//file for builtin implementations relevent to all VMs. #include "quakedef.h" #if !defined(CLIENTONLY) || defined(CSQC_DAT) || defined(MENU_DAT) #include "pr_common.h" #include <ctype.h> #define VMUTF8 0 #define VMUTF8MARKUP false static char *cvargroup_progs = "Progs variables"; cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_nolinknonsolid = CVARD("sv_gameplayfix_nolinknonsolid", "1", "When 0, setorigin et al will not link the entity into the collision nodes (which is faster, especially if you have a lot of non-solid entities. When 1, allows entities to freely switch between .solid values (except for SOLID_BSP) without relinking. A lot of DP mods assume a value of 1 and will bug out otherwise, while 0 will restore a bugs present in various mods."); cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_blowupfallenzombies = CVARD("sv_gameplayfix_blowupfallenzombies", "0", "Allow findradius to find non-solid entities. This may break certain mods. It is better for mods to use FL_FINDABLE_NONSOLID instead."); cvar_t dpcompat_findradiusarealinks = CVARD("dpcompat_findradiusarealinks", "0", "Use the world collision info to accelerate findradius instead of looping through every single entity. May actually be slower for large radiuses, or fail to find entities which have not been linked properly with setorigin."); #ifndef NOLEGACY cvar_t dpcompat_strcat_limit = CVARD("dpcompat_strcat_limit", "", "When set, cripples strcat (and related function) string lengths to the value specified.\nSet to 16383 to replicate DP's limit, otherwise leave as 0 to avoid limits."); #endif cvar_t pr_droptofloorunits = CVARD("pr_droptofloorunits", "256", "Distance that droptofloor is allowed to drop to be considered successul."); cvar_t pr_brokenfloatconvert = CVAR("pr_brokenfloatconvert", "0"); cvar_t pr_fixbrokenqccarrays = CVARFD("pr_fixbrokenqccarrays", "0", CVAR_LATCH, "As part of its nq/qw/h2/csqc support, FTE remaps QC fields to match an internal order. This is a faster way to handle extended fields. However, some QCCs are buggy and don't report all field defs.\n0: do nothing. QCC must be well behaved.\n1: Duplicate engine fields, remap the ones we can to known offsets. This is sufficient for QCCX/FrikQCC mods that use hardcoded or even occasional calculated offsets (fixes ktpro).\n2: Scan the mod for field accessing instructions, and assume those are the fields (and that they don't alias non-fields). This can be used to work around gmqcc's WTFs (fixes xonotic)."); cvar_t pr_tempstringcount = CVARD("pr_tempstringcount", "", "Obsolete. Set to 16 if you want to recycle+reuse the same 16 tempstring references and break lots of mods."); cvar_t pr_tempstringsize = CVARD("pr_tempstringsize", "4096", "Obsolete"); cvar_t pr_sourcedir = CVARD("pr_sourcedir", "src", "Subdirectory where your qc source is located. Used by the internal compiler and qc debugging functionality."); cvar_t pr_enable_uriget = CVARD("pr_enable_uriget", "1", "Allows gamecode to make direct http requests"); cvar_t pr_enable_profiling = CVARD("pr_enable_profiling", "0", "Enables profiling support. Will run more slowly. Change the map and then use the profile_ssqc/profile_csqc commands to see the results."); int tokenizeqc(const char *str, qboolean dpfuckage); void PF_buf_shutdown(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst); void skel_info_f(void); void skel_generateragdoll_f(void); #ifdef __SSE2__ #include "xmmintrin.h" #endif void PF_Common_RegisterCvars(void) { #ifndef QUAKETC #ifdef __SSE2__ //disable FTZ and DAZ, in case some compiler left them on... unsigned int mxcsr = _mm_getcsr(); if (mxcsr & 0x8040) { if (COM_CheckParm("-nodaz")) { Con_DPrintf("Disabling DAZ. This may have performance implications.\n"); _mm_setcsr(mxcsr & ~(0x8040)); } else Con_DPrintf(CON_WARNING "denormalised floats are disabled. Use -nodaz to re-enable if mods malfunction\n"); } #else volatile union { int i; float f; } a, b; a.i = 1; b.i = 1; if (!(a.f && b.f)) Con_Printf(CON_WARNING "denormalised floats are disabled. Some mods might may malfunction\n"); #endif #endif Cvar_Register (&sv_gameplayfix_blowupfallenzombies, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&sv_gameplayfix_nolinknonsolid, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&dpcompat_findradiusarealinks, cvargroup_progs); #ifndef NOLEGACY Cvar_Register (&dpcompat_strcat_limit, cvargroup_progs); #endif Cvar_Register (&pr_droptofloorunits, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&pr_brokenfloatconvert, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&pr_tempstringcount, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&pr_tempstringsize, cvargroup_progs); #ifdef WEBCLIENT Cvar_Register (&pr_enable_uriget, cvargroup_progs); #endif Cvar_Register (&pr_enable_profiling, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&pr_sourcedir, cvargroup_progs); Cvar_Register (&pr_fixbrokenqccarrays, cvargroup_progs); #ifdef RAGDOLL Cmd_AddCommand("skel_info", skel_info_f); Cmd_AddCommand("skel_generateragdoll", skel_generateragdoll_f); #endif WPhys_Init(); #ifdef ENGINE_ROUTING PR_Route_Init(); #endif } qofs_t PR_ReadBytesString(char *str) { //use doubles, so we can cope with eg "5.3mb" or much larger values double d = strtod(str, &str); if (*str == 'g') d *= 1024*1024*1024; if (*str == 'm') d *= 1024*1024; if (*str == 'k') d *= 1024; return d; } //just prints out a warning with stack trace. so I can throttle spammy stack traces. static void PF_Warningf(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char string[1024]; va_start (argptr, fmt); vsnprintf (string, sizeof(string)-1, fmt, argptr); va_end (argptr); if (developer.ival) PR_StackTrace(prinst, false); Con_Printf("%s", string); } const char *PF_VarString (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, int first, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { #define VARSTRINGLEN 65536+8 int i; static char buffer[2][VARSTRINGLEN]; static int bufnum; const char *s; char *out; if (prinst->callargc - first == 1) return PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0+first*3); //no need to copy/etc. out = buffer[(bufnum++)&1]; out[0] = 0; for (i=first ; i<prinst->callargc ; i++) { // if (G_INT(OFS_PARM0+i*3) < 0 || G_INT(OFS_PARM0+i*3) >= 1024*1024); // break; s = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0+i*3); if (s) { if (strlen(out)+strlen(s)+1 >= VARSTRINGLEN) Con_DPrintf("VarString (builtin call ending with strings) exceeded maximum string length of %i chars", VARSTRINGLEN); Q_strncatz (out, s, VARSTRINGLEN); } } return out; } static int debuggerresume; static int debuggerresumeline; extern int isPlugin; //if 2, we were invoked by a debugger, and we need to give it debug locations (and it'll feed us continue/steps/breakpoints) #ifndef SERVERONLY static int debuggerstacky; #endif #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(FTE_SDL) && !defined(_XBOX) #include <windows.h> void INS_UpdateGrabs(int fullscreen, int activeapp); #endif int QCLibEditor(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, const char *filename, int *line, int *statement, char *error, pbool fatal); void QCLoadBreakpoints(const char *vmname, const char *progsname) { //this asks the gui to reapply any active breakpoints and waits for them so that any spawn functions can be breakpointed properly. #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(FTE_SDL) && !defined(_XBOX) extern int isPlugin; if (isPlugin >= 2) { #ifdef SERVERONLY SV_GetConsoleCommands(); #else Sys_SendKeyEvents(); #endif debuggerresume = -1; printf("qcreloaded \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", vmname, progsname); fflush(stdout); #ifndef SERVERONLY INS_UpdateGrabs(false, false); #endif while(debuggerresume == -1 && !wantquit) { Sleep(10); #ifdef SERVERONLY SV_GetConsoleCommands(); #else Sys_SendKeyEvents(); #endif } } #endif } extern cvar_t pr_sourcedir; pubprogfuncs_t *debuggerinstance; const char *debuggerfile; size_t debuggerwnd; qboolean QCExternalDebuggerCommand(char *text) { #if defined(CSQC_DAT) && !defined(SERVERONLY) extern world_t csqc_world; #endif #if defined(MENU_DAT) && !defined(SERVERONLY) extern world_t menu_world; #endif if (!isPlugin) return false; if ((!strncmp(text, "qcstep", 6) && (text[6] == 0 || text[6] == ' ')) || (!strncmp(text, "qcresume", 8) && (text[8] == 0 || text[8] == ' '))) { // int l; if (text[2] == 's') { text += 6; while(*text==' ' || *text=='\t') text++; if (!strncmp(text, "out", 3)) debuggerresume = DEBUG_TRACE_OUT; else if (!strncmp(text, "over", 3)) debuggerresume = DEBUG_TRACE_OVER; else debuggerresume = DEBUG_TRACE_INTO; // l = atoi(text+7); } else { // l = atoi(text+9); debuggerresume = DEBUG_TRACE_OFF; } // if (l) // debuggerresumeline = l; } else if (!strncmp(text, "qcjump ", 7)) { char file[MAX_QPATH]; char linebuf[32]; text += 7; text = COM_ParseOut(text, file, sizeof(file)); text = COM_ParseOut(text, linebuf, sizeof(linebuf)); if (debuggerinstance && debuggerfile && !Q_strcasecmp(file, debuggerfile)) { debuggerresumeline = atoi(linebuf); debuggerresume = DEBUG_TRACE_NORESUME; //'resume' from the debugger only to break again, so we know the new line number (if they tried setting the line to a blank one) } } else if (!strncmp(text, "debuggerwnd ", 11)) { //send focus to this window when debugging debuggerwnd = strtoul(text+12, NULL, 0); } else if (!strncmp(text, "qcinspect ", 10)) { //called on mouse-over events in the gui char *variable; // char *function; char resultbuffer[8192], tmpbuffer[8192]; char *vmnames[4] = {"cur: ", "ssqc: ", "csqc: ", "menu: "}; char *values[4] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; int i; Cmd_TokenizeString(text, false, false); variable = Cmd_Argv(1); // function = Cmd_Argv(2); //togglebreakpoint just finds the first statement (via the function table for file names) with the specified line number, and sets some unused high bit that causes it to be an invalid opcode. if (debuggerinstance) { if (debuggerinstance->EvaluateDebugString) values[0] = debuggerinstance->EvaluateDebugString(debuggerinstance, variable); } else { #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (sv.world.progs && sv.world.progs->EvaluateDebugString) values[1] = sv.world.progs->EvaluateDebugString(sv.world.progs, variable); #endif #ifndef SERVERONLY #ifdef CSQC_DAT if (csqc_world.progs && csqc_world.progs->EvaluateDebugString) values[2] = csqc_world.progs->EvaluateDebugString(csqc_world.progs, variable); #endif #ifdef MENU_DAT if (menu_world.progs && menu_world.progs->EvaluateDebugString) values[3] = menu_world.progs->EvaluateDebugString(menu_world.progs, variable); #endif #endif } for (i = 0, *resultbuffer = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (!values[i]) continue; if (!strcmp(values[i], "(unable to evaluate)")) continue; if (*resultbuffer || !debuggerinstance) Q_strncatz(resultbuffer, "\n", sizeof(resultbuffer)); if (!debuggerinstance) { Q_strncatz(resultbuffer, vmnames[i], sizeof(resultbuffer)); } Q_strncatz(resultbuffer, COM_QuotedString(values[i], tmpbuffer, sizeof(tmpbuffer), true), sizeof(resultbuffer)); } printf("qcvalue \"%s\" %s\n", variable, COM_QuotedString(resultbuffer, tmpbuffer, sizeof(tmpbuffer), false)); fflush(stdout); } else if (!strncmp(text, "qcreload", 8)) { #if defined(MENU_DAT) && !defined(SERVERONLY) Cbuf_AddText("menu_restart\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); #endif #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (sv.state) Cbuf_AddText("restart\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); #endif // Host_EndGame("Reloading QC"); debuggerresume = DEBUG_TRACE_ABORT; } else if (!strncmp(text, "qcbreakpoint ", 13)) { int mode; char *filename; int line; Cmd_TokenizeString(text, false, false); mode = strtoul(Cmd_Argv(1), NULL, 0); filename = Cmd_Argv(2); line = strtoul(Cmd_Argv(3), NULL, 0); //togglebreakpoint just finds the first statement (via the function table for file names) with the specified line number, and sets some unused high bit that causes it to be an invalid opcode. #ifndef SERVERONLY #ifdef CSQC_DAT if (csqc_world.progs && csqc_world.progs->ToggleBreak) csqc_world.progs->ToggleBreak(csqc_world.progs, filename, line, mode); #endif #ifdef MENU_DAT if (menu_world.progs && menu_world.progs->ToggleBreak) menu_world.progs->ToggleBreak(menu_world.progs, filename, line, mode); #endif #endif #ifndef CLIENTONLY if (sv.world.progs && sv.world.progs->ToggleBreak) sv.world.progs->ToggleBreak(sv.world.progs, filename, line, mode); #endif } else return false; return true; } int QDECL QCEditor (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, const char *filename, int *line, int *statement, char *reason, pbool fatal) { #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(FTE_SDL) && !defined(_XBOX) if (isPlugin >= 2) { if (wantquit) return DEBUG_TRACE_ABORT; if (!*filename || !line || !*line) //don't try editing an empty line, it won't work { Con_Printf("Unable to debug, please disable optimisations\n"); if (fatal) return DEBUG_TRACE_ABORT; return DEBUG_TRACE_OFF; } #ifdef SERVERONLY SV_GetConsoleCommands(); #else Sys_SendKeyEvents(); #endif debuggerresume = -1; debuggerresumeline = *line; if (debuggerwnd) SetForegroundWindow((HWND)debuggerwnd); if (reason) { char tmpbuffer[8192]; printf("qcfault \"%s\":%i %s\n", filename, *line, COM_QuotedString(reason, tmpbuffer, sizeof(tmpbuffer), false)); } else printf("qcstep \"%s\":%i\n", filename, *line); fflush(stdout); debuggerinstance = prinst; debuggerfile = filename; #ifdef SERVERONLY if (reason) { printf("Debugger triggered at \"%s\":%i, %s\n", filename, *line, reason); PR_StackTrace(prinst, 1); } while(debuggerresume == -1 && !wantquit) { Sleep(10); SV_GetConsoleCommands(); } #else INS_UpdateGrabs(false, false); if (reason) Con_Footerf(NULL, false, "^bDebugging: %s", reason); else Con_Footerf(NULL, false, "^bDebugging"); while(debuggerresume == -1 && !wantquit) { Sleep(10); Sys_SendKeyEvents(); if (qrenderer) { //FIXME: display a stack trace and locals instead R2D_ImageColours(0.1, 0, 0, 1); R2D_FillBlock(0, 0, vid.width, vid.height); Con_DrawConsole(vid.height/2, true); //draw console at half-height debuggerstacky = vid.height/2; if (debuggerstacky) PR_StackTrace(prinst, 2); debuggerstacky = 0; if (R2D_Flush) R2D_Flush(); VID_SwapBuffers(); } } Con_Footerf(NULL, false, ""); #endif *line = debuggerresumeline; debuggerinstance = NULL; debuggerfile = NULL; if (wantquit) return DEBUG_TRACE_ABORT; return debuggerresume; } #endif #ifdef TEXTEDITOR return QCLibEditor(prinst, filename, line, statement, reason, fatal); #else if (fatal) return DEBUG_TRACE_ABORT; return DEBUG_TRACE_OFF; //get lost { int i; char buffer[8192]; char *r; vfsfile_t *f; #ifndef CLIENTONLY SV_EndRedirect(); #endif if (developer.value && line) { f = FS_OpenVFS(filename, "rb", FS_GAME); } else f = NULL; //faster. if (!f) { Q_snprintfz(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s/%s", pr_sourcedir.string, filename); f = FS_OpenVFS(buffer, "rb", FS_GAME); } if (!f) { if (reason) Con_Printf("-%s - %i: %s\n", filename, line?*line:*statement, reason); else Con_Printf("-%s - %i\n", filename, line?*line:*statement); } else { for (i = 0; i < *line; i++) { VFS_GETS(f, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); } if ((r = strchr(buffer, '\r'))) { r[0] = '\n';r[1]='\0';} Con_Printf("-%s", buffer); VFS_CLOSE(f); } } if (reason) return DEBUG_TRACE_ABORT; //PF_break(NULL); return DEBUG_TRACE_OVER; #endif } //tag warnings/errors for easier debugging. int PR_Print (qboolean dev, const char *msg) { char file[MAX_OSPATH]; int line = -1; char *ls, *ms, *nl; while (*msg) { nl = strchr(msg, '\n'); if (nl) *nl = 0; *file = 0; /*when we're debugging, stack dumps should appear directly on-screen instead of being shoved on the console*/ #ifndef SERVERONLY if (debuggerstacky) { Draw_FunString(0, debuggerstacky, msg); debuggerstacky += 8; if (nl) msg = nl+1; else break; continue; } #endif ls = strchr(msg, ':'); if (ls) { ms = strchr(ls+1, ':'); if (ms) { *ms = '\0'; if (!strchr(msg, ' ') && !strchr(msg, '\t') && !strchr(msg, '\r') && (ls - msg) < sizeof(file)-1) { memcpy(file, msg, ls - msg); file[ls-msg] = 0; line = strtoul(ls+1, NULL, 0); } *ms = ':'; } } if (dev) { if (*file) Con_DPrintf ("^[%s\\edit\\%s:%i^]", msg, file, line); else Con_DPrintf ("%s", msg); } else { if (*file) Con_Printf ("^[%s\\edit\\%s:%i^]", msg, file, line); else Con_Printf ("%s", msg); } if (nl) { if (dev) Con_DPrintf ("\n"); else Con_Printf ("\n"); msg = nl+1; } else break; } return 0; } int PR_Printf (const char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char msg[1024]; va_start (argptr,fmt); vsnprintf (msg,sizeof(msg), fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); return PR_Print(false, msg); } int PR_DPrintf (const char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char msg[1024]; va_start (argptr,fmt); vsnprintf (msg,sizeof(msg), fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); return PR_Print(true, msg); } #define MAX_TEMPSTRS ((int)pr_tempstringcount.value) #define MAXTEMPBUFFERLEN ((int)pr_tempstringsize.value) string_t PR_TempString(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, const char *str) { char *tmp; if (!prinst->tempstringbase) return prinst->TempString(prinst, str); if (!str || !*str) return 0; if (prinst->tempstringnum == MAX_TEMPSTRS) prinst->tempstringnum = 0; tmp = prinst->tempstringbase + (prinst->tempstringnum++)*MAXTEMPBUFFERLEN; Q_strncpyz(tmp, str, MAXTEMPBUFFERLEN); return tmp - prinst->stringtable; } void PF_InitTempStrings(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst) { if (pr_tempstringcount.value > 0 && pr_tempstringcount.value < 2) pr_tempstringcount.value = 2; if (pr_tempstringsize.value < 256) pr_tempstringsize.value = 256; pr_tempstringcount.flags |= CVAR_NOSET; pr_tempstringsize.flags |= CVAR_NOSET; if (pr_tempstringcount.value >= 2) prinst->tempstringbase = prinst->AddString(prinst, "", MAXTEMPBUFFERLEN*MAX_TEMPSTRS, false); else prinst->tempstringbase = 0; prinst->tempstringnum = 0; } //#define RETURN_EDICT(pf, e) (((int *)pr_globals)[OFS_RETURN] = EDICT_TO_PROG(pf, e)) #define RETURN_SSTRING(s) (((int *)pr_globals)[OFS_RETURN] = PR_SetString(prinst, s)) //static - exe will not change it. #define RETURN_TSTRING(s) (((int *)pr_globals)[OFS_RETURN] = PR_TempString(prinst, s)) //temp (static but cycle buffers) #define RETURN_CSTRING(s) (((int *)pr_globals)[OFS_RETURN] = PR_SetString(prinst, s)) //semi-permanant. (hash tables?) #define RETURN_PSTRING(s) (((int *)pr_globals)[OFS_RETURN] = PR_NewString(prinst, s, 0)) //permanant void VARGS PR_BIError(pubprogfuncs_t *progfuncs, char *format, ...) { va_list argptr; static char string[2048]; va_start (argptr, format); vsnprintf (string,sizeof(string)-1, format,argptr); va_end (argptr); if (developer.value || !progfuncs) { struct globalvars_s *pr_globals = PR_globals(progfuncs, PR_CURRENT); PR_RunWarning(progfuncs, "%s\n", string); G_INT(OFS_RETURN)=0; //just in case it was a float and should be an ent... G_INT(OFS_RETURN+1)=0; G_INT(OFS_RETURN+2)=0; } else { PR_StackTrace(progfuncs, false); // PR_AbortStack(progfuncs); progfuncs->parms->Abort ("%s", string); } } pbool QDECL QC_WriteFile(const char *name, void *data, int len) { char buffer[256]; Q_snprintfz(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s", name); COM_WriteFile(buffer, FS_GAMEONLY, data, len); return true; } //a little loop so we can keep track of used mem void *VARGS PR_CB_Malloc(int size) { return BZ_Malloc(size);//Z_TagMalloc (size, 100); } void VARGS PR_CB_Free(void *mem) { BZ_Free(mem); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //model functions //DP_QC_GETSURFACE static void PF_BuildSurfaceMesh(model_t *model, unsigned int surfnum) { //this function might be called on dedicated servers. #ifdef Q1BSPS void ModQ1_Batches_BuildQ1Q2Poly(model_t *mod, msurface_t *surf, builddata_t *cookie); if (model->fromgame == fg_quake || model->fromgame == fg_halflife) ModQ1_Batches_BuildQ1Q2Poly(model, &model->surfaces[surfnum], NULL); #endif //fixme: q3... } // #434 float(entity e, float s) getsurfacenumpoints (DP_QC_GETSURFACE) void QCBUILTIN PF_getsurfacenumpoints(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { unsigned int surfnum; model_t *model; wedict_t *ent; world_t *w = prinst->parms->user; ent = G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); surfnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); model = w->Get_CModel(w, ent->v->modelindex); if (!model || model->type != mod_brush || surfnum >= model->nummodelsurfaces) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; else { surfnum += model->firstmodelsurface; if (!model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh) PF_BuildSurfaceMesh(model, surfnum); if (model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->numvertexes; else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; //not loaded properly. } } // #435 vector(entity e, float s, float n) getsurfacepoint (DP_QC_GETSURFACE) void QCBUILTIN PF_getsurfacepoint(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { unsigned int surfnum, pointnum; model_t *model; wedict_t *ent; world_t *w = prinst->parms->user; ent = G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); surfnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); pointnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); model = w->Get_CModel(w, ent->v->modelindex); if (!model || model->type != mod_brush || surfnum >= model->nummodelsurfaces) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+0) = 0; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+1) = 0; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+2) = 0; } else { surfnum += model->firstmodelsurface; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+0) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->xyz_array[pointnum][0]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+1) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->xyz_array[pointnum][1]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+2) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->xyz_array[pointnum][2]; } } // #436 vector(entity e, float s) getsurfacenormal (DP_QC_GETSURFACE) void QCBUILTIN PF_getsurfacenormal(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { unsigned int surfnum; model_t *model; wedict_t *ent; world_t *w = prinst->parms->user; ent = G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); surfnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); model = w->Get_CModel(w, ent->v->modelindex); if (!model || model->type != mod_brush || surfnum >= model->nummodelsurfaces) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+0) = 0; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+1) = 0; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+2) = 0; } else { surfnum += model->firstmodelsurface; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+0) = model->surfaces[surfnum].plane->normal[0]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+1) = model->surfaces[surfnum].plane->normal[1]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+2) = model->surfaces[surfnum].plane->normal[2]; if (model->surfaces[surfnum].flags & SURF_PLANEBACK) VectorInverse(G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)); } } // #437 string(entity e, float s) getsurfacetexture (DP_QC_GETSURFACE) void QCBUILTIN PF_getsurfacetexture(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { model_t *model; wedict_t *ent; msurface_t *surf; int surfnum; world_t *w = prinst->parms->user; ent = G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); surfnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); model = w->Get_CModel(w, ent->v->modelindex); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; if (!model || model->type != mod_brush) return; if (surfnum < 0 || surfnum >= model->nummodelsurfaces) return; surfnum += model->firstmodelsurface; surf = &model->surfaces[surfnum]; G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = PR_TempString(prinst, surf->texinfo->texture->name); } #define TriangleNormal(a,b,c,n) ( \ (n)[0] = ((a)[1] - (b)[1]) * ((c)[2] - (b)[2]) - ((a)[2] - (b)[2]) * ((c)[1] - (b)[1]), \ (n)[1] = ((a)[2] - (b)[2]) * ((c)[0] - (b)[0]) - ((a)[0] - (b)[0]) * ((c)[2] - (b)[2]), \ (n)[2] = ((a)[0] - (b)[0]) * ((c)[1] - (b)[1]) - ((a)[1] - (b)[1]) * ((c)[0] - (b)[0]) \ ) static float getsurface_clippointpoly(model_t *model, msurface_t *surf, vec3_t point, vec3_t bestcpoint, float bestdist) { int e, edge; vec3_t edgedir, edgenormal, cpoint, temp; mvertex_t *v1, *v2; float dist = DotProduct(point, surf->plane->normal) - surf->plane->dist; //don't care about SURF_PLANEBACK, the maths works out the same. if (dist*dist < bestdist) { //within a specific range //make sure it's within the poly VectorMA(point, dist, surf->plane->normal, cpoint); for (e = surf->firstedge+surf->numedges; e > surf->firstedge; edge++) { edge = model->surfedges[--e]; if (edge < 0) { v1 = &model->vertexes[model->edges[-edge].v[0]]; v2 = &model->vertexes[model->edges[-edge].v[1]]; } else { v2 = &model->vertexes[model->edges[edge].v[0]]; v1 = &model->vertexes[model->edges[edge].v[1]]; } VectorSubtract(v1->position, v2->position, edgedir); CrossProduct(edgedir, surf->plane->normal, edgenormal); if (!(surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)) { VectorNegate(edgenormal, edgenormal); } VectorNormalize(edgenormal); dist = DotProduct(v1->position, edgenormal) - DotProduct(cpoint, edgenormal); if (dist < 0) VectorMA(cpoint, dist, edgenormal, cpoint); } VectorSubtract(cpoint, point, temp); dist = DotProduct(temp, temp); if (dist < bestdist) { bestdist = dist; VectorCopy(cpoint, bestcpoint); } } return bestdist; } static float getsurface_clippointtri(model_t *model, msurface_t *surf, vec3_t point, vec3_t bestcpoint, float bestdist) { int j; mesh_t *mesh = surf->mesh; vec3_t trinorm, edgedir, edgenormal, temp, cpoint; float dist; int e; float *v1, *v2; if (!mesh) { PF_BuildSurfaceMesh(model, surf - model->surfaces); mesh = surf->mesh; if (!mesh) return 0; } for (j = 0; j < mesh->numindexes; j+=3) { //calculate the distance from the plane TriangleNormal(mesh->xyz_array[mesh->indexes[j+2]], mesh->xyz_array[mesh->indexes[j+1]], mesh->xyz_array[mesh->indexes[j+0]], trinorm); if (!trinorm[0] && !trinorm[1] && !trinorm[2]) continue; VectorNormalize(trinorm); dist = DotProduct(point, trinorm) - DotProduct(mesh->xyz_array[mesh->indexes[j+0]], trinorm); if (dist*dist < bestdist) { //set cpoint to be the point on the plane VectorMA(point, -dist, trinorm, cpoint); //clip to each edge of the triangle for (e = 0; e < 3; e++) { v1 = mesh->xyz_array[mesh->indexes[j+e]]; v2 = mesh->xyz_array[mesh->indexes[j+((e+1)%3)]]; VectorSubtract(v1, v2, edgedir); CrossProduct(edgedir, trinorm, edgenormal); VectorNormalize(edgenormal); dist = DotProduct(cpoint, edgenormal) - DotProduct(v1, edgenormal); if (dist < 0) VectorMA(cpoint, -dist, edgenormal, cpoint); } //if the point is closer, we win. VectorSubtract(cpoint, point, temp); dist = DotProduct(temp, temp); if (dist < bestdist) { bestdist = dist; VectorCopy(cpoint, bestcpoint); } } } return bestdist; } msurface_t *Mod_GetSurfaceNearPoint(model_t *model, vec3_t point) { msurface_t *surf; int i; vec3_t cpoint = {0,0,0}; float bestdist = 0x7fffffff, dist; msurface_t *bestsurf = NULL; if (model->fromgame == fg_quake || model->fromgame == fg_quake2) { //all polies, we can skip parts. special case. surf = model->surfaces + model->firstmodelsurface; for (i = 0; i < model->nummodelsurfaces; i++, surf++) { dist = getsurface_clippointpoly(model, surf, point, cpoint, bestdist); if (dist < bestdist) { bestdist = dist; bestsurf = surf; } } } else { //if performance is needed, I suppose we could try walking bsp nodes a bit surf = model->surfaces + model->firstmodelsurface; for (i = 0; i < model->nummodelsurfaces; i++, surf++) { dist = getsurface_clippointtri(model, surf, point, cpoint, bestdist); if (dist < bestdist) { bestdist = dist; bestsurf = surf; } } } return bestsurf; } // #438 float(entity e, vector p) getsurfacenearpoint (DP_QC_GETSURFACE) void QCBUILTIN PF_getsurfacenearpoint(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { wedict_t *ent = G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); float *point = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); world_t *w = prinst->parms->user; model_t *model = w->Get_CModel(w, ent->v->modelindex); msurface_t *surf; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; if (model && model->type == mod_brush) { surf = Mod_GetSurfaceNearPoint(model, point); if (surf) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = surf - (model->surfaces + model->firstmodelsurface); } } // #439 vector(entity e, float s, vector p) getsurfaceclippedpoint (DP_QC_GETSURFACE) void QCBUILTIN PF_getsurfaceclippedpoint(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { model_t *model; wedict_t *ent; msurface_t *surf; float *point; unsigned int surfnum; world_t *w = prinst->parms->user; float *result = G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN); ent = G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); surfnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); point = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); VectorCopy(point, result); model = w->Get_CModel(w, ent->v->modelindex); if (!model || model->type != mod_brush) return; if (surfnum >= model->nummodelsurfaces) return; if (model->fromgame == fg_quake) { //all polies, we can skip parts. special case. surf = model->surfaces + model->firstmodelsurface + surfnum; getsurface_clippointpoly(model, surf, point, result, 0x7fffffff); } else { //if performance is needed, I suppose we could try walking bsp nodes a bit surf = model->surfaces + model->firstmodelsurface + surfnum; getsurface_clippointtri(model, surf, point, result, 0x7fffffff); } } // #628 float(entity e, float s) getsurfacenumtriangles void