/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the included (GNU.txt) GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "qtv.h" #define ParseError(m) (m)->cursize = (m)->cursize+1 // void InitNetMsg(netmsg_t *b, char *buffer, int bufferlength) { b->data = buffer; b->maxsize = bufferlength; b->readpos = 0; b->cursize = 0; } //probably not the place for these any more.. unsigned char ReadByte(netmsg_t *b) { if (b->readpos >= b->cursize) { b->readpos = b->cursize+1; return 0; } return b->data[b->readpos++]; } unsigned short ReadShort(netmsg_t *b) { int b1, b2; b1 = ReadByte(b); b2 = ReadByte(b); return b1 | (b2<<8); } unsigned int ReadLong(netmsg_t *b) { int s1, s2; s1 = ReadShort(b); s2 = ReadShort(b); return s1 | (s2<<16); } float ReadFloat(netmsg_t *b) { union { unsigned int i; float f; } u; u.i = ReadLong(b); return u.f; } void ReadString(netmsg_t *b, char *string, int maxlen) { maxlen--; //for null terminator while(maxlen) { *string = ReadByte(b); if (!*string) return; string++; maxlen--; } *string++ = '\0'; //add the null } void WriteByte(netmsg_t *b, unsigned char c) { if (b->cursize>=b->maxsize) return; b->data[b->cursize++] = c; } void WriteShort(netmsg_t *b, unsigned short l) { WriteByte(b, (l&0x00ff)>>0); WriteByte(b, (l&0xff00)>>8); } void WriteLong(netmsg_t *b, unsigned int l) { WriteByte(b, (l&0x000000ff)>>0); WriteByte(b, (l&0x0000ff00)>>8); WriteByte(b, (l&0x00ff0000)>>16); WriteByte(b, (l&0xff000000)>>24); } void WriteFloat(netmsg_t *b, float f) { union { unsigned int i; float f; } u; u.f = f; WriteLong(b, u.i); } void WriteString2(netmsg_t *b, const char *str) { //no null terminator, convienience function. while(*str) WriteByte(b, *str++); } void WriteString(netmsg_t *b, const char *str) { while(*str) WriteByte(b, *str++); WriteByte(b, 0); } void WriteData(netmsg_t *b, const char *data, int length) { int i; unsigned char *buf; if (b->cursize + length > b->maxsize) //urm, that's just too big. :( return; buf = b->data+b->cursize; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) *buf++ = *data++; b->cursize+=length; } #define DF_ORIGIN 1 #define DF_ANGLES (1<<3) #define DF_EFFECTS (1<<6) #define DF_SKINNUM (1<<7) #define DF_DEAD (1<<8) #define DF_GIB (1<<9) #define DF_WEAPONFRAME (1<<10) #define DF_MODEL (1<<11) void SendBufferToViewer(viewer_t *v, const char *buffer, int length, qboolean reliable) { if (reliable) { //try and put it in the normal reliable if (!v->backbuffered && v->netchan.message.cursize+length < v->netchan.message.maxsize) WriteData(&v->netchan.message, buffer, length); else if (v->backbuffered>0 && v->backbuf[v->backbuffered-1].cursize+length < v->backbuf[v->backbuffered-1].maxsize) //try and put it in the current backbuffer WriteData(&v->backbuf[v->backbuffered-1], buffer, length); else if (v->backbuffered == MAX_BACK_BUFFERS) v->drop = true; //we would need too many backbuffers. else { //create a new backbuffer if (!v->backbuf[v->backbuffered].data) { InitNetMsg(&v->backbuf[v->backbuffered], (unsigned char *)malloc(MAX_BACKBUF_SIZE), MAX_BACKBUF_SIZE); } v->backbuf[v->backbuffered].cursize = 0; //make sure it's empty WriteData(&v->backbuf[v->backbuffered], buffer, length); v->backbuffered++; } } } void Multicast(sv_t *tv, char *buffer, int length, int to, unsigned int playermask) { /* #define dem_cmd 0 //shouldn't be present #define dem_read 1 //intended for the proxy, equivelent to dem_all :\ #define dem_set 2 //keeps the playerinfo packets in sync, present once, at start, with specific parameters. Ignored. #define dem_multiple 3 //send to multiple specific players if tracking - basically team_prints. #define dem_single 4 //send to a single player, sprint, centerprint, etc #define dem_stats 5 //overkill... same as single #define dem_all 6 //broadcast to all */ viewer_t *v; switch(to) { case dem_multiple: case dem_single: case dem_stats: //check and send to them only if they're tracking this player(s). for (v = tv->viewers; v; v = v->next) { if (v->trackplayer>=0) if ((1<trackplayer)&playermask) SendBufferToViewer(v, buffer, length, true); //FIXME: change the reliable depending on message type } break; default: //send to all for (v = tv->viewers; v; v = v->next) { SendBufferToViewer(v, buffer, length, true); //FIXME: change the reliable depending on message type } break; } } static void ParseServerData(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m, int to, unsigned int playermask) { int protocol; viewer_t *v; protocol = ReadLong(m); if (protocol != PROTOCOL_VERSION) { ParseError(m); return; } tv->parsingconnectiondata = true; ReadLong(m); //we don't care about server's servercount, it's all reliable data anyway. ReadString(m, tv->gamedir, sizeof(tv->gamedir)); /*tv->servertime =*/ ReadFloat(m); ReadString(m, tv->mapname, sizeof(tv->mapname)); printf("Gamedir: %s\n", tv->gamedir); printf("---------------------\n"); printf("%s\n", tv->mapname); printf("---------------------\n"); // get the movevars tv->movevars.gravity = ReadFloat(m); tv->movevars.stopspeed = ReadFloat(m); tv->movevars.maxspeed = ReadFloat(m); tv->movevars.spectatormaxspeed = ReadFloat(m); tv->movevars.accelerate = ReadFloat(m); tv->movevars.airaccelerate = ReadFloat(m); tv->movevars.wateraccelerate = ReadFloat(m); tv->movevars.friction = ReadFloat(m); tv->movevars.waterfriction = ReadFloat(m); tv->movevars.entgrav = ReadFloat(m); for (v = tv->viewers; v; v = v->next) v->thinksitsconnected = false; tv->maxents = 0; //clear these memset(tv->modellist, 0, sizeof(tv->modellist)); memset(tv->soundlist, 0, sizeof(tv->soundlist)); memset(tv->lightstyle, 0, sizeof(tv->lightstyle)); tv->staticsound_count = 0; memset(tv->staticsound, 0, sizeof(tv->staticsound)); memset(tv->players, 0, sizeof(tv->players)); } static void ParseCDTrack(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m, int to, unsigned int mask) { tv->cdtrack = ReadByte(m); if (!tv->parsingconnectiondata) Multicast(tv, m->data+m->startpos, m->readpos - m->startpos, to, mask); } static void ParseStufftext(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m, int to, unsigned int mask) { viewer_t *v; char text[1024]; char value[256]; qboolean fromproxy; ReadString(m, text, sizeof(text)); if (!strcmp(text, "skins\n")) { const char newcmd[10] = {svc_stufftext, 'c', 'm', 'd', ' ', 'n','e','w','\n','\0'}; tv->servercount++; tv->parsingconnectiondata = false; for (v = tv->viewers; v; v = v->next) { SendBufferToViewer(v, newcmd, sizeof(newcmd), true); } return; } else if (!strncmp(text, "fullserverinfo ", 15)) { text[strlen(text)-1] = '\0'; text[strlen(text)-1] = '\0'; //copy over the server's serverinfo strncpy(tv->serverinfo, text+16, sizeof(tv->serverinfo)-1); Info_ValueForKey(tv->serverinfo, "*qtv", value, sizeof(value)); if (*value) fromproxy = true; else fromproxy = false; //add on our extra infos Info_SetValueForStarKey(tv->serverinfo, "*qtv", VERSION, sizeof(tv->serverinfo)); Info_SetValueForStarKey(tv->serverinfo, "*z_ext", Z_EXT_STRING, sizeof(tv->serverinfo)); //change the hostname (the qtv's hostname with the server's hostname in brackets) Info_ValueForKey(tv->serverinfo, "hostname", value, sizeof(value)); if (fromproxy && strchr(value, '(') && value[strlen(value)-1] == ')') //already has brackets { //the fromproxy check is because it's fairly common to find a qw server with brackets after it's name. char *s; s = strchr(value, '('); //so strip the parent proxy's hostname, and put our hostname first, leaving the origional server's hostname within the