalerand 15 scalefactor 1 scaledelta 0 alpha 0 die 1 randomvel 4 24 veladd -24 rgb 255 128 76 rgbdelta 0 -64 -38 blend add spawnorg 10 0 spawnmode box spawnvel -6 0 up -8 assoc cu_flamebits rampmode delta ramp 0 0 0 -0.6 ramp 0 0 0 0.3 ramp 0 0 0 0.3 } r_part cu_flamebits { texture "particles/generic.png" count 6 scale 1 scalerand 3 scalefactor 1 scaledelta -3 alpha 0.7 die 0.8 randomvel -15 veladd -15 rgb 200 200 180 blend modulate spawnorg 10 10 spawnvel -5 10 spawnmode box gravity -200 assoc cu_flamebits2 } r_part cu_flamebits2 { texture "particles/smoke" count 6 scale 33 scalerand 11 scalefactor 1 scaledelta 0 alpha 0 die 1 randomvel -5 veladd -25 rgb 1 1 1 blend merge spawnorg 15 spawnvel 5 spawnmode box gravity -30 up 20 rampmode delta ramp 0 0 0 -0.3 ramp 0 0 0 -0.5 ramp 0 0 0 -0.7 ramp 0 0 0 0.7 ramp 0 0 0 0.5 ramp 0 0 0 0.3 } //hazed torch effect r_part cu_torch { texture "particles/flame" count 64 scale 30 scalerand 7 scalefactor 1 scaledelta 0 alpha 0 die 0.8 randomvel 4 24 veladd -18 rgb 255 128 76 rgbdelta 0 -64 -38 blend add spawnorg 5 0 spawnmode box spawnvel -6 0 up 4 assoc cu_torchbits rampmode delta ramp 0 0 0 -0.7 ramp 0 0 0 0.4 ramp 0 0 0 0.3 } r_part cu_torchbits { texture "particles/generic.png" count 3 scale 1 scalerand 2 scalefactor 1 scaledelta -2 alpha 0.7 die 0.8 randomvel -15 veladd -15 rgb 200 200 180 blend modulate spawnorg 5 5 spawnvel -3 5 spawnmode box gravity -100 assoc cu_torchbits2 up 8 } r_part cu_torchbits2 { texture "particles/smoke" count 6 scale 15 scalerand 5 scalefactor 1 scaledelta 0 alpha 0 die 1 randomvel -5 veladd -25 rgb 1 1 1 blend merge spawnorg 7 spawnvel 5 spawnmode box gravity -30 up 10 rampmode delta ramp 0 0 0 -0.3 ramp 0 0 0 -0.5 ramp 0 0 0 -0.7 ramp 0 0 0 0.7 ramp 0 0 0 0.5 ramp 0 0 0 0.3 } //spark effects r_part gunshotsparks { texture "" count 1 scale 0 scalefactor 1 alpha 1 die 1 randomvel 140 veladd 44 rgb 255 128 76 gravity 400 blend add cliptype randomspark #gunshotsparks clipcount 1 assoc gunshotsmoke rampmode delta ramp 0 0 0 1 inwater gunbubble2 } r_part gunshotsmoke { texture "particles/smoke.tga" count 1 scale 10 scalerand 5 scalefactor 1 scaledelta 20 alpha 0.1 die 1 randomvel 5 veladd 5 rgb 255 255 255 gravity 5 blend add rampmode delta ramp 0 0 0 0.2 ramp 0 0 0 0.2 inwater gunbubble2 } // spark effect of axehit/gunshot r_part te_gunshot { texture "" count 2 scale 5 scalefactor 1 alpha 0.4 die 0.1 randomvel 150 veladd 0 rgb 255 128 76 gravity 80 blend add friction 0 assoc gunshotsparks emit gunshotbits emitinterval 1 lighttime 0.1 lightshadows 1 lightradius 5 lightrgb 1 1 1 inwater gunbubble2 cliptype gunshot_decal clipcount 1 } r_part gunshot_decal { type decal texture "particles/explosion" count 1 scale 5 alpha 0.8 die 20 blend invmod } r_part gunshotbits { texture "ball" type texturedspark count 0.3 scale 1 scalefactor 1 veladd 0 randomvel -111 alpha 0.2 die 0.5 rgb 255 128 76 friction 0 gravity 400 blend add inwater gunbubble } r_part te_superspike { texture "" count 13 scale 5 7 scalefactor 1 alpha 0.2 die 0.1 randomvel 150 veladd 0 rgb 255 128 76 gravity 80 blend add friction 0 assoc gunshotsparks emit gunshotbits emitinterval 1 inwater gunbubble2 lighttime 0.1 lightradiusfade 0 lightshadows 1 lightradius 11 lightrgb 1 1 1 cliptype spike_decal clipcount 1 } r_part te_spike { texture "" count 13 scale 5 7 scalefactor 1 alpha 0.2 die 0.1 randomvel 150 veladd 0 rgb 255 128 76 gravity 80 blend add friction 0 assoc gunshotsparks emit gunshotbits emitinterval 1 inwater gunbubble2 lighttime 0.1 lightradiusfade 0 lightshadows 1 lightradius 11 lightrgb 1 1 1 cliptype spike_decal clipcount 1 } r_part spike_decal { type decal texture "particles/explosion" count 1 scale 5 alpha 0.3 die 20 blend invmod } r_part gunbubble { texture "particles/bubble.png" count 1 scale 1 scalerand 6 scaledelta -4 alpha 0.8 die 1 diesubrand 0.4 blend add veladd 0 randomvel 20 spawnorg 3 3 spawnvel 3 3 rgb 255 255 255 gravity -150 scalefactor 1 } r_part gunbubble2 { texture "" count 2 scale 5 scalefactor 1 alpha 0.8 die 0.1 randomvel 150 veladd 0 rgb 255 128 76 gravity 80 blend add friction 0 assoc gunbubble } //Hazed grenade trail r_part t_grenade { texture "particles/smoke" step 4 scale 22 alpha 0.4 die 0.4 randomvel 5 veladd 2 rgb 64 64 64 blend add #assoc grenadetrail scalefactor 1 inwater grenadebubble } r_part +t_grenade { texture "" count 1 scale 1 alpha 1 die 0.4 diesubrand 0.2 randomvel 10 veladd 0 rgb 233 150 122 rgbdelta -233 -150 -122 gravity -25 scalefactor 1 blend add lighttime 0.1 lightradiusfade 50 lightshadows 1 lightradius 100 lightrgb 0.3 0.2 0 } r_part grenadebubble { texture "particles/bubble.png" count 0.5 scale 0.1 scalerand 8 scaledelta -8 alpha 0.7 die 1.3 diesubrand 0.4 blend add veladd 15 randomvel 10 spawnorg 3 3 spawnvel 3 3 rgb 255 255 255 gravity -100 scalefactor 1 } //hazed lightning bolt for gun/shambler/chton //uses molgrums beam r_part te_lightning1 //Shambler lightning { die 0 type beam alpha 0.6 step 5 scale 1 scalefactor 0 rgb 98 98 128 spawnmode distball spawnorg 7 spawnparam1 0.2 blend add averageout nospreadfirst assoc te_lightning2b lighttime 1 lightshadows 0 lightradius 300 lightrgb 2 2 2 } r_part sham_lightning2 { spawnmode ball count 1 texture "" up 250 gravity 0 lighttime 0 lightshadows 0 lightradius 500 lightrgb 1 1 1 } r_part sham_lightning1 { spawnmode ball count 200 spawnorg 300 300 spawnvel -1000 friction 0 texture "" type spark #scale 30 alpha 0.7 die 0.2 diesubrand 0.1 up 25 rotationspeed 90 rotationstart 0 360 rgb 150 150 250 rgbrand 100 100 0 gravity 0 scalefactor 1 //0.4 } r_part +sham_lightning1 { spawnmode ball count 200 spawnorg 1 1 spawnvel 1000 friction 0 texture "" type texturedspark scale 1 alpha 0.5 die 0.2 diesubrand 0.1 up 25 rotationspeed 90 rotationstart 0 360 rgb 150 150 250 rgbrand 100 100 0 gravity 0 scalefactor 1 //0.4 } r_part te_lightning2 //player lightning { die 0 type beam alpha 0.6 step 5 scale 1 scalefactor 0 rgb 98 98 128 spawnmode distball spawnorg 7 spawnparam1 0.2 blend add averageout nospreadfirst assoc te_lightning2b lighttime 0 lightshadows 0 lightradius 300 lightrgb 2 2 2 } r_part te_lightning3 //Chthon trap lightning { die 0 alpha 1 step 5 scale 1 scalefactor 0 rgb 98 98 128 spawnmode distball spawnorg 7 spawnparam1 0.2 blend add averageout nospreadfirst assoc te_lightning2b lighttime 0 lightshadows 1 lightradius 500 lightrgb 2 2 2 } r_part te_lightning2b { texture "" count 1 alpha 0.5 die 0 randomvel 88 veladd 0 rgb 150 200 255 rgbdelta 0 -8888 0 gravity 0 blend add scalefactor 1 assoc te_lightning2c spawnmode tracer } r_part te_lightning2c { texture "" step 15 alpha 0.6 scale 1 rgb 200 222 255 gravity 0 blend add spawnmode distball spawnorg -5 -5 type beam scalefactor 1 scalerand 2 assoc te_lightning2d spawnparam1 0.2 } r_part te_lightning2d { texture "" step 15 alpha 0.6 scale 1 scalerand 2 rgb 200 222 255 gravity 0 blend add spawnmode distball spawnorg 5 5 type beam scalefactor 1 spawnparam1 0.2 } //(modified from spikeset) r_part te_lightning1_end { texture "" die 0.3 alpha 1 count 2 scale 0 rgb 128 128 255 rgbrand 63 63 0 rgbrandsync 1 randomvel 190 spawnorg 2 blend add gravity 300 cliptype te_lightning2_end2 clipcount 1 scalefactor 11 lighttime 0.1 lightradiusfade 10 lightshadows 0 lightradius 100 lightrgb 1 1 1 } r_part +te_lightning1_end { texture "particles/smoke" count 4 scalerand 30 scale 33 scalefactor 1 alpha 0.3 die 1 randomvel 11 veladd 1 rgb 0 0 0 gravity -70 blend modulate } r_part te_lightning2_end { texture "" die 0.3 alpha 1 count 2 scale 0 rgb 128 128 255 rgbrand 63 63 0 rgbrandsync 1 randomvel 190 spawnorg 2 blend add gravity 300 cliptype te_lightning2_end2 clipcount 1 scalefactor 11 lighttime 0.1 lightradiusfade 10 lightshadows 0 lightradius 100 lightrgb 1 1 1 } r_part +te_lightning2_end //lightning decal { type decal texture "particles/explosion" count 1 scale 11 alpha 0.8 die 20 blend invmod } r_part +te_lightning2_end { texture "particles/smoke" count 4 scalerand 30 scale 33 scalefactor 1 alpha 0.3 die 1 randomvel 11 veladd 1 rgb 0 0 0 gravity -70 blend modulate } r_part te_lightning2_end2 { count 1 texture "" scale 0 rgb 128 128 255 rgbrand 63 63 0 rgbrandsync 1 alpha 1 gravity 300 spawnmode ball die 1 blend add randomvel -111 veladd 0 scalefactor 1 } r_part shamblerzaps { texture "" alpha 0.8 die 0.1 diesubrand 0.1 count 1 scale 1 rgb 128 128 255 rgbrand 63 63 0 rgbrandsync 1 spawnorg 100 spawnmode ball spawnvel -400 blend add scalefactor 1 lighttime 0.1 lightradiusfade 10 lightshadows 1 lightradius 50 lightrgb 1 1 1 } /////hazed EMP #3 (heavily modified from jedilammas) r_part cte_greenexplosion { texture "particles/generic.png" count 11 scale 111 alpha 0.6 die 0.4 randomvel 32 veladd 10 rgb 128 255 76 rgbdelta 0 0 0 gravity 0 blend add scalefactor 1 scaledelta -50 } r_part empcentral { texture "particles/spot01drk.tga" count 11 scale 80 alpha 0.4 die 0.5 randomvel 20 veladd -111 rgb 128 128 255 gravity 0 friction 0.2 stains 0 blend add assoc littlebits spawnmode circle spawnorg 44 44 spawnvel 42 0 scalefactor 1 scaledelta 5 } r_part empinner { texture "particles/flame.tga" count 30 scale 1 alpha 0.4 die 0.5 randomvel 100 0 rgb 128 128 255 rgbdelta 0 0 0 gravity 200 friction 0 stains 0 blend add assoc empcentral spawnmode circle spawnvel 200 0 scalefactor 1 emit 2shockwave emitinterval 0.1 up 15 } r_part te_tarexplosion { texture "particles/duolight02grey.tga" count 140 scale 40 alpha 0.2 die 0.3 randomvel 0 veladd -11 rgb 128 255 76 rgbdelta 0 0 0 gravity 0 friction -0.9 blend add spawnmode uniformcircle spawnorg 64 0 spawnvel 366 0 scalefactor 1 emit empelectric emitinterval 0.01 lighttime 0.3 lightshadows 0 lightradius 350 lightrgb 0.27 .27 1 } r_part +te_tarexplosion { texture "particles/flame.tga" count 30 scale 1 alpha 0.4 die 0.5 randomvel 100 0 rgb 128 128 255 rgbdelta 0 0 0 gravity 200 friction 0 stains 0 blend add spawnmode circle spawnvel 200 0 scalefactor 1 emit 2shockwave emitinterval 0.1 up 15 } r_part +te_tarexplosion { texture "particles/spot01drk.tga" count 11 scale 80 alpha 0.4 die 0.5 randomvel 20 veladd -111 rgb 128 128 255 gravity 0 friction 0.2 stains 0 blend add spawnmode circle spawnorg 44 44 spawnvel 42 0 scalefactor 1 scaledelta 5 } r_part +te_tarexplosion { texture "particles/generic.png" count 5 scale 5 alpha 0.4 die 0.5 randomvel 5 veladd 0 rgbdelta 240 -270 0 rgb 0 255 255 gravity 0 friction 2 blend add cliptype littlebits clipcount 1 spawnorg 1 1 spawnvel 64 64 emit littlebits2 emitinterval 0.1 scalefactor 1 spawnmode circle } r_part +te_tarexplosion { texture "particles/generic.png" count 11 scale 111 alpha 0.6 die 0.4 randomvel 32 veladd 10 rgb 128 255 76 rgbdelta 0 0 0 gravity 0 blend add scalefactor 1 scaledelta -50 } r_part empelectric { texture "" count 5 alpha 0.4 die 0.2 diesubrand 0.3 randomvel 76 veladd 0 rgb 0 255 255 rgbdelta 0 -555 -255 gravity 0 blend add scalefactor 1 } r_part littlebits { texture "particles/generic.png" count 5 scale 5 alpha 0.4 die 0.5 randomvel 5 veladd 0 rgbdelta 