/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // world.c -- world query functions #include "quakedef.h" #include "pr_common.h" #if defined(CSQC_DAT) || !defined(CLIENTONLY) /* entities never clip against themselves, or their owner line of sight checks trace->crosscontent, but bullets don't */ #define SOLID_ISTRIGGER(solid) ((solid)==SOLID_TRIGGER||(solid)==SOLID_BSPTRIGGER||(solid)==SOLID_LADDER) size_t areagridsequence; //used to avoid poking the same ent twice. extern cvar_t sv_compatiblehulls; extern cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_linknonsolid; typedef struct { vec3_t boxmins, boxmaxs;// enclose the test object along entire move float *mins, *maxs; // size of the moving object vec3_t mins2, maxs2; // size when clipping against mosnters float *start, *end; trace_t trace; int type; int hitcontentsmask; wedict_t *passedict; #ifdef Q2SERVER q2edict_t *q2passedict; #endif int hullnum; qboolean capsule; } moveclip_t; static unsigned int World_ContentsOfAllLinks (world_t *w, vec3_t pos); /* =============================================================================== HULL BOXES =============================================================================== */ static hull_t box_hull; static mclipnode_t box_clipnodes[6]; static mplane_t box_planes[6]; /* =================== SV_InitBoxHull Set up the planes and clipnodes so that the six floats of a bounding box can just be stored out and get a proper hull_t structure. =================== */ static void World_InitBoxHull (void) { int i; int side; box_hull.clipnodes = box_clipnodes; box_hull.planes = box_planes; box_hull.firstclipnode = 0; box_hull.lastclipnode = 5; for (i=0 ; i<6 ; i++) { box_clipnodes[i].planenum = i; side = i&1; box_clipnodes[i].children[side] = Q1CONTENTS_EMPTY; if (i != 5) box_clipnodes[i].children[side^1] = i + 1; else box_clipnodes[i].children[side^1] = Q1CONTENTS_SOLID; box_planes[i].type = i>>1; box_planes[i].normal[i>>1] = 1; } } /* =================== SV_HullForBox To keep everything totally uniform, bounding boxes are turned into small BSP trees instead of being compared directly. =================== */ hull_t *World_HullForBox (vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs) { box_planes[0].dist = maxs[0]; box_planes[1].dist = mins[0]; box_planes[2].dist = maxs[1]; box_planes[3].dist = mins[1]; box_planes[4].dist = maxs[2]; box_planes[5].dist = mins[2]; return &box_hull; } static model_t mod_capsule; qboolean World_BoxTrace(struct model_s *model, int hulloverride, int frame, vec3_t axis[3], vec3_t p1, vec3_t p2, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, unsigned int against, struct trace_s *trace) { hull_t *hull = &box_hull; //bbox vs bbox //capsule vs bbox (NYI) memset (trace, 0, sizeof(trace_t)); trace->fraction = 1; trace->allsolid = true; VectorCopy (p2, trace->endpos); return Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheck (hull, hull->firstclipnode, p1, p2, against, trace); } qboolean World_CapsuleTrace(struct model_s *model, int hulloverride, const framestate_t *framestate, const vec3_t axis[3], const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, qboolean capsule, unsigned int against, struct trace_s *trace) { //bbox vs capsule (NYI) //capsule vs capsule (NYI) memset (trace, 0, sizeof(trace_t)); trace->fraction = 1; trace->allsolid = false; VectorCopy(p2, trace->endpos); if (capsule) { //capsule vs capsule. //no orientation support on either (ignore axis) float sr = ((model->maxs[0]-model->mins[0]) + (model->maxs[1]-model->mins[1]))/4.0; float sh = (model->maxs[2]-model->mins[2]) - sr*2; float mr = ((maxs[0]-mins[0]) + (maxs[1]-mins[1]))/4.0; float mh = (maxs[2]-mins[2]) - mr*2; vec3_t sup = {0, 0, 1}; vec3_t dir, sright; vec4_t nearestplane; float d1, d2; vec3_t nearestpoint; float neardist; //expand the static capsule's height+radius by the mover's height+radius, so that its point+capsule instead sr += mr; sh += mh; VectorSubtract(p1, p2, dir); d2=VectorNormalize(dir); CrossProduct(sup, dir, sright); VectorNormalize(sright); CrossProduct(sup, sright, nearestplane); VectorNormalize(nearestplane); nearestplane[3] = DotProduct(vec3_origin, nearestplane); //capsule is at 0 0 0 d1 = DotProduct(nearestplane, p1) - nearestplane[3]; d2 = DotProduct(nearestplane, p2) - nearestplane[3]; d2 = -d1 /(d1+d2); VectorInterpolate(p1, d2, p2, nearestpoint); neardist = VectorLength(nearestpoint); if (neardist < sr) { float x, y, oz, nz; //sqrt(h*h-(x*x+y*y))=z //change the hypotenuse from the messed up value to the actual radius //and update z to match the changed h x = DotProduct(sup, nearestpoint) - 0; y = DotProduct(sright, nearestpoint) - 0; oz = DotProduct(nearestplane, nearestpoint) - nearestplane[3]; nz = sqrt(sr*sr - (x*x+y*y)); VectorMA(nearestpoint, nz-oz, dir, trace->endpos); trace->fraction = 0; } } return false; } model_t *World_CapsuleForBox(const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs) { VectorCopy(mins, mod_capsule.mins); VectorCopy(maxs, mod_capsule.maxs); mod_capsule.funcs.NativeTrace = World_CapsuleTrace; return &mod_capsule; } /* =============================================================================== ENTITY AREA CHECKING =============================================================================== */ #if defined(Q2SERVER) || !defined(USEAREAGRID) /* =============== SV_CreateAreaNode =============== */ static areanode_t *World_CreateAreaNode (world_t *w, int depth, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs) { areanode_t *anode; vec3_t size; vec3_t mins1, maxs1, mins2, maxs2; anode = &w->areanodes[w->numareanodes]; w->numareanodes++; ClearLink (&anode->edicts); VectorSubtract (maxs, mins, size); if (depth == w->areanodedepth || (size[0] < 512 && size[1] < 512)) { anode->axis = -1; anode->children[0] = anode->children[1] = NULL; return anode; } if (size[0] > size[1]) anode->axis = 0; else anode->axis = 1; anode->dist = 0.5 * (maxs[anode->axis] + mins[anode->axis]); VectorCopy (mins, mins1); VectorCopy (mins, mins2); VectorCopy (maxs, maxs1); VectorCopy (maxs, maxs2); maxs1[anode->axis] = mins2[anode->axis] = anode->dist; anode->children[0] = World_CreateAreaNode (w, depth+1, mins2, maxs2); anode->children[1] = World_CreateAreaNode (w, depth+1, mins1, maxs1); return anode; } /* =============== SV_ClearWorld =============== */ void World_ClearWorld_Nodes (world_t *w, qboolean relink) { #if !defined(USEAREAGRID) int i; wedict_t *ent; #endif int maxdepth; vec3_t mins, maxs; if (w->worldmodel) { VectorCopy(w->worldmodel->mins, mins); VectorCopy(w->worldmodel->maxs, maxs); } else { VectorSet(mins, -4096, -4096, -4096); VectorSet(maxs, 4096, 4096, 4096); } World_InitBoxHull (); #if !defined(USEAREAGRID) memset (&w->portallist, 0, sizeof(w->portallist)); ClearLink (&w->portallist.edicts); w->portallist.axis = -1; #endif maxdepth = 8; if (!w->areanodes || w->areanodedepth != maxdepth) { Z_Free(w->areanodes); w->areanodedepth = maxdepth; w->areanodes = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*w->areanodes) * (pow(2, w->areanodedepth+1)-1)); } else memset (w->areanodes, 0, sizeof(*w->areanodes)*w->numareanodes); w->numareanodes = 0; World_CreateAreaNode (w, 0, mins, maxs); #if !defined(USEAREAGRID) if (relink) { for (i=0 ; i<w->num_edicts ; i++) { ent = WEDICT_NUM_PB(w->progs, i); if (!ent) continue; ent->area.prev = ent->area.next = NULL; if (ED_ISFREE(ent)) continue; World_LinkEdict (w, ent, false); // relink ents so touch functions continue to work. } } #endif } #endif #ifdef USEAREAGRID static void World_ClearWorld_AreaGrid (world_t *w, qboolean relink) { int numareas = 1; int i, j; wedict_t *ent; vec3_t mins, maxs, size; if (w->worldmodel) { VectorCopy(w->worldmodel->mins, mins); VectorCopy(w->worldmodel->maxs, maxs); } else { VectorSet(mins, -4096, -4096, -4096); VectorSet(maxs, 4096, 4096, 4096); } Vector2Set(w->gridsize, 128, 128); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { size[i] = maxs[i] - mins[i]; size[i] /= w->gridsize[i]; //enforce a minimum grid size, so things don't end up getting added to every single node if (size[i] < 128) { mins[i] -= (128-size[i])/2 * w->gridsize[i]; size[i] = 128; } w->gridscale[i] = size[i]; w->gridbias[i] = -mins[i]; numareas *= w->gridsize[i]; } World_InitBoxHull (); if (w->gridareas) memset (w->gridareas, 0, sizeof(*w->gridareas)*numareas); else w->gridareas = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*w->gridareas)*numareas); for (i = 0; i < numareas; i++) ClearLink (&w->gridareas[i].l); ClearLink (&w->jumboarea.l); ClearLink (&w->portallist.l); if (relink) { for (i=0 ; i<w->num_edicts ; i++) { ent = WEDICT_NUM_PB(w->progs, i); if (!ent) continue; for (j = 0; j < countof(ent->gridareas); j++) { if (!ent->gridareas[j].l.prev) break; // not linked in anywhere ClearLink(&ent->gridareas[j].l); } if (ED_ISFREE(ent)) continue; World_LinkEdict (w, ent, false); // relink ents so touch functions continue to work. } } } #endif void World_ClearWorld (world_t *w, qboolean relink) { #ifdef Q2SERVER if (w == &sv.world && svs.gametype == GT_QUAKE2) World_ClearWorld_Nodes(w, relink); else #endif { #ifdef USEAREAGRID World_ClearWorld_AreaGrid(w, relink); #else World_ClearWorld_Nodes(w, relink); #endif } } #if !defined(USEAREAGRID) /* =============== SV_UnlinkEdict =============== */ void World_UnlinkEdict (wedict_t *ent) { if (!ent->area.prev) return; // not linked in anywhere RemoveLink (&ent->area); ent->area.prev = ent->area.next = NULL; } /* ==================== SV_TouchLinks ==================== */ void World_TouchLinks (world_t *w, wedict_t *ent, areanode_t *node) { static wedict_t *nodelinks[256]; //all this means is that any more than this will not touch. probably you won't have that many valid triggers link_t *l, *next; wedict_t *touch; int linkcount = 0, ln; //work out who they are first. for (l = node->edicts.next ; l != &node->edicts ; l = next) { if (linkcount == countof(nodelinks)) break; next = l->next; touch = EDICT_FROM_AREA(l); if (touch == ent) continue; if (!touch->v->touch || !SOLID_ISTRIGGER(touch->v->solid)) continue; if (ent->v->absmin[0] > touch->v->absmax[0] || ent->v->absmin[1] > touch->v->absmax[1] || ent->v->absmin[2] > touch->v->absmax[2] || ent->v->absmax[0] < touch->v->absmin[0] || ent->v->absmax[1] < touch->v->absmin[1] || ent->v->absmax[2] < touch->v->absmin[2] ) continue; if (!