//This file should be easily portable. //The biggest strength of this plugin system is that ALL interactions are performed via //named functions, this makes it *really* easy to port plugins from one engine to annother. #include "quakedef.h" #include "fs.h" #include "vr.h" #include "com_bih.h" #define FTEENGINE #include "../plugins/plugin.h" #ifdef PLUGINS #if defined(Q3SERVER)||defined(Q3CLIENT) struct q3gamecode_s *q3; static struct plugin_s *q3plug; #endif #define Q_snprintf Q_snprintfz #define Q_strlcpy Q_strncpyz #define Q_strlcat Q_strncatz #define Sys_Errorf Sys_Error #ifdef MODELFMT_GLTF #include "../plugins/models/gltf.c" #endif #ifdef USE_INTERNAL_ODE #include "../engine/common/com_phys_ode.c" #endif cvar_t plug_sbar = CVARD("plug_sbar", "3", "Controls whether plugins are allowed to draw the hud, rather than the engine (when allowed by csqc). This is typically used to permit the ezhud plugin without needing to bother unloading it.\n=0: never use hud plugins.\n&1: Use hud plugins in deathmatch.\n&2: Use hud plugins in singleplayer/coop.\n=3: Always use hud plugins (when loaded)."); cvar_t plug_loaddefault = CVARD("plug_loaddefault", "1", "0: Load plugins only via explicit plug_load commands\n1: Load built-in plugins and those selected via the package manager\n2: Scan for misc plugins, loading all that can be found, but not built-ins.\n3: Scan for plugins, and then load any built-ins"); extern qboolean Plug_Q3_Init(void); extern qboolean Plug_Bullet_Init(void); extern qboolean Plug_ODE_Init(void); static struct { const char *name; qboolean (QDECL *initfunction)(void); } staticplugins[] = { #if defined(USE_INTERNAL_BULLET) {"bullet_internal", Plug_Bullet_Init}, #endif #if defined(USE_INTERNAL_ODE) {"ODE_internal", Plug_ODE_Init}, #endif #if defined(MODELFMT_GLTF) {"GLTF", Plug_GLTF_Init}, #endif #ifdef STATIC_Q3 {"quake3", Plug_Q3_Init}, #endif {NULL} }; //for internal plugins to link against plugcorefuncs_t *plugfuncs; plugcvarfuncs_t *cvarfuncs; plugcmdfuncs_t *cmdfuncs; #ifdef GLQUAKE #include "glquake.h" #endif #include "com_mesh.h" #include "shader.h" static void *QDECL PlugBI_GetEngineInterface(const char *interfacename, size_t structsize); #ifdef SKELETALMODELS static int QDECL Plug_RegisterModelFormatText(const char *formatname, char *magictext, qboolean (QDECL *load) (struct model_s *mod, void *buffer, size_t fsize)) { void *module = currentplug; return Mod_RegisterModelFormatText(module, formatname, magictext, load); } static int QDECL Plug_RegisterModelFormatMagic(const char *formatname, qbyte *magic, size_t magicsize, qboolean (QDECL *load) (struct model_s *mod, void *buffer, size_t fsize)) { void *module = currentplug; return Mod_RegisterModelFormatMagic(module, formatname, magic, magicsize, load); } static void QDECL Plug_UnRegisterModelFormat(int idx) { void *module = currentplug; Mod_UnRegisterModelFormat(module, idx); } static void QDECL Plug_UnRegisterAllModelFormats(void) { void *module = currentplug; Mod_UnRegisterAllModelFormats(module); } #endif //custom plugin builtins. void Plug_RegisterBuiltin_(char *name, funcptr_t bi, int flags); #define Plug_RegisterBuiltin(n,bi,fl) Plug_RegisterBuiltin_(n,(funcptr_t)bi,fl) #define PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER 4 #include "netinc.h" typedef struct plugin_s { char *name; char filename[MAX_OSPATH]; dllhandle_t *lib; void (QDECL *tick)(double realtime, double gametime); #ifndef SERVERONLY qboolean (QDECL *consolelink)(void); qboolean (QDECL *consolelinkmouseover)(float x, float y); int (QDECL *conexecutecommand)(qboolean isinsecure); qboolean (QDECL *menufunction)(int eventtype, int keyparam, int unicodeparm, float mousecursor_x, float mousecursor_y, float vidwidth, float vidheight); int (QDECL *sbarlevel[3])(int seat, float x, float y, float w, float h, unsigned int showscores); //0 - main sbar, 1 - supplementry sbar sections (make sure these can be switched off), 2 - overlays (scoreboard). menus kill all. void (QDECL *reschange)(int width, int height, qboolean restarted); //protocol-in-a-plugin int (QDECL *connectionlessclientpacket)(const char *buffer, size_t size, netadr_t *from); #endif qboolean (QDECL *svmsgfunction)(int messagelevel); qboolean (QDECL *chatmsgfunction)(int talkernum, int tpflags); qboolean (QDECL *centerprintfunction)(int clientnum); qboolean (QDECL *mayshutdown)(void); //lets the plugin report when its safe to close it. void (QDECL *shutdown)(void); struct plugin_s *next; } plugin_t; int Plug_SubConsoleCommand(console_t *con, const char *line); plugin_t *currentplug; #ifndef SERVERONLY #include "cl_plugin.inc" #include "cl_master.h" #else void Plug_Client_Init(void){} void Plug_Client_Close(plugin_t *plug) {} #endif void Plug_Close(plugin_t *plug); static plugin_t *plugs; #ifdef USERBE #include "pr_common.h" #endif static char *Plug_CleanName(const char *file, char *out, size_t sizeof_out) { size_t len; //"fteplug_ezhud_x86.REV.dll" gets converted into "ezhud" //skip fteplug_ if (!Q_strncasecmp(file, PLUGINPREFIX, strlen(PLUGINPREFIX))) file += strlen(PLUGINPREFIX); //strip .REV.dll COM_StripAllExtensions(file, out, sizeof_out); //strip _x86 len = strlen(out); if (len > strlen("_"ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX) && !Q_strncasecmp(out+len-strlen("_"ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX), "_"ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX, strlen("_"ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX))) { len -= strlen("_"ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX); out[len] = 0; } return out; } static plugin_t *Plug_Load(const char *file) { static enum fs_relative prefixes[] = { FS_BINARYPATH, #ifndef ANDROID FS_ROOT, #endif }; static char *postfixes[] = { "_" ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX ARCH_DL_POSTFIX, #ifndef ANDROID ARCH_DL_POSTFIX, #endif }; size_t i, j; char temp[MAX_OSPATH]; plugin_t *newplug; int nlen = strlen(file); qboolean success = false; qboolean (QDECL *initfunction)(plugcorefuncs_t*); dllfunction_t funcs[] = { {(void**)&initfunction, "FTEPlug_Init"}, {NULL,NULL}, }; //reject obviously invalid names if (!