/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // cl_screen.c -- master for refresh, status bar, console, chat, notify, etc #include "quakedef.h" #ifdef GLQUAKE #include "glquake.h"//would prefer not to have this #endif #include "shader.h" #include "gl_draw.h" //name of the current backdrop for the loading screen char levelshotname[MAX_QPATH]; void RSpeedShow(void) { int i; static int samplerspeeds[RSPEED_MAX]; static int samplerquant[RQUANT_MAX]; int savedsamplerquant[RQUANT_MAX]; //so we don't count the r_speeds debug spam in draw counts. char *RSpNames[RSPEED_MAX]; char *RQntNames[RQUANT_MAX]; char *s; static int framecount; int frameinterval = 100; if (!r_speeds.ival) return; memset(RSpNames, 0, sizeof(RSpNames)); RSpNames[RSPEED_TOTALREFRESH] = "Total refresh"; RSpNames[RSPEED_CSQCPHYSICS] = " CSQC Physics"; RSpNames[RSPEED_CSQCREDRAW] = " CSQC Drawing"; RSpNames[RSPEED_LINKENTITIES] = " Entity setup"; RSpNames[RSPEED_WORLDNODE] = " World walking"; RSpNames[RSPEED_DYNAMIC] = " Lightmap updates"; RSpNames[RSPEED_OPAQUE] = " Opaque Batches"; RSpNames[RSPEED_RTLIGHTS] = " RT Lights"; RSpNames[RSPEED_TRANSPARENTS] = " Transparent Batches"; RSpNames[RSPEED_PARTICLES] = " Particle phys/sort"; RSpNames[RSPEED_PARTICLESDRAW] = " Particle drawing"; RSpNames[RSPEED_2D] = " 2d Elements"; RSpNames[RSPEED_PALETTEFLASHES] = " Palette flashes"; RSpNames[RSPEED_SETUP] = "Acquire Wait"; RSpNames[RSPEED_SUBMIT] = "submit/finish"; RSpNames[RSPEED_PRESENT] = "Present"; RSpNames[RSPEED_ACQUIRE] = "Acquire Request"; RSpNames[RSPEED_PROTOCOL] = "Client Protocol"; RSpNames[RSPEED_SERVER] = "Server"; memset(RQntNames, 0, sizeof(RQntNames)); RQntNames[RQUANT_MSECS] = "Microseconds"; RQntNames[RQUANT_PRIMITIVEINDICIES] = "Draw Indicies"; RQntNames[RQUANT_DRAWS] = "Draw Calls"; RQntNames[RQUANT_2DBATCHES] = "2d Batches"; RQntNames[RQUANT_WORLDBATCHES] = "World Batches"; RQntNames[RQUANT_ENTBATCHES] = "Ent Batches"; RQntNames[RQUANT_SHADOWINDICIES] = "Shadow Indicies"; RQntNames[RQUANT_SHADOWEDGES] = "Shadow Edges"; RQntNames[RQUANT_SHADOWSIDES] = "Shadowmap Sides"; RQntNames[RQUANT_LITFACES] = "Lit faces"; RQntNames[RQUANT_RTLIGHT_DRAWN] = "Lights Drawn"; RQntNames[RQUANT_RTLIGHT_CULL_FRUSTUM] = "Lights offscreen"; RQntNames[RQUANT_RTLIGHT_CULL_PVS] = "Lights PVS Culled"; RQntNames[RQUANT_RTLIGHT_CULL_SCISSOR] = "Lights Scissored"; memcpy(savedsamplerquant, rquant, sizeof(savedsamplerquant)); if (r_speeds.ival > 1) { for (i = 0; i < RSPEED_MAX; i++) { Draw_FunStringWidth(vid.width-20*8, i*8, RSpNames[i], 20*8, false, false); s = va("%g ", samplerspeeds[i]/(float)frameinterval); Draw_FunStringWidth(0, i*8, s, vid.width-20*8, true, false); } } for (i = 0; i < RQUANT_MAX; i++) { s = va("%u.%.3u %-20s", samplerquant[i]/frameinterval, (samplerquant[i]%100), RQntNames[i]); Draw_FunString(vid.width-strlen(s)*8, (i+RSPEED_MAX)*8, s); } if (r_speeds.ival > 1) { s = va("%f %-20s", (frameinterval*1000*1000.0f)/samplerspeeds[RSPEED_TOTALREFRESH], "Framerate (refresh only)"); Draw_FunString(vid.width-strlen(s)*8, (i+RSPEED_MAX)*8, s); } memcpy(rquant, savedsamplerquant, sizeof(rquant)); if (++framecount>=frameinterval) { for (i = 0; i < RSPEED_MAX; i++) { samplerspeeds[i] = rspeeds[i]; rspeeds[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < RQUANT_MAX; i++) { samplerquant[i] = rquant[i]; rquant[i] = 0; } framecount=0; } } /* background clear rendering turtle/net/ram icons sbar centerprint / slow centerprint notify lines intermission / finale overlay loading plaque console menu required background clears required update regions syncronous draw mode or async One off screen buffer, with updates either copied or xblited Need to double buffer? async draw will require the refresh area to be cleared, because it will be xblited, but sync draw can just ignore it. sync draw CenterPrint () SlowPrint () Screen_Update (); Con_Printf (); net turn off messages option the refresh is always rendered, unless the console is full screen console is: notify lines half full */ float mousecursor_x, mousecursor_y; float mousemove_x, mousemove_y; float multicursor_x[8], multicursor_y[8]; qboolean multicursor_active[8]; float scr_con_current; float scr_conlines; // lines of console to display qboolean scr_con_forcedraw; extern cvar_t scr_viewsize; extern cvar_t scr_fov; extern cvar_t scr_conspeed; extern cvar_t scr_centertime; extern cvar_t scr_logcenterprint; extern cvar_t scr_showturtle; extern cvar_t scr_turtlefps; extern cvar_t scr_showpause; extern cvar_t scr_printspeed; extern cvar_t scr_allowsnap; extern cvar_t scr_sshot_type; extern cvar_t scr_sshot_prefix; extern cvar_t scr_sshot_compression; extern cvar_t crosshair; extern cvar_t scr_consize; cvar_t scr_neticontimeout = CVAR("scr_neticontimeout", "0.3"); cvar_t scr_diskicontimeout = CVAR("scr_diskicontimeout", "0.3"); qboolean scr_initialized; // ready to draw mpic_t *scr_net; mpic_t *scr_turtle; int clearconsole; int clearnotify; viddef_t vid; // global video state vrect_t scr_vrect; qboolean scr_disabled_for_loading; qboolean scr_drawloading; float scr_disabled_time; cvar_t con_stayhidden = CVARFD("con_stayhidden", "0", CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER, "0: allow console to pounce on the user\n1: console stays hidden unless explicitly invoked\n2:toggleconsole command no longer works\n3: shift+escape key no longer works"); cvar_t show_fps = CVARFD("show_fps", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Displays the current framerate on-screen.\n1: framerate average over a second.\n2: Slowest frame over the last second (the game will play like shit if this is significantly lower than the average).\n3: Shows the rate of the fastest frame (not very useful).\n4: Shows the current frame's timings (this depends upon timer precision).\n5: Display a graph of how long it took to render each frame, large spikes are BAD BAD BAD.\n6: Displays the standard deviation of the frame times, if its greater than 3 then something is probably badly made, or you've a virus scanner running...\n7: Framegraph, for use with slower frames."); cvar_t show_fps_x = CVAR("show_fps_x", "-1"); cvar_t show_fps_y = CVAR("show_fps_y", "-1"); cvar_t show_clock = CVAR("cl_clock", "0"); cvar_t show_clock_x = CVAR("cl_clock_x", "0"); cvar_t show_clock_y = CVAR("cl_clock_y", "-1"); cvar_t show_gameclock = CVAR("cl_gameclock", "0"); cvar_t show_gameclock_x = CVAR("cl_gameclock_x", "0"); cvar_t show_gameclock_y = CVAR("cl_gameclock_y", "-1"); cvar_t show_speed = CVAR("show_speed", "0"); cvar_t show_speed_x = CVAR("show_speed_x", "-1"); cvar_t show_speed_y = CVAR("show_speed_y", "-9"); cvar_t scr_showdisk = CVAR("scr_showdisk", "0"); cvar_t scr_showdisk_x = CVAR("scr_showdisk_x", "-24"); cvar_t scr_showdisk_y = CVAR("scr_showdisk_y", "0"); cvar_t scr_showobituaries = CVAR("scr_showobituaries", "0"); cvar_t scr_loadingrefresh = CVARD("scr_loadingrefresh", "0", "Force redrawing of the loading screen, in order to display EVERY resource that is loaded"); cvar_t scr_showloading = CVAR("scr_showloading", "1"); //things to configure the legacy loading screen cvar_t scr_loadingscreen_picture = CVAR("scr_loadingscreen_picture", "gfx/loading"); cvar_t scr_loadingscreen_scale = CVAR("scr_loadingscreen_scale", "1"); cvar_t scr_loadingscreen_scale_limit = CVAR("scr_loadingscreen_scale_limit", "2"); void *scr_curcursor; static void SCR_CPrint_f(void) { if (Cmd_Argc() == 2) SCR_CenterPrint(0, Cmd_Argv(1), true); else SCR_CenterPrint(0, Cmd_Args(), true); } extern char cl_screengroup[]; void CLSCR_Init(void) { int i; Cmd_AddCommand("cprint", SCR_CPrint_f); Cvar_Register(&con_stayhidden, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register(&scr_loadingrefresh, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register(&scr_showloading, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register(&scr_loadingscreen_picture, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register(&scr_loadingscreen_scale, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register(&scr_loadingscreen_scale_limit, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register(&show_fps, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register(&show_fps_x, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register(&show_fps_y, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register(&show_clock, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register(&show_clock_x, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register(&show_clock_y, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register(&show_gameclock, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register(&show_gameclock_x, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register(&show_gameclock_y, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register(&show_speed, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register(&show_speed_x, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register(&show_speed_y, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register(&scr_neticontimeout, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register(&scr_showdisk, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register(&scr_showdisk_x, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register(&scr_showdisk_y, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register(&scr_diskicontimeout, cl_screengroup); Cvar_Register(&scr_showobituaries, cl_screengroup); memset(&key_customcursor, 