#include "quakedef.h" #if defined(GLQUAKE) && defined(USE_EGL) #include "gl_videgl.h" extern cvar_t vid_vsync; EGLContext eglctx = EGL_NO_CONTEXT; EGLDisplay egldpy = EGL_NO_DISPLAY; EGLSurface eglsurf = EGL_NO_SURFACE; static dllhandle_t *egllibrary; static dllhandle_t *eslibrary; static EGLint (EGLAPIENTRY *qeglGetError)(void); static EGLDisplay (EGLAPIENTRY *qeglGetDisplay)(EGLNativeDisplayType display_id); static EGLBoolean (EGLAPIENTRY *qeglInitialize)(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLint *major, EGLint *minor); static EGLBoolean (EGLAPIENTRY *qeglTerminate)(EGLDisplay dpy); static EGLBoolean (EGLAPIENTRY *qeglGetConfigs)(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig *configs, EGLint config_size, EGLint *num_config); static EGLBoolean (EGLAPIENTRY *qeglChooseConfig)(EGLDisplay dpy, const EGLint *attrib_list, EGLConfig *configs, EGLint config_size, EGLint *num_config); static EGLSurface (EGLAPIENTRY *qeglCreateWindowSurface)(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, EGLNativeWindowType win, const EGLint *attrib_list); static EGLBoolean (EGLAPIENTRY *qeglDestroySurface)(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface); static EGLBoolean (EGLAPIENTRY *qeglQuerySurface)(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, EGLint attribute, EGLint *value); static EGLBoolean (EGLAPIENTRY *qeglSwapBuffers)(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface); static EGLBoolean (EGLAPIENTRY *qeglMakeCurrent)(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface draw, EGLSurface read, EGLContext ctx); static EGLContext (EGLAPIENTRY *qeglCreateContext)(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, EGLContext share_context, const EGLint *attrib_list); static EGLBoolean (EGLAPIENTRY *qeglDestroyContext)(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLContext ctx); static void * (EGLAPIENTRY *qeglGetProcAddress) (char *name); static EGLBoolean (EGLAPIENTRY *qeglSwapInterval) (EGLDisplay display, EGLint interval); static dllfunction_t qeglfuncs[] = { {(void*)&qeglGetError, "eglGetError"}, {(void*)&qeglGetDisplay, "eglGetDisplay"}, {(void*)&qeglInitialize, "eglInitialize"}, {(void*)&qeglTerminate, "eglTerminate"}, {(void*)&qeglGetConfigs, "eglGetConfigs"}, {(void*)&qeglChooseConfig, "eglChooseConfig"}, {(void*)&qeglCreateWindowSurface, "eglCreateWindowSurface"}, {(void*)&qeglDestroySurface, "eglDestroySurface"}, {(void*)&qeglQuerySurface, "eglQuerySurface"}, {(void*)&qeglSwapBuffers, "eglSwapBuffers"}, {(void*)&qeglMakeCurrent, "eglMakeCurrent"}, {(void*)&qeglCreateContext, "eglCreateContext"}, {(void*)&qeglDestroyContext, "eglDestroyContext"}, {(void*)&qeglGetProcAddress, "eglGetProcAddress"}, //EGL 1.1 {(void*)&qeglSwapInterval, "eglSwapInterval"}, {NULL} }; void *EGL_Proc(char *f) { void *proc = NULL; /* char fname[512]; { sprintf(fname, "wrap_%s", f); f = fname; } */ if (!proc) proc = Sys_GetAddressForName(eslibrary, f); if (!proc) proc = Sys_GetAddressForName(egllibrary, f); //eglGetProcAddress functions must work regardless of context... //FIXME: this means lots of false-positives. //as well as lots of thunks, which will result in slowdowns. if (qeglGetProcAddress) proc = qeglGetProcAddress(f); return proc; } void EGL_UnloadLibrary(void) { if (egllibrary) Sys_CloseLibrary(egllibrary); if (egllibrary == eslibrary) eslibrary = NULL; if (eslibrary) Sys_CloseLibrary(eslibrary); eslibrary = egllibrary = NULL; } qboolean EGL_LoadLibrary(char *driver) { /* linux seem to load glesv2 first for dependency issues. (most things are expected to statically link to their libs) strictly speaking, EGL says that functions should work regardless of context. (which of course makes portability a nightmare, especially on windows where static linking is basically impossible) (android's EGL bugs out if you use eglGetProcAddress for core functions too) */ Sys_Printf("Attempting to dlopen libGLESv2... "); eslibrary = Sys_LoadLibrary("libGLESv2", NULL); if (!eslibrary) { Sys_Printf("failed\n"); // return false; } else Sys_Printf("success\n"); #ifndef _WIN32 if (!eslibrary) { eslibrary = dlopen("libGL", RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL); if (eslibrary) Sys_Printf("Loaded libGL\n"); } if (!eslibrary) { eslibrary = dlopen("libGL.so.1.2", RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL); if (eslibrary) Sys_Printf("Loaded libGL.so.1.2\n"); } if (!eslibrary) { eslibrary = dlopen("libGL.so.1", RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL); if (eslibrary) Sys_Printf("Loaded libGL.so.1\n"); } #endif if (!eslibrary) Sys_Printf("unable to load some libGL\n"); Sys_Printf("Attempting to dlopen libEGL... "); egllibrary = Sys_LoadLibrary("libEGL", qeglfuncs); if (!egllibrary) { Sys_Printf("failed\n"); Con_Printf("libEGL library not loadable\n"); /* TODO: some implementations combine EGL/GLESv2 into single library... */ Sys_CloseLibrary(eslibrary); return false; } Sys_Printf("success\n"); return true; } void EGL_Shutdown(void) { if (eglctx == EGL_NO_CONTEXT) return; qeglMakeCurrent(EGL_NO_DISPLAY, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT); qeglDestroyContext(egldpy, eglctx); if (eglsurf != EGL_NO_SURFACE) qeglDestroySurface(egldpy, eglsurf); qeglTerminate(egldpy); eglctx = EGL_NO_CONTEXT; egldpy = EGL_NO_DISPLAY; eglsurf = EGL_NO_SURFACE; } void EGL_SwapBuffers (void) { if (vid_vsync.modified) { int interval; vid_vsync.modified = false; if (*vid_vsync.string) interval = vid_vsync.ival; else interval = 1; //default is to always vsync, according to EGL docs, so lets just do that. if (qeglSwapInterval) qeglSwapInterval(egldpy, interval); } TRACE(("EGL_SwapBuffers\n")); TRACE(("swapping buffers\n")); qeglSwapBuffers(egldpy, eglsurf); /* TODO: check result? */ TRACE(("EGL_SwapBuffers done\n")); } qboolean EGL_Init (rendererstate_t *info, unsigned char *palette, EGLNativeWindowType window, EGLNativeDisplayType dpy) { EGLint numconfig; EGLConfig cfg; EGLint major, minor; EGLint attrib[] = { EGL_SURFACE_TYPE, EGL_WINDOW_BIT, // EGL_BUFFER_SIZE, info->bpp, // EGL_SAMPLES, info->multisample, // EGL_STENCIL_SIZE, 8, EGL_ALPHA_MASK_SIZE, 0, EGL_DEPTH_SIZE, 16, EGL_RED_SIZE, 1, EGL_GREEN_SIZE, 1, EGL_BLUE_SIZE, 1, EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE, EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT, EGL_NONE }; EGLint contextattr[] = { EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION, 2, //requires EGL 1.3 EGL_NONE, EGL_NONE }; /* if (!EGL_LoadLibrary("")) { Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "EGL: unable to load library!\n"); return false; } */ egldpy = qeglGetDisplay(dpy); if (egldpy == EGL_NO_DISPLAY) egldpy = qeglGetDisplay(EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY); if (egldpy == EGL_NO_DISPLAY) { Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "EGL: can't get display!\n"); return false; } //NOTE: mesa's egl really loves to crash on this call, and I define crash as 'anything that fails to return to caller', which fucks everything up. if (!qeglInitialize(egldpy, &major, &minor)) { Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "EGL: can't initialize display!\n"); return false; } /* if (!qeglGetConfigs(egldpy, NULL, 0, &numconfigs) || !numconfigs) { Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "EGL: can't get configs!\n"); return false; } */ if (!qeglChooseConfig(egldpy, attrib, &cfg, 1, &numconfig)) { Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "EGL: can't choose config!\n"); return false; } if (!numconfig) { Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "EGL: no configs!\n"); return false; } eglsurf = qeglCreateWindowSurface(egldpy, cfg, window, NULL); if (eglsurf == EGL_NO_SURFACE) { Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "EGL: eglCreateWindowSurface failed: %x\n", qeglGetError()); return false; } eglctx = qeglCreateContext(egldpy, cfg, EGL_NO_SURFACE, contextattr); if (eglctx == EGL_NO_CONTEXT) { Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "EGL: no context!\n"); return false; } if (!qeglMakeCurrent(egldpy, eglsurf, eglsurf, eglctx)) { Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "EGL: can't make current!\n"); return false; } vid_vsync.modified = true; return true; } #endif