QCBUILTIN PF_getsurfacenumtriangles(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { unsigned int surfnum; model_t *model; wedict_t *ent; world_t *w = prinst->parms->user; ent = G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); surfnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); model = w->Get_CModel(w, ent->v->modelindex); if (!model || model->type != mod_brush || surfnum >= model->nummodelsurfaces) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } else { surfnum += model->firstmodelsurface; if (!model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh) PF_BuildSurfaceMesh(model, surfnum); if (model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->numindexes/3; else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } } // #629 float(entity e, float s) getsurfacetriangle void QCBUILTIN PF_getsurfacetriangle(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { unsigned int surfnum, firstidx; model_t *model; wedict_t *ent; world_t *w = prinst->parms->user; ent = G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); surfnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); firstidx = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2)*3; model = w->Get_CModel(w, ent->v->modelindex); if (model && model->type == mod_brush && surfnum < model->nummodelsurfaces) { surfnum += model->firstmodelsurface; if (!model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh) PF_BuildSurfaceMesh(model, surfnum); if (model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh) if (firstidx+2 < model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->numindexes) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+0) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->indexes[firstidx+0]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+1) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->indexes[firstidx+1]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+2) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->indexes[firstidx+2]; return; } } G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+0) = 0; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+1) = 0; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+2) = 0; } //vector(entity e, float s, float n, float a) getsurfacepointattribute void QCBUILTIN PF_getsurfacepointattribute(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { wedict_t *ent = G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); unsigned int surfnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); unsigned int pointnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); unsigned int attribute = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); world_t *w = prinst->parms->user; model_t *model = w->Get_CModel(w, ent->v->modelindex); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+0) = 0; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+1) = 0; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+2) = 0; if (model && model->type == mod_brush && surfnum < model->nummodelsurfaces) { surfnum += model->firstmodelsurface; if (!model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh) PF_BuildSurfaceMesh(model, surfnum); if (model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh) if (pointnum < model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->numvertexes) { switch(attribute) { case 0: G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+0) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->xyz_array[pointnum][0]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+1) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->xyz_array[pointnum][1]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+2) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->xyz_array[pointnum][2]; break; case 1: G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+0) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->snormals_array[pointnum][0]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+1) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->snormals_array[pointnum][1]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+2) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->snormals_array[pointnum][2]; break; case 2: G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+0) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->tnormals_array[pointnum][0]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+1) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->tnormals_array[pointnum][1]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+2) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->tnormals_array[pointnum][2]; break; case 3: G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+0) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->normals_array[pointnum][0]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+1) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->normals_array[pointnum][1]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+2) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->normals_array[pointnum][2]; break; case 4: G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+0) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->st_array[pointnum][0]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+1) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->st_array[pointnum][1]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+2) = 0; break; case 5: G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+0) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->lmst_array[0][pointnum][0]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+1) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->lmst_array[0][pointnum][1]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+2) = 0; break; case 6: G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+0) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->colors4f_array[0][pointnum][0]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+1) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->colors4f_array[0][pointnum][1]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN+2) = model->surfaces[surfnum].mesh->colors4f_array[0][pointnum][2]; //no way to return alpha here. break; } } } } pvsbuffer_t qcpvs; //#240 float(vector viewpos, entity viewee) checkpvs (FTE_QC_CHECKPVS) //note: this requires a correctly setorigined entity. void QCBUILTIN PF_checkpvs(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { world_t *world = prinst->parms->user; float *viewpos = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); wedict_t *ent = G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM1); if (!world->worldmodel || world->worldmodel->loadstate != MLS_LOADED) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = false; else if (!world->worldmodel->funcs.FatPVS) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = true; else { //FIXME: Make all alternatives of FatPVS not recalulate the pvs. //and yeah, this is overkill what with the whole fat thing and all. world->worldmodel->funcs.FatPVS(world->worldmodel, viewpos, &qcpvs, false); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = world->worldmodel->funcs.EdictInFatPVS(world->worldmodel, &ent->pvsinfo, qcpvs.buffer); } } void QCBUILTIN PF_setattachment(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { wedict_t *e = G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); wedict_t *tagentity = G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM1); const char *tagname = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM2); world_t *world = prinst->parms->user; model_t *model; int tagidx; tagidx = 0; if (tagentity != world->edicts && tagname && tagname[0]) { model = world->Get_CModel(world, tagentity->v->modelindex); if (model) { if (model && model->loadstate == MLS_LOADING) COM_WorkerPartialSync(model, &model->loadstate, MLS_LOADING); tagidx = Mod_TagNumForName(model, tagname); if (tagidx == 0) Con_DPrintf("setattachment(edict %i, edict %i, string \"%s\"): tried to find tag named \"%s\" on entity %i (model \"%s\") but could not find it\n", NUM_FOR_EDICT(prinst, e), NUM_FOR_EDICT(prinst, tagentity), tagname, tagname, NUM_FOR_EDICT(prinst, tagentity), model->name); } else Con_DPrintf("setattachment(edict %i, edict %i, string \"%s\"): Couldn't load model\n", NUM_FOR_EDICT(prinst, e), NUM_FOR_EDICT(prinst, tagentity), tagname); } e->xv->tag_entity = EDICT_TO_PROG(prinst, tagentity); e->xv->tag_index = tagidx; } #ifndef TERRAIN void QCBUILTIN PF_terrain_edit(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = false; } #endif //end model functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////// void QCBUILTIN PF_touchtriggers(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { world_t *w = prinst->parms->user; wedict_t *ent = ((prinst->callargc>0)?G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0):PROG_TO_WEDICT(prinst, *w->g.self)); if (prinst->callargc > 1) { if (ent->readonly) { Con_Printf("setorigin on readonly entity %i\n", ent->entnum); return; } VectorCopy(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1), ent->v->origin); } World_LinkEdict (w, ent, true); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Finding //entity(string field, float match) findchainflags = #450 //chained search for float, int, and entity reference fields void QCBUILTIN PF_findchainflags (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int i, ff, cf; int s; wedict_t *ent, *chain; chain = (wedict_t *) *prinst->parms->sv_edicts; ff = G_INT(OFS_PARM0)+prinst->fieldadjust; s = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); if (prinst->callargc > 2) cf = G_INT(OFS_PARM2)+prinst->fieldadjust; else cf = &((comentvars_t*)NULL)->chain - (int*)NULL; for (i = 1; i < *prinst->parms->sv_num_edicts; i++) { ent = WEDICT_NUM_PB(prinst, i); if (ED_ISFREE(ent)) continue; if (!