#include "quakedef.h" /* I think globals.maxentities is the hard cap, rather than current max like in q1. */ #ifdef HLSERVER #include "winquake.h" #include "svhl_gcapi.h" #include "pr_common.h" #include "crc.h" #include "model_hl.h" #if defined(_MSC_VER) #if _MSC_VER >= 1300 #define __func__ __FUNCTION__ #else #define __func__ "unknown" #endif #else //I hope you're c99 and have a __func__ #endif #define ignore(s) Con_Printf("Fixme: " s "\n") #define notimpl(l) Con_Printf("halflife sv builtin not implemented on line %i\n", l) #define notimpf(f) Con_Printf("halflife sv builtin %s not implemented\n", f) dllhandle_t *hlgamecode; SVHL_Globals_t SVHL_Globals; SVHL_GameFuncs_t SVHL_GameFuncs; #define MAX_HL_EDICTS 2048 hledict_t *SVHL_Edict; int SVHL_NumActiveEnts; int lastusermessage; string_t QDECL GHL_AllocString(char *string) { char *news; news = Hunk_Alloc(strlen(string)+1); memcpy(news, string, strlen(string)+1); return news - SVHL_Globals.stringbase; } int QDECL GHL_PrecacheModel(char *name) { int i; if (name[0] <= ' ') { Con_Printf ("precache_model: empty string\n"); return 0; } for (i=1 ; i<MAX_MODELS ; i++) { if (!sv.strings.model_precache[i]) { if (strlen(name)>=MAX_QPATH-1) //probably safest to keep this. { SV_Error ("Precache name too long"); return 0; } name = sv.strings.model_precache[i] = SVHL_Globals.stringbase+GHL_AllocString(name); if (!strcmp(name + strlen(name) - 4, ".bsp")) sv.models[i] = Mod_FindName(name); if (sv.state != ss_loading) { Con_DPrintf("Delayed model precache: %s\n", name); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.reliable_datagram, svcfte_precache); MSG_WriteShort(&sv.reliable_datagram, i); MSG_WriteString(&sv.reliable_datagram, name); #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqreliable_datagram, svcdp_precache); MSG_WriteShort(&sv.nqreliable_datagram, i); MSG_WriteString(&sv.nqreliable_datagram, name); #endif } return i; } if (!strcmp(sv.strings.model_precache[i], name)) { return i; } } SV_Error ("GHL_precache_model: overflow"); return 0; } int QDECL GHL_PrecacheSound(char *name) { int i; if (name[0] <= ' ') { Con_Printf ("precache_sound: empty string\n"); return 0; } for (i=1 ; i<MAX_SOUNDS ; i++) { if (!*sv.strings.sound_precache[i]) { if (strlen(name)>=MAX_QPATH-1) //probably safest to keep this. { SV_Error ("Precache name too long"); return 0; } strcpy(sv.strings.sound_precache[i], name); name = sv.strings.sound_precache[i]; if (sv.state != ss_loading) { Con_DPrintf("Delayed sound precache: %s\n", name); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.reliable_datagram, svcfte_precache); MSG_WriteShort(&sv.reliable_datagram, -i); MSG_WriteString(&sv.reliable_datagram, name); #ifdef NQPROT MSG_WriteByte(&sv.nqreliable_datagram, svcdp_precache); MSG_WriteShort(&sv.nqreliable_datagram, -i); MSG_WriteString(&sv.nqreliable_datagram, name); #endif } return i; } if (!strcmp(sv.strings.sound_precache[i], name)) { return i; } } SV_Error ("GHL_precache_sound: overflow"); return 0; } void QDECL GHL_SetModel(hledict_t *ed, char *modelname) { model_t *mod; int mdlidx = GHL_PrecacheModel(modelname); ed->v.modelindex = mdlidx; ed->v.model = sv.strings.model_precache[mdlidx] - SVHL_Globals.stringbase; mod = sv.models[mdlidx]; if (mod) { VectorCopy(mod->mins, ed->v.mins); VectorCopy(mod->maxs, ed->v.maxs); VectorSubtract(mod->maxs, mod->mins, ed->v.size); } SVHL_LinkEdict(ed, false); } unk QDECL GHL_ModelIndex(unk){notimpf(__func__);} int QDECL GHL_ModelFrames(int midx) { //returns the number of frames(sequences I assume) this model has ignore("ModelFrames"); return 1; } void QDECL GHL_SetSize(hledict_t *ed, float *mins, float *maxs) { VectorCopy(mins, ed->v.mins); VectorCopy(maxs, ed->v.maxs); SVHL_LinkEdict(ed, false); } void QDECL GHL_ChangeLevel(char *nextmap, char *startspot) { Cbuf_AddText(va("changelevel %s %s@%f@%f@%f\n", nextmap, startspot, SVHL_Globals.landmark[0], SVHL_Globals.landmark[1], SVHL_Globals.landmark[2]), RESTRICT_PROGS); } unk QDECL GHL_GetSpawnParms(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_SaveSpawnParms(unk){notimpf(__func__);} float QDECL GHL_VecToYaw(float *inv) { vec3_t outa; VectorAngles(inv, NULL, outa); return outa[1]; } void QDECL GHL_VecToAngles(float *inv, float *outa) { VectorAngles(inv, NULL, outa); } unk QDECL GHL_MoveToOrigin(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_ChangeYaw(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_ChangePitch(unk){notimpf(__func__);} hledict_t *QDECL GHL_FindEntityByString(hledict_t *last, char *field, char *value) { hledict_t *ent; int i; int ofs; string_t str; if (!strcmp(field, "targetname")) ofs = (char*)&((hledict_t *)NULL)->v.targetname - (char*)NULL; else if (!strcmp(field, "classname")) ofs = (char*)&((hledict_t *)NULL)->v.classname - (char*)NULL; else { Con_Printf("Fixme: Look for %s=%s\n", field, value); return NULL; } if (last) i=last-SVHL_Edict+1; else i = 0; for (; i<SVHL_Globals.maxentities; i++) { ent = &SVHL_Edict[i]; if (ent->isfree) continue; str = *(string_t*)((char*)ent+ofs); if (str && !strcmp(SVHL_Globals.stringbase+str, value)) return ent; } return SVHL_Edict; } unk QDECL GHL_GetEntityIllum(unk){notimpf(__func__);} hledict_t *QDECL GHL_FindEntityInSphere(hledict_t *last, float *org, float