0, sizeof(key_customcursor)); for (i = 0; i < kc_max; i++) key_customcursor[i].dirty = true; scr_curcursor = NULL; if (rf && rf->VID_SetCursor) rf->VID_SetCursor(scr_curcursor); } /* =============================================================================== CENTER PRINTING =============================================================================== */ typedef struct { unsigned int flags; conchar_t *string; conchar_t *cursorchar; //pointer into string size_t stringbytes; size_t charcount; char titleimage[MAX_QPATH]; float time_start; // for slow victory printing float time_off; int erase_lines; int erase_center; } cprint_t; cprint_t scr_centerprint[MAX_SPLITS]; // SCR_StringToRGB: takes in "" or " " and converts to an RGB vector void SCR_StringToRGB (char *rgbstring, float *rgb, float rgbinputscale) { char *t; //hex values if (!strncmp(rgbstring, "0x", 2)) { char *end; unsigned int val = strtoul(rgbstring+2, &end, 16); if (end == rgbstring + 5) { rgb[0] = ((val&0xf00)>>8)/15.0; rgb[1] = ((val&0x0f0)>>4)/15.0; rgb[2] = ((val&0x00f)>>0)/15.0; } else if (end == rgbstring + 8) { rgb[0] = ((val&0xff0000)>>12)/255.0; rgb[1] = ((val&0x00ff00)>> 8)/255.0; rgb[2] = ((val&0x0000ff)>> 0)/255.0; } else rgb[0] = rgb[1] = rgb[2] = 1; return ; } t = strstr(rgbstring, " "); if (!t) // palette index { qbyte *pal; int i = atoi(rgbstring); i = bound(0, i, 255); pal = host_basepal; pal += (i * 3); // convert r8g8b8 to rgb floats rgb[0] = (float)(pal[0]); rgb[1] = (float)(pal[1]); rgb[2] = (float)(pal[2]); VectorScale(rgb, 1/255.0, rgb); } else // use RGB coloring (input is scaled from 0-rgbinputscale) { t++; rgb[0] = atof(rgbstring); rgb[1] = atof(t); t = strstr(t, " "); // find last value if (t) rgb[2] = atof(t+1); else rgb[2] = 0.0; rgbinputscale = 1/rgbinputscale; VectorScale(rgb, rgbinputscale, rgb); } // i contains the crosshair color } /* ============== SCR_CenterPrint Called for important messages that should stay in the center of the screen for a few moments ============== */ void SCR_CenterPrint (int pnum, const char *str, qboolean skipgamecode) { size_t i; cprint_t *p; if (!str) { if (cl.intermissionmode == IM_NONE) { p = &scr_centerprint[pnum]; p->flags = 0; p->time_off = 0; } return; } if (!skipgamecode) { #ifdef CSQC_DAT if (CSQC_CenterPrint(pnum, str)) //csqc nabbed it. return; #endif } if (Cmd_AliasExist("f_centerprint", RESTRICT_LOCAL)) { cvar_t *var; var = Cvar_FindVar ("scr_centerprinttext"); if (!var) var = Cvar_Get("scr_centerprinttext", "", 0, "Script Notifications"); if (var) { Cvar_Set(var, str); Cbuf_AddText("f_centerprint\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); } } p = &scr_centerprint[pnum]; p->flags = 0; p->titleimage[0] = 0; p->cursorchar = NULL; if (*str != '/') { if (cl.intermissionmode != IM_NONE) { p->flags |= CPRINT_TYPEWRITER | CPRINT_PERSIST | CPRINT_TALIGN; if (cl.intermissionmode != IM_NQCUTSCENE) Q_strncpyz(p->titleimage, "gfx/finale.lmp", sizeof(p->titleimage)); } } while (*str == '/') { if (str[1] == '.') { /* /. means text actually starts after, no more flags */ str+=2; break; } else if (str[1] == 'P') { p->flags |= CPRINT_PERSIST | CPRINT_BACKGROUND; p->flags &= ~CPRINT_TALIGN; } else if (str[1] == 'C') p->flags |= CPRINT_CURSOR; //this can be a little jarring if there's no links, so this forces consistent behaviour. else if (str[1] == 'W') //wait between each char p->flags ^= CPRINT_TYPEWRITER; else if (str[1] == 'S') //Stay p->flags ^= CPRINT_PERSIST; else if (str[1] == 'M') //'Mask' the background so that its readable. p->flags ^= CPRINT_BACKGROUND; else if (str[1] == 'O') //Obituaries are shown at the bottom, ish. p->flags ^= CPRINT_OBITUARTY; else if (str[1] == 'B') p->flags ^= CPRINT_BALIGN; //Note: you probably want to add some blank lines... else if (str[1] == 'T') p->flags ^= CPRINT_TALIGN; else if (str[1] == 'L') p->flags ^= CPRINT_LALIGN; else if (str[1] == 'R') p->flags ^= CPRINT_RALIGN; else if (str[1] == 'F') { //'F' is reserved for special handling via svc_finale if (cl.intermissionmode == IM_NONE) cl.completed_time = cl.time; str+=2; switch(*str++) { case 'R': //remove intermission cl.intermissionmode = IM_NONE; break; case 'I': //standard intermission case 'S': //score board / map stats cl.intermissionmode = IM_NQSCORES; break; case 'F': //finale cl.intermissionmode = IM_NQFINALE; break; case 'f': //finale, but with the view offset properly cl.intermissionmode = IM_H2FINALE; break; case 0: str--; break; default: break; //no idea. suck it up for compat. } continue; } else if (str[1] == 'I') { const char *e; int l; str+=2; e = strchr(str, ':'); if (!e) e = strchr(str, ' '); //probably an error if (!e) e = str + strlen(str)-1; //error l = e - str; if (l >= sizeof(p->titleimage)) l = sizeof(p->titleimage)-1; strncpy(p->titleimage, str, l); p->titleimage[l] = 0; str = e+1; continue; } else break; str += 2; } if (((scr_logcenterprint.ival && !cl.deathmatch) || scr_logcenterprint.ival == 2) && !(p->flags & CPRINT_PERSIST)) { //don't spam too much. if (*str && strncmp(cl.lastcenterprint, str, sizeof(cl.lastcenterprint)-1)) { Q_strncpyz(cl.lastcenterprint, str, sizeof(cl.lastcenterprint)); Con_CenterPrint(str); } } for (;;) { p->charcount = COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, str, p->string, p->stringbytes, false) - p->string; if ((p->charcount+1)*sizeof(*p->string) < p->stringbytes) break; else { p->stringbytes=p->stringbytes*2+sizeof(*p->string); Z_Free(p->string); p->string = Z_Malloc(p->stringbytes); } } if (!(p->flags & CPRINT_CURSOR)) { //autodetect links for (i = 0; i < p->charcount; i++) { if (p->string[i] == CON_LINKSTART) { p->flags |= CPRINT_CURSOR; break; } } } p->time_off = scr_centertime.value; p->time_start = cl.time; } void VARGS Stats_Message(char *msg, ...) { va_list argptr; char str[2048]; cprint_t *p = &scr_centerprint[0]; if (!scr_showobituaries.ival) return; if (p->time_off >= 0) return; va_start (argptr, msg); vsnprintf (str,sizeof(str)-1, msg, argptr); va_end (argptr); p->flags = CPRINT_OBITUARTY; p->titleimage[0] = 0; for (;;) { p->charcount = COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, str, p->string, p->stringbytes, false) - p->string; if ((p->charcount+1)*sizeof(*p->string) < p->stringbytes) break; else { p->stringbytes=p->stringbytes*2+sizeof(*p->string); Z_Free(p->string); p->string = Z_Malloc(p->stringbytes); } } p->time_off = scr_centertime.value; p->time_start = cl.time; } static char *SCR_CopyCenterPrint(cprint_t *p) //reads the link under the mouse cursor. non-links are ignored. { size_t maxlen, outlen; char *result; conchar_t *start = p->cursorchar, *end; if (!start) //cursor isn't over anything. return NULL; //scan backwards to find any link enclosure for(end = start-1; end >= p->string; end--) { if (*end == CON_LINKSTART) { //found one start = end; break; } if (*end == CON_LINKEND) { //some other link ended here. don't use its start. break; } } //scan forwards to find the end of the selected link if (start < p->string+p->charcount && *start == CON_LINKSTART) { for(end = start; end < p->string + p->charcount; end++) { if (*end == CON_LINKEND) { end++; break; } } } else// if (onlyiflink) return NULL; maxlen = 1024*1024; result = Z_Malloc(maxlen+1); outlen = COM_DeFunString(start, end, result, maxlen, false, false) - result; result[outlen++] = 0; return result; } #define MAX_CPRINT_LINES 512 void SCR_DrawCenterString (vrect_t *rect, cprint_t *p, struct font_s *font) { int l; int y, x; int left; int right; int top; int bottom; int remaining; shader_t *pic; int ch; conchar_t *line_start[MAX_CPRINT_LINES]; conchar_t *line_end[MAX_CPRINT_LINES]; int linecount; // the finale prints the characters one at a time if (p->flags & CPRINT_TYPEWRITER) remaining = scr_printspeed.value * (cl.time - p->time_start); else remaining = 9999; p->erase_center = 0; if (*p->titleimage) pic = R2D_SafeCachePic (p->titleimage); else pic = NULL; if (p->flags & CPRINT_BACKGROUND) { //hexen2 style plaque. int w = 320, h=200; if (pic) R_GetShaderSizes(pic, &w, &h, false); if (rect->width > w) { rect->x = (rect->x + rect->width/2) - (w / 2); rect->width = w; } if (rect->width < 32) return; rect->x += 16; rect->width -= 32; /*keep the text inside the image too*/ if (pic) { if (rect->height > h) { rect->y = (rect->y + rect->height/2) - (h/2); rect->height = h; } rect->y += 16; rect->height -= 32; } } y = rect->y; if (pic) { //the pic is just a header if (!