brackets snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%s %s", tv->hostname, s); } else { if (tv->file) snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%s (recorded from: %s)", tv->hostname, value); else snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%s (live: %s)", tv->hostname, value); } Info_SetValueForStarKey(tv->serverinfo, "hostname", text, sizeof(tv->serverinfo)); return; } else if (!strncmp(text, "cmd ", 4)) return; //commands the game server asked for are pointless. Multicast(tv, m->data+m->startpos, m->readpos - m->startpos, to, mask); } static void ParseServerinfo(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m) { char key[64]; char value[256]; ReadString(m, key, sizeof(key)); ReadString(m, value, sizeof(value)); if (strcmp(key, "hostname")) //don't allow the hostname to change, but allow the server to change other serverinfos. Info_SetValueForStarKey(tv->serverinfo, key, value, sizeof(tv->serverinfo)); if (!tv->parsingconnectiondata) Multicast(tv, m->data+m->startpos, m->readpos - m->startpos, dem_all, (unsigned)-1); } static void ParsePrint(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m, int to, unsigned int mask) { unsigned char *t; char text[1024]; int level; level = ReadByte(m); ReadString(m, text, sizeof(text)); if (to == dem_all || to == dem_read) { if (level > 1) { for (t = (unsigned char*)text; *t; t++) { if (*t >= 146 && *t < 156) *t = *t - 146 + '0'; if (*t == 143) *t = '.'; if (*t == 157 || *t == 158 || *t == 159) *t = '-'; if (*t >= 128) *t -= 128; if (*t == 16) *t = '['; if (*t == 17) *t = ']'; if (*t == '\a') //doh. :D *t = ' '; } printf("%s", text); } } Multicast(tv, m->data+m->startpos, m->readpos - m->startpos, to, mask); } static void ParseCenterprint(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m, int to, unsigned int mask) { char text[1024]; ReadString(m, text, sizeof(text)); Multicast(tv, m->data+m->startpos, m->readpos - m->startpos, to, mask); } static int ParseList(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m, filename_t *list, int to, unsigned int mask) { int first; first = ReadByte(m)+1; for (; first < MAX_LIST; first++) { ReadString(m, list[first].name, sizeof(list[first].name)); // printf("read %i: %s\n", first, list[first].name); if (!*list[first].name) break; // printf("%i: %s\n", first, list[first].name); } return ReadByte(m); } static void ParseEntityState(entity_state_t *es, netmsg_t *m) //for baselines/static entities { int i; es->modelindex = ReadByte(m); es->frame = ReadByte(m); es->colormap = ReadByte(m); es->skinnum = ReadByte(m); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { es->origin[i] = ReadShort(m); es->angles[i] = ReadByte(m); } } static void ParseBaseline(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m, int to, unsigned int mask) { unsigned int entnum; entnum = ReadShort(m); if (entnum >= MAX_ENTITIES) { ParseError(m); return; } ParseEntityState(&tv->entity[entnum].baseline, m); } static void ParseStaticSound(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m, int to, unsigned int mask) { if (tv->staticsound_count == MAX_STATICSOUNDS) { tv->staticsound_count--; // don't be fatal. printf("Too many static sounds\n"); } tv->staticsound[tv->staticsound_count].origin[0] = ReadShort(m); tv->staticsound[tv->staticsound_count].origin[1] = ReadShort(m); tv->staticsound[tv->staticsound_count].origin[2] = ReadShort(m); tv->staticsound[tv->staticsound_count].soundindex = ReadByte(m); tv->staticsound[tv->staticsound_count].volume = ReadByte(m); tv->staticsound[tv->staticsound_count].attenuation = ReadByte(m); tv->staticsound_count++; if (!tv->parsingconnectiondata) Multicast(tv, m->data+m->startpos, m->readpos - m->startpos, to, mask); } static void