mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 04:41:42 +00:00
Basic md5mesh support (no animations).
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 387 additions and 2 deletions
@ -1382,3 +1382,382 @@ void Mod_LoadIQMModel (qmodel_t *mod, const void *buffer)
Hunk_FreeToLowMark (start);
MD5 Models, for compat with the rerelease and NOT doom3.
MD5Version 10
commandline ""
numJoints N
numMeshes N
joints {
"name" ParentIdx ( Pos_X Y Z ) ( Quat_X Y Z )
mesh {
shader "name" //file-relative path, with _%02d_%02d postfixed for skin/framegroup support. unlike doom3.
numverts N
vert # ( S T ) FirstWeight count
numtris N
tri # A B C
numweights N
weight # BoneIdx Scale ( X Y Z )
static qboolean MD5_ParseCheck(const char *s, const void **buffer)
if (strcmp(com_token, s))
return false;
*buffer = COM_Parse(*buffer);
return true;
static size_t MD5_ParseUInt(const void **buffer)
size_t i = SDL_strtoull(com_token, NULL, 0);
*buffer = COM_Parse(*buffer);
return i;
static long MD5_ParseSInt(const void **buffer)
long i = SDL_strtol(com_token, NULL, 0);
*buffer = COM_Parse(*buffer);
return i;
static double MD5_ParseFloat(const void **buffer)
double i = SDL_strtod(com_token, NULL);
*buffer = COM_Parse(*buffer);
return i;
#define MD5EXPECT(s) do{if (strcmp(com_token, s)) Sys_Error ("Mod_LoadMD5MeshModel(%s): Expected \"%s\"", mod->name, s); buffer = COM_Parse(buffer); }while(0)
#define MD5UINT() MD5_ParseUInt(&buffer)
#define MD5SINT() MD5_ParseSInt(&buffer)
#define MD5FLOAT() MD5_ParseFloat(&buffer)
#define MD5CHECK(s) MD5_ParseCheck(s, &buffer)
struct md5vertinfo_s
size_t firstweight;
unsigned int count;
struct md5weightinfo_s
size_t bone;
vec4_t pos;
static void Matrix3x4_RM_Transform4(const float *matrix, const float *vector, float *product)
product[0] = matrix[0]*vector[0] + matrix[1]*vector[1] + matrix[2]*vector[2] + matrix[3]*vector[3];
product[1] = matrix[4]*vector[0] + matrix[5]*vector[1] + matrix[6]*vector[2] + matrix[7]*vector[3];
product[2] = matrix[8]*vector[0] + matrix[9]*vector[1] + matrix[10]*vector[2] + matrix[11]*vector[3];
static void MD5_BakeInfluences(bonepose_t *outposes, iqmvert_t *vert, struct md5vertinfo_s *vinfo, struct md5weightinfo_s *weight, size_t numverts, size_t numweights)
size_t v, i, lowidx, k;
struct md5weightinfo_s *w;
vec3_t pos;
float lowval, scale;
unsigned int overinfluenced = 0;
for (v = 0; v < numverts; v++, vert++, vinfo++)
//st were already loaded
//norm will need to be calculated after we have xyz info
vert->xyz[0] = vert->xyz[1] = vert->xyz[2] = 0;
vert->idx[0] = vert->idx[1] = vert->idx[2] = vert->idx[3] = 0;
vert->weight[0] = vert->weight[1] = vert->weight[2] = vert->weight[3] = 0;
vert->rgba[0] = vert->rgba[1] = vert->rgba[2] = vert->rgba[3] = 1; //for consistency with iqm, though irrelevant here
if (vinfo->firstweight + vinfo->count > numweights)
Sys_Error ("weight index out of bounds");
w = weight + vinfo->firstweight;
for (i = 0; i < vinfo->count; i++, w++)
Matrix3x4_RM_Transform4(outposes[w->bone].mat, w->pos, pos);
VectorAdd(vert->xyz, pos, vert->xyz);
if (i < countof(vert->weight))
vert->weight[i] = w->pos[3];
vert->idx[i] = w->bone;
//obnoxious code to find the lowest of the current possible bone indexes.
