implement cfg_save_all cvar, so cfg_save can save all. downloads attempt to avoid using the fte/ gamedir actually registering r_tracker_frags cvar. fix ezhud wad image issues. fix mouse binds not working when running fullscreen. dedicated servers can now use getsurface builtins. gl_font can now attempt to use conchars subdir too. terrain editor can now display the areas which cannot accept the selected texture for painting. this should help reduce edges. attempt to fix some of the less-supported ports. don't be annoying with entity foo = someclass; fteqcc now offers to create files if you try opening one that doesn't exist. plugins can now query ping etc info properly. git-svn-id: fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
636 lines
14 KiB
636 lines
14 KiB
#include "../plugin.h"
#include "ezquakeisms.h"
#include "hud.h"
#include "hud_editor.h"
int sb_lines;
float scr_con_current;
int sb_showteamscores;
int sb_showscores;
int host_screenupdatecount;
cvar_t *scr_newHud;
#define ARGNAMES ,name,defaultval,flags,description,groupname
BUILTINR(cvar_t*, Cvar_GetNVFDG, (const char *name, const char *defaultval, unsigned int flags, const char *description, const char *groupname));
float infofloat(char *info, char *findkey, float def);
void Draw_SetOverallAlpha(float a)
void Draw_AlphaFillRGB(float x, float y, float w, float h, qbyte r, qbyte g, qbyte b, qbyte a)
pDraw_Colour4f(r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0, a/255.0);
pDraw_Fill(x, y, w, h);
pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
void Draw_Fill(float x, float y, float w, float h, qbyte pal)
pDraw_Fill(x, y, w, h);
pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
char *ColorNameToRGBString (const char *newval)
return "";
byte *StringToRGB(const char *str)
static byte rgba[4];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
while(*str <= ' ')
if (!*str)
rgba[i] = 255;
rgba[i] = strtoul(str, (char**)&str, 0);
return rgba;
void Draw_TextBox (int x, int y, int width, int lines)
void Draw_SPic(float x, float y, mpic_t *pic, float scale)
qhandle_t image = (intptr_t)pic;
float w, h;
pDraw_ImageSize(image, &w, &h);
pDraw_Image(x, y, w*scale, h*scale, 0, 0, 1, 1, image);
void Draw_SSubPic(float x, float y, mpic_t *pic, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, float scale)
qhandle_t image = (intptr_t)pic;
float w, h;
pDraw_ImageSize(image, &w, &h);
pDraw_Image(x, y, (s2-s1)*scale, (t2-t1)*scale, s1/w, t1/h, s2/w, t2/h, image);
#define Draw_STransPic Draw_SPic
void Draw_Character(float x, float y, unsigned int ch)
pDraw_Character(x, y, ch);
void Draw_SCharacter(float x, float y, unsigned int ch, float scale)
pDraw_Character(x, y, ch); //FIXME
void SCR_DrawWadString(float x, float y, float scale, char *str)
pDraw_String(x, y, str); //FIXME
void Draw_SAlphaSubPic2(float x, float y, mpic_t *pic, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, float sw, float sh, float alpha)
qhandle_t image = (intptr_t)pic;
float w, h;
pDraw_ImageSize(image, &w, &h);
pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, alpha);
pDraw_Image(x, y, (s2-s1)*sw, (t2-t1)*sh, s1/w, t1/h, s2/w, t2/h, image);
pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
void Draw_AlphaFill(float x, float y, float w, float h, qbyte pal, float alpha)
pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, alpha);
pDraw_Fill(x, y, w, h);
pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
void Draw_AlphaPic(float x, float y, mpic_t *pic, float alpha)
