some minor changes. Mostly bug fixes and internal reorganisation. Added code to provide an activex control as part of the npfte.dll plugin. If the dll is registered the regsvr32 way, the plugin can be used with IE as well. fisheye/panoramic view enable is now controlled by rulesets instead of serverinfo. server will list all pak files it has loaded. client will probably do the wrong thing and still needs fixing properly. git-svn-id: fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2321 lines
110 KiB
2321 lines
110 KiB
Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
ODE physics engine code
This code is ported from DarkPlaces svn commit 9370
Originally written by LordHavoc.
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "pr_common.h"
#include "glquake.h"
#ifdef USEODE
// physics engine support
//#ifndef ODE_STATIC
//#define ODE_DYNAMIC 1
cvar_t physics_ode_enable = CVARD("physics_ode_enable", IFMINIMAL("0", "1"), "Enables the use of ODE physics, but only if the mod supports it.");
cvar_t physics_ode_quadtree_depth = CVARDP4(0, "physics_ode_quadtree_depth","5", "desired subdivision level of quadtree culling space");
cvar_t physics_ode_contactsurfacelayer = CVARDP4(0, "physics_ode_contactsurfacelayer","0", "allows objects to overlap this many units to reduce jitter");
cvar_t physics_ode_worldquickstep = CVARDP4(0, "physics_ode_worldquickstep","1", "use dWorldQuickStep rather than dWorldStep");
cvar_t physics_ode_worldquickstep_iterations = CVARDP4(0, "physics_ode_worldquickstep_iterations","20", "parameter to dWorldQuickStep");
//physics_ode_worldstepfast dWorldStepFast1 is not present in more recent versions of ODE. thus we don't use it ever.
cvar_t physics_ode_contact_mu = CVARDP4(0, "physics_ode_contact_mu", "1", "contact solver mu parameter - friction pyramid approximation 1 (see ODE User Guide)");
cvar_t physics_ode_contact_erp = CVARDP4(0, "physics_ode_contact_erp", "0.96", "contact solver erp parameter - Error Restitution Percent (see ODE User Guide)");
cvar_t physics_ode_contact_cfm = CVARDP4(0, "physics_ode_contact_cfm", "0", "contact solver cfm parameter - Constraint Force Mixing (see ODE User Guide)");
cvar_t physics_ode_world_damping_angle = CVARDP4(0, "physics_ode_world_damping_angle", "0", "damping");
cvar_t physics_ode_world_damping_linear = CVARDP4(0, "physics_ode_world_damping_linear", "0", "damping");
cvar_t physics_ode_world_erp = CVARDP4(0, "physics_ode_world_erp", "-1", "world solver erp parameter - Error Restitution Percent (see ODE User Guide); use defaults when set to -1");
cvar_t physics_ode_world_cfm = CVARDP4(0, "physics_ode_world_cfm", "-1", "world solver cfm parameter - Constraint Force Mixing (see ODE User Guide); not touched when -1");
cvar_t physics_ode_iterationsperframe = CVARDP4(0, "physics_ode_iterationsperframe", "4", "divisor for time step, runs multiple physics steps per frame");
cvar_t physics_ode_movelimit = CVARDP4(0, "physics_ode_movelimit", "0.5", "clamp velocity if a single move would exceed this percentage of object thickness, to prevent flying through walls");
cvar_t physics_ode_spinlimit = CVARDP4(0, "physics_ode_spinlimit", "10000", "reset spin velocity if it gets too large");
// LordHavoc: this large chunk of definitions comes from the ODE library
// include files.
#include "ode/ode.h"
#ifdef WINAPI
// ODE does not use WINAPI
#define ODE_API VARGS /*vargs because fte likes to be compiled fastcall (vargs is defined as cdecl...)*/
#define DEG2RAD(d) (d * M_PI * (1/180.0f))
#define RAD2DEG(d) ((d*180) / M_PI)
// note: dynamic builds of ODE tend to be double precision, this is not used
// for static builds
typedef double dReal;
typedef dReal dVector3[4];
typedef dReal dVector4[4];
typedef dReal dMatrix3[4*3];
typedef dReal dMatrix4[4*4];
typedef dReal dMatrix6[8*6];
typedef dReal dQuaternion[4];
struct dxWorld; /* dynamics world */
struct dxSpace; /* collision space */
struct dxBody; /* rigid body (dynamics object) */
struct dxGeom; /* geometry (collision object) */
struct dxJoint;
struct dxJointNode;
struct dxJointGroup;
struct dxTriMeshData;
#define dInfinity 3.402823466e+38f
typedef struct dxWorld *dWorldID;
typedef struct dxSpace *dSpaceID;
typedef struct dxBody *dBodyID;
typedef struct dxGeom *dGeomID;
typedef struct dxJoint *dJointID;
typedef struct dxJointGroup *dJointGroupID;
typedef struct dxTriMeshData *dTriMeshDataID;
typedef struct dJointFeedback
dVector3 f1; /* force applied to body 1 */
dVector3 t1; /* torque applied to body 1 */
dVector3 f2; /* force applied to body 2 */
dVector3 t2; /* torque applied to body 2 */
typedef enum dJointType
dJointTypeNone = 0,
#define D_ALL_PARAM_NAMES(start) \
/* parameters for limits and motors */ \
dParamLoStop = start, \
dParamHiStop, \
dParamVel, \
dParamFMax, \
dParamFudgeFactor, \
dParamBounce, \
dParamCFM, \
dParamStopERP, \
dParamStopCFM, \
/* parameters for suspension */ \
dParamSuspensionERP, \
dParamSuspensionCFM, \
dParamERP, \
#define D_ALL_PARAM_NAMES_X(start,x) \
/* parameters for limits and motors */ \
dParamLoStop ## x = start, \
dParamHiStop ## x, \
dParamVel ## x, \
dParamFMax ## x, \
dParamFudgeFactor ## x, \
dParamBounce ## x, \
dParamCFM ## x, \
dParamStopERP ## x, \
dParamStopCFM ## x, \
/* parameters for suspension */ \
dParamSuspensionERP ## x, \
dParamSuspensionCFM ## x, \
dParamERP ## x,
enum {
/* add a multiple of this constant to the basic parameter numbers to get
* the parameters for the second, third etc axes.
typedef struct dMass
dReal mass;
dVector3 c;
dMatrix3 I;
dContactMu2 = 0x001,
dContactFDir1 = 0x002,
dContactBounce = 0x004,
dContactSoftERP = 0x008,
dContactSoftCFM = 0x010,
dContactMotion1 = 0x020,
dContactMotion2 = 0x040,
dContactMotionN = 0x080,
dContactSlip1 = 0x100,
dContactSlip2 = 0x200,
dContactApprox0 = 0x0000,
dContactApprox1_1 = 0x1000,
dContactApprox1_2 = 0x2000,
dContactApprox1 = 0x3000
typedef struct dSurfaceParameters
/* must always be defined */
int mode;
dReal mu;
/* only defined if the corresponding flag is set in mode */
dReal mu2;
dReal bounce;
dReal bounce_vel;
dReal soft_erp;
dReal soft_cfm;
dReal motion1,motion2,motionN;
dReal slip1,slip2;
} dSurfaceParameters;
typedef struct dContactGeom
dVector3 pos; ///< contact position
dVector3 normal; ///< normal vector
dReal depth; ///< penetration depth
dGeomID g1,g2; ///< the colliding geoms
int side1,side2; ///< (to be documented)
typedef struct dContact
dSurfaceParameters surface;
dContactGeom geom;
dVector3 fdir1;
typedef void VARGS dNearCallback (void *data, dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2);
// SAP
// Order XZY or ZXY usually works best, if your Y is up.
#define dSAP_AXES_XYZ ((0)|(1<<2)|(2<<4))
#define dSAP_AXES_XZY ((0)|(2<<2)|(1<<4))
#define dSAP_AXES_YXZ ((1)|(0<<2)|(2<<4))
#define dSAP_AXES_YZX ((1)|(2<<2)|(0<<4))
#define dSAP_AXES_ZXY ((2)|(0<<2)|(1<<4))
#define dSAP_AXES_ZYX ((2)|(1<<2)|(0<<4))
//const char* (ODE_API *dGetConfiguration)(void);
int (ODE_API *dCheckConfiguration)( const char* token );
int (ODE_API *dInitODE)(void);
//int (ODE_API *dInitODE2)(unsigned int uiInitFlags);
//int (ODE_API *dAllocateODEDataForThread)(unsigned int uiAllocateFlags);
//void (ODE_API *dCleanupODEAllDataForThread)(void);
void (ODE_API *dCloseODE)(void);
//int (ODE_API *dMassCheck)(const dMass *m);
//void (ODE_API *dMassSetZero)(dMass *);
//void (ODE_API *dMassSetParameters)(dMass *, dReal themass, dReal cgx, dReal cgy, dReal cgz, dReal I11, dReal I22, dReal I33, dReal I12, dReal I13, dReal I23);
//void (ODE_API *dMassSetSphere)(dMass *, dReal density, dReal radius);
void (ODE_API *dMassSetSphereTotal)(dMass *, dReal total_mass, dReal radius);
//void (ODE_API *dMassSetCapsule)(dMass *, dReal density, int direction, dReal radius, dReal length);
void (ODE_API *dMassSetCapsuleTotal)(dMass *, dReal total_mass, int direction, dReal radius, dReal length);
//void (ODE_API *dMassSetCylinder)(dMass *, dReal density, int direction, dReal radius, dReal length);
//void (ODE_API *dMassSetCylinderTotal)(dMass *, dReal total_mass, int direction, dReal radius, dReal length);
//void (ODE_API *dMassSetBox)(dMass *, dReal density, dReal lx, dReal ly, dReal lz);
void (ODE_API *dMassSetBoxTotal)(dMass *, dReal total_mass, dReal lx, dReal ly, dReal lz);
//void (ODE_API *dMassSetTrimesh)(dMass *, dReal density, dGeomID g);
//void (ODE_API *dMassSetTrimeshTotal)(dMass *m, dReal total_mass, dGeomID g);
//void (ODE_API *dMassAdjust)(dMass *, dReal newmass);
//void (ODE_API *dMassTranslate)(dMass *, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//void (ODE_API *dMassRotate)(dMass *, const dMatrix3 R);
//void (ODE_API *dMassAdd)(dMass *a, const dMass *b);
dWorldID (ODE_API *dWorldCreate)(void);
void (ODE_API *dWorldDestroy)(dWorldID world);
void (ODE_API *dWorldSetGravity)(dWorldID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
void (ODE_API *dWorldGetGravity)(dWorldID, dVector3 gravity);
void (ODE_API *dWorldSetERP)(dWorldID, dReal erp);
//dReal (ODE_API *dWorldGetERP)(dWorldID);
void (ODE_API *dWorldSetCFM)(dWorldID, dReal cfm);
//dReal (ODE_API *dWorldGetCFM)(dWorldID);
void (ODE_API *dWorldStep)(dWorldID, dReal stepsize);
//void (ODE_API *dWorldImpulseToForce)(dWorldID, dReal stepsize, dReal ix, dReal iy, dReal iz, dVector3 force);
void (ODE_API *dWorldQuickStep)(dWorldID w, dReal stepsize);
void (ODE_API *dWorldSetQuickStepNumIterations)(dWorldID, int num);
//int (ODE_API *dWorldGetQuickStepNumIterations)(dWorldID);
//void (ODE_API *dWorldSetQuickStepW)(dWorldID, dReal over_relaxation);
//dReal (ODE_API *dWorldGetQuickStepW)(dWorldID);
//void (ODE_API *dWorldSetContactMaxCorrectingVel)(dWorldID, dReal vel);
//dReal (ODE_API *dWorldGetContactMaxCorrectingVel)(dWorldID);
void (ODE_API *dWorldSetContactSurfaceLayer)(dWorldID, dReal depth);
//dReal (ODE_API *dWorldGetContactSurfaceLayer)(dWorldID);
//void (ODE_API *dWorldStepFast1)(dWorldID, dReal stepsize, int maxiterations);
//void (ODE_API *dWorldSetAutoEnableDepthSF1)(dWorldID, int autoEnableDepth);
//int (ODE_API *dWorldGetAutoEnableDepthSF1)(dWorldID);
//dReal (ODE_API *dWorldGetAutoDisableLinearThreshold)(dWorldID);
//void (ODE_API *dWorldSetAutoDisableLinearThreshold)(dWorldID, dReal linear_threshold);
//dReal (ODE_API *dWorldGetAutoDisableAngularThreshold)(dWorldID);
//void (ODE_API *dWorldSetAutoDisableAngularThreshold)(dWorldID, dReal angular_threshold);
//dReal (ODE_API *dWorldGetAutoDisableLinearAverageThreshold)(dWorldID);
//void (ODE_API *dWorldSetAutoDisableLinearAverageThreshold)(dWorldID, dReal linear_average_threshold);
//dReal (ODE_API *dWorldGetAutoDisableAngularAverageThreshold)(dWorldID);
//void (ODE_API *dWorldSetAutoDisableAngularAverageThreshold)(dWorldID, dReal angular_average_threshold);
//int (ODE_API *dWorldGetAutoDisableAverageSamplesCount)(dWorldID);
//void (ODE_API *dWorldSetAutoDisableAverageSamplesCount)(dWorldID, unsigned int average_samples_count );
//int (ODE_API *dWorldGetAutoDisableSteps)(dWorldID);
//void (ODE_API *dWorldSetAutoDisableSteps)(dWorldID, int steps);
//dReal (ODE_API *dWorldGetAutoDisableTime)(dWorldID);
//void (ODE_API *dWorldSetAutoDisableTime)(dWorldID, dReal time);
//int (ODE_API *dWorldGetAutoDisableFlag)(dWorldID);
void (ODE_API *dWorldSetAutoDisableFlag)(dWorldID, int do_auto_disable);
//dReal (ODE_API *dWorldGetLinearDampingThreshold)(dWorldID w);
//void (ODE_API *dWorldSetLinearDampingThreshold)(dWorldID w, dReal threshold);
//dReal (ODE_API *dWorldGetAngularDampingThreshold)(dWorldID w);
//void (ODE_API *dWorldSetAngularDampingThreshold)(dWorldID w, dReal threshold);
//dReal (ODE_API *dWorldGetLinearDamping)(dWorldID w);
//void (ODE_API *dWorldSetLinearDamping)(dWorldID w, dReal scale);
//dReal (ODE_API *dWorldGetAngularDamping)(dWorldID w);
//void (ODE_API *dWorldSetAngularDamping)(dWorldID w, dReal scale);
void (ODE_API *dWorldSetDamping)(dWorldID w, dReal linear_scale, dReal angular_scale);
//dReal (ODE_API *dWorldGetMaxAngularSpeed)(dWorldID w);
//void (ODE_API *dWorldSetMaxAngularSpeed)(dWorldID w, dReal max_speed);
//dReal (ODE_API *dBodyGetAutoDisableLinearThreshold)(dBodyID);
//void (ODE_API *dBodySetAutoDisableLinearThreshold)(dBodyID, dReal linear_average_threshold);
//dReal (ODE_API *dBodyGetAutoDisableAngularThreshold)(dBodyID);
//void (ODE_API *dBodySetAutoDisableAngularThreshold)(dBodyID, dReal angular_average_threshold);
//int (ODE_API *dBodyGetAutoDisableAverageSamplesCount)(dBodyID);
//void (ODE_API *dBodySetAutoDisableAverageSamplesCount)(dBodyID, unsigned int average_samples_count);
//int (ODE_API *dBodyGetAutoDisableSteps)(dBodyID);
//void (ODE_API *dBodySetAutoDisableSteps)(dBodyID, int steps);
//dReal (ODE_API *dBodyGetAutoDisableTime)(dBodyID);
//void (ODE_API *dBodySetAutoDisableTime)(dBodyID, dReal time);
//int (ODE_API *dBodyGetAutoDisableFlag)(dBodyID);
//void (ODE_API *dBodySetAutoDisableFlag)(dBodyID, int do_auto_disable);
//void (ODE_API *dBodySetAutoDisableDefaults)(dBodyID);
//dWorldID (ODE_API *dBodyGetWorld)(dBodyID);
dBodyID (ODE_API *dBodyCreate)(dWorldID);
void (ODE_API *dBodyDestroy)(dBodyID);