((int)ent->xv->dimension_solid & (int)touch->xv->dimension_hit)) continue; nodelinks[linkcount++] = touch; } for (ln = 0; ln < linkcount; ln++) { touch = nodelinks[ln]; //make sure nothing moved it away if (ED_ISFREE(touch)) continue; if (!touch->v->touch || !SOLID_ISTRIGGER(touch->v->solid)) continue; if (ent->v->absmin[0] > touch->v->absmax[0] || ent->v->absmin[1] > touch->v->absmax[1] || ent->v->absmin[2] > touch->v->absmax[2] || ent->v->absmax[0] < touch->v->absmin[0] || ent->v->absmax[1] < touch->v->absmin[1] || ent->v->absmax[2] < touch->v->absmin[2] ) continue; if (!((int)ent->xv->dimension_solid & (int)touch->xv->dimension_hit)) //didn't change did it?... continue; w->Event_Touch(w, touch, ent, NULL); if (ED_ISFREE(ent)) break; } // recurse down both sides if (node->axis == -1 || ED_ISFREE(ent)) return; if (ent->v->absmax[node->axis] > node->dist) World_TouchLinks (w, ent, node->children[0]); if (ent->v->absmin[node->axis] < node->dist) World_TouchLinks (w, ent, node->children[1]); } #endif /* =============== SV_LinkEdict =============== */ void QDECL World_LinkEdict (world_t *w, wedict_t *ent, qboolean touch_triggers) { pvec_t *mins; pvec_t *maxs; int solid; #ifdef USEAREAGRID World_UnlinkEdict (ent); // unlink from old position #else areanode_t *node; if (ent->area.prev) World_UnlinkEdict (ent); // unlink from old position #endif if (ent == w->edicts) return; // don't add the world if (ED_ISFREE(ent)) return; mins = ent->v->mins; maxs = ent->v->maxs; if (!ent->v->solid) ent->solidsize = ES_SOLID_BSP; else { model_t *mod; if (ent->v->solid == SOLID_BSP) mod = w->Get_CModel(w, ent->v->modelindex); else mod = NULL; if (mod && mod->type == mod_brush) { mins = mod->mins; maxs = mod->maxs; ent->solidsize = ES_SOLID_BSP; } else ent->solidsize = COM_EncodeSize(mins, maxs); } // set the abs box solid = ent->v->solid; if ((solid == SOLID_BSP||solid == SOLID_BSPTRIGGER) && (ent->v->angles[0] || ent->v->angles[1] || ent->v->angles[2]) ) { // expand for rotation #if 1 int i; float v; float max; //q2 method max = 0; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { v =fabs( mins[i]); if (v > max) max = v; v =fabs( maxs[i]); if (v > max) max = v; } for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { ent->v->absmin[i] = ent->v->origin[i] - max; ent->v->absmax[i] = ent->v->origin[i] + max; } #else int i; vec3_t f, r, u; vec3_t mn, mx; //we need to link to the correct leaves AngleVectors(ent->v->angles, f,r,u); mn[0] = DotProduct(mins, f); mn[1] = -DotProduct(mins, r); mn[2] = DotProduct(mins, u); mx[0] = DotProduct(maxs, f); mx[1] = -DotProduct(maxs, r); mx[2] = DotProduct(maxs, u); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (mn[i] < mx[i]) { ent->v->absmin[i] = ent->v->origin[i]+mn[i]-0.1; ent->v->absmax[i] = ent->v->origin[i]+mx[i]+0.1; } else { //box went inside out ent->v->absmin[i] = ent->v->origin[i]+mx[i]-0.1; ent->v->absmax[i] = ent->v->origin[i]+mn[i]+0.1; } } #endif } else { VectorAdd (ent->v->origin, mins, ent->v->absmin); VectorAdd (ent->v->origin, maxs, ent->v->absmax); } //some fancy things can mean the ent's aabb is larger than its collision box. #ifdef USERBE // if (ent->rbe.body.body) // w->rbe->ExpandBodyAABB(w->rbe, &ent->rbe.body, ent->v->absmin, env->v->absmax); #endif #ifdef SKELETALOBJECTS if (ent->xv->skeletonindex) skel_updateentbounds(w, ent); #endif // // to make items easier to pick up and allow them to be grabbed off // of shelves, the abs sizes are expanded // if ((int)ent->v->flags & FL_ITEM) { ent->v->absmin[0] -= 15; ent->v->absmin[1] -= 15; ent->v->absmin[2] -= 1; ent->v->absmax[0] += 15; ent->v->absmax[1] += 15; ent->v->absmax[2] += 1; } else { // because movement is clipped an epsilon away from an actual edge, // we must fully check even when bounding boxes don't quite touch ent->v->absmin[0] -= 1; ent->v->absmin[1] -= 1; ent->v->absmin[2] -= 1; ent->v->absmax[0] += 1; ent->v->absmax[1] += 1; ent->v->absmax[2] += 1; } // link to PVS leafs if (w->worldmodel && w->worldmodel->loadstate == MLS_LOADED && w->worldmodel->funcs.FindTouchedLeafs) { w->worldmodel->funcs.FindTouchedLeafs(w->worldmodel, &ent->pvsinfo, ent->v->absmin, ent->v->absmax); } if (ent->v->solid == SOLID_NOT && !sv_gameplayfix_linknonsolid.ival) return; #ifdef USEAREAGRID // find the first node that the ent's box crosses if (ent->v->solid == SOLID_PORTAL) { ent->gridareas[0].ed = ent; InsertLinkBefore (&ent->gridareas[0].l, &w->portallist.l); } else { int ming[2], maxg[2], g[2], ga; CALCAREAGRIDBOUNDS(w, ent->v->absmin, ent->v->absmax); if ((maxg[0]-ming[0])*(maxg[1]-ming[1]) > countof(ent->gridareas) //entity is too large to fit in our grid. || ming[0]<0||ming[1]<0||maxg[0]>=w->gridsize[0]||maxg[1]>=w->gridsize[1]) //entity crosses the boundary of the world. { //shove it in the overflow ent->gridareas[0].ed = ent; InsertLinkBefore (&ent->gridareas[0].l, &w->jumboarea.l); } else { for (ga = 0, g[0] = ming[0]; g[0] < maxg[0]; g[0]++) for ( g[1] = ming[1]; g[1] < maxg[1]; g[1]++, ga++) { ent->gridareas[ga].ed = ent; InsertLinkBefore (&ent->gridareas[ga].l, &w->gridareas[g[0] + g[1]*w->gridsize[0]].l); } } } #else // find the first node that the ent's box crosses if (ent->v->solid == SOLID_PORTAL) node = &w->portallist; else { node = w->areanodes; while (1) { if (node->axis == -1) break; if (ent->v->absmin[node->axis] > node->dist) node = node->children[0]; else if (ent->v->absmax[node->axis] < node->dist) node = node->children[1]; else break; // crosses the node } } // link it in InsertLinkBefore (&ent->area, &node->edicts); #endif // if touch_triggers, touch all entities at this node and decend for more if (touch_triggers && ent->v->solid != SOLID_NOT) World_TouchAllLinks (w, ent); } #ifdef Q2SERVER void VARGS WorldQ2_UnlinkEdict(world_t *w, q2edict_t *ent) { if (!ent->area.prev) return; // not linked in anywhere RemoveLink (&ent->area); ent->area.prev = ent->area.next = NULL; } void VARGS WorldQ2_LinkEdict(world_t *w, q2edict_t *ent) { areanode_t *node; if (ent->area.prev) WorldQ2_UnlinkEdict (w, ent); // unlink from old position if (ent == ge->edicts) return; // don't add the world if (!ent->inuse) return; // set the size VectorSubtract (ent->maxs, ent->mins, ent->size); // encode the size into the entity_state for client prediction if (ent->solid == Q2SOLID_BBOX && !(ent->svflags & SVF_DEADMONSTER)) { // assume that x/y are equal and symetric ent->s.solid = COM_EncodeSize(ent->mins, ent->maxs); } else if (ent->solid == Q2SOLID_BSP) { ent->s.solid = ES_SOLID_BSP; // a solid_bbox will never create this value } else ent->s.solid = 0; // set the abs box if (ent->solid == Q2SOLID_BSP && (ent->s.angles[0] || ent->s.angles[1] || ent->s.angles[2]) ) { // expand for rotation float max, v; int i; max = 0; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { v =fabs( ent->mins[i]); if (v > max) max = v; v =fabs( ent->maxs[i]); if (v > max) max = v; } for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { ent->absmin[i] = ent->s.origin[i] - max; ent->absmax[i] = ent->s.origin[i] + max; } } else { // normal VectorAdd (ent->s.origin, ent->mins, ent->absmin); VectorAdd (ent->s.origin, ent->maxs, ent->absmax); } // because movement is clipped an epsilon away from an actual edge, // we must fully check even when bounding boxes don't quite touch ent->absmin[0] -= 1; ent->absmin[1] -= 1; ent->absmin[2] -= 1; ent->absmax[0] += 1; ent->absmax[1] += 1; ent->absmax[2] += 1; // link to PVS leafs { pvscache_t cache; w->worldmodel->funcs.FindTouchedLeafs(w->worldmodel, &cache, ent->absmin, ent->absmax); //evilness: copy into the q2 state (we don't have anywhere else to store it, and there's a chance that the gamecode will care). ent->num_clusters = cache.num_leafs; if (ent->num_clusters > (int)countof(ent->clusternums)) ent->num_clusters = (int)countof(ent->clusternums); memcpy(ent->clusternums, cache.leafnums, min(sizeof(ent->clusternums), sizeof(cache.leafnums))); ent->headnode = cache.headnode; ent->areanum = cache.areanum; ent->areanum2 = cache.areanum2; } // if first time, make sure old_origin is valid if (!ent->linkcount) { VectorCopy (ent->s.origin, ent->s.old_origin); } ent->linkcount++; if (ent->solid == Q2SOLID_NOT) return; // find the first node that the ent's box crosses node = w->areanodes; while (1) { if (node->axis == -1) break; if (ent->absmin[node->axis] > node->dist) node = node->children[0]; else if (ent->absmax[node->axis] < node->dist) node = node->children[1]; else break; // crosses the node } // link it in InsertLinkBefore (&ent->area, &node->edicts); } #endif /* =============================================================================== POINT TESTING IN HULLS =============================================================================== */ /* ================== SV_PointContents ================== */ int World_PointContentsWorldOnly (world_t *w, vec3_t p) { return w->worldmodel->funcs.PointContents(w->worldmodel, NULL, p); } int World_PointContentsAllBSPs (world_t *w, vec3_t p) { int c = w->worldmodel->funcs.PointContents(w->worldmodel, NULL, p); c |= World_ContentsOfAllLinks(w, p); return c; } //=========================================================================== /* ============ SV_TestEntityPosition A small wrapper around SV_BoxInSolidEntity that never clips against the supplied entity. ============ */ wedict_t *World_TestEntityPosition (world_t *w, wedict_t *ent) { trace_t trace; trace = World_Move (w, ent->v->origin, ent->v->mins, ent->v->maxs, ent->v->origin, ((ent->v->solid == SOLID_NOT || ent->v->solid == SOLID_TRIGGER || ent->v->solid == SOLID_BSPTRIGGER)?MOVE_NOMONSTERS:0), ent); if (trace.startsolid || trace.allsolid) return trace.ent?trace.ent:w->edicts; return NULL; } //wrapper function. Rotates the start and end positions around the angles if needed. //qboolean TransformedHullCheck (hull_t *hull, vec3_t start, vec3_t end, trace_t *trace, vec3_t angles) qboolean World_TransformedTrace (struct model_s *model, int hulloverride, framestate_t *framestate, vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, qboolean capsule, struct trace_s *trace, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, unsigned int hitcontentsmask) { vec3_t start_l, end_l; vec3_t axis[3]; qboolean result; memset (trace, 0, sizeof(trace_t)); trace->fraction = 1; trace->allsolid = true; trace->startsolid = false; trace->inopen = true; //probably wrong... VectorCopy (end, trace->endpos); if (IS_NAN(end[0]) || IS_NAN(end[1]) || IS_NAN(end[2])) { Con_DPrintf("Nan in traceline\n"); return false; } // don't rotate non bsp ents. Too small to bother. if (model && model->loadstate == MLS_LOADED) { VectorSubtract (start, origin, start_l); VectorSubtract (end, origin, end_l); if (angles[0] || angles[1] || angles[2]) { if (model->type == mod_alias) { axis[2][0] = angles[0] * r_meshpitch.value; axis[2][1] = angles[1]; axis[2][2] = angles[2] * r_meshroll.value; AngleVectors (axis[2], axis[0], axis[1], axis[2]); } else AngleVectors (angles, axis[0], axis[1], axis[2]); VectorNegate(axis[1], axis[1]); result = model->funcs.NativeTrace (model, hulloverride, framestate, axis, start_l, end_l, mins, maxs, capsule, hitcontentsmask, trace); } else { result = model->funcs.NativeTrace (model, hulloverride, framestate, NULL, start_l, end_l, mins, maxs, capsule, hitcontentsmask, trace); } VectorAdd (trace->endpos, origin, trace->endpos); } else if (hitcontentsmask & FTECONTENTS_BODY) { hull_t *hull = &box_hull; VectorSubtract (start, origin, start_l); VectorSubtract (end, origin, end_l); VectorCopy (end_l, trace->endpos); result = Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheck (hull, hull->firstclipnode, start_l, end_l, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, trace); VectorAdd (trace->endpos, origin, trace->endpos); if (trace->contents) trace->contents = FTECONTENTS_BODY; } else result = false; return result; } /* ================== SV_ClipMoveToEntity Handles selection or creation of a clipping hull, and offseting (and eventually rotation) of the end points ================== */ static trace_t World_ClipMoveToEntity (world_t *w, wedict_t *ent, vec3_t eorg, vec3_t eang, vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t end, int hullnum, qboolean hitmodel, qboolean capsule, unsigned int hitcontentsmask) //hullnum overrides min/max for q1 style bsps { trace_t trace; model_t *model; int mdlidx = ent->v->modelindex; framestate_t framestate; int solid = ent->v->solid; // get the clipping hull if ((solid == SOLID_BSP || solid == SOLID_BSPTRIGGER || solid == SOLID_PORTAL) && mdlidx) { model = w->Get_CModel(w, mdlidx); if (!model || !model->funcs.PointContents) { // Host_Error("SOLID_BSP with non bsp model (classname: %s)", PR_GetString(w->progs, ent->v->classname)); model = NULL; } } else model = NULL; if (!model || model->loadstate != MLS_LOADED) { vec3_t boxmins, boxmaxs; model = NULL; VectorSubtract (ent->v->mins, maxs, boxmins); VectorSubtract (ent->v->maxs, mins, boxmaxs); // if (ent->xv->geomtype == GEOMTYPE_CAPSULE && !hitmodel) // model = World_CapsuleForBox(boxmins, boxmaxs); // else World_HullForBox(boxmins, boxmaxs); } w->Get_FrameState(w, ent, &framestate); // trace a line through the apropriate clipping hull if (solid == SOLID_PORTAL) { //solid_portal cares only about origins and as such has no mins/max World_TransformedTrace(model, 0, &framestate, start, end, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, capsule, &trace, eorg, eang, hitcontentsmask); if (trace.startsolid) //portals should not block traces. this prevents infinite looping trace.startsolid = false; hitmodel = false; } else if (solid == SOLID_CORPSE && w->usesolidcorpse) goto scorpse; else if (ent->v->skin < 0) { //if forcedcontents is set, then ALL brushes in this model are forced to the specified contents value. //we achive this by tracing against ALL then forcing it after. int forcedcontents; safeswitch((enum q1contents_e)(int)ent->v->skin) { case Q1CONTENTS_EMPTY: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_EMPTY; break; case Q1CONTENTS_SOLID: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_SOLID; break; case Q1CONTENTS_WATER: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_WATER; break; case Q1CONTENTS_SLIME: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_SLIME; break; case Q1CONTENTS_LAVA: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_LAVA; break; case Q1CONTENTS_SKY: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_SKY; break; case Q1CONTENTS_LADDER: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_LADDER; break; case HLCONTENTS_CLIP: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP|FTECONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP;break; case HLCONTENTS_CURRENT_0: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_WATER|Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_0; break; case HLCONTENTS_CURRENT_90: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_WATER|Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_90; break; case HLCONTENTS_CURRENT_180: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_WATER|Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_180; break; case HLCONTENTS_CURRENT_270: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_WATER|Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_270; break; case HLCONTENTS_CURRENT_UP: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_WATER|Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_UP; break; case HLCONTENTS_CURRENT_DOWN: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_WATER|Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_DOWN; break; case HLCONTENTS_TRANS: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_EMPTY; break; case Q1CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP; break; case Q1CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP; break; case Q1CONTENTS_CORPSE:scorpse: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_CORPSE; break; safedefault: forcedcontents = 0; break; } if (hitcontentsmask & forcedcontents) { World_TransformedTrace(model, hullnum, &framestate, start, end, mins, maxs, capsule, &trace, eorg, eang, ~0u); if (trace.contents) trace.contents = forcedcontents; } else { memset (&trace, 0, sizeof(trace_t)); trace.fraction = trace.truefraction = 1; trace.allsolid = false; trace.startsolid = false; trace.inopen = true; //probably wrong... VectorCopy (end, trace.endpos); } } else World_TransformedTrace(model, hullnum, &framestate, start, end, mins, maxs, capsule, &trace, eorg, eang, hitcontentsmask); // if using hitmodel, we know it hit the bounding box, so try a proper trace now. if (hitmodel && (trace.fraction != 1 || trace.startsolid) && !model) { //okay, we hit the bbox model = w->Get_CModel(w, mdlidx); if (model && model->funcs.NativeTrace && model->loadstate == MLS_LOADED) { //do the second trace, using the actual mesh. World_TransformedTrace(model, hullnum, &framestate, start, end, mins, maxs, capsule, &trace, eorg, eang, hitcontentsmask); } } // did we clip the move? if (trace.fraction < 1 || trace.startsolid || trace.allsolid) trace.ent = ent; return trace; } #ifdef USEAREAGRID /* ================ SV_AreaEdicts ================ */ int World_AreaEdicts (world_t *w, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, wedict_t **list, int maxcount, int areatype) { wedict_t *check; areagridlink_t *start, *l; size_t count = 0; int ming[2], maxg[2], g[2], ga; CALCAREAGRIDBOUNDS(w, mins, maxs); areagridsequence++; //check ents that are just too large first start = &w->jumboarea; for (l=(areagridlink_t*)start->l.next ; l != start ; l = (areagridlink_t*)l->l.next) { check = l->ed; // if (check->gridareasequence == areagridsequence) // continue; check->gridareasequence = areagridsequence; if (areatype != AREA_ALL) { if (check->v->solid == SOLID_NOT) continue; // deactivated if ((check->v->solid == SOLID_TRIGGER||check->v->solid == SOLID_BSPTRIGGER) != (areatype == AREA_TRIGGER)) continue; } if (check->v->absmin[0] > maxs[0] || check->v->absmin[1] > maxs[1] || check->v->absmin[2] > maxs[2] || check->v->absmax[0] < mins[0] || check->v->absmax[1] < mins[1] || check->v->absmax[2] < mins[2]) continue; // not touching if (count == maxcount) { Con_DPrintf ("World_AreaEdicts: MAXCOUNT\n"); return count; } list[count] = check; count++; } //check the actual grid now. for (ga = 0, g[0] = ming[0]; g[0] < maxg[0]; g[0]++) { for ( g[1] = ming[1]; g[1] < maxg[1]; g[1]++, ga++) { start = &w->gridareas[g[0] + g[1]*w->gridsize[0]]; for (l=(areagridlink_t*)start->l.next ; l != start ; l = (areagridlink_t*)l->l.next) { check = l->ed; if (check->gridareasequence == areagridsequence) continue; check->gridareasequence = areagridsequence; if (areatype != AREA_ALL) { if (check->v->solid == SOLID_NOT) continue; // deactivated if ((check->v->solid == SOLID_TRIGGER||check->v->solid == SOLID_BSPTRIGGER) != (areatype == AREA_TRIGGER)) continue; } if (check->v->absmin[0] > maxs[0] || check->v->absmin[1] > maxs[1] || check->v->absmin[2] > maxs[2] || check->v->absmax[0] < mins[0] || check->v->absmax[1] < mins[1] || check->v->absmax[2] < mins[2]) continue; // not touching if (count == maxcount) { Con_Printf ("World_AreaEdicts: MAXCOUNT\n"); return count; } list[count] = check; count++; } } } return count; } #else static float *area_mins, *area_maxs; static wedict_t **area_list; #ifdef Q2SERVER static q2edict_t **area_q2list; #endif static int area_count, area_maxcount; static int area_type; static void World_AreaEdicts_r (areanode_t *node) { link_t *l, *next, *start; wedict_t *check; // touch linked edicts start = &node->edicts; for (l=start->next ; l != start ; l = next) { next = l->next; check = EDICT_FROM_AREA(l); if (check->v->solid == SOLID_NOT) continue; // deactivated /*q2 still has solid/trigger lists, emulate that here*/ if ((check->v->solid == SOLID_TRIGGER||check->v->solid == SOLID_BSPTRIGGER) != (area_type == AREA_TRIGGER)) continue; if (check->v->absmin[0] > area_maxs[0] || check->v->absmin[1] > area_maxs[1] || check->v->absmin[2] > area_maxs[2] || check->v->absmax[0] < area_mins[0] || check->v->absmax[1] < area_mins[1] || check->v->absmax[2] < area_mins[2]) continue; // not touching if (area_count == area_maxcount) { Con_Printf ("SV_AreaEdicts: MAXCOUNT\n"); return; } area_list[area_count] = check; area_count++; } if (node->axis == -1) return; // terminal node // recurse down both sides if ( area_maxs[node->axis] > node->dist ) World_AreaEdicts_r ( node->children[0] ); if ( area_mins[node->axis] < node->dist ) World_AreaEdicts_r ( node->children[1] ); } /* ================ SV_AreaEdicts ================ */ int World_AreaEdicts (world_t *w, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, wedict_t **list, int maxcount, int areatype) { area_mins = mins; area_maxs = maxs; area_list = list; area_count = 0; area_maxcount = maxcount; area_type = areatype; World_AreaEdicts_r (w->areanodes); return area_count; } #endif #ifdef Q2SERVER const float *area_mins, *area_maxs; q2edict_t **area_q2list; int area_count, area_maxcount; int area_type; static void WorldQ2_AreaEdicts_r (areanode_t *node) { link_t *l, *next, *start; q2edict_t *check; // touch linked edicts start = &node->edicts; for (l=start->next ; l != start ; l = next) { if (!l) { int i; World_ClearWorld(&sv.world, false); check = ge->edicts; for (i = 0; i < ge->num_edicts; i++, check = (q2edict_t *)((char *)check + ge->edict_size)) memset(&check->area, 0, sizeof(check->area)); Con_Printf ("SV_AreaEdicts: Bad links\n"); return; } next = l->next; check = Q2EDICT_FROM_AREA(l); if (check->solid == Q2SOLID_NOT) continue; // deactivated /*q2 still has solid/trigger lists, emulate that here*/ if ((check->solid == Q2SOLID_TRIGGER) != (area_type == AREA_TRIGGER)) continue; if (check->absmin[0] > area_maxs[0] || check->absmin[1] > area_maxs[1] || check->absmin[2] > area_maxs[2] || check->absmax[0] < area_mins[0] || check->absmax[1] < area_mins[1] || check->absmax[2] < area_mins[2]) continue; // not touching if (area_count == area_maxcount) { Con_Printf ("SV_AreaEdicts: MAXCOUNT\n"); return; } area_q2list[area_count] = check; area_count++; } if (node->axis == -1) return; // terminal node // recurse down both sides if ( area_maxs[node->axis] > node->dist ) WorldQ2_AreaEdicts_r ( node->children[0] ); if ( area_mins[node->axis] < node->dist ) WorldQ2_AreaEdicts_r ( node->children[1] ); } int VARGS WorldQ2_AreaEdicts (world_t *w, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, q2edict_t **list, int maxcount, int areatype) { area_mins = mins; area_maxs = maxs; area_q2list = list; area_count = 0; area_maxcount = maxcount; area_type = areatype; WorldQ2_AreaEdicts_r (w->areanodes); return area_count; } #endif /* ================ SV_HeadnodeForEntity Returns a headnode that can be used for testing or clipping an object of mins/maxs size. Offset is filled in to contain the adjustment that must be added to the testing object's origin to get a point to use with the returned hull. ================ */ #ifdef Q2SERVER static model_t *WorldQ2_ModelForEntity (world_t *w, q2edict_t *ent) { model_t *model; // decide which clipping hull to use, based on the size if (ent->solid == Q2SOLID_BSP) { // explicit hulls in the BSP model model = w->Get_CModel(w, ent->s.modelindex); if (!model) SV_Error ("Q2SOLID_BSP with a non bsp model"); if (model->loadstate == MLS_LOADED) return model; } // create a temp hull from bounding box sizes return CM_TempBoxModel (ent->mins, ent->maxs); } #endif #ifdef Q2SERVER void WorldQ2_ClipMoveToEntities (world_t *w, moveclip_t *clip ) { int i, num; q2edict_t *touchlist[MAX_Q2EDICTS], *touch; trace_t trace; model_t *model; float *angles; num = WorldQ2_AreaEdicts (w, clip->boxmins, clip->boxmaxs, touchlist , MAX_Q2EDICTS, AREA_SOLID); // be careful, it is possible to have an entity in this // list removed before we get to it (killtriggered) for (i=0 ; i<num ; i++) { touch = touchlist[i]; if (touch->solid == Q2SOLID_NOT) continue; if (touch == clip->q2passedict) continue; if (clip->trace.allsolid) return; if (clip->q2passedict) { if (touch->owner == clip->q2passedict) continue; // don't clip against own missiles if (clip->q2passedict->owner == touch) continue; // don't clip against owner } if (touch->svflags & SVF_DEADMONSTER) if ( !(clip->hitcontentsmask & Q2CONTENTS_DEADMONSTER)) continue; // might intersect, so do an exact clip model = WorldQ2_ModelForEntity (w, touch); angles = touch->s.angles; if (touch->solid != Q2SOLID_BSP) angles = vec3_origin; // boxes don't rotate if (touch->svflags & SVF_MONSTER) World_TransformedTrace (model, 0, NULL, clip->start, clip->end, clip->mins2, clip->maxs2, false, &trace, touch->s.origin, angles, clip->hitcontentsmask); else World_TransformedTrace (model, 0, NULL, clip->start, clip->end, clip->mins, clip->maxs, false, &trace, touch->s.origin, angles, clip->hitcontentsmask); if (trace.allsolid || trace.startsolid || trace.fraction < clip->trace.fraction) { trace.ent = (edict_t *)touch; if (clip->trace.startsolid) { clip->trace = trace; clip->trace.startsolid = true; } else clip->trace = trace; } else if (trace.startsolid) clip->trace.startsolid = true; } #undef ped } #endif //=========================================================================== //a portal is flush with a world surface behind it. //this causes problems. namely that we can't pass through the portal plane if the bsp behind it prevents out origin from getting through. //so if the trace was clipped and ended infront of the portal, continue the trace to the edges of the portal cutout instead. void World_PortalCSG(wedict_t *portal, float *trmin, float *trmax, vec3_t start, vec3_t end, trace_t *trace) { vec4_t planes[6]; //far, near, right, left, up, down int plane; vec3_t worldpos; float bestfrac; int hitplane; float portalradius = portal->v->impulse; //only run this code if we impacted on the portal's parent. if (trace->fraction == 1 && !trace->startsolid) return; if (!portalradius) return; if (trace->startsolid) VectorCopy(start, worldpos); //make sure we use a sane valid position. else VectorCopy(trace->endpos, worldpos); //determine the csg area. normals should be facing in AngleVectors(portal->v->angles, planes[1], planes[3], planes[5]); VectorNegate(planes[1], planes[0]); VectorNegate(planes[3], planes[2]); VectorNegate(planes[5], planes[4]); portalradius/=2; planes[0][3] = DotProduct(portal->v->origin, planes[0]) - (4.0/32); planes[1][3] = DotProduct(portal->v->origin, planes[1]) - (4.0/32); //an epsilon beyond the portal planes[2][3] = DotProduct(portal->v->origin, planes[2]) - portalradius; planes[3][3] = DotProduct(portal->v->origin, planes[3]) - portalradius; planes[4][3] = DotProduct(portal->v->origin, planes[4]) - portalradius; planes[5][3] = DotProduct(portal->v->origin, planes[5]) - portalradius; //if we're actually inside the csg region for (plane = 0; plane < 6; plane++) { vec3_t nearest; float d = DotProduct(worldpos, planes[plane]); int k; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) nearest[k] = (planes[plane][k]>=0)?trmax[k]:trmin[k]; if (!plane) //front plane gets further away with side planes[plane][3] -= DotProduct(nearest, planes[plane]); else if (plane>1) //side planes get nearer with size planes[plane][3] += 24;//DotProduct(nearest, planes[plane]); if (d - planes[plane][3] >= 0) continue; //endpos is inside else return; //end is already outside } //yup, we're inside, the trace shouldn't end where it actually did bestfrac = 1; hitplane = -1; for (plane = 0; plane < 6; plane++) { float ds = DotProduct(start, planes[plane]) - planes[plane][3]; float de = DotProduct(end, planes[plane]) - planes[plane][3]; float frac; if (ds >= 0 && de < 0) { frac = (ds) / (ds - de); if (frac < bestfrac) { if (frac < 0) frac = 0; bestfrac = frac; hitplane = plane; } } } trace->startsolid = trace->allsolid = false; //if we cross the front of the portal, don't shorten the trace, that will artificially clip us if (hitplane == 0 && trace->fraction > bestfrac) return; //okay, elongate to clip to the portal hole properly. trace->fraction = bestfrac; VectorInterpolate(start, bestfrac, end, trace->endpos); if (hitplane >= 0) { VectorCopy(planes[hitplane], trace->plane.normal); trace->plane.dist = planes[hitplane][3]; if (hitplane == 1) trace->ent = portal; } } /* ==================== SV_ClipToEverything like SV_ClipToLinks, but doesn't use the links part. This can be used for checking triggers, solid entities, not-solid entities. Sounds pointless, I know. ==================== */ static void World_ClipToEverything (world_t *w, moveclip_t *clip) { int e; trace_t trace; wedict_t *touch; for (e=1 ; e<w->num_edicts ; e++) { touch = (wedict_t*)EDICT_NUM_PB(w->progs, e); if (ED_ISFREE(touch)) continue; if (touch->v->solid == SOLID_NOT && !((int)touch->v->flags & FL_FINDABLE_NONSOLID)) continue; if ((touch->v->solid == SOLID_TRIGGER||touch->v->solid == SOLID_BSPTRIGGER) && !((int)touch->v->flags & FL_FINDABLE_NONSOLID)) continue; if (touch == clip->passedict) continue; if (clip->type & MOVE_NOMONSTERS && touch->v->solid != SOLID_BSP) continue; if (clip->passedict) { if (w->usesolidcorpse) { // don't clip corpse against character if (clip->passedict->v->solid == SOLID_CORPSE && (touch->v->solid == SOLID_SLIDEBOX || touch->v->solid == SOLID_CORPSE)) continue; // don't clip character against corpse if (clip->passedict->v->solid == SOLID_SLIDEBOX && touch->v->solid == SOLID_CORPSE) continue; } if (!((int)clip->passedict->xv->dimension_hit & (int)touch->xv->dimension_solid)) continue; } if (clip->boxmins[0] > touch->v->absmax[0] || clip->boxmins[1] > touch->v->absmax[1] || clip->boxmins[2] > touch->v->absmax[2] || clip->boxmaxs[0] < touch->v->absmin[0] || clip->boxmaxs[1] < touch->v->absmin[1] || clip->boxmaxs[2] < touch->v->absmin[2] ) continue; if (clip->passedict && clip->passedict->v->size[0] && !touch->v->size[0]) continue; // points never interact // might intersect, so do an exact clip // if (clip->trace.allsolid) // return; if (clip->passedict) { if ((wedict_t*)PROG_TO_EDICT(w->progs, touch->v->owner) == clip->passedict) continue; // don't clip against own missiles if ((wedict_t*)PROG_TO_EDICT(w->progs, clip->passedict->v->owner) == touch) continue; // don't clip against owner } if (touch->v->solid == SOLID_PORTAL) { //make sure we don't hit the world if we're inside the portal World_PortalCSG(touch, clip->mins, clip->maxs, clip->start, clip->end, &clip->trace); } if ((int)touch->v->flags & FL_MONSTER) trace = World_ClipMoveToEntity (w, touch, touch->v->origin, touch->v->angles, clip->start, clip->mins2, clip->maxs2, clip->end, clip->hullnum, clip->type & MOVE_HITMODEL, clip->capsule, clip->hitcontentsmask); else trace = World_ClipMoveToEntity (w, touch, touch->v->origin, touch->v->angles, clip->start, clip->mins, clip->maxs, clip->end, clip->hullnum, clip->type & MOVE_HITMODEL, clip->capsule, clip->hitcontentsmask); if (trace.fraction < clip->trace.fraction) { //trace traveled less, but don't forget if we started in a solid. trace.startsolid |= clip->trace.startsolid; trace.allsolid |= clip->trace.allsolid; if (clip->type & MOVE_ENTCHAIN) { touch->v->chain = EDICT_TO_PROG(w->progs, clip->trace.ent?clip->trace.ent:w->edicts); clip->trace.ent = touch; } else { if (clip->trace.startsolid && !trace.startsolid) trace.ent = clip->trace.ent; //something else hit earlier, that one gets the trace entity, but not the fraction. yeah, combining traces like this was always going to be weird. else trace.ent = touch; clip->trace = trace; } } else if (trace.startsolid || trace.allsolid) { //even if the trace traveled less, we still care if it was in a solid. clip->trace.startsolid |= trace.startsolid; clip->trace.allsolid |= trace.allsolid; clip->trace.contents |= trace.contents; if (!clip->trace.ent || trace.fraction == clip->trace.fraction) //xonotic requires that second test (DP has no check at all, which would end up reporting mismatched fraction/ent results, so yuck). { clip->trace.ent = touch; } } } } #ifdef USEAREAGRID void World_TouchAllLinks (world_t *w, wedict_t *ent) { wedict_t *touchedicts[2048], *touch; int num, solid; num = World_AreaEdicts(w, ent->v->absmin, ent->v->absmax, touchedicts, countof(touchedicts), AREA_TRIGGER); while (num-- > 0) { touch = touchedicts[num]; //make sure nothing moved it away if (ED_ISFREE(touch)) continue; solid =touch->v->solid; if (!touch->v->touch || (solid!