//these structures are shared with the exe. #define UIMAX_SCOREBOARDNAME 16 #define UIMAX_INFO_STRING 196 #ifdef MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME #if MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME != UIMAX_SCOREBOARDNAME #pragma message("MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME doesn't match UIMAX_SCOREBOARDNAME") #endif #endif #ifdef UIMAX_INFO_STRING #if UIMAX_INFO_STRING != UIMAX_INFO_STRING #pragma message("MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME doesn't match UIMAX_SCOREBOARDNAME") #endif #endif typedef struct { int userid; char name[UIMAX_SCOREBOARDNAME]; //for faster reading. float starttime; int frags; int ping; int pl; int topcolour; int bottomcolour; char userinfo[UIMAX_INFO_STRING]; //should this size be enforced? //you can get all sorts of stuff like names. } vmuiclientinfo_t; //useful for it's width/height. The others are a little pointless to be honest. typedef struct { unsigned int width; unsigned int height; unsigned int bpp; unsigned int refreshrate; //quakeworld normally only draws 30 frames per second dontcha know? qboolean fullscreen; //oposite of windowed. char renderername[256]; //Human readable int vidbugs; //flags for the buggy implementations of opengl or whatever. } vidinfo_t; //is there any point to these? enum { VB_NOSCALE = 1<<0, //software rendering, incapable of scaling. VB_NOCOLOUR = 1<<1, //software rendering that doesn't allow belnding colours. (8 bit paletted) VB_NOCOLOURINTERP = 1<<2, //software rendering that supports a blending of colours, but not per vertex. VB_NOINTERPOLATEALPHA = 1<<3, //riva128 VB_NOMODULATEALPHA = 1<<4, //ragepro VB_NOSRCTIMESDST = 1<<5, //permedia }; typedef enum { SID_Q2STATUSBAR = -4, SID_Q2LAYOUT = -3, SID_CENTERPRINTTEXT = -2, SID_SERVERNAME = -1, //q2's config strings come here. } stringid_e; #define UI_API_VERSION 5000 typedef enum { UI_GETAPIVERSION = 0, UI_INIT = 1, UI_SHUTDOWN = 2, UI_KEY_EVENT = 3, UI_MOUSE_DELTA = 4, UI_DRAWMENU = 5, UI_FULLSCREEN = 6, //return value expected //0 means don't take input //1 means engine should skip map/scrback update, //2 means fade the screen or draw console back. (expected to be most used) //3 means don't fade the screen UI_DRAWSTATUSBAR = 500, UI_MOUSE_POS, UI_INTERMISSION, UI_FINALE, UI_STRINGCHANGED, //parma is the string id UI_NEWSERVER //indicates that all the strings have changed. } uiExport_t; typedef enum { UI_SYSERROR = 0, UI_PRINT = 1, UI_CVAR_SET = 3, UI_CVAR_GET_VALUE = 4, UI_CVAR_GET_STRING = 5, UI_CVAR_SET_VALUE = 6, UI_CVAR_RESET = 7, //not yet implemented UI_CBUF_ADD_COMMAND = 12, UI_FS_OPEN = 13, UI_FS_READ = 14, UI_FS_WRITE = 15, UI_FS_CLOSE = 16, UI_FS_LISTFILES = 17, UI_PRECACHE_MODEL = 18, UI_PRECACHE_SKIN = 19, //fte doesn't implement. UI_DRAW_CACHEPIC = 20, UI_SCENE_CLEAR = 21, UI_SCENE_ADD_ENTITY = 22, UI_SCENE_ADD_LIGHT = 24, //non-functional UI_SCENE_RENDER = 25, UI_DRAW_COLOUR = 26, UI_DRAW_IMAGE = 27, UI_LERP_TAG = 29, //currently non-functional. UI_SOUND_PRECACHE = 31, UI_SOUND_PLAY = 32, UI_KEY_NAME = 33, //retrieves text for the name of a key - eg leftarrow UI_KEY_GETBINDING = 34, UI_KEY_SETBINDING = 35, UI_KEY_ISDOWN = 36, UI_KEY_CLEARALL = 39, UI_KEY_GETDEST = 40, UI_KEY_SETDEST = 41, UI_GET_VID_CONFIG = 43, //very minimal UI_GET_CLIENT_STATE = 44, //not going to do anything btw. UI_GET_SERVERINFO = 45, //server browser stuph. UI_MS_GETSERVERCOUNT = 46, UI_CLEAR_PINGS = 47, UI_GET_PINGADDRESS = 48, UI_GET_PINGINFO = 49, UI_CVAR_REGISTER = 50, UI_CVAR_UPDATE = 51, UI_MEM_AVAILABLE = 52, UI_CDKEY_GET = 53, UI_CDKEY_SET = 54, UI_REGISTERFRONT = 55, UI_GET_REALTIME = 62, UI_LAN_GET_COUNT = 65, UI_LAN_GET_ADDRESS = 66, UI_VERIFYCDKEY = 81, UI_SOMETHINGTODOWITHPUNKBUSTER = 87, UI_MEMSET = 100, UI_MEMMOVE = 101, UI_STRNCPY = 102, UI_SIN = 103, UI_COS = 104, UI_ATAN2 = 105, UI_SQRT = 106, UI_FLOOR = 107, UI_CEIL = 108, UI_CACHE_PIC = 500, UI_PICFROMWAD = 501, UI_GETPLAYERINFO = 502, UI_GETSTAT = 503, UI_GETVIDINFO = 504, UI_GET_STRING = 510, } ui_builtinnum_t;