void (ODE_API *dBodySetData)(dBodyID, void *data);
void * (ODE_API *dBodyGetData)(dBodyID);
void (ODE_API *dBodySetPosition)(dBodyID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
void (ODE_API *dBodySetRotation)(dBodyID, const dMatrix3 R);
//void (ODE_API *dBodySetQuaternion)(dBodyID, const dQuaternion q);
void (ODE_API *dBodySetLinearVel)(dBodyID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
void (ODE_API *dBodySetAngularVel)(dBodyID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
const dReal * (ODE_API *dBodyGetPosition)(dBodyID);
//void (ODE_API *dBodyCopyPosition)(dBodyID body, dVector3 pos);
const dReal * (ODE_API *dBodyGetRotation)(dBodyID);
//void (ODE_API *dBodyCopyRotation)(dBodyID, dMatrix3 R);
//const dReal * (ODE_API *dBodyGetQuaternion)(dBodyID);
//void (ODE_API *dBodyCopyQuaternion)(dBodyID body, dQuaternion quat);
const dReal * (ODE_API *dBodyGetLinearVel)(dBodyID);
const dReal * (ODE_API *dBodyGetAngularVel)(dBodyID);
void (ODE_API *dBodySetMass)(dBodyID, const dMass *mass);
//void (ODE_API *dBodyGetMass)(dBodyID, dMass *mass);
//void (ODE_API *dBodyAddForce)(dBodyID, dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz);
//void (ODE_API *dBodyAddTorque)(dBodyID, dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz);
//void (ODE_API *dBodyAddRelForce)(dBodyID, dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz);
//void (ODE_API *dBodyAddRelTorque)(dBodyID, dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz);
//void (ODE_API *dBodyAddForceAtPos)(dBodyID, dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz, dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz);
//void (ODE_API *dBodyAddForceAtRelPos)(dBodyID, dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz, dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz);
//void (ODE_API *dBodyAddRelForceAtPos)(dBodyID, dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz, dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz);
//void (ODE_API *dBodyAddRelForceAtRelPos)(dBodyID, dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz, dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz);
//const dReal * (ODE_API *dBodyGetForce)(dBodyID);
//const dReal * (ODE_API *dBodyGetTorque)(dBodyID);
//void (ODE_API *dBodySetForce)(dBodyID b, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//void (ODE_API *dBodySetTorque)(dBodyID b, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//void (ODE_API *dBodyGetRelPointPos)(dBodyID, dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz, dVector3 result);
//void (ODE_API *dBodyGetRelPointVel)(dBodyID, dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz, dVector3 result);
//void (ODE_API *dBodyGetPointVel)(dBodyID, dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz, dVector3 result);
//void (ODE_API *dBodyGetPosRelPoint)(dBodyID, dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz, dVector3 result);
//void (ODE_API *dBodyVectorToWorld)(dBodyID, dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz, dVector3 result);
//void (ODE_API *dBodyVectorFromWorld)(dBodyID, dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz, dVector3 result);
//void (ODE_API *dBodySetFiniteRotationMode)(dBodyID, int mode);
//void (ODE_API *dBodySetFiniteRotationAxis)(dBodyID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//int (ODE_API *dBodyGetFiniteRotationMode)(dBodyID);
//void (ODE_API *dBodyGetFiniteRotationAxis)(dBodyID, dVector3 result);
int (ODE_API *dBodyGetNumJoints)(dBodyID b);
dJointID (ODE_API *dBodyGetJoint)(dBodyID, int index);
//void (ODE_API *dBodySetDynamic)(dBodyID);
//void (ODE_API *dBodySetKinematic)(dBodyID);
//int (ODE_API *dBodyIsKinematic)(dBodyID);
//void (ODE_API *dBodyEnable)(dBodyID);
//void (ODE_API *dBodyDisable)(dBodyID);
//int (ODE_API *dBodyIsEnabled)(dBodyID);
void (ODE_API *dBodySetGravityMode)(dBodyID b, int mode);
int (ODE_API *dBodyGetGravityMode)(dBodyID b);
//void (*dBodySetMovedCallback)(dBodyID b, void(ODE_API *callback)(dBodyID));
//dGeomID (ODE_API *dBodyGetFirstGeom)(dBodyID b);
//dGeomID (ODE_API *dBodyGetNextGeom)(dGeomID g);
//void (ODE_API *dBodySetDampingDefaults)(dBodyID b);
//dReal (ODE_API *dBodyGetLinearDamping)(dBodyID b);
//void (ODE_API *dBodySetLinearDamping)(dBodyID b, dReal scale);
//dReal (ODE_API *dBodyGetAngularDamping)(dBodyID b);
//void (ODE_API *dBodySetAngularDamping)(dBodyID b, dReal scale);
//void (ODE_API *dBodySetDamping)(dBodyID b, dReal linear_scale, dReal angular_scale);
//dReal (ODE_API *dBodyGetLinearDampingThreshold)(dBodyID b);
//void (ODE_API *dBodySetLinearDampingThreshold)(dBodyID b, dReal threshold);
//dReal (ODE_API *dBodyGetAngularDampingThreshold)(dBodyID b);
//void (ODE_API *dBodySetAngularDampingThreshold)(dBodyID b, dReal threshold);
//dReal (ODE_API *dBodyGetMaxAngularSpeed)(dBodyID b);
//void (ODE_API *dBodySetMaxAngularSpeed)(dBodyID b, dReal max_speed);
//int (ODE_API *dBodyGetGyroscopicMode)(dBodyID b);
//void (ODE_API *dBodySetGyroscopicMode)(dBodyID b, int enabled);
dJointID (ODE_API *dJointCreateBall)(dWorldID, dJointGroupID);
dJointID (ODE_API *dJointCreateHinge)(dWorldID, dJointGroupID);
dJointID (ODE_API *dJointCreateSlider)(dWorldID, dJointGroupID);
dJointID (ODE_API *dJointCreateContact)(dWorldID, dJointGroupID, const dContact *);
dJointID (ODE_API *dJointCreateHinge2)(dWorldID, dJointGroupID);
dJointID (ODE_API *dJointCreateUniversal)(dWorldID, dJointGroupID);
//dJointID (ODE_API *dJointCreatePR)(dWorldID, dJointGroupID);
//dJointID (ODE_API *dJointCreatePU)(dWorldID, dJointGroupID);
//dJointID (ODE_API *dJointCreatePiston)(dWorldID, dJointGroupID);
dJointID (ODE_API *dJointCreateFixed)(dWorldID, dJointGroupID);
//dJointID (ODE_API *dJointCreateNull)(dWorldID, dJointGroupID);
//dJointID (ODE_API *dJointCreateAMotor)(dWorldID, dJointGroupID);
//dJointID (ODE_API *dJointCreateLMotor)(dWorldID, dJointGroupID);
//dJointID (ODE_API *dJointCreatePlane2D)(dWorldID, dJointGroupID);
void (ODE_API *dJointDestroy)(dJointID);
dJointGroupID (ODE_API *dJointGroupCreate)(int max_size);
void (ODE_API *dJointGroupDestroy)(dJointGroupID);
void (ODE_API *dJointGroupEmpty)(dJointGroupID);
//int (ODE_API *dJointGetNumBodies)(dJointID);
void (ODE_API *dJointAttach)(dJointID, dBodyID body1, dBodyID body2);
//void (ODE_API *dJointEnable)(dJointID);
//void (ODE_API *dJointDisable)(dJointID);
//int (ODE_API *dJointIsEnabled)(dJointID);
void (ODE_API *dJointSetData)(dJointID, void *data);
void * (ODE_API *dJointGetData)(dJointID);
//dJointType (ODE_API *dJointGetType)(dJointID);
dBodyID (ODE_API *dJointGetBody)(dJointID, int index);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetFeedback)(dJointID, dJointFeedback *);
//dJointFeedback *(ODE_API *dJointGetFeedback)(dJointID);
void (ODE_API *dJointSetBallAnchor)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetBallAnchor2)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
void (ODE_API *dJointSetBallParam)(dJointID, int parameter, dReal value);
void (ODE_API *dJointSetHingeAnchor)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetHingeAnchorDelta)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z, dReal ax, dReal ay, dReal az);
void (ODE_API *dJointSetHingeAxis)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetHingeAxisOffset)(dJointID j, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z, dReal angle);
void (ODE_API *dJointSetHingeParam)(dJointID, int parameter, dReal value);
//void (ODE_API *dJointAddHingeTorque)(dJointID joint, dReal torque);
void (ODE_API *dJointSetSliderAxis)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetSliderAxisDelta)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z, dReal ax, dReal ay, dReal az);
void (ODE_API *dJointSetSliderParam)(dJointID, int parameter, dReal value);
//void (ODE_API *dJointAddSliderForce)(dJointID joint, dReal force);
void (ODE_API *dJointSetHinge2Anchor)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
void (ODE_API *dJointSetHinge2Axis1)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
void (ODE_API *dJointSetHinge2Axis2)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
void (ODE_API *dJointSetHinge2Param)(dJointID, int parameter, dReal value);
//void (ODE_API *dJointAddHinge2Torques)(dJointID joint, dReal torque1, dReal torque2);
void (ODE_API *dJointSetUniversalAnchor)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
void (ODE_API *dJointSetUniversalAxis1)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetUniversalAxis1Offset)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z, dReal offset1, dReal offset2);
void (ODE_API *dJointSetUniversalAxis2)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetUniversalAxis2Offset)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z, dReal offset1, dReal offset2);
void (ODE_API *dJointSetUniversalParam)(dJointID, int parameter, dReal value);
//void (ODE_API *dJointAddUniversalTorques)(dJointID joint, dReal torque1, dReal torque2);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetPRAnchor)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetPRAxis1)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetPRAxis2)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetPRParam)(dJointID, int parameter, dReal value);
//void (ODE_API *dJointAddPRTorque)(dJointID j, dReal torque);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetPUAnchor)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetPUAnchorOffset)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z, dReal dx, dReal dy, dReal dz);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetPUAxis1)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetPUAxis2)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetPUAxis3)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetPUAxisP)(dJointID id, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetPUParam)(dJointID, int parameter, dReal value);
//void (ODE_API *dJointAddPUTorque)(dJointID j, dReal torque);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetPistonAnchor)(dJointID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetPistonAnchorOffset)(dJointID j, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z, dReal dx, dReal dy, dReal dz);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetPistonParam)(dJointID, int parameter, dReal value);
//void (ODE_API *dJointAddPistonForce)(dJointID joint, dReal force);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetFixed)(dJointID);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetFixedParam)(dJointID, int parameter, dReal value);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetAMotorNumAxes)(dJointID, int num);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetAMotorAxis)(dJointID, int anum, int rel, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetAMotorAngle)(dJointID, int anum, dReal angle);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetAMotorParam)(dJointID, int parameter, dReal value);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetAMotorMode)(dJointID, int mode);
//void (ODE_API *dJointAddAMotorTorques)(dJointID, dReal torque1, dReal torque2, dReal torque3);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetLMotorNumAxes)(dJointID, int num);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetLMotorAxis)(dJointID, int anum, int rel, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetLMotorParam)(dJointID, int parameter, dReal value);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetPlane2DXParam)(dJointID, int parameter, dReal value);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetPlane2DYParam)(dJointID, int parameter, dReal value);