240 -270 0 rgb 0 255 255 gravity 0 friction 2 blend add cliptype littlebits clipcount 1 spawnorg 1 1 spawnvel 64 64 assoc cte_greenexplosion emit littlebits2 emitinterval 0.1 scalefactor 1 spawnmode circle } r_part littlebits2 { texture "" count 5 alpha 0.3 rgb 120 120 255 scale 15 die 0.3 gravity 0 friction 2 blend add spawnorg 1 0 spawnvel 85 0 spawnmode uniformcircle randomvel 333 scalefactor 1 } r_part 2shockwave { texture "" count 15 scalerand 10 scale 11 scalefactor 1 die 0.2 alpha 0.05 rgb 35 125 68 blend add spawnmode uniformcircle spawnorg 0 140 spawnvel 288 0 randomvel 100 0 rotationstart 0 360 up -5 rampmode delta ramp 0 0 0 0.1 ramp -33 -55 -66 0.1 } //haze TeamFortress railgun r_part te_raillight { lighttime 0 lightshadows 0 lightradius 100 lightrgb 0 0.2 0.8 } r_part te_railtrail { type texturedspark texture "particles/flare2.tga" count 1 scale 1 alpha 0.5 die 0.6 diesubrand 0.2 rgb 55 178 238 veladd -520 randomvel 5 blend add spawnparam1 120 spawnmode spiral spawnorg 4 inwater railbubble } r_part +te_railtrail { type texturedspark texture "particles/flare2.tga" count 1 scale 1 alpha 0.5 die 0.6 diesubrand 0.1 rgb 200 200 255 reddelta 255 blend add scalefactor 1 spawnmode spiral spawnparam1 240 scalefactor 1 spawnorg 2 2 veladd -520 } r_part +te_railtrail { type texturedspark texture "particles/flare2.tga" count 1 scale 1 alpha 0.5 die 0.4 rgb 0 200 255 reddelta 255 blend add scalefactor 1 spawnmode spiral spawnparam1 360 scalefactor 1 spawnorg 3 3 veladd -520 } r_part railbubble { texture "particles/bubble.png" count 1 scale 0.1 scalerand 6 alpha 1 die 1.5 diesubrand 0.4 blend add veladd 0 randomvel 10 spawnvel 3 3 rgb 255 255 255 gravity -50 scalefactor 1 spawnparam1 50 spawnmode spiral spawnorg 5 } //hazed MegaTeamFortress proxy r_part proxygren1 { #lighttime 0.1 #lightshadows 0 #lightradius 200 #lightrgb 1 0.5 1 } r_part zproxygren2 { texture "particles/grate7.tga" count 33 spawnmode circle scale 0 scalerand 3 scalefactor 1 spawnvel -33 spawnorg 25 up 3 alpha 0 rgb 200 22 180 gravity 0 die 0.6 blend add rampmode delta ramp 0 0 0 -0.9 ramp 0 0 0 -100 } r_part zproxygren2 { texture "particles/icespriteray.bmp" //generic.png" count 1 spawnmode circle #spawnorg 2 0 #spawnvel 50 0 #veladd 40 scale 5 scaledelta 440 scalefactor 1 rotationstart 240 #spawnparam1 270 alpha 1 up 4 rgb 200 22 180 die 1 blend add #rampmode delta #ramp 0 0 0 1.1 gravity 0 cliptype nothing clipcount 1 } r_part proxygren2 { texture "particles/generic.png" count 111 spawnmode circle spawnorg 20 0 spawnvel 5 0 #veladd 40 scale 1 scalerand 4 scaledelta 0 scalefactor 1 #rotationstart 240 #spawnparam1 270 alpha 1 up 4 rgb 200 22 180 rgbrand 0 100 50 die 1 blend add friction -1 rampmode delta ramp 0 0 0 0.3 ramp 0 0 0 0.5 ramp 0 0 0 0.6 gravity 0 cliptype nothing clipcount 1 } r_part +proxygren2 { texture "particles/generic.png" count 111 spawnmode circle spawnorg 0 20 spawnvel 0 5 #veladd 40 scale 1 scalerand 4 scaledelta 0 scalefactor 1 #rotationstart 240 #spawnparam1 270 alpha 1 up 4 rgb 200 22 180 rgbrand 0 100 50 die 1 blend add friction -1 rampmode delta ramp 0 0 0 0.3 ramp 0 0 0 0.5 ramp 0 0 0 0.6 gravity 0 cliptype nothing clipcount 1 } // haze spy gas // but also bosses lava splash...so green looks funny. r_part te_lavasplash { texture "particles/smoke.tga" count 75 scale 80 scalerand 45 alpha 0 die 3 diesubrand 1 randomvel 10 veladd 0 rgb 55 30 30 gravity -5 blend add spawnorg 175 50 spawnvel 0 0 assoc gassmoke scalefactor 1 scaledelta 20 up 40 rampmode delta ramp 0 0 0 -0.5 ramp 0 0 0 -0.5 ramp 0 0 0 0.6 ramp 0 0 0 0.6 } r_part gassmoke { texture "particles/bloodsplat2.tga" count 55 scale 60 scalerand 60 