lowval = vert->weight[0];
lowidx = 0;
for (k = 1; k < countof(vert->weight); k++)
if (vert->weight[k] < lowval)
lowval = vert->weight[k];
lowidx = k;
if (vert->weight[lowidx] < w->pos[3])
{ //found a lower/unset weight, replace it.
vert->weight[lowidx] = w->pos[3];
vert->idx[lowidx] = w->bone;
//normalize in case we dropped some weights.
scale = vert->weight[0] + vert->weight[1] + vert->weight[2] + vert->weight[3];
if (scale>0)
scale = 1/scale;
for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
vert->weight[k] *= scale;
else //something bad...
vert->weight[0] = 1, vert->weight[1] = vert->weight[2] = vert->weight[3] = 0;
if (overinfluenced)
Con_Warning("%u too many influences\n", overinfluenced);
static void MD5_ComputeNormals(iqmvert_t *vert, size_t numverts, unsigned short *indexes, size_t numindexes)
size_t v, t;
iqmvert_t *v0, *v1, *v2;
vec3_t d1, d2, norm;
for (v = 0; v < numverts; v++)
vert[v].norm[0] = vert[v].norm[1] = vert[v].norm[2] = 0;
for (t = 0; t < numindexes; t+=3)
v0 = &vert[indexes[t+0]];
v1 = &vert[indexes[t+1]];
v2 = &vert[indexes[t+2]];
VectorSubtract(v1->xyz, v0->xyz, d1);
VectorSubtract(v2->xyz, v0->xyz, d2);
CrossProduct(d1, d2, norm);
//FIXME: this should be weighted by each vertex angle.
VectorAdd(v0->norm, norm, v0->norm);
VectorAdd(v1->norm, norm, v1->norm);
VectorAdd(v2->norm, norm, v2->norm);
//and make sure it actually makes sense.
for (v = 0; v < numverts; v++)
static unsigned int MD5_HackyModelFlags(const char *name)
unsigned int ret = 0;
char oldmodel[MAX_QPATH];
mdl_t *f;
COM_StripExtension(name, oldmodel, sizeof(oldmodel));
COM_AddExtension(oldmodel, ".mdl", sizeof(oldmodel));
f = (mdl_t*)COM_LoadMallocFile(oldmodel, NULL);
if (f)
if (com_filesize >= sizeof(*f) && LittleLong(f->ident) == IDPOLYHEADER && LittleLong(f->version) == ALIAS_VERSION)
ret = f->flags;
return ret;
void Mod_LoadMD5MeshModel (qmodel_t *mod, const void *buffer)
unsigned short *poutindexes;
iqmvert_t *poutvert;
int start, end, total;
aliashdr_t *outhdr, *surf;
bonepose_t *outposes;
boneinfo_t *outbones;
size_t numjoints, j;
size_t nummeshes, m;
char texname[MAX_QPATH];
struct md5vertinfo_s *vinfo;
struct md5weightinfo_s *weight;
size_t numweights;
start = Hunk_LowMark ();
buffer = COM_Parse(buffer);
if (MD5CHECK("commandline")) buffer = COM_Parse(buffer);
MD5EXPECT("numJoints"); numjoints = MD5UINT();
MD5EXPECT("numMeshes"); nummeshes = MD5UINT();
if (numjoints <= 0)
Sys_Error ("%s has no bones", mod->name);
if (nummeshes <= 0)
Sys_Error ("%s has no meshes", mod->name);
outhdr = Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*outhdr)*numjoints);
outbones = Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*outbones)*numjoints);
outposes = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*outposes)*numjoints);
for (j = 0; j < numjoints; j++)
vec3_t pos;
static vec3_t scale = {1,1,1};
vec4_t quat;
q_strlcpy(outbones[j].name, com_token, sizeof(outbones[j].name)); buffer = COM_Parse(buffer);
outbones[j].parent = MD5SINT();
if (outbones[j].parent < -1 && outbones[j].parent >= numjoints)
Sys_Error ("bone index out of bounds");
pos[0] = MD5FLOAT();
pos[1] = MD5FLOAT();
pos[2] = MD5FLOAT();
quat[0] = MD5FLOAT();
quat[1] = MD5FLOAT();
quat[2] = MD5FLOAT();
quat[3] = 1 - DotProduct(quat,quat);
if (quat[3] < 0)
quat[3] = 0;//we have no imagination.