//void (ODE_API *dJointSetPlane2DAngleParam)(dJointID, int parameter, dReal value);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetBallAnchor)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetBallAnchor2)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetBallParam)(dJointID, int parameter);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetHingeAnchor)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetHingeAnchor2)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetHingeAxis)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetHingeParam)(dJointID, int parameter);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetHingeAngle)(dJointID);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetHingeAngleRate)(dJointID);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetSliderPosition)(dJointID);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetSliderPositionRate)(dJointID);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetSliderAxis)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetSliderParam)(dJointID, int parameter);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetHinge2Anchor)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetHinge2Anchor2)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetHinge2Axis1)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetHinge2Axis2)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetHinge2Param)(dJointID, int parameter);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetHinge2Angle1)(dJointID);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetHinge2Angle1Rate)(dJointID);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetHinge2Angle2Rate)(dJointID);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetUniversalAnchor)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetUniversalAnchor2)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetUniversalAxis1)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetUniversalAxis2)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetUniversalParam)(dJointID, int parameter);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetUniversalAngles)(dJointID, dReal *angle1, dReal *angle2);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetUniversalAngle1)(dJointID);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetUniversalAngle2)(dJointID);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetUniversalAngle1Rate)(dJointID);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetUniversalAngle2Rate)(dJointID);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetPRAnchor)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetPRPosition)(dJointID);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetPRPositionRate)(dJointID);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetPRAngle)(dJointID);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetPRAngleRate)(dJointID);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetPRAxis1)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetPRAxis2)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetPRParam)(dJointID, int parameter);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetPUAnchor)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetPUPosition)(dJointID);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetPUPositionRate)(dJointID);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetPUAxis1)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetPUAxis2)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetPUAxis3)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetPUAxisP)(dJointID id, dVector3 result);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetPUAngles)(dJointID, dReal *angle1, dReal *angle2);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetPUAngle1)(dJointID);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetPUAngle1Rate)(dJointID);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetPUAngle2)(dJointID);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetPUAngle2Rate)(dJointID);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetPUParam)(dJointID, int parameter);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetPistonPosition)(dJointID);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetPistonPositionRate)(dJointID);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetPistonAngle)(dJointID);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetPistonAngleRate)(dJointID);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetPistonAnchor)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetPistonAnchor2)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetPistonAxis)(dJointID, dVector3 result);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetPistonParam)(dJointID, int parameter);
//int (ODE_API *dJointGetAMotorNumAxes)(dJointID);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetAMotorAxis)(dJointID, int anum, dVector3 result);
//int (ODE_API *dJointGetAMotorAxisRel)(dJointID, int anum);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetAMotorAngle)(dJointID, int anum);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetAMotorAngleRate)(dJointID, int anum);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetAMotorParam)(dJointID, int parameter);
//int (ODE_API *dJointGetAMotorMode)(dJointID);
//int (ODE_API *dJointGetLMotorNumAxes)(dJointID);
//void (ODE_API *dJointGetLMotorAxis)(dJointID, int anum, dVector3 result);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetLMotorParam)(dJointID, int parameter);
//dReal (ODE_API *dJointGetFixedParam)(dJointID, int parameter);
//dJointID (ODE_API *dConnectingJoint)(dBodyID, dBodyID);
//int (ODE_API *dConnectingJointList)(dBodyID, dBodyID, dJointID*);
int (ODE_API *dAreConnected)(dBodyID, dBodyID);
int (ODE_API *dAreConnectedExcluding)(dBodyID body1, dBodyID body2, int joint_type);
dSpaceID (ODE_API *dSimpleSpaceCreate)(dSpaceID space);
dSpaceID (ODE_API *dHashSpaceCreate)(dSpaceID space);
dSpaceID (ODE_API *dQuadTreeSpaceCreate)(dSpaceID space, const dVector3 Center, const dVector3 Extents, int Depth);
//dSpaceID (ODE_API *dSweepAndPruneSpaceCreate)( dSpaceID space, int axisorder );
void (ODE_API *dSpaceDestroy)(dSpaceID);
//void (ODE_API *dHashSpaceSetLevels)(dSpaceID space, int minlevel, int maxlevel);
//void (ODE_API *dHashSpaceGetLevels)(dSpaceID space, int *minlevel, int *maxlevel);
//void (ODE_API *dSpaceSetCleanup)(dSpaceID space, int mode);
//int (ODE_API *dSpaceGetCleanup)(dSpaceID space);
//void (ODE_API *dSpaceSetSublevel)(dSpaceID space, int sublevel);
//int (ODE_API *dSpaceGetSublevel)(dSpaceID space);
//void (ODE_API *dSpaceSetManualCleanup)(dSpaceID space, int mode);
//int (ODE_API *dSpaceGetManualCleanup)(dSpaceID space);
//void (ODE_API *dSpaceAdd)(dSpaceID, dGeomID);
//void (ODE_API *dSpaceRemove)(dSpaceID, dGeomID);
//int (ODE_API *dSpaceQuery)(dSpaceID, dGeomID);
//void (ODE_API *dSpaceClean)(dSpaceID);
//int (ODE_API *dSpaceGetNumGeoms)(dSpaceID);
//dGeomID (ODE_API *dSpaceGetGeom)(dSpaceID, int i);
//int (ODE_API *dSpaceGetClass)(dSpaceID space);
void (ODE_API *dGeomDestroy)(dGeomID geom);
void (ODE_API *dGeomSetData)(dGeomID geom, void* data);
void * (ODE_API *dGeomGetData)(dGeomID geom);
void (ODE_API *dGeomSetBody)(dGeomID geom, dBodyID body);
dBodyID (ODE_API *dGeomGetBody)(dGeomID geom);
void (ODE_API *dGeomSetPosition)(dGeomID geom, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
void (ODE_API *dGeomSetRotation)(dGeomID geom, const dMatrix3 R);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomSetQuaternion)(dGeomID geom, const dQuaternion Q);
//const dReal * (ODE_API *dGeomGetPosition)(dGeomID geom);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomCopyPosition)(dGeomID geom, dVector3 pos);
//const dReal * (ODE_API *dGeomGetRotation)(dGeomID geom);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomCopyRotation)(dGeomID geom, dMatrix3 R);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomGetQuaternion)(dGeomID geom, dQuaternion result);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomGetAABB)(dGeomID geom, dReal aabb[6]);
int (ODE_API *dGeomIsSpace)(dGeomID geom);
//dSpaceID (ODE_API *dGeomGetSpace)(dGeomID);
//int (ODE_API *dGeomGetClass)(dGeomID geom);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomSetCategoryBits)(dGeomID geom, unsigned long bits);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomSetCollideBits)(dGeomID geom, unsigned long bits);
//unsigned long (ODE_API *dGeomGetCategoryBits)(dGeomID);
//unsigned long (ODE_API *dGeomGetCollideBits)(dGeomID);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomEnable)(dGeomID geom);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomDisable)(dGeomID geom);
//int (ODE_API *dGeomIsEnabled)(dGeomID geom);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomSetOffsetPosition)(dGeomID geom, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomSetOffsetRotation)(dGeomID geom, const dMatrix3 R);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomSetOffsetQuaternion)(dGeomID geom, const dQuaternion Q);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomSetOffsetWorldPosition)(dGeomID geom, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomSetOffsetWorldRotation)(dGeomID geom, const dMatrix3 R);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomSetOffsetWorldQuaternion)(dGeomID geom, const dQuaternion);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomClearOffset)(dGeomID geom);
//int (ODE_API *dGeomIsOffset)(dGeomID geom);
//const dReal * (ODE_API *dGeomGetOffsetPosition)(dGeomID geom);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomCopyOffsetPosition)(dGeomID geom, dVector3 pos);
//const dReal * (ODE_API *dGeomGetOffsetRotation)(dGeomID geom);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomCopyOffsetRotation)(dGeomID geom, dMatrix3 R);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomGetOffsetQuaternion)(dGeomID geom, dQuaternion result);
int (ODE_API *dCollide)(dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2, int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip);
void (ODE_API *dSpaceCollide)(dSpaceID space, void *data, dNearCallback *callback);
void (ODE_API *dSpaceCollide2)(dGeomID space1, dGeomID space2, void *data, dNearCallback *callback);
dGeomID (ODE_API *dCreateSphere)(dSpaceID space, dReal radius);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomSphereSetRadius)(dGeomID sphere, dReal radius);
//dReal (ODE_API *dGeomSphereGetRadius)(dGeomID sphere);
//dReal (ODE_API *dGeomSpherePointDepth)(dGeomID sphere, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//dGeomID (ODE_API *dCreateConvex)(dSpaceID space, dReal *_planes, unsigned int _planecount, dReal *_points, unsigned int _pointcount,unsigned int *_polygons);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomSetConvex)(dGeomID g, dReal *_planes, unsigned int _count, dReal *_points, unsigned int _pointcount,unsigned int *_polygons);
dGeomID (ODE_API *dCreateBox)(dSpaceID space, dReal lx, dReal ly, dReal lz);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomBoxSetLengths)(dGeomID box, dReal lx, dReal ly, dReal lz);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomBoxGetLengths)(dGeomID box, dVector3 result);
//dReal (ODE_API *dGeomBoxPointDepth)(dGeomID box, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//dReal (ODE_API *dGeomBoxPointDepth)(dGeomID box, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//dGeomID (ODE_API *dCreatePlane)(dSpaceID space, dReal a, dReal b, dReal c, dReal d);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomPlaneSetParams)(dGeomID plane, dReal a, dReal b, dReal c, dReal d);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomPlaneGetParams)(dGeomID plane, dVector4 result);
//dReal (ODE_API *dGeomPlanePointDepth)(dGeomID plane, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
dGeomID (ODE_API *dCreateCapsule)(dSpaceID space, dReal radius, dReal length);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomCapsuleSetParams)(dGeomID ccylinder, dReal radius, dReal length);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomCapsuleGetParams)(dGeomID ccylinder, dReal *radius, dReal *length);
//dReal (ODE_API *dGeomCapsulePointDepth)(dGeomID ccylinder, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
//dGeomID (ODE_API *dCreateCylinder)(dSpaceID space, dReal radius, dReal length);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomCylinderSetParams)(dGeomID cylinder, dReal radius, dReal length);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomCylinderGetParams)(dGeomID cylinder, dReal *radius, dReal *length);
//dGeomID (ODE_API *dCreateRay)(dSpaceID space, dReal length);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomRaySetLength)(dGeomID ray, dReal length);
//dReal (ODE_API *dGeomRayGetLength)(dGeomID ray);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomRaySet)(dGeomID ray, dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz, dReal dx, dReal dy, dReal dz);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomRayGet)(dGeomID ray, dVector3 start, dVector3 dir);
dGeomID (ODE_API *dCreateGeomTransform)(dSpaceID space);
void (ODE_API *dGeomTransformSetGeom)(dGeomID g, dGeomID obj);
//dGeomID (ODE_API *dGeomTransformGetGeom)(dGeomID g);
void (ODE_API *dGeomTransformSetCleanup)(dGeomID g, int mode);
//int (ODE_API *dGeomTransformGetCleanup)(dGeomID g);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomTransformSetInfo)(dGeomID g, int mode);
//int (ODE_API *dGeomTransformGetInfo)(dGeomID g);
typedef int dTriCallback(dGeomID TriMesh, dGeomID RefObject, int TriangleIndex);
typedef void dTriArrayCallback(dGeomID TriMesh, dGeomID RefObject, const int* TriIndices, int TriCount);
typedef int dTriRayCallback(dGeomID TriMesh, dGeomID Ray, int TriangleIndex, dReal u, dReal v);
typedef int dTriTriMergeCallback(dGeomID TriMesh, int FirstTriangleIndex, int SecondTriangleIndex);
dTriMeshDataID (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshDataCreate)(void);
void (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshDataDestroy)(dTriMeshDataID g);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshDataSet)(dTriMeshDataID g, int data_id, void* in_data);
//void* (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshDataGet)(dTriMeshDataID g, int data_id);
//void (*dGeomTriMeshSetLastTransform)( (ODE_API *dGeomID g, dMatrix4 last_trans );