((int)((float *)ent->v)[ff] & s)) continue; ((int*)ent->v)[cf] = EDICT_TO_PROG(prinst, chain); chain = ent; } RETURN_EDICT(prinst, chain); } //entity(string field, float match) findchainfloat = #403 void QCBUILTIN PF_findchainfloat (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int i, ff, cf; float s; wedict_t *ent, *chain; chain = (wedict_t *) *prinst->parms->sv_edicts; ff = G_INT(OFS_PARM0)+prinst->fieldadjust; s = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); if (prinst->callargc > 2) cf = G_INT(OFS_PARM2)+prinst->fieldadjust; else cf = &((comentvars_t*)NULL)->chain - (int*)NULL; for (i = 1; i < *prinst->parms->sv_num_edicts; i++) { ent = WEDICT_NUM_PB(prinst, i); if (ED_ISFREE(ent)) continue; if (((float *)ent->v)[ff] != s) continue; ((int*)ent->v)[cf] = EDICT_TO_PROG(prinst, chain); chain = ent; } RETURN_EDICT(prinst, chain); } //entity(string field, string match) findchain = #402 //chained search for strings in entity fields void QCBUILTIN PF_findchain (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int i, ff, cf; const char *s; string_t t; wedict_t *ent, *chain; chain = (wedict_t *) *prinst->parms->sv_edicts; ff = G_INT(OFS_PARM0)+prinst->fieldadjust; s = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); if (prinst->callargc > 2) cf = G_INT(OFS_PARM2)+prinst->fieldadjust; else cf = &((comentvars_t*)NULL)->chain - (int*)NULL; for (i = 1; i < *prinst->parms->sv_num_edicts; i++) { ent = WEDICT_NUM_PB(prinst, i); if (ED_ISFREE(ent)) continue; t = *(string_t *)&((float*)ent->v)[ff]; if (!t) continue; if (strcmp(PR_GetString(prinst, t), s)) continue; ((int*)ent->v)[cf] = EDICT_TO_PROG(prinst, chain); chain = ent; } RETURN_EDICT(prinst, chain); } //EXTENSION: DP_QC_FINDFLAGS //entity(entity start, float fld, float match) findflags = #449 void QCBUILTIN PF_FindFlags (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int e, f; int s; wedict_t *ed; e = G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM0); f = G_INT(OFS_PARM1)+prinst->fieldadjust; s = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); for (e++; e < *prinst->parms->sv_num_edicts; e++) { ed = WEDICT_NUM_PB(prinst, e); if (ED_ISFREE(ed)) continue; if ((int)((float *)ed->v)[f] & s) { RETURN_EDICT(prinst, ed); return; } } RETURN_EDICT(prinst, *prinst->parms->sv_edicts); } //entity(entity start, float fld, float match) findfloat = #98 void QCBUILTIN PF_FindFloat (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int e, f; int s; wedict_t *ed; if (prinst->callargc != 3) //I can hate mvdsv if I want to. { PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_FindFloat (#98): callargc != 3\nDid you mean to set pr_imitatemvdsv to 1?"); return; } e = G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM0); f = G_INT(OFS_PARM1)+prinst->fieldadjust; s = G_INT(OFS_PARM2); for (e++; e < *prinst->parms->sv_num_edicts; e++) { ed = WEDICT_NUM_PB(prinst, e); if (ED_ISFREE(ed)) continue; if (((int *)ed->v)[f] == s) { RETURN_EDICT(prinst, ed); return; } } RETURN_EDICT(prinst, *prinst->parms->sv_edicts); } // entity (entity start, .string field, string match) find = #5; void QCBUILTIN PF_FindString (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int e; int f; const char *s; string_t t; wedict_t *ed; e = G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM0); f = G_INT(OFS_PARM1)+prinst->fieldadjust; s = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM2); if (!s) { PR_BIError (prinst, "PF_FindString: bad search string"); return; } for (e++ ; e < *prinst->parms->sv_num_edicts ; e++) { ed = WEDICT_NUM_PB(prinst, e); if (ED_ISFREE(ed)) continue; t = ((string_t *)ed->v)[f]; if (!t) continue; if (!strcmp(PR_GetString(prinst, t),s)) { RETURN_EDICT(prinst, ed); return; } } RETURN_EDICT(prinst, *prinst->parms->sv_edicts); } //Finding //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Cvars //string(string cvarname) cvar_string void QCBUILTIN PF_cvar_string (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *str = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); cvar_t *cv = Cvar_Get(str, "", 0, "QC variables"); if (cv && !(cv->flags & CVAR_NOUNSAFEEXPAND)) { if(cv->latched_string) RETURN_CSTRING(cv->latched_string); else RETURN_CSTRING(cv->string); } else G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } void QCBUILTIN PF_cvars_haveunsaved (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = Cvar_UnsavedArchive(); } //string(string cvarname) cvar_defstring void QCBUILTIN PF_cvar_defstring (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *str = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); cvar_t *cv = Cvar_Get(str, "", 0, "QC variables"); if (cv && !(cv->flags & CVAR_NOUNSAFEEXPAND)) RETURN_CSTRING(cv->defaultstr); else G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } //string(string cvarname) cvar_description void QCBUILTIN PF_cvar_description (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *str = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); cvar_t *cv = Cvar_Get(str, "", 0, "QC variables"); if (cv && !(cv->flags & CVAR_NOUNSAFEEXPAND)) RETURN_CSTRING(cv->description); else G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } //float(string name) cvar_type void QCBUILTIN PF_cvar_type (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *str = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); int ret = 0; cvar_t *v; v = Cvar_FindVar(str); if (v && !(v->flags & CVAR_NOUNSAFEEXPAND)) { ret |= 1; // CVAR_EXISTS if(v->flags & CVAR_ARCHIVE) ret |= 2; // CVAR_TYPE_SAVED if(v->flags & CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER) ret |= 4; // CVAR_TYPE_PRIVATE if(!(v->flags & CVAR_USERCREATED)) ret |= 8; // CVAR_TYPE_ENGINE if (v->description) ret |= 16; // CVAR_TYPE_HASDESCRIPTION } G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = ret; } //void(string cvarname, string newvalue) cvar void QCBUILTIN PF_cvar_set (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *var_name, *val; cvar_t *var; var_name = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); val = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); var = Cvar_Get(var_name, val, 0, "QC variables"); if (!var || (var->flags & CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER)) return; Cvar_Set (var, val); } void QCBUILTIN PF_cvar_setlatch (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *var_name, *val; cvar_t *var; var_name = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); val = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); var = Cvar_Get(var_name, val, 0, "QC variables"); if (!var || (var->flags & CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER)) return; Cvar_LockFromServer(var, val); } void QCBUILTIN PF_cvar_setf (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *var_name; float val; cvar_t *var; var_name = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); val = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); var = Cvar_FindVar(var_name); if (!var || (var->flags & CVAR_NOTFROMSERVER)) return; Cvar_SetValue (var, val); } //float(string name, string value) registercvar void QCBUILTIN PF_registercvar (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *name, *value; value = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); if (Cvar_FindVar(value)) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; else { name = value; if (prinst->callargc > 1) value = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); else value = ""; // archive? if (Cvar_Get(name, value, CVAR_USERCREATED, "QC created vars")) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 1; else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } } //Cvars //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //memory stuff void QCBUILTIN PF_memalloc (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int size = G_INT(OFS_PARM0); void *ptr; if (size <= 0 || size > 0x01000000) ptr = NULL; //don't let them abuse things too much. values that are too large might overflow. else ptr = prinst->AddressableAlloc(prinst, size); if (ptr) { memset(ptr, 0, size); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = (char*)ptr - prinst->stringtable; } else G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } void QCBUILTIN PF_memfree (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int qcptr = G_INT(OFS_PARM0); void *cptr = prinst->stringtable + G_INT(OFS_PARM0); if (qcptr) prinst->AddressableFree(prinst, cptr); } void QCBUILTIN PF_memcpy (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int dst = G_INT(OFS_PARM0); int src = G_INT(OFS_PARM1); int size = G_INT(OFS_PARM2); if (dst < 0 || dst+size >= prinst->stringtablesize) { PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_memcpy: invalid dest\n"); return; } if (src < 0 || src+size >= prinst->stringtablesize) { PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_memcpy: invalid source\n"); return; } memmove(prinst->stringtable + dst, prinst->stringtable + src, size); } void QCBUILTIN PF_memfill8 (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int dst = G_INT(OFS_PARM0); int val = G_INT(OFS_PARM1); int size = G_INT(OFS_PARM2); if (dst < 0 || dst+size >= prinst->stringtablesize) { PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_memcpy: invalid dest\n"); return; } memset(prinst->stringtable + dst, val, size); } void QCBUILTIN PF_memptradd (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { //convienience function. needed for: ptr = &ptr[5]; or ptr += 5; int dst = G_INT(OFS_PARM0); float ofs = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); if (ofs != (float)(int)ofs) PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_memptradd: non-integer offset\n"); if ((int)ofs & 3) PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_memptradd: offset is not 32-bit aligned.