ParseIntermission(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m, int to, unsigned int mask) { ReadShort(m); ReadShort(m); ReadShort(m); ReadByte(m); ReadByte(m); ReadByte(m); Multicast(tv, m->data+m->startpos, m->readpos - m->startpos, to, mask); } void ParseSpawnStatic(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m, int to, unsigned int mask) { if (tv->spawnstatic_count == MAX_STATICENTITIES) { tv->spawnstatic_count--; // don't be fatal. printf("Too many static entities\n"); } ParseEntityState(&tv->spawnstatic[tv->spawnstatic_count], m); tv->spawnstatic_count++; if (!tv->parsingconnectiondata) Multicast(tv, m->data+m->startpos, m->readpos - m->startpos, to, mask); } static void ParsePlayerInfo(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m) { int flags; int num; int i; num = ReadByte(m); if (num >= MAX_CLIENTS) { num = 0; // don't be fatal. printf("Too many svc_playerinfos, wrapping\n"); } tv->players[num].old = tv->players[num].current; flags = ReadShort(m); tv->players[num].gibbed = !!(flags & DF_GIB); tv->players[num].dead = !!(flags & DF_DEAD); tv->players[num].current.frame = ReadByte(m); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (flags & (DF_ORIGIN << i)) tv->players[num].current.origin[i] = ReadShort (m); } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (flags & (DF_ANGLES << i)) { tv->players[num].current.angles[i] = ReadShort(m); } } if (flags & DF_MODEL) tv->players[num].current.modelindex = ReadByte (m); if (flags & DF_SKINNUM) tv->players[num].current.skinnum = ReadByte (m); if (flags & DF_EFFECTS) tv->players[num].current.effects = ReadByte (m); if (flags & DF_WEAPONFRAME) tv->players[num].current.weaponframe = ReadByte (m); tv->players[num].active = true; tv->players[num].leafcount = BSP_SphereLeafNums(tv->bsp, MAX_ENTITY_LEAFS, tv->players[num].leafs, tv->players[num].current.origin[0]/8.0f, tv->players[num].current.origin[1]/8.0f, tv->players[num].current.origin[2]/8.0f, 32); } static void FlushPacketEntities(sv_t *tv) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENTITIES; i++) tv->entity[i].current.modelindex = 0; } static void ParsePacketEntities(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m) { int entnum; int flags; qboolean forcerelink; viewer_t *v; tv->physicstime = tv->parsetime; if (tv->chokeonnotupdated) for (v = tv->viewers; v; v = v->next) { v->chokeme = false; } for (entnum = 0; entnum < MAX_CLIENTS; entnum++) { //hide players //they'll be sent after this packet. tv->players[entnum].active = false; } //luckilly, only updated entities are here, so that keeps cpu time down a bit. for (;;) { flags = ReadShort(m); if (!flags) break; entnum = flags & 511; if (tv->maxents < entnum) tv->maxents = entnum; flags &= ~511; memcpy(&tv->entity[entnum].old, &tv->entity[entnum].current, sizeof(entity_state_t)); //ow. if (flags & U_REMOVE) { tv->entity[entnum].current.modelindex = 0; continue; } if (!tv->entity[entnum].current.modelindex) //lerp from baseline { memcpy(&tv->entity[entnum].current, &tv->entity[entnum].baseline, sizeof(entity_state_t)); forcerelink = true; } else forcerelink = false; if (flags & U_MOREBITS) flags |= ReadByte(m); if (flags & U_MODEL) tv->entity[entnum].current.modelindex = ReadByte(m); if (flags & U_FRAME) tv->entity[entnum].current.frame = ReadByte(m); if (flags & U_COLORMAP) tv->entity[entnum].current.colormap = ReadByte(m); if (flags & U_SKIN) tv->entity[entnum].current.skinnum = ReadByte(m); if (flags & U_EFFECTS) tv->entity[entnum].current.effects = ReadByte(m); if (flags & U_ORIGIN1) tv->entity[entnum].current.origin[0] = ReadShort(m); if (flags & U_ANGLE1) tv->entity[entnum].current.angles[0] = ReadByte(m); if (flags & U_ORIGIN2) tv->entity[entnum].current.origin[1] = ReadShort(m); if (flags & U_ANGLE2) tv->entity[entnum].current.angles[1] = ReadByte(m); if (flags & U_ORIGIN3) tv->entity[entnum].current.origin[2] = ReadShort(m); if (flags & U_ANGLE3) tv->entity[entnum].current.angles[2] = ReadByte(m); tv->entity[entnum].updatetime = tv->curtime; if (!tv->entity[entnum].old.modelindex) //no old state memcpy(&tv->entity[entnum].old, &tv->entity[entnum].current, sizeof(entity_state_t)); //copy the new to the old, so we don't end up with interpolation glitches if ((flags & (U_ORIGIN1 | U_ORIGIN2 | U_ORIGIN3)) || forcerelink) tv->entity[entnum].leafcount = BSP_SphereLeafNums(tv->bsp, MAX_ENTITY_LEAFS, tv->entity[entnum].leafs, tv->entity[entnum].current.origin[0]/8.0f, tv->entity[entnum].current.origin[1]/8.0f, tv->entity[entnum].current.origin[2]/8.0f, 32); } } static void ParseUpdatePing(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m, int to, unsigned int mask) { int pnum; int ping; pnum = ReadByte(m); ping = ReadShort(m); if (pnum < MAX_CLIENTS) tv->players[pnum].ping = ping; else printf("svc_updateping: invalid player number\n"); Multicast(tv, m->data+m->startpos, m->readpos - m->startpos, to, mask); } static void ParseUpdateFrags(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m, int to, unsigned int mask) { int pnum; int frags; pnum = ReadByte(m); frags = ReadShort(m); if (pnum < MAX_CLIENTS) tv->players[pnum].frags = frags; else printf("svc_updatefrags: invalid player number\n"); Multicast(tv, m->data+m->startpos, m->readpos - m->startpos, to, mask); } static void ParseUpdateStat(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m, int to, unsigned int mask) { unsigned int pnum; int value; int statnum; statnum = ReadByte(m); value = ReadByte(m); if (statnum < MAX_STATS) { for (pnum = 0; pnum < MAX_CLIENTS; pnum++) { if (mask & (1<players[pnum].stats[statnum] = value; } } else printf("svc_updatestat: invalid stat number\n"); Multicast(tv, m->data+m->startpos, m->readpos - m->startpos, to, mask); } static void ParseUpdateStatLong(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m, int to, unsigned int mask) { unsigned int pnum; int value; int statnum; statnum = ReadByte(m); value = ReadLong(m); if (statnum < MAX_STATS) { for (pnum = 0; pnum < MAX_CLIENTS; pnum++) { if (mask & (1<players[pnum].stats[statnum] = value; } } else printf("svc_updatestatlong: invalid stat number\n"); Multicast(tv, m->data+m->startpos, m->readpos - m->startpos, to, mask); } static void ParseUpdateUserinfo(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m) { int pnum; pnum = ReadByte(m); ReadLong(m); if (pnum < MAX_CLIENTS) ReadString(m, tv->players[pnum].userinfo, sizeof(tv->players[pnum].userinfo)); else { printf("svc_updateuserinfo: invalid player number\n"); while (ReadByte(m)) //suck out the message. { } } } static void ParsePacketloss(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m, int to, unsigned int mask) { unsigned int pnum; int value; pnum = ReadByte(m)%MAX_CLIENTS; value = ReadByte(m); if (pnum < MAX_CLIENTS) tv->players[pnum].packetloss = value; else printf("svc_updatepl: invalid player number\n"); Multicast(tv, m->data+m->startpos, m->readpos - m->startpos, to, mask); } static void ParseUpdateEnterTime(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m, int to, unsigned int mask) { unsigned int pnum; float value; pnum = ReadByte(m)%MAX_CLIENTS; value = ReadFloat(m); if (pnum < MAX_CLIENTS) tv->players[pnum].entertime = value; else printf("svc_updateentertime: invalid player number\n"); Multicast(tv, m->data+m->startpos, m->readpos - m->startpos, to, mask); } static void ParseSound(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m, int to, unsigned int mask) { #define SND_VOLUME (1<<15) // a qbyte #define