//dReal* (*dGeomTriMeshGetLastTransform)( (ODE_API *dGeomID g );
void (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshDataBuildSingle)(dTriMeshDataID g, const void* Vertices, int VertexStride, int VertexCount, const void* Indices, int IndexCount, int TriStride);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshDataBuildSingle1)(dTriMeshDataID g, const void* Vertices, int VertexStride, int VertexCount, const void* Indices, int IndexCount, int TriStride, const void* Normals);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshDataBuildDouble)(dTriMeshDataID g, const void* Vertices, int VertexStride, int VertexCount, const void* Indices, int IndexCount, int TriStride);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshDataBuildDouble1)(dTriMeshDataID g, const void* Vertices, int VertexStride, int VertexCount, const void* Indices, int IndexCount, int TriStride, const void* Normals);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshDataBuildSimple)(dTriMeshDataID g, const dReal* Vertices, int VertexCount, const dTriIndex* Indices, int IndexCount);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshDataBuildSimple1)(dTriMeshDataID g, const dReal* Vertices, int VertexCount, const dTriIndex* Indices, int IndexCount, const int* Normals);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshDataPreprocess)(dTriMeshDataID g);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshDataGetBuffer)(dTriMeshDataID g, unsigned char** buf, int* bufLen);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshDataSetBuffer)(dTriMeshDataID g, unsigned char* buf);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshSetCallback)(dGeomID g, dTriCallback* Callback);
//dTriCallback* (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshGetCallback)(dGeomID g);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshSetArrayCallback)(dGeomID g, dTriArrayCallback* ArrayCallback);
//dTriArrayCallback* (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshGetArrayCallback)(dGeomID g);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshSetRayCallback)(dGeomID g, dTriRayCallback* Callback);
//dTriRayCallback* (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshGetRayCallback)(dGeomID g);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshSetTriMergeCallback)(dGeomID g, dTriTriMergeCallback* Callback);
//dTriTriMergeCallback* (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshGetTriMergeCallback)(dGeomID g);
dGeomID (ODE_API *dCreateTriMesh)(dSpaceID space, dTriMeshDataID Data, dTriCallback* Callback, dTriArrayCallback* ArrayCallback, dTriRayCallback* RayCallback);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshSetData)(dGeomID g, dTriMeshDataID Data);
//dTriMeshDataID (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshGetData)(dGeomID g);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshEnableTC)(dGeomID g, int geomClass, int enable);
//int (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshIsTCEnabled)(dGeomID g, int geomClass);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshClearTCCache)(dGeomID g);
//dTriMeshDataID (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshGetTriMeshDataID)(dGeomID g);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshGetTriangle)(dGeomID g, int Index, dVector3* v0, dVector3* v1, dVector3* v2);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshGetPoint)(dGeomID g, int Index, dReal u, dReal v, dVector3 Out);
//int (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshGetTriangleCount )(dGeomID g);
//void (ODE_API *dGeomTriMeshDataUpdate)(dTriMeshDataID g);
static dllfunction_t odefuncs[] =
// {"dGetConfiguration", (void **) &dGetConfiguration},
{(void **) &dCheckConfiguration, "dCheckConfiguration"},
{(void **) &dInitODE, "dInitODE"},
// {"dInitODE2", (void **) &dInitODE2},
// {"dAllocateODEDataForThread", (void **) &dAllocateODEDataForThread},
// {"dCleanupODEAllDataForThread", (void **) &dCleanupODEAllDataForThread},
{(void **) &dCloseODE, "dCloseODE"},
// {"dMassCheck", (void **) &dMassCheck},
// {"dMassSetZero", (void **) &dMassSetZero},
// {"dMassSetParameters", (void **) &dMassSetParameters},
// {"dMassSetSphere", (void **) &dMassSetSphere},
{(void **) &dMassSetSphereTotal, "dMassSetSphereTotal"},
// {"dMassSetCapsule", (void **) &dMassSetCapsule},
{(void **) &dMassSetCapsuleTotal, "dMassSetCapsuleTotal"},
// {"dMassSetCylinder", (void **) &dMassSetCylinder},
// {"dMassSetCylinderTotal", (void **) &dMassSetCylinderTotal},
// {"dMassSetBox", (void **) &dMassSetBox},
{(void **) &dMassSetBoxTotal, "dMassSetBoxTotal"},
// {"dMassSetTrimesh", (void **) &dMassSetTrimesh},
// {"dMassSetTrimeshTotal", (void **) &dMassSetTrimeshTotal},
// {"dMassAdjust", (void **) &dMassAdjust},
// {"dMassTranslate", (void **) &dMassTranslate},
// {"dMassRotate", (void **) &dMassRotate},
// {"dMassAdd", (void **) &dMassAdd},
{(void **) &dWorldCreate, "dWorldCreate"},
{(void **) &dWorldDestroy, "dWorldDestroy"},
{(void **) &dWorldSetGravity, "dWorldSetGravity"},
{(void **) &dWorldGetGravity, "dWorldGetGravity"},
{(void **) &dWorldSetERP, "dWorldSetERP"},
// {"dWorldGetERP", (void **) &dWorldGetERP},
{(void **) &dWorldSetCFM, "dWorldSetCFM"},
// {"dWorldGetCFM", (void **) &dWorldGetCFM},
{(void **) &dWorldStep, "dWorldStep"},
// {"dWorldImpulseToForce", (void **) &dWorldImpulseToForce},
{(void **) &dWorldQuickStep, "dWorldQuickStep"},
{(void **) &dWorldSetQuickStepNumIterations, "dWorldSetQuickStepNumIterations"},
// {"dWorldGetQuickStepNumIterations", (void **) &dWorldGetQuickStepNumIterations},
// {"dWorldSetQuickStepW", (void **) &dWorldSetQuickStepW},
// {"dWorldGetQuickStepW", (void **) &dWorldGetQuickStepW},
// {"dWorldSetContactMaxCorrectingVel", (void **) &dWorldSetContactMaxCorrectingVel},
// {"dWorldGetContactMaxCorrectingVel", (void **) &dWorldGetContactMaxCorrectingVel},
{(void **) &dWorldSetContactSurfaceLayer, "dWorldSetContactSurfaceLayer"},
// {"dWorldGetContactSurfaceLayer", (void **) &dWorldGetContactSurfaceLayer},
// {(void **) &dWorldStepFast1, "dWorldStepFast1"},
// {"dWorldSetAutoEnableDepthSF1", (void **) &dWorldSetAutoEnableDepthSF1},
// {"dWorldGetAutoEnableDepthSF1", (void **) &dWorldGetAutoEnableDepthSF1},
// {"dWorldGetAutoDisableLinearThreshold", (void **) &dWorldGetAutoDisableLinearThreshold},
// {"dWorldSetAutoDisableLinearThreshold", (void **) &dWorldSetAutoDisableLinearThreshold},
// {"dWorldGetAutoDisableAngularThreshold", (void **) &dWorldGetAutoDisableAngularThreshold},
// {"dWorldSetAutoDisableAngularThreshold", (void **) &dWorldSetAutoDisableAngularThreshold},
// {"dWorldGetAutoDisableLinearAverageThreshold", (void **) &dWorldGetAutoDisableLinearAverageThreshold},
// {"dWorldSetAutoDisableLinearAverageThreshold", (void **) &dWorldSetAutoDisableLinearAverageThreshold},
// {"dWorldGetAutoDisableAngularAverageThreshold", (void **) &dWorldGetAutoDisableAngularAverageThreshold},
// {"dWorldSetAutoDisableAngularAverageThreshold", (void **) &dWorldSetAutoDisableAngularAverageThreshold},
// {"dWorldGetAutoDisableAverageSamplesCount", (void **) &dWorldGetAutoDisableAverageSamplesCount},
// {"dWorldSetAutoDisableAverageSamplesCount", (void **) &dWorldSetAutoDisableAverageSamplesCount},
// {"dWorldGetAutoDisableSteps", (void **) &dWorldGetAutoDisableSteps},
// {"dWorldSetAutoDisableSteps", (void **) &dWorldSetAutoDisableSteps},
// {"dWorldGetAutoDisableTime", (void **) &dWorldGetAutoDisableTime},
// {"dWorldSetAutoDisableTime", (void **) &dWorldSetAutoDisableTime},
// {"dWorldGetAutoDisableFlag", (void **) &dWorldGetAutoDisableFlag},
{(void **) &dWorldSetAutoDisableFlag, "dWorldSetAutoDisableFlag"},
// {"dWorldGetLinearDampingThreshold", (void **) &dWorldGetLinearDampingThreshold},
// {"dWorldSetLinearDampingThreshold", (void **) &dWorldSetLinearDampingThreshold},
// {"dWorldGetAngularDampingThreshold", (void **) &dWorldGetAngularDampingThreshold},
// {"dWorldSetAngularDampingThreshold", (void **) &dWorldSetAngularDampingThreshold},
// {"dWorldGetLinearDamping", (void **) &dWorldGetLinearDamping},
// {"dWorldSetLinearDamping", (void **) &dWorldSetLinearDamping},
// {"dWorldGetAngularDamping", (void **) &dWorldGetAngularDamping},
// {"dWorldSetAngularDamping", (void **) &dWorldSetAngularDamping},
{(void **) &dWorldSetDamping, "dWorldSetDamping"},
// {"dWorldGetMaxAngularSpeed", (void **) &dWorldGetMaxAngularSpeed},
// {"dWorldSetMaxAngularSpeed", (void **) &dWorldSetMaxAngularSpeed},
// {"dBodyGetAutoDisableLinearThreshold", (void **) &dBodyGetAutoDisableLinearThreshold},
// {"dBodySetAutoDisableLinearThreshold", (void **) &dBodySetAutoDisableLinearThreshold},
// {"dBodyGetAutoDisableAngularThreshold", (void **) &dBodyGetAutoDisableAngularThreshold},
// {"dBodySetAutoDisableAngularThreshold", (void **) &dBodySetAutoDisableAngularThreshold},
// {"dBodyGetAutoDisableAverageSamplesCount", (void **) &dBodyGetAutoDisableAverageSamplesCount},
// {"dBodySetAutoDisableAverageSamplesCount", (void **) &dBodySetAutoDisableAverageSamplesCount},
// {"dBodyGetAutoDisableSteps", (void **) &dBodyGetAutoDisableSteps},
// {"dBodySetAutoDisableSteps", (void **) &dBodySetAutoDisableSteps},
// {"dBodyGetAutoDisableTime", (void **) &dBodyGetAutoDisableTime},
// {"dBodySetAutoDisableTime", (void **) &dBodySetAutoDisableTime},
// {"dBodyGetAutoDisableFlag", (void **) &dBodyGetAutoDisableFlag},
// {"dBodySetAutoDisableFlag", (void **) &dBodySetAutoDisableFlag},
// {"dBodySetAutoDisableDefaults", (void **) &dBodySetAutoDisableDefaults},
// {"dBodyGetWorld", (void **) &dBodyGetWorld},
{(void **) &dBodyCreate, "dBodyCreate"},
{(void **) &dBodyDestroy, "dBodyDestroy"},
{(void **) &dBodySetData, "dBodySetData"},
{(void **) &dBodyGetData, "dBodyGetData"},
{(void **) &dBodySetPosition, "dBodySetPosition"},
{(void **) &dBodySetRotation, "dBodySetRotation"},
// {"dBodySetQuaternion", (void **) &dBodySetQuaternion},
{(void **) &dBodySetLinearVel, "dBodySetLinearVel"},
{(void **) &dBodySetAngularVel, "dBodySetAngularVel"},
{(void **) &dBodyGetPosition, "dBodyGetPosition"},
// {"dBodyCopyPosition", (void **) &dBodyCopyPosition},
{(void **) &dBodyGetRotation, "dBodyGetRotation"},
// {"dBodyCopyRotation", (void **) &dBodyCopyRotation},
// {"dBodyGetQuaternion", (void **) &dBodyGetQuaternion},
// {"dBodyCopyQuaternion", (void **) &dBodyCopyQuaternion},
{(void **) &dBodyGetLinearVel, "dBodyGetLinearVel"},
{(void **) &dBodyGetAngularVel, "dBodyGetAngularVel"},
{(void **) &dBodySetMass, "dBodySetMass"},
// {"dBodyGetMass", (void **) &dBodyGetMass},
// {"dBodyAddForce", (void **) &dBodyAddForce},
// {"dBodyAddTorque", (void **) &dBodyAddTorque},
// {"dBodyAddRelForce", (void **) &dBodyAddRelForce},
// {"dBodyAddRelTorque", (void **) &dBodyAddRelTorque},
// {"dBodyAddForceAtPos", (void **) &dBodyAddForceAtPos},
// {"dBodyAddForceAtRelPos", (void **) &dBodyAddForceAtRelPos},
// {"dBodyAddRelForceAtPos", (void **) &dBodyAddRelForceAtPos},
// {"dBodyAddRelForceAtRelPos", (void **) &dBodyAddRelForceAtRelPos},
// {"dBodyGetForce", (void **) &dBodyGetForce},
// {"dBodyGetTorque", (void **) &dBodyGetTorque},
// {"dBodySetForce", (void **) &dBodySetForce},
// {"dBodySetTorque", (void **) &dBodySetTorque},
// {"dBodyGetRelPointPos", (void **) &dBodyGetRelPointPos},
// {"dBodyGetRelPointVel", (void **) &dBodyGetRelPointVel},
// {"dBodyGetPointVel", (void **) &dBodyGetPointVel},
// {"dBodyGetPosRelPoint", (void **) &dBodyGetPosRelPoint},
// {"dBodyVectorToWorld", (void **) &dBodyVectorToWorld},
// {"dBodyVectorFromWorld", (void **) &dBodyVectorFromWorld},
// {"dBodySetFiniteRotationMode", (void **) &dBodySetFiniteRotationMode},
// {"dBodySetFiniteRotationAxis", (void **) &dBodySetFiniteRotationAxis},
// {"dBodyGetFiniteRotationMode", (void **) &dBodyGetFiniteRotationMode},
// {"dBodyGetFiniteRotationAxis", (void **) &dBodyGetFiniteRotationAxis},
{(void **) &dBodyGetNumJoints, "dBodyGetNumJoints"},
{(void **) &dBodyGetJoint, "dBodyGetJoint"},
// {"dBodySetDynamic", (void **) &dBodySetDynamic},
// {"dBodySetKinematic", (void **) &dBodySetKinematic},
// {"dBodyIsKinematic", (void **) &dBodyIsKinematic},
// {"dBodyEnable", (void **) &dBodyEnable},
// {"dBodyDisable", (void **) &dBodyDisable},
// {"dBodyIsEnabled", (void **) &dBodyIsEnabled},
{(void **) &dBodySetGravityMode, "dBodySetGravityMode"},
{(void **) &dBodyGetGravityMode, "dBodyGetGravityMode"},
// {"dBodySetMovedCallback", (void **) &dBodySetMovedCallback},
// {"dBodyGetFirstGeom", (void **) &dBodyGetFirstGeom},
// {"dBodyGetNextGeom", (void **) &dBodyGetNextGeom},
// {"dBodySetDampingDefaults", (void **) &dBodySetDampingDefaults},
// {"dBodyGetLinearDamping", (void **) &dBodyGetLinearDamping},
// {"dBodySetLinearDamping", (void **) &dBodySetLinearDamping},
// {"dBodyGetAngularDamping", (void **) &dBodyGetAngularDamping},
// {"dBodySetAngularDamping", (void **) &dBodySetAngularDamping},
// {"dBodySetDamping", (void **) &dBodySetDamping},
// {"dBodyGetLinearDampingThreshold", (void **) &dBodyGetLinearDampingThreshold},
// {"dBodySetLinearDampingThreshold", (void **) &dBodySetLinearDampingThreshold},