= SOLID_TRIGGER && solid!= SOLID_BSPTRIGGER)) continue; if (touch == ent) continue; if (ent->v->absmin[0] > touch->v->absmax[0] || ent->v->absmin[1] > touch->v->absmax[1] || ent->v->absmin[2] > touch->v->absmax[2] || ent->v->absmax[0] < touch->v->absmin[0] || ent->v->absmax[1] < touch->v->absmin[1] || ent->v->absmax[2] < touch->v->absmin[2] ) continue; if (!((int)ent->xv->dimension_solid & (int)touch->xv->dimension_hit)) //didn't change did it?... continue; if (solid == SOLID_BSPTRIGGER) { if (!World_ClipMoveToEntity(w, touch, touch->v->origin, touch->v->angles, ent->v->origin, ent->v->mins, ent->v->maxs, ent->v->origin, 0, false, (ent->xv->geomtype == GEOMTYPE_CAPSULE), MASK_WORLDSOLID).startsolid) continue; } w->Event_Touch(w, touch, ent, NULL); if (ED_ISFREE(ent)) break; } } void World_UnlinkEdict (wedict_t *ent) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < countof(ent->gridareas); i++) { if (!ent->gridareas[i].l.prev) return; // not linked in anywhere RemoveLink (&ent->gridareas[i].l); ent->gridareas[i].l.prev = ent->gridareas[i].l.next = NULL; } } static void World_ClipToLinks (world_t *w, areagridlink_t *node, moveclip_t *clip) { link_t *l, *next; wedict_t *touch; trace_t trace; // touch linked edicts for (l = node->l.next ; l != &node->l ; l = next) { next = l->next; touch = ((areagridlink_t*)l)->ed; if (touch->gridareasequence == areagridsequence) continue; touch->gridareasequence = areagridsequence; if (touch->v->solid == SOLID_NOT) continue; if (touch == clip->passedict) continue; /*if its a trigger, we only clip against it if the flags are aligned*/ if (SOLID_ISTRIGGER(touch->v->solid)) { if (!(clip->type & MOVE_TRIGGERS)) continue; if (!((int)touch->v->flags & FL_FINDABLE_NONSOLID)) continue; } if (clip->type & MOVE_LAGGED) { //can't touch lagged ents - we do an explicit test for them later. if (touch->entnum-1 < w->maxlagents) if (w->lagents[touch->entnum-1].present) continue; } if ((clip->type & MOVE_NOMONSTERS) && (touch->v->solid != SOLID_BSP && touch->v->solid != SOLID_PORTAL)) continue; if (clip->passedict) { if (w->usesolidcorpse) { #if 1 // if (!(clip->hitcontentsmask & ((touch->v->solid == SOLID_CORPSE)?FTECONTENTS_CORPSE:FTECONTENTS_BODY))) // continue; #else // don't clip corpse against character if (clip->passedict->v->solid == SOLID_CORPSE && (touch->v->solid == SOLID_SLIDEBOX || touch->v->solid == SOLID_CORPSE)) continue; // don't clip character against corpse if (clip->passedict->v->solid == SOLID_SLIDEBOX && touch->v->solid == SOLID_CORPSE) continue; #endif } if (!((int)clip->passedict->xv->dimension_hit & (int)touch->xv->dimension_solid)) continue; } if (clip->boxmins[0] > touch->v->absmax[0] || clip->boxmins[1] > touch->v->absmax[1] || clip->boxmins[2] > touch->v->absmax[2] || clip->boxmaxs[0] < touch->v->absmin[0] || clip->boxmaxs[1] < touch->v->absmin[1] || clip->boxmaxs[2] < touch->v->absmin[2] ) continue; if (clip->passedict && clip->passedict->v->size[0] && !touch->v->size[0]) continue; // points never interact // might intersect, so do an exact clip // if (clip->trace.allsolid) // return; if (clip->passedict) { if ((wedict_t*)PROG_TO_EDICT(w->progs, touch->v->owner) == clip->passedict) continue; // don't clip against own missiles if ((wedict_t*)PROG_TO_EDICT(w->progs, clip->passedict->v->owner) == touch) continue; // don't clip against owner } if (touch->v->solid == SOLID_PORTAL) { //make sure we don't hit the world if we're inside the portal World_PortalCSG(touch, clip->mins, clip->maxs, clip->start, clip->end, &clip->trace); } if ((int)touch->v->flags & FL_MONSTER) trace = World_ClipMoveToEntity (w, touch, touch->v->origin, touch->v->angles, clip->start, clip->mins2, clip->maxs2, clip->end, clip->hullnum, clip->type & MOVE_HITMODEL, clip->capsule, clip->hitcontentsmask); else trace = World_ClipMoveToEntity (w, touch, touch->v->origin, touch->v->angles, clip->start, clip->mins, clip->maxs, clip->end, clip->hullnum, clip->type & MOVE_HITMODEL, clip->capsule, clip->hitcontentsmask); if (trace.fraction < clip->trace.fraction) { //trace traveled less, but don't forget if we started in a solid. trace.startsolid |= clip->trace.startsolid; trace.allsolid |= clip->trace.allsolid; if (clip->type & MOVE_ENTCHAIN) { touch->v->chain = EDICT_TO_PROG(w->progs, clip->trace.ent?clip->trace.ent:w->edicts); clip->trace.ent = touch; } else { if (clip->trace.startsolid && !trace.startsolid) trace.ent = clip->trace.ent; //something else hit earlier, that one gets the trace entity, but not the fraction. yeah, combining traces like this was always going to be weird. else trace.ent = touch; clip->trace = trace; } } else if (trace.startsolid || trace.allsolid) { //even if the trace traveled less, we still care if it was in a solid. clip->trace.startsolid |= trace.startsolid; clip->trace.allsolid |= trace.allsolid; clip->trace.contents |= trace.contents; if (!clip->trace.ent || trace.fraction == clip->trace.fraction) //xonotic requires that second test (DP has no check at all, which would end up reporting mismatched fraction/ent results, so yuck). { clip->trace.ent = touch; } } } } static void World_ClipToAllLinks (world_t *w, moveclip_t *clip) { int ming[2], maxg[2], g[2]; areagridsequence++; World_ClipToLinks(w, &w->jumboarea, clip); CALCAREAGRIDBOUNDS(w, clip->boxmins, clip->boxmaxs); for ( g[0] = ming[0]; g[0] < maxg[0]; g[0]++) for (g[1] = ming[1]; g[1] < maxg[1]; g[1]++) { World_ClipToLinks(w, &w->gridareas[g[0] + g[1]*w->gridsize[0]], clip); } } static unsigned int World_ContentsOfLinks (world_t *w, areagridlink_t *node, vec3_t pos) { link_t *l, *next; wedict_t *touch; model_t *model; int mdlidx; vec3_t pos_l, axis[3]; unsigned int ret = 0, c; // touch linked edicts for (l = node->l.next ; l != &node->l ; l = next) { next = l->next; touch = ((areagridlink_t*)l)->ed; if (touch->gridareasequence == areagridsequence) continue; touch->gridareasequence = areagridsequence; if (touch->v->solid != SOLID_BSP) continue; if ( pos[0] > touch->v->absmax[0] || pos[1] > touch->v->absmax[1] || pos[2] > touch->v->absmax[2] || pos[0] < touch->v->absmin[0] || pos[1] < touch->v->absmin[1] || pos[2] < touch->v->absmin[2] ) continue; // if (touch->v->solid == SOLID_PORTAL) // //FIXME: recurse! mdlidx = touch->v->modelindex; if (!mdlidx) continue; model = w->Get_CModel(w, mdlidx); if (!model || (model->type != mod_brush && model->type != mod_heightmap) || model->loadstate != MLS_LOADED) continue; VectorSubtract (pos, touch->v->origin, pos_l); if (touch->v->angles[0] || touch->v->angles[1] || touch->v->angles[2]) { AngleVectors (touch->v->angles, axis[0], axis[1], axis[2]); VectorNegate(axis[1], axis[1]); c = model->funcs.PointContents(model, axis, pos_l); } else c = model->funcs.PointContents(model, NULL, pos_l); if (c && touch->v->skin < 0) { //if forcedcontents is set, then ALL brushes in this model are forced to the specified contents value. //we achive this by tracing against ALL then forcing it after. unsigned int forcedcontents; safeswitch((enum q1contents_e)(int)touch->v->skin) { case Q1CONTENTS_EMPTY: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_EMPTY; break; case Q1CONTENTS_SOLID: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_SOLID; break; case Q1CONTENTS_WATER: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_WATER; break; case Q1CONTENTS_SLIME: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_SLIME; break; case Q1CONTENTS_LAVA: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_LAVA; break; case Q1CONTENTS_SKY: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_SKY; break; case HLCONTENTS_CLIP: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP|FTECONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP; break; case HLCONTENTS_CURRENT_0: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_WATER|Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_0; break; case HLCONTENTS_CURRENT_90: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_WATER|Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_90; break; case HLCONTENTS_CURRENT_180: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_WATER|Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_180; break; case HLCONTENTS_CURRENT_270: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_WATER|Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_270; break; case HLCONTENTS_CURRENT_UP: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_WATER|Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_UP; break; case HLCONTENTS_CURRENT_DOWN: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_WATER|Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_DOWN; break; case HLCONTENTS_TRANS: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_EMPTY; break; case Q1CONTENTS_LADDER: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_LADDER; break; case Q1CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP; break; case Q1CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP; break; case Q1CONTENTS_CORPSE: forcedcontents = FTECONTENTS_CORPSE; break; safedefault: forcedcontents = 0; break; } c = forcedcontents; } ret |= c; } return ret; } static unsigned int World_ContentsOfAllLinks (world_t *w, vec3_t pos) { int ming[2], maxg[2], g[2]; unsigned int ret; areagridsequence++; ret = World_ContentsOfLinks(w, &w->jumboarea, pos); CALCAREAGRIDBOUNDS(w, pos, pos); for ( g[0] = ming[0]; g[0] < maxg[0]; g[0]++) for (g[1] = ming[1]; g[1] < maxg[1]; g[1]++) { ret |= World_ContentsOfLinks(w, &w->gridareas[g[0] + g[1]*w->gridsize[0]], pos); } return ret; } #else /* ==================== SV_ClipToLinks Mins and maxs enclose the entire area swept by the move ==================== */ static void World_ClipToLinks (world_t *w, areanode_t *node, moveclip_t *clip) { link_t *l, *next; wedict_t *touch; trace_t trace; // touch linked edicts for (l = node->edicts.next ; l != &node->edicts ; l = next) { next = l->next; touch = EDICT_FROM_AREA(l); if (touch->v->solid == SOLID_NOT) continue; if (touch == clip->passedict) continue; /*if its a trigger, we only clip against it if the flags are aligned*/ if (SOLID_ISTRIGGER(touch->v->solid)) { if (!