SND_ATTENUATION (1<<14) // a qbyte #define DEFAULT_SOUND_PACKET_VOLUME 255 #define DEFAULT_SOUND_PACKET_ATTENUATION 1.0 int i; unsigned short chan; unsigned char vol; unsigned char atten; unsigned char sound_num; short org[3]; chan = ReadShort(m); if (chan & SND_VOLUME) vol = ReadByte (m); else vol = DEFAULT_SOUND_PACKET_VOLUME; if (chan & SND_ATTENUATION) atten = ReadByte (m) / 64.0; else atten = DEFAULT_SOUND_PACKET_ATTENUATION; sound_num = ReadByte (m); for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) org[i] = ReadShort (m); Multicast(tv, m->data+m->startpos, m->readpos - m->startpos, to, mask); } static void ParseDamage(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m, int to, unsigned int mask) { ReadByte (m); ReadByte (m); ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); Multicast(tv, m->data+m->startpos, m->readpos - m->startpos, to, mask); } enum { TE_SPIKE = 0, TE_SUPERSPIKE = 1, TE_GUNSHOT = 2, TE_EXPLOSION = 3, TE_TAREXPLOSION = 4, TE_LIGHTNING1 = 5, TE_LIGHTNING2 = 6, TE_WIZSPIKE = 7, TE_KNIGHTSPIKE = 8, TE_LIGHTNING3 = 9, TE_LAVASPLASH = 10, TE_TELEPORT = 11, TE_BLOOD = 12, TE_LIGHTNINGBLOOD = 13, }; static void ParseTempEntity(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m, int to, unsigned int mask) { int i; i = ReadByte (m); switch(i) { case TE_SPIKE: ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); break; case TE_SUPERSPIKE: ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); break; case TE_GUNSHOT: ReadByte (m); ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); break; case TE_EXPLOSION: ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); break; case TE_TAREXPLOSION: ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); break; case TE_LIGHTNING1: case TE_LIGHTNING2: case TE_LIGHTNING3: ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); break; case TE_WIZSPIKE: ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); break; case TE_KNIGHTSPIKE: ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); break; case TE_LAVASPLASH: ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); break; case TE_TELEPORT: ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); break; case TE_BLOOD: ReadByte (m); ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); break; case TE_LIGHTNINGBLOOD: ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); ReadShort (m); break; default: printf("temp entity %i not recognised\n", i); return; } Multicast(tv, m->data+m->startpos, m->readpos - m->startpos, to, mask); } void ParseLightstyle(sv_t *tv, netmsg_t *m) { int style; style = ReadByte(m); if (style < MAX_LIGHTSTYLES) ReadString(m, tv->lightstyle[style].name, sizeof(tv->lightstyle[style].name)); else { printf("svc_lightstyle: invalid lightstyle index (%i)\n", style); while (ReadByte(m)) //suck out the message. { } } Multicast(tv, m->data+m->startpos, m->readpos - m->startpos, dem_read, (unsigned)-1); } void ParseMessage(sv_t *tv, char *buffer, int length, int to, int mask) { netmsg_t buf; buf.cursize = length; buf.maxsize = length; buf.readpos = 0; buf.data = buffer; buf.startpos = 0; while(buf.readpos < buf.cursize) { if (buf.readpos > buf.cursize) { printf("Read past end of parse buffer\n"); return; } // printf("%i\n", buf.buffer[0]); buf.startpos = buf.readpos; switch (ReadByte(&buf)) { case svc_bad: ParseError(&buf); printf("ParseMessage: svc_bad\n"); return; case svc_nop: //quakeworld isn't meant to send these. printf("nop\n"); break; case svc_disconnect: //mvdsv safely terminates it's mvds with an svc_disconnect. //the client is meant to read that and disconnect without reading the intentionally corrupt packet following it. //however, our demo playback is chained and looping and buffered. //so we've already found the