*file || strchr(file, '/') || strchr(file, '\\')) return NULL; Plug_CleanName(file, temp, sizeof(temp)); for (newplug = plugs; newplug; newplug = newplug->next) { if (!Q_strcasecmp(newplug->name, temp)) return newplug; } if (COM_CheckParm("-noplugins")) return NULL; newplug = Z_Malloc(sizeof(plugin_t)+strlen(temp)+1); newplug->name = (char*)(newplug+1); strcpy(newplug->name, temp); //[basedir|binroot]fteplug_%s[_cpu][.so] for (i = 0; i < countof(prefixes) && !newplug->lib; i++) { //if the name matches a postfix then just go with that for (j = 0; j < countof(postfixes); j++) { int pfl = strlen(postfixes[j]); if (nlen > pfl && !Q_strcasecmp(file+nlen-pfl, postfixes[j])) break; } if (j < countof(postfixes)) { //already postfixed, don't mess with the name given //mandate the fteplug_ prefix (don't let them load random dlls) if (!Q_strncasecmp(file, PLUGINPREFIX, strlen(PLUGINPREFIX))) if (FS_NativePath(file, prefixes[i], newplug->filename, sizeof(newplug->filename))) newplug->lib = Sys_LoadLibrary(newplug->filename, funcs); } else { //otherwise scan for it for (j = 0; j < countof(postfixes) && !newplug->lib; j++) { if (FS_NativePath(va(PLUGINPREFIX"%s%s", file, postfixes[j]), prefixes[i], newplug->filename, sizeof(newplug->filename))) newplug->lib = Sys_LoadLibrary(newplug->filename, funcs); } } } #ifdef _WIN32 { char *mssuck; while ((mssuck=strchr(newplug->filename, '\\'))) *mssuck = '/'; } #endif newplug->next = plugs; plugs = newplug; if (newplug->lib) { Con_DPrintf("Created plugin %s\n", file); currentplug = newplug; success = initfunction(PlugBI_GetEngineInterface(plugcorefuncs_name, sizeof(plugcorefuncs_t))); } else { unsigned int u; for (u = 0; staticplugins[u].name; u++) { if (!Q_strcasecmp(file, staticplugins[u].name)) { Con_DPrintf("Activated module %s\n", file); newplug->lib = NULL; Q_strncpyz(newplug->filename, staticplugins[u].name, sizeof(newplug->filename)); currentplug = newplug; success = staticplugins[u].initfunction(); break; } } } if (!success) { Plug_Close(newplug); return NULL; } #ifndef SERVERONLY if (newplug->reschange) newplug->reschange(vid.width, vid.height, false); #endif currentplug = NULL; return newplug; } static void Plug_Load_Update(const char *name, qboolean blocked) { if (blocked) { //plugins can be blocked by gametypes (to prevents conflicts) plugin_t *plug; for (plug = plugs; plug; plug = plug->next) { if (!strcmp(plug->name, name)) { Plug_Close(plug); return; } } } else Plug_Load(name); } static int QDECL Plug_EnumeratedRoot (const char *name, qofs_t size, time_t mtime, void *param, searchpathfuncs_t *spath) { char vmname[MAX_QPATH]; int len; char *dot; if (!strncmp(name, PLUGINPREFIX, strlen(PLUGINPREFIX))) name += 8; Q_strncpyz(vmname, name, sizeof(vmname)); len = strlen(vmname); len -= strlen(ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX ARCH_DL_POSTFIX); if (!strcmp(vmname+len, ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX ARCH_DL_POSTFIX)) vmname[len] = 0; else { dot = strchr(vmname, '.'); if (dot) *dot = 0; } len = strlen(vmname); if (len > 0 && vmname[len-1] == '_') vmname[len-1] = 0; if (!Plug_Load(vmname)) Con_Printf("Couldn't load plugin %s\n", vmname); return true; } static void QDECL Plug_Con_Print(const char *text) { Con_Printf("%s", text); } static quintptr_t QDECL Plug_Sys_Milliseconds(void) { return Sys_DoubleTime()*1000u; } qboolean VARGS PlugBI_ExportFunction(const char *name, funcptr_t function) { if (!currentplug) return false; if (!strcmp(name, "Tick")) //void(int realtime) currentplug->tick = function; else if (!strcmp(name, "Shutdown")) //void() currentplug->shutdown = function; else if (!strcmp(name, "MayShutdown")||!strcmp(name, "MayUnload")) currentplug->mayshutdown = function; #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT else if (!strcmp(name, "ConsoleLink")) currentplug->consolelink = function; else if (!strcmp(name, "ConsoleLinkMouseOver")) currentplug->consolelinkmouseover = function; else if (!strcmp(name, "ConExecuteCommand")) currentplug->conexecutecommand = function; else if (!strcmp(name, "MenuEvent")) currentplug->menufunction = function; else if (!strcmp(name, "UpdateVideo")) currentplug->reschange = function; else if (!strcmp(name, "SbarBase")) //basic SBAR. currentplug->sbarlevel[0] = function; else if (!strcmp(name, "SbarSupplement")) //supplementry stuff - teamplay currentplug->sbarlevel[1] = function; else if (!strcmp(name, "SbarOverlay")) //overlay - scoreboard type stuff. currentplug->sbarlevel[2] = function; else if (!strcmp(name, "ConnectionlessClientPacket")) currentplug->connectionlessclientpacket = function; else if (!strcmp(name, "ServerMessageEvent")) currentplug->svmsgfunction = function; else if (!strcmp(name, "ChatMessageEvent")) currentplug->chatmsgfunction = function; else if (!strcmp(name, "CenterPrintMessage")) currentplug->centerprintfunction = function; else if (!strcmp(name, "S_LoadSound")) //a hook for loading extra types of sound (wav, mp3, ogg, midi, whatever you choose to support) S_RegisterSoundInputPlugin(currentplug, function); #endif else if (!strncmp(name, "FS_RegisterArchiveType_", 23)) //module as in pak/pk3 FS_RegisterFileSystemType(currentplug, name+23, function, true); else return 0; return 1; } //retrieve a plugin's name static qboolean QDECL PlugBI_GetPluginName(int plugnum, char *outname, size_t namesize) { plugin_t *plug; //int plugnum (0 for current), char *buffer, int bufferlen if (plugnum <= 0) { if (!currentplug) return false; else if (plugnum == -1 && currentplug->lib) //plugin file name Q_strncpyz(outname, currentplug->filename, namesize); else //plugin name Q_strncpyz(outname, currentplug->name, namesize); return true; } for (plug = plugs; plug; plug = plug->next) { if (--plugnum == 0) { Q_strncpyz(outname, plug->name, namesize); return true; } } return false; } static qboolean QDECL PlugBI_ExportInterface(const char *name, void *interfaceptr, size_t structsize) { #if defined(PLUGINS) && !defined(SERVERONLY) #ifdef HAVE_MEDIA_DECODER if (!strcmp(name, "Media_VideoDecoder")) return Media_RegisterDecoder(currentplug, interfaceptr); #endif #ifdef HAVE_MEDIA_ENCODER if (!strcmp(name, "Media_VideoEncoder")) return Media_RegisterEncoder(currentplug, interfaceptr); #endif #endif if (!strcmp(name, "Crypto")) return NET_RegisterCrypto(currentplug, interfaceptr); #if defined(Q3SERVER)||defined(Q3CLIENT) if (!strcmp(name, "Quake3Plugin") && sizeof(*q3) == structsize) { if (q3plug) { struct plugin_s *p = currentplug; Plug_Close(q3plug); currentplug = p; } q3 = interfaceptr; q3plug = currentplug; return true; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT if (!strcmp(name, plugvrfuncs_name)) return R_RegisterVRDriver(currentplug, interfaceptr); if (!strcmp(name, plugimageloaderfuncs_name)) return Image_RegisterLoader(currentplug, interfaceptr); if (!strcmp(name, plugmaterialloaderfuncs_name)) return Material_RegisterLoader(currentplug, interfaceptr); #endif #ifdef PACKAGEMANAGER if (!strcmp(name, plugupdatesourcefuncs_name)) return PM_RegisterUpdateSource(currentplug, interfaceptr); #endif return false; } static cvar_t *QDECL Plug_Cvar_GetNVFDG(const char *name, const char *defaultvalue, unsigned int flags, const char *description, const char *groupname) { if (!defaultvalue) return Cvar_FindVar(name); return Cvar_Get2(name, defaultvalue, flags&1, description, groupname); } static void QDECL Plug_Cmd_TokenizeString(const char *text) { Cmd_TokenizeString(text, false, false); } static void QDECL Plug_Cmd_ShiftArgs(int args) { Cmd_ShiftArgs(args, false); } //void Cmd_Args(char *buffer, int buffersize) static void QDECL Plug_Cmd_Args(char *buffer, int