(p->flags & CPRINT_BACKGROUND)) { int w, h; R_GetShaderSizes(pic, &w, &h, false); w *= 24.0/h; h = 24; y+= 16; R2D_ScalePic ( (vid.width-w)/2, 16, w, h, pic); y+= h; y+= 8; } } Font_BeginString(font, rect->x, y, &left, &top); Font_BeginString(font, rect->x+rect->width, rect->y+rect->height, &right, &bottom); linecount = Font_LineBreaks(p->string, p->string + p->charcount, right - left, MAX_CPRINT_LINES, line_start, line_end); ch = Font_CharHeight(); if (p->flags & CPRINT_TALIGN) y = top; else if (p->flags & CPRINT_BALIGN) y = bottom - ch*linecount; else if (p->flags & CPRINT_OBITUARTY) //'obituary' messages appear at the bottom of the screen y = (bottom-top - ch*linecount) * 0.65 + top; else { if (linecount <= 5) { //small messages appear above and away from the crosshair y = (bottom-top - ch*linecount) * 0.35 + top; } else { //longer messages are fully centered y = (bottom-top - ch*linecount) * 0.5 + top; } } if (p->flags & CPRINT_BACKGROUND) { //hexen2 style plaque. int px, py, pw; px = rect->x; py = ( y * vid.height) / (float)vid.pixelheight; pw = rect->width+8; Font_EndString(font); if (*p->titleimage) R2D_ScalePic (rect->x + ((int)rect->width - pic->width)/2, rect->y + ((int)rect->height - pic->height)/2, pic->width, pic->height, pic); else Draw_TextBox(px-16, py-8-8, pw/8, linecount+2); Font_BeginString(font, rect->x, y, &left, &top); } for (l = 0; l < linecount; l++, y += ch) { if (y >= bottom) break; if (p->flags & CPRINT_RALIGN) x = right - Font_LineWidth(line_start[l], line_end[l]); else if (p->flags & CPRINT_LALIGN) x = left; else x = left + (right - left - Font_LineWidth(line_start[l], line_end[l]))/2; if (mousecursor_y >= y && mousecursor_y < y+ch) { p->cursorchar = Font_CharAt(mousecursor_x - x, line_start[l], line_end[l]); } remaining -= line_end[l]-line_start[l]; if (remaining <= 0) { line_end[l] += remaining; if (line_end[l] <= line_start[l]) break; } Font_LineDraw(x, y, line_start[l], line_end[l]); } Font_EndString(font); } qboolean Key_Centerprint(int key, int unicode, unsigned int devid) { int pnum; cprint_t *p; char *link; if (key == K_MOUSE1) { //figure out which player has the cursor for (pnum = 0; pnum < cl.splitclients; pnum++) { p = &scr_centerprint[pnum]; if (cl.playerview[pnum].gamerectknown == cls.framecount) { link = SCR_CopyCenterPrint(p); if (link) { if (link[0] == '^' && link[1] == '[') { //looks like it might be a link! char *end = NULL; char *info; for (info = link + 2; *info; ) { if (info[0] == '^' && info[1] == ']') break; //end of tag, with no actual info, apparently if (*info == '\\') break; else if (info[0] == '^' && info[1] == '^') info+=2; else info++; } for(end = info; *end; ) { if (end[0] == '^' && end[1] == ']') { //okay, its a valid link that they clicked *end = 0; #ifdef PLUGINS if (!Plug_ConsoleLink(link+2, info, "")) #endif #ifdef CSQC_DAT if (!CSQC_ConsoleLink(link+2, info)) #endif Key_DefaultLinkClicked(NULL, link+2, info); break; } if (end[0] == '^' && end[1] == '^') end+=2; else end++; } } } } } return true; //handled } else if (key == K_MOUSE2) { for (pnum = 0; pnum < cl.splitclients; pnum++) { p = &scr_centerprint[pnum]; p->flags &= ~CPRINT_CURSOR; } return true; } return false; } void SCR_CheckDrawCenterString (void) { int pnum; cprint_t *p; Key_Dest_Remove(kdm_centerprint); for (pnum = 0; pnum < cl.splitclients; pnum++) { p = &scr_centerprint[pnum]; p->cursorchar = NULL; if (p->time_off <= 0 && !(p->flags & CPRINT_PERSIST)) continue; //'/P' prefix doesn't time out p->time_off -= host_frametime; if (Key_Dest_Has(~(kdm_game|kdm_centerprint))) //don't let progs guis/centerprints interfere with the game menu continue; //should probably allow the console with a scissor region or something. #ifdef QUAKEHUD if (cl.playerview[pnum].sb_showscores) //this was annoying continue; #endif if (cl.playerview[pnum].gamerectknown == cls.framecount) { SCR_DrawCenterString(&cl.playerview[pnum].gamerect, p, font_default); if (p->flags & CPRINT_CURSOR) Key_Dest_Add(kdm_centerprint); } } } void R_DrawTextField(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *text, unsigned int defaultmask, unsigned int fieldflags, struct font_s *font, vec2_t fontscale) { cprint_t p; vrect_t r; conchar_t buffer[16384]; //FIXME: make dynamic. p.string = buffer; p.stringbytes = sizeof(buffer); r.x = x; r.y = y; r.width = w; r.height = h; p.flags = fieldflags; p.charcount = COM_ParseFunString(defaultmask, text, p.string, p.stringbytes, false) - p.string; p.time_off = scr_centertime.value; p.time_start = cl.time; *p.titleimage = 0; SCR_DrawCenterString(&r, &p, font); } qboolean SCR_HardwareCursorIsActive(void) { if (Key_MouseShouldBeFree()) return !!scr_curcursor; return false; } void SCR_DrawCursor(void) { extern cvar_t cl_cursor, cl_cursorbiasx, cl_cursorbiasy, cl_cursorscale, cl_prydoncursor; mpic_t *p; char *newc; int prydoncursornum = 0; extern qboolean cursor_active; int cmod = kc_console; void *oldcurs = NULL; if (cursor_active && cl_prydoncursor.ival > 0) prydoncursornum = cl_prydoncursor.ival; else if (!Key_MouseShouldBeFree()) return; //choose the cursor based upon the module that has primary focus if (key_dest_mask & key_dest_absolutemouse & (kdm_console|kdm_cwindows|kdm_editor)) cmod = kc_console; else if ((key_dest_mask & key_dest_absolutemouse & kdm_emenu)) cmod = kc_console; else if ((key_dest_mask & key_dest_absolutemouse & kdm_gmenu)) cmod = kc_menu; #ifdef MENU_NATIVECODE else if ((key_dest_mask & key_dest_absolutemouse & kdm_nmenu)) cmod = kc_nmenu; #endif else// if (key_dest_mask & key_dest_absolutemouse) cmod = prydoncursornum?kc_console:kc_game; if (cmod == kc_console) { if (!*cl_cursor.string || prydoncursornum>1) newc = va("gfx/prydoncursor%03i.lmp", prydoncursornum); else newc = cl_cursor.string; if (strcmp(key_customcursor[kc_console].name, newc) || key_customcursor[kc_console].hotspot[0] != cl_cursorbiasx.value || key_customcursor[kc_console].hotspot[1] != cl_cursorbiasy.value || key_customcursor[kc_console].scale != cl_cursorscale.value) { key_customcursor[kc_console].dirty = true; Q_strncpyz(key_customcursor[cmod].name, newc, sizeof(key_customcursor[cmod].name)); key_customcursor[kc_console].hotspot[0] = cl_cursorbiasx.value; key_customcursor[kc_console].hotspot[1] = cl_cursorbiasy.value; key_customcursor[kc_console].scale = cl_cursorscale.value; } } if (key_customcursor[cmod].dirty) { if (key_customcursor[cmod].scale <= 0 || !*key_customcursor[cmod].name) { key_customcursor[cmod].hotspot[0] = cl_cursorbiasx.value; key_customcursor[cmod].hotspot[1] = cl_cursorbiasy.value; key_customcursor[cmod].scale = cl_cursorscale.value; } key_customcursor[cmod].dirty = false; oldcurs = key_customcursor[cmod].handle; if (rf->VID_CreateCursor && strcmp(key_customcursor[cmod].name, "none")) { key_customcursor[cmod].handle = NULL; if (!key_customcursor[cmod].handle && *key_customcursor[cmod].name) { image_t dummytex; flocation_t loc; char bestname[MAX_QPATH]; unsigned int bestflags; memset(&dummytex, 0, sizeof(dummytex)); dummytex.ident = key_customcursor[cmod].name; dummytex.flags = IF_NOREPLACE; //no dds files if (Image_LocateHighResTexture(&dummytex, &loc, bestname, sizeof(bestname), &bestflags)) key_customcursor[cmod].handle = rf->VID_CreateCursor(bestname, key_customcursor[cmod].hotspot[0], key_customcursor[cmod].hotspot[1], key_customcursor[cmod].scale); else key_customcursor[cmod].handle = rf->VID_CreateCursor(key_customcursor[cmod].name, key_customcursor[cmod].hotspot[0], key_customcursor[cmod].hotspot[1], key_customcursor[cmod].scale); } if (!key_customcursor[cmod].handle) key_customcursor[cmod].handle = rf->VID_CreateCursor("gfx/cursor.tga", key_customcursor[cmod].hotspot[0], key_customcursor[cmod].hotspot[1], key_customcursor[cmod].scale); //try the fallback if (!key_customcursor[cmod].handle) key_customcursor[cmod].handle = rf->VID_CreateCursor("gfx/cursor.png", key_customcursor[cmod].hotspot[0], key_customcursor[cmod].hotspot[1], key_customcursor[cmod].scale); //try the fallback if (!key_customcursor[cmod].handle) key_customcursor[cmod].handle = rf->VID_CreateCursor("gfx/cursor.lmp", key_customcursor[cmod].hotspot[0], key_customcursor[cmod].hotspot[1], key_customcursor[cmod].scale); //try the fallback } else key_customcursor[cmod].handle = NULL; } if (scr_curcursor != key_customcursor[cmod].handle) { scr_curcursor = key_customcursor[cmod].handle; rf->VID_SetCursor(scr_curcursor); } if (oldcurs) rf->VID_DestroyCursor(oldcurs); if (scr_curcursor) return; //system