radius) { int i, j; vec3_t eorg; hledict_t *ent; radius = radius*radius; if (last) i=last-SVHL_Edict+1; else i = 0; for (; i<SVHL_Globals.maxentities; i++) { ent = &SVHL_Edict[i]; if (ent->isfree) continue; if (!ent->v.solid) continue; for (j=0; j<3; j++) eorg[j] = org[j] - (ent->v.origin[j] + (ent->v.mins[j] + ent->v.maxs[j])*0.5); if (DotProduct(eorg,eorg) > radius) continue; //its close enough return ent; } return NULL; } hledict_t *QDECL GHL_FindClientInPVS(hledict_t *ed) { qbyte *viewerpvs; int best = 0, i; float bestdist = 99999999; //HL maps are limited in size anyway float d; int leafnum; vec3_t ofs; hledict_t *other; //fixme: we need to track some state //a different client should be returned each call _per ent_ (so it can be used once per frame) viewerpvs = sv.world.worldmodel->funcs.LeafPVS(sv.world.worldmodel, sv.world.worldmodel->funcs.LeafnumForPoint(sv.world.worldmodel, ed->v.origin), NULL, 0); for (i = 0; i < svs.allocated_client_slots; i++) { if (svs.clients[i].state == cs_spawned) { other = &SVHL_Edict[i+1]; if (ed == other) continue; //ignore yourself. if (svs.clients[i].spectator) continue; //ignore spectators leafnum = sv.world.worldmodel->funcs.LeafnumForPoint(sv.world.worldmodel, other->v.origin)-1;/*pvs is 1 based, leafs are 0 based*/ if (viewerpvs[leafnum>>3] & (1<<(leafnum&7))) { VectorSubtract(ed->v.origin, other->v.origin, ofs); d = DotProduct(ofs, ofs); if (d < bestdist) { bestdist = d; best = i+1; } } } } if (best) return &SVHL_Edict[best]; return NULL; } unk QDECL GHL_EntitiesInPVS(unk){notimpf(__func__);} void QDECL GHL_MakeVectors(float *angles) { AngleVectors(angles, SVHL_Globals.v_forward, SVHL_Globals.v_right, SVHL_Globals.v_up); } void QDECL GHL_AngleVectors(float *angles, float *forward, float *right, float *up) { AngleVectors(angles, forward, right, up); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// hledict_t *QDECL GHL_CreateEntity(void) { int i; static int spawnnumber; spawnnumber++; for (i = sv.allocated_client_slots; i < SVHL_NumActiveEnts; i++) { if (SVHL_Edict[i].isfree) { if (SVHL_Edict[i].freetime > sv.time) continue; memset(&SVHL_Edict[i], 0, sizeof(SVHL_Edict[i])); SVHL_Edict[i].spawnnumber = spawnnumber; SVHL_Edict[i].v.edict = &SVHL_Edict[i]; return &SVHL_Edict[i]; } } if (i < MAX_HL_EDICTS) { SVHL_NumActiveEnts++; memset(&SVHL_Edict[i], 0, sizeof(SVHL_Edict[i])); SVHL_Edict[i].spawnnumber = spawnnumber; SVHL_Edict[i].v.edict = &SVHL_Edict[i]; return &SVHL_Edict[i]; } SV_Error("Ran out of free edicts"); return NULL; } void QDECL GHL_RemoveEntity(hledict_t *ed) { SVHL_UnlinkEdict(ed); ed->isfree = true; ed->freetime = sv.time+2; } hledict_t *QDECL GHL_CreateNamedEntity(string_t name) { void (QDECL *spawnfunc)(hlentvars_t *evars); hledict_t *ed; ed = GHL_CreateEntity(); if (!ed) return NULL; ed->v.classname = name; spawnfunc = (void(QDECL *)(hlentvars_t*))GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)hlgamecode, name+SVHL_Globals.stringbase); if (spawnfunc) spawnfunc(&ed->v); return ed; } void *QDECL GHL_PvAllocEntPrivateData(hledict_t *ed, long quant) { if (!ed) return NULL; ed->moddata = Z_Malloc(quant); return ed->moddata; } unk QDECL GHL_PvEntPrivateData(unk) { notimpf(__func__); } unk QDECL GHL_FreeEntPrivateData(unk) { notimpf(__func__); } unk QDECL GHL_GetVarsOfEnt(unk) { notimpf(__func__); } hledict_t *QDECL GHL_PEntityOfEntOffset(int ednum) { return (hledict_t *)(ednum + (char*)SVHL_Edict); } int QDECL GHL_EntOffsetOfPEntity(hledict_t *ed) { return (char*)ed - (char*)SVHL_Edict; } int QDECL GHL_IndexOfEdict(hledict_t *ed) { return ed - SVHL_Edict; } hledict_t *QDECL GHL_PEntityOfEntIndex(int idx) { return &SVHL_Edict[idx]; } unk QDECL GHL_FindEntityByVars(unk) { notimpf(__func__); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// unk QDECL GHL_MakeStatic(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_EntIsOnFloor(unk){notimpf(__func__);} int QDECL GHL_DropToFloor(hledict_t *ed) { vec3_t top; vec3_t bottom; trace_t tr; VectorCopy(ed->v.origin, top); VectorCopy(ed->v.origin, bottom); top[2] += 1; bottom[2] -= 256; tr = SVHL_Move(top, ed->v.mins, ed->v.maxs, bottom, 0, 0, ed); VectorCopy(tr.endpos, ed->v.origin); return tr.fraction != 0 && tr.fraction != 1; } int QDECL GHL_WalkMove(hledict_t *ed, float yaw, float dist, int mode) { ignore("walkmove"); return 1; } void QDECL GHL_SetOrigin(hledict_t *ed, float *neworg) { VectorCopy(neworg, ed->v.origin); SVHL_LinkEdict(ed, false); } void QDECL GHL_EmitSound(hledict_t *ed, int chan, char *soundname, float vol, float atten, int flags, int pitch) { SV_StartSound(ed-SVHL_Edict, ed->v.origin, ~0, chan, soundname, vol*255, atten, pitch); } void QDECL GHL_EmitAmbientSound(hledict_t *ed, float *org, char *soundname, float vol, float atten, unsigned int flags, int pitch) { SV_StartSound(0, org, ~0, 0, soundname, vol*255, atten, 0); } void QDECL GHL_TraceLine(float *start, float *end, int flags, hledict_t *ignore, hltraceresult_t *result) { trace_t t; t = SVHL_Move(start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, end, flags, 0, ignore); result->allsolid = t.allsolid; result->startsolid = t.startsolid; result->inopen = t.inopen; result->inwater = t.inwater; result->fraction = t.fraction; VectorCopy(t.endpos, result->endpos); result->planedist = t.plane.dist; VectorCopy(t.plane.normal, result->planenormal); result->touched = t.ent; if (!result->touched) result->touched = &SVHL_Edict[0]; result->hitgroup = 0; } unk QDECL GHL_TraceToss(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_TraceMonsterHull(unk){notimpf(__func__);} void QDECL GHL_TraceHull(float *start, float *end, int flags, int hullnum, hledict_t *ignore, hltraceresult_t *result) { trace_t t; t = SVHL_Move(start, sv.world.worldmodel->hulls[hullnum].clip_mins, sv.world.worldmodel->hulls[hullnum].clip_maxs, end, flags, 0, ignore); result->allsolid = t.allsolid; result->startsolid = t.startsolid; result->inopen = t.inopen; result->inwater = t.inwater; result->fraction = t.fraction; VectorCopy(t.endpos, result->endpos); result->planedist = t.plane.dist; VectorCopy(t.plane.normal, result->planenormal); result->touched = t.ent; result->hitgroup = 0; } unk QDECL GHL_TraceModel(unk){notimpf(__func__);} char *QDECL GHL_TraceTexture(hledict_t *againstent, vec3_t start, vec3_t end) { trace_t tr; sv.world.worldmodel->funcs.NativeTrace(sv.world.worldmodel, 0, 0, NULL, start, end, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, MASK_WORLDSOLID, &tr); return tr.surface->name; } unk QDECL GHL_TraceSphere(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_GetAimVector(unk){notimpf(__func__);} void QDECL GHL_ServerCommand(char *cmd) { Cbuf_AddText(cmd, RESTRICT_PROGS); } void QDECL GHL_ServerExecute(void) { Cbuf_ExecuteLevel(RESTRICT_PROGS); } unk QDECL GHL_ClientCommand(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_ParticleEffect(unk){notimpf(__func__);} void QDECL GHL_LightStyle(int stylenum, char *stylestr) { PF_applylightstyle(stylenum, stylestr, 7); } int QDECL GHL_DecalIndex(char *decalname) { Con_Printf("Fixme: precache decal %s\n", decalname); return 0; } int QDECL GHL_PointContents(float *org) { return Q1CONTENTS_EMPTY; } int svhl_messagedest; vec3_t svhl_messageorigin; hledict_t *svhl_messageent; void QDECL GHL_MessageBegin(int dest, int type, float *org, hledict_t *ent) { svhl_messagedest = dest; if (org) VectorCopy(org, svhl_messageorigin); else VectorClear(svhl_messageorigin); svhl_messageent = ent; if (sv.multicast.cursize) { Con_Printf("MessageBegin called without MessageEnd\n"); SZ_Clear (&sv.multicast); } MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, svcfte_cgamepacket); MSG_WriteShort(&sv.multicast, 0); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, type); } void QDECL GHL_MessageEnd(unk) { unsigned short len; client_t *cl; if (!sv.multicast.cursize) { Con_Printf("MessageEnd called without MessageBegin\n"); return; } //update the length len = sv.multicast.cursize - 3; sv.multicast.data[1] = len&0xff; sv.multicast.data[2] = len>>8; switch(svhl_messagedest) { case MSG_BROADCAST: SZ_Write(&sv.datagram, sv.multicast.data, sv.multicast.cursize); break; case MSG_ONE: cl = &svs.clients[svhl_messageent - SVHL_Edict - 1]; if (cl->state >= cs_spawned) { ClientReliableCheckBlock(cl, sv.multicast.cursize); ClientReliableWrite_SZ(cl, sv.multicast.data, sv.multicast.cursize); } break; case MSG_ALL: SZ_Write(&sv.reliable_datagram, sv.multicast.data, sv.multicast.cursize); break; case MSG_MULTICAST: SV_Multicast(svhl_messageorigin, MULTICAST_PVS); break; case MSG_MULTICAST+1: SV_Multicast(svhl_messageorigin, MULTICAST_PHS); break; default: Con_Printf("GHL_MessageEnd: dest type %i not supported\n", svhl_messagedest); break; } SZ_Clear (&sv.multicast); } void QDECL GHL_WriteByte(int value) { MSG_WriteByte(&sv.multicast, value); } void QDECL GHL_WriteChar(int value) { MSG_WriteChar(&sv.multicast, value); } void QDECL GHL_WriteShort(int value) { MSG_WriteShort(&sv.multicast, value); } void QDECL GHL_WriteLong(int value) { MSG_WriteLong(&sv.multicast, value); } void QDECL GHL_WriteAngle(float value) { MSG_WriteAngle8(&sv.multicast, value); } void QDECL GHL_WriteCoord(float value) { coorddata i = MSG_ToCoord(value, 2); SZ_Write (&sv.multicast, (void*)&i, 2); } void QDECL GHL_WriteString(char *string) { MSG_WriteString(&sv.multicast, string); } void QDECL GHL_WriteEntity(int entnum) { MSG_WriteEntity(&sv.multicast, entnum); } void QDECL GHL_AlertMessage(int level, char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char string[1024]; va_start (argptr, fmt); vsnprintf (string,sizeof(string)-1, fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); Con_Printf("%s\n", string); } void QDECL GHL_EngineFprintf(FILE *f, char *fmt, ...) { SV_Error("Halflife gamecode tried to use EngineFprintf\n"); } unk QDECL GHL_SzFromIndex(unk){notimpf(__func__);} void *QDECL GHL_GetModelPtr(hledict_t *ed) { #ifdef SERVERONLY return NULL; #else if (!ed->v.modelindex) return NULL; if (!sv.models[ed->v.modelindex]) sv.models[ed->v.modelindex] = Mod_ForName(sv.strings.model_precache[ed->v.modelindex], false); return Mod_GetHalfLifeModelData(sv.models[ed->v.modelindex]); #endif } int QDECL GHL_RegUserMsg(char *msgname, int msgsize) { //we use 1 as the code to choose others. if (lastusermessage <= 1) return -1; SV_FlushSignon (); //for new clients MSG_WriteByte(&sv.signon, svcfte_cgamepacket); MSG_WriteShort(&sv.signon, strlen(msgname)+3); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.signon, 1); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.signon, lastusermessage); MSG_WriteString(&sv.signon, msgname); //and if the client is already spawned... MSG_WriteByte(&sv.reliable_datagram, svcfte_cgamepacket); MSG_WriteShort(&sv.reliable_datagram, strlen(msgname)+3); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.reliable_datagram, 1); MSG_WriteByte(&sv.reliable_datagram, lastusermessage); MSG_WriteString(&sv.reliable_datagram, msgname); return lastusermessage--; } unk QDECL GHL_AnimationAutomove(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_GetBonePosition(unk){notimpf(__func__);} hlintptr_t QDECL GHL_FunctionFromName(char *name) { return (hlintptr_t)Sys_GetAddressForName(hlgamecode, name); } char *QDECL GHL_NameForFunction(hlintptr_t function) { return Sys_GetNameForAddress(hlgamecode, (void*)function); } unk QDECL GHL_ClientPrintf(unk) { // SV_ClientPrintf( notimpf(__func__); } void QDECL GHL_ServerPrint(char *msg) { Con_Printf("%s", msg); } char *QDECL GHL_Cmd_Args(void) { return Cmd_Args(); } char *QDECL GHL_Cmd_Argv(int arg) { return Cmd_Argv(arg); } int QDECL GHL_Cmd_Argc(unk) { return Cmd_Argc(); } unk QDECL GHL_GetAttachment(unk){notimpf(__func__);} void QDECL GHL_CRC32_Init(hlcrc_t *crc) { unsigned short crc16 = *crc; QCRC_Init(&crc16); *crc = crc16; } void QDECL GHL_CRC32_ProcessBuffer(hlcrc_t *crc, qbyte *p, int len) { unsigned short crc16 = *crc; while(len-->0) { QCRC_ProcessByte(&crc16, *p++); } *crc = crc16; } void QDECL GHL_CRC32_ProcessByte(hlcrc_t *crc, qbyte b) { unsigned short crc16 = *crc; QCRC_ProcessByte(&crc16, b); *crc = crc16; } hlcrc_t QDECL GHL_CRC32_Final(hlcrc_t crc) { unsigned short crc16 = crc; return QCRC_Value(crc16); } long QDECL GHL_RandomLong(long minv, long maxv) { return minv + frandom()*(maxv-minv); } float QDECL GHL_RandomFloat(float minv, float maxv) { return minv + frandom()*(maxv-minv); } unk QDECL GHL_SetView(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_Time(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_CrosshairAngle(unk){notimpf(__func__);} void *QDECL GHL_LoadFileForMe(char *name, int *size_out) { int fsize; void *fptr; fsize = FS_LoadFile(name, &fptr); if (size_out) *size_out = fsize; if (fsize == -1) return NULL; return fptr; } void QDECL GHL_FreeFile(void *fptr) { FS_FreeFile(fptr); } unk QDECL GHL_EndSection(unk){notimpf(__func__);} #include <sys/stat.h> int QDECL GHL_CompareFileTime(char *fname1, char *fname2, int *result) { flocation_t loc1, loc2; struct stat stat1, stat2; //results: //1 = f1 is newer //0 = equal age //-1 = f2 is newer //at least I think that's what it means. *result = 0; if (!FS_FLocateFile(fname1, FSLFRT_IFFOUND, &loc1) || !FS_FLocateFile(fname2, FSLFRT_IFFOUND, &loc2)) return 0; if (stat(loc1.rawname, &stat1) || stat(loc2.rawname, &stat2)) return 0; if (stat1.st_mtime > stat2.st_mtime) *result = 1; else if (stat1.st_mtime < stat2.st_mtime) *result = -1; else *result = 0; return 1; } void QDECL GHL_GetGameDir(char *gamedir) { extern char gamedirfile[]; //warning: the output buffer size is not specified! Q_strncpyz(gamedir, gamedirfile, MAX_QPATH); } unk QDECL GHL_Cvar_RegisterVariable(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_FadeClientVolume(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_SetClientMaxspeed(unk) { notimpf(__func__); } unk QDECL GHL_CreateFakeClient(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_RunPlayerMove(unk){notimpf(__func__);} int QDECL GHL_NumberOfEntities(void) { return 0; } char *QDECL GHL_GetInfoKeyBuffer(hledict_t *ed) { if (!ed) return svs.info; return svs.clients[ed - SVHL_Edict - 1].userinfo; } char *QDECL GHL_InfoKeyValue(char *infostr, char *key) { return Info_ValueForKey(infostr, key); } unk QDECL GHL_SetKeyValue(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_SetClientKeyValue(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_IsMapValid(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_StaticDecal(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_PrecacheGeneric(unk){notimpf(__func__);} int QDECL GHL_GetPlayerUserId(hledict_t *ed) { unsigned int clnum = (ed - SVHL_Edict) - 1; if (clnum >= sv.allocated_client_slots) return -1; return svs.clients[clnum].userid; } unk QDECL GHL_BuildSoundMsg(unk){notimpf(__func__);} int QDECL GHL_IsDedicatedServer(void) { #ifdef SERVERONLY return 1; #else return qrenderer == QR_NONE; #endif } hlcvar_t *hlcvar_malloced; hlcvar_t *hlcvar_stored; void SVHL_UpdateCvar(cvar_t *var) { if (!var->hlcvar) return; //nothing to do var->hlcvar->string = var->string; var->hlcvar->value = var->value; } void SVHL_FreeCvars(void) { cvar_t *nc; hlcvar_t *n; //forget all while (hlcvar_malloced) { n = hlcvar_malloced; hlcvar_malloced = n->next; nc = Cvar_FindVar(n->name); if (nc) nc->hlcvar = NULL; Z_Free(n); } while (hlcvar_stored) { n = hlcvar_stored; hlcvar_stored = n->next; nc = Cvar_FindVar(n->name); if (nc) nc->hlcvar = NULL; } } void SVHL_FreeCvar(hlcvar_t *var) { cvar_t *nc; hlcvar_t **ref; //unlink (free if it was malloced) ref = &hlcvar_malloced; while (*ref) { if (*ref == var) { (*ref) = (*ref)->next; nc = Cvar_FindVar(var->name); if (nc) nc->hlcvar = NULL; Z_Free(var); return; } ref = &(*ref)->next; } ref = &hlcvar_stored; while (*ref) { if (*ref == var) { (*ref) = (*ref)->next; nc = Cvar_FindVar(var->name); if (nc) nc->hlcvar = NULL; return; } ref = &(*ref)->next; } } hlcvar_t *QDECL GHL_CVarGetPointer(char *varname) { cvar_t *var; hlcvar_t *hlvar; var = Cvar_Get(varname, "", 0, "HalfLife"); if (!var) { Con_Printf("Not giving cvar \"%s\" to game\n", varname); return NULL; } hlvar = var->hlcvar; if (!hlvar) { hlvar = var->hlcvar = Z_Malloc(sizeof(hlcvar_t)); hlvar->name = var->name; hlvar->string = var->string; hlvar->value = var->value; hlvar->next = hlcvar_malloced; hlcvar_malloced = hlvar; } return hlvar; } void QDECL GHL_CVarRegister(hlcvar_t *hlvar) { cvar_t *var; var = Cvar_Get(hlvar->name, hlvar->string, 0, "HalfLife"); if (!var) { Con_Printf("Not giving cvar \"%s\" to game\n", hlvar->name); return; } if (var->hlcvar) { SVHL_FreeCvar(var->hlcvar); hlvar->next = hlcvar_stored; hlcvar_stored = hlvar; } var->hlcvar = hlvar; } float QDECL GHL_CVarGetFloat(char *vname) { cvar_t *var = Cvar_FindVar(vname); if (var) return var->value; Con_Printf("cvar %s does not exist\n", vname); return 0; } char *QDECL GHL_CVarGetString(char *vname) { cvar_t *var = Cvar_FindVar(vname); if (var) return var->string; Con_Printf("cvar %s does not exist\n", vname); return ""; } void QDECL GHL_CVarSetFloat(char *vname, float value) { cvar_t *var = Cvar_FindVar(vname); if (var) Cvar_SetValue(var, value); else Con_Printf("cvar %s does not exist\n", vname); } void QDECL GHL_CVarSetString(char *vname, char *value) { cvar_t *var = Cvar_FindVar(vname); if (var) Cvar_Set(var, value); else Con_Printf("cvar %s does not exist\n", vname); } unk QDECL GHL_GetPlayerWONId(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_Info_RemoveKey(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_GetPhysicsKeyValue(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_SetPhysicsKeyValue(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_GetPhysicsInfoString(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unsigned short QDECL GHL_PrecacheEvent(int eventtype, char *eventname) { Con_Printf("Fixme: GHL_PrecacheEvent: %s\n", eventname); return 0; } void QDECL GHL_PlaybackEvent(int flags, hledict_t *ent, unsigned short eventidx, float delay, float *origin, float *angles, float f1, float f2, int i1, int i2, int b1, int b2) { ignore("GHL_PlaybackEvent not implemented"); } unk QDECL GHL_SetFatPVS(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_SetFatPAS(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_CheckVisibility(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_DeltaSetField(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_DeltaUnsetField(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_DeltaAddEncoder(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_GetCurrentPlayer(unk){notimpf(__func__);} int QDECL GHL_CanSkipPlayer(hledict_t *playerent) { return false; // notimpf(__func__); } unk QDECL GHL_DeltaFindField(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_DeltaSetFieldByIndex(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_DeltaUnsetFieldByIndex(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_SetGroupMask(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_CreateInstancedBaseline(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_Cvar_DirectSet(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_ForceUnmodified(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_GetPlayerStats(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_AddServerCommand(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_Voice_GetClientListening(unk){notimpf(__func__);} qboolean QDECL GHL_Voice_SetClientListening(int listener, int sender, int shouldlisten) { return false; } unk QDECL GHL_GetPlayerAuthId(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_SequenceGet(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_SequencePickSentence(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_GetFileSize(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_GetApproxWavePlayLen(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_IsCareerMatch(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_GetLocalizedStringLength(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_RegisterTutorMessageShown(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_GetTimesTutorMessageShown(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_ProcessTutorMessageDecayBuffer(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_ConstructTutorMessageDecayBuffer(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_ResetTutorMessageDecayData(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_QueryClientCvarValue(unk){notimpf(__func__);} unk QDECL GHL_QueryClientCvarValue2(unk){notimpf(__func__);} //==================================================================================================== SVHL_Builtins_t SVHL_Builtins = { GHL_PrecacheModel, GHL_PrecacheSound, GHL_SetModel, GHL_ModelIndex, GHL_ModelFrames, GHL_SetSize, GHL_ChangeLevel, GHL_GetSpawnParms, GHL_SaveSpawnParms, GHL_VecToYaw, GHL_VecToAngles, GHL_MoveToOrigin, GHL_ChangeYaw, GHL_ChangePitch, GHL_FindEntityByString, GHL_GetEntityIllum, GHL_FindEntityInSphere, GHL_FindClientInPVS, GHL_EntitiesInPVS, GHL_MakeVectors, GHL_AngleVectors, GHL_CreateEntity, GHL_RemoveEntity, GHL_CreateNamedEntity, GHL_MakeStatic, GHL_EntIsOnFloor, GHL_DropToFloor, GHL_WalkMove, GHL_SetOrigin, GHL_EmitSound, GHL_EmitAmbientSound, GHL_TraceLine, GHL_TraceToss, GHL_TraceMonsterHull, GHL_TraceHull, GHL_TraceModel, GHL_TraceTexture, GHL_TraceSphere, GHL_GetAimVector, GHL_ServerCommand, GHL_ServerExecute, GHL_ClientCommand, GHL_ParticleEffect, GHL_LightStyle, GHL_DecalIndex, GHL_PointContents, GHL_MessageBegin, GHL_MessageEnd, GHL_WriteByte, GHL_WriteChar, GHL_WriteShort, GHL_WriteLong, GHL_WriteAngle, GHL_WriteCoord, GHL_WriteString, GHL_WriteEntity, GHL_CVarRegister, GHL_CVarGetFloat, GHL_CVarGetString, GHL_CVarSetFloat, GHL_CVarSetString, GHL_AlertMessage, GHL_EngineFprintf, GHL_PvAllocEntPrivateData, GHL_PvEntPrivateData, GHL_FreeEntPrivateData, GHL_SzFromIndex, GHL_AllocString, GHL_GetVarsOfEnt, GHL_PEntityOfEntOffset, GHL_EntOffsetOfPEntity, GHL_IndexOfEdict, GHL_PEntityOfEntIndex, GHL_FindEntityByVars, GHL_GetModelPtr, GHL_RegUserMsg, GHL_AnimationAutomove, GHL_GetBonePosition, GHL_FunctionFromName, GHL_NameForFunction, GHL_ClientPrintf, GHL_ServerPrint, GHL_Cmd_Args, GHL_Cmd_Argv, GHL_Cmd_Argc, GHL_GetAttachment, GHL_CRC32_Init, GHL_CRC32_ProcessBuffer, GHL_CRC32_ProcessByte, GHL_CRC32_Final, GHL_RandomLong, GHL_RandomFloat, GHL_SetView, GHL_Time, GHL_CrosshairAngle, GHL_LoadFileForMe, GHL_FreeFile, GHL_EndSection, GHL_CompareFileTime, GHL_GetGameDir, GHL_Cvar_RegisterVariable, GHL_FadeClientVolume, GHL_SetClientMaxspeed, GHL_CreateFakeClient, GHL_RunPlayerMove, GHL_NumberOfEntities, GHL_GetInfoKeyBuffer, GHL_InfoKeyValue, GHL_SetKeyValue, GHL_SetClientKeyValue, GHL_IsMapValid, GHL_StaticDecal, GHL_PrecacheGeneric, GHL_GetPlayerUserId, GHL_BuildSoundMsg, GHL_IsDedicatedServer, #if HALFLIFE_API_VERSION > 138 GHL_CVarGetPointer, GHL_GetPlayerWONId, GHL_Info_RemoveKey, GHL_GetPhysicsKeyValue, GHL_SetPhysicsKeyValue, GHL_GetPhysicsInfoString, GHL_PrecacheEvent, GHL_PlaybackEvent, GHL_SetFatPVS, GHL_SetFatPAS, GHL_CheckVisibility, GHL_DeltaSetField, GHL_DeltaUnsetField, GHL_DeltaAddEncoder, GHL_GetCurrentPlayer, GHL_CanSkipPlayer, GHL_DeltaFindField, GHL_DeltaSetFieldByIndex, GHL_DeltaUnsetFieldByIndex, GHL_SetGroupMask, GHL_CreateInstancedBaseline, GHL_Cvar_DirectSet, GHL_ForceUnmodified, GHL_GetPlayerStats, GHL_AddServerCommand, GHL_Voice_GetClientListening, GHL_Voice_SetClientListening, GHL_GetPlayerAuthId, GHL_SequenceGet, GHL_SequencePickSentence, GHL_GetFileSize, GHL_GetApproxWavePlayLen, GHL_IsCareerMatch, GHL_GetLocalizedStringLength, GHL_RegisterTutorMessageShown, GHL_GetTimesTutorMessageShown, GHL_ProcessTutorMessageDecayBuffer, GHL_ConstructTutorMessageDecayBuffer, GHL_ResetTutorMessageDecayData, GHL_QueryClientCvarValue, GHL_QueryClientCvarValue2, #endif 0xdeadbeef }; void SV_ReadLibListDotGam(void) { char key[1024]; char value[1024]; char *file; char *s; Info_SetValueForStarKey(svs.info, "*gamedll", "", sizeof(svs.info)); Info_SetValueForStarKey(svs.info, "*cldll", "", sizeof(svs.info)); file = COM_LoadTempFile("liblist.gam"); if (!file) return; Info_SetValueForStarKey(svs.info, "*cldll", "1", sizeof(svs.info)); while ((file = COM_ParseOut(file, key, sizeof(key)))) { file = COM_ParseOut(file, value, sizeof(value)); while((s = strchr(value, '\\'))) *s = '/'; if (!strcmp(key, "gamedll" #ifdef __linux__ "_linux" #endif )) Info_SetValueForStarKey(svs.info, "*gamedll", value, sizeof(svs.info)); if (!strcmp(key, "cldll")) Info_SetValueForStarKey(svs.info, "*cldll", atoi(value)?"1":"", sizeof(svs.info)); } } int SVHL_InitGame(void) { char *gamedll; char *path; char fullname[MAX_OSPATH]; void (WINAPI *GiveFnptrsToDll) (funcs, globals); int (QDECL *GetEntityAPI)(SVHL_GameFuncs_t *pFunctionTable, int apivers); dllfunction_t hlgamefuncs[] = { {(void**)&GiveFnptrsToDll, "GiveFnptrsToDll"}, {(void**)&GetEntityAPI, "GetEntityAPI"}, {NULL, NULL} }; if (sizeof(long) != sizeof(void*)) { Con_Printf("sizeof(long)!=sizeof(ptr): Cannot run halflife gamecode on this platform\n"); return 0; } SV_ReadLibListDotGam(); if (hlgamecode) { SVHL_Edict = Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*SVHL_Edict) * MAX_HL_EDICTS); SVHL_Globals.maxentities = MAX_HL_EDICTS; //I think this is correct return 1; } hlgamecode = NULL;//Sys_LoadLibrary("C:/Incoming/d/Half-Life/sdks/hlsdk-2.3-p3/hlsdk-2.3-p3/multiplayer/dlls/debugmp/mp.dll", hlgamefuncs); if (!hlgamecode) { gamedll = Info_ValueForKey(svs.info, "*gamedll"); path = NULL; while((path = COM_NextPath (path))) { if (!path) return 0; // couldn't find one anywhere snprintf (fullname, sizeof(fullname), "%s/%s", path, gamedll); hlgamecode = Sys_LoadLibrary(fullname, hlgamefuncs); if (hlgamecode) break; } } if (!hlgamecode) return 0; SVHL_Edict = Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*SVHL_Edict) * MAX_HL_EDICTS); SVHL_Globals.maxentities = MAX_HL_EDICTS; //I think this is correct GiveFnptrsToDll(&SVHL_Builtins, &SVHL_Globals); if (!GetEntityAPI(&SVHL_GameFuncs, HALFLIFE_API_VERSION)) { Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "Error: %s is incompatible (FTE is %i)\n", fullname, HALFLIFE_API_VERSION); if (GetEntityAPI(&SVHL_GameFuncs, 138)) Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "mod is 