alpha 0.3 die 3 randomvel 60 rgb 20 255 20 diesubrand 1 friction 1 gravity -5 spawnorg 100 0 spawnvel 60 60 blend modulate emit gassmoke2 emitinterval 1 emitintervalrand 1 scalefactor 1 up 40 } r_part gassmoke2 { texture "particles/round.tga" count 2 scale 90 scalerand 40 alpha 0 die 3 randomvel 15 veladd 0 rgb 22 66 22 diesubrand 1 friction 0.2 gravity -5 spawnmode circle spawnorg 10 10 clipcount 1 cliptype nothing blend add scalefactor 1 rampmode delta ramp 0 0 0 -0.2 ramp 0 0 0 -0.2 ramp 0 0 0 -0.2 ramp 0 0 0 0.2 ramp 0 0 0 0.3 ramp 0 0 0 0.4 } //hazed vorath trail r_part tr_vorespike { texture "particles/gravity_0.tga" step 2 scale 30 scaledelta -20 alpha 0.2 die 0.4 randomvel 2 veladd 2 rgb 128 0 128 gravity 0 reddelta -128 0 -128 blend add spawnmode tracer scalefactor 1 } r_part +tr_vorespike { texture "" count 1 scale 0 scalefactor 1 alpha 0.3 die 0.3 randomvel 140 veladd 44 rgb 200 0 200 //255 128 76 gravity 400 blend add cliptype tracer3sparks clipcount 1 inwater tracer3bubble } r_part tr_vorelight { lighttime 0 lightshadows 0 lightradius 150 lightrgb 0.5 0 0.5 } r_part tracer3bits { texture "ball" type texturedspark count 1 scale 1.3 scalefactor 1 veladd 0 randomvel -111 alpha 0.4 die 0.2 rgb 255 128 76 stains 0 friction 0 gravity 400 blend add } r_part tracer3bubble { texture "particles/bubble.png" count 1 scale 0.1 scalerand 6 alpha 1 die 1.5 diesubrand 0.4 blend add veladd 0 randomvel 10 spawnorg 3 3 spawnvel 3 3 rgb 255 255 255 gravity -50 scalefactor 1 } //haze pyro flamethrower (much of this is Jedilamma's) r_part pyroflame11 { } r_part pyroflamexp { texture "particles/flame" scale 55 scalerand 30 scaledelta -20 count 1 die 0.3 diesubrand 0.2 randomvel 24 alpha 0.4 gravity 0 rgb 255 160 128 friction 1 blend add spawnmode ball spawnorg 1 0 spawnvel 0 scalefactor 1 inwater gunbubble2 } r_part pyroflame1 { texture "particles/flame" scale 55 scalerand 30 scaledelta -20 count 0.5 die 0.6 diesubrand 0.2 randomvel 24 alpha 0.4 gravity 0 rgb 255 160 128 friction 1 blend add spawnmode ball spawnorg 1 0 spawnvel 0 scalefactor 1 emit pyroflame2 emitinterval 1 inwater gunbubble2 } r_part pyroflame2 { texture "particles/flame" scale 55 scalefactor 1 scaledelta 1 count 1 die 1.2 diesubrand 0.2 randomvel 20 alpha 0.5 rgb 25 5 1 rgbdelta -25 -5 -1 blend modulate spawnmode ball spawnorg -10 -10 spawnvel 10 10 emit pyrosparks emitinterval 1.5 gravity -20 inwater gunbubble2 } r_part pyrosparks { texture "" count 1 scale 0 alpha 0.3 die 0.8 randomvel 1 veladd 1 rgb 255 180 80 gravity 0 blend add clipcount 1 scalefactor 1 spawnorg 2 2 spawnvel 5 22 cliptype pyroflame3 clipcount 1 inwater gunbubble } r_part pyroflame3 { texture "particles/flame" scale 20 count 2 die 0.5 randomvel 10 alpha 0.5 gravity 0 red 160 green 100 blue 75 friction 1 blend add spawnmode box scalefactor 1 emitinterval 0.33 emitintevalrand 0.33 emit pyroflame4 stains 0 inwater gunbubble2 } r_part pyroflame4 { texture "particles/flame" scale 30 count 2 die 0.5 randomvel 20 alpha 0.5 gravity -100 red 160 green 100 blue 75 friction 1 blend add spawnmode box scalefactor 1 emit pyroflame5 emitinterval 0.5 inwater gunbubble } r_part pyroflame5 { texture "particles/flame" scale 15 count 2 die 0.5 randomvel 10 alpha 0.2 gravity -100 red 10 green 5 blue 2 friction 1 blend modulate spawnmode box scalefactor 1 inwater gunbubble } //haze blood r_part te_blood { texture "particles/generic.png" count 5 scale 1 scalerand 8 alpha 0.4 die 0.4 diesubrand 0.2 rgb 11 1 1 stains 0 scalefactor 1 assoc te_blooda spawnmode ball spawnvel 5 5 spawnorg 2 2 randomvel 10 gravity 100 inwater waterblood } r_part te_blooda { texture "particles/bloodsplat1.tga" count 5 