// {"dBodyGetAngularDampingThreshold", (void **) &dBodyGetAngularDampingThreshold},
// {"dBodySetAngularDampingThreshold", (void **) &dBodySetAngularDampingThreshold},
// {"dBodyGetMaxAngularSpeed", (void **) &dBodyGetMaxAngularSpeed},
// {"dBodySetMaxAngularSpeed", (void **) &dBodySetMaxAngularSpeed},
// {"dBodyGetGyroscopicMode", (void **) &dBodyGetGyroscopicMode},
// {"dBodySetGyroscopicMode", (void **) &dBodySetGyroscopicMode},
{(void **) &dJointCreateBall, "dJointCreateBall"},
{(void **) &dJointCreateHinge, "dJointCreateHinge"},
{(void **) &dJointCreateSlider, "dJointCreateSlider"},
{(void **) &dJointCreateContact, "dJointCreateContact"},
{(void **) &dJointCreateHinge2, "dJointCreateHinge2"},
{(void **) &dJointCreateUniversal, "dJointCreateUniversal"},
// {"dJointCreatePR", (void **) &dJointCreatePR},
// {"dJointCreatePU", (void **) &dJointCreatePU},
// {"dJointCreatePiston", (void **) &dJointCreatePiston},
{(void **) &dJointCreateFixed, "dJointCreateFixed"},
// {"dJointCreateNull", (void **) &dJointCreateNull},
// {"dJointCreateAMotor", (void **) &dJointCreateAMotor},
// {"dJointCreateLMotor", (void **) &dJointCreateLMotor},
// {"dJointCreatePlane2D", (void **) &dJointCreatePlane2D},
{(void **) &dJointDestroy, "dJointDestroy"},
{(void **) &dJointGroupCreate, "dJointGroupCreate"},
{(void **) &dJointGroupDestroy, "dJointGroupDestroy"},
{(void **) &dJointGroupEmpty, "dJointGroupEmpty"},
// {"dJointGetNumBodies", (void **) &dJointGetNumBodies},
{(void **) &dJointAttach, "dJointAttach"},
// {"dJointEnable", (void **) &dJointEnable},
// {"dJointDisable", (void **) &dJointDisable},
// {"dJointIsEnabled", (void **) &dJointIsEnabled},
{(void **) &dJointSetData, "dJointSetData"},
{(void **) &dJointGetData, "dJointGetData"},
// {"dJointGetType", (void **) &dJointGetType},
{(void **) &dJointGetBody, "dJointGetBody"},
// {"dJointSetFeedback", (void **) &dJointSetFeedback},
// {"dJointGetFeedback", (void **) &dJointGetFeedback},
{(void **) &dJointSetBallAnchor, "dJointSetBallAnchor"},
// {"dJointSetBallAnchor2", (void **) &dJointSetBallAnchor2},
{(void **) &dJointSetBallParam, "dJointSetBallParam"},
{(void **) &dJointSetHingeAnchor, "dJointSetHingeAnchor"},
// {"dJointSetHingeAnchorDelta", (void **) &dJointSetHingeAnchorDelta},
{(void **) &dJointSetHingeAxis, "dJointSetHingeAxis"},
// {"dJointSetHingeAxisOffset", (void **) &dJointSetHingeAxisOffset},
{(void **) &dJointSetHingeParam, "dJointSetHingeParam"},
// {"dJointAddHingeTorque", (void **) &dJointAddHingeTorque},
{(void **) &dJointSetSliderAxis, "dJointSetSliderAxis"},
// {"dJointSetSliderAxisDelta", (void **) &dJointSetSliderAxisDelta},
{(void **) &dJointSetSliderParam, "dJointSetSliderParam"},
// {"dJointAddSliderForce", (void **) &dJointAddSliderForce},
{(void **) &dJointSetHinge2Anchor, "dJointSetHinge2Anchor"},
{(void **) &dJointSetHinge2Axis1, "dJointSetHinge2Axis1"},
{(void **) &dJointSetHinge2Axis2, "dJointSetHinge2Axis2"},
{(void **) &dJointSetHinge2Param, "dJointSetHinge2Param"},
// {"dJointAddHinge2Torques", (void **) &dJointAddHinge2Torques},
{(void **) &dJointSetUniversalAnchor, "dJointSetUniversalAnchor"},
{(void **) &dJointSetUniversalAxis1, "dJointSetUniversalAxis1"},
// {"dJointSetUniversalAxis1Offset", (void **) &dJointSetUniversalAxis1Offset},
{(void **) &dJointSetUniversalAxis2, "dJointSetUniversalAxis2"},
// {"dJointSetUniversalAxis2Offset", (void **) &dJointSetUniversalAxis2Offset},
{(void **) &dJointSetUniversalParam, "dJointSetUniversalParam"},
// {"dJointAddUniversalTorques", (void **) &dJointAddUniversalTorques},
// {"dJointSetPRAnchor", (void **) &dJointSetPRAnchor},
// {"dJointSetPRAxis1", (void **) &dJointSetPRAxis1},
// {"dJointSetPRAxis2", (void **) &dJointSetPRAxis2},
// {"dJointSetPRParam", (void **) &dJointSetPRParam},
// {"dJointAddPRTorque", (void **) &dJointAddPRTorque},
// {"dJointSetPUAnchor", (void **) &dJointSetPUAnchor},
// {"dJointSetPUAnchorOffset", (void **) &dJointSetPUAnchorOffset},
// {"dJointSetPUAxis1", (void **) &dJointSetPUAxis1},
// {"dJointSetPUAxis2", (void **) &dJointSetPUAxis2},
// {"dJointSetPUAxis3", (void **) &dJointSetPUAxis3},
// {"dJointSetPUAxisP", (void **) &dJointSetPUAxisP},
// {"dJointSetPUParam", (void **) &dJointSetPUParam},
// {"dJointAddPUTorque", (void **) &dJointAddPUTorque},
// {"dJointSetPistonAnchor", (void **) &dJointSetPistonAnchor},
// {"dJointSetPistonAnchorOffset", (void **) &dJointSetPistonAnchorOffset},
// {"dJointSetPistonParam", (void **) &dJointSetPistonParam},
// {"dJointAddPistonForce", (void **) &dJointAddPistonForce},
// {"dJointSetFixed", (void **) &dJointSetFixed},
// {"dJointSetFixedParam", (void **) &dJointSetFixedParam},
// {"dJointSetAMotorNumAxes", (void **) &dJointSetAMotorNumAxes},
// {"dJointSetAMotorAxis", (void **) &dJointSetAMotorAxis},
// {"dJointSetAMotorAngle", (void **) &dJointSetAMotorAngle},
// {"dJointSetAMotorParam", (void **) &dJointSetAMotorParam},
// {"dJointSetAMotorMode", (void **) &dJointSetAMotorMode},
// {"dJointAddAMotorTorques", (void **) &dJointAddAMotorTorques},
// {"dJointSetLMotorNumAxes", (void **) &dJointSetLMotorNumAxes},
// {"dJointSetLMotorAxis", (void **) &dJointSetLMotorAxis},
// {"dJointSetLMotorParam", (void **) &dJointSetLMotorParam},
// {"dJointSetPlane2DXParam", (void **) &dJointSetPlane2DXParam},
// {"dJointSetPlane2DYParam", (void **) &dJointSetPlane2DYParam},
// {"dJointSetPlane2DAngleParam", (void **) &dJointSetPlane2DAngleParam},
// {"dJointGetBallAnchor", (void **) &dJointGetBallAnchor},
// {"dJointGetBallAnchor2", (void **) &dJointGetBallAnchor2},
// {"dJointGetBallParam", (void **) &dJointGetBallParam},
// {"dJointGetHingeAnchor", (void **) &dJointGetHingeAnchor},
// {"dJointGetHingeAnchor2", (void **) &dJointGetHingeAnchor2},
// {"dJointGetHingeAxis", (void **) &dJointGetHingeAxis},
// {"dJointGetHingeParam", (void **) &dJointGetHingeParam},
// {"dJointGetHingeAngle", (void **) &dJointGetHingeAngle},
// {"dJointGetHingeAngleRate", (void **) &dJointGetHingeAngleRate},
// {"dJointGetSliderPosition", (void **) &dJointGetSliderPosition},
// {"dJointGetSliderPositionRate", (void **) &dJointGetSliderPositionRate},
// {"dJointGetSliderAxis", (void **) &dJointGetSliderAxis},
// {"dJointGetSliderParam", (void **) &dJointGetSliderParam},
// {"dJointGetHinge2Anchor", (void **) &dJointGetHinge2Anchor},
// {"dJointGetHinge2Anchor2", (void **) &dJointGetHinge2Anchor2},
// {"dJointGetHinge2Axis1", (void **) &dJointGetHinge2Axis1},
// {"dJointGetHinge2Axis2", (void **) &dJointGetHinge2Axis2},
// {"dJointGetHinge2Param", (void **) &dJointGetHinge2Param},
// {"dJointGetHinge2Angle1", (void **) &dJointGetHinge2Angle1},
// {"dJointGetHinge2Angle1Rate", (void **) &dJointGetHinge2Angle1Rate},
// {"dJointGetHinge2Angle2Rate", (void **) &dJointGetHinge2Angle2Rate},
// {"dJointGetUniversalAnchor", (void **) &dJointGetUniversalAnchor},
// {"dJointGetUniversalAnchor2", (void **) &dJointGetUniversalAnchor2},
// {"dJointGetUniversalAxis1", (void **) &dJointGetUniversalAxis1},
// {"dJointGetUniversalAxis2", (void **) &dJointGetUniversalAxis2},
// {"dJointGetUniversalParam", (void **) &dJointGetUniversalParam},
// {"dJointGetUniversalAngles", (void **) &dJointGetUniversalAngles},
// {"dJointGetUniversalAngle1", (void **) &dJointGetUniversalAngle1},
// {"dJointGetUniversalAngle2", (void **) &dJointGetUniversalAngle2},
// {"dJointGetUniversalAngle1Rate", (void **) &dJointGetUniversalAngle1Rate},
// {"dJointGetUniversalAngle2Rate", (void **) &dJointGetUniversalAngle2Rate},
// {"dJointGetPRAnchor", (void **) &dJointGetPRAnchor},
// {"dJointGetPRPosition", (void **) &dJointGetPRPosition},
// {"dJointGetPRPositionRate", (void **) &dJointGetPRPositionRate},
// {"dJointGetPRAngle", (void **) &dJointGetPRAngle},
// {"dJointGetPRAngleRate", (void **) &dJointGetPRAngleRate},
// {"dJointGetPRAxis1", (void **) &dJointGetPRAxis1},
// {"dJointGetPRAxis2", (void **) &dJointGetPRAxis2},
// {"dJointGetPRParam", (void **) &dJointGetPRParam},
// {"dJointGetPUAnchor", (void **) &dJointGetPUAnchor},
// {"dJointGetPUPosition", (void **) &dJointGetPUPosition},
// {"dJointGetPUPositionRate", (void **) &dJointGetPUPositionRate},
// {"dJointGetPUAxis1", (void **) &dJointGetPUAxis1},
// {"dJointGetPUAxis2", (void **) &dJointGetPUAxis2},
// {"dJointGetPUAxis3", (void **) &dJointGetPUAxis3},
// {"dJointGetPUAxisP", (void **) &dJointGetPUAxisP},
// {"dJointGetPUAngles", (void **) &dJointGetPUAngles},
// {"dJointGetPUAngle1", (void **) &dJointGetPUAngle1},
// {"dJointGetPUAngle1Rate", (void **) &dJointGetPUAngle1Rate},
// {"dJointGetPUAngle2", (void **) &dJointGetPUAngle2},
// {"dJointGetPUAngle2Rate", (void **) &dJointGetPUAngle2Rate},
// {"dJointGetPUParam", (void **) &dJointGetPUParam},
// {"dJointGetPistonPosition", (void **) &dJointGetPistonPosition},
// {"dJointGetPistonPositionRate", (void **) &dJointGetPistonPositionRate},
// {"dJointGetPistonAngle", (void **) &dJointGetPistonAngle},
// {"dJointGetPistonAngleRate", (void **) &dJointGetPistonAngleRate},
// {"dJointGetPistonAnchor", (void **) &dJointGetPistonAnchor},
// {"dJointGetPistonAnchor2", (void **) &dJointGetPistonAnchor2},
// {"dJointGetPistonAxis", (void **) &dJointGetPistonAxis},
// {"dJointGetPistonParam", (void **) &dJointGetPistonParam},
// {"dJointGetAMotorNumAxes", (void **) &dJointGetAMotorNumAxes},
// {"dJointGetAMotorAxis", (void **) &dJointGetAMotorAxis},
// {"dJointGetAMotorAxisRel", (void **) &dJointGetAMotorAxisRel},
// {"dJointGetAMotorAngle", (void **) &dJointGetAMotorAngle},
// {"dJointGetAMotorAngleRate", (void **) &dJointGetAMotorAngleRate},
// {"dJointGetAMotorParam", (void **) &dJointGetAMotorParam},
// {"dJointGetAMotorMode", (void **) &dJointGetAMotorMode},
// {"dJointGetLMotorNumAxes", (void **) &dJointGetLMotorNumAxes},
// {"dJointGetLMotorAxis", (void **) &dJointGetLMotorAxis},
// {"dJointGetLMotorParam", (void **) &dJointGetLMotorParam},
// {"dJointGetFixedParam", (void **) &dJointGetFixedParam},
// {"dConnectingJoint", (void **) &dConnectingJoint},
// {"dConnectingJointList", (void **) &dConnectingJointList},
{(void **) &dAreConnected, "dAreConnected"},
{(void **) &dAreConnectedExcluding, "dAreConnectedExcluding"},
{(void **) &dSimpleSpaceCreate, "dSimpleSpaceCreate"},
{(void **) &dHashSpaceCreate, "dHashSpaceCreate"},
{(void **) &dQuadTreeSpaceCreate, "dQuadTreeSpaceCreate"},
// {"dSweepAndPruneSpaceCreate", (void **) &dSweepAndPruneSpaceCreate},
{(void **) &dSpaceDestroy, "dSpaceDestroy"},
// {"dHashSpaceSetLevels", (void **) &dHashSpaceSetLevels},
// {"dHashSpaceGetLevels", (void **) &dHashSpaceGetLevels},
// {"dSpaceSetCleanup", (void **) &dSpaceSetCleanup},
// {"dSpaceGetCleanup", (void **) &dSpaceGetCleanup},
// {"dSpaceSetSublevel", (void **) &dSpaceSetSublevel},
// {"dSpaceGetSublevel", (void **) &dSpaceGetSublevel},
// {"dSpaceSetManualCleanup", (void **) &dSpaceSetManualCleanup},
// {"dSpaceGetManualCleanup", (void **) &dSpaceGetManualCleanup},
// {"dSpaceAdd", (void **) &dSpaceAdd},
// {"dSpaceRemove", (void **) &dSpaceRemove},
// {"dSpaceQuery", (void **) &dSpaceQuery},
// {"dSpaceClean", (void **) &dSpaceClean},
// {"dSpaceGetNumGeoms", (void **) &dSpaceGetNumGeoms},
// {"dSpaceGetGeom", (void **) &dSpaceGetGeom},
// {"dSpaceGetClass", (void **) &dSpaceGetClass},
{(void **) &dGeomDestroy, "dGeomDestroy"},
{(void **) &dGeomSetData, "dGeomSetData"},
{(void **) &dGeomGetData, "dGeomGetData"},
{(void **) &dGeomSetBody, "dGeomSetBody"},
{(void **) &dGeomGetBody, "dGeomGetBody"},
{(void **) &dGeomSetPosition, "dGeomSetPosition"},
{(void **) &dGeomSetRotation, "dGeomSetRotation"},
// {"dGeomSetQuaternion", (void **) &dGeomSetQuaternion},
// {"dGeomGetPosition", (void **) &dGeomGetPosition},
// {"dGeomCopyPosition", (void **) &dGeomCopyPosition},
// {"dGeomGetRotation", (void **) &dGeomGetRotation},
// {"dGeomCopyRotation", (void **) &dGeomCopyRotation},
// {"dGeomGetQuaternion", (void **) &dGeomGetQuaternion},
// {"dGeomGetAABB", (void **) &dGeomGetAABB},
{(void **) &dGeomIsSpace, "dGeomIsSpace"},
// {"dGeomGetSpace", (void **) &dGeomGetSpace},
// {"dGeomGetClass", (void **) &dGeomGetClass},
// {"dGeomSetCategoryBits", (void **) &dGeomSetCategoryBits},
// {"dGeomSetCollideBits", (void **) &dGeomSetCollideBits},
// {"dGeomGetCategoryBits", (void **) &dGeomGetCategoryBits},
// {"dGeomGetCollideBits", (void **) &dGeomGetCollideBits},
// {"dGeomEnable", (void **) &dGeomEnable},
// {"dGeomDisable", (void **) &dGeomDisable},
// {"dGeomIsEnabled", (void **) &dGeomIsEnabled},
// {"dGeomSetOffsetPosition", (void **) &dGeomSetOffsetPosition},
// {"dGeomSetOffsetRotation", (void **) &dGeomSetOffsetRotation},
// {"dGeomSetOffsetQuaternion", (void **) &dGeomSetOffsetQuaternion},
// {"dGeomSetOffsetWorldPosition", (void **) &dGeomSetOffsetWorldPosition},
// {"dGeomSetOffsetWorldRotation", (void **) &dGeomSetOffsetWorldRotation},
// {"dGeomSetOffsetWorldQuaternion", (void **) &dGeomSetOffsetWorldQuaternion},
// {"dGeomClearOffset", (void **) &dGeomClearOffset},
// {"dGeomIsOffset", (void **) &dGeomIsOffset},
// {"dGeomGetOffsetPosition", (void **) &dGeomGetOffsetPosition},