\n"); //means pointers can internally be expressed as 16.16 with 18-bit segments/allocations. G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = dst + ofs; } void QCBUILTIN PF_memstrsize(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = strlen(PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0)); } //memory stuff //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //hash table stuff typedef struct { pubprogfuncs_t *prinst; etype_t defaulttype; hashtable_t tab; void *bucketmem; } pf_hashtab_t; typedef struct { bucket_t buck; char *name; etype_t type; union { vec3_t data; char *stringdata; }; } pf_hashentry_t; pf_hashtab_t *pf_hashtab; size_t pf_hash_maxtables; pf_hashtab_t pf_peristanthashtab; //persists over map changes. pf_hashtab_t pf_reverthashtab; //pf_peristanthashtab as it was at map start, for map restarts. static pf_hashtab_t *PF_hash_findtab(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, int idx) { idx -= 1; if (idx >= 0 && (unsigned)idx < pf_hash_maxtables && pf_hashtab[idx].prinst) return &pf_hashtab[idx]; else if (idx == -1) { if (!pf_peristanthashtab.tab.numbuckets) { int numbuckets = 256; pf_peristanthashtab.defaulttype = ev_string; pf_peristanthashtab.prinst = NULL; pf_peristanthashtab.bucketmem = Z_Malloc(Hash_BytesForBuckets(numbuckets)); Hash_InitTable(&pf_peristanthashtab.tab, numbuckets, pf_peristanthashtab.bucketmem); } return &pf_peristanthashtab; } else PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_hash_findtab: invalid hash table\n"); return NULL; }; void QCBUILTIN PF_hash_getkey (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { pf_hashtab_t *tab = PF_hash_findtab(prinst, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); int idx = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); pf_hashentry_t *ent = NULL; G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; if (tab) { ent = Hash_GetIdx(&tab->tab, idx); if (ent) RETURN_TSTRING(ent->name); } } void QCBUILTIN PF_hash_delete (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { pf_hashtab_t *tab = PF_hash_findtab(prinst, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); const char *name = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); pf_hashentry_t *ent = NULL; memset(G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN), 0, sizeof(vec3_t)); if (tab) { ent = Hash_Get(&tab->tab, name); if (ent) { if (ent->type == ev_string) { G_INT(OFS_RETURN+2) = 0; G_INT(OFS_RETURN+1) = 0; RETURN_TSTRING(ent->stringdata); } else memcpy(G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN), ent->data, sizeof(vec3_t)); Hash_RemoveData(&tab->tab, name, ent); BZ_Free(ent); } } } void QCBUILTIN PF_hash_get (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { pf_hashtab_t *tab = PF_hash_findtab(prinst, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); const char *name = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); void *dflt = (prinst->callargc>2)?G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2):vec3_origin; int type = (prinst->callargc>3)?G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3):0; int index = (prinst->callargc>4)?G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4):0; pf_hashentry_t *ent = NULL; if (tab) { ent = Hash_Get(&tab->tab, name); //skip ones that are the wrong type. while (type != 0 && ent && ent->type != type) ent = Hash_GetNext(&tab->tab, name, ent); //and ones that are not the match that we're after. while(index-->0 && ent) { ent = Hash_GetNext(&tab->tab, name, ent); while (type != 0 && ent && ent->type != type) ent = Hash_GetNext(&tab->tab, name, ent); } if (ent) { if (ent->type == ev_string) { G_INT(OFS_RETURN+2) = 0; G_INT(OFS_RETURN+1) = 0; RETURN_TSTRING(ent->stringdata); } else memcpy(G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN), ent->data, sizeof(vec3_t)); } else memcpy(G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN), dflt, sizeof(vec3_t)); } } void QCBUILTIN PF_hash_getcb (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { /* pf_hashtab_t *tab = PF_hash_findtab(prinst, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); func_t callback = G_FUNCTION(OFS_PARM1); char *name = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM2); pf_hashentry_t *ent = NULL; if (tab >= 0 && tab < MAX_QC_HASHTABLES && pf_hashtab[tab].valid) ent = Hash_Get(&pf_hashtab[tab].tab, name); else PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_hash_getcb: invalid hash table\n"); if (ent) memcpy(G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN), ent->data, sizeof(vec3_t)); else memcpy(G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN), G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2), sizeof(vec3_t)); */ } void QCBUILTIN PF_hash_add (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { pf_hashtab_t *tab = PF_hash_findtab(prinst, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); const char *name = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); void *data = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); int flags = (prinst->callargc>3)?G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3):0; int type = flags & 0xff; pf_hashentry_t *ent = NULL; if (tab && *name) //our hash tables can't cope with empty keys. { if (!type) type = tab->defaulttype; if (!(flags & 512) || (flags & 256)) { ent = Hash_Get(&tab->tab, name); if (ent) { Hash_RemoveData(&tab->tab, name, ent); BZ_Free(ent); } } if (type == ev_string) { //strings copy their value out. const char *value = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM2); int nlen = strlen(name); int vlen = strlen(value); ent = BZ_Malloc(sizeof(*ent) + nlen+1 + vlen+1); ent->name = (char*)(ent+1); ent->type = ev_string; ent->stringdata = ent->name+(nlen+1); memcpy(ent->name, name, nlen); ent->name[nlen] = 0; memcpy(ent->stringdata, value, vlen+1); Hash_Add(&tab->tab, ent->name, ent, &ent->buck); } else { int nlen = strlen(name); ent = BZ_Malloc(sizeof(*ent) + nlen + 1); ent->name = (char*)(ent+1); ent->type = type; memcpy(ent->name, name, nlen); ent->name[nlen] = 0; memcpy(ent->data, data, sizeof(vec3_t)); Hash_Add(&tab->tab, ent->name, ent, &ent->buck); } } } static void PF_hash_destroytab_enum(void *ctx, void *ent) { BZ_Free(ent); } void QCBUILTIN PF_hash_destroytab (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { pf_hashtab_t *tab = PF_hash_findtab(prinst, G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); if (tab && tab->prinst == prinst) { tab->prinst = NULL; Hash_Enumerate(&tab->tab, PF_hash_destroytab_enum, NULL); Z_Free(tab->bucketmem); } } void PF_Hash_DestroyAll(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst) { qboolean freed = true; size_t idx; for (idx = 0; idx < pf_hash_maxtables; idx++) { if (pf_hashtab[idx].prinst == prinst) { pf_hashtab[idx].prinst = NULL; Hash_Enumerate(&pf_hashtab[idx].tab, PF_hash_destroytab_enum, NULL); Z_Free(pf_hashtab[idx].bucketmem); } else if (pf_hashtab[idx].prinst) freed = false; } if (freed && pf_hashtab) { pf_hash_maxtables = 0; Z_Free(pf_hashtab); pf_hashtab = NULL; } } void QCBUILTIN PF_hash_createtab (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { //FIXME: these need to be managed by the qcvm for garbage collection int i; int numbuckets = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); // qboolean dupestrings = (prinst->callargc>1)?G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1):false; etype_t type = (prinst->callargc>1)?G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1):ev_vector; if (!type) type = ev_vector; if (numbuckets < 4) numbuckets = 64; for (i = 0; i < pf_hash_maxtables; i++) { //look for an empty slot if (!pf_hashtab[i].prinst) break; } if (i == pf_hash_maxtables) { //all slots taken, expand list if (!ZF_ReallocElements((void**)&pf_hashtab, &pf_hash_maxtables, pf_hash_maxtables+64, sizeof(*pf_hashtab))) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; return; } } //fill it in pf_hashtab[i].defaulttype = type; pf_hashtab[i].prinst = prinst; pf_hashtab[i].bucketmem = Z_Malloc(Hash_BytesForBuckets(numbuckets)); Hash_InitTable(&pf_hashtab[i].tab, numbuckets, pf_hashtab[i].bucketmem); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = i + 1; } void pf_hash_savegame(void) //write the persistant table to a saved game. { } void pf_hash_loadgame(void) //(re)load the persistant table. { } void pf_hash_preserve(void) //map changed, make sure it can be reset properly. { } void pf_hash_purge(void) //restart command was used. revert to the state at the start of the map. { } //hash table stuff //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //File access #define MAX_QC_FILES 256 #define FIRST_QC_FILE_INDEX 1000 typedef struct { char name[256]; vfsfile_t *file; char *data; size_t bufferlen; size_t len; size_t ofs; int accessmode; pubprogfuncs_t *prinst; } pf_fopen_files_t; pf_fopen_files_t pf_fopen_files[MAX_QC_FILES]; //returns false if the file is denied. //fallbackread can be NULL, if the qc is not allowed to read that (original) file at all. qboolean QC_FixFileName(const char *name, const char **result, const char **fallbackread) { char ext[8]; if (!