doesn't support a hardware cursor, so try to draw a software one. if (!strcmp(key_customcursor[cmod].name, "none")) return; p = R2D_SafeCachePic(key_customcursor[cmod].name); if (!p || !R_GetShaderSizes(p, NULL, NULL, false)) p = R2D_SafeCachePic("gfx/cursor.lmp"); if (p && R_GetShaderSizes(p, NULL, NULL, false)) { R2D_ImageColours(1, 1, 1, 1); R2D_Image(mousecursor_x-key_customcursor[cmod].hotspot[0], mousecursor_y-key_customcursor[cmod].hotspot[1], p->width*cl_cursorscale.value, p->height*cl_cursorscale.value, 0, 0, 1, 1, p); } else { float x, y; Font_BeginScaledString(font_default, mousecursor_x, mousecursor_y, 8, 8, &x, &y); x -= Font_CharScaleWidth(CON_WHITEMASK, '+' | 0xe000)/2; y -= Font_CharHeight()/2; Font_DrawScaleChar(x, y, CON_WHITEMASK, '+' | 0xe000); Font_EndString(font_default); } } static void SCR_DrawSimMTouchCursor(void) { int i; float x, y; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (multicursor_active[i]) { Font_BeginScaledString(font_default, multicursor_x[i], multicursor_y[i], 8, 8, &x, &y); x -= Font_CharScaleWidth(CON_WHITEMASK, '+' | 0xe000)/2; y -= Font_CharHeight()/2; Font_DrawScaleChar(x, y, CON_WHITEMASK, '+' | 0xe000); Font_EndString(font_default); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //TEI_SHOWLMP2 (not 3) // typedef struct showpic_s { struct showpic_s *next; qbyte zone; qboolean persist; short x, y, w, h; char *name; char *picname; char *tcommand; } showpic_t; showpic_t *showpics; static void SP_RecalcXY ( float *xx, float *yy, int origin ) { int midx, midy; float x,y; x = xx[0]; y = yy[0]; midy = vid.height * 0.5;// >>1 midx = vid.width * 0.5;// >>1 switch (origin) { //tei's original encoding case SL_ORG_NW: break; case SL_ORG_NE: x = vid.width - x;//Inv break; case SL_ORG_SW: y = vid.height - y;//Inv break; case SL_ORG_SE: y = vid.height - y;//inv x = vid.width - x;//Inv break; case SL_ORG_CC: y = midy + (y - 8000);//NegCoded x = midx + (x - 8000);//NegCoded break; case SL_ORG_CN: x = midx + (x - 8000);//NegCoded break; case SL_ORG_CS: x = midx + (x - 8000);//NegCoded y = vid.height - y;//Inverse break; case SL_ORG_CW: y = midy + (y - 8000);//NegCoded break; case SL_ORG_CE: y = midy + (y - 8000);//NegCoded x = vid.height - x; //Inverse break; //spike's attempt to provide sane origins that are a little more predictable. case SL_ORG_TL: break; case SL_ORG_TR: x += vid.width; break; case SL_ORG_BL: y += vid.height; break; case SL_ORG_BR: x += vid.width; y += vid.height; break; case SL_ORG_MM: x += midx; y += midy; break; case SL_ORG_TM: x += midx; break; case SL_ORG_BM: x += midx; y += vid.height; break; case SL_ORG_ML: y += midy; break; case SL_ORG_MR: x += vid.height; y += midy; break; default: break; } xx[0] = x; yy[0] = y; } void SCR_ShowPics_Draw(void) { downloadlist_t *failed; float x, y; showpic_t *sp; mpic_t *p; for (sp = showpics; sp; sp = sp->next) { x = sp->x; y = sp->y; SP_RecalcXY(&x, &y, sp->zone); if (!*sp->picname) continue; for (failed = cl.faileddownloads; failed; failed = failed->next) { //don't try displaying ones that we know to have failed. if (!strcmp(failed->rname, sp->picname)) break; } if (failed) continue; p = R2D_SafeCachePic(sp->picname); if (!p) continue; R2D_ScalePic(x, y, sp->w?sp->w:p->width, sp->h?sp->h:p->height, p); } } char *SCR_ShowPics_ClickCommand(int cx, int cy) { downloadlist_t *failed; float x, y, w, h; showpic_t *sp; mpic_t *p; for (sp = showpics; sp; sp = sp->next) { if (!sp->tcommand || !*sp->tcommand) continue; x = sp->x; y = sp->y; w = sp->w; h = sp->h; SP_RecalcXY(&x, &y, sp->zone); if (!w || !h) { if (!*sp->picname) continue; for (failed = cl.faileddownloads; failed; failed = failed->next) { //don't try displaying ones that we know to have failed. if (!strcmp(failed->rname, sp->picname)) break; } if (failed) continue; p = R2D_SafeCachePic(sp->picname); if (!p) continue; w = w?w:sp->w; h = h?h:sp->h; } if (cx >= x && cx < x+w) if (cy >= y && cy < y+h) return sp->tcommand; //if they overlap, that's your own damn fault. } return NULL; } //all=false clears only server pics, not ones from configs. void SCR_ShowPic_ClearAll(qboolean persistflag) { showpic_t **link, *sp; int pnum; for (pnum = 0; pnum < MAX_SPLITS; pnum++) { scr_centerprint[pnum].flags = 0; scr_centerprint[pnum].charcount = 0; } for (link = &showpics; (sp=*link); ) { if (sp->persist != persistflag) { link = &sp->next; continue; } *link = sp->next; Z_Free(sp->name); Z_Free(sp->picname); Z_Free(sp->tcommand); Z_Free(sp); } } showpic_t *SCR_ShowPic_Find(char *name) { showpic_t *sp, *last; for (sp = showpics; sp; sp = sp->next) { if (!strcmp(sp->name, name)) return sp; } if (showpics) { for (last = showpics; last->next; last = last->next) ; } else last = NULL; sp = Z_Malloc(sizeof(showpic_t)); if (last) { last->next = sp; sp->next = NULL; } else { sp->next = showpics; showpics = sp; } sp->name = Z_Malloc(strlen(name)+1); strcpy(sp->name, name); sp->picname = Z_Malloc(1); sp->x = 0; sp->y = 0; sp->zone = 0; return sp; } void SCR_ShowPic_Create(void) { int zone = MSG_ReadByte(); showpic_t *sp; char *s; sp = SCR_ShowPic_Find(MSG_ReadString()); s = MSG_ReadString(); Z_Free(sp->picname); sp->picname = Z_Malloc(strlen(s)+1); strcpy(sp->picname, s); sp->zone = zone; sp->x = MSG_ReadShort(); sp->y = MSG_ReadShort(); CL_CheckOrEnqueDownloadFile(sp->picname, sp->picname, 0); } void SCR_ShowPic_Hide(void) { showpic_t *sp, *prev; sp = SCR_ShowPic_Find(MSG_ReadString()); if (sp == showpics) showpics = sp->next; else { for (prev = showpics; prev->next != sp; prev = prev->next) ; prev->next = sp->next; } Z_Free(sp->name); Z_Free(sp->picname); Z_Free(sp); } void SCR_ShowPic_Move(void) { int zone = MSG_ReadByte(); showpic_t *sp; sp = SCR_ShowPic_Find(MSG_ReadString()); sp->zone = zone; sp->x = MSG_ReadShort(); sp->y = MSG_ReadShort(); } void SCR_ShowPic_Update(void) { showpic_t *sp; char *s; sp = SCR_ShowPic_Find(MSG_ReadString()); s = MSG_ReadString(); Z_Free(sp->picname); sp->picname = Z_Malloc(strlen(s)+1); strcpy(sp->picname, s); CL_CheckOrEnqueDownloadFile(sp->picname, sp->picname, 0); } static int SCR_ShowPic_MapZone(char *zone) { //sane coding scheme if (!Q_strcasecmp(zone, "tr")) return SL_ORG_TR; if (!Q_strcasecmp(zone, "tl")) return SL_ORG_TL; if (!Q_strcasecmp(zone, "br")) return SL_ORG_BR; if (!Q_strcasecmp(zone, "bl")) return SL_ORG_BL; if (!Q_strcasecmp(zone, "mm")) return SL_ORG_MM; if (!Q_strcasecmp(zone, "tm")) return SL_ORG_TM; if (!Q_strcasecmp(zone, "bm")) return SL_ORG_BM; if (!Q_strcasecmp(zone, "mr")) return SL_ORG_MR; if (!Q_strcasecmp(zone, "ml")) return SL_ORG_MR; //compasy directions (but uses tei's coding scheme...) if (!Q_strcasecmp(zone, "nw")) return SL_ORG_NW; if (!Q_strcasecmp(zone, "ne")) return SL_ORG_NE; if (!Q_strcasecmp(zone, "sw")) return SL_ORG_SW; if (!Q_strcasecmp(zone, "sw")) return SL_ORG_SE; if (!Q_strcasecmp(zone, "cc")) return SL_ORG_CC; if (!Q_strcasecmp(zone, "cn")) return SL_ORG_CN; if (!Q_strcasecmp(zone, "cs")) return SL_ORG_CS; if (!Q_strcasecmp(zone, "cw")) return SL_ORG_CW; if (!Q_strcasecmp(zone, "ce")) return SL_ORG_CE; return atoi(zone); } void SCR_ShowPic_Script_f(void) { char *imgname; char *name; char *tcommand; int x, y, w, h; int zone; showpic_t *sp; imgname = Cmd_Argv(1); name = Cmd_Argv(2); x = atoi(Cmd_Argv(3)); y = atoi(Cmd_Argv(4)); zone = SCR_ShowPic_MapZone(Cmd_Argv(5)); w = atoi(Cmd_Argv(6)); h = atoi(Cmd_Argv(7)); tcommand = Cmd_Argv(8); sp = SCR_ShowPic_Find(name); Z_Free(sp->picname); Z_Free(sp->tcommand); sp->picname = Z_StrDup(imgname); sp->tcommand = Z_StrDup(tcommand); sp->zone = zone; sp->x = x; sp->y = y; sp->w = w; sp->h = h; if (!sp->persist) sp->persist = !Cmd_FromGamecode(); } void SCR_ShowPic_Remove_f(void) { SCR_ShowPic_ClearAll(!Cmd_FromGamecode()); } //============================================================================= void QDECL SCR_Fov_Callback (struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue) { if (var->value < 10) Cvar_ForceSet(var, "10"); //highs are capped elsewhere. this allows fisheye to use this cvar automatically. } void QDECL SCR_Viewsize_Callback (struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue) { if (var->value < 30) { Cvar_ForceSet (var, "30"); return; } if (var->value > 120) { Cvar_ForceSet (var, "120"); return; } } void QDECL CL_Sbar_Callback(struct cvar_s *var, char *oldvalue) { } void SCR_CrosshairPosition(playerview_t *pview, float *x, float *y) { extern cvar_t cl_crossx, cl_crossy, crosshaircorrect, v_viewheight; vrect_t rect; rect = r_refdef.vrect; if (cl.worldmodel && crosshaircorrect.ival) { float adj; trace_t tr; vec3_t end; vec3_t start; vec3_t right, up, fwds; AngleVectors(pview->simangles, fwds, right, up); VectorCopy(pview->simorg, start); start[2]+=16; VectorMA(start, 100000, fwds, end); memset(&tr, 