// {"dGeomCopyOffsetPosition", (void **) &dGeomCopyOffsetPosition},
// {"dGeomGetOffsetRotation", (void **) &dGeomGetOffsetRotation},
// {"dGeomCopyOffsetRotation", (void **) &dGeomCopyOffsetRotation},
// {"dGeomGetOffsetQuaternion", (void **) &dGeomGetOffsetQuaternion},
{(void **) &dCollide, "dCollide"},
{(void **) &dSpaceCollide, "dSpaceCollide"},
{(void **) &dSpaceCollide2, "dSpaceCollide2"},
{(void **) &dCreateSphere, "dCreateSphere"},
// {"dGeomSphereSetRadius", (void **) &dGeomSphereSetRadius},
// {"dGeomSphereGetRadius", (void **) &dGeomSphereGetRadius},
// {"dGeomSpherePointDepth", (void **) &dGeomSpherePointDepth},
// {"dCreateConvex", (void **) &dCreateConvex},
// {"dGeomSetConvex", (void **) &dGeomSetConvex},
{(void **) &dCreateBox, "dCreateBox"},
// {"dGeomBoxSetLengths", (void **) &dGeomBoxSetLengths},
// {"dGeomBoxGetLengths", (void **) &dGeomBoxGetLengths},
// {"dGeomBoxPointDepth", (void **) &dGeomBoxPointDepth},
// {"dGeomBoxPointDepth", (void **) &dGeomBoxPointDepth},
// {"dCreatePlane", (void **) &dCreatePlane},
// {"dGeomPlaneSetParams", (void **) &dGeomPlaneSetParams},
// {"dGeomPlaneGetParams", (void **) &dGeomPlaneGetParams},
// {"dGeomPlanePointDepth", (void **) &dGeomPlanePointDepth},
{(void **) &dCreateCapsule, "dCreateCapsule"},
// {"dGeomCapsuleSetParams", (void **) &dGeomCapsuleSetParams},
// {"dGeomCapsuleGetParams", (void **) &dGeomCapsuleGetParams},
// {"dGeomCapsulePointDepth", (void **) &dGeomCapsulePointDepth},
// {"dCreateCylinder", (void **) &dCreateCylinder},
// {"dGeomCylinderSetParams", (void **) &dGeomCylinderSetParams},
// {"dGeomCylinderGetParams", (void **) &dGeomCylinderGetParams},
// {"dCreateRay", (void **) &dCreateRay},
// {"dGeomRaySetLength", (void **) &dGeomRaySetLength},
// {"dGeomRayGetLength", (void **) &dGeomRayGetLength},
// {"dGeomRaySet", (void **) &dGeomRaySet},
// {"dGeomRayGet", (void **) &dGeomRayGet},
{(void **) &dCreateGeomTransform, "dCreateGeomTransform"},
{(void **) &dGeomTransformSetGeom, "dGeomTransformSetGeom"},
// {"dGeomTransformGetGeom", (void **) &dGeomTransformGetGeom},
{(void **) &dGeomTransformSetCleanup, "dGeomTransformSetCleanup"},
// {"dGeomTransformGetCleanup", (void **) &dGeomTransformGetCleanup},
// {"dGeomTransformSetInfo", (void **) &dGeomTransformSetInfo},
// {"dGeomTransformGetInfo", (void **) &dGeomTransformGetInfo},
{(void **) &dGeomTriMeshDataCreate, "dGeomTriMeshDataCreate"},
{(void **) &dGeomTriMeshDataDestroy, "dGeomTriMeshDataDestroy"},
// {"dGeomTriMeshDataSet", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshDataSet},
// {"dGeomTriMeshDataGet", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshDataGet},
// {"dGeomTriMeshSetLastTransform", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshSetLastTransform},
// {"dGeomTriMeshGetLastTransform", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshGetLastTransform},
{(void **) &dGeomTriMeshDataBuildSingle, "dGeomTriMeshDataBuildSingle"},
// {"dGeomTriMeshDataBuildSingle1", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshDataBuildSingle1},
// {"dGeomTriMeshDataBuildDouble", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshDataBuildDouble},
// {"dGeomTriMeshDataBuildDouble1", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshDataBuildDouble1},
// {"dGeomTriMeshDataBuildSimple", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshDataBuildSimple},
// {"dGeomTriMeshDataBuildSimple1", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshDataBuildSimple1},
// {"dGeomTriMeshDataPreprocess", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshDataPreprocess},
// {"dGeomTriMeshDataGetBuffer", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshDataGetBuffer},
// {"dGeomTriMeshDataSetBuffer", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshDataSetBuffer},
// {"dGeomTriMeshSetCallback", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshSetCallback},
// {"dGeomTriMeshGetCallback", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshGetCallback},
// {"dGeomTriMeshSetArrayCallback", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshSetArrayCallback},
// {"dGeomTriMeshGetArrayCallback", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshGetArrayCallback},
// {"dGeomTriMeshSetRayCallback", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshSetRayCallback},
// {"dGeomTriMeshGetRayCallback", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshGetRayCallback},
// {"dGeomTriMeshSetTriMergeCallback", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshSetTriMergeCallback},
// {"dGeomTriMeshGetTriMergeCallback", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshGetTriMergeCallback},
{(void **) &dCreateTriMesh, "dCreateTriMesh"},
// {"dGeomTriMeshSetData", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshSetData},
// {"dGeomTriMeshGetData", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshGetData},
// {"dGeomTriMeshEnableTC", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshEnableTC},
// {"dGeomTriMeshIsTCEnabled", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshIsTCEnabled},
// {"dGeomTriMeshClearTCCache", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshClearTCCache},
// {"dGeomTriMeshGetTriMeshDataID", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshGetTriMeshDataID},
// {"dGeomTriMeshGetTriangle", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshGetTriangle},
// {"dGeomTriMeshGetPoint", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshGetPoint},
// {"dGeomTriMeshGetTriangleCount", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshGetTriangleCount},
// {"dGeomTriMeshDataUpdate", (void **) &dGeomTriMeshDataUpdate},
// Handle for ODE DLL
dllhandle_t ode_dll = NULL;
void World_ODE_Init(void)
const char* dllname =
# if defined(WIN64)
# elif defined(WIN32)
# elif defined(MACOSX)
# else
# endif
Cvar_Register(&physics_ode_enable, "ODE Physics Library");
Cvar_Register(&physics_ode_quadtree_depth, "ODE Physics Library");
Cvar_Register(&physics_ode_contactsurfacelayer, "ODE Physics Library");
Cvar_Register(&physics_ode_worldquickstep, "ODE Physics Library");
Cvar_Register(&physics_ode_worldquickstep_iterations, "ODE Physics Library");
Cvar_Register(&physics_ode_contact_mu, "ODE Physics Library");
Cvar_Register(&physics_ode_contact_erp, "ODE Physics Library");
Cvar_Register(&physics_ode_contact_cfm, "ODE Physics Library");
Cvar_Register(&physics_ode_world_damping_angle, "ODE Physics Library");
Cvar_Register(&physics_ode_world_damping_linear, "ODE Physics Library");
Cvar_Register(&physics_ode_world_erp, "ODE Physics Library");
Cvar_Register(&physics_ode_world_cfm, "ODE Physics Library");
Cvar_Register(&physics_ode_iterationsperframe, "ODE Physics Library");
Cvar_Register(&physics_ode_movelimit, "ODE Physics Library");
Cvar_Register(&physics_ode_spinlimit, "ODE Physics Library");
// Load the DLL
ode_dll = Sys_LoadLibrary(dllname, odefuncs);
if (ode_dll)
// dInitODE2(0);
# ifdef dSINGLE
if (!dCheckConfiguration("ODE_single_precision"))
# else
if (!dCheckConfiguration("ODE_double_precision"))
# endif
# ifdef dSINGLE
Con_Printf("ode library not compiled for single precision - incompatible! Not using ODE physics.\n");
# else
Con_Printf("ode library not compiled for double precision - incompatible! Not using ODE physics.\n");
# endif
ode_dll = NULL;
if (!ode_dll)
physics_ode_enable.flags |= CVAR_NOSET;
Cvar_ForceSet(&physics_ode_enable, "0");
void World_ODE_Shutdown(void)
if (ode_dll)
ode_dll = NULL;
static void World_ODE_Enable(world_t *world)
dVector3 center, extents;
if (world->ode.ode)
if (!physics_ode_enable.ival)
if (!ode_dll)
world->ode.ode = true;
VectorAvg(world->worldmodel->mins, world->worldmodel->maxs, center);
VectorSubtract(world->worldmodel->maxs, center, extents);
world->ode.ode_world = dWorldCreate();
world->ode.ode_space = dQuadTreeSpaceCreate(NULL, center, extents, bound(1, physics_ode_quadtree_depth.ival, 10));
world->ode.ode_contactgroup = dJointGroupCreate(0);
if(physics_ode_world_erp.value >= 0)
dWorldSetERP(world->ode.ode_world, physics_ode_world_erp.value);
if(physics_ode_world_cfm.value >= 0)
dWorldSetCFM(world->ode.ode_world, physics_ode_world_cfm.value);
dWorldSetDamping(world->ode.ode_world, physics_ode_world_damping_linear.value, physics_ode_world_damping_angle.value);
// dWorldSetAutoDisableFlag (world->ode.ode_world, true);
void World_ODE_Start(world_t *world)
if (world->ode.ode)
void World_ODE_End(world_t *world)
if (world->ode.ode)
world->ode.ode = false;
void World_ODE_RemoveJointFromEntity(world_t *world, wedict_t *ed)
ed->ode.ode_joint_type = 0;
ed->ode.ode_joint = NULL;
void World_ODE_RemoveFromEntity(world_t *world, wedict_t *ed)
if (!ed->ode.ode_physics)
// entity is not physics controlled, free any physics data
ed->ode.ode_physics = false;
if (ed->ode.ode_geom)
ed->ode.ode_geom = NULL;
if (ed->ode.ode_body)
dJointID j;
dBodyID b1, b2;
wedict_t *ed2;
j = dBodyGetJoint((dBodyID)ed->ode.ode_body, 0);
ed2 = (wedict_t *) dJointGetData(j);
b1 = dJointGetBody(j, 0);
b2 = dJointGetBody(j, 1);
if(b1 == (dBodyID)ed->ode.ode_body)
b1 = 0;
ed2->ode.ode_joint_enemy = 0;
if(b2 == (dBodyID)ed->ode.ode_body)
b2 = 0;
ed2->ode.ode_joint_aiment = 0;
dJointAttach(j, b1, b2);
ed->ode.ode_body = NULL;
if (ed->ode.ode_vertex3f)
ed->ode.ode_vertex3f = NULL;
ed->ode.ode_numvertices = 0;
if (ed->ode.ode_element3i)
ed->ode.ode_element3i = NULL;
ed->ode.ode_numtriangles = 0;
ed->ode.ode_massbuf = NULL;
static void World_ODE_Frame_BodyToEntity(world_t *world, wedict_t *ed)
model_t *model;
const dReal *avel;
const dReal *o;
const dReal *r; // for some reason dBodyGetRotation returns a [3][4] matrix
const dReal *vel;
dBodyID body = (dBodyID)ed->ode.ode_body;
int movetype;
float bodymatrix[16];
float entitymatrix[16];
vec3_t angles;
vec3_t avelocity;
vec3_t forward, left, up;
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t spinvelocity;
vec3_t velocity;
if (!body)
movetype = (int)ed->v->movetype;
if (movetype != MOVETYPE_PHYSICS)
// TODO feed back data from physics
// store the physics engine data into the entity
o = dBodyGetPosition(body);
r = dBodyGetRotation(body);
vel = dBodyGetLinearVel(body);
avel = dBodyGetAngularVel(body);
VectorCopy(o, origin);
forward[0] = r[0];
forward[1] = r[4];
forward[2] = r[8];
left[0] = r[1];
left[1] = r[5];
left[2] = r[9];
up[0] = r[2];
up[1] = r[6];
up[2] = r[10];
VectorCopy(vel, velocity);
VectorCopy(avel, spinvelocity);
Matrix4x4_RM_FromVectors(bodymatrix, forward, left, up, origin);
Matrix4_Multiply(ed->ode.ode_offsetimatrix, bodymatrix, entitymatrix);
Matrix3x4_RM_ToVectors(entitymatrix, forward, left, up, origin);
VectorAngles(forward, up, angles);
avelocity[PITCH] = RAD2DEG(spinvelocity[PITCH]);
avelocity[YAW] = RAD2DEG(spinvelocity[ROLL]);
avelocity[ROLL] = RAD2DEG(spinvelocity[YAW]);
if (ed->v->modelindex)
model = world->Get_CModel(world, ed->v->modelindex);
if (!model || model->type == mod_alias)
angles[PITCH] *= -1;
avelocity[PITCH] *= -1;
VectorCopy(origin, ed->v->origin);
VectorCopy(velocity, ed->v->velocity);
//vVectorCopy(forward, ed->xv->axis_forward);
//VectorCopy(left, ed->xv->axis_left);
//VectorCopy(up, ed->xv->axis_up);
//VectorCopy(spinvelocity, ed->xv->spinvelocity);
VectorCopy(angles, ed->v->angles);
VectorCopy(avelocity, ed->v->avelocity);
// values for BodyFromEntity to check if the qc modified anything later
VectorCopy(origin, ed->ode.ode_origin);
VectorCopy(velocity, ed->ode.ode_velocity);
VectorCopy(angles, ed->ode.ode_angles);
VectorCopy(avelocity, ed->ode.ode_avelocity);
ed->ode.ode_gravity = dBodyGetGravityMode(body);
World_LinkEdict(world, ed, true);
static void World_ODE_Frame_JointFromEntity(world_t *world, wedict_t *ed)
dJointID j = 0;
dBodyID b1 = 0;
dBodyID b2 = 0;
int movetype = 0;
int jointtype = 0;
int enemy = 0, aiment = 0;
wedict_t *o;
vec3_t origin, velocity, angles, forward, left, up, movedir;
vec_t CFM, ERP, FMax, Stop, Vel;
movetype = (int)ed->v->movetype;
jointtype = (int)ed->xv->jointtype;
enemy = ed->v->enemy;
aiment = ed->v->aiment;
VectorCopy(ed->v->origin, origin);
VectorCopy(ed->v->velocity, velocity);
VectorCopy(ed->v->angles, angles);
VectorCopy(ed->v->movedir, movedir);
if(movetype == MOVETYPE_PHYSICS)
jointtype = 0; // can't have both
o = (wedict_t*)PROG_TO_EDICT(world->progs, enemy);
if(o->isfree || o->ode.ode_body == 0)
enemy = 0;
o = (wedict_t*)PROG_TO_EDICT(world->progs, aiment);
if(o->isfree || o->ode.ode_body == 0)
aiment = 0;
// see
// we want to set ERP? make it fps independent and work like a spring constant
// note: if movedir[2] is 0, it becomes ERP = 1, CFM = 1.0 / (H * K)
if(movedir[0] > 0 && movedir[1] > 0)
float K = movedir[0];
float D = movedir[1];
float R = 2.0 * D * sqrt(K); // we assume D is premultiplied by sqrt(sprungMass)
CFM = 1.0 / (world->ode.ode_step * K + R); // always > 0
ERP = world->ode.ode_step * K * CFM;
Vel = 0;
FMax = 0;
Stop = movedir[2];
else if(movedir[1] < 0)
CFM = 0;
ERP = 0;
Vel = movedir[0];
FMax = -movedir[1]; // TODO do we need to multiply with world.physics.ode_step?