138\n"); Sys_CloseLibrary(hlgamecode); hlgamecode = NULL; return 0; } SVHL_GameFuncs.GameDLLInit(); return 1; } void SVHL_SaveLevelCache(char *filename) { } void SVHL_SetupGame(void) { lastusermessage = 255; //called on new map } void SVHL_SpawnEntities(char *entstring) { char key[256]; char value[1024]; char classname[1024]; hlfielddef_t fdef; hledict_t *ed, *world; extern cvar_t coop; //who'd have thought it, eh? char *ts; int i; //initialise globals SVHL_Globals.stringbase = ""; SVHL_Globals.maxclients = MAX_CLIENTS; SVHL_Globals.deathmatch = deathmatch.value; SVHL_Globals.coop = coop.value; SVHL_Globals.serverflags = 0; SVHL_Globals.mapname = GHL_AllocString(sv.name); SVHL_NumActiveEnts = 0; //touch world. world = GHL_CreateNamedEntity(GHL_AllocString("worldspawn")); world->v.solid = SOLID_BSP; GHL_SetModel(world, sv.modelname); //spawn player ents sv.allocated_client_slots = 0; for (i = 0; i < SVHL_Globals.maxclients; i++) { sv.allocated_client_slots++; ed = GHL_CreateNamedEntity(GHL_AllocString("player")); } for (i = 0; i < sv.allocated_client_slots; i++) { SVHL_Edict[i].isfree = true; } sv.allocated_client_slots = i; //precache the inline models (and touch them). sv.strings.model_precache[0] = ""; sv.strings.model_precache[1] = sv.modelname; //the qvm doesn't have access to this array for (i=1 ; i<sv.world.worldmodel->numsubmodels ; i++) { sv.strings.model_precache[1+i] = localmodels[i]; sv.models[i+1] = Mod_ForName (localmodels[i], false); } while (entstring) { entstring = COM_ParseOut(entstring, key, sizeof(key)); if (strcmp(key, "{")) break; *classname = 0; ts = entstring; while (ts) { ts = COM_ParseOut(ts, key, sizeof(key)); if (!strcmp(key, "}")) break; ts = COM_ParseOut(ts, value, sizeof(value)); if (!strcmp(key, "classname")) { memcpy(classname, value, strlen(value)+1); break; } } if (world) { if (strcmp(classname, "worldspawn")) SV_Error("first entity is not worldspawn"); ed = world; world = NULL; } else ed = GHL_CreateNamedEntity(GHL_AllocString(classname)); while (entstring) { entstring = COM_ParseOut(entstring, key, sizeof(key)); if (!strcmp(key, "}")) break; entstring = COM_ParseOut(entstring, value, sizeof(value)); if (*key == '_') continue; if (!strcmp(key, "classname")) memcpy(classname, value, strlen(value)+1); fdef.handled = false; if (!*classname) fdef.classname = NULL; else fdef.classname = classname; fdef.key = key; fdef.value = value; SVHL_GameFuncs.DispatchKeyValue(ed, &fdef); if (!fdef.handled) { if (!strcmp(key, "angle")) { float a = atof(value); sprintf(value, "%f %f %f", 0.0f, a, 0.0f); strcpy(key, "angles"); SVHL_GameFuncs.DispatchKeyValue(ed, &fdef); } if (!fdef.handled) Con_Printf("Bad field on %s, %s\n", classname, key); } } SVHL_GameFuncs.DispatchSpawn(ed); } SVHL_GameFuncs.ServerActivate(SVHL_Edict, SVHL_NumActiveEnts, sv.allocated_client_slots); } void SVHL_ShutdownGame(void) { SVHL_FreeCvars(); //gametype changed, or server shutdown Sys_CloseLibrary(hlgamecode); hlgamecode = NULL; SVHL_Edict = NULL; memset(&SVHL_Globals, 0, sizeof(SVHL_Globals)); memset(&SVHL_GameFuncs, 0, sizeof(SVHL_GameFuncs)); memset(&SVHL_GameFuncsEx, 0, sizeof(SVHL_GameFuncsEx)); } qboolean HLSV_ClientCommand(client_t *client) { hledict_t *ed = &SVHL_Edict[client - svs.clients + 1]; if (!hlgamecode) return false; SVHL_GameFuncs.ClientCommand(ed); return true; } qboolean SVHL_ClientConnect(client_t *client, netadr_t adr, char rejectmessage[128]) { char ipadr[256]; NET_AdrToString(ipadr, sizeof(ipadr), adr); strcpy(rejectmessage, "Rejected by gamecode"); if (!SVHL_GameFuncs.ClientConnect(&SVHL_Edict[client-svs.clients+1], client->name, ipadr, rejectmessage)) return false; return true; } void SVHL_BuildStats(client_t *client, int *si, float *sf, char **ss) { hledict_t *ed = &SVHL_Edict[client - svs.clients + 1]; si[STAT_HEALTH] = ed->v.health; si[STAT_VIEWHEIGHT] = ed->v.view_ofs[2]; si[STAT_WEAPON] = SV_ModelIndex(SVHL_Globals.stringbase+ed->v.vmodelindex); si[STAT_ITEMS] = ed->v.weapons; } void SVHL_PutClientInServer(client_t *client) { hledict_t *ed = &SVHL_Edict[client - svs.clients + 1]; ed->isfree = false; SVHL_GameFuncs.ClientPutInServer(&SVHL_Edict[client-svs.clients+1]); } void SVHL_DropClient(client_t *drop) { hledict_t *ed = &SVHL_Edict[drop - svs.clients + 1]; SVHL_GameFuncs.ClientDisconnect(&SVHL_Edict[drop-svs.clients+1]); ed->isfree = true; } void SVHL_RunCmdR(hledict_t *ed, usercmd_t *ucmd) { int i; hledict_t *other; extern cvar_t temp1; extern vec3_t player_mins; extern vec3_t player_maxs; // chop up very long commands if (ucmd->msec > 50) { usercmd_t cmd = *ucmd; cmd.msec = ucmd->msec/2; SVHL_RunCmdR (ed, &cmd); cmd.msec = ucmd->msec/2 + (ucmd->msec&1); //give them back their msec. cmd.impulse = 0; SVHL_RunCmdR (ed, &cmd); return; } host_frametime = ucmd->msec * 0.001; host_frametime *= sv.gamespeed; if (host_frametime > 0.1) host_frametime = 0.1; pmove.cmd = *ucmd; pmove.pm_type = temp1.value;//PM_NORMAL;//FLY; pmove.numphysent = 1; pmove.physents[0].model = sv.world.worldmodel; pmove.physents[0].info = 0; pmove.skipent = -1; pmove.onladder = false; if (ed->v.flags & (1<<24)) { pmove.cmd.forwardmove = 0; pmove.cmd.sidemove = 0; pmove.cmd.upmove = 0; } { hledict_t *list[256]; int count; physent_t *pe; vec3_t