0, sizeof(tr)); tr.fraction = 1; cl.worldmodel->funcs.NativeTrace(cl.worldmodel, 0, NULLFRAMESTATE, NULL, start, end, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, false, MASK_WORLDSOLID, &tr); start[2]-=16; if (tr.fraction != 1) { adj=pview->viewheight; if (v_viewheight.value < -7) adj+=-7; else if (v_viewheight.value > 4) adj+=4; else adj+=v_viewheight.value; start[2]+=adj; Matrix4x4_CM_Project(tr.endpos, end, pview->simangles, start, r_refdef.fov_x, r_refdef.fov_y); *x = rect.x+rect.width*end[0] + cl_crossx.value; *y = rect.y+rect.height*(1-end[1]) + cl_crossy.value; return; } } *x = rect.x + rect.width/2 + cl_crossx.value; *y = rect.y + rect.height/2 + cl_crossy.value; } /* ================= SCR_SizeUp_f Keybinding command ================= */ void SCR_SizeUp_f (void) { if (Cmd_FromGamecode()) Cvar_ForceSet(&scr_viewsize,va("%i", scr_viewsize.ival+10)); else Cvar_SetValue (&scr_viewsize,scr_viewsize.value+10); } /* ================= SCR_SizeDown_f Keybinding command ================= */ void SCR_SizeDown_f (void) { if (Cmd_FromGamecode()) Cvar_ForceSet(&scr_viewsize,va("%i", scr_viewsize.ival-10)); else Cvar_SetValue (&scr_viewsize,scr_viewsize.value-10); } //============================================================================ void SCR_StringXY(char *str, float x, float y) { char *s2; int px, py; unsigned int codepoint; int error; Font_BeginString(font_default, ((x<0)?vid.width:x), ((y<0)?vid.height - sb_lines:y), &px, &py); if (x < 0) { for (s2 = str; *s2; ) { codepoint = unicode_decode(&error, s2, &s2, true); px -= Font_CharWidth(CON_WHITEMASK, codepoint); } } if (y < 0) py += y*Font_CharHeight(); while (*str) { codepoint = unicode_decode(&error, str, &str, true); px = Font_DrawChar(px, py, CON_WHITEMASK, codepoint); } Font_EndString(font_default); } /* ============== SCR_DrawTurtle ============== */ void SCR_DrawTurtle (void) { static int count; if (!scr_showturtle.ival || !scr_turtle) return; if (host_frametime <= 1.0/scr_turtlefps.value) { count = 0; return; } count++; if (count < 3) return; R2D_ScalePic (scr_vrect.x, scr_vrect.y, 64, 64, scr_turtle); } void SCR_DrawDisk (void) { extern float fs_accessed_time; if ((float)realtime - fs_accessed_time > scr_diskicontimeout.value) return; if (!draw_disc || !scr_showdisk.ival) return; if (!R_GetShaderSizes(draw_disc, NULL, NULL, true)) SCR_StringXY("FS", scr_showdisk_x.value, scr_showdisk_y.value); else R2D_ScalePic (scr_showdisk_x.value + (scr_showdisk_x.value<0?vid.width:0), scr_showdisk_y.value + (scr_showdisk_y.value<0?vid.height:0), 24, 24, draw_disc); } /* ============== SCR_DrawNet ============== */ void SCR_DrawNet (void) { if (realtime - cls.netchan.last_received < scr_neticontimeout.value) return; if (cls.demoplayback || !scr_net) return; R2D_ScalePic (scr_vrect.x+64, scr_vrect.y, 64, 64, scr_net); } void SCR_DrawFPS (void) { extern cvar_t show_fps; static double lastupdatetime; static double lastsystemtime; double t; extern int fps_count; static float lastfps; static double deviationtimes[64]; static int deviationframe; char str[80]; int sfps, frame; qboolean usemsecs = false; float frametime; if (!show_fps.ival) return; t = Sys_DoubleTime(); if ((t - lastupdatetime) >= 1.0) { lastfps = fps_count/(t - lastupdatetime); fps_count = 0; lastupdatetime = t; } frametime = t - lastsystemtime; lastsystemtime = t; sfps = show_fps.ival; if (sfps < 0) { sfps = -sfps; usemsecs = true; } switch (sfps) { case 1: default: break; case 2: // lowest FPS, highest MS encountered if (lastfps > 1/frametime) { lastfps = 1/frametime; fps_count = 0; lastupdatetime = t; } break; case 3: // highest FPS, lowest MS encountered if (lastfps < 1/frametime) { lastfps = 1/frametime; fps_count = 0; lastupdatetime = t; } break; case 4: // immediate FPS/MS lastfps = 1/frametime; lastupdatetime = t; break; case 5: R_FrameTimeGraph((int)(1000.0*2*frametime)); break; case 7: R_FrameTimeGraph((int)(1000.0*1*frametime)); break; case 6: { float mean, deviation; deviationtimes[deviationframe++&63] = frametime*1000; mean = 0; for (frame = 0; frame < 64; frame++) { mean += deviationtimes[frame]; } mean /= 64; deviation = 0; for (frame = 0; frame < 64; frame++) { deviation += (deviationtimes[frame] - mean)*(deviationtimes[frame] - mean); } deviation /= 64; deviation = sqrt(deviation); SCR_StringXY(va("%f deviation", deviation), show_fps_x.value, show_fps_y.value-8); } break; case 8: if (cls.timedemo) Con_Printf("%f\n", frametime); break; } if (usemsecs) sprintf(str, "%4.1f MS", 1000.0/lastfps); else sprintf(str, "%3.1f FPS", lastfps); SCR_StringXY(str, show_fps_x.value, show_fps_y.value); } void SCR_DrawClock(void) { struct tm *newtime; time_t long_time; char str[16]; if (!show_clock.ival) return; time( &long_time ); newtime = localtime( &long_time ); if (show_clock.ival == 2) strftime( str, sizeof(str)-1, "%I:%M %p ", newtime); else strftime( str, sizeof(str)-1, "%H:%M ", newtime); SCR_StringXY(str, show_clock_x.value, show_clock_y.value); } void SCR_DrawGameClock(void) { #ifdef QUAKESTATS float showtime; int minutes; int seconds; char str[16]; int flags; float timelimit; if (!show_gameclock.ival) return; flags = (show_gameclock.value-1); if (flags & 1) timelimit = 60 * atof(InfoBuf_ValueForKey(&cl.serverinfo, "timelimit")); else timelimit = 0; if (cl.matchstate == MATCH_STANDBY) showtime = cl.servertime; else if (cl.playerview[0].statsf[STAT_MATCHSTARTTIME]) showtime = timelimit - (cl.servertime - cl.playerview[0].statsf[STAT_MATCHSTARTTIME]/1000); else showtime = timelimit - (cl.servertime - cl.matchgametimestart); if (showtime < 0) showtime *= -1; minutes = showtime/60; seconds = (int)showtime - (minutes*60); sprintf(str, "%02i:%02i", minutes, seconds); SCR_StringXY(str, show_gameclock_x.value, show_gameclock_y.value); #endif } /* ============== DrawPause ============== */ void SCR_DrawPause (void) { mpic_t *pic; if (!scr_showpause.ival) // turn off for screenshots return; if (!cl.paused) return; #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (sv.active && sv.paused == PAUSE_AUTO) return; #endif if (Key_Dest_Has(kdm_emenu) || Key_Dest_Has(kdm_gmenu)) return; pic = R2D_SafeCachePic ("gfx/pause.lmp"); if (pic) { R2D_ScalePic ( (vid.width - pic->width)/2, (vid.height - 48 - pic->height)/2, pic->width, pic->height, pic); } else Draw_FunString((vid.width-strlen("Paused")*8)/2, (vid.height-8)/2, "Paused"); } /* ============== SCR_DrawLoading ============== */ int total_loading_size, current_loading_size, loading_stage; char *loadingfile; int CL_DownloadRate(void); int SCR_GetLoadingStage(void) { return loading_stage; } void SCR_SetLoadingStage(int stage) { switch(stage) { case LS_NONE: if (loadingfile) Z_Free(loadingfile); loadingfile = NULL; scr_disabled_for_loading = scr_drawloading = false; break; case LS_CONNECTION: SCR_SetLoadingFile("waiting for connection..."); break; case LS_SERVER: if (scr_con_current > vid.height*scr_consize.value) scr_con_current = vid.height*scr_consize.value; SCR_SetLoadingFile("starting server..."); break; case LS_CLIENT: SCR_SetLoadingFile("receiving map info"); break; } loading_stage = stage; } void SCR_SetLoadingFile(char *str) { if (loadingfile && !strcmp(loadingfile, str)) return; if (loadingfile) Z_Free(loadingfile); loadingfile = Z_Malloc(strlen(str)+1); strcpy(loadingfile, str); if (scr_loadingrefresh.ival) { SCR_UpdateScreen(); } } void SCR_DrawLoading (qboolean opaque) { int sizex, x, y, w, h; mpic_t *pic; char *s; if (CSQC_UseGamecodeLoadingScreen()) return; //will be drawn as part of the regular screen updates #ifdef MENU_DAT if (MP_UsingGamecodeLoadingScreen()) { if (opaque) MP_Draw(); return; //menuqc should have just drawn whatever overlays it wanted. } #endif #ifdef MENU_NATIVECODE if (mn_entry && mn_entry->DrawLoading) { mn_entry->DrawLoading(host_frametime); return; } #endif //int mtype = M_GameType(); //unused variable y = vid.height/2; if (*levelshotname) { pic = R2D_SafeCachePic (levelshotname); if (!R_GetShaderSizes(pic, &w, &h, true)) w = h = 1; R2D_Letterbox(0, 0, vid.width, vid.height, pic, w, h); } else if (opaque) { R2D_ImageColours(0, 0, 0, 1); R2D_FillBlock(0, 0, vid.width, vid.height); R2D_ImageColours(1, 1, 1, 1); R2D_ConsoleBackground (0, vid.height, true); } if (scr_showloading.ival) { char *qname = scr_loadingscreen_picture.string; #ifdef HEXEN2 int qdepth = COM_FDepthFile(qname, true); int h2depth = COM_FDepthFile("gfx/menu/loading.lmp", true); if (!