maxsize) { char *args; args = Cmd_Args(); if (strlen(args)+1>maxsize) { if (maxsize) *buffer = 0; } else strcpy(buffer, args); } //void Cmd_Argv(int num, char *buffer, int buffersize) static char *QDECL Plug_Cmd_Argv(int argn, char *outbuffer, size_t buffersize) { char *args; args = Cmd_Argv(argn); if (strlen(args)+1>buffersize) { if (buffersize) *outbuffer = 0; } else strcpy(outbuffer, args); return args; } //int Cmd_Argc(void) static int QDECL Plug_Cmd_Argc(void) { return Cmd_Argc(); } //void Cvar_SetString (char *name, char *value); static void QDECL Plug_Cvar_SetString(const char *name, const char *value) { cvar_t *var; if (!value) var = Cvar_FindVar(name); else var = Cvar_Get(name, value, 0, "Plugin vars"); if (var) Cvar_Set(var, value); } //void Cvar_SetString (char *name, char *value); static void QDECL Plug_Cvar_ForceSetString(const char *name, const char *value) { cvar_t *var = Cvar_Get(name, value, 0, "Plugin vars"); if (var) Cvar_ForceSet(var, value); } //void Cvar_SetFloat (char *name, float value); static void QDECL Plug_Cvar_SetFloat(const char *cvarname, float newvalue) { cvar_t *var = Cvar_Get(cvarname, "", 0, "Plugin vars"); //"" because I'm lazy if (var) Cvar_SetValue(var, newvalue); } //void Cvar_GetFloat (char *name); static float QDECL Plug_Cvar_GetFloat(const char *cvarname) { int ret; cvar_t *var; #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (!strcmp(cvarname, "sv.state")) //ugly hack return sv.state; else #endif { var = Cvar_Get(cvarname, "", 0, "Plugin vars"); if (var) return var->value; else return 0; } return ret; } //qboolean Cvar_GetString (char *name, char *retstring, int sizeofretstring); static qboolean QDECL Plug_Cvar_GetString(const char *name, char *outbuffer, quintptr_t sizeofbuffer) { cvar_t *var; if (!strcmp(name, "sv.mapname")) { #ifdef CLIENTONLY Q_strncpyz(outbuffer, "", sizeofbuffer); #else Q_strncpyz(outbuffer, svs.name, sizeofbuffer); #endif } else { var = Cvar_Get(name, "", 0, "Plugin vars"); if (!var) return false; if (strlen(var->name)+1 > sizeofbuffer) return false; strcpy(outbuffer, var->string); } return true; } //void Cmd_AddText (char *text, qboolean insert); //abort the entire engine. static void QDECL Plug_Cmd_AddText(const char *text, qboolean insert) { int level = RESTRICT_LOCAL; if (insert) Cbuf_InsertText(text, level, false); else Cbuf_AddText(text, level); } static qboolean QDECL Plug_Cmd_IsInsecure(void) { return Cmd_IsInsecure(); } static int plugincommandarraylen; typedef struct { plugin_t *plugin; char command[64]; xcommand_t func; } plugincommand_t; static plugincommand_t *plugincommandarray; void Plug_Command_f(void) { int i; char *cmd = Cmd_Argv(0); plugin_t *oldplug = currentplug; for (i = 0; i < plugincommandarraylen; i++) { if (!plugincommandarray[i].func) continue; //don't check commands who's owners died. if (Q_strcasecmp(plugincommandarray[i].command, cmd)) //not the right command continue; currentplug = plugincommandarray[i].plugin; plugincommandarray[i].func(); break; } currentplug = oldplug; } static qboolean QDECL Plug_Cmd_AddCommand(const char *name, xcommand_t func, const char *desc) { int i; if (!currentplug) return false; for (i = 0; i < plugincommandarraylen; i++) { if (!plugincommandarray[i].plugin) break; if (plugincommandarray[i].plugin == currentplug) { if (!strcmp(name, plugincommandarray[i].command)) return true; //already registered } } if (i == plugincommandarraylen) { plugincommandarraylen++; plugincommandarray = BZ_Realloc(plugincommandarray, plugincommandarraylen*sizeof(plugincommand_t)); } Q_strncpyz(plugincommandarray[i].command, name, sizeof(plugincommandarray[i].command)); if (!Cmd_AddCommandD(plugincommandarray[i].command, Plug_Command_f, desc)) return false; plugincommandarray[i].plugin = currentplug; //worked plugincommandarray[i].func = func; //worked return true; } static qboolean QDECL Plug_Cmd_AddCommandOld(const char *name) { int i; if (!currentplug) return false; for (i = 0; i < plugincommandarraylen; i++) { if (!plugincommandarray[i].plugin) break; if (plugincommandarray[i].plugin == currentplug) { if (!strcmp(name, plugincommandarray[i].command)) return true; //already registered } } if (i == plugincommandarraylen) { plugincommandarraylen++; plugincommandarray = BZ_Realloc(plugincommandarray, plugincommandarraylen*sizeof(plugincommand_t)); } Q_strncpyz(plugincommandarray[i].command, name, sizeof(plugincommandarray[i].command)); if (!Cmd_AddCommand(plugincommandarray[i].command, Plug_Command_f)) return false; plugincommandarray[i].plugin = currentplug; //worked plugincommandarray[i].func = NULL; //worked return true; } static void Plug_FreeConCommands(plugin_t *plug) { int i; for (i = 0; i < plugincommandarraylen; i++) { if (plugincommandarray[i].plugin == plug) { plugincommandarray[i].plugin = NULL; plugincommandarray[i].func = NULL; Cmd_RemoveCommand(plugincommandarray[i].command); *plugincommandarray[i].command = 0; } } } typedef enum{ STREAM_NONE, STREAM_SOCKET, STREAM_VFS, STREAM_WEB, } plugstream_e; typedef struct { plugin_t *plugin; plugstream_e type; int socket; vfsfile_t *vfs; struct dl_download *dl; struct { char filename[MAX_QPATH]; // qbyte *buffer; // int buflen; // int curlen; // int curpos; } file; } pluginstream_t; static pluginstream_t *pluginstreamarray; static unsigned int pluginstreamarraylen; static int Plug_NewStreamHandle(plugstream_e type) { int i; for (i = 0; i < pluginstreamarraylen; i++) { if (!pluginstreamarray[i].plugin) break; } if (i >= pluginstreamarraylen) { pluginstreamarraylen=i+16; pluginstreamarray = BZ_Realloc(pluginstreamarray, pluginstreamarraylen*sizeof(pluginstream_t)); } memset(&pluginstreamarray[i], 0, sizeof(pluginstream_t)); pluginstreamarray[i].plugin = currentplug; pluginstreamarray[i].type = type; pluginstreamarray[i].socket = -1; *pluginstreamarray[i].file.filename = '\0'; return i; } #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT static qhandle_t QDECL Plug_Con_POpen(const char *consolename) { int handle; if (!currentplug) return -3; //streams depend upon current plugin context. which isn't valid in a thread. handle = Plug_NewStreamHandle(STREAM_VFS); pluginstreamarray[handle].vfs = Con_POpen(consolename); return handle; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_PACKET //EBUILTIN(int, NET_TCPListen, (char *ip, int port, int maxcount)); //returns a new socket with listen enabled. static qhandle_t QDECL Plug_Net_TCPListen(const char *localip, int localport, int maxcount) { int handle; int sock; struct sockaddr_qstorage address; int _true = 1; int alen; netadr_t a; if (!currentplug) return -3; //streams depend upon current plugin context. which isn't valid in a thread. if (!localip) localip = "tcp://"; //pass "[::]" for ipv6 if (!NET_StringToAdr(localip, localport, &a)) return -1; if (a.prot != NP_STREAM && a.prot != NP_DGRAM) return -1; alen = NetadrToSockadr(&a, &address); if ((sock = socket(((struct sockaddr*)&address)->sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { Con_Printf("Failed to create socket\n"); return -2; } if (ioctlsocket (sock, FIONBIO, (u_long *)&_true) == -1) { closesocket(sock); return -2; } setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char *)&_true, sizeof(_true)); if (bind (sock, (void *)&address, alen) == -1) { closesocket(sock); return -2; } if (listen (sock, maxcount) == -1) { closesocket(sock); return -2; } handle = Plug_NewStreamHandle(STREAM_SOCKET); pluginstreamarray[handle].socket = sock; return handle; } static qhandle_t QDECL Plug_Net_Accept(qhandle_t handle, char *outaddress, int outaddresssize) { struct sockaddr_qstorage address; int addrlen; int sock; int _true = 1; char adr[MAX_ADR_SIZE]; if (!currentplug || handle < 0 || handle >= pluginstreamarraylen || pluginstreamarray[handle].plugin != currentplug || pluginstreamarray[handle].type != STREAM_SOCKET) return -2; sock = pluginstreamarray[handle].socket; if (sock < 0) return -1; addrlen = sizeof(address); sock = accept(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&address, &addrlen); if (sock < 0) return -1; if (ioctlsocket (sock, FIONBIO, (u_long *)&_true) == -1) //now make it non blocking. { closesocket(sock); return -1; } if (outaddresssize) { netadr_t a; char *s; SockadrToNetadr(&address, addrlen, &a); s = NET_AdrToString(adr, sizeof(adr), &a); Q_strncpyz(outaddress, s, addrlen); } handle = Plug_NewStreamHandle(STREAM_SOCKET); pluginstreamarray[handle].socket = sock; return handle; } static qhandle_t QDECL Plug_Net_TCPConnect(const char *remoteip, int remoteport) { int handle; vfsfile_t *stream = FS_OpenTCP(remoteip, remoteport, false); if (!currentplug || !stream) return -1; handle = Plug_NewStreamHandle(STREAM_VFS); pluginstreamarray[handle].vfs = stream; return handle; } void Plug_Net_Close_Internal(qhandle_t handle); static int QDECL Plug_Net_SetTLSClient(qhandle_t handle, const char *certhostname) { #ifndef HAVE_SSL return -1; #else pluginstream_t *stream; if (handle >= pluginstreamarraylen || pluginstreamarray[handle].plugin != currentplug) { Con_Printf("Plug_Net_SetTLSClient: socket does not belong to you (or is invalid)\n"); return -2; } stream = &pluginstreamarray[handle]; if (stream->type != STREAM_VFS) { //not a socket - invalid Con_Printf("Plug_Net_SetTLSClient: Not a socket handle\n"); return -2; } stream->vfs = FS_OpenSSL(certhostname, stream->vfs, false); if (!stream->vfs) { Plug_Net_Close_Internal(handle); return -1; } return 0; #endif } static int QDECL Plug_Net_GetTLSBinding(qhandle_t handle, char *outbinddata, int *outbinddatalen) { #ifndef HAVE_SSL return -1; #else pluginstream_t *stream; size_t sz; int r; if ((size_t)handle >= pluginstreamarraylen || pluginstreamarray[handle].plugin != currentplug) { Con_Printf("Plug_Net_GetTLSBinding: socket does not belong to you (or is invalid)\n"); return -2; } stream = &pluginstreamarray[handle]; if (stream->type != STREAM_VFS) { //not a socket - invalid Con_Printf("Plug_Net_GetTLSBinding: Not a socket handle\n"); return -2; } sz = *outbinddatalen; r = TLS_GetChannelBinding(stream->vfs, outbinddata, &sz); *outbinddatalen = sz; return r; #endif } #endif #ifdef WEBCLIENT static void Plug_DownloadComplete(struct dl_download *dl) { int handle = dl->user_num; dl->file = NULL; pluginstreamarray[handle].dl = NULL; //download no longer needs to be canceled. pluginstreamarray[handle].type = STREAM_VFS; //getlen should start working now. } #endif static qhandle_t QDECL Plug_FS_Open(const char *fname, qhandle_t *outhandle, int modenum) { //modes: //1: read //2: write //char *name, int *handle, int mode //return value is length of the file. int handle; //char *data; char *mode; vfsfile_t *f; *outhandle = -1; if (!currentplug) return -3; //streams depend upon current plugin context. which isn't valid in a thread. switch(modenum) { case 1: mode = "rb"; break; case 2: mode = "wb"; break; default: return -2; } if (!strcmp(fname, "**plugconfig")) f = FS_OpenVFS(va("%s.cfg", currentplug->name), mode, FS_ROOT); else if (!strncmp(fname, "http://", 7) || !strncmp(fname, "https://", 8)) { #ifndef WEBCLIENT f = NULL; #else handle = Plug_NewStreamHandle(STREAM_WEB); pluginstreamarray[handle].dl = HTTP_CL_Get(fname, NULL, Plug_DownloadComplete); pluginstreamarray[handle].dl->user_num = handle; pluginstreamarray[handle].dl->file = pluginstreamarray[handle].vfs = VFSPIPE_Open(2, true); pluginstreamarray[handle].dl->isquery = true; #ifdef MULTITHREAD DL_CreateThread(pluginstreamarray[handle].dl, NULL, NULL); #endif *outhandle = handle; return VFS_GETLEN(pluginstreamarray[handle].vfs); #endif } else if (modenum == 2) f = FS_OpenVFS(fname, mode, FS_GAMEONLY); else f = FS_OpenVFS(fname, mode, FS_GAME); if (!f) return -1; handle = Plug_NewStreamHandle(STREAM_VFS); pluginstreamarray[handle].vfs = f; Q_strncpyz(pluginstreamarray[handle].file.filename, fname, sizeof(pluginstreamarray[handle].file.filename)); *outhandle = handle; return VFS_GETLEN(pluginstreamarray[handle].vfs); } static int QDECL Plug_FS_Seek(qhandle_t handle, qofs_t offset) { pluginstream_t *stream; if (handle >= pluginstreamarraylen) return -1; stream = &pluginstreamarray[handle]; if (stream->type != STREAM_VFS) return -1; VFS_SEEK(stream->vfs, offset); return VFS_TELL(stream->vfs); } static qboolean QDECL Plug_FS_GetLength(qhandle_t handle, qofs_t *outsize) { pluginstream_t *stream; if (handle >= pluginstreamarraylen) return false; stream = &pluginstreamarray[handle]; if (stream->type == STREAM_VFS) if (stream->vfs->GetLen) { *outsize = VFS_GETLEN(stream->vfs); return true; } *outsize = 0; return false; } void Plug_Net_Close_Internal(qhandle_t handle) { switch(pluginstreamarray[handle].type) { case STREAM_NONE: break; case STREAM_WEB: #ifdef WEBCLIENT if (pluginstreamarray[handle].dl) { pluginstreamarray[handle].dl->file = NULL; DL_Close(pluginstreamarray[handle].dl); } #endif //fall through case STREAM_VFS: if (pluginstreamarray[handle].vfs) { if (*pluginstreamarray[handle].file.filename && pluginstreamarray[handle].vfs->WriteBytes) { VFS_CLOSE(pluginstreamarray[handle].vfs); FS_FlushFSHashWritten(pluginstreamarray[handle].file.filename); } else VFS_CLOSE(pluginstreamarray[handle].vfs); } pluginstreamarray[handle].vfs = NULL; break; case STREAM_SOCKET: #ifdef HAVE_PACKET closesocket(pluginstreamarray[handle].socket); #endif break; } pluginstreamarray[handle].type = STREAM_NONE; pluginstreamarray[handle].plugin = NULL; } static int QDECL Plug_Net_Recv(qhandle_t handle, void *dest, int destlen) { int read; if (handle < 0 || handle >= pluginstreamarraylen || pluginstreamarray[handle].plugin != currentplug) return -2; switch(pluginstreamarray[handle].type) { #ifdef HAVE_PACKET case STREAM_SOCKET: read = recv(pluginstreamarray[handle].socket, dest, destlen, 0); if (read < 0) { if (neterrno() == NET_EWOULDBLOCK) return -1; else return -2; } else if (read == 0) return -2; //closed by remote connection. return read; #endif case STREAM_WEB: case STREAM_VFS: return VFS_READ(pluginstreamarray[handle].vfs, dest, destlen); default: return -2; } } static int QDECL Plug_Net_Send(qhandle_t handle, void *src, int srclen) { int written; if (handle < 0 || handle >= pluginstreamarraylen || pluginstreamarray[handle].plugin != currentplug) return -2; switch(pluginstreamarray[handle].type) { #ifdef HAVE_PACKET case STREAM_SOCKET: written = send(pluginstreamarray[handle].socket, src, srclen, 0); if (written < 0) { if (neterrno() == NET_EWOULDBLOCK) return -1; else return -2; } else if (written == 0) return -2; //closed by remote connection. return written; #endif case STREAM_VFS: return VFS_WRITE(pluginstreamarray[handle].vfs, src, srclen); default: return -2; } } static int QDECL Plug_Net_SendTo(qhandle_t handle, void *src, int srclen, netadr_t *address) { int written; struct sockaddr_qstorage sockaddr; if (handle == -1) { #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT NET_SendPacket(cls.sockets, srclen, src, address); return srclen; #else return -2; #endif } NetadrToSockadr(address, &sockaddr); if (handle < 0 || handle >= pluginstreamarraylen || pluginstreamarray[handle].plugin != currentplug) return -2; switch(pluginstreamarray[handle].type) { #ifdef HAVE_PACKET case STREAM_SOCKET: written = sendto(pluginstreamarray[handle].socket, src, srclen, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&sockaddr, sizeof(sockaddr)); if (written < 0) { if (neterrno() == NET_EWOULDBLOCK) return -1; else return -2; } else if (written == 0) return -2; //closed by remote connection. return written; #endif default: return -2; } } static void QDECL Plug_Net_Close(qhandle_t handle) { if (handle < 0 || handle >= pluginstreamarraylen || pluginstreamarray[handle].plugin != currentplug) return; Plug_Net_Close_Internal(handle); } void QDECL Plug_FS_EnumerateFiles(enum fs_relative fsroot, const char *match, int (QDECL *callback)(const char *fname, qofs_t fsize, time_t mtime, void *ctx, struct searchpathfuncs_s *package), void *ctx) { if (fsroot == FS_GAME) COM_EnumerateFiles(match, callback, ctx); else { char base[MAX_OSPATH]; if (fsroot == FS_ROOT) { extern qboolean com_homepathenabled; if (com_homepathenabled) Sys_EnumerateFiles(com_homepath, match, callback, ctx, NULL); Sys_EnumerateFiles(com_gamepath, match, callback, ctx, NULL); } else { FS_NativePath("", fsroot, base, sizeof(base)); Sys_EnumerateFiles(base, match, callback, ctx, NULL); } } } #if defined(HAVE_SERVER) && defined(HAVE_CLIENT) static qboolean QDECL Plug_MapLog_Query(const char *packagename, const char *mapname, float *vals) { if (!strncmp(packagename, "http://", 7) || !strncmp(packagename, "https://", 8)) { char temp[MAX_OSPATH]; if (!FS_PathURLCache(packagename, temp, sizeof(temp))) return false; if (Log_CheckMapCompletion(temp, mapname, &vals[0], &vals[1], &vals[2], &vals[3])) return true; return false; } return Log_CheckMapCompletion(packagename, mapname, &vals[0], &vals[1], &vals[2], &vals[3]); } #endif void Plug_CloseAll_f(void); void Plug_List_f(void); void Plug_Close_f(void); static void Plug_Load_f(void) { char *plugin; plugin = Cmd_Argv(1); if (!*plugin) { Con_Printf("Loads a plugin\n"); Con_Printf("plug_load [pluginpath]\n"); Con_Printf("example pluginpath: blah\n"); Con_Printf("will load "PLUGINPREFIX"blah"ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX ARCH_DL_POSTFIX"\n"); return; } if (!Plug_Load(plugin)) Con_Printf("Couldn't load plugin %s\n", Cmd_Argv(1)); } void Plug_Initialise(qboolean fromgamedir) { char nat[MAX_OSPATH]; if (!plugfuncs) { Cvar_Register(&plug_sbar, "plugins"); Cvar_Register(&plug_loaddefault, "plugins"); Cmd_AddCommand("plug_closeall", Plug_CloseAll_f); Cmd_AddCommand("plug_close", Plug_Close_f); Cmd_AddCommand("plug_load", Plug_Load_f); Cmd_AddCommand("plug_list", Plug_List_f); //set up internal plugins plugfuncs = PlugBI_GetEngineInterface(plugcorefuncs_name, sizeof(*plugfuncs)); cvarfuncs = plugfuncs->GetEngineInterface(plugcvarfuncs_name, sizeof(*cvarfuncs)); cmdfuncs = plugfuncs->GetEngineInterface(plugcmdfuncs_name, sizeof(*cmdfuncs)); } #ifdef SUBSERVERS if (!SSV_IsSubServer()) //subservers will need plug_load I guess #endif if (plug_loaddefault.ival & 2) { if (!fromgamedir) { FS_NativePath("", FS_BINARYPATH, nat, sizeof(nat)); Con_DPrintf("Loading plugins from \"%s\"\n", nat); Sys_EnumerateFiles(nat, PLUGINPREFIX"*" ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX ARCH_DL_POSTFIX, Plug_EnumeratedRoot, NULL, NULL); } } if (plug_loaddefault.ival & 1) { unsigned int u; for (u = 0; staticplugins[u].name; u++) { Plug_Load(staticplugins[u].name); } PM_EnumeratePlugins(Plug_Load_Update); } } void Plug_Tick(void) { plugin_t *oldplug = currentplug; for (currentplug = plugs; currentplug; currentplug = currentplug->next) { if (currentplug->tick) { double st = 0; #ifdef SERVERONLY st = sv.time; #elif defined(CLIENTONLY) st = cl.time; #else st = sv.state?sv.time:cl.time; #endif currentplug->tick(realtime, st); } } currentplug = oldplug; } #ifndef SERVERONLY void Plug_ResChanged(qboolean restarted) { plugin_t *oldplug = currentplug; for (currentplug = plugs; currentplug; currentplug = currentplug->next) { if (currentplug->reschange) currentplug->reschange(vid.width, vid.height, restarted); } currentplug = oldplug; } #endif #ifndef SERVERONLY qboolean Plug_ConsoleLinkMouseOver(float x, float y, char *text, char *info) { qboolean result = false; plugin_t *oldplug = currentplug; for (currentplug = plugs; currentplug; currentplug = currentplug->next) { if (currentplug->consolelinkmouseover) { char buffer[8192]; char *ptr; ptr = (char*)COM_QuotedString(text, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-10, false); ptr += strlen(ptr); *ptr++ = ' '; COM_QuotedString(info, ptr, sizeof(buffer)-(ptr-buffer), false); Cmd_TokenizeString(buffer, false, false); result = currentplug->consolelinkmouseover(x, y); if (result) break; } } currentplug = oldplug; return result; } qboolean Plug_ConsoleLink(char *text, char *info, const char *consolename) { qboolean result = false; plugin_t *oldplug = currentplug; for (currentplug = plugs; currentplug; currentplug = currentplug->next) { if (currentplug->consolelink) { char buffer[8192]; char *ptr, oinfo = *info; *info = 0; ptr = (char*)COM_QuotedString(text, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-10, false); ptr += strlen(ptr); *ptr++ = ' '; *info = oinfo; ptr = (char*)COM_QuotedString(info, ptr, sizeof(buffer)-(ptr-buffer)-5, false); ptr += strlen(ptr); *ptr++ = ' '; COM_QuotedString(consolename, ptr, sizeof(buffer)-(ptr-buffer), false); Cmd_TokenizeString(buffer, false, false); result = currentplug->consolelink(); if (result) break; } } currentplug = oldplug; return result; } int Plug_SubConsoleCommand(console_t *con, const char *line) { int ret; char buffer[2048]; plugin_t *oldplug = currentplug; //shouldn't really be needed, but oh well currentplug = con->userdata; Q_strncpyz(buffer, va("\"%s\" %s", con->name, line), sizeof(buffer)); Cmd_TokenizeString(buffer, false, false); ret = currentplug->conexecutecommand(0); currentplug = oldplug; return ret; } #endif #ifndef SERVERONLY int Plug_ConnectionlessClientPacket(char *buffer, int size) { for (currentplug = plugs; currentplug; currentplug = currentplug->next) { if (currentplug->connectionlessclientpacket) { switch (currentplug->connectionlessclientpacket(buffer, size, &net_from)) { case 0: continue; //wasn't handled case 1: currentplug = NULL; //was handled with no apparent result return true; case 2: #ifndef SERVERONLY cls.protocol = CP_PLUGIN; //woo, the plugin wants to connect to them! protocolclientplugin = currentplug; #endif currentplug = NULL; return true; } } } return false; } #endif #ifndef SERVERONLY void Plug_SBar(playerview_t *pv) { #ifdef QUAKEHUD #define sb_showscores pv->sb_showscores #define sb_showteamscores pv->sb_showteamscores #else #define sb_showscores 0 #define sb_showteamscores 0 #endif plugin_t *oc=currentplug; int ret; int cleared = false; int hudmode; if (!Sbar_ShouldDraw(pv)) { SCR_TileClear (0); return; } ret = 0; if (cl.deathmatch) hudmode = 1; else hudmode = 2; if (!(plug_sbar.ival&4) && ((cls.protocol != CP_QUAKEWORLD && cls.protocol != CP_NETQUAKE) || M_GameType()!=MGT_QUAKE1)) currentplug = NULL; //disable the hud if we're not running quake. q2/q3/h2 must not display the hud, allowing for a simpler install-anywhere installer that can include it. else if (!(plug_sbar.ival & hudmode)) currentplug = NULL; else { for (currentplug = plugs; currentplug; currentplug = currentplug->next) { if (currentplug->sbarlevel[0]) { //if you don't use splitscreen, use a full videosize rect. R2D_ImageColours(1, 1, 1, 1); // ensure menu colors are reset if (!cleared) { cleared = true; SCR_TileClear (0); } ret |= currentplug->sbarlevel[0](pv-cl.playerview, (int)r_refdef.vrect.x, (int)r_refdef.vrect.y, (int)r_refdef.vrect.width, (int)r_refdef.vrect.height, sb_showscores+sb_showteamscores*2); break; } } } if (!(ret & 1)) { if (!cleared) SCR_TileClear (sb_lines); Sbar_Draw(pv); } for (currentplug = plugs; currentplug; currentplug = currentplug->next) { if (currentplug->sbarlevel[1]) { R2D_ImageColours(1, 1, 1, 1); // ensure menu colors are reset ret |= currentplug->sbarlevel[1](pv-cl.playerview, r_refdef.vrect.x, r_refdef.vrect.y, r_refdef.vrect.width, r_refdef.vrect.height, sb_showscores+sb_showteamscores*2); } } for (currentplug = plugs; currentplug; currentplug = currentplug->next) { if (currentplug->sbarlevel[2]) { R2D_ImageColours(1, 1, 1, 1); // ensure menu colors are reset ret |= currentplug->sbarlevel[2](pv-cl.playerview, r_refdef.vrect.x, r_refdef.vrect.y, r_refdef.vrect.width, r_refdef.vrect.height, sb_showscores+sb_showteamscores*2); } } if (!(ret & 2)) { Sbar_DrawScoreboard(pv); } currentplug = oc; } #endif qboolean Plug_ServerMessage(char *buffer, int messagelevel) { qboolean ret = true; Cmd_TokenizeString(buffer, false, false); Cmd_Args_Set(buffer, strlen(buffer)); for (currentplug = plugs; currentplug; currentplug = currentplug->next) { if (currentplug->svmsgfunction) { ret &= currentplug->svmsgfunction(messagelevel); } } Cmd_Args_Set(NULL, 0); return ret; // true to display message, false to supress } qboolean Plug_ChatMessage(char *buffer, int talkernum, int tpflags) { qboolean ret = true; Cmd_TokenizeString(buffer, false, false); Cmd_Args_Set(buffer, strlen(buffer)); for (currentplug = plugs; currentplug; currentplug = currentplug->next) { if (currentplug->chatmsgfunction) { ret &= currentplug->chatmsgfunction(talkernum, tpflags); } } Cmd_Args_Set(NULL, 0); return ret; // true to display message, false to supress } qboolean Plug_CenterPrintMessage(char *buffer, int clientnum) { qboolean ret = true; Cmd_TokenizeString(buffer, false, false); Cmd_Args_Set(buffer, strlen(buffer)); for (currentplug = plugs; currentplug; currentplug = currentplug->next) { if (currentplug->centerprintfunction) { ret &= currentplug->centerprintfunction(clientnum); } } Cmd_Args_Set(NULL, 0); return ret; // true to display message, false to supress } void Plug_Close(plugin_t *plug) { int i; currentplug = plug; if (plug->mayshutdown && !plug->mayshutdown()) { currentplug = NULL; Con_Printf("Plugin %s provides driver features, and cannot safely be unloaded at this time\n", plug->name); return; } if (plugs == plug) plugs = plug->next; else { plugin_t *prev; for (prev = plugs; prev; prev = prev->next) { if (prev->next == plug) break; } if (!prev) Sys_Error("Plug_Close: not linked\n"); prev->next = plug->next; } if (!com_workererror && plug->lib) Con_DPrintf("Closing plugin %s\n", plug->name); //ensure any active contexts provided by the plugin are closed (stuff with destroy callbacks) #if defined(PLUGINS) && !defined(SERVERONLY) #ifdef HAVE_MEDIA_DECODER Media_UnregisterDecoder(plug, NULL); #endif #ifdef HAVE_MEDIA_ENCODER Media_UnregisterEncoder(plug, NULL); #endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT S_UnregisterSoundInputModule(plug); R_RegisterVRDriver(plug, NULL); Image_RegisterLoader(plug, NULL); Material_RegisterLoader(plug, NULL); #endif NET_RegisterCrypto(plug, NULL); #ifdef PACKAGEMANAGER PM_RegisterUpdateSource(currentplug, NULL); #endif FS_UnRegisterFileSystemModule(plug); Mod_UnRegisterAllModelFormats(plug); #if defined(Q3SERVER)||defined(Q3CLIENT) if (q3plug == plug) { q3 = NULL; q3plug = NULL; } #endif //tell the plugin that everything is closed and that it should free up any lingering memory/stuff //it is still allowed to create/have open files. if (plug->shutdown) { plugin_t *cp = currentplug; currentplug = plug; plug->shutdown(); currentplug = cp; } if (plug->lib) Sys_CloseLibrary(plug->lib); //make sure anything else that was left is unlinked (stuff without destroy callbacks). for (i = 0; i < pluginstreamarraylen; i++) { if (pluginstreamarray[i].plugin == plug) { Plug_Net_Close_Internal(i); } } Plug_FreeConCommands(plug); Plug_Client_Close(plug); Z_Free(plug); currentplug = NULL; } void Plug_Close_f(void) { plugin_t *plug; char *name = Cmd_Argv(1); char cleaned[MAX_OSPATH]; if (Cmd_Argc()<2) { Con_Printf("Close which plugin?\n"); return; } name = Plug_CleanName(name, cleaned, sizeof(cleaned)); if (currentplug) Sys_Error("Plug_CloseAll_f called inside a plugin!\n"); for (plug = plugs; plug; plug = plug->next) { if (!strcmp(plug->name, name)) { Plug_Close(plug); return; } } name = va("plugins/%s", name); for (plug = plugs; plug; plug = plug->next) { if (!strcmp(plug->name, name)) { Plug_Close(plug); return; } } Con_Printf("Plugin %s does not appear to be loaded\n", Cmd_Argv(1)); } void Plug_CloseAll_f(void) { plugin_t *p; if (currentplug) Sys_Error("Plug_CloseAll_f called inside a plugin!