pmove_mins, pmove_maxs; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { pmove_mins[i] = pmove.origin[i] - 256; pmove_maxs[i] = pmove.origin[i] + 256; } count = SVHL_AreaEdicts(pmove_mins, pmove_maxs, list, sizeof(list)/sizeof(list[0])); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { other = list[i]; if (other == ed) continue; if (other->v.owner == ed) continue; if (other->v.flags & (1<<23)) //has monsterclip flag set, so ignore it continue; pe = &pmove.physents[pmove.numphysent]; switch(other->v.skin) { case Q1CONTENTS_EMPTY: pe->forcecontentsmask = FTECONTENTS_EMPTY; break; case Q1CONTENTS_SOLID: pe->forcecontentsmask = FTECONTENTS_SOLID; break; case Q1CONTENTS_WATER: pe->forcecontentsmask = FTECONTENTS_WATER; break; case Q1CONTENTS_SLIME: pe->forcecontentsmask = FTECONTENTS_SLIME; break; case Q1CONTENTS_LAVA: pe->forcecontentsmask = FTECONTENTS_LAVA; break; case Q1CONTENTS_SKY: pe->forcecontentsmask = FTECONTENTS_SKY; break; case Q1CONTENTS_LADDER: pe->forcecontentsmask = FTECONTENTS_LADDER; break; default: pe->forcecontentsmask = 0; break; } if (other->v.solid == SOLID_NOT || other->v.solid == SOLID_TRIGGER) { if (!pe->forcecontentsmask) continue; pe->nonsolid = true; } else pe->nonsolid = false; if (other->v.modelindex) { pe->model = sv.models[other->v.modelindex]; if (pe->model && pe->model->type != mod_brush) pe->model = NULL; } else pe->model = NULL; pmove.numphysent++; pe->info = other - SVHL_Edict; VectorCopy(other->v.origin, pe->origin); VectorCopy(other->v.mins, pe->mins); VectorCopy(other->v.maxs, pe->maxs); VectorCopy(other->v.angles, pe->angles); } } VectorCopy(ed->v.mins, player_mins); VectorCopy(ed->v.maxs, player_maxs); VectorCopy(ed->v.origin, pmove.origin); VectorCopy(ed->v.velocity, pmove.velocity); if (ed->v.flags & (1<<22)) { VectorCopy(ed->v.basevelocity, pmove.basevelocity); } else VectorClear(pmove.basevelocity); PM_PlayerMove(sv.gamespeed); VectorCopy(pmove.origin, ed->v.origin); VectorCopy(pmove.velocity, ed->v.velocity); if (pmove.onground) { ed->v.flags |= FL_ONGROUND; ed->v.groundentity = &SVHL_Edict[pmove.physents[pmove.groundent].info]; } else ed->v.flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND; for (i = 0; i < pmove.numtouch; i++) { other = &SVHL_Edict[pmove.physents[pmove.touchindex[i]].info]; SVHL_GameFuncs.DispatchTouch(other, ed); } SVHL_LinkEdict(ed, true); } void SVHL_RunCmd(client_t *cl, usercmd_t *ucmd) { hledict_t *ed = &SVHL_Edict[cl - svs.clients + 1]; #if HALFLIFE_API_VERSION >= 140 ed->v.buttons = ucmd->buttons; #else //assume they're not running halflife cgame ed->v.buttons = 0; if (ucmd->buttons & 1) ed->v.buttons |= (1<<0); //shoot if (ucmd->buttons & 2) ed->v.buttons |= (1<<1); //jump if (ucmd->buttons & 8) ed->v.buttons |= (1<<2); //duck if (ucmd->forwardmove > 0) ed->v.buttons |= (1<<3); //forward if (ucmd->forwardmove < 0) ed->v.buttons |= (1<<4); //back if (ucmd->buttons & 4) ed->v.buttons |= (1<<5); //use //ed->v.buttons |= (1<<6); //cancel //ed->v.buttons |= (1<<7); //turn left //ed->v.buttons |= (1<<8); //turn right if (ucmd->sidemove > 0) ed->v.buttons |= (1<<9); //move left if (ucmd->sidemove < 0) ed->v.buttons |= (1<<10); //move right //ed->v.buttons |= (1<<11); //shoot2 //ed->v.buttons |= (1<<12); //run if (ucmd->buttons & 16) ed->v.buttons |= (1<<13); //reload //ed->v.buttons |= (1<<14); //alt1 //ed->v.buttons |= (1<<15); //alt2 #endif if (ucmd->impulse) ed->v.impulse = ucmd->impulse; ed->v.v_angle[0] = SHORT2ANGLE(ucmd->angles[0]); ed->v.v_angle[1] = SHORT2ANGLE(ucmd->angles[1]); ed->v.v_angle[2] = SHORT2ANGLE(ucmd->angles[2]); ed->v.angles[0] = 0; ed->v.angles[1] = SHORT2ANGLE(ucmd->angles[1]); ed->v.angles[2] = SHORT2ANGLE(ucmd->angles[2]); SVHL_GameFuncs.PlayerPreThink(ed); SVHL_RunCmdR(ed, ucmd); if (ed->v.nextthink && ed->v.nextthink < sv.time) { ed->v.nextthink = 0; SVHL_GameFuncs.DispatchThink(ed); } SVHL_GameFuncs.PlayerPostThink(ed); } void SVHL_RunPlayerCommand(client_t *cl, usercmd_t *oldest, usercmd_t *oldcmd, usercmd_t *newcmd) { hledict_t *e = &SVHL_Edict[cl - svs.clients + 1]; SVHL_Globals.time = sv.time; if (net_drop < 20) { while (net_drop > 2) { SVHL_RunCmd (cl, &cl->lastcmd); net_drop--; } if (net_drop > 1) SVHL_RunCmd (cl, oldest); if (net_drop > 0) SVHL_RunCmd (cl, oldcmd); } SVHL_RunCmd (cl, newcmd); } void SVHL_Snapshot_Build(client_t *client, packet_entities_t *pack, qbyte *pvs, edict_t *clent, qboolean ignorepvs) { hledict_t *e; entity_state_t *s; int i; pack->servertime = sv.time; pack->num_entities = 0; for (i = 1; i < MAX_HL_EDICTS; i++) { e = &SVHL_Edict[i]; if (!e) break; if (e->isfree) continue; if (!e->v.modelindex || !e->v.model) continue; if (e->v.effects & 128) continue; if (pack->num_entities == pack->max_entities) break; s = &pack->entities[pack->num_entities++]; s->number = i; s->modelindex = e->v.modelindex; s->frame = e->v.sequence1; s->effects = e->v.effects; s->skinnum = e->v.skin; VectorCopy(e->v.angles, s->angles); VectorCopy(e->v.origin, s->origin); } } qbyte *SVHL_Snapshot_SetupPVS(client_t *client, qbyte *pvs, unsigned int pvsbufsize) { vec3_t org; if (client->hledict) { VectorAdd (client->hledict->v.origin, client->hledict->v.view_ofs, org); sv.world.worldmodel->funcs.FatPVS(sv.world.worldmodel, org, pvs, pvsbufsize, false); } return pvs; } #endif