Stop = movedir[2] > 0 ? movedir[2] : dInfinity;
else // movedir[0] > 0, movedir[1] == 0 or movedir[0] < 0, movedir[1] >= 0
CFM = 0;
ERP = 0;
Vel = 0;
FMax = 0;
Stop = dInfinity;
if(jointtype == ed->ode.ode_joint_type && VectorCompare(origin, ed->ode.ode_joint_origin) && VectorCompare(velocity, ed->ode.ode_joint_velocity) && VectorCompare(angles, ed->ode.ode_joint_angles) && enemy == ed->ode.ode_joint_enemy && aiment == ed->ode.ode_joint_aiment && VectorCompare(movedir, ed->ode.ode_joint_movedir))
return; // nothing to do
AngleVectorsFLU(angles, forward, left, up);
j = dJointCreateBall(world->ode.ode_world, 0);
j = dJointCreateHinge(world->ode.ode_world, 0);
j = dJointCreateSlider(world->ode.ode_world, 0);
j = dJointCreateUniversal(world->ode.ode_world, 0);
j = dJointCreateHinge2(world->ode.ode_world, 0);
j = dJointCreateFixed(world->ode.ode_world, 0);
case 0:
// no joint
j = 0;
//Con_Printf("deleted old joint %i\n", (int) (ed - prog->edicts));
dJointAttach(ed->ode.ode_joint, 0, 0);
ed->ode.ode_joint = (void *) j;
ed->ode.ode_joint_type = jointtype;
ed->ode.ode_joint_enemy = enemy;
ed->ode.ode_joint_aiment = aiment;
VectorCopy(origin, ed->ode.ode_joint_origin);
VectorCopy(velocity, ed->ode.ode_joint_velocity);
VectorCopy(angles, ed->ode.ode_joint_angles);
VectorCopy(movedir, ed->ode.ode_joint_movedir);
//Con_Printf("made new joint %i\n", (int) (ed - prog->edicts));
dJointSetData(j, (void *) ed);
b1 = (dBodyID)(((wedict_t*)EDICT_NUM(world->progs, enemy))->ode.ode_body);
b2 = (dBodyID)(((wedict_t*)EDICT_NUM(world->progs, aiment))->ode.ode_body);
dJointAttach(j, b1, b2);
dJointSetBallAnchor(j, origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]);
dJointSetHingeAnchor(j, origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]);
dJointSetHingeAxis(j, forward[0], forward[1], forward[2]);
dJointSetHingeParam(j, dParamFMax, FMax);
dJointSetHingeParam(j, dParamHiStop, Stop);
dJointSetHingeParam(j, dParamLoStop, -Stop);
dJointSetHingeParam(j, dParamStopCFM, CFM);
dJointSetHingeParam(j, dParamStopERP, ERP);
dJointSetHingeParam(j, dParamVel, Vel);
dJointSetSliderAxis(j, forward[0], forward[1], forward[2]);
dJointSetSliderParam(j, dParamFMax, FMax);
dJointSetSliderParam(j, dParamHiStop, Stop);
dJointSetSliderParam(j, dParamLoStop, -Stop);
dJointSetSliderParam(j, dParamStopCFM, CFM);
dJointSetSliderParam(j, dParamStopERP, ERP);
dJointSetSliderParam(j, dParamVel, Vel);
dJointSetUniversalAnchor(j, origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]);
dJointSetUniversalAxis1(j, forward[0], forward[1], forward[2]);
dJointSetUniversalAxis2(j, up[0], up[1], up[2]);
dJointSetUniversalParam(j, dParamFMax, FMax);
dJointSetUniversalParam(j, dParamHiStop, Stop);
dJointSetUniversalParam(j, dParamLoStop, -Stop);
dJointSetUniversalParam(j, dParamStopCFM, CFM);
dJointSetUniversalParam(j, dParamStopERP, ERP);
dJointSetUniversalParam(j, dParamVel, Vel);
dJointSetUniversalParam(j, dParamFMax2, FMax);
dJointSetUniversalParam(j, dParamHiStop2, Stop);
dJointSetUniversalParam(j, dParamLoStop2, -Stop);
dJointSetUniversalParam(j, dParamStopCFM2, CFM);
dJointSetUniversalParam(j, dParamStopERP2, ERP);
dJointSetUniversalParam(j, dParamVel2, Vel);
dJointSetHinge2Anchor(j, origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]);
dJointSetHinge2Axis1(j, forward[0], forward[1], forward[2]);
dJointSetHinge2Axis2(j, velocity[0], velocity[1], velocity[2]);
dJointSetHinge2Param(j, dParamFMax, FMax);
dJointSetHinge2Param(j, dParamHiStop, Stop);
dJointSetHinge2Param(j, dParamLoStop, -Stop);
dJointSetHinge2Param(j, dParamStopCFM, CFM);
dJointSetHinge2Param(j, dParamStopERP, ERP);
dJointSetHinge2Param(j, dParamVel, Vel);
dJointSetHinge2Param(j, dParamFMax2, FMax);
dJointSetHinge2Param(j, dParamHiStop2, Stop);
dJointSetHinge2Param(j, dParamLoStop2, -Stop);
dJointSetHinge2Param(j, dParamStopCFM2, CFM);
dJointSetHinge2Param(j, dParamStopERP2, ERP);
dJointSetHinge2Param(j, dParamVel2, Vel);
case 0:
Sys_Error("what? but above the joint was valid...\n");
static qboolean GenerateCollisionMesh(world_t *world, model_t *mod, wedict_t *ed, vec3_t geomcenter)
unsigned int sno;
msurface_t *surf;
mesh_t *mesh;
unsigned int numverts;
unsigned int numindexes,i;
unsigned int ni;
numverts = 0;
numindexes = 0;
for (sno = 0; sno < mod->nummodelsurfaces; sno++)
surf = &mod->surfaces[sno+mod->firstmodelsurface];
if (surf->flags & (SURF_DRAWSKY|SURF_DRAWTURB))
if (surf->mesh)
mesh = surf->mesh;
numverts += mesh->numvertexes;
numindexes += mesh->numindexes;
numverts += surf->numedges;
numindexes += (surf->numedges-2) * 3;
if (!numindexes)
Con_DPrintf("entity %i (classname %s) has no geometry\n", NUM_FOR_EDICT(world->progs, (edict_t*)ed), PR_GetString(world->progs, ed->v->classname));
return false;
ed->ode.ode_element3i = BZ_Malloc(numindexes*sizeof(*ed->ode.ode_element3i));
ed->ode.ode_vertex3f = BZ_Malloc(numverts*sizeof(vec3_t));
ni = numindexes;
numverts = 0;
numindexes = 0;
for (sno = 0; sno < mod->nummodelsurfaces; sno++)
surf = &mod->surfaces[sno+mod->firstmodelsurface];
if (surf->flags & (SURF_DRAWSKY|SURF_DRAWTURB))
if (surf->mesh)
mesh = surf->mesh;
for (i = 0; i < mesh->numvertexes; i++)
VectorSubtract(mesh->xyz_array[i], geomcenter, (ed->ode.ode_vertex3f + 3*(numverts+i)));
for (i = 0; i < mesh->numindexes; i+=3)
//flip the triangles as we go
ed->ode.ode_element3i[numindexes+i+0] = numverts+mesh->indexes[i+2];
ed->ode.ode_element3i[numindexes+i+1] = numverts+mesh->indexes[i+1];
ed->ode.ode_element3i[numindexes+i+2] = numverts+mesh->indexes[i+0];
numverts += mesh->numvertexes;
numindexes += i;
float *vec;
medge_t *edge;
int lindex;
for (i = 0; i < surf->numedges; i++)
lindex = mod->surfedges[surf->firstedge + i];
if (lindex > 0)
edge = &mod->edges[lindex];
vec = mod->vertexes[edge->v[0]].position;
edge = &mod->edges[-lindex];
vec = mod->vertexes[edge->v[1]].position;
VectorSubtract(vec, geomcenter, (ed->ode.ode_vertex3f + 3*(numverts+i)));
for (i = 2; i < surf->numedges; i++)
//quake is backwards, not ode
ed->ode.ode_element3i[numindexes++] = numverts+i;
ed->ode.ode_element3i[numindexes++] = numverts+i-1;
ed->ode.ode_element3i[numindexes++] = numverts;
numverts += surf->numedges;
ed->ode.ode_numvertices = numverts;
ed->ode.ode_numtriangles = numindexes/3;
return true;
static void World_ODE_Frame_BodyFromEntity(world_t *world, wedict_t *ed)
dBodyID body = (dBodyID)ed->ode.ode_body;
dMass mass;
float test;
void *dataID;
dVector3 capsulerot[3];
model_t *model;
int axisindex;
int modelindex = 0;
int movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
int solid = SOLID_NOT;
qboolean modified = false;
vec3_t angles;
vec3_t avelocity;
vec3_t entmaxs;
vec3_t entmins;
vec3_t forward;
vec3_t geomcenter;
vec3_t geomsize;
vec3_t left;
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t spinvelocity;
vec3_t up;
vec3_t velocity;
vec_t f;
vec_t length;
vec_t massval = 1.0f;
vec_t movelimit;
vec_t radius;
vec_t scale;
vec_t spinlimit;
qboolean gravity;
if (!ode_dll)
solid = (int)ed->v->solid;
movetype = (int)ed->v->movetype;
scale = ed->xv->scale?ed->xv->scale:1;
modelindex = 0;
model = NULL;
modelindex = (int)ed->v->modelindex;
model = world->Get_CModel(world, modelindex);
if (model)
VectorScale(model->mins, scale, entmins);
VectorScale(model->maxs, scale, entmaxs);
if (ed->xv->mass)
massval = ed->xv->mass;
modelindex = 0;
massval = 1.0f;
VectorCopy(ed->v->mins, entmins);
VectorCopy(ed->v->maxs, entmaxs);
if (ed->xv->mass)
massval = ed->xv->mass;
if (ed->ode.ode_physics)
World_ODE_RemoveFromEntity(world, ed);
VectorSubtract(entmaxs, entmins, geomsize);
if (DotProduct(geomsize,geomsize) == 0)
// we don't allow point-size physics objects...
if (ed->ode.ode_physics)
World_ODE_RemoveFromEntity(world, ed);
if (movetype != MOVETYPE_PHYSICS)
massval = 1.0f;
// check if we need to create or replace the geom
if (!ed->ode.ode_physics
|| !VectorCompare(ed->ode.ode_mins, entmins)
|| !VectorCompare(ed->ode.ode_maxs, entmaxs)
|| ed->ode.ode_mass != massval
|| ed->ode.ode_modelindex != modelindex)
modified = true;
World_ODE_RemoveFromEntity(world, ed);
ed->ode.ode_physics = true;
VectorCopy(entmins, ed->ode.ode_mins);
VectorCopy(entmaxs, ed->ode.ode_maxs);
ed->ode.ode_mass = massval;
ed->ode.ode_modelindex = modelindex;
VectorAvg(entmins, entmaxs, geomcenter);
ed->ode.ode_movelimit = min(geomsize[0], min(geomsize[1], geomsize[2]));
if (massval * geomsize[0] * geomsize[1] * geomsize[2] == 0)
if (movetype == MOVETYPE_PHYSICS)
Con_Printf("entity %i (classname %s) .mass * .size_x * .size_y * .size_z == 0\n", NUM_FOR_EDICT(world->progs, (edict_t*)ed), PR_GetString(world->progs, ed->v->classname));
massval = 1.0f;
VectorSet(geomsize, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
ed->ode.ode_geom = NULL;
if (!model)
Con_Printf("entity %i (classname %s) has no model\n", NUM_FOR_EDICT(world->progs, (edict_t*)ed), PR_GetString(world->progs, ed->v->classname));
if (ed->ode.ode_physics)
World_ODE_RemoveFromEntity(world, ed);
if (!GenerateCollisionMesh(world, model, ed, geomcenter))
if (ed->ode.ode_physics)
World_ODE_RemoveFromEntity(world, ed);
Matrix4x4_RM_CreateTranslate(ed->ode.ode_offsetmatrix, geomcenter[0], geomcenter[1], geomcenter[2]);
// now create the geom
dataID = dGeomTriMeshDataCreate();
dGeomTriMeshDataBuildSingle(dataID, (void*)ed->ode.ode_vertex3f, sizeof(float[3]), ed->ode.ode_numvertices, ed->ode.ode_element3i, ed->ode.ode_numtriangles*3, sizeof(int[3]));
ed->ode.ode_geom = (void *)dCreateTriMesh(world->ode.ode_space, dataID, NULL, NULL, NULL);
dMassSetBoxTotal(&mass, massval, geomsize[0], geomsize[1], geomsize[2]);
Matrix4x4_RM_CreateTranslate(ed->ode.ode_offsetmatrix, geomcenter[0], geomcenter[1], geomcenter[2]);
ed->ode.ode_geom = (void *)dCreateBox(world->ode.ode_space, geomsize[0], geomsize[1], geomsize[2]);
dMassSetBoxTotal(&mass, massval, geomsize[0], geomsize[1], geomsize[2]);
Matrix4x4_RM_CreateTranslate(ed->ode.ode_offsetmatrix, geomcenter[0], geomcenter[1], geomcenter[2]);
ed->ode.ode_geom = (void *)dCreateSphere(world->ode.ode_space, geomsize[0] * 0.5f);
dMassSetSphereTotal(&mass, massval, geomsize[0] * 0.5f);
axisindex = 0;
if (geomsize[axisindex] < geomsize[1])
axisindex = 1;
if (geomsize[axisindex] < geomsize[2])
axisindex = 2;
// the qc gives us 3 axis radius, the longest axis is the capsule
// axis, since ODE doesn't like this idea we have to create a
// capsule which uses the standard orientation, and apply a
// transform to it
memset(capsulerot, 0, sizeof(capsulerot));
if (axisindex == 0)
Matrix4x4_CM_ModelMatrix(ed->ode.ode_offsetmatrix, geomcenter[0], geomcenter[1], geomcenter[2], 0, 0, 90, 1);
else if (axisindex == 1)
Matrix4x4_CM_ModelMatrix(ed->ode.ode_offsetmatrix, geomcenter[0], geomcenter[1], geomcenter[2], 90, 0, 0, 1);
Matrix4x4_CM_ModelMatrix(ed->ode.ode_offsetmatrix, geomcenter[0], geomcenter[1], geomcenter[2], 0, 0, 0, 1);
radius = geomsize[!axisindex] * 0.5f; // any other axis is the radius
length = geomsize[axisindex] - radius*2;
// because we want to support more than one axisindex, we have to
// create a transform, and turn on its cleanup setting (which will
// cause the child to be destroyed when it is destroyed)
ed->ode.ode_geom = (void *)dCreateCapsule(world->ode.ode_space, radius, length);
dMassSetCapsuleTotal(&mass, massval, axisindex+1, radius, length);
Sys_Error("World_ODE_BodyFromEntity: unrecognized solid value %i was accepted by filter\n", solid);
Matrix3x4_InvertTo4x4_Simple(ed->ode.ode_offsetmatrix, ed->ode.ode_offsetimatrix);
ed->ode.ode_massbuf = BZ_Malloc(sizeof(dMass));
memcpy(ed->ode.ode_massbuf, &mass, sizeof(dMass));
dGeomSetData(ed->ode.ode_geom, (void*)ed);
if (movetype == MOVETYPE_PHYSICS && ed->ode.ode_geom)
if (ed->ode.ode_body == NULL)
ed->ode.ode_body = (void *)(body = dBodyCreate(world->ode.ode_world));
dGeomSetBody(ed->ode.ode_geom, body);
dBodySetData(body, (void*)ed);
dBodySetMass(body, (dMass *) ed->ode.ode_massbuf);
modified = true;
if (ed->ode.ode_body != NULL)
dGeomSetBody(ed->ode.ode_geom, 0);
dBodyDestroy((dBodyID) ed->ode.ode_body);
ed->ode.ode_body = NULL;
modified = true;
// get current data from entity
gravity = true;
VectorCopy(ed->v->origin, origin);
VectorCopy(ed->v->velocity, velocity);
//val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ed, prog->fieldoffsets.axis_forward);if (val) VectorCopy(val->vector, forward);
//val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ed, prog->fieldoffsets.axis_left);if (val) VectorCopy(val->vector, left);
//val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ed, prog->fieldoffsets.axis_up);if (val) VectorCopy(val->vector, up);
//val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ed, prog->fieldoffsets.spinvelocity);if (val) VectorCopy(val->vector, spinvelocity);
VectorCopy(ed->v->angles, angles);
VectorCopy(ed->v->avelocity, avelocity);
if (ed == world->edicts || (ed->xv->gravity && ed->xv->gravity <= 0.01))
gravity = false;
// compatibility for legacy entities
//if (!VectorLength2(forward) || solid == SOLID_BSP)
vec3_t qangles, qavelocity;
VectorCopy(angles, qangles);
VectorCopy(avelocity, qavelocity);
if (ed->v->modelindex)
model = world->Get_CModel(world, ed->v->modelindex);
if (!model || model->type == mod_alias)
qangles[PITCH] *= -1;
qavelocity[PITCH] *= -1;
AngleVectorsFLU(qangles, forward, left, up);
// convert single-axis rotations in avelocity to spinvelocity
// FIXME: untested math - check signs
VectorSet(spinvelocity, DEG2RAD(qavelocity[PITCH]), DEG2RAD(qavelocity[ROLL]), DEG2RAD(qavelocity[YAW]));
// compatibility for legacy entities
switch (solid)
VectorSet(forward, 1, 0, 0);
VectorSet(left, 0, 1, 0);
VectorSet(up, 0, 0, 1);
VectorSet(spinvelocity, 0, 0, 0);
// we must prevent NANs...
