#include "quakedef.h" #if defined(HAVE_WINSSPI) cvar_t *tls_ignorecertificateerrors; #include <windows.h> #define SECURITY_WIN32 #include <security.h> #include <sspi.h> #include <schannel.h> //hungarian ensures we hit no macros. static struct { void *lib; SECURITY_STATUS (WINAPI *pDecryptMessage) (PCtxtHandle,PSecBufferDesc,ULONG,PULONG); SECURITY_STATUS (WINAPI *pEncryptMessage) (PCtxtHandle,ULONG,PSecBufferDesc,ULONG); SECURITY_STATUS (WINAPI *pAcquireCredentialsHandleA) (SEC_CHAR*,SEC_CHAR*,ULONG,PLUID,PVOID,SEC_GET_KEY_FN,PVOID,PCredHandle,PTimeStamp); SECURITY_STATUS (WINAPI *pInitializeSecurityContextA) (PCredHandle,PCtxtHandle,SEC_CHAR*,ULONG,ULONG,ULONG,PSecBufferDesc,ULONG,PCtxtHandle,PSecBufferDesc,PULONG,PTimeStamp); SECURITY_STATUS (WINAPI *pCompleteAuthToken) (PCtxtHandle,PSecBufferDesc); SECURITY_STATUS (WINAPI *pQueryContextAttributesA) (PCtxtHandle,ULONG,PVOID); SECURITY_STATUS (WINAPI *pFreeCredentialsHandle) (PCredHandle); SECURITY_STATUS (WINAPI *pDeleteSecurityContext) (PCtxtHandle); } secur; static struct { void *lib; BOOL (WINAPI *pCertGetCertificateChain) (HCERTCHAINENGINE,PCCERT_CONTEXT,LPFILETIME,HCERTSTORE,PCERT_CHAIN_PARA,DWORD,LPVOID,PCCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT*); BOOL (WINAPI *pCertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy) (LPCSTR,PCCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT,PCERT_CHAIN_POLICY_PARA,PCERT_CHAIN_POLICY_STATUS); void (WINAPI *pCertFreeCertificateChain) (PCCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT); DWORD (WINAPI *pCertNameToStrA) (DWORD dwCertEncodingType, PCERT_NAME_BLOB pName, DWORD dwStrType, LPTSTR psz, DWORD csz); } crypt; static qboolean SSL_Init(void) { dllfunction_t secur_functable[] = { {(void**)&secur.pDecryptMessage, "DecryptMessage"}, {(void**)&secur.pEncryptMessage, "EncryptMessage"}, {(void**)&secur.pAcquireCredentialsHandleA, "AcquireCredentialsHandleA"}, {(void**)&secur.pInitializeSecurityContextA, "InitializeSecurityContextA"}, {(void**)&secur.pCompleteAuthToken, "CompleteAuthToken"}, {(void**)&secur.pQueryContextAttributesA, "QueryContextAttributesA"}, {(void**)&secur.pFreeCredentialsHandle, "FreeCredentialsHandle"}, {(void**)&secur.pDeleteSecurityContext, "DeleteSecurityContext"}, {NULL, NULL} }; dllfunction_t crypt_functable[] = { {(void**)&crypt.pCertGetCertificateChain, "CertGetCertificateChain"}, {(void**)&crypt.pCertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy, "CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy"}, {(void**)&crypt.pCertFreeCertificateChain, "CertFreeCertificateChain"}, {(void**)&crypt.pCertNameToStrA, "CertNameToStrA"}, {NULL, NULL} }; tls_ignorecertificateerrors = Cvar_Get("tls_ignorecertificateerrors", "0", CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER, "TLS"); if (!secur.lib) secur.lib = Sys_LoadLibrary("secur32.dll", secur_functable); if (!crypt.lib) crypt.lib = Sys_LoadLibrary("crypt32.dll", crypt_functable); return !!secur.lib && !!crypt.lib; } #define MessageAttribute (ISC_REQ_SEQUENCE_DETECT | ISC_REQ_REPLAY_DETECT | ISC_REQ_CONFIDENTIALITY | ISC_RET_EXTENDED_ERROR | ISC_REQ_ALLOCATE_MEMORY | ISC_REQ_STREAM | ISC_REQ_MANUAL_CRED_VALIDATION) struct sslbuf { char data[8192]; int avail; int newd; }; typedef struct { vfsfile_t funcs; vfsfile_t *stream; wchar_t wpeername[256]; enum { HS_ESTABLISHED, HS_ERROR, HS_STARTCLIENT, HS_CLIENT, HS_STARTSERVER, HS_SERVER } handshaking; struct sslbuf outraw; struct sslbuf outcrypt; struct sslbuf inraw; struct sslbuf incrypt; CredHandle cred; SecHandle sechnd; int headersize, footersize; char