(qdepth < h2depth || h2depth > FDEPTH_MISSING)) { //hexen2 files. //hexen2 has some fancy sliders built into its graphics in specific places. so this is messy. pic = R2D_SafeCachePic ("gfx/menu/loading.lmp"); if (R_GetShaderSizes(pic, &w, &h, true)) { int size, count, offset; if (!scr_drawloading && loading_stage == 0) return; offset = (vid.width - w)/2; R2D_ScalePic (offset, 0, w, h, pic); if (loading_stage == LS_NONE) return; if (total_loading_size) size = current_loading_size * 106 / total_loading_size; else size = 0; if (loading_stage == LS_CLIENT) count = size; else count = 106; R2D_ImagePaletteColour (136, 1.0); R2D_FillBlock (offset+42, 87, count, 1); R2D_FillBlock (offset+42, 87+5, count, 1); R2D_ImagePaletteColour (138, 1.0); R2D_FillBlock (offset+42, 87+1, count, 4); if (loading_stage == LS_SERVER) count = size; else count = 0; R2D_ImagePaletteColour(168, 1.0); R2D_FillBlock (offset+42, 97, count, 1); R2D_FillBlock (offset+42, 97+5, count, 1); R2D_ImagePaletteColour(170, 1.0); R2D_FillBlock (offset+42, 97+1, count, 4); y = 104; } } else #endif { //quake files pic = R2D_SafeCachePic (qname); if (R_GetShaderSizes(pic, &w, &h, true)) { float f = 1; w *= scr_loadingscreen_scale.value; h *= scr_loadingscreen_scale.value; switch(scr_loadingscreen_scale_limit.ival) { default: break; case 1: f = max(w/vid.width,h/vid.height); break; case 2: f = min(w/vid.width,h/vid.height); break; case 3: f = w/vid.width; break; case 4: f = h/vid.height; break; } if (f > 1) { w /= f; h /= f; } x = ((int)vid.width - w)/2; y = ((int)vid.height - 48 - h)/2; R2D_ScalePic (x, y, w, h, pic); x = (vid.width/2) - 96; y += h + 8; //make sure our loading crap will be displayed. if (y > vid.height-32) y = vid.height-32; } else { x = (vid.width/2) - 96; y = (vid.height/2) - 8; Draw_FunString((vid.width-7*8)/2, y-16, "Loading"); } if (!total_loading_size) total_loading_size = 1; if (loading_stage > LS_CONNECTION) { sizex = current_loading_size * 192 / total_loading_size; if (loading_stage == LS_SERVER) { R2D_ImageColours(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); R2D_FillBlock(x, y, sizex, 16); R2D_ImageColours(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); R2D_FillBlock(x+sizex, y, 192-sizex, 16); } else { R2D_ImageColours(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); R2D_FillBlock(x, y, sizex, 16); R2D_ImageColours(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); R2D_FillBlock(x+sizex, y, 192-sizex, 16); } R2D_ImageColours(1, 1, 1, 1); Draw_FunString(x+8, y+4, va("Loading %s... %i%%", (loading_stage == LS_SERVER) ? "server" : "client", current_loading_size * 100 / total_loading_size)); } y += 16; if (loadingfile) { Draw_FunString(x+8, y+4, loadingfile); y+=16; } } } R2D_ImageColours(1, 1, 1, 1); if (cl.downloadlist || cls.download) { unsigned int fcount; qofs_t tsize; qboolean sizeextra; x = vid.width/2 - 160; CL_GetDownloadSizes(&fcount, &tsize, &sizeextra); //downloading files? if (cls.download) Draw_FunString(x+8, y+4, va("Downloading %s... %i%%", cls.download->localname, (int)cls.download->percent)); if (tsize > 1024*1024*16) { Draw_FunString(x+8, y+8+4, va("%5ukbps %8umb%s remaining (%i files)", (unsigned int)(CL_DownloadRate()/1000.0f), (unsigned int)(tsize/(1024*1024)), sizeextra?"+":"", fcount)); } else { Draw_FunString(x+8, y+8+4, va("%5ukbps %8ukb%s remaining (%i files)", (unsigned int)(CL_DownloadRate()/1000.0f), (unsigned int)(tsize/1024), sizeextra?"+":"", fcount)); } y+= 16+8; } else if (CL_TryingToConnect()) { char dots[4]; s = CL_TryingToConnect(); x = (vid.width - (strlen(s)+15)*8) / 2; dots[0] = '.'; dots[1] = '.'; dots[2] = '.'; dots[(int)realtime & 3] = 0; Draw_FunString(x, y+4, va("Connecting to: %s%s", s, dots)); } } void SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque (void) { if (cls.state != ca_active && cls.protocol != CP_QUAKE3) return; if (!scr_initialized) return; // if (key_dest == key_console) //not really appropriate if client is to show it on a remote server. // return; // redraw with no console and the loading plaque if (!scr_disabled_for_loading) { Sbar_Changed (); scr_drawloading = true; SCR_UpdateScreen (); scr_drawloading = false; scr_disabled_for_loading = true; } scr_disabled_time = Sys_DoubleTime(); //realtime tends to change... Hmmm.... } void SCR_EndLoadingPlaque (void) { // if (!scr_initialized) // return; scr_disabled_for_loading = false; *levelshotname = '\0'; SCR_SetLoadingStage(0); scr_drawloading = false; } void SCR_ImageName (const char *mapname) { //assume levelshots/foo strcpy(levelshotname, "levelshots/"); COM_FileBase(mapname, levelshotname + strlen(levelshotname), sizeof(levelshotname)-strlen(levelshotname)); if (qrenderer) { R_LoadHiResTexture(levelshotname, NULL, IF_NOWORKER|IF_UIPIC|IF_NOPICMIP|IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_CLAMP); if (!R_GetShaderSizes(R2D_SafeCachePic (levelshotname), NULL, NULL, true)) { //try maps/foo strcpy(levelshotname, "maps/"); COM_FileBase(mapname, levelshotname + strlen(levelshotname), sizeof(levelshotname)-strlen(levelshotname)); if (!R_GetShaderSizes(R2D_SafeCachePic (levelshotname), NULL, NULL, true)) { *levelshotname = '\0'; if (scr_disabled_for_loading) return; } } } else { *levelshotname = '\0'; if (scr_disabled_for_loading) return; } scr_drawloading = true; if (qrenderer != QR_NONE) { Sbar_Changed (); SCR_UpdateScreen (); } scr_disabled_time = Sys_DoubleTime(); //realtime tends to change... Hmmm.... scr_disabled_for_loading = true; } //============================================================================= /* ================== SCR_SetUpToDrawConsole ================== */ void SCR_SetUpToDrawConsole (void) { extern int startuppending; //true if we're downloading media or something and have not yet triggered the startup action (read: main menu or cinematic) if (scr_drawloading) return; // never a console with loading plaque // decide on the height of the console if (!scr_disabled_for_loading) { float fullscreenpercent = 1; #ifdef ANDROID //android has an onscreen imm that we don't want to obscure fullscreenpercent = scr_consize.value; #endif if (!con_stayhidden.ival && (!Key_Dest_Has(~(kdm_console|kdm_game))) && (!cl.sendprespawn && cl.worldmodel && cl.worldmodel->loadstate != MLS_LOADED)) { //force console to fullscreen if we're loading stuff // Key_Dest_Add(kdm_console); scr_conlines = scr_con_current = vid.height * fullscreenpercent; } else if (!startuppending && !Key_Dest_Has(kdm_emenu|kdm_gmenu) && (!Key_Dest_Has(~((!con_stayhidden.ival?kdm_console:0)|kdm_game))) && SCR_GetLoadingStage() == LS_NONE && cls.state < ca_active && !Media_PlayingFullScreen() && !CSQC_UnconnectedOkay(false)) { //go fullscreen if we're not doing anything if (con_curwindow && !cls.state) { Key_Dest_Add(kdm_cwindows); scr_conlines = 0; } #ifdef VM_UI else if (UI_MenuState() || UI_OpenMenu()) scr_con_current = scr_conlines = 0; #endif else { if (cls.state < ca_demostart) { if (con_stayhidden.ival) { extern int startuppending; scr_conlines = 0; if (SCR_GetLoadingStage() == LS_NONE) { if (CL_TryingToConnect()) //if we're trying to connect, make sure there's a loading/connecting screen showing instead of forcing the menu visible SCR_SetLoadingStage(LS_CONNECTION); else if (!Key_Dest_Has(kdm_emenu) && !startuppending) //don't force anything until the startup stuff has been done M_ToggleMenu_f(); } } else Key_Dest_Add(kdm_console); } } if (!con_stayhidden.ival && !startuppending && Key_Dest_Has(kdm_console)) scr_con_current = scr_conlines = vid.height * fullscreenpercent; else scr_conlines = 0; } else if (Key_Dest_Has(kdm_console)) { //go half-screen if we're meant to have the console visible scr_conlines = vid.height*scr_consize.value; // half screen if (scr_conlines < 32) scr_conlines = 32; //prevent total loss of console. else if (scr_conlines>vid.height) scr_conlines = vid.height; } else scr_conlines = 0; // none visible if (scr_conlines < scr_con_current) { scr_con_current -= scr_conspeed.value*host_frametime * (vid.height/320.0f); if (scr_conlines > scr_con_current) scr_con_current = scr_conlines; } else if (scr_conlines > scr_con_current) { scr_con_current += scr_conspeed.value*host_frametime * (vid.height/320.0f); if (scr_conlines < scr_con_current) scr_con_current = scr_conlines; } } if (scr_con_current>vid.height) scr_con_current = vid.height; if (clearconsole++ < vid.numpages) { Sbar_Changed (); } else if (clearnotify++ < vid.numpages) { } } /* ================== SCR_DrawConsole ================== */ void SCR_DrawConsole (qboolean noback) { if (!scr_con_current) { if (!Key_Dest_Has(kdm_console|kdm_gmenu|kdm_emenu)) Con_DrawNotify (); // only draw notify in game } Con_DrawConsole (scr_con_current, noback); if (scr_con_current || Key_Dest_Has(kdm_cwindows)) clearconsole = 0; } /* ============================================================================== SCREEN SHOTS ============================================================================== */ typedef struct _TargaHeader { unsigned char id_length, colormap_type, image_type; unsigned short colormap_index, colormap_length; unsigned char colormap_size; unsigned short