\n"); while(plugs) { p = plugs; while (p->mayshutdown && !p->mayshutdown()) { p = p->next; if (!p) return; } Plug_Close(p); } } int QDECL Plug_List_Print(const char *fname, qofs_t fsize, time_t modtime, void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath) { plugin_t *plug; char plugname[MAX_QPATH]; //lots of awkward logic so we hide modules for other cpus. size_t nl = strlen(fname); size_t u; char *arch_ext = ARCH_DL_POSTFIX; static const char *knownarch[] = { "x32", "x64", "amd64", "x86", //various x86 ABIs "arm", "arm64", "armhf", //various arm ABIs "ppc", "unk", //various misc ABIs }; #ifdef _WIN32 char *mssuck; while ((mssuck=strchr(fname, '\\'))) *mssuck = '/'; #endif if (!parm) { parm = ""; arch_ext = ""; //static plugins have no extension. } if (nl >= strlen(arch_ext) && !Q_strcasecmp(fname+nl-strlen(arch_ext), arch_ext)) { nl -= strlen(arch_ext); for (u = 0; u < countof(knownarch); u++) { size_t al = strlen(knownarch[u]); if (!Q_strncasecmp(fname+nl-al, knownarch[u], al)) { nl -= al; break; } } if (u == countof(knownarch) || !Q_strcasecmp(knownarch[u], ARCH_CPU_POSTFIX)) { if (nl > sizeof(plugname)-1) nl = sizeof(plugname)-1; if (nl>0&&fname[nl] == '_') nl--; //ignore the _ before the ABI name. memcpy(plugname, fname, nl); plugname[nl] = 0; //don't bother printing it if its already loaded. for (plug = plugs; plug; plug = plug->next) { if (!Q_strncasecmp(plug->filename, parm, strlen(parm)) && !Q_strcasecmp(plug->filename+strlen(parm), fname)) return true; } Con_Printf("^[^1%s%s\\type\\plug_load %s\\^]: not loaded\n", (const char*)parm, fname, plugname+((!Q_strncasecmp(plugname,PLUGINPREFIX, strlen(PLUGINPREFIX)))?strlen(PLUGINPREFIX):0)); } } return true; } void Plug_List_f(void) { char binarypath[MAX_OSPATH]; char rootpath[MAX_OSPATH]; unsigned int u; plugin_t *plug; Con_Printf("Loaded plugins:\n"); for (plug = plugs; plug; plug = plug->next) Con_Printf("^[^2%s\\type\\plug_close %s\\^]: loaded\n", plug->filename, plug->name); if (staticplugins[0].name) { Con_DPrintf("Internal plugins:\n"); for (u = 0; staticplugins[u].name; u++) Plug_List_Print(staticplugins[u].name, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); } if (FS_NativePath("", FS_BINARYPATH, binarypath, sizeof(binarypath))) { #ifdef _WIN32 char *mssuck; while ((mssuck=strchr(binarypath, '\\'))) *mssuck = '/'; #endif Con_DPrintf("Scanning for plugins at %s:\n", binarypath); Sys_EnumerateFiles(binarypath, PLUGINPREFIX"*" ARCH_DL_POSTFIX, Plug_List_Print, binarypath, NULL); } if (FS_NativePath("", FS_ROOT, rootpath, sizeof(rootpath))) { #ifdef _WIN32 char *mssuck; while ((mssuck=strchr(rootpath, '\\'))) *mssuck = '/'; #endif if (strcmp(binarypath, rootpath)) { Con_DPrintf("Scanning for plugins at %s:\n", rootpath); Sys_EnumerateFiles(rootpath, PLUGINPREFIX"*" ARCH_DL_POSTFIX, Plug_List_Print, rootpath, NULL); } } //should probably check downloadables too. } void Plug_Shutdown(qboolean preliminary) { plugin_t **p; if (preliminary) { //close the non-block-closes plugins first, before most of the rest of the subsystems are down for (p = &plugs; *p; ) { if ((*p)->mayshutdown && !(*p)->mayshutdown()) p = &(*p)->next; else Plug_Close(*p); } } else { //now that our various handles etc are closed, its safe to terminate the various driver plugins. while(plugs) { plugs->mayshutdown = NULL; Plug_Close(plugs); } BZ_Free(pluginstreamarray); pluginstreamarray = NULL; pluginstreamarraylen = 0; plugincommandarraylen = 0; BZ_Free(plugincommandarray); plugincommandarray = NULL; } } plugcorefuncs_t plugcorefuncs = { PlugBI_GetEngineInterface, PlugBI_ExportFunction, PlugBI_ExportInterface, PlugBI_GetPluginName, Plug_Con_Print, Sys_Error, Host_EndGame, Plug_Sys_Milliseconds, Sys_DoubleTime, Sys_LoadLibrary, Sys_GetAddressForName, Sys_CloseLibrary, Z_Malloc, BZ_Realloc, Z_Free, ZG_Malloc, ZG_Free, ZG_FreeGroup, }; static void *QDECL PlugBI_GetEngineInterface(const char *interfacename, size_t structsize) { if (!strcmp(interfacename, plugcorefuncs_name)) { if (structsize == sizeof(plugcorefuncs)) return &plugcorefuncs; } if (!strcmp(interfacename, plugcmdfuncs_name)) { static plugcmdfuncs_t funcs = { COM_QuotedString, COM_ParseType, COM_ParseTokenOut, Plug_Cmd_TokenizeString, Plug_Cmd_ShiftArgs, Plug_Cmd_Args, Plug_Cmd_Argv, Plug_Cmd_Argc, Plug_Cmd_IsInsecure, Plug_Cmd_AddCommand, Plug_Cmd_AddText, }; static struct { qboolean (QDECL*AddCommand) (const char *cmdname); void (QDECL*TokenizeString) (const char *msg); void (QDECL*Args) (char *buffer, int bufsize); char * (QDECL*Argv) (int argnum, char *buffer, size_t bufsize); int (QDECL*Argc) (void); void (QDECL*AddText) (const char *text, qboolean insert); } oldfuncs = { Plug_Cmd_AddCommandOld, Plug_Cmd_TokenizeString, Plug_Cmd_Args, Plug_Cmd_Argv, Plug_Cmd_Argc, Plug_Cmd_AddText, }; if (structsize == sizeof(funcs)) return &funcs; if (structsize == sizeof(oldfuncs)) return &oldfuncs; } if (!strcmp(interfacename, plugcvarfuncs_name)) { static plugcvarfuncs_t funcs = { Plug_Cvar_SetString, Plug_Cvar_SetFloat, Plug_Cvar_GetString, Plug_Cvar_GetFloat, Plug_Cvar_GetNVFDG, Plug_Cvar_ForceSetString, }; if (structsize == sizeof(funcs)) return &funcs; } if (!strcmp(interfacename, plugfsfuncs_name)) { static plugfsfuncs_t funcs = { Plug_FS_Open, Plug_Net_Close, Plug_Net_Send, Plug_Net_Recv, Plug_FS_Seek, Plug_FS_GetLength, FS_FLocateFile, FS_OpenVFS, FS_NativePath, FS_Rename, FS_Remove, Plug_FS_EnumerateFiles, wildcmp, COM_GetFileExtension, COM_FileBase, COM_CleanUpPath, Com_BlockChecksum, FS_LoadMallocFile, FS_GetPackHashes, FS_GetPackNames, FS_GenCachedPakName, #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT FS_PureMode, #endif #ifdef Q3CLIENT FSQ3_GenerateClientPacksList, #endif }; if (structsize == sizeof(funcs)) return &funcs; } if (!strcmp(interfacename, plugmsgfuncs_name)) { static plugmsgfuncs_t funcs = { MSG_BeginReading, MSG_GetReadCount, MSG_ReadBits, MSG_ReadByte, MSG_ReadShort, MSG_ReadLong, MSG_ReadData, MSG_ReadString, MSG_BeginWriting, MSG_WriteBits, MSG_WriteByte, MSG_WriteShort, MSG_WriteLong, SZ_Write, MSG_WriteString, NET_CompareAdr, NET_CompareBaseAdr, NET_AdrToString, NET_StringToAdr2, NET_SendPacket, #ifdef HUFFNETWORK Huff_CompressionCRC, Huff_EncryptPacket, Huff_DecryptPacket, #endif }; if (structsize == sizeof(funcs)) return &funcs; } if (!strcmp(interfacename, plugnetfuncs_name)) { static plugnetfuncs_t funcs = { Plug_Net_TCPConnect, Plug_Net_TCPListen, Plug_Net_Accept, Plug_Net_Recv, Plug_Net_Send, Plug_Net_SendTo, Plug_Net_Close, Plug_Net_SetTLSClient, Plug_Net_GetTLSBinding, Sys_RandomBytes, #ifdef HAVE_DTLS TLS_GetKnownCertificate, #else NULL, #endif #if defined(HAVE_DTLS) && defined(HAVE_CLIENT) CertLog_ConnectOkay, #else NULL, #endif }; if (structsize == sizeof(funcs)) return &funcs; } if (!strcmp(interfacename, plugworldfuncs_name)) { static plugworldfuncs_t funcs = { Mod_ForName, Mod_FixName, Mod_GetEntitiesString, World_TransformedTrace, CM_TempBoxModel, InfoBuf_ToString, InfoBuf_FromString, InfoBuf_SetKey, InfoBuf_ValueForKey, Info_ValueForKey, Info_SetValueForKey, SV_DropClient, SV_ExtractFromUserinfo, SV_ChallengePasses, }; if (structsize == sizeof(funcs)) return &funcs; } #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT if (!strcmp(interfacename, plug2dfuncs_name)) { static plug2dfuncs_t funcs = { Plug_Draw_GetScreenSize, Plug_Draw_LoadImageData, Plug_Draw_LoadImageShader, Plug_Draw_LoadImagePic, Plug_Draw_ShaderFromId, Plug_Draw_UnloadImage, Plug_Draw_Image, Plug_Draw_Image2dQuad, Plug_Draw_ImageSize, Plug_Draw_Fill, Plug_Draw_Line, Plug_Draw_Character, Plug_Draw_String, Plug_Draw_CharacterH, Plug_Draw_StringH, Plug_Draw_StringWidth, Plug_Draw_ColourP, Plug_Draw_Colour4f, Plug_Draw_RedrawScreen, Plug_LocalSound, { R_ShaderGetCinematic, #ifdef HAVE_MEDIA_DECODER Plug_Media_SetState, Plug_Media_GetState, Media_Send_Reset, Media_Send_Command, Media_Send_GetProperty, Media_Send_MouseMove, Media_Send_Resize, Media_Send_GetSize, Media_Send_KeyEvent, #endif }, }; if (structsize == sizeof(funcs)) return &funcs; } if (!strcmp(interfacename, plug3dfuncs_name)) { static plug3dfuncs_t funcs = { Mod_ForName, Plug_Scene_ModelToId, Plug_Scene_ModelFromId, R_RemapShader, Plug_Scene_ShaderForSkin, Mod_RegisterSkinFile, Mod_LookupSkin, Mod_TagNumForName, Mod_GetTag, Mod_ClipDecal, Surf_NewMap, Plug_Scene_Clear, V_AddAxisEntity, Plug_Scene_AddPolydata, CL_NewDlight, CL_AllocDlightOrg, R_CalcModelLighting, Plug_Scene_RenderScene, }; if (structsize == sizeof(funcs)) return &funcs; } if (!strcmp(interfacename, plugclientfuncs_name)) { static plugclientfuncs_t funcs = { Plug_CL_GetStats, Plug_GetPlayerInfo, Plug_GetNetworkInfo, Plug_GetLocalPlayerNumbers, Plug_GetLocationName, Plug_GetLastInputFrame, Plug_GetServerInfoRaw, Plug_GetServerInfoBlob, Plug_SetUserInfo, Plug_SetUserInfoBlob, Plug_GetUserInfoBlob, #if defined(HAVE_SERVER) && defined(HAVE_CLIENT) Plug_MapLog_Query, #else NULL, #endif #ifdef QUAKEHUD Plug_GetTeamInfo, Plug_GetWeaponStats, Plug_GetTrackerOwnFrags, Plug_GetPredInfo, #else NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, #endif Con_ClearNotify, Plug_CL_ClearState, Plug_CL_SetLoadscreenState, Plug_CL_UpdateGameTime, Cvar_ForceCheatVars, DL_Begun, CL_DownloadFinished, CL_DownloadFailed, }; if (structsize == sizeof(funcs)) return &funcs; } if (!strcmp(interfacename, pluginputfuncs_name)) { static pluginputfuncs_t funcs = { Plug_SetMenuFocus, Plug_HasMenuFocus, Menu_Push, Menu_Unlink, //for menu input Plug_Key_GetKeyCode, Plug_Key_GetKeyName, M_FindKeysForBind, Plug_Key_GetKeyBind, Plug_Key_SetKeyBind, Plug_Input_IsKeyDown, Plug_Input_ClearKeyStates, Plug_Input_SetSensitivityScale, Plug_Input_GetMoveCount, Plug_Input_GetMoveEntry, Sys_Clipboard_PasteText, Sys_SaveClipboard, utf8_decode, utf8_encode, IN_GetKeyDest, IN_KeyEvent, IN_MouseMove, IN_JoystickAxisEvent, IN_Accelerometer, IN_Gyroscope, IN_SetHandPosition, }; if (structsize == sizeof(funcs)) return &funcs; } if (!strcmp(interfacename, plugsubconsolefuncs_name)) { static plugsubconsolefuncs_t funcs = { Plug_Con_POpen, Plug_Con_SubPrint, Plug_Con_RenameSub, Plug_Con_IsActive, Plug_Con_SetActive, Plug_Con_Destroy, Plug_Con_NameForNum, Plug_Con_GetConsoleFloat, Plug_Con_SetConsoleFloat, Plug_Con_GetConsoleString, Plug_Con_SetConsoleString, }; if (structsize == sizeof(funcs)) return &funcs; } if (!strcmp(interfacename, plugaudiofuncs_name)) { static plugaudiofuncs_t funcs = { Plug_LocalSound, Plug_S_RawAudio, S_Spacialize, S_UpdateReverb, Plug_S_PrecacheSound, S_StartSound, S_GetChannelLevel, S_Voip_ClientLoudness, Media_NamedTrack }; if (structsize == sizeof(funcs)) return &funcs; } if (!strcmp(interfacename, plugmasterfuncs_name)) { static plugmasterfuncs_t funcs = { NET_StringToAdr2, NET_AdrToString, Master_InfoForServer, CL_QueryServers, Master_QueryServer, Master_CheckPollSockets, Master_TotalCount, Master_InfoForNum, Master_ReadKeyString, Master_ReadKeyFloat, MasterInfo_WriteServers, Master_ServerToString, }; if (structsize == sizeof(funcs)) return &funcs; } if (!strcmp(interfacename, plugimagefuncs_name)) { static plugimagefuncs_t funcs = { Image_BlockSizeForEncoding, Image_FormatName, }; if (structsize == sizeof(funcs)) return &funcs; } #endif #ifdef SUPPORT_ICE if (!strcmp(interfacename, ICE_API_CURRENT) && structsize == sizeof(iceapi)) return &iceapi; #endif #ifdef USERBE if (!strcmp(interfacename, plugrbefuncs_name)) { static rbeplugfuncs_t funcs = { RBEPLUGFUNCS_VERSION, sizeof(wedict_t), World_RegisterPhysicsEngine, World_UnregisterPhysicsEngine, World_GenerateCollisionMesh, World_ReleaseCollisionMesh, World_LinkEdict, VectorAngles, AngleVectors }; if (structsize == sizeof(funcs)) return &funcs; } #endif #ifdef MULTITHREAD if (!strcmp(interfacename, plugthreadfuncs_name)) { static plugthreadfuncs_t funcs = { Sys_CreateMutex, Sys_LockMutex, Sys_UnlockMutex, Sys_DestroyMutex, COM_AddWork, COM_WorkerPartialSync, }; if (structsize == sizeof(funcs)) return &funcs; } #endif #ifdef VM_ANY if (!strcmp(interfacename, plugq3vmfuncs_name)) { static plugq3vmfuncs_t funcs = { VM_Create, VM_NonNative, VM_MemoryBase, VM_Call, VM_Destroy, }; if (structsize == sizeof(funcs)) return &funcs; } #endif #ifdef SKELETALMODELS if (!strcmp(interfacename, plugmodfuncs_name)) { static plugmodfuncs_t funcs = { MODPLUGFUNCS_VERSION, Plug_RegisterModelFormatText, Plug_RegisterModelFormatMagic, Plug_UnRegisterModelFormat, Plug_UnRegisterAllModelFormats, COM_StripExtension, R_ConcatTransforms, Matrix3x4_Invert_Simple, VectorAngles, AngleVectors, GenMatrixPosQuat4Scale, Alias_ForceConvertBoneData, #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT Image_GetTexture, #else NULL, #endif Mod_AccumulateTextureVectors, Mod_NormaliseTextureVectors, Mod_ForName, Mod_FindName, Mod_LoadEntitiesBlob, Mod_LoadMapArchive, BIH_Build, BIH_BuildAlias, Fragment_ClipPlaneToBrush, #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT Mod_RegisterBasicShader, Mod_Batches_Build, Surf_RenderDynamicLightmaps, V_AddNewEntity, #else NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, #endif Mod_SubmodelLoaded, }; if (structsize == sizeof(funcs)) return &funcs; } #endif #ifdef TERRAIN if (!strcmp(interfacename, /*plugterrainfuncs_name*/"Terrain")) return Terr_GetTerrainFuncs(structsize); #endif #ifdef HAVE_SERVER if (!strcmp(interfacename, "SSQCVM")) return sv.world.progs; #endif #if defined(CSQC_DAT) && defined(HAVE_CLIENT) if (!strcmp(interfacename, "CSQCVM")) { extern world_t csqc_world; return csqc_world.progs; } #endif #if defined(MENU_DAT) && defined(HAVE_CLIENT) if (!strcmp(interfacename, "MenuQCVM")) { extern world_t menu_world; return menu_world.progs; } #endif Con_DPrintf("Plugin %s requested interface %s#%x, but its unavailable.\n", currentplug?currentplug->filename:"UNKNOWN", interfacename, (unsigned int)structsize); return NULL; } #endif