(clip->type & MOVE_TRIGGERS)) continue; if (!((int)touch->v->flags & FL_FINDABLE_NONSOLID)) continue; } if (clip->type & MOVE_LAGGED) { //can't touch lagged ents - we do an explicit test for them later. if (touch->entnum-1 < w->maxlagents) if (w->lagents[touch->entnum-1].present) continue; } if ((clip->type & MOVE_NOMONSTERS) && (touch->v->solid != SOLID_BSP && touch->v->solid != SOLID_PORTAL)) continue; if (clip->passedict) { if (w->usesolidcorpse) { #if 1 // if (!(clip->hitcontentsmask & ((touch->v->solid == SOLID_CORPSE)?FTECONTENTS_CORPSE:FTECONTENTS_BODY))) // continue; #else // don't clip corpse against character if (clip->passedict->v->solid == SOLID_CORPSE && (touch->v->solid == SOLID_SLIDEBOX || touch->v->solid == SOLID_CORPSE)) continue; // don't clip character against corpse if (clip->passedict->v->solid == SOLID_SLIDEBOX && touch->v->solid == SOLID_CORPSE) continue; #endif } if (!((int)clip->passedict->xv->dimension_hit & (int)touch->xv->dimension_solid)) continue; } if (clip->boxmins[0] > touch->v->absmax[0] || clip->boxmins[1] > touch->v->absmax[1] || clip->boxmins[2] > touch->v->absmax[2] || clip->boxmaxs[0] < touch->v->absmin[0] || clip->boxmaxs[1] < touch->v->absmin[1] || clip->boxmaxs[2] < touch->v->absmin[2] ) continue; if (clip->passedict && clip->passedict->v->size[0] && !touch->v->size[0]) continue; // points never interact // might intersect, so do an exact clip // if (clip->trace.allsolid) // return; if (clip->passedict) { if ((wedict_t*)PROG_TO_EDICT(w->progs, touch->v->owner) == clip->passedict) continue; // don't clip against own missiles if ((wedict_t*)PROG_TO_EDICT(w->progs, clip->passedict->v->owner) == touch) continue; // don't clip against owner } if (touch->v->solid == SOLID_PORTAL) { //make sure we don't hit the world if we're inside the portal World_PortalCSG(touch, clip->mins, clip->maxs, clip->start, clip->end, &clip->trace); } if ((int)touch->v->flags & FL_MONSTER) trace = World_ClipMoveToEntity (w, touch, touch->v->origin, touch->v->angles, clip->start, clip->mins2, clip->maxs2, clip->end, clip->hullnum, clip->type & MOVE_HITMODEL, clip->capsule, clip->hitcontentsmask); else trace = World_ClipMoveToEntity (w, touch, touch->v->origin, touch->v->angles, clip->start, clip->mins, clip->maxs, clip->end, clip->hullnum, clip->type & MOVE_HITMODEL, clip->capsule, clip->hitcontentsmask); if (trace.fraction < clip->trace.fraction) { //trace traveled less, but don't forget if we started in a solid. trace.startsolid |= clip->trace.startsolid; trace.allsolid |= clip->trace.allsolid; if (clip->type & MOVE_ENTCHAIN) { touch->v->chain = EDICT_TO_PROG(w->progs, clip->trace.ent?clip->trace.ent:w->edicts); clip->trace.ent = touch; } else { if (clip->trace.startsolid && !trace.startsolid) trace.ent = clip->trace.ent; //something else hit earlier, that one gets the trace entity, but not the fraction. yeah, combining traces like this was always going to be weird. else trace.ent = touch; clip->trace = trace; } } else if (trace.startsolid || trace.allsolid) { //even if the trace traveled less, we still care if it was in a solid. clip->trace.startsolid |= trace.startsolid; clip->trace.allsolid |= trace.allsolid; clip->trace.contents |= trace.contents; if (!clip->trace.ent) { clip->trace.ent = touch; } } } // recurse down both sides if (node->axis == -1) return; if ( clip->boxmaxs[node->axis] > node->dist ) World_ClipToLinks (w, node->children[0], clip ); if ( clip->boxmins[node->axis] < node->dist ) World_ClipToLinks (w, node->children[1], clip ); } static unsigned int World_ContentsOfLinks (world_t *w, areanode_t *node, vec3_t pos) { unsigned int c = 0; link_t *l, *next; wedict_t *touch; trace_t trace; // touch linked edicts for (l = node->edicts.next ; l != &node->edicts ; l = next) { next = l->next; touch = EDICT_FROM_AREA(l); if (touch->v->solid == SOLID_NOT) continue; /*if its a trigger, we only clip against it if the flags are aligned*/ if (touch->v->solid == SOLID_TRIGGER||touch->v->solid == SOLID_BSPTRIGGER) continue; if (pos[0] > touch->v->absmax[0] || pos[1] > touch->v->absmax[1] || pos[2] > touch->v->absmax[2] || pos[0] < touch->v->absmin[0] || pos[1] < touch->v->absmin[1] || pos[2] < touch->v->absmin[2] ) continue; /*if (touch->v->solid == SOLID_PORTAL) { //make sure we don't hit the world if we're inside the portal World_PortalCSG(touch, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, pos, pos, &clip->trace); }*/ trace = World_ClipMoveToEntity (w, touch, touch->v->origin, touch->v->angles, pos, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, pos, 0, false, false, ~0u); if (trace.startsolid) c |= trace.contents; } // recurse down both sides if (node->axis == -1) return c; if ( pos[node->axis] > node->dist ) c |= World_ContentsOfLinks (w, node->children[0], pos ); if ( pos[node->axis] < node->dist ) c |= World_ContentsOfLinks (w, node->children[1], pos ); return c; } static unsigned int World_ContentsOfAllLinks (world_t *w, vec3_t pos) { return World_ContentsOfLinks(w, w->areanodes, pos); } #endif #if defined(HAVE_CLIENT) && defined(CSQC_DAT) //The logic of this function is seriously handicapped vs the other types of trace we could be doing. static void World_ClipToNetwork (world_t *w, moveclip_t *clip) { int i; packet_entities_t *pe = cl.currentpackentities; entity_state_t *touch; unsigned int touchcontents; model_t *model; vec3_t bmins, bmaxs; float *ang; trace_t trace; static framestate_t framestate; //meh int skip; if ((clip->type & MOVE_ENTCHAIN) || !pe) return; //lets say that ssqc ents are in dimension 0x1, as far as the csqc can see. if (clip->passedict) { if (!((int)clip->passedict->xv->dimension_hit & 1)) return; skip = ((csqcedict_t*)clip->passedict)->xv->entnum; } else skip = 0; for (i = 0; i < pe->num_entities; i++) { touch = &pe->entities[i]; if (touch->number == skip) continue; //can happen with deltalisten or certain evil hacks. if (touch->solidsize == ES_SOLID_BSP) { if (touch->modelindex <= 0 || touch->modelindex >= MAX_PRECACHE_MODELS) continue; //erk model = cl.model_precache[touch->modelindex]; if (!model || model->loadstate != MLS_LOADED || !model->funcs.NativeTrace) continue; VectorCopy(model->mins, bmins); VectorCopy(model->maxs, bmaxs); ang = touch->angles; if (ang[0] || ang[1] || ang[2]) { //expand the size to deal with rotations. lazy method. int i; float v; float max = 0; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { v = fabs( bmins[i]); if (v > max) max = v; v = fabs( bmaxs[i]); if (v > max) max = v; } VectorSet(bmins, -max,-max,-max); VectorSet(bmaxs, max, max, max); } safeswitch((enum q1contents_e)touch->skinnum) { case Q1CONTENTS_EMPTY: touchcontents = 0; break; case Q1CONTENTS_SOLID: touchcontents = FTECONTENTS_SOLID; break; case Q1CONTENTS_WATER: touchcontents = FTECONTENTS_WATER; break; case Q1CONTENTS_SLIME: touchcontents = FTECONTENTS_SLIME; break; case Q1CONTENTS_LAVA: touchcontents = FTECONTENTS_LAVA; break; case Q1CONTENTS_SKY: touchcontents = FTECONTENTS_SKY; break; case HLCONTENTS_CLIP: touchcontents = FTECONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP|FTECONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP; break; case HLCONTENTS_CURRENT_0: touchcontents = FTECONTENTS_WATER|Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_0; break; case HLCONTENTS_CURRENT_90: touchcontents = FTECONTENTS_WATER|Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_90; break; case HLCONTENTS_CURRENT_180: touchcontents = FTECONTENTS_WATER|Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_180; break; case HLCONTENTS_CURRENT_270: touchcontents = FTECONTENTS_WATER|Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_270; break; case HLCONTENTS_CURRENT_UP: touchcontents = FTECONTENTS_WATER|Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_UP; break; case HLCONTENTS_CURRENT_DOWN: touchcontents = FTECONTENTS_WATER|Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_DOWN; break; case HLCONTENTS_TRANS: touchcontents = FTECONTENTS_EMPTY; break; case Q1CONTENTS_LADDER: touchcontents = FTECONTENTS_LADDER; break; case Q1CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP: touchcontents = FTECONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP; break; case Q1CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP: touchcontents = FTECONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP; break; case Q1CONTENTS_CORPSE: touchcontents = FTECONTENTS_CORPSE; break; safedefault: touchcontents = ~0; break; //could be anything... :( } } #if 1 else continue; //only hit brush ents. #else else if (touch->solidsize == ES_SOLID_NOT) continue; else { if (clip->type & MOVE_NOMONSTERS) continue; touchcontents = FTECONTENTS_BODY; model = NULL; COM_DecodeSize(touch->solidsize, bmins, bmaxs); World_HullForBox(bmins, bmaxs); ang = vec3_origin; } #endif if (!