qhandle_t image = (intptr_t)pic;
float w, h;
pDraw_ImageSize(image, &w, &h);
pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, alpha);
pDraw_Image(x, y, w, h, 0, 0, 1, 1, image);
pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
void Draw_AlphaSubPic(float x, float y, mpic_t *pic, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, float alpha)
qhandle_t image = (intptr_t)pic;
float w, h;
pDraw_ImageSize(image, &w, &h);
pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, alpha);
pDraw_Image(x, y, s2-s1, t2-t1, s1/w, t1/h, s2/w, t2/h, image);
pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
void SCR_HUD_DrawBar(int direction, int value, float max_value, float *rgba, int x, int y, int width, int height)
int amount;
if(direction >= 2)
// top-down
amount = Q_rint(abs((height * value) / max_value));
else// left-right
amount = Q_rint(abs((width * value) / max_value));
pDraw_Colour4f(rgba[0]/255.0, rgba[1]/255.0, rgba[2]/255.0, rgba[3]/255.0);
if(direction == 0)
// left->right
pDraw_Fill(x, y, amount, height);
else if (direction == 1)
// right->left
pDraw_Fill(x + width - amount, y, amount, height);
else if (direction == 2)
// down -> up
pDraw_Fill(x, y + height - amount, width, amount);
// up -> down
pDraw_Fill(x, y, width, amount);
pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
void Draw_Polygon(int x, int y, vec3_t *vertices, int num_vertices, qbool fill, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a)
pDraw_Colour4f(r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0, a/255.0);
// pDraw_Line(x1, y1, x2, y1);
pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
void Draw_ColoredString3(float x, float y, const char *str, clrinfo_t *clr, int huh, int wut)
pDraw_Colour4f(clr->c[0]/255.0, clr->c[1]/255.0, clr->c[2]/255.0, clr->c[3]/255.0);
pDraw_String(x, y, str);
pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
void UI_PrintTextBlock()
void Draw_AlphaRectangleRGB(int x, int y, int w, int h, int foo, int bar, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a)
float x1 = x;
float x2 = x+w;
float y1 = y;
float y2 = y+h;
pDraw_Colour4f(r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0, a/255.0);
pDraw_Line(x1, y1, x2, y1);
pDraw_Line(x2, y1, x2, y2);
pDraw_Line(x1, y2, x2, y2);
pDraw_Line(x1, y1, x1, y2);
pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
void Draw_AlphaLineRGB(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float width, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a)
pDraw_Colour4f(r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0, a/255.0);
pDraw_Line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
mpic_t *Draw_CachePicSafe(const char *name, qbool crash, qbool ignorewad)
if (!*name)
return NULL;
return (mpic_t*)(qintptr_t)pDraw_LoadImage(name, false);
mpic_t *Draw_CacheWadPic(const char *name)
return (mpic_t*)(qintptr_t)pDraw_LoadImage(name, true);
mpic_t *SCR_LoadCursorImage(char *cursorimage)
return Draw_CachePicSafe(cursorimage, false, true);
unsigned int Sbar_ColorForMap (unsigned int m)
if (m >= 16)
return m;
m = (m < 0) ? 0 : ((m > 13) ? 13 : m);
m *= 16;
return m < 128 ? m + 8 : m + 8;
int Sbar_TopColor(player_info_t *pi)
return Sbar_ColorForMap(pi->topcolour);
int Sbar_BottomColor(player_info_t *pi)
return Sbar_ColorForMap(pi->bottomcolour);
char *TP_ParseFunChars(char *str, qbool chat)
return str;
char *TP_ItemName(unsigned int itbit)
return "Dunno";
void Replace_In_String(char *src, size_t strsize, char leadchar, int patterns, ...)