test = DotProduct(origin,origin) + DotProduct(forward,forward) + DotProduct(left,left) + DotProduct(up,up) + DotProduct(velocity,velocity) + DotProduct(spinvelocity,spinvelocity);
if (IS_NAN(test))
modified = true;
//Con_Printf("Fixing NAN values on entity %i : .classname = \"%s\" .origin = '%f %f %f' .velocity = '%f %f %f' .axis_forward = '%f %f %f' .axis_left = '%f %f %f' .axis_up = %f %f %f' .spinvelocity = '%f %f %f'\n", PRVM_NUM_FOR_EDICT(ed), PRVM_GetString(PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ed, prog->fieldoffsets.classname)->string), origin[0], origin[1], origin[2], velocity[0], velocity[1], velocity[2], forward[0], forward[1], forward[2], left[0], left[1], left[2], up[0], up[1], up[2], spinvelocity[0], spinvelocity[1], spinvelocity[2]);
Con_Printf("Fixing NAN values on entity %i : .classname = \"%s\" .origin = '%f %f %f' .velocity = '%f %f %f' .angles = '%f %f %f' .avelocity = '%f %f %f'\n", NUM_FOR_EDICT(world->progs, (edict_t*)ed), PR_GetString(world->progs, ed->v->classname), origin[0], origin[1], origin[2], velocity[0], velocity[1], velocity[2], angles[0], angles[1], angles[2], avelocity[0], avelocity[1], avelocity[2]);
test = DotProduct(origin,origin);
if (IS_NAN(test))
test = DotProduct(forward,forward) * DotProduct(left,left) * DotProduct(up,up);
if (IS_NAN(test))
VectorSet(angles, 0, 0, 0);
VectorSet(forward, 1, 0, 0);
VectorSet(left, 0, 1, 0);
VectorSet(up, 0, 0, 1);
test = DotProduct(velocity,velocity);
if (IS_NAN(test))
test = DotProduct(spinvelocity,spinvelocity);
if (IS_NAN(test))
// check if the qc edited any position data
if (!VectorCompare(origin, ed->ode.ode_origin)
|| !VectorCompare(velocity, ed->ode.ode_velocity)
|| !VectorCompare(angles, ed->ode.ode_angles)
|| !VectorCompare(avelocity, ed->ode.ode_avelocity)
|| gravity != ed->ode.ode_gravity)
modified = true;
// store the qc values into the physics engine
body = ed->ode.ode_body;
if (modified && ed->ode.ode_geom)
dVector3 r[3];
float entitymatrix[16];
float bodymatrix[16];
#if 0
Con_Printf("entity %i got changed by QC\n", (int) (ed - prog->edicts));
if(!VectorCompare(origin, ed->ode.ode_origin))
Con_Printf(" origin: %f %f %f -> %f %f %f\n", ed->ode.ode_origin[0], ed->ode.ode_origin[1], ed->ode.ode_origin[2], origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]);
if(!VectorCompare(velocity, ed->ode.ode_velocity))
Con_Printf(" velocity: %f %f %f -> %f %f %f\n", ed->ode.ode_velocity[0], ed->ode.ode_velocity[1], ed->ode.ode_velocity[2], velocity[0], velocity[1], velocity[2]);
if(!VectorCompare(angles, ed->ode.ode_angles))
Con_Printf(" angles: %f %f %f -> %f %f %f\n", ed->ode.ode_angles[0], ed->ode.ode_angles[1], ed->ode.ode_angles[2], angles[0], angles[1], angles[2]);
if(!VectorCompare(avelocity, ed->ode.ode_avelocity))
Con_Printf(" avelocity: %f %f %f -> %f %f %f\n", ed->ode.ode_avelocity[0], ed->ode.ode_avelocity[1], ed->ode.ode_avelocity[2], avelocity[0], avelocity[1], avelocity[2]);
if(gravity != ed->ode.ode_gravity)
Con_Printf(" gravity: %i -> %i\n", ed->ide.ode_gravity, gravity);
// values for BodyFromEntity to check if the qc modified anything later
VectorCopy(origin, ed->ode.ode_origin);
VectorCopy(velocity, ed->ode.ode_velocity);
VectorCopy(angles, ed->ode.ode_angles);
VectorCopy(avelocity, ed->ode.ode_avelocity);
ed->ode.ode_gravity = gravity;
Matrix4x4_RM_FromVectors(entitymatrix, forward, left, up, origin);
Matrix4_Multiply(ed->ode.ode_offsetmatrix, entitymatrix, bodymatrix);
Matrix3x4_RM_ToVectors(bodymatrix, forward, left, up, origin);
r[0][0] = forward[0];
r[1][0] = forward[1];
r[2][0] = forward[2];
r[0][1] = left[0];
r[1][1] = left[1];
r[2][1] = left[2];
r[0][2] = up[0];
r[1][2] = up[1];
r[2][2] = up[2];
if(movetype == MOVETYPE_PHYSICS)
dGeomSetBody(ed->ode.ode_geom, body);
dBodySetPosition(body, origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]);
dBodySetRotation(body, r[0]);
dBodySetLinearVel(body, velocity[0], velocity[1], velocity[2]);
dBodySetAngularVel(body, spinvelocity[0], spinvelocity[1], spinvelocity[2]);
dBodySetGravityMode(body, gravity);
dGeomSetBody(ed->ode.ode_geom, body);
dBodySetPosition(body, origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]);
dBodySetRotation(body, r[0]);
dBodySetLinearVel(body, velocity[0], velocity[1], velocity[2]);
dBodySetAngularVel(body, spinvelocity[0], spinvelocity[1], spinvelocity[2]);
dBodySetGravityMode(body, gravity);
dGeomSetBody(ed->ode.ode_geom, 0);
// no body... then let's adjust the parameters of the geom directly
dGeomSetBody(ed->ode.ode_geom, 0); // just in case we previously HAD a body (which should never happen)
dGeomSetPosition(ed->ode.ode_geom, origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]);
dGeomSetRotation(ed->ode.ode_geom, r[0]);
// limit movement speed to prevent missed collisions at high speed
const dReal *ovelocity = dBodyGetLinearVel(body);
const dReal *ospinvelocity = dBodyGetAngularVel(body);
movelimit = ed->ode.ode_movelimit * world->ode.ode_movelimit;
test = DotProduct(ovelocity,ovelocity);
if (test > movelimit*movelimit)
// scale down linear velocity to the movelimit
// scale down angular velocity the same amount for consistency
f = movelimit / sqrt(test);
VectorScale(ovelocity, f, velocity);
VectorScale(ospinvelocity, f, spinvelocity);
dBodySetLinearVel(body, velocity[0], velocity[1], velocity[2]);
dBodySetAngularVel(body, spinvelocity[0], spinvelocity[1], spinvelocity[2]);
// make sure the angular velocity is not exploding
spinlimit = physics_ode_spinlimit.value;
test = DotProduct(ospinvelocity,ospinvelocity);
if (test > spinlimit)
dBodySetAngularVel(body, 0, 0, 0);
#define MAX_CONTACTS 16
static void VARGS nearCallback (void *data, dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2)
world_t *world = (world_t *)data;
dContact contact[MAX_CONTACTS]; // max contacts per collision pair
dBodyID b1;
dBodyID b2;
dJointID c;
int i;
int numcontacts;
float bouncefactor1 = 0.0f;
float bouncestop1 = 60.0f / 800.0f;
float bouncefactor2 = 0.0f;
float bouncestop2 = 60.0f / 800.0f;
dVector3 grav;
wedict_t *ed1, *ed2;
if (dGeomIsSpace(o1) || dGeomIsSpace(o2))
// colliding a space with something
dSpaceCollide2(o1, o2, data, &nearCallback);
// Note we do not want to test intersections within a space,
// only between spaces.
//if (dGeomIsSpace(o1)) dSpaceCollide(o1, data, &nearCallback);
//if (dGeomIsSpace(o2)) dSpaceCollide(o2, data, &nearCallback);
b1 = dGeomGetBody(o1);
b2 = dGeomGetBody(o2);
// at least one object has to be using MOVETYPE_PHYSICS or we just don't care
if (!b1 && !b2)
// exit without doing anything if the two bodies are connected by a joint
if (b1 && b2 && dAreConnectedExcluding(b1, b2, dJointTypeContact))
ed1 = (wedict_t *) dGeomGetData(o1);
if(ed1 && ed1->isfree)
ed1 = NULL;
ed2 = (wedict_t *) dGeomGetData(o2);
if(ed2 && ed2->isfree)
ed2 = NULL;
// generate contact points between the two non-space geoms
numcontacts = dCollide(o1, o2, MAX_CONTACTS, &(contact[0].geom), sizeof(contact[0]));
if (numcontacts)
if(ed1 && ed1->v->touch)
world->Event_Touch(world, ed1, ed2);
if(ed2 && ed2->v->touch)
world->Event_Touch(world, ed2, ed1);
/* if either ent killed itself, don't collide */
if ((ed1&&ed1->isfree) || (ed2&&ed2->isfree))
if (ed1->xv->bouncefactor)
bouncefactor1 = ed1->xv->bouncefactor;
if (ed1->xv->bouncestop)
bouncestop1 = ed1->xv->bouncestop;
if (ed2->xv->bouncefactor)
bouncefactor2 = ed2->xv->bouncefactor;
if (ed2->xv->bouncestop)
bouncestop2 = ed2->xv->bouncestop;
if ((ed2->entnum&&ed1->v->owner == ed2->entnum) || (ed1->entnum&&ed2->v->owner == ed1->entnum))
// merge bounce factors and bounce stop
if(bouncefactor2 > 0)
if(bouncefactor1 > 0)
// TODO possibly better logic to merge bounce factor data?
if(bouncestop2 < bouncestop1)
bouncestop1 = bouncestop2;
if(bouncefactor2 > bouncefactor1)
bouncefactor1 = bouncefactor2;
bouncestop1 = bouncestop2;
bouncefactor1 = bouncefactor2;
dWorldGetGravity(world->ode.ode_world, grav);
bouncestop1 *= fabs(grav[2]);
// add these contact points to the simulation
for (i = 0;i < numcontacts;i++)
contact[i].surface.mode = (physics_ode_contact_mu.value != -1 ? dContactApprox1 : 0) |
(physics_ode_contact_erp.value != -1 ? dContactSoftERP : 0) |
(physics_ode_contact_cfm.value != -1 ? dContactSoftCFM : 0) |
(bouncefactor1 > 0 ? dContactBounce : 0);
contact[i] = physics_ode_contact_mu.value;
contact[i].surface.soft_erp = physics_ode_contact_erp.value;
contact[i].surface.soft_cfm = physics_ode_contact_cfm.value;
contact[i].surface.bounce = bouncefactor1;
contact[i].surface.bounce_vel = bouncestop1;
c = dJointCreateContact(world->ode.ode_world, world->ode.ode_contactgroup, contact + i);
dJointAttach(c, b1, b2);
void World_ODE_Frame(world_t *world, double frametime, double gravity)
if (world->ode.ode)
int i;
wedict_t *ed;
world->ode.ode_iterations = bound(1, physics_ode_iterationsperframe.ival, 1000);
world->ode.ode_step = frametime / world->ode.ode_iterations;
world->ode.ode_movelimit = physics_ode_movelimit.value / world->ode.ode_step;
// copy physics properties from entities to physics engine
for (i = 0;i < world->num_edicts;i++)
ed = (wedict_t*)EDICT_NUM(world->progs, i);
if (!ed->isfree)
World_ODE_Frame_BodyFromEntity(world, ed);
// oh, and it must be called after all bodies were created
for (i = 0;i < world->num_edicts;i++)
ed = (wedict_t*)EDICT_NUM(world->progs, i);
if (!ed->isfree)
World_ODE_Frame_JointFromEntity(world, ed);
for (i = 0;i < world->ode.ode_iterations;i++)
// set the gravity
dWorldSetGravity(world->ode.ode_world, 0, 0, -gravity);
// set the tolerance for closeness of objects
dWorldSetContactSurfaceLayer(world->ode.ode_world, max(0, physics_ode_contactsurfacelayer.value));
// run collisions for the current world state, creating JointGroup
dSpaceCollide(world->ode.ode_space, (void *)world, nearCallback);
// run physics (move objects, calculate new velocities)
if (physics_ode_worldquickstep.ival)
dWorldSetQuickStepNumIterations(world->ode.ode_world, bound(1, physics_ode_worldquickstep_iterations.ival, 200));
dWorldQuickStep(world->ode.ode_world, world->ode.ode_step);
dWorldStep(world->ode.ode_world, world->ode.ode_step);
// clear the JointGroup now that we're done with it
// copy physics properties from physics engine to entities
for (i = 1;i < world->num_edicts;i++)
ed = (wedict_t*)EDICT_NUM(world->progs, i);
if (!ed->isfree)
World_ODE_Frame_BodyToEntity(world, ed);