quat[3] = -sqrt(quat[3]);
GenMatrixPosQuat4Scale(pos, quat, scale, outposes[j].mat);
Matrix3x4_Invert_Simple(outposes[j].mat, outbones[j].inverse.mat); //absolute, so we can just invert now.
for (m = 0; m < nummeshes; m++)
surf = &outhdr[m];
if (m+1 < nummeshes)
surf->nextsurface = sizeof(*surf);
surf->nextsurface = 0;
surf->poseverttype = PV_IQM;
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
surf->scale_origin[j] = 0;
surf->scale[j] = 1.0;
surf->numbones = numjoints;
surf->boneinfo = (byte*)outbones-(byte*)surf;
//MD5 violation: the skin is a single material. adding prefixes/postfixes here is the wrong thing to do.
//but we do so anyway, because rerelease compat.
for (surf->numskins = 0; surf->numskins < MAX_SKINS; surf->numskins++)
q_snprintf(texname, sizeof(texname), "progs/%s_%02d_%02d", com_token, surf->numskins, 0);
surf->gltextures[surf->numskins][0] = TexMgr_LoadImage(mod, texname, surf->skinwidth, surf->skinheight, SRC_EXTERNAL, NULL, texname, 0, TEXPREF_ALLOWMISSING|TEXPREF_ALPHA|TEXPREF_NOBRIGHT|TEXPREF_MIPMAP);
if (!surf->gltextures[surf->numskins][0])
surf->gltextures[surf->numskins][3] = surf->gltextures[surf->numskins][2] = surf->gltextures[surf->numskins][1] = surf->gltextures[surf->numskins][0];
surf->fbtextures[surf->numskins][0] = surf->fbtextures[surf->numskins][1] = surf->fbtextures[surf->numskins][2] = surf->fbtextures[surf->numskins][3] = NULL;
surf->skinwidth = surf->gltextures[0][0]?surf->gltextures[0][0]->width:1;
surf->skinheight = surf->gltextures[0][0]?surf->gltextures[0][0]->height:1;
buffer = COM_Parse(buffer);
surf->numverts_vbo = surf->numverts = MD5UINT();
vinfo = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*vinfo)*surf->numverts);
poutvert = Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*poutvert)*surf->numverts);
surf->vertexes = (byte*)poutvert-(byte*)surf;
surf->nummorphposes = 1;
while (MD5CHECK("vert"))
size_t idx = MD5UINT();
if (idx >= surf->numverts)
Sys_Error ("vertex index out of bounds");
poutvert[idx].st[0] = MD5FLOAT();
poutvert[idx].st[1] = MD5FLOAT();
vinfo[idx].firstweight = MD5UINT();
vinfo[idx].count = MD5UINT();
surf->numtris = MD5UINT();
surf->numindexes = surf->numtris*3;
poutindexes = Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*poutindexes)*surf->numindexes);
surf->indexes = (byte*)poutindexes-(byte*)surf;
while (MD5CHECK("tri"))
size_t idx = MD5UINT();
if (idx >= surf->numtris)
Sys_Error ("triangle index out of bounds");
idx *= 3;
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
size_t t = MD5UINT();
if (t > surf->numverts)
Sys_Error ("vertex index out of bounds");
poutindexes[idx+j] = t;
//md5 is a gpu-unfriendly interchange format. :(
numweights = MD5UINT();
weight = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*weight)*numweights);
while (MD5CHECK("weight"))
size_t idx = MD5UINT();
if (idx >= numweights)
Sys_Error ("weight index out of bounds");
weight[idx].bone = MD5UINT();
if (weight[idx].bone >= numjoints)
Sys_Error ("bone index out of bounds");
weight[idx].pos[3] = MD5FLOAT();
weight[idx].pos[0] = MD5FLOAT()*weight[idx].pos[3];
weight[idx].pos[1] = MD5FLOAT()*weight[idx].pos[3];
weight[idx].pos[2] = MD5FLOAT()*weight[idx].pos[3];
//so make it gpu-friendly.