char orig[1024];
char *out, *outstop;
va_list ap;
int i;
strlcpy(orig, src, sizeof(orig));
out = src;
outstop = out + strsize-1;
src = orig;
if (out == outstop)
if (*src != leadchar)
*out++ = *src++;
else if (*++src == leadchar)
*out++ = leadchar;
va_start(ap, patterns);
for (i = 0; i < patterns; i++)
const char *arg = va_arg(ap, const char *);
const char *val = va_arg(ap, const char *);
size_t alen = strlen(arg);
if (!strncmp(src, arg, strlen(arg)))
strlcpy(out, val, (outstop-out)+1);
out += strlen(out);
src += alen;
if (i == patterns)
strlcpy(out, "unknown", (outstop-out)+1);
out += strlen(out);
*out = 0;
int SCR_GetClockStringWidth(const char *s, qbool big, float scale)
int w = 0;
if (big)
w += ((*s++==':')?16:24);
w = strlen(s) * 8;
return w * scale;
int SCR_GetClockStringHeight(qbool big, float scale)
return (big?24:8)*scale;
char *SecondsToMinutesString(int print_time, char *buffer, size_t buffersize) {
int tens_minutes, minutes, tens_seconds, seconds;
tens_minutes = fmod (print_time / 600, 6);
minutes = fmod (print_time / 60, 10);
tens_seconds = fmod (print_time / 10, 6);
seconds = fmod (print_time, 10);
snprintf (buffer, buffersize, "%i%i:%i%i", tens_minutes, minutes, tens_seconds, seconds);
return buffer;
char *SCR_GetGameTime(int t, char *buffer, size_t buffersize)
float timelimit;
timelimit = (t == TIMETYPE_GAMECLOCKINV) ? 60 * infofloat(cl.serverinfo, "timelimit", 0) + 1: 0;
if (cl.countdown || cl.standby)
SecondsToMinutesString(timelimit, buffer, buffersize);
SecondsToMinutesString((int) abs(timelimit - (cl.time - cl.stats[STAT_MATCHSTARTTIME])), buffer, buffersize);
return buffer;
const char* SCR_GetTimeString(int timetype, const char *format)
static char buffer[256];
time_t t;
struct tm *ptm;
time (&t);
ptm = localtime (&t);
if (!ptm) return "-:-";
if (!strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, format, ptm)) return "-:-";
return buffer;
return SCR_GetGameTime(timetype, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
return SecondsToMinutesString(infofloat(cl.serverinfo, "demotime", 0), buffer, sizeof(buffer));
return "01234";
void SCR_DrawBigClock(int x, int y, int style, int blink, float scale, const char *t)
extern mpic_t *sb_nums[2][11];
extern mpic_t *sb_colon/*, *sb_slash*/;
qbool lblink = (int)(cls.realtime*2) & 1;
if (style > 1) style = 1;
if (style < 0) style = 0;
while (*t)
if (*t >= '0' && *t <= '9')
Draw_STransPic(x, y, sb_nums[style][*t-'0'], scale);
x += 24*scale;
else if (*t == ':')
if (lblink || !blink)
Draw_STransPic (x, y, sb_colon, scale);
x += 16*scale;
Draw_SCharacter(x, y, *t+(style?128:0), 3*scale);
x += 24*scale;
void SCR_DrawSmallClock(int x, int y, int style, int blink, float scale, const char *t)
qbool lblink = (int)(cls.realtime*2) & 1;
int c;
if (style > 3) style = 3;
if (style < 0) style = 0;
while (*t)
c = (int) *t;
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
if (style == 1)
c += 128;
else if (style == 2 || style == 3)
c -= 30;
else if (c == ':')
if (style == 1 || style == 3)
c += 128;
if (lblink || !blink)
c = ' ';
Draw_SCharacter(x, y, c, scale);
x+= 8*scale;
#include "builtin_huds.h"
void EZHud_UseNquake_f(void)
const char *hudstr = builtin_hud_nquake;
pCmd_AddText(hudstr, true);
xcommand_t cmd;
char *name;
} concmds[128];
int numconcmds;
qboolean Cmd_AddCommand (char *funcname, xcommand_t function)
if (numconcmds < sizeof(concmds)/sizeof(concmds[0]))
concmds[numconcmds].cmd = function;
concmds[numconcmds].name = funcname;
return true;
Con_Printf("ezhud: too many console commands\n");
return false;
qintptr_t EZHud_ExecuteCommand(qintptr_t *args)
char buffer[128];
