#include "merged.h" typedef struct vrsetup_s { //engine-set size_t structsize; enum { VR_HEADLESS, //not to be confused with decapitation VR_EGL, VR_X11_GLX, // VR_ANDROID_EGL, VR_WIN_WGL, VR_VULKAN, //vulkan has no platform variation VR_D3D11, //d3d11 only works on windows, so no platform variation } vrplatform; //the type of renderer/args getting inited. abort if unknown. void *userctx; //for use in callbacks. qboolean (*createinstance)(struct vrsetup_s *, char *instanceextensions, void *result); //used by vulkan, can be null for other renderers //vr-set (by preinit) struct { int major, minor; } minver, maxver; unsigned int deviceid[2]; char *deviceextensions; //engine-set (for full init) //this stuff is intentionally at the end union { struct { void *display; int visualid; void *glxfbconfig; unsigned long drawable; //really int32 void *glxcontext; } x11_glx; struct { void *(*getprocaddr)(const char *name); void *egldisplay; void *eglconfig; void *eglcontext; } egl; struct { void *hdc; void *hglrc; } wgl; struct { void *device; } d3d; struct { //these are ALWAYS pointers in vulkan (annoyingly unlike many of its typedefs). void *instance; void *physicaldevice; void *device; unsigned int queuefamily; unsigned int queueindex; } vk; }; } vrsetup_t; //interface registered by plugins for VR stuff. typedef struct plugvrfuncs_s { const char *description; qboolean (*Prepare) (vrsetup_t *setupinfo); //called before graphics context init qboolean (*Init) (vrsetup_t *setupinfo, rendererstate_t *info); //called after graphics context init qboolean (*SyncFrame)(double *frametime); //called in the client's main loop, to block/tweak frame times. True means the game should render as fast as possible. qboolean (*Render) (void(*rendereye)(texid_t tex, vec4_t fovoverride, vec3_t axisorg[4])); void (*Shutdown) (void); #define plugvrfuncs_name "VR" } plugvrfuncs_t;