/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Half-Life Model Renderer (Experimental) Copyright (C) 2001 James 'Ender' Brown [ender@quakesrc.org] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. fromquake.h - model_hl.h - halflife model structure +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */ #define HLPOLYHEADER (('T' << 24) + ('S' << 16) + ('D' << 8) + 'I') /* little-endian "IDST" */ #define HLMDLHEADER "IDST" /* flags - eukara */ #define HLMDLFL_FLAT 0x0001 #define HLMDLFL_CHROME 0x0002 #define HLMDLFL_FULLBRIGHT 0x0004 #define HLMDLFL_MASKED 0x0040 #define HLMDLFL_ALPHASOLID 0x0800 #define HLSHADER_FULLBRIGHT \ "{\n" \ "program defaultskin\n" \ "{\n" \ "map $diffuse\n" \ "}\n" \ "}\n" #define HLSHADER_CHROME \ "{\n" \ "program defaultskin#CHROME\n" \ "{\n" \ "map $diffuse\n" \ "tcgen environment\n" \ "rgbgen lightingdiffuse\n" \ "}\n" \ "}\n" #define HLSHADER_MASKED \ "{\n" \ "program defaultskin#MASK=0.5\n" \ "{\n" \ "map $diffuse\n" \ "rgbgen lightingdiffuse\n" \ "alphaFunc GE128\n" \ "}\n" \ "}\n" #define HLSHADER_FULLBRIGHTCHROME \ "{\n" \ "program defaultskin#CHROME\n" \ "{\n" \ "map $diffuse\n" \ "tcgen environment\n" \ "}\n" \ "}\n" /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main model header ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct { int filetypeid; //IDSP int version; //10 char name[64]; int filesize; vec3_t unknown3[5]; int unknown4; //flags int numbones; int boneindex; int numcontrollers; int controllerindex; int num_hitboxes; int ofs_hitboxes; int numseq; int seqindex; int unknown6; //external sequences int seqgroups; int numtextures; int textures; int unknown7; //something to do with external textures int skinrefs; int skingroups; int skins; int numbodyparts; int bodypartindex; int num_attachments; int ofs_attachments; int unknown9[6]; //sounds, transitions } hlmdl_header_t; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- skin info ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct { char name[64]; int flags; /*flat, chrome, fullbright*/ int w; /* width */ int h; /* height */ int offset; /* index */ } hlmdl_tex_t; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- body part index ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct { char name[64]; int nummodels; int base; int modelindex; } hlmdl_bodypart_t; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- meshes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct { int numtris; int index; int skinindex; int unknown2; int unknown3; } hlmdl_mesh_t; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bones ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct { char name[32]; int parent; int unknown1; int bonecontroller[6]; float value[6]; float scale[6]; } hlmdl_bone_t; typedef struct { char name[32]; //I assume int unk; int bone; vec3_t org; vec3_t unk2[3]; } hlmdl_attachment_t; typedef struct { int bone; int body; //value reported to gamecode on impact vec3_t mins; vec3_t maxs; } hlmdl_hitbox_t; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bone controllers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct { int name; int type; float start; float end; int unknown1; int index; } hlmdl_bonecontroller_t; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- halflife submodel descriptor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct { char name[64]; int unknown1; float unknown2; int nummesh; int meshindex; int numverts; int vertinfoindex; int vertindex; int unknown3[2]; int normindex; int unknown4[2]; } hlmdl_submodel_t; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- animation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct { unsigned short offset[6]; } hlmdl_anim_t; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- animation frames ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef union { struct { qbyte valid; qbyte total; } num; short value; } hlmdl_animvalue_t; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sequence descriptions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct { char name[32]; float timing; int loop; int action; int actionweight; int num_events; int ofs_events; int numframes; int unknown2[2]; int motiontype; int motionbone; vec3_t unknown3; int unknown4[2]; vec3_t bbox[2]; int hasblendseq; int index; int unknown7[2]; float unknown[4]; int unknown8; unsigned int seqindex; int unknown9[4]; } hlmdl_sequencelist_t; typedef struct { int pose; int code; int unknown1; char data[64]; } hlmdl_event_t; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sequence groups ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct { char name[96]; /* should be split label[32] and name[64] */ unsigned int cache; int data; } hlmdl_sequencedata_t; typedef struct { int magic; //IDSQ int version; //10 char name[64]; int unk1; } hlmdl_sequencefile_t; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- halflife model internal structure ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define MAX_ANIM_GROUPS 16 //submodel files containing anim data. typedef struct //this is stored as the cache. an hlmodel_t is generated when drawing { //updated while rendering... float controller[5]; /* Position of bone controllers */ float adjust[5]; hlmdl_header_t *header; hlmdl_bone_t *bones; struct galiasbone_s *compatbones; hlmdl_bonecontroller_t *bonectls; hlmdl_sequencefile_t *animcache[MAX_ANIM_GROUPS]; zonegroup_t *memgroup; struct hlmodelshaders_s { char name[MAX_QPATH]; char *defaultshadertext; texnums_t defaulttex; shader_t *shader; int w, h; int atlasid; unsigned short x,y; } *shaders; short *skinref; int numskinrefs; int numskingroups; int numgeomsets; struct { int numalternatives; struct hlalternative_s { int numsubmeshes; mesh_t *submesh; } *alternatives; } *geomset; mesh_t mesh; vbo_t vbo; qboolean vbobuilt; } hlmodel_t; /* HL mathlib prototypes: */ void QuaternionGLAngle(const vec3_t angles, vec4_t quaternion); void QuaternionGLMatrix(float x, float y, float z, float w, vec4_t *GLM); //void UploadTexture(hlmdl_tex_t *ptexture, qbyte *data, qbyte *pal); qboolean QDECL Mod_LoadHLModel (model_t *mod, void *buffer, size_t fsize); /* physics stuff */ void *Mod_GetHalfLifeModelData(model_t *mod); //reflectioney things, including bone data int HLMDL_BoneForName(model_t *mod, const char *name); int HLMDL_FrameForName(model_t *mod, const char *name); int HLMDL_FrameForAction(model_t *mod, int actionid); const char *HLMDL_FrameNameForNum(model_t *model, int surfaceidx, int num); qboolean HLMDL_FrameInfoForNum(model_t *model, int surfaceidx, int num, char **name, int *numframes, float *duration, qboolean *loop, int *act); qboolean HLMDL_GetModelEvent(model_t *model, int animation, int eventidx, float *timestamp, int *eventcode, char **eventdata); int HLMDL_GetNumBones(model_t *mod, qboolean tagstoo); int HLMDL_GetBoneParent(model_t *mod, int bonenum); const char *HLMDL_GetBoneName(model_t *mod, int bonenum); int HLMDL_GetBoneData(model_t *model, int firstbone, int lastbone, const framestate_t *fstate, float *result); int HLMDL_GetAttachment(model_t *model, int tagnum, float *resultmatrix); #ifdef HAVE_CLIENT //stuff only useful for clients that need to draw stuff void R_DrawHLModel(entity_t *curent); void HLMDL_DrawHitBoxes(entity_t *ent); void R_HalfLife_GenerateBatches(entity_t *rent, batch_t **batches); void R_HalfLife_TouchTextures(model_t *mod); #endif