scale 11 scalerand 11 alpha 0.3 alphachange 1 die 0.3 diesubrand 0.1 rgb 22 1 1 gravity 0 stains 0 scalefactor 1 spawnvel -22 assoc te_bloodb } r_part te_bloodb { texture "ball" type texturedspark count 5 scale 0.3 scalefactor 1 veladd 11 randomvel 30 spawnorg 0 5 spawnvel 0 40 alpha 0.5 die 1 diesubrand 0.1 rgb 11 1 1 stains 0 gravity 200 blend modulate assoc te_bloodc } r_part te_bloodc { texture "ball" type normal count 4 scale 0.2 scalerand 0.9 scalefactor 1 veladd 10 randomvel 30 spawnvel 0 50 spawnorg 0 5 alpha 0.6 die 0.9 diesubrand 0.1 rgb 11 1 1 stains 0 gravity 200 blend modulate cliptype bloodsplat_small clipcount 0.1 } r_part bloodsplat_small { type decal texture "particles/bloodsplat1.tga" count 1 scale 10 scalerand 20 alpha 0.4 die 20 rgb 33 1 1 } r_part bloodsplat_small_dark { type decal texture "particles/bloodsplat1.tga" count 1 scale 10 scalerand 20 alpha 0.4 die 20 rgb 5 1 1 } r_partredirect te_blood2 te_blood r_partredirect te_blood3 te_blood r_partredirect te_null te_blood r_part pe_default //a fallback from high.cfg { texture "particles/fteparticlefont.tga" tcoords 1 97 95 191 256 count 1 scale 4 veladd 15 die 0.4 alphadelta 0 diesubrand 0.4 gravity 40 spawnorg 8 } r_part pe_73 //zombies + buttons bleed this { texture "particles/generic.png" count 0.5 scale 1 scalerand 8 alpha 0.6 die 0.4 diesubrand 0.2 rgb 11 1 1 scalefactor 1 assoc te_blooda spawnvel 5 5 spawnorg 2 2 randomvel 10 inwater waterblood gravity 100 } r_part pe_225 //single player lightning blood { texture "particles/generic.png" count 1 scale 1 scalerand 8 alpha 0 die 0 scalefactor 1 spawnvel 60 spawnorg 1 1 rgb 5 1 1 blend modulate assoc te_lightningblooda inwater waterblood gravity 100 } r_part tr_slightblood //t_zomgib //meaty chunk gibs. zombies throw, shambler+fiend hack this off you. { texture "particles/generic.png" count 1 scale 1 scalerand 9 alpha 0.5 die 0.3 diesubrand 0.2 rgb 11 1 1 scalefactor 1 assoc te_blooda spawnvel 5 5 spawnorg 2 2 randomvel 10 inwater waterblood gravity 100 } r_part t_gib //zombies explode this { texture "particles/generic.png" count 1 scale 11 scalerand 6 alpha 0.6 die 0.4 diesubrand 0.2 rgb 11 1 1 stains 0 scalefactor 1 assoc te_blooda spawnvel 5 5 spawnorg 2 2 randomvel 10 inwater waterblood gravity 100 } r_part te_lightningblood //deathmatch lightning blood { texture "particles/generic.png" count 1 scale 1 scalerand 8 alpha 0 die 0 scalefactor 1 spawnvel 60 spawnorg 1 1 rgb 5 1 1 blend modulate assoc te_lightningblooda inwater waterblood gravity 100 } r_part te_lightningblooda { texture "particles/generic.png" count 1 scale 1 scalerand 8 alpha 0.4 die 0.7 diesubrand 0.2 rgb 5 1 1 scalefactor 1 assoc te_lightningbloodb spawnvel 5 5 spawnorg 2 2 randomvel 10 inwater waterblood gravity 100 up 10 } r_part te_lightningbloodb { texture "particles/bloodsplat2.tga" count 5 //1 scale 22 scalerand 11 alpha 0.1 die 0.2 rgb 5 1 1 gravity 0 scalefactor 1 spawnvel -2 assoc te_lightningbloodc inwater waterblood up 10 } r_part te_lightningbloodc { texture "ball" type normal count 22 scale 0.4 scalerand 0.9 scalefactor 1 veladd 10 randomvel 40 spawnvel 20 50 spawnorg 5 5 alpha 1 die 1.3 rgb 11 1 1 stains 0 gravity 200 blend modulate assoc te_lightningbloodd inwater waterblood up 10 } r_part te_lightningbloodd { texture "ball" type texturedspark count 5 scale 0.3 scalefactor 1 veladd 5 randomvel 30 spawnorg 5 5 spawnvel 20 40 alpha 0.8 die 1 rgb 11 1 1 stains 0 gravity 300 blend modulate assoc te_bloodc inwater waterblood cliptype bloodsplat_small_dark clipcount 1 up 10 } r_part waterblood { texture "particles/generic.png" count 0.4 scale 33 scalerand 11 scaledelta 60 alpha 0.4 alphachange 1 