end of the source file and restarted parsing. //so there's very little we can do except crash ourselves on the EndOfDemo text following the svc_disconnect //that's a bad plan, so just stop reading this packet. return; case svc_updatestat: ParseUpdateStat(tv, &buf, to, mask); break; //#define svc_version 4 // [long] server version //#define svc_setview 5 // [short] entity number case svc_sound: ParseSound(tv, &buf, to, mask); break; //#define svc_time 7 // [float] server time case svc_print: ParsePrint(tv, &buf, to, mask); break; case svc_stufftext: ParseStufftext(tv, &buf, to, mask); break; case svc_setangle: ReadByte(&buf); ReadByte(&buf); ReadByte(&buf); ReadByte(&buf); break; case svc_serverdata: ParseServerData(tv, &buf, to, mask); break; case svc_lightstyle: ParseLightstyle(tv, &buf); break; //#define svc_updatename 13 // [qbyte] [string] case svc_updatefrags: ParseUpdateFrags(tv, &buf, to, mask); break; //#define svc_clientdata 15 // //#define svc_stopsound 16 // //#define svc_updatecolors 17 // [qbyte] [qbyte] [qbyte] //#define svc_particle 18 // [vec3] case svc_damage: ParseDamage(tv, &buf, to, mask); break; case svc_spawnstatic: ParseSpawnStatic(tv, &buf, to, mask); break; //#define svc_spawnstatic2 21 case svc_spawnbaseline: ParseBaseline(tv, &buf, to, mask); break; case svc_temp_entity: ParseTempEntity(tv, &buf, to, mask); break; //#define svc_setpause 24 // [qbyte] on / off //#define svc_signonnum 25 // [qbyte] used for the signon sequence case svc_centerprint: ParseCenterprint(tv, &buf, to, mask); break; //#define svc_killedmonster 27 //#define svc_foundsecret 28 case svc_spawnstaticsound: ParseStaticSound(tv, &buf, to, mask); break; case svc_intermission: ParseIntermission(tv, &buf, to, mask); break; //#define svc_finale 31 // [string] text case svc_cdtrack: ParseCDTrack(tv, &buf, to, mask); break; //#define svc_sellscreen 33 //#define svc_cutscene 34 //hmm... nq only... added after qw tree splitt? case svc_smallkick: case svc_bigkick: Multicast(tv, buf.data+buf.startpos, buf.readpos - buf.startpos, to, mask); break; case svc_updateping: ParseUpdatePing(tv, &buf, to, mask); break; case svc_updateentertime: ParseUpdateEnterTime(tv, &buf, to, mask); break; case svc_updatestatlong: ParseUpdateStatLong(tv, &buf, to, mask); break; case svc_muzzleflash: ReadShort(&buf); Multicast(tv, buf.data+buf.startpos, buf.readpos - buf.startpos, to, mask); break; case svc_updateuserinfo: ParseUpdateUserinfo(tv, &buf); break; //#define svc_download 41 // [short] size [size bytes] case svc_playerinfo: ParsePlayerInfo(tv, &buf); break; //#define svc_nails 43 // [qbyte] num [48 bits] xyzpy 12 12 12 4 8 case svc_chokecount: ReadByte(&buf); break; case svc_modellist: if (!ParseList(tv, &buf, tv->modellist, to, mask)) { int i; if (tv->bsp) BSP_Free(tv->bsp); if (tv->nobsp) tv->bsp = NULL; else tv->bsp = BSP_LoadModel(tv->gamedir, tv->modellist[1].name); tv->numinlines = 0; for (i = 2; i < 256; i++) { if (*tv->modellist[i].name != '*') break; tv->numinlines = i; } } break; case svc_soundlist: ParseList(tv, &buf, tv->soundlist, to, mask); break; case svc_packetentities: FlushPacketEntities(tv); ParsePacketEntities(tv, &buf); break; case svc_deltapacketentities: ReadByte(&buf); ParsePacketEntities(tv, &buf); break; //#define svc_maxspeed 49 // maxspeed change, for prediction //#define svc_entgravity 50 // gravity change, for prediction //#define svc_setinfo 51 // setinfo on a client case svc_serverinfo: ParseServerinfo(tv, &buf); break; case svc_updatepl: ParsePacketloss(tv, &buf, to, mask); break; //#define svc_nails2 54 //qwe - [qbyte] num [52 bits] nxyzpy 8 12 12 12 4 8 default: buf.readpos = buf.startpos; printf("Can't handle svc %i\n", (unsigned int)ReadByte(&buf)); return; } } }