x_origin, y_origin, width, height; unsigned char pixel_size, attributes; } TargaHeader; #if defined(AVAIL_JPEGLIB) && !defined(NO_JPEG) qboolean screenshotJPEG(char *filename, enum fs_relative fsroot, int compression, qbyte *screendata, int bytestride, int screenwidth, int screenheight, enum uploadfmt fmt); #endif #ifdef AVAIL_PNGLIB int Image_WritePNG (char *filename, enum fs_relative fsroot, int compression, void **buffers, int numbuffers, int bytestride, int width, int height, enum uploadfmt fmt); #endif qboolean WriteBMPFile(char *filename, enum fs_relative fsroot, qbyte *in, int instride, int width, int height, uploadfmt_t fmt); qboolean WriteTGA(char *filename, enum fs_relative fsroot, const qbyte *fte_restrict rgb_buffer, int bytestride, int width, int height, enum uploadfmt fmt) { size_t c, i; vfsfile_t *vfs; if (fmt != TF_BGRA32 && fmt != TF_RGB24 && fmt != TF_RGBA32 && fmt != TF_BGR24 && fmt != TF_RGBX32 && fmt != TF_BGRX32) return false; FS_CreatePath(filename, fsroot); vfs = FS_OpenVFS(filename, "wb", fsroot); if (vfs) { int ipx,opx; qboolean rgb; unsigned char header[18]; memset (header, 0, 18); if (fmt == TF_BGRA32 || fmt == TF_RGBA32) { rgb = fmt==TF_RGBA32; ipx = 4; opx = 4; } else if (fmt == TF_RGBX32 || fmt == TF_BGRX32) { rgb = fmt==TF_RGBX32; ipx = 4; opx = 3; } else { rgb = fmt==TF_RGB24; ipx = 3; opx = 3; } header[2] = 2; // uncompressed type header[12] = width&255; header[13] = width>>8; header[14] = height&255; header[15] = height>>8; header[16] = opx*8; // pixel size header[17] = 0x00; // flags if (bytestride < 0) { //if we're upside down, lets just use an upside down tga. rgb_buffer += bytestride*(height-1); bytestride = -bytestride; //now we can just do everything without worrying about rows } else //our data is top-down, set up the header to also be top-down. header[17] = 0x20; if (ipx == opx && !rgb) { //can just directly write it //bgr24, bgra24 c = width*height*opx; VFS_WRITE(vfs, header, sizeof(header)); VFS_WRITE(vfs, rgb_buffer, c); } else { qbyte *fte_restrict rgb_out = malloc(width*opx*height); //no need to swap alpha, and if we're just swapping alpha will be fine in-place. if (rgb) { //rgb24, rgbx32, rgba32 // compact, and swap c = width*height; for (i=0 ; i sh_config.texture2d_maxsize) width = sh_config.texture2d_maxsize; height = width/2; if (step <= 0) step = 5; left_buffer = BZF_Malloc (width*height*2*px); right_buffer = (qbyte*)left_buffer + width*height*px; if (strstr (screenyname, "..") || strchr(screenyname, ':') || *screenyname == '.' || *screenyname == '/') screenyname = ""; if (!*screenyname) { screenyname = "vr"; Q_snprintfz(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s%s", scr_sshot_prefix.string, screenyname); } else { char *mangle; Q_snprintfz(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s", scr_sshot_prefix.string); mangle = COM_SkipPath(filename); Q_snprintfz(mangle, sizeof(filename) - (mangle-filename), "%s", screenyname); } COM_DefaultExtension (filename, scr_sshot_type.string, sizeof(filename)); if (!left_buffer) { Con_Printf("out of memory\n"); return; } r_projection.ival = PROJ_EQUIRECTANGULAR; for (lx = 0; lx < width; lx = rx) { rx = lx + step; if (rx > width) rx = width; r_refdef.stereomethod = STEREO_OFF; cl.playerview->simangles[0] = 0; //pitch is BAD cl.playerview->simangles[1] = baseang[1] + r_stereo_convergence.value*0.5; cl.playerview->simangles[2] = 0; //roll is BAD VectorCopy(cl.playerview->simangles, cl.playerview->viewangles); //FIXME: it should be possible to do this more inteligently, and get both strips with a single render. //FIXME: we should render to a PBO instead, so that the gpu+cpu don't need to sync until the very end. //FIXME: we should be using scissoring to avoid redrawing the entire screen (also tweak cull planes) ang = M_PI*2*(baseang[1]/360.0 + (lx+0.5*(rx-lx))/width); r_refdef.eyeoffset[0] = sin(ang) * r_stereo_separation.value * 0.5; r_refdef.eyeoffset[1] = cos(ang) * r_stereo_separation.value * 0.5; r_refdef.eyeoffset[2] = 0; buf = SCR_ScreenShot_Capture(width, height, &stride, &fmt); switch(fmt) { case TF_BGRA32: for (y = 0; y < height; y++) for (x = lx; x < rx; x++) ((unsigned int*)left_buffer)[y*width + x] = ((unsigned int*)buf)[y*width + x]; break; case TF_RGB24: for (y = 0; y < height; y++) for (x = lx; x < rx; x++) { ((qbyte*)left_buffer)[(y*width + x)*4+0] = ((qbyte*)buf)[(y*width + x)*3+2]; ((qbyte*)left_buffer)[(y*width + x)*4+1] = ((qbyte*)buf)[(y*width + x)*3+1]; ((qbyte*)left_buffer)[(y*width + x)*4+2] = ((qbyte*)buf)[(y*width + x)*3+0]; ((qbyte*)left_buffer)[(y*width + x)*4+3] = 255; } break; default: fail = true; break; } BZ_Free(buf); cl.playerview->simangles[0] = 0; //pitch is BAD cl.playerview->simangles[1] = baseang[1] - r_stereo_convergence.value*0.5; cl.playerview->simangles[2] = 0; //roll is BAD VectorCopy(cl.playerview->simangles, cl.playerview->viewangles); r_refdef.eyeoffset[0] *= -1; r_refdef.eyeoffset[1] *= -1; r_refdef.eyeoffset[2] = 0; buf = SCR_ScreenShot_Capture(width, height, &stride, &fmt); switch(fmt) { case TF_BGRA32: for (y = 0; y < height; y++) for (x = lx; x < rx; x++) ((unsigned int*)right_buffer)[y*width + x] = ((unsigned int*)buf)[y*width + x]; break; case TF_RGB24: for (y = 0; y < height; y++) for (x = lx; x < rx; x++) { ((qbyte*)right_buffer)[(y*width + x)*4+0] = ((qbyte*)buf)[(y*width + x)*3+2]; ((qbyte*)right_buffer)[(y*width + x)*4+1] = ((qbyte*)buf)[(y*width + x)*3+1]; ((qbyte*)right_buffer)[(y*width + x)*4+2] = ((qbyte*)buf)[(y*width + x)*3+0]; ((qbyte*)right_buffer)[(y*width + x)*4+3] = 255; } break; default: fail = true; break; } BZ_Free(buf); } if (fail) Con_Printf ("Unable to capture suitable screen image\n"); else if (SCR_ScreenShot(filename, FS_GAMEONLY, &left_buffer, 1, stride, width, height*2, TF_BGRA32)) { char sysname[1024]; FS_NativePath(filename, FS_GAMEONLY, sysname, sizeof(sysname)); Con_Printf ("Wrote %s\n", sysname); } BZ_Free(left_buffer); r_projection.ival = r_projection.value; VectorCopy(baseang, r_refdef.viewangles); VectorClear(r_refdef.eyeoffset); } void SCR_ScreenShot_Cubemap_f(void) { void *buffer; int stride, fbwidth, fbheight; uploadfmt_t fmt; char filename[MAX_QPATH]; char *fname = Cmd_Argv(1); int i, firstside; char olddrawviewmodel[64]; //hack, so we can set r_drawviewmodel to 0 so that it doesn't appear in screenshots even if the csqc is generating new data. vec3_t oldangles; const struct { vec3_t angle; const char *postfix; qboolean verticalflip; qboolean horizontalflip; } sides[] = { //standard cubemap {{0, 0, 90}, "_px", true}, {{0, 180, -90}, "_nx", true}, {{0, 90, 0}, "_py", true}, //upside down {{0, 270, 0}, "_ny", false, true}, {{-90, 0, 90}, "_pz", true}, {{90, 0, 90}, "_nz", true}, //annoying envmap (requires processing to flip/etc the images before they can be loaded into a texture) {{0, 270, 0}, "_ft"}, {{0, 90, 0}, "_bk"}, {{0, 0, 0}, "_rt"}, {{0, 180, 0}, "_lf"}, {{90, 0, 0}, "_dn"}, {{-90, 0, 0}, "_up"} }; if (!cls.state || !cl.worldmodel || cl.worldmodel->loadstate != MLS_LOADED) { Con_Printf("Please start a map first\n"); return; } firstside = (!strcmp(Cmd_Argv(0), "envmap"))?6:0; r_refdef.stereomethod = STEREO_OFF; Q_strncpyz(olddrawviewmodel, r_drawviewmodel.string, sizeof(olddrawviewmodel)); Cvar_Set(&r_drawviewmodel, "0"); VectorCopy(cl.playerview->viewangles, oldangles); fbheight = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2))&~1; if (fbheight < 1) fbheight = 512; fbwidth = fbheight; for (i = firstside; i < firstside+6; i++) { if (!*fname) { char base[MAX_QPATH]; COM_FileBase(cl.worldmodel->name, base, sizeof(base)); fname = va("%s/%i_%i_%i", base, (int)r_refdef.vieworg[0], (int)r_refdef.vieworg[1], (int)r_refdef.vieworg[2]); } Q_snprintfz(filename, sizeof(filename), "textures/%s%s", fname, sides[i].postfix); COM_DefaultExtension (filename, scr_sshot_type.string, sizeof(filename)); VectorCopy(sides[i].angle, cl.playerview->simangles); VectorCopy(cl.playerview->simangles, cl.playerview->viewangles); buffer = SCR_ScreenShot_Capture(fbwidth, fbheight, &stride, &fmt); if (buffer) { char sysname[1024]; if (sides[i].horizontalflip) { int y, x, p; int pxsize; char *bad = buffer; char *in = buffer, *out; switch(fmt) { case TF_RGBA32: case TF_BGRA32: case TF_RGBX32: case TF_BGRX32: pxsize = 4; break; case TF_RGB24: case TF_BGR24: pxsize = 3; break; default: //erk! pxsize = 1; break; } buffer = out = BZ_Malloc(fbwidth*fbheight*pxsize); for (y = 0; y < fbheight; y++, in += abs(stride), out += fbwidth*pxsize) { for (x = 0; x < fbwidth*pxsize; x+=pxsize) { for (p = 0; p < pxsize; p++) out[x+p] = in[(fbwidth-1)*pxsize-x+p]; } } BZ_Free(bad); if (stride < 0) stride = -fbwidth*pxsize; else stride = fbwidth*pxsize; } if (sides[i].verticalflip) stride = -stride; if (SCR_ScreenShot(filename, FS_GAMEONLY, &buffer, 1, stride, fbwidth, fbheight, fmt)) { FS_NativePath(filename, FS_GAMEONLY, sysname, sizeof(sysname)); Con_Printf ("Wrote %s\n", sysname); } else { FS_NativePath(filename, FS_GAMEONLY, sysname, sizeof(sysname)); Con_Printf ("Failed to write %s\n", sysname); } BZ_Free(buffer); } } Cvar_Set(&r_drawviewmodel, olddrawviewmodel); VectorCopy(oldangles, cl.playerview->viewangles); } // from gl_draw.c qbyte *draw_chars; // 8*8 graphic characters static void SCR_DrawCharToSnap (int num, qbyte *dest, int width) { int row, col; qbyte *source; int drawline; int x; if (!draw_chars) { size_t lumpsize; qbyte lumptype; draw_chars = W_GetLumpName("conchars", &lumpsize, &lumptype); // if (lumptype != ) // draw_chars = NULL; if (!draw_chars || lumpsize != 128*128) return; } row = num>>4; col = num&15; source = draw_chars + (row<<10) + (col<<3); drawline = 8; while (drawline--) { for (x=0 ; x<8 ; x++) if (source[x] && source[x]!