int i;
pCmd_Argv(0, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
for (i = 0; i < numconcmds; i++)
if (!strcmp(buffer, concmds[i].name))
return 1;
return 0;
int IN_BestWeapon(void)
return 0;
qbool VID_VSyncIsOn(void){return false;}
double vid_vsync_lag;
vrect_t scr_vrect;
qintptr_t EZHud_Tick(qintptr_t *args)
static float lasttime, lasttime_min = 99999;
static int framecount;
//realtime(ms), realtime(secs), servertime
float oldtime = cls.realtime;
cls.realtime = *(float*)&args[1];
cls.frametime = cls.realtime - oldtime;
cl.time = *(float*)&args[2];
if (cls.realtime - lasttime > 1)
cls.fps = framecount/(cls.realtime - lasttime);
lasttime = cls.realtime;
framecount = 0;
if (cls.realtime - lasttime_min > 30)
cls.min_fps = cls.fps;
lasttime_min = cls.realtime;
else if (cls.min_fps > cls.fps)
cls.min_fps = cls.fps;
return 1;
char *findinfo(char *info, char *findkey)
int kl = strlen(findkey);
char *key, *value;
key = strchr(info, '\\');
if (!key)
value = strchr(key, '\\');
if (!value)
info = value+1;
if (!strncmp(key, findkey, kl) && key[kl] == '\\')
return info;
return NULL;
char *infostring(char *info, char *findkey, char *buffer, size_t bufsize)
char *value = findinfo(info, findkey);
char *end;
if (value)
end = strchr(value, '\\');
if (!end)
end = value + strlen(value);
if (bufsize > (end - value))
bufsize = (end - value);
memcpy(buffer, value, bufsize);
buffer[bufsize] = 0;
return buffer;
*buffer = 0;
return buffer;
float infofloat(char *info, char *findkey, float def)
char *value = findinfo(info, findkey);
if (value)
return atof(value);
return def;
qintptr_t EZHud_Draw(qintptr_t *args)
char serverinfo[4096];
char val[64];
int i;
cl.splitscreenview = args[0];
scr_vrect.x = args[1];
scr_vrect.y = args[2];
scr_vrect.width = args[3];
scr_vrect.height = args[4];
sb_showscores = args[5] & 1;
sb_showteamscores = args[5] & 2;
pCL_GetStats(0, cl.stats, sizeof(cl.stats)/sizeof(cl.stats[0]));
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
pGetPlayerInfo(i, &cl.players[i]);
pGetLocalPlayerNumbers(cl.splitscreenview, 1, &cl.playernum, &cl.tracknum);
pGetServerInfo(cl.serverinfo, sizeof(serverinfo));
cl.deathmatch = infofloat(cl.serverinfo, "deathmatch", 0);
cl.teamplay = infofloat(cl.serverinfo, "teamplay", 0);
cl.intermission = infofloat(cl.serverinfo, "intermission", 0);
cl.spectator = (cl.playernum>=32)||cl.players[cl.playernum].spectator;
infostring(cl.serverinfo, "status", val, sizeof(val));
cl.standby = !strcmp(val, "standby");
cl.countdown = !strcmp(val, "countdown");
cls.state = ca_active;
vid.width = pvid.width;
vid.height = pvid.height;
infostring(cl.serverinfo, "demotype", val, sizeof(val));
cls.mvdplayback = !strcmp(val, "mvd");
cls.demoplayback = strcmp(val, "");
return true;
int keydown[256];
float cursor_x;
float cursor_y;
float mouse_x;
float mouse_y;
mpic_t *scr_cursor_icon = NULL;
qintptr_t EZHud_MenuEvent(qintptr_t *args)
int eventtype = args[0];
int param = args[1];
mouse_x += args[2] - cursor_x; //FIXME: the hud editor should NOT need this sort of thing
mouse_y += args[3] - cursor_y;
cursor_x = args[2];
cursor_y = args[3];
HUD_Editor_MouseEvent(cursor_x, cursor_y);
case 0: //draw
mouse_x = 0;
mouse_y = 0;
case 1:
keydown[param] = true;
HUD_Editor_Key(param, 0, true);
case 2:
keydown[param] = false;
HUD_Editor_Key(param, 0, false);
return 1;
qintptr_t Plug_Init(qintptr_t *args)
Plug_Export("SbarBase", EZHud_Draw) &&
Plug_Export("MenuEvent", EZHud_MenuEvent) &&
Plug_Export("Tick", EZHud_Tick) &&
Plug_Export("ExecuteCommand", EZHud_ExecuteCommand))
Cmd_AddCommand("ezhud_nquake", EZHud_UseNquake_f);
return 1;
return false;