git-svn-id: fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
161 lines
6.2 KiB
161 lines
6.2 KiB
!!permu BUMP
!!permu SPECULAR
!!permu SKELETAL
!!permu FOG
!!cvarf r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale
//this is the main shader responsible for realtime dlights.
//texture units:
//s0=diffuse, s1=normal, s2=specular, s3=shadowmap
//custom modifiers:
//CUBE(projected cubemap)
varying vec2 tcbase;
varying vec3 lightvector;
#if defined(SPECULAR) || defined(OFFSETMAPPING)
varying vec3 eyevector;
#if defined(PCF) || defined(CUBE)
varying vec4 vshadowcoord;
uniform mat4 l_projmatrix;
#include "sys/skeletal.h"
uniform vec3 l_lightposition;
attribute vec2 v_texcoord;
#if defined(SPECULAR) || defined(OFFSETMAPPING)
uniform vec3 e_eyepos;
void main ()
vec3 n, s, t, w;
gl_Position = skeletaltransform_wnst(w,n,s,t);
tcbase = v_texcoord; //pass the texture coords straight through
vec3 lightminusvertex = l_lightposition -;
lightvector.x = -dot(lightminusvertex,;
lightvector.y = dot(lightminusvertex,;
lightvector.z = dot(lightminusvertex,;
#if defined(SPECULAR)||defined(OFFSETMAPPING)
vec3 eyeminusvertex = e_eyepos -;
eyevector.x = -dot(eyeminusvertex,;
eyevector.y = dot(eyeminusvertex,;
eyevector.z = dot(eyeminusvertex,;
#if defined(PCF) || defined(SPOT) || defined(PROJECTION) || defined(CUBE)
vshadowcoord = l_projmatrix*vec4(, 1.0);
#include "sys/fog.h"
uniform sampler2D s_t0;
#if defined(BUMP) || defined(SPECULAR) || defined(OFFSETMAPPING)
uniform sampler2D s_t1;
uniform sampler2D s_t2;
#ifdef CUBE
uniform samplerCube s_t3;
#ifdef PCF
#ifdef CUBE
uniform samplerCubeShadow s_t7;
uniform sampler2DShadow s_t7;
uniform float l_lightradius;
uniform vec3 l_lightcolour;
uniform vec3 l_lightcolourscale;
#include "sys/offsetmapping.h"
void main ()
//read raw texture samples (offsetmapping munges the tex coords first)
vec2 tcoffsetmap = offsetmap(s_t1, tcbase, eyevector);
#define tcbase tcoffsetmap
vec3 bases = vec3(texture2D(s_t0, tcbase));
#if defined(BUMP) || defined(SPECULAR)
vec3 bumps = normalize(vec3(texture2D(s_t1, tcbase)) - 0.5);
vec4 specs = texture2D(s_t2, tcbase);
vec3 nl = normalize(lightvector);
float colorscale = max(1.0 - (dot(lightvector, lightvector)/(l_lightradius*l_lightradius)), 0.0);
vec3 diff;
#ifdef BUMP
diff = bases * (l_lightcolourscale.x + l_lightcolourscale.y * max(dot(bumps, nl), 0.0));
diff = bases * (l_lightcolourscale.x + l_lightcolourscale.y * max(dot(vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), nl), 0.0));
vec3 halfdir = normalize(normalize(eyevector) + nl);
float spec = pow(max(dot(halfdir, bumps), 0.0), 32.0 * specs.a);
diff += l_lightcolourscale.z * spec * specs.rgb;
#ifdef CUBE
diff *= textureCube(s_t3,;
#ifdef PCF
#if defined(SPOT)
const float texx = 512.0;
const float texy = 512.0;
vec4 shadowcoord = vshadowcoord;
const float texx = 512.0;
const float texy = 512.0;
vec4 shadowcoord;
| =;
shadowcoord.xy = vshadowcoord.xy;
#ifdef CUBE
const float xPixelOffset = 1.0/texx; const float yPixelOffset = 1.0/texy; float s = 0.0;
s += shadowCubeProj(s_t7, shadowcoord + vec4(-1.0 * xPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, -1.0 * yPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.05, 0.0)).r;
s += shadowCubeProj(s_t7, shadowcoord + vec4(-1.0 * xPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.0 * yPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.05, 0.0)).r;
s += shadowCubeProj(s_t7, shadowcoord + vec4(-1.0 * xPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 1.0 * yPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.05, 0.0)).r;
s += shadowCubeProj(s_t7, shadowcoord + vec4(0.0 * xPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, -1.0 * yPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.05, 0.0)).r;
s += shadowCubeProj(s_t7, shadowcoord + vec4(0.0 * xPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.0 * yPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.05, 0.0)).r;
s += shadowCubeProj(s_t7, shadowcoord + vec4(0.0 * xPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 1.0 * yPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.05, 0.0)).r;
s += shadowCubeProj(s_t7, shadowcoord + vec4(1.0 * xPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, -1.0 * yPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.05, 0.0)).r;
s += shadowCubeProj(s_t7, shadowcoord + vec4(1.0 * xPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.0 * yPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.05, 0.0)).r;
s += shadowCubeProj(s_t7, shadowcoord + vec4(1.0 * xPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 1.0 * yPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.05, 0.0)).r;
colorscale *= s/9.0;
const float xPixelOffset = 1.0/texx; const float yPixelOffset = 1.0/texy; float s = 0.0;
s += shadow2DProj(s_t7, shadowcoord + vec4(-1.0 * xPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, -1.0 * yPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.05, 0.0)).r;
s += shadow2DProj(s_t7, shadowcoord + vec4(-1.0 * xPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.0 * yPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.05, 0.0)).r;
s += shadow2DProj(s_t7, shadowcoord + vec4(-1.0 * xPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 1.0 * yPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.05, 0.0)).r;
s += shadow2DProj(s_t7, shadowcoord + vec4(0.0 * xPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, -1.0 * yPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.05, 0.0)).r;
s += shadow2DProj(s_t7, shadowcoord + vec4(0.0 * xPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.0 * yPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.05, 0.0)).r;
s += shadow2DProj(s_t7, shadowcoord + vec4(0.0 * xPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 1.0 * yPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.05, 0.0)).r;
s += shadow2DProj(s_t7, shadowcoord + vec4(1.0 * xPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, -1.0 * yPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.05, 0.0)).r;
s += shadow2DProj(s_t7, shadowcoord + vec4(1.0 * xPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.0 * yPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.05, 0.0)).r;
s += shadow2DProj(s_t7, shadowcoord + vec4(1.0 * xPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 1.0 * yPixelOffset * shadowcoord.w, 0.05, 0.0)).r;
colorscale *= s/9.0;
#if defined(SPOT)
if (shadowcoord.w < 0.0) discard;
vec2 spot = (( - 0.5)*2.0;colorscale*=1.0-(dot(spot,spot));
#if defined(PROJECTION)
l_lightcolour *= texture2d(s_t3, shadowcoord);
gl_FragColor.rgb = fog3additive(diff*colorscale*l_lightcolour);