die 2 rgb 22 1 1 gravity 0 stains 0 scalefactor 1 spawnorg 3 3 spawnvel 11 11 } //hazed nail trail r_part nailtrail { texture "" type sparkfan count 1 scale 1 alpha 0.05 die 0.2 rgb 122 122 122 gravity 0 blend modulate scalefactor 1 inwater nailbubble } r_part nailbubble { texture "particles/bubble.png" count 0.1 scale 0.1 scalerand 6 alpha 1 die 1.5 diesubrand 0.4 blend add veladd 0 randomvel 10 spawnorg 3 3 spawnvel 3 3 rgb 255 255 255 gravity -50 scalefactor 1 } ////hazed lava r_part tex_*lava1 { texture "particles/exp.tga" scale 66 scalerand 80 rgb 255 69 0 count 11 alpha 0 blend add die 1.1 up -6 diesubrand 0.2 veladd 0 randomvel -22 gravity 22 scalefactor 1 spawnmode ball rampmode delta ramp -50 -15 0 -0.3 0 ramp -50 -15 0 -0.3 0 ramp -50 -15 0 -0.3 0 ramp -50 -15 0 0.2 0 ramp -50 -9 0 0.2 0 ramp 0 0 0 0.2 0 assoc lava2 rotationstart 0 360 rotationspeed 0 55 } r_part lava2 { texture "textures/generic.png" scale 86 scalerand 46 count 1 alpha 0.3 blend modulate rgb 1 1 1 die 4 diesubrand 1.2 veladd 0 randomvel 5 spawnvel 10 0 spawnorg 10 spawnmode circle gravity -10 scalefactor 1 cliptype nothing clipcount 0 up 1 //25 rotationstart 0 360 rotationspeed -180 180 assoc lava3 rampmode delta ramp 0 0 0 -0.2 20 ramp 1 1 1 -0.4 20 ramp 1 1 1 0.2 20 ramp 1 1 1 0.2 20 ramp 1 1 1 0.2 20 } r_part lava3 { texture "particles/generic.png" scale 1 scalerand 8 rgb 255 69 0 count 1 alpha 0.3 blend add die 1.3 diesubrand 0.2 veladd 55 randomvel 55 gravity 155 scalefactor 1 spawnmode ball rampmode delta ramp 0 0 0 -0.3 ramp 0 0 0 0.5 cliptype nothing clipcount 0 up 10 } r_partredirect tex_*lava_2 tex_*lava1 r_partredirect tex_*lava2 tex_*lava1 r_partredirect tex_*lava5 tex_*lava1 r_partredirect tex_*lava_q3 tex_*lava1 r_partredirect tex_*lava_dc tex_*lava1 r_partredirect tex_*safelava tex_*lava1 r_partredirect tex_*lava10 tex_*lava1 r_partredirect tex_*lavakelvin tex_*lava1 r_partredirect tex_*lavahell tex_*lava1 r_partredirect tex_*lava_frib tex_*lava1 //haze slime r_part tex_*slime { texture "particles/smokelite.png" scale 40 scalerand 20 up -6 count 2 alpha 1 blend add rgb 255 255 255 die 3.5 veladd 0 randomvel 11 gravity -15 scalefactor 1 spawnmode ball assoc slime2 } r_part slime2 { texture "particles/flame.tga" scale 6 scalerand 5 count 1 alpha 0.4 up 1 blend add rgb 0 255 0 die 0.5 veladd 35 randomvel 25 gravity 300 scalefactor 1 spawnmode circle } r_partredirect tex_*slime10 tex_*slime r_partredirect tex_*slime0 tex_*slime r_partredirect tex_*slime1 tex_*slime r_partredirect tex_*slimekelvin tex_*slime r_partredirect tex_*slimeDranzFRIB tex_*slime r_partredirect tex_*slimeik1tex_*slime //hellknights fireball???not sure. r_part t_tracer2z { texture "particles/inferno1.tga" step 5 scale 10 scalerand 6 alpha 0.7 die 0.7 randomvel 2 rotationangle 360 veladd 0 rgb 255 255 255 blend blend gravity -20 scalefactor 1 scaledelta 15 friction 0.1 stains 0 rgbdelta -555 -555 -555 emit knightflame2 emitinterval 1 inwater gunbubble2 } //hellknights fireball impact r_part te_knightspike { texture "particles/flame" scale scalerand 30 scaledelta -20 count 10 die 0.6 diesubrand 0.2 randomvel 24 alpha 0.6 gravity 0 rgb 255 160 128 friction 1 blend add spawnmode ball spawnorg 1 0 spawnvel 0 scalefactor 1 emit knightflame2 emitinterval 1 inwater gunbubble2 } //hellknights fireball r_part tr_knightspike { texture "particles/flame" scale 11 scalerand 30 scaledelta -20 count 1 die 0.5 diesubrand 0.2 randomvel 24 alpha 0.3 gravity 0 rgb 255 160 128 rgbdelta -1000 -1000 -1000 friction 1 blend add spawnmode ball spawnorg 1 0 spawnvel 0 scalefactor 1 emit knightflame2 emitinterval 1 inwater gunbubble2 lighttime 1 lightradiusfade 35 