(clip->hitcontentsmask & touchcontents)) continue; if ( clip->boxmins[0] > touch->origin[0]+bmaxs[0] || clip->boxmins[1] > touch->origin[1]+bmaxs[1] || clip->boxmins[2] > touch->origin[2]+bmaxs[2] || clip->boxmaxs[0] < touch->origin[0]+bmins[0] || clip->boxmaxs[1] < touch->origin[1]+bmins[1] || clip->boxmaxs[2] < touch->origin[2]+bmins[2] ) continue; framestate.g[FS_REG].frame[0] = touch->frame; framestate.g[FS_REG].lerpweight[0] = 1; if (World_TransformedTrace(model, 0, &framestate, clip->start, clip->end, clip->mins, clip->maxs, clip->capsule, &trace, touch->origin, ang, clip->hitcontentsmask)) { // if using hitmodel, we know it hit the bounding box, so try a proper trace now. /*if (clip->type & MOVE_HITMODEL && (trace.fraction != 1 || trace.startsolid) && !model) { //okay, we hit the bbox model = w->Get_CModel(w, mdlidx); if (model && model->funcs.NativeTrace && model->loadstate == MLS_LOADED) { //do the second trace, using the actual mesh. World_TransformedTrace(model, hullnum, &framestate, start, end, mins, maxs, capsule, &trace, eorg, vec3_origin, hitcontentsmask); } }*/ } if (touchcontents != ~0) trace.contents = touchcontents; if (trace.fraction < clip->trace.fraction) { //trace traveled less, but don't forget if we started in a solid. trace.startsolid |= clip->trace.startsolid; trace.allsolid |= clip->trace.allsolid; if (clip->trace.startsolid && !trace.startsolid) trace.ent = clip->trace.ent; //something else hit earlier, that one gets the trace entity, but not the fraction. yeah, combining traces like this was always going to be weird. else { trace.ent = w->edicts; //misreport world trace.entnum = touch->number; //with an ssqc ent number } clip->trace = trace; } else if (trace.startsolid || trace.allsolid) { //even if the trace traveled less, we still care if it was in a solid. clip->trace.startsolid |= trace.startsolid; clip->trace.allsolid |= trace.allsolid; if (!clip->trace.ent || trace.fraction == clip->trace.fraction) //xonotic requires that second test (DP has no check at all, which would end up reporting mismatched fraction/ent results, so yuck). { clip->trace.contents = trace.contents; clip->trace.ent = w->edicts; //misreport world clip->trace.entnum = touch->number; //with an ssqc ent number } } } } #endif /* ================== SV_MoveBounds ================== */ static void World_MoveBounds (vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t end, vec3_t boxmins, vec3_t boxmaxs) { #if 0 // debug to test against everything boxmins[0] = boxmins[1] = boxmins[2] = -9999; boxmaxs[0] = boxmaxs[1] = boxmaxs[2] = 9999; #else int i; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { if (end[i] > start[i]) { boxmins[i] = start[i] + mins[i] - 1; boxmaxs[i] = end[i] + maxs[i] + 1; } else { boxmins[i] = end[i] + mins[i] - 1; boxmaxs[i] = start[i] + maxs[i] + 1; } } #endif } #if !defined(CLIENTONLY) qboolean SV_AntiKnockBack(world_t *w, client_t *client) { int seq = client->netchan.incoming_acknowledged; //our outgoing sequence that was last acked (in qw, this matches the last known-good input frame) client_frame_t *frame; edict_t *ent = client->edict; if (client->protocol != SCP_QUAKEWORLD || !client->frameunion.frames || !ent) return false; //FIXME: support nq protocols too //reload player state from the journal (the input frame should already have been applied) frame = &client->frameunion.frames[seq&UPDATE_MASK]; VectorCopy(frame->pmorigin, pmove.origin); VectorCopy(frame->pmvelocity, pmove.velocity); pmove.pm_type = frame->pmtype; pmove.onground = true;//FIXME pmove.jump_held = frame->pmjumpheld; pmove.waterjumptime = frame->pmwaterjumptime; pmove.onladder = frame->pmonladder; //stuff not regenerated properly, shouldn't really be changing much or not very significant. pmove.world = w; VectorCopy(ent->v->mins, pmove.player_mins); VectorCopy(ent->v->maxs, pmove.player_maxs); pmove.capsule = (ent->xv->geomtype == GEOMTYPE_CAPSULE); if (ent->xv->gravitydir[2] || ent->xv->gravitydir[1] || ent->xv->gravitydir[0]) VectorCopy(ent->xv->gravitydir, pmove.gravitydir); else VectorCopy(w->g.defaultgravitydir, pmove.gravitydir); //FIXME VectorCopy(ent->v->oldorigin, pmove.safeorigin); pmove.safeorigin_known = false; pmove.jump_msec = 0; VectorClear(pmove.basevelocity); //and apply each more recent frame while (++seq <= client->netchan.incoming_sequence) { if (frame->sequence != seq) continue; //FIXME: lost pmove.cmd = frame->cmd; // pmove.angles; // pmove.numphysent/physents; PM_PlayerMove(sv.gamespeed); } return true; } #endif /* ================== SV_Move ================== */ trace_t World_Move (world_t *w, vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t end, int type, wedict_t *passedict) { moveclip_t clip; int i; int hullnum; memset ( &clip, 0, sizeof ( moveclip_t ) ); if (passedict->xv->hull && !(type & MOVE_IGNOREHULL)) hullnum = passedict->xv->hull; #ifdef CLIENTONLY else hullnum = 0; #else else if (sv_compatiblehulls.value) hullnum = 0; else { int diff; int best; hullnum = 0; best = 8192; //x/y pos/neg are assumed to be the same magnitute. //z pos/height are assumed to be different from all the others. for (i = 0; i < MAX_MAP_HULLSM; i++) { if (!w->worldmodel->hulls[i].available) continue; #define sq(x) ((x)*(x)) diff = sq(w->worldmodel->hulls[i].clip_maxs[2] - maxs[2]) + sq(w->worldmodel->hulls[i].clip_mins[2] - mins[2]) + sq(w->worldmodel->hulls[i].clip_maxs[1] - maxs[1]) + sq(w->worldmodel->hulls[i].clip_mins[0] - mins[0]); if (diff < best) { best = diff; hullnum=i; } } hullnum++; } #endif #if !defined(CLIENTONLY) //figure out where the firing player was, and re-run their input frames to calculate their position without any velocity/knockback changes. //then update the start position to compensate. if ((clip.type & MOVE_LAGGED) && w == &sv.world && passedict->entnum && passedict->entnum <= sv.allocated_client_slots && sv_antilag.ival==3) { vec3_t nudge; if (SV_AntiKnockBack(w, &svs.clients[passedict->entnum-1])) { VectorSubtract(pmove.origin, passedict->v->origin, nudge); VectorAdd(start, nudge, start); VectorAdd(end, nudge, end); } } #endif if (passedict->xv->hitcontentsmaski) clip.hitcontentsmask = passedict->xv->hitcontentsmaski; #ifdef HAVE_LEGACY else if (passedict->xv->dphitcontentsmask) { unsigned int nm=0, fl = passedict->xv->dphitcontentsmask; if (fl & DPCONTENTS_SOLID) nm |= FTECONTENTS_SOLID; if (fl & DPCONTENTS_WATER) nm |= FTECONTENTS_WATER; if (fl & DPCONTENTS_SLIME) nm |= FTECONTENTS_SLIME; if (fl & DPCONTENTS_LAVA) nm |= FTECONTENTS_LAVA; if (fl & DPCONTENTS_SKY) nm |= FTECONTENTS_SKY; if (fl & DPCONTENTS_BODY) nm |= FTECONTENTS_BODY; if (fl & DPCONTENTS_CORPSE) nm |= FTECONTENTS_CORPSE; if (fl & DPCONTENTS_NODROP) nm |= Q3CONTENTS_NODROP; if (fl & DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP) nm |= FTECONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP; if (fl & DPCONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP) nm |= FTECONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP; if (fl & DPCONTENTS_DONOTENTER) nm |= Q3CONTENTS_DONOTENTER; if (fl & DPCONTENTS_BOTCLIP) nm |= Q3CONTENTS_BOTCLIP; // if (fl & DPCONTENTS_OPAQUE) // nm |= DPCONTENTS_OPAQUE; clip.hitcontentsmask = nm; } #endif /*#ifdef HAVE_LEGACY else if (passedict->xv->hitcontentsmask) clip.hitcontentsmask = passedict->xv->hitcontentsmask; #endif*/ else if (passedict->v->solid == SOLID_SLIDEBOX) { if ((int)passedict->v->flags & FL_MONSTER) clip.hitcontentsmask = FTECONTENTS_SOLID|Q2CONTENTS_WINDOW | FTECONTENTS_BODY | FTECONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP; /*solid only to world*/ else if (maxs[0] - mins[0] > 0) clip.hitcontentsmask = FTECONTENTS_SOLID|Q2CONTENTS_WINDOW | FTECONTENTS_BODY | FTECONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP; /*impacts playerclip*/ else clip.hitcontentsmask = FTECONTENTS_SOLID|Q2CONTENTS_WINDOW | FTECONTENTS_BODY; //slidebox passes through corpses } else if (passedict->v->solid == SOLID_CORPSE && w->usesolidcorpse) clip.hitcontentsmask = FTECONTENTS_SOLID|Q2CONTENTS_WINDOW | FTECONTENTS_BODY; //corpses ignore corpses else if (passedict->v->solid == SOLID_TRIGGER||passedict->v->solid == SOLID_BSPTRIGGER) clip.hitcontentsmask = FTECONTENTS_SOLID|Q2CONTENTS_WINDOW | FTECONTENTS_BODY; //triggers ignore corpses too, apparently else clip.hitcontentsmask = FTECONTENTS_SOLID|Q2CONTENTS_WINDOW | FTECONTENTS_BODY | FTECONTENTS_CORPSE; //regular projectiles. clip.capsule = (passedict->xv->geomtype == GEOMTYPE_CAPSULE); if (type & MOVE_OTHERONLY) { wedict_t *other = WEDICT_NUM_UB(w->progs, *w->g.other); return World_ClipMoveToEntity (w, other, other->v->origin, other->v->angles, start, mins, maxs, end, hullnum, type & MOVE_HITMODEL, clip.capsule, clip.hitcontentsmask); } #ifdef HAVE_LEGACY if ((type&MOVE_WORLDONLY) == MOVE_WORLDONLY) { //for compat with DP wedict_t *other = w->edicts; return World_ClipMoveToEntity (w, other, other->v->origin, other->v->angles, start, mins, maxs, end, hullnum, type & MOVE_HITMODEL, clip.capsule, clip.hitcontentsmask); } #endif // clip to world clip.trace = World_ClipMoveToEntity (w, w->edicts, w->edicts->v->origin, w->edicts->v->angles, start, mins, maxs, end, hullnum, false, clip.capsule, clip.hitcontentsmask); clip.start = start; clip.end = end; clip.mins = mins; clip.maxs = maxs; clip.type = type; clip.passedict = (passedict!=w->edicts)?passedict:NULL; clip.hullnum = 0;//hullnum; //BUG: hexen2's SV_ClipMoveToEntity's move_ent argument is set inconsistantly. This has the effect that the SOLID_BSP's .hull field is used instead of the SOLID_BBOX entity. We can't fix this because hexen2 depends upon it - this is the 'tibet5' bug. #ifdef Q2SERVER clip.q2passedict = NULL; #endif if (type & MOVE_MISSILE) { if (type & MOVE_NOMONSTERS) return clip.trace; //not sure why you'd really want this, but for the sake of dp compat... for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { clip.mins2[i] = -15; clip.maxs2[i] = 15; } } else { VectorCopy (mins, clip.mins2); VectorCopy (maxs, clip.maxs2); } // create the bounding box of the entire move World_MoveBounds (start, clip.mins2, clip.maxs2, end, clip.boxmins, clip.boxmaxs ); // clip to entities if (clip.type & MOVE_EVERYTHING) World_ClipToEverything (w, &clip); else { if (clip.type & MOVE_LAGGED) { clip.type &= ~MOVE_LAGGED; #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (w == &sv.world) { if (passedict->entnum && passedict->entnum <= sv.allocated_client_slots) { clip.type |= MOVE_LAGGED; w->lagents = svs.clients[passedict->entnum-1].laggedents; w->maxlagents = svs.clients[passedict->entnum-1].laggedents_count; w->lagentsfrac = svs.clients[passedict->entnum-1].laggedents_frac; w->lagentstime = svs.clients[passedict->entnum-1].laggedents_time; } else if (passedict->v->owner) { if (passedict->v->owner && passedict->v->owner <= sv.allocated_client_slots) { clip.type |= MOVE_LAGGED; w->lagents = svs.clients[passedict->v->owner-1].laggedents; w->maxlagents = svs.clients[passedict->v->owner-1].laggedents_count; w->lagentsfrac = svs.clients[passedict->v->owner-1].laggedents_frac; w->lagentstime = svs.clients[passedict->v->owner-1].laggedents_time; } } } #endif } if (clip.type & MOVE_LAGGED) { trace_t trace; wedict_t *touch; vec3_t lp, la; int j; #ifdef USEAREAGRID World_ClipToAllLinks (w, &clip); #else World_ClipToLinks (w, w->areanodes, &clip); #endif for (i = 0; i < w->maxlagents; i++) { if (!w->lagents[i].present) continue; if (clip.trace.allsolid) break; touch = (wedict_t*)EDICT_NUM_PB(w->progs, i+1); if (touch->v->solid == SOLID_NOT) continue; if (touch == clip.passedict) continue; if (SOLID_ISTRIGGER(touch->v->solid)) { if (!(clip.type & MOVE_TRIGGERS)) continue; if (!((int)touch->v->flags & FL_FINDABLE_NONSOLID)) continue; } if (clip.type & MOVE_NOMONSTERS && touch->v->solid != SOLID_BSP) continue; if (clip.passedict) { if (w->usesolidcorpse) { // don't clip corpse against character if (clip.passedict->v->solid == SOLID_CORPSE && (touch->v->solid == SOLID_SLIDEBOX || touch->v->solid == SOLID_CORPSE)) continue; // don't clip character against corpse if (clip.passedict->v->solid == SOLID_SLIDEBOX && touch->v->solid == SOLID_CORPSE) continue; } if (!