MD5_BakeInfluences(outposes, poutvert, vinfo, weight, surf->numverts, numweights);
//and now make up the normals that the format lacks. we'll still probably have issues from seams, but then so did qme, so at least its faithful... :P
MD5_ComputeNormals(poutvert, surf->numverts, poutindexes, surf->numindexes);
GLMesh_LoadVertexBuffer (mod, outhdr);
//the md5 format does not have its own modelflags, yet we still need to know about trails and rotating etc
mod->flags = MD5_HackyModelFlags(mod->name);
mod->synctype = ST_FRAMETIME; //keep IQM animations synced to when .frame is changed. framegroups are otherwise not very useful.
mod->type = mod_alias;
Mod_CalcAliasBounds (outhdr); //johnfitz
// move the complete, relocatable alias model to the cache
end = Hunk_LowMark ();
total = end - start;
Cache_Alloc (&mod->cache, total, loadname);
if (!mod->cache.data)
memcpy (mod->cache.data, outhdr, total);
Hunk_FreeToLowMark (start);
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ void Mod_LoadSpriteModel (qmodel_t *mod, void *buffer);
void Mod_LoadBrushModel (qmodel_t *mod, void *buffer);
void Mod_LoadAliasModel (qmodel_t *mod, void *buffer, int pvtype);
void Mod_LoadMD3Model (qmodel_t *mod, void *buffer);
void Mod_LoadMD5MeshModel (qmodel_t *mod, void *buffer);
void Mod_LoadIQMModel (qmodel_t *mod, const void *buffer);
qmodel_t *Mod_LoadModel (qmodel_t *mod, qboolean crash);
@ -407,6 +408,11 @@ qmodel_t *Mod_LoadModel (qmodel_t *mod, qboolean crash)
Mod_LoadMD3Model(mod, buf);
//Spike -- md5 support
case (('M'<<0)+('D'<<8)+('5'<<16)+('V'<<24)):
Mod_LoadMD5MeshModel(mod, buf);
//Spike -- iqm support
case (('I'<<0)+('N'<<8)+('T'<<16)+('E'<<24)): //iqm
Mod_LoadIQMModel(mod, buf);
@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@ void R_DrawAliasModel (entity_t *e)
R_SetupAliasFrame (paliashdr, e, &lerpdata);
R_SetupEntityTransform (e, &lerpdata);
glsl = &r_alias_glsl[(paliashdr->poseverttype==PV_IQM)?ALIAS_GLSL_SKELETAL:ALIAS_GLSL_BASIC];
glsl = &r_alias_glsl[(paliashdr->poseverttype==PV_IQM&&lerpdata.bonestate)?ALIAS_GLSL_SKELETAL:ALIAS_GLSL_BASIC];
if (e->eflags & EFLAGS_VIEWMODEL)
@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@ void R_DrawAliasModel (entity_t *e)
// call fast path if possible. if the shader compliation failed for some reason,
// r_alias_program will be 0.
else if (glsl->program != 0 && paliashdr->numbones <= glsl->maxbones)
else if (glsl->program != 0 && (paliashdr->numbones <= glsl->maxbones||!lerpdata.bonestate))
GL_DrawAliasFrame_GLSL (glsl, paliashdr, lerpdata, tx, fb);
Reference in a new issue