lightshadows 1 lightradius 75 lightrgb 0.8 0.1 0.1 } r_part knightflame2 { texture "particles/flame" scale 55 scalefactor 1 scaledelta -20 count 1 die 1.2 randomvel 20 alpha 0.3 rgb 25 5 1 rgbdelta -25 -5 -1 blend modulate spawnmode box spawnorg -10 -10 spawnvel 10 10 emit knightsparks emitinterval 1.5 gravity -20 inwater gunbubble } r_part knightsparks { texture "" count 1 scale 0 alpha 0.3 die 0.3 randomvel 1 veladd 1 rgb 255 180 80 gravity 0 blend add scalefactor 1 spawnorg 2 2 spawnvel 5 22 cliptype knightflame3 clipcount 1 inwater gunbubble } r_part knightflame3 { texture "particles/flame" scale 20 count 2 die 3 randomvel 10 alpha 0.5 gravity 0 rgb 160 100 75 friction 1 blend add spawnmode box scalefactor 1 emitinterval 0.33 emitintervalrand 0.33 emit knightflame4 stains 0 inwater gunbubble } r_part knightflame4 { texture "particles/flame" scale 30 count 2 die 0.9 randomvel 20 alpha 0.5 gravity -100 rgb 160 100 75 friction 1 blend add spawnmode box scalefactor 1 emit knightflame5 emitinterval 0.5 inwater gunbubble } r_part knightflame5 { texture "particles/flame" scale 15 count 2 die 0.9 randomvel 10 alpha 0.2 gravity -100 rgb 10 5 2 friction 1 blend modulate spawnmode box scalefactor 1 inwater gunbubble } //haze wizard acid trail r_part tr_wizspike { count 1 texture "particles/grate8.tga" type texturedspark scale 1 scalerand 5 scalefactor 1 scaledelta -15 rgb 5 15 5 friction 0 die 0.6 alpha 0.6 blend add spawnmode spiral randomvel 12 veladd -210 spawnorg 2 2 lighttime 0.5 lightradiusfade 75 lightshadows 1 lightradius 150 lightrgb 0.1 0.7 0.1 } r_part +tr_wizspike { count 1 texture "particles/generic.png" scale 0.1 scalerand 3 scalefactor 1 scaledelta -5 spawnmode ball spawnorg 4 4 rgb 5 15 5 rgbrand 5 15 5 friction 0 die 0.3 alpha 1 blend add } //haze wizard acid hit r_part te_wizspike { count 16 texture "particles/spot01drk.tga" scale 10 scalerand 10 scalefactor 1 rgb 5 32 5 friction 0 die 0.4 gravity 20 alpha 0.6 blend add spawnmode circle randomvel -25 veladd -24 spawnorg 2 } //haze enforcer laser trail r_part tr_enforcerlaser { type texturedspark texture "particles/fteparticlefont.tga" tcoords 1 97 95 191 256 scale 5 step 4 alpha 0.3 die 0.3 rgb 255 69 0 veladd -260 spawnmode spiral spawnvel 0 randomvel 32 friction 0 scalefactor 1 blend add lighttime 0.2 lightshadows 1 lightradius 150 lightrgb 1 0.27 0 lightrgbfade 5 1 0 lightcorona 2 0.25 inwater bubbletrail1 } //haze custom-tf airfist blast r_part ctf_airblast_0 { } r_part ctf_airblast_1 { scale 1 scalerand 2 scalefactor 1 count 3 spawnmode box spawnorg 25 25 texture "particles/generic.png" alpha 0.4 veladd 100 randomvel 100 die 0.2 rgb 255 255 255 gravity 0 } //haze custom TF smoke screen grenade r_part ctf_smokescreen_0 { } r_part ctf_smokescreen_1 { texture "particles/smokelite.png" scale 120 scalerand 120 count 1 alpha 0.6 blend add rgb 255 255 255 die 2.5 diesubrand 0.5 veladd 50 randomvel 50 gravity -10 scalefactor 1 spawnmode box spawnorg 60 60 } r_part +ctf_smokescreen_1 { texture "particles/smoketenebrae.tga" scale 240 scalerand 120 count 0.2 alpha 0 blend add rgb 255 255 255 die 2.5 diesubrand 0.5 veladd 10 randomvel 10 gravity 0 scalefactor 1 spawnmode box spawnorg 60 60 rampmode delta ramp 0 0 0 -0.2 ramp 0 0 0 0 ramp 0 0 0 0.1 ramp 0 0 0 0.1 ramp 0 0 0 0.2 } //haze customTF laser cannon r_part ctf_lasercannon { type texturedspark texture "particles/fteparticlefont.tga" tcoords 1 97 95 191 256 scale 4 step 4 alpha 0.3 die 0.2 rgb 255 69 0 veladd -460 spawnmode spiral spawnvel 0 randomvel 24 friction 0 scalefactor 1 blend add lighttime 0 lightshadows 0 lightradius 150 lightrgb 1 0.27 0 lightrgbfade 5 1 0 inwater bubbletrail1 }