=255) dest[x] = source[x]; source += 128; dest -= width; } } static void SCR_DrawStringToSnap (const char *s, qbyte *buf, int x, int y, int width) { qbyte *dest; const unsigned char *p; dest = buf + ((y * width) + x); p = (const unsigned char *)s; while (*p) { SCR_DrawCharToSnap(*p++, dest, width); dest += 8; } } /* ================== SCR_RSShot ================== */ qboolean SCR_RSShot (void) { int stride; int truewidth; int trueheight; int x, y; unsigned char *src, *dest; unsigned char *newbuf; int w, h; int dx, dy, dex, dey, nx; int r, b, g; int count; float fracw, frach; char st[80]; time_t now; enum uploadfmt fmt; int src_size; int src_red; int src_green; int src_blue; if (!scr_allowsnap.ival) return false; if (CL_IsUploading()) return false; // already one pending if (cls.state < ca_onserver) return false; // gotta be connected if (!VID_GetRGBInfo || !scr_initialized) { return false; } Con_Printf("Remote screen shot requested.\n"); // // save the pcx file // newbuf = VID_GetRGBInfo(&truewidth, &trueheight, &stride, &fmt); if (fmt == TF_INVALID) return false; switch(fmt) { case TF_RGB24: case TF_RGBA32: src_size = (fmt==TF_RGB24)?3:4; src_red = 0; src_green = 1; src_blue = 2; break; case TF_BGR24: case TF_BGRA32: src_size = (fmt==TF_BGR24)?3:4; src_red = 2; src_green = 1; src_blue = 0; break; default: BZ_Free(newbuf); return false; } //FIXME: bgra w = RSSHOT_WIDTH; h = RSSHOT_HEIGHT; fracw = (float)truewidth / (float)w; frach = (float)trueheight / (float)h; //scale down first. for (y = 0; y < h; y++) { dest = newbuf + (w*src_size * y); for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { r = g = b = 0; dx = x * fracw; dex = (x + 1) * fracw; if (dex == dx) dex++; // at least one dy = y * frach; dey = (y + 1) * frach; if (dey == dy) dey++; // at least one count = 0; for (/* */; dy < dey; dy++) { src = newbuf + (truewidth * src_size * dy) + dx * src_size; for (nx = dx; nx < dex; nx++) { r += src[src_red]; g += src[src_green]; b += src[src_blue]; src += src_size; count++; } } r /= count; g /= count; b /= count; *dest++ = r; *dest++ = g; *dest++ = b; } } // convert to eight bit for (y = 0; y < h; y++) { src = newbuf + (w * src_size * y); dest = newbuf + (w * y); for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { *dest++ = MipColor(src[0], src[1], src[2]); src += src_size; } } time(&now); strcpy(st, ctime(&now)); st[strlen(st) - 1] = 0; SCR_DrawStringToSnap (st, newbuf, w - strlen(st)*8, h - 1, w); Q_strncpyz(st, cls.servername, sizeof(st)); SCR_DrawStringToSnap (st, newbuf, w - strlen(st)*8, h - 11, w); Q_strncpyz(st, name.string, sizeof(st)); SCR_DrawStringToSnap (st, newbuf, w - strlen(st)*8, h - 21, w); WritePCXfile ("snap.pcx", FS_GAMEONLY, newbuf, w, h, w, host_basepal, true); BZ_Free(newbuf); return true; } //============================================================================= //============================================================================= /* =============== SCR_BringDownConsole Brings the console down and fades the palettes back to normal ================ */ void SCR_BringDownConsole (void) { int pnum; for (pnum = 0; pnum < cl.splitclients; pnum++) { scr_centerprint[pnum].charcount = 0; cl.playerview[pnum].cshifts[CSHIFT_CONTENTS].percent = 0; // no area contents palette on next frame } } void SCR_TileClear (int skipbottom) { if (r_refdef.vrect.width < r_refdef.grect.width) { float w; // left R2D_TileClear (r_refdef.grect.x, r_refdef.grect.y, r_refdef.vrect.x-r_refdef.grect.x, r_refdef.grect.height - skipbottom); // right w = (r_refdef.grect.x+r_refdef.grect.width) - (r_refdef.vrect.x+r_refdef.vrect.width); R2D_TileClear ((r_refdef.grect.x+r_refdef.grect.width) - (w), r_refdef.grect.y, w, r_refdef.grect.height - skipbottom); } if (r_refdef.vrect.height < r_refdef.grect.height) { // top R2D_TileClear (r_refdef.vrect.x, r_refdef.grect.y, r_refdef.vrect.width, r_refdef.vrect.y - r_refdef.grect.y); // bottom R2D_TileClear (r_refdef.vrect.x, r_refdef.vrect.y + r_refdef.vrect.height, r_refdef.vrect.width, (r_refdef.grect.y+r_refdef.grect.height) - skipbottom - (r_refdef.vrect.y + r_refdef.vrect.height)); } } // The 2d refresh stuff. void SCR_DrawTwoDimensional(int uimenu, qboolean nohud) { qboolean consolefocused = !!Key_Dest_Has(kdm_console|kdm_cwindows); RSpeedMark(); r_refdef.playerview = &cl.playerview[0]; R2D_ImageColours(1, 1, 1, 1); // // draw any areas not covered by the refresh // if (r_netgraph.value) R_NetGraph (); if (scr_drawloading || loading_stage) { SCR_DrawLoading(false); SCR_ShowPics_Draw(); if (!scr_disabled_for_loading) consolefocused = false; } else if (nohud) { SCR_DrawDisk(); SCR_DrawFPS (); SCR_CheckDrawCenterString (); } else if (cl.intermissionmode == IM_NQFINALE || cl.intermissionmode == IM_NQCUTSCENE || cl.intermissionmode == IM_H2FINALE) { SCR_CheckDrawCenterString (); } else if (cl.intermissionmode != IM_NONE) { Sbar_IntermissionOverlay (r_refdef.playerview); } else { SCR_DrawNet (); SCR_DrawDisk(); SCR_DrawFPS (); SCR_DrawClock(); SCR_DrawGameClock(); SCR_DrawTurtle (); SCR_DrawPause (); SCR_ShowPics_Draw(); SCR_CheckDrawCenterString (); } //#ifdef TEXTEDITOR // if (editoractive) // Editor_Draw(); //#endif //if the console is not focused, show it scrolling back up behind the menu if (!consolefocused) SCR_DrawConsole (false); #ifdef MENU_DAT MP_Draw(); #endif #ifdef MENU_NATIVECODE if (mn_entry) mn_entry->Draw(host_frametime); #endif M_Draw (uimenu); //but if the console IS focused, then always show it infront. if (consolefocused) SCR_DrawConsole (false); SCR_DrawCursor(); SCR_DrawSimMTouchCursor(); if (R2D_Flush) R2D_Flush(); RSpeedEnd(RSPEED_2D); } /* ================== SCR_Init ================== */ void SCR_Init (void) { // // register our commands // Cmd_AddCommandD ("screenshot_mega",SCR_ScreenShot_Mega_f, "screenshot_mega [width] [height]\nTakes a screenshot with explicit sizes that are not tied to the size of your monitor, allowing for true monstrosities."); Cmd_AddCommandD ("screenshot_stereo",SCR_ScreenShot_Mega_f, "screenshot_stereo [width] [height]\nTakes a simple stereo screenshot."); Cmd_AddCommandD ("screenshot_vr",SCR_ScreenShot_VR_f, "screenshot_vr [width]\nTakes a spherical stereoscopic panorama image, for viewing with VR displays."); Cmd_AddCommandD ("screenshot_cubemap",SCR_ScreenShot_Cubemap_f, "screenshot_cubemap [size]\nTakes 6 screenshots forming a single cubemap."); Cmd_AddCommandD ("envmap",SCR_ScreenShot_Cubemap_f, "Legacy name for the screenshot_cubemap command."); //legacy Cmd_AddCommand ("screenshot",SCR_ScreenShot_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("sizeup",SCR_SizeUp_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("sizedown",SCR_SizeDown_f); scr_net = R2D_SafePicFromWad ("net"); scr_turtle = R2D_SafePicFromWad ("turtle"); scr_initialized = true; } void SCR_DeInit (void) { int i; if (scr_curcursor) { rf->VID_SetCursor(scr_curcursor); scr_curcursor = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < countof(key_customcursor); i++) { if (key_customcursor[i].handle) { rf->VID_DestroyCursor(key_customcursor[i].handle); key_customcursor[i].handle = NULL; } key_customcursor[i].dirty = true; } for (i = 0; i < countof(scr_centerprint); i++) { Z_Free(scr_centerprint[i].string); memset(&scr_centerprint[i], 0, sizeof(scr_centerprint[i])); } if (scr_initialized) { scr_initialized = false; Cmd_RemoveCommand ("screenshot"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("screenshot_mega"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("screenshot_stereo"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("screenshot_vr"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("screenshot_cubemap"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("envmap"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("sizeup"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("sizedown"); } }