((int)clip.passedict->xv->dimension_hit & (int)touch->xv->dimension_solid)) continue; } VectorInterpolate(touch->v->origin, w->lagentsfrac, w->lagents[i].origin, lp); //I hate working with angles VectorSubtract(w->lagents[i].angles, touch->v->angles, la); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { la[j] = (360.0/65536) * ((int)(la[j]*(65536/360.0)) & 65535); if (la[j]<-180) la[j] += 360; if (la[j]>180) la[j] -= 360; } VectorMA(touch->v->angles, 1, la, la); if (clip.boxmins[0] > lp[0]+touch->v->maxs[0] || clip.boxmins[1] > lp[1]+touch->v->maxs[1] || clip.boxmins[2] > lp[2]+touch->v->maxs[2] || clip.boxmaxs[0] < lp[0]+touch->v->mins[0] || clip.boxmaxs[1] < lp[1]+touch->v->mins[1] || clip.boxmaxs[2] < lp[2]+touch->v->mins[2] ) continue; if (clip.passedict && clip.passedict->v->size[0] && !touch->v->size[0]) continue; // points never interact if (clip.passedict) { if ((wedict_t*)PROG_TO_EDICT(w->progs, touch->v->owner) == clip.passedict) continue; // don't clip against own missiles if ((wedict_t*)PROG_TO_EDICT(w->progs, clip.passedict->v->owner) == touch) continue; // don't clip against owner } if ((clip.type & MOVE_HITMODEL) && w->Event_Backdate) { w->Event_Backdate(w, touch, w->lagentstime); trace = World_ClipMoveToEntity (w, touch, lp, la, clip.start, clip.mins, clip.maxs, clip.end, clip.hullnum, clip.type & MOVE_HITMODEL, clip.capsule, clip.hitcontentsmask); } else trace = World_ClipMoveToEntity (w, touch, lp, la, clip.start, clip.mins, clip.maxs, clip.end, clip.hullnum, clip.type & MOVE_HITMODEL, clip.capsule, clip.hitcontentsmask); if (trace.allsolid || trace.startsolid || trace.fraction < clip.trace.fraction) { if (clip.type & MOVE_ENTCHAIN) { touch->v->chain = EDICT_TO_PROG(w->progs, clip.trace.ent?clip.trace.ent:w->edicts); clip.trace.ent = touch; } else { trace.ent = touch; clip.trace = trace; } } } } /*else if (w->rbe_hasphysicsents && passedict->rbe.body.body) { w->rbe->Trace(w, clip.passedict, clip.start, clip.end, &clip.trace); }*/ else { #ifdef USEAREAGRID World_ClipToAllLinks (w, &clip ); #else World_ClipToLinks (w, w->areanodes, &clip ); #endif } World_ClipToLinks(w, &w->portallist, &clip); } #if defined(HAVE_CLIENT) && defined(CSQC_DAT) { extern world_t csqc_world; if (w == &csqc_world) World_ClipToNetwork(w, &clip); } #endif // if (clip.trace.startsolid) // clip.trace.fraction = 0; // if (!clip.trace.ent) // return clip.trace; return clip.trace; } #ifdef Q2SERVER trace_t WorldQ2_Move (world_t *w, vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t end, int hitcontentsmask, q2edict_t *passedict) { moveclip_t clip; memset ( &clip, 0, sizeof ( moveclip_t ) ); // clip to world w->worldmodel->funcs.NativeTrace(w->worldmodel, 0, NULLFRAMESTATE, NULL, start, end, mins, maxs, false, hitcontentsmask, &clip.trace); clip.trace.ent = ge->edicts; if (clip.trace.fraction == 0) return clip.trace; clip.start = start; clip.end = end; clip.mins = mins; clip.maxs = maxs; clip.type = MOVE_NORMAL; clip.hitcontentsmask = hitcontentsmask; clip.passedict = NULL; clip.q2passedict = passedict; VectorCopy (mins, clip.mins2); VectorCopy (maxs, clip.maxs2); // create the bounding box of the entire move //FIXME: should we use clip.trace.endpos here? World_MoveBounds ( start, clip.mins2, clip.maxs2, end, clip.boxmins, clip.boxmaxs ); // clip to entities WorldQ2_ClipMoveToEntities(w, &clip); return clip.trace; } #endif static void (QDECL *world_current_physics_engine)(world_t*world); qboolean QDECL World_RegisterPhysicsEngine(const char *enginename, void(QDECL*startupfunc)(world_t*world)) { if (world_current_physics_engine) return false; //no thanks, we already have one. world_current_physics_engine = startupfunc; return true; } void World_RBE_Shutdown(world_t *world) { #ifdef USERBE unsigned int u; wedict_t *ed; if (!world->rbe) return; if (world->progs) { for (u = 0; u < world->num_edicts; u++) { ed = WEDICT_NUM_PB(world->progs, u); world->rbe->RemoveJointFromEntity(world, ed); world->rbe->RemoveFromEntity(world, ed); } } world->rbe->End(world); world->rbe = NULL; #endif } void QDECL World_UnregisterPhysicsEngine(const char *enginename) { #ifdef RAGDOLL rag_uninstanciateall(); #endif #if defined(CSQC_DAT) && !defined(SERVERONLY) { extern world_t csqc_world; World_RBE_Shutdown(&csqc_world); } #endif #if !defined(CLIENTONLY) World_RBE_Shutdown(&sv.world); #endif world_current_physics_engine = NULL; } void World_RBE_Start(world_t *world) { if (world_current_physics_engine) { if (world->worldmodel) world_current_physics_engine(world); } } void World_Destroy(world_t *world) { World_RBE_Shutdown(world); #ifdef USEAREAGRID Z_Free(world->gridareas); #else Z_Free(world->areanodes); world->areanodes = NULL; world->areanodedepth = 0; #endif memset(world, 0, sizeof(*world)); } #ifdef USERBE static qboolean GenerateCollisionMesh_BSP(world_t *world, model_t *mod, wedict_t *ed, vec3_t geomcenter) { unsigned int sno; msurface_t *surf; mesh_t *mesh; unsigned int numverts; unsigned int numindexes,i; int *ptr_elements; float *ptr_verts; numverts = 0; numindexes = 0; for (sno = 0; sno < mod->nummodelsurfaces; sno++) { surf = &mod->surfaces[sno+mod->firstmodelsurface]; if (surf->flags & (SURF_DRAWSKY|SURF_DRAWTURB)) continue; if (surf->mesh) { mesh = surf->mesh; numverts += mesh->numvertexes; numindexes += mesh->numindexes; } else { numverts += surf->numedges; numindexes += (surf->numedges-2) * 3; } } if (!numindexes) { Con_DPrintf("entity %i (classname %s) has no geometry\n", NUM_FOR_EDICT(world->progs, (edict_t*)ed), PR_GetString(world->progs, ed->v->classname)); return false; } ptr_elements = (int*)BZ_Malloc(numindexes*sizeof(*ptr_elements)); ptr_verts = (float*)BZ_Malloc(numverts*sizeof(vec3_t)); numverts = 0; numindexes = 0; for (sno = 0; sno < mod->nummodelsurfaces; sno++) { surf = &mod->surfaces[sno+mod->firstmodelsurface]; if (surf->flags & (SURF_DRAWSKY|SURF_DRAWTURB)) continue; if (surf->mesh) { mesh = surf->mesh; for (i = 0; i < mesh->numvertexes; i++) VectorSubtract(mesh->xyz_array[i], geomcenter, (ptr_verts + 3*(numverts+i))); for (i = 0; i < mesh->numindexes; i+=3) { //flip the triangles as we go ptr_elements[numindexes+i+0] = numverts+mesh->indexes[i+2]; ptr_elements[numindexes+i+1] = numverts+mesh->indexes[i+1]; ptr_elements[numindexes+i+2] = numverts+mesh->indexes[i+0]; } numverts += mesh->numvertexes; numindexes += i; } else { float *vec; medge_t *edge; int lindex; for (i = 0; i < surf->numedges; i++) { lindex = mod->surfedges[surf->firstedge + i]; if (lindex > 0) { edge = &mod->edges[lindex]; vec = mod->vertexes[edge->v[0]].position; } else { edge = &mod->edges[-lindex]; vec = mod->vertexes[edge->v[1]].position; } VectorSubtract(vec, geomcenter, (ptr_verts + 3*(numverts+i))); } for (i = 2; i < surf->numedges; i++) { //quake is backwards, not ode ptr_elements[numindexes++] = numverts+i; ptr_elements[numindexes++] = numverts+i-1; ptr_elements[numindexes++] = numverts; } numverts += surf->numedges; } } ed->rbe.element3i = ptr_elements; ed->rbe.vertex3f = ptr_verts; ed->rbe.numvertices = numverts; ed->rbe.numtriangles = numindexes/3; return true; } #include "com_mesh.h" static qboolean GenerateCollisionMesh_Alias(world_t *world, model_t *mod, wedict_t *ed, vec3_t geomcenter) { mesh_t mesh; unsigned int numverts; unsigned int numindexes,i; galiasinfo_t *inf; unsigned int surfnum = 0; entity_t re; int *ptr_elements; float *ptr_verts; numverts = 0; numindexes = 0; //fill in the parts of the entity_t that Alias_GAliasBuildMesh needs. world->Get_FrameState(world, ed, &re.framestate); re.fatness = ed->xv->fatness; re.model = mod; inf = (galiasinfo_t*)Mod_Extradata (mod); while(inf) { numverts += inf->numverts; numindexes += inf->numindexes; inf = inf->nextsurf; } if (!numindexes) { Con_DPrintf("entity %i (classname %s) has no geometry\n", NUM_FOR_EDICT(world->progs, (edict_t*)ed), PR_GetString(world->progs, ed->v->classname)); return false; } ptr_elements = (int*)BZ_Malloc(numindexes*sizeof(*ptr_elements)); ptr_verts = (float*)BZ_Malloc(numverts*sizeof(vec3_t)); numverts = 0; numindexes = 0; inf = (galiasinfo_t*)Mod_Extradata (mod); while(inf) { Alias_GAliasBuildMesh(&mesh, NULL, inf, surfnum++, &re, false); for (i = 0; i < mesh.numvertexes; i++) VectorSubtract(mesh.xyz_array[i], geomcenter, (ptr_verts + 3*(numverts+i))); for (i = 0; i < mesh.numindexes; i+=3) { //flip the triangles as we go ptr_elements[numindexes+i+0] = numverts+mesh.indexes[i+2]; ptr_elements[numindexes+i+1] = numverts+mesh.indexes[i+1]; ptr_elements[numindexes+i+2] = numverts+mesh.indexes[i+0]; } numverts += inf->numverts; numindexes += inf->numindexes; inf = inf->nextsurf; } Alias_FlushCache(); //it got built using an entity on the stack, make sure other stuff doesn't get hurt. ed->rbe.element3i = ptr_elements; ed->rbe.vertex3f = ptr_verts; ed->rbe.numvertices = numverts; ed->rbe.numtriangles = numindexes/3; return true; } //Bullet has a fit if we have any degenerate triangles, so make sure we can determine some surface normal static void CollisionMesh_CleanupMesh(wedict_t *ed) { float *v1, *v2, *v3; vec3_t d1, d2, cr; int in, out; for (in = 0, out = 0; in < ed->rbe.numtriangles*3; in+=3) { v1 = &ed->rbe.vertex3f[ed->rbe.element3i[in+0]*3]; v2 = &ed->rbe.vertex3f[ed->rbe.element3i[in+1]*3]; v3 = &ed->rbe.vertex3f[ed->rbe.element3i[in+2]*3]; VectorSubtract(v3, v1, d1); VectorSubtract(v2, v1, d2); CrossProduct(d1, d2, cr); if (DotProduct(cr,cr) == 0) continue; ed->rbe.element3i[out+0] = ed->rbe.element3i[in+0]; ed->rbe.element3i[out+1] = ed->rbe.element3i[in+1]; ed->rbe.element3i[out+2] = ed->rbe.element3i[in+2]; out+=3; } ed->rbe.numtriangles = out/3; } qboolean QDECL World_GenerateCollisionMesh(world_t *world, model_t *mod, wedict_t *ed, vec3_t geomcenter) { qboolean result; switch(mod->type) { case mod_brush: result = GenerateCollisionMesh_BSP(world, mod, ed, geomcenter); break; case mod_alias: result = GenerateCollisionMesh_Alias(world, mod, ed, geomcenter); break; case mod_heightmap: case mod_halflife: case mod_sprite: case mod_dummy: default: return false; //panic! } if (result) { CollisionMesh_CleanupMesh(ed); if (ed->rbe.numtriangles > 0) return true; } return false; } void QDECL World_ReleaseCollisionMesh(wedict_t *ed) { BZ_Free(ed->rbe.element3i); ed->rbe.element3i = NULL; BZ_Free(ed->rbe.vertex3f); ed->rbe.vertex3f = NULL; ed->rbe.numvertices = 0; ed->rbe.numtriangles = 0; } #endif #endif