headerdata[1024], footerdata[1024]; } sslfile_t; static int SSPI_CopyIntoBuffer(struct sslbuf *buf, const void *data, unsigned int bytes) { if (bytes > sizeof(buf->data) - buf->avail) bytes = sizeof(buf->data) - buf->avail; memcpy(buf->data + buf->avail, data, bytes); buf->avail += bytes; return bytes; } static void SSPI_Error(sslfile_t *f, char *error) { Sys_Printf("%s", error); if (f->stream) VFS_CLOSE(f->stream); secur.pDeleteSecurityContext(&f->sechnd); secur.pFreeCredentialsHandle(&f->cred); f->stream = NULL; } static void SSPI_TryFlushCryptOut(sslfile_t *f) { int sent; if (f->outcrypt.avail) sent = VFS_WRITE(f->stream, f->outcrypt.data, f->outcrypt.avail); else return; if (sent > 0) { memmove(f->outcrypt.data, f->outcrypt.data + sent, f->outcrypt.avail - sent); f->outcrypt.avail -= sent; } } static int SSPI_CheckNewInCrypt(sslfile_t *f) { int newd; if (!f->stream) return -1; newd = VFS_READ(f->stream, f->incrypt.data+f->incrypt.avail, sizeof(f->incrypt.data) - f->incrypt.avail); if (newd < 0) return newd; else f->incrypt.avail += newd; return 0; } //convert inbound crypt->data static void SSPI_Decode(sslfile_t *f) { SECURITY_STATUS ss; SecBufferDesc BuffDesc; SecBuffer SecBuff[4]; ULONG ulQop = 0; SecBuffer *data = NULL; SecBuffer *extra = NULL; int i; if (!f->incrypt.avail) return; BuffDesc.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION; BuffDesc.cBuffers = 4; BuffDesc.pBuffers = SecBuff; SecBuff[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_DATA; SecBuff[0].cbBuffer = f->incrypt.avail; SecBuff[0].pvBuffer = f->incrypt.data; SecBuff[1].BufferType = SECBUFFER_EMPTY; //space for header SecBuff[2].BufferType = SECBUFFER_EMPTY; //space for footer SecBuff[3].BufferType = SECBUFFER_EMPTY; //space for extra marker ss = secur.pDecryptMessage(&f->sechnd, &BuffDesc, 0, &ulQop); if (ss < 0) { if (ss == SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE) return; //no error if its incomplete, we can just get more data later on. SSPI_Error(f, "DecryptMessage failed\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < BuffDesc.cBuffers; i++) { if (SecBuff[i].BufferType == SECBUFFER_DATA && !data) data = &SecBuff[i]; if (SecBuff[i].BufferType == SECBUFFER_EXTRA && !extra) extra = &SecBuff[i]; } //copy the data out to the result, yay. if (data) SSPI_CopyIntoBuffer(&f->inraw, data->pvBuffer, data->cbBuffer); //retain the extra. if there's no extra then mark it so. if (extra) { memmove(f->incrypt.data, f->incrypt.data + (f->incrypt.avail - extra->cbBuffer), extra->cbBuffer); f->incrypt.avail = extra->cbBuffer; } else f->incrypt.avail = 0; } //convert outgoing data->crypt static void SSPI_Encode(sslfile_t *f) { SECURITY_STATUS ss; SecBufferDesc BuffDesc; SecBuffer SecBuff[4]; ULONG ulQop = 0; if (f->outcrypt.avail) { SSPI_TryFlushCryptOut(f); if (f->outcrypt.avail) return; //don't flood too much } //don't corrupt the handshake data. if (f->handshaking) return; if (!f->outraw.avail) return; BuffDesc.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION; BuffDesc.cBuffers = 4; BuffDesc.pBuffers = SecBuff; SecBuff[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_STREAM_HEADER; SecBuff[0].cbBuffer = f->headersize; SecBuff[0].pvBuffer = f->headerdata; SecBuff[1].BufferType = SECBUFFER_DATA; SecBuff[1].cbBuffer = f->outraw.avail; SecBuff[1].pvBuffer = f->outraw.data; SecBuff[2].BufferType = SECBUFFER_STREAM_TRAILER; SecBuff[2].cbBuffer = f->footersize; SecBuff[2].pvBuffer = f->footerdata; SecBuff[3].BufferType = SECBUFFER_EMPTY; ss = secur.pEncryptMessage(&f->sechnd, ulQop, &BuffDesc, 0); if (ss < 0) { SSPI_Error(f, "EncryptMessage failed\n"); return; } f->outraw.avail = 0; //fixme: these should be made non-fatal. if (SSPI_CopyIntoBuffer(&f->outcrypt, SecBuff[0].pvBuffer, SecBuff[0].cbBuffer) < SecBuff[0].cbBuffer) { SSPI_Error(f, "crypt buffer overflowed\n"); return; } if (SSPI_CopyIntoBuffer(&f->outcrypt, SecBuff[1].pvBuffer, SecBuff[1].cbBuffer) < SecBuff[1].cbBuffer) { SSPI_Error(f, "crypt buffer overflowed\n"); return; } if (SSPI_CopyIntoBuffer(&f->outcrypt, SecBuff[2].pvBuffer, SecBuff[2].cbBuffer) < SecBuff[2].cbBuffer) { SSPI_Error(f, "crypt buffer overflowed\n"); return; } SSPI_TryFlushCryptOut(f); } static DWORD VerifyServerCertificate(PCCERT_CONTEXT pServerCert, PWSTR pwszServerName, DWORD dwCertFlags) { HTTPSPolicyCallbackData polHttps; CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_PARA PolicyPara; CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_STATUS PolicyStatus; CERT_CHAIN_PARA ChainPara; PCCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT pChainContext; DWORD Status; LPSTR rgszUsages[] = { szOID_PKIX_KP_SERVER_AUTH, szOID_SERVER_GATED_CRYPTO, szOID_SGC_NETSCAPE }; DWORD cUsages = sizeof(rgszUsages) / sizeof(LPSTR); if(pServerCert == NULL) return SEC_E_WRONG_PRINCIPAL; if(!*pwszServerName) return SEC_E_WRONG_PRINCIPAL; // Build certificate chain. memset(&ChainPara, 0, sizeof(ChainPara)); ChainPara.cbSize = sizeof(ChainPara); ChainPara.RequestedUsage.dwType = USAGE_MATCH_TYPE_OR; ChainPara.RequestedUsage.Usage.cUsageIdentifier = cUsages; ChainPara.RequestedUsage.Usage.rgpszUsageIdentifier = rgszUsages; if (!crypt.pCertGetCertificateChain(NULL, pServerCert, NULL, pServerCert->hCertStore, &ChainPara, 0, NULL, &pChainContext)) { Status = GetLastError(); Sys_Printf("Error 0x%x returned by CertGetCertificateChain!\n", (unsigned int)Status); } else { // Validate certificate chain. memset(&polHttps, 0, sizeof(HTTPSPolicyCallbackData)); polHttps.cbStruct = sizeof(HTTPSPolicyCallbackData); polHttps.dwAuthType = AUTHTYPE_SERVER; polHttps.fdwChecks = dwCertFlags; polHttps.pwszServerName = pwszServerName; memset(&PolicyPara, 0, sizeof(PolicyPara)); PolicyPara.cbSize = sizeof(PolicyPara); PolicyPara.pvExtraPolicyPara = &polHttps; memset(&PolicyStatus, 0, sizeof(PolicyStatus)); PolicyStatus.cbSize = sizeof(PolicyStatus); if (!crypt.pCertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy(CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_SSL, pChainContext, &PolicyPara, &PolicyStatus)) { Status = GetLastError(); Sys_Printf("Error 0x%x returned by CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy!\n", (unsigned int)Status); } else { if (PolicyStatus.dwError) { char fmsg[512]; char *err; Status = PolicyStatus.dwError; switch (Status) { case CERT_E_EXPIRED: err = "CERT_E_EXPIRED"; break; case CERT_E_VALIDITYPERIODNESTING: err = "CERT_E_VALIDITYPERIODNESTING"; break; case CERT_E_ROLE: err = "CERT_E_ROLE"; break; case CERT_E_PATHLENCONST: err = "CERT_E_PATHLENCONST"; break; case CERT_E_CRITICAL: err = "CERT_E_CRITICAL"; break; case CERT_E_PURPOSE: err = "CERT_E_PURPOSE"; break; case CERT_E_ISSUERCHAINING: err = "CERT_E_ISSUERCHAINING"; break; case CERT_E_MALFORMED: err = "CERT_E_MALFORMED"; break; case CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDROOT: err = "CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDROOT"; break; case CERT_E_CHAINING: err = "CERT_E_CHAINING"; break; case TRUST_E_FAIL: err = "TRUST_E_FAIL"; break; case CERT_E_REVOKED: err = "CERT_E_REVOKED"; break; case CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDTESTROOT: err = "CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDTESTROOT"; break; case CERT_E_REVOCATION_FAILURE: err = "CERT_E_REVOCATION_FAILURE"; break; case CERT_E_CN_NO_MATCH: err = fmsg; Q_strncpyz(fmsg, "Certificate is for ", sizeof(fmsg)); crypt.pCertNameToStrA(X509_ASN_ENCODING, &pServerCert->pCertInfo->Subject, 0, fmsg+strlen(fmsg), sizeof(fmsg)-strlen(fmsg)); break; case CERT_E_WRONG_USAGE: err = "CERT_E_WRONG_USAGE"; break; default: err = "(unknown)"; break; } Con_Printf("Error verifying certificate for '%S': %s\n", pwszServerName, err); if (tls_ignorecertificateerrors->ival) { Con_Printf("pretending it didn't happen... (tls_ignorecertificateerrors is set)\n"); Status = SEC_E_OK; } } else Status = SEC_E_OK; } crypt.pCertFreeCertificateChain(pChainContext); } return Status; } static void SSPI_Handshake (sslfile_t *f) { SECURITY_STATUS ss; TimeStamp Lifetime; SecBufferDesc OutBuffDesc; SecBuffer OutSecBuff; SecBufferDesc InBuffDesc; SecBuffer InSecBuff[2]; ULONG ContextAttributes; SCHANNEL_CRED SchannelCred; if (f->outcrypt.avail) { //don't let things build up too much SSPI_TryFlushCryptOut(f); if (f->outcrypt.avail) return; } OutBuffDesc.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION; OutBuffDesc.cBuffers = 1; OutBuffDesc.pBuffers = &OutSecBuff; OutSecBuff.cbBuffer = sizeof(f->outcrypt.data) - f->outcrypt.avail; OutSecBuff.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; OutSecBuff.pvBuffer = f->outcrypt.data + f->outcrypt.avail; if (f->handshaking == HS_STARTCLIENT) { //no input data yet. f->handshaking = HS_CLIENT; memset(&SchannelCred, 0, sizeof(SchannelCred)); SchannelCred.dwVersion = SCHANNEL_CRED_VERSION; SchannelCred.grbitEnabledProtocols = SP_PROT_TLS1 | SP_PROT_SSL3; SchannelCred.dwFlags |= SCH_CRED_NO_DEFAULT_CREDS; /*don't use windows login info or anything*/ ss = secur.pAcquireCredentialsHandleA (NULL, UNISP_NAME_A, SECPKG_CRED_OUTBOUND, NULL, &SchannelCred, NULL, NULL, &f->cred, &Lifetime); if (ss < 0) { SSPI_Error(f, "AcquireCredentialsHandle failed\n"); return; } ss = secur.pInitializeSecurityContextA (&f->cred, NULL, NULL, MessageAttribute, 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, NULL, 0, &f->sechnd, &OutBuffDesc, &ContextAttributes, &Lifetime); } else { //only if we actually have data. if (!f->incrypt.avail) return; InBuffDesc.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION; InBuffDesc.cBuffers = 2; InBuffDesc.pBuffers = InSecBuff; InSecBuff[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; InSecBuff[0].cbBuffer = f->incrypt.avail; InSecBuff[0].pvBuffer = f->incrypt.data; InSecBuff[1].BufferType = SECBUFFER_EMPTY; InSecBuff[1].pvBuffer = NULL; InSecBuff[1].cbBuffer = 0; ss = secur.pInitializeSecurityContextA (&f->cred, &f->sechnd, NULL, MessageAttribute, 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, &InBuffDesc, 0, &f->sechnd, &OutBuffDesc, &ContextAttributes, &Lifetime); if (ss == SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE) return; //any extra data should still remain for the next time around. this might be more handshake data or payload data. if (InSecBuff[1].BufferType == SECBUFFER_EXTRA) { memmove(f->incrypt.data, f->incrypt.data + (f->incrypt.avail - InSecBuff[1].cbBuffer), InSecBuff[1].cbBuffer); f->incrypt.avail = InSecBuff[1].cbBuffer; } else f->incrypt.avail = 0; } if (ss == SEC_I_INCOMPLETE_CREDENTIALS) { SSPI_Error(f, "server requires credentials\n"); return; } if (ss < 0) { SSPI_Error(f, "InitializeSecurityContext failed\n"); return; } if ((SEC_I_COMPLETE_NEEDED == ss) || (SEC_I_COMPLETE_AND_CONTINUE == ss)) { ss = secur.pCompleteAuthToken (&f->sechnd, &OutBuffDesc); if (ss < 0) { SSPI_Error(f, "CompleteAuthToken failed\n"); return; } } if (SSPI_CopyIntoBuffer(&f->outcrypt, OutSecBuff.pvBuffer, OutSecBuff.cbBuffer) < OutSecBuff.cbBuffer) { SSPI_Error(f, "crypt overflow\n"); return; } //send early, send often. SSPI_TryFlushCryptOut(f); //its all okay and established if we get this far. if (ss == SEC_E_OK) { SecPkgContext_StreamSizes strsizes; CERT_CONTEXT *remotecert; secur.pQueryContextAttributesA(&f->sechnd, SECPKG_ATTR_STREAM_SIZES, &strsizes); f->headersize = strsizes.cbHeader; f->footersize = strsizes.cbTrailer; f->handshaking = HS_ESTABLISHED; if (*f->wpeername) { ss = secur.pQueryContextAttributesA(&f->sechnd, SECPKG_ATTR_REMOTE_CERT_CONTEXT, &remotecert); if (ss != SEC_E_OK) { f->handshaking = HS_ERROR; SSPI_Error(f, "unable to read server's certificate\n"); return; } if (VerifyServerCertificate(remotecert, f->wpeername, 0)) { f->handshaking = HS_ERROR; SSPI_Error(f, "Error validating certificante\n"); } } else Sys_Printf("SSL/TLS Server name not specified, skipping verification\n"); SSPI_Encode(f); } } static int QDECL SSPI_ReadBytes (struct vfsfile_s *file, void *buffer, int bytestoread) { sslfile_t *f = (sslfile_t *)file; int err = SSPI_CheckNewInCrypt(f); if (f->handshaking) { SSPI_Handshake(f); return err; } SSPI_Encode(f); SSPI_Decode(f); bytestoread = min(bytestoread, f->inraw.avail); if (bytestoread) { memcpy(buffer, f->inraw.data, bytestoread); f->inraw.avail -= bytestoread; memmove(f->inraw.data, f->inraw.data + bytestoread, f->inraw.avail); } else { if (err) return err; } return bytestoread; } static int QDECL SSPI_WriteBytes (struct vfsfile_s *file, const void *buffer, int bytestowrite) { sslfile_t *f = (sslfile_t *)file; bytestowrite = SSPI_CopyIntoBuffer(&f->outraw, buffer, bytestowrite); if (f->handshaking) { SSPI_CheckNewInCrypt(f); //make sure its ticking over SSPI_Handshake(f); } else { SSPI_Encode(f); } return bytestowrite; } static qboolean QDECL SSPI_Seek (struct vfsfile_s *file, unsigned long pos) { SSPI_Error((sslfile_t*)file, "unable to seek on streams\n"); return false; } static unsigned long QDECL SSPI_Tell (struct vfsfile_s *file) { SSPI_Error((sslfile_t*)file, "unable to seek on streams\n"); return 0; } static unsigned long QDECL SSPI_GetLen (struct vfsfile_s *file) { return 0; } static void QDECL SSPI_Close (struct vfsfile_s *file) { SSPI_Error((sslfile_t*)file, ""); Z_Free(file); } #include <wchar.h> vfsfile_t *FS_OpenSSL(const char *hostname, vfsfile_t *source, qboolean server) { sslfile_t *newf; int i = 0; int err; unsigned int c; if (!source || !SSL_Init()) { VFS_CLOSE(source); return NULL; } if (!hostname) hostname = ""; if (server) //unsupported { VFS_CLOSE(source); return NULL; } newf = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*newf)); while(*hostname) { c = utf8_decode(&err, hostname, (void*)&hostname); if (c > WCHAR_MAX) err = true; //no 16bit surrogates. they're evil. else if (i == sizeof(newf->wpeername)/sizeof(newf->wpeername[0]) - 1) err = true; //no space to store it else newf->wpeername[i++] = c; if (err) { Z_Free(newf); VFS_CLOSE(source); return NULL; } } newf->wpeername[i] = 0; newf->handshaking = server?HS_STARTSERVER:HS_STARTCLIENT; newf->stream = source; newf->funcs.Close = SSPI_Close; newf->funcs.Flush = NULL; newf->funcs.GetLen = SSPI_GetLen; newf->funcs.ReadBytes = SSPI_ReadBytes; newf->funcs.Seek = SSPI_Seek; newf->funcs.Tell = SSPI_Tell; newf->funcs.WriteBytes = SSPI_WriteBytes; newf->funcs.seekingisabadplan = true; return &newf->funcs; } #endif