*name || //blank names are bad strchr(name, ':') || //dos/win absolute path, ntfs ADS, amiga drives. reject them all. strchr(name, '\\') || //windows-only paths. *name == '/' || //absolute path was given - reject strstr(name, "..")) //someone tried to be clever. { return false; } *fallbackread = name; //if its a user config, ban any fallback locations so that csqc can't read passwords or whatever. if ((!strchr(name, '/') || strnicmp(name, "configs/", 8)) && !stricmp(COM_FileExtension(name, ext, sizeof(ext)), "cfg") && strnicmp(name, "particles/", 10) && strnicmp(name, "huds/", 5) && strnicmp(name, "models/", 7)) *fallbackread = NULL; *result = va("data/%s", name); return true; } void QCBUILTIN PF_fopen (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *name = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); int fmode = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); int fsize = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); const char *fallbackread; int i; size_t insize; Con_DPrintf("qcfopen(\"%s\", %i) called\n", name, fmode); for (i = 0; i < MAX_QC_FILES; i++) if (!pf_fopen_files[i].prinst) break; if (i == MAX_QC_FILES) //too many already open { Con_Printf("qcfopen(\"%s\"): too many files open\n", name); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; return; } if (!QC_FixFileName(name, &name, &fallbackread)) { Con_Printf("qcfopen(\"%s\"): Access denied\n", name); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; return; } Q_strncpyz(pf_fopen_files[i].name, name, sizeof(pf_fopen_files[i].name)); pf_fopen_files[i].accessmode = fmode; switch (fmode) { case FRIK_FILE_MMAP_READ: case FRIK_FILE_MMAP_RW: { vfsfile_t *f = FS_OpenVFS(pf_fopen_files[i].name, "rb", FS_GAME); if (!f && fallbackread) f = FS_OpenVFS(fallbackread, "rb", FS_GAME); if (f) { pf_fopen_files[i].bufferlen = pf_fopen_files[i].len = VFS_GETLEN(f); if (pf_fopen_files[i].bufferlen < fsize) pf_fopen_files[i].bufferlen = fsize; pf_fopen_files[i].data = PR_AddressableAlloc(prinst, pf_fopen_files[i].bufferlen); VFS_READ(f, pf_fopen_files[i].data, pf_fopen_files[i].len); VFS_CLOSE(f); } else if (fmode == FRIK_FILE_MMAP_RW) { pf_fopen_files[i].bufferlen = fsize; pf_fopen_files[i].data = PR_AddressableAlloc(prinst, pf_fopen_files[i].bufferlen); } else { pf_fopen_files[i].bufferlen = 0; pf_fopen_files[i].data = NULL; } if (!pf_fopen_files[i].data) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; break; } pf_fopen_files[i].len = pf_fopen_files[i].bufferlen; pf_fopen_files[i].ofs = 0; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = i + FIRST_QC_FILE_INDEX; pf_fopen_files[i].prinst = prinst; } break; case FRIK_FILE_READ: case FRIK_FILE_READ_DELAY: { pf_fopen_files[i].accessmode = FRIK_FILE_READ_DELAY; pf_fopen_files[i].file = FS_OpenVFS(pf_fopen_files[i].name, "rb", FS_GAME); if (!pf_fopen_files[i].file && fallbackread) { Q_strncpyz(pf_fopen_files[i].name, fallbackread, sizeof(pf_fopen_files[i].name)); pf_fopen_files[i].file = FS_OpenVFS(pf_fopen_files[i].name, "rb", FS_GAME); } pf_fopen_files[i].ofs = 0; if (pf_fopen_files[i].file) { pf_fopen_files[i].len = VFS_GETLEN(pf_fopen_files[i].file); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = i + FIRST_QC_FILE_INDEX; pf_fopen_files[i].prinst = prinst; } else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; } break; // case FRIK_FILE_READ: //read case FRIK_FILE_READNL: //read whole file fsize = FS_LoadFile(pf_fopen_files[i].name, (void**)&pf_fopen_files[i].data); if (!pf_fopen_files[i].data && fallbackread) { Q_strncpyz(pf_fopen_files[i].name, fallbackread, sizeof(pf_fopen_files[i].name)); fsize = FS_LoadFile(pf_fopen_files[i].name, (void**)&pf_fopen_files[i].data); } if (pf_fopen_files[i].data) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = i + FIRST_QC_FILE_INDEX; pf_fopen_files[i].prinst = prinst; } else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; pf_fopen_files[i].bufferlen = pf_fopen_files[i].len = fsize; pf_fopen_files[i].ofs = 0; break; case FRIK_FILE_APPEND: //append pf_fopen_files[i].data = FS_LoadMallocFile(pf_fopen_files[i].name, &insize); pf_fopen_files[i].ofs = pf_fopen_files[i].bufferlen = pf_fopen_files[i].len = insize; if (pf_fopen_files[i].data) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = i + FIRST_QC_FILE_INDEX; pf_fopen_files[i].prinst = prinst; break; } //file didn't exist - fall through case FRIK_FILE_WRITE: //write pf_fopen_files[i].bufferlen = 8192; pf_fopen_files[i].data = BZ_Malloc(pf_fopen_files[i].bufferlen); pf_fopen_files[i].len = 0; pf_fopen_files[i].ofs = 0; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = i + FIRST_QC_FILE_INDEX; pf_fopen_files[i].prinst = prinst; break; case FRIK_FILE_INVALID: pf_fopen_files[i].bufferlen = 0; pf_fopen_files[i].data = ""; pf_fopen_files[i].len = 0; pf_fopen_files[i].ofs = 0; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = i + FIRST_QC_FILE_INDEX; pf_fopen_files[i].prinst = prinst; break; default: //bad G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; break; } } void PF_fclose_i (int fnum) { if (fnum < 0 || fnum >= MAX_QC_FILES) { Con_Printf("PF_fclose: File out of range\n"); return; //out of range } if (!pf_fopen_files[fnum].prinst) { Con_Printf("PF_fclose: File is not open\n"); return; //not open } switch(pf_fopen_files[fnum].accessmode) { case FRIK_FILE_MMAP_RW: COM_WriteFile(pf_fopen_files[fnum].name, FS_GAMEONLY, pf_fopen_files[fnum].data, pf_fopen_files[fnum].len); /*fall through*/ case FRIK_FILE_MMAP_READ: pf_fopen_files[fnum].prinst->AddressableFree(pf_fopen_files[fnum].prinst, pf_fopen_files[fnum].data); break; case FRIK_FILE_READ_DELAY: VFS_CLOSE(pf_fopen_files[fnum].file); break; case FRIK_FILE_READ: case FRIK_FILE_READNL: BZ_Free(pf_fopen_files[fnum].data); break; case FRIK_FILE_APPEND: case FRIK_FILE_WRITE: COM_WriteFile(pf_fopen_files[fnum].name, FS_GAMEONLY, pf_fopen_files[fnum].data, pf_fopen_files[fnum].len); BZ_Free(pf_fopen_files[fnum].data); break; case FRIK_FILE_INVALID: break; } pf_fopen_files[fnum].file = NULL; pf_fopen_files[fnum].data = NULL; pf_fopen_files[fnum].prinst = NULL; } void QCBUILTIN PF_fclose (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int fnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)-FIRST_QC_FILE_INDEX; if (fnum < 0 || fnum >= MAX_QC_FILES) { PF_Warningf(prinst, "PF_fclose: File out of range (%g)\n", G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); return; //out of range } if (!pf_fopen_files[fnum].prinst) { Con_Printf("PF_fclose: File is not open\n"); return; //not open } if (pf_fopen_files[fnum].prinst != prinst) { PF_Warningf(prinst, "PF_fclose: File is from wrong instance\n"); return; //this just isn't ours. } PF_fclose_i(fnum); } void QCBUILTIN PF_fgets (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char c, *s, *o, *max, *eof; int fnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) - FIRST_QC_FILE_INDEX; char pr_string_temp[4096]; *pr_string_temp = '\0'; G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; //EOF if (fnum < 0 || fnum >= MAX_QC_FILES) { PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_fgets: File out of range\n"); return; //out of range } if (!pf_fopen_files[fnum].prinst) { PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_fgets: File is not open\n"); return; //not open } if (pf_fopen_files[fnum].prinst != prinst) { PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_fgets: File is from wrong instance\n"); return; //this just isn't ours. } if (pf_fopen_files[fnum].accessmode == FRIK_FILE_READ_DELAY) { //on first read, convert into a regular file. pf_fopen_files[fnum].accessmode = FRIK_FILE_READ; pf_fopen_files[fnum].data = BZ_Malloc(pf_fopen_files[fnum].len+1); pf_fopen_files[fnum].data[pf_fopen_files[fnum].len] = 0; pf_fopen_files[fnum].len = pf_fopen_files[fnum].bufferlen = VFS_READ(pf_fopen_files[fnum].file, pf_fopen_files[fnum].data, pf_fopen_files[fnum].len); VFS_CLOSE(pf_fopen_files[fnum].file); pf_fopen_files[fnum].file = NULL; } if (pf_fopen_files[fnum].accessmode == FRIK_FILE_MMAP_READ || pf_fopen_files[fnum].accessmode == FRIK_FILE_MMAP_RW) { G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = PR_SetString(prinst, pf_fopen_files[fnum].data); return; } if (pf_fopen_files[fnum].accessmode == FRIK_FILE_READNL) { if (pf_fopen_files[fnum].ofs >= pf_fopen_files[fnum].len) G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; //EOF else RETURN_TSTRING(pf_fopen_files[fnum].data); } else { //read up to the next \n, ignoring any \rs. o = pr_string_temp; max = o + sizeof(pr_string_temp)-1; s = pf_fopen_files[fnum].data+pf_fopen_files[fnum].ofs; eof = pf_fopen_files[fnum].data+pf_fopen_files[fnum].len; if (s >= eof) { G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; //EOF return; } while(s < eof) { c = *s++; if (c == '\n' && pf_fopen_files[fnum].accessmode != FRIK_FILE_READNL) break; if (c == '\r' && pf_fopen_files[fnum].accessmode != FRIK_FILE_READNL) continue; if (c == 0) { //modified utf-8, woo. but don't double-encode other chars. if (o+1 >= max) break; *o++ = 0xc0; *o++ = 0x80; } else { if (o == max) break; *o++ = c; } } *o = '\0'; pf_fopen_files[fnum].ofs = s - pf_fopen_files[fnum].data; RETURN_TSTRING(pr_string_temp); } } //ensures that the buffer is at least big enough. static qboolean PF_fresizebuffer_internal (pf_fopen_files_t *f, size_t newlen) { switch(f->accessmode) { default: return false; case FRIK_FILE_MMAP_RW: //mmap cannot change the buffer size/allocation. if (newlen > f->bufferlen) return false; break; case FRIK_FILE_APPEND: case FRIK_FILE_WRITE: if (f->bufferlen < newlen) { char *newbuf; size_t newbuflen = max(newlen, newlen*2+1024); newbuf = BZF_Malloc(newbuflen); if (!newbuf) return false; memcpy(newbuf, f->data, f->bufferlen); memset(newbuf+f->bufferlen, 0, newbuflen - f->bufferlen); BZ_Free(f->data); f->data = newbuf; f->bufferlen = newbuflen; } break; } return true; } static int PF_fwrite_internal (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, int fnum, const char *msg, size_t len) { if (fnum < 0 || fnum >= MAX_QC_FILES) { PF_Warningf(prinst, "PF_fwrite: File out of range\n"); return 0; //out of range } if (!pf_fopen_files[fnum].prinst) { PF_Warningf(prinst, "PF_fwrite: File is not open\n"); return 0; //not open } if (pf_fopen_files[fnum].prinst != prinst) { PF_Warningf(prinst, "PF_fwrite: File is from wrong instance\n"); return 0; //this just isn't ours. } if (pf_fopen_files[fnum].ofs + len < pf_fopen_files[fnum].ofs) { PF_Warningf(prinst, "PF_fwrite: size overflow\n"); return 0; } switch(pf_fopen_files[fnum].accessmode) { default: return 0; case FRIK_FILE_APPEND: case FRIK_FILE_WRITE: case FRIK_FILE_MMAP_RW: PF_fresizebuffer_internal(&pf_fopen_files[fnum], pf_fopen_files[fnum].ofs+len); len = min(len, pf_fopen_files[fnum].bufferlen-pf_fopen_files[fnum].ofs); memcpy(pf_fopen_files[fnum].data + pf_fopen_files[fnum].ofs, msg, len); if (pf_fopen_files[fnum].len < pf_fopen_files[fnum].ofs + len) pf_fopen_files[fnum].len = pf_fopen_files[fnum].ofs + len; pf_fopen_files[fnum].ofs+=len; return len; } } static int PF_fread_internal (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, int fnum, char *msg, size_t len) { if (fnum < 0 || fnum >= MAX_QC_FILES) { PF_Warningf(prinst, "PF_fread: File out of range\n"); return 0; //out of range } if (!pf_fopen_files[fnum].prinst) { PF_Warningf(prinst, "PF_fread: File is not open\n"); return 0; //not open } if (pf_fopen_files[fnum].prinst != prinst) { PF_Warningf(prinst, "PF_fread: File is from wrong instance\n"); return 0; //this just isn't ours. } switch(pf_fopen_files[fnum].accessmode) { default: return 0; case FRIK_FILE_READ: //UTF-8-FIXME: de-modify utf-8 if (pf_fopen_files[fnum].ofs + len > pf_fopen_files[fnum].len) len = pf_fopen_files[fnum].len - pf_fopen_files[fnum].ofs; memcpy(msg, pf_fopen_files[fnum].data + pf_fopen_files[fnum].ofs, len); pf_fopen_files[fnum].ofs+=len; return len; } } void QCBUILTIN PF_fputs (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int fnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) - FIRST_QC_FILE_INDEX; const char *msg = PF_VarString(prinst, 1, pr_globals); int len = strlen(msg); PF_fwrite_internal (prinst, fnum, msg, len); } void QCBUILTIN PF_fwrite (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int fnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) - FIRST_QC_FILE_INDEX; int ptr = G_INT(OFS_PARM1); int size = G_INT(OFS_PARM2); if (ptr < 0 || size < 0 || ptr+size >= prinst->stringtablesize) { PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_fwrite: invalid ptr / size\n"); return; } G_INT(OFS_PARM1) = PF_fwrite_internal (prinst, fnum, prinst->stringtable + ptr, size); } void QCBUILTIN PF_fread (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int fnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) - FIRST_QC_FILE_INDEX; int ptr = G_INT(OFS_PARM1); int size = G_INT(OFS_PARM2); if (ptr < 0 || size < 0 || ptr+size >= prinst->stringtablesize) { PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_fread: invalid ptr / size\n"); return; } G_INT(OFS_PARM1) = PF_fread_internal (prinst, fnum, prinst->stringtable + ptr, size); } void QCBUILTIN PF_fseek (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int fnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) - FIRST_QC_FILE_INDEX; G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; if (fnum < 0 || fnum >= MAX_QC_FILES) { PF_Warningf(prinst, "PF_fread: File out of range\n"); return; //out of range } if (!pf_fopen_files[fnum].prinst) { PF_Warningf(prinst, "PF_fread: File is not open\n"); return; //not open } if (pf_fopen_files[fnum].prinst != prinst) { PF_Warningf(prinst, "PF_fread: File is from wrong instance\n"); return; //this just isn't ours. } G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = pf_fopen_files[fnum].ofs; if (prinst->callargc>1 && G_INT(OFS_PARM1) >= 0) { pf_fopen_files[fnum].ofs = G_INT(OFS_PARM1); } } void QCBUILTIN PF_fsize (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int fnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) - FIRST_QC_FILE_INDEX; G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; if (fnum < 0 || fnum >= MAX_QC_FILES) { PF_Warningf(prinst, "PF_fsize: File out of range\n"); return; //out of range } if (!pf_fopen_files[fnum].prinst) { PF_Warningf(prinst, "PF_fsize: File is not open\n"); return; //not open } if (pf_fopen_files[fnum].prinst != prinst) { PF_Warningf(prinst, "PF_fsize: File is from wrong instance\n"); return; //this just isn't ours. } G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = pf_fopen_files[fnum].len; if (prinst->callargc>1 && G_INT(OFS_PARM1) >= 0) { size_t newlen = G_INT(OFS_PARM1); PF_fresizebuffer_internal(&pf_fopen_files[fnum], newlen); pf_fopen_files[fnum].len = min(pf_fopen_files[fnum].bufferlen, newlen); } } void PF_fcloseall (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst) { qboolean write; int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_QC_FILES; i++) { if (pf_fopen_files[i].prinst != prinst) continue; switch(pf_fopen_files[i].accessmode) { case FRIK_FILE_APPEND: case FRIK_FILE_WRITE: case FRIK_FILE_MMAP_RW: write = true; break; default: write = false; break; } if (developer.ival || write) Con_Printf("qc file %s was still open\n", pf_fopen_files[i].name); PF_fclose_i(i); } tokenizeqc("", false); PF_buf_shutdown(prinst); //might as well put this here } //DP_QC_WHICHPACK void QCBUILTIN PF_whichpack (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *srcname = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); qboolean makereferenced = prinst->callargc>1?G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1):true; flocation_t loc; if (FS_FLocateFile(srcname, FSLF_IFFOUND, &loc)) { srcname = FS_WhichPackForLocation(&loc, makereferenced); if (srcname == NULL) srcname = ""; RETURN_TSTRING(srcname); } else { G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; //null/empty } } typedef struct prvmsearch_s { int handle; pubprogfuncs_t *fromprogs; //share across menu/server int entries; struct { char *name; qofs_t size; time_t mtime; } *entry; struct prvmsearch_s *next; } prvmsearch_t; prvmsearch_t *prvmsearches; int prvm_nextsearchhandle; void search_close (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, int handle) { int i; prvmsearch_t *prev, *s; prev = NULL; for (s = prvmsearches; s; ) { if (s->handle == handle) { //close it down. if (s->fromprogs != prinst) { PF_Warningf(prinst, "Handle wasn't valid with that progs\n"); return; } if (prev) prev->next = s->next; else prvmsearches = s->next; for (i = 0; i < s->entries; i++) { BZ_Free(s->entry[i].name); } BZ_Free(s->entry); BZ_Free(s); return; } prev = s; s = s->next; } } //a progs was closed... hunt down it's searches, and warn about any searches left open. void search_close_progs(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, qboolean complain) { int i; prvmsearch_t *prev, *s; prev = NULL; for (s = prvmsearches; s; ) { if (s->fromprogs == prinst) { //close it down. if (complain) Con_Printf("Warning: Progs search was still active\n"); if (prev) prev->next = s->next; else prvmsearches = s->next; for (i = 0; i < s->entries; i++) { BZ_Free(s->entry[i].name); } BZ_Free(s->entry); BZ_Free(s); if (prev) s = prev->next; else s = prvmsearches; continue; } prev = s; s = s->next; } if (!prvmsearches) prvm_nextsearchhandle = 0; //might as well. } int QDECL search_enumerate(const char *name, qofs_t fsize, time_t mtime, void *parm, searchpathfuncs_t *spath) { prvmsearch_t *s = parm; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < s->entries; i++) { if (!Q_strcasecmp(name, s->entry[i].name)) return true; //already in the list, apparently. try to avoid dupes. } s->entry = BZ_Realloc(s->entry, ((s->entries+64)&~63) * sizeof(*s->entry)); s->entry[s->entries].name = BZ_Malloc(strlen(name)+1); strcpy(s->entry[s->entries].name, name); s->entry[s->entries].size = fsize; s->entry[s->entries].mtime = mtime; s->entries++; return true; } //float search_begin(string pattern, float caseinsensitive, float quiet) = #74; void QCBUILTIN PF_search_begin (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { //< 0 for error, >= 0 for handle. //error includes bad search patterns, but not no files const char *pattern = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); // qboolean caseinsensitive = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); // qboolean quiet = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); prvmsearch_t *s; if (!*pattern || (*pattern == '.' && pattern[1] == '.') || *pattern == '/' || *pattern == '\\' || strchr(pattern, ':')) { PF_Warningf(prinst, "PF_search_begin: bad search pattern \"%s\"\n", pattern); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; return; } s = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*s)); s->fromprogs = prinst; s->handle = prvm_nextsearchhandle++; COM_EnumerateFiles(pattern, search_enumerate, s); s->next = prvmsearches; prvmsearches = s; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = s->handle; } //void search_end(float handle) = #75; void QCBUILTIN PF_search_end (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int handle = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); search_close(prinst, handle); } //float search_getsize(float handle) = #76; void QCBUILTIN PF_search_getsize (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int handle = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); prvmsearch_t *s; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; for (s = prvmsearches; s; s = s->next) { if (s->handle == handle) { //close it down. if (s->fromprogs != prinst) { PF_Warningf(prinst, "Handle wasn't valid with that progs\n"); return; } G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = s->entries; return; } } } //string search_getfilename(float handle, float num) = #77; void QCBUILTIN PF_search_getfilename (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int handle = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); int num = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); prvmsearch_t *s; G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; for (s = prvmsearches; s; s = s->next) { if (s->handle == handle) { //close it down. if (s->fromprogs != prinst) { PF_Warningf(prinst, "Search handle wasn't valid with that progs\n"); return; } if (num < 0 || num >= s->entries) return; RETURN_TSTRING(s->entry[num].name); return; } } PF_Warningf(prinst, "Search handle wasn't valid\n"); } void QCBUILTIN PF_search_getfilesize (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int handle = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); int num = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); prvmsearch_t *s; G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; for (s = prvmsearches; s; s = s->next) { if (s->handle == handle) { //close it down. if (s->fromprogs != prinst) { PF_Warningf(prinst, "Search handle wasn't valid with that progs\n"); return; } if (num < 0 || num >= s->entries) return; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = s->entry[num].size; return; } } PF_Warningf(prinst, "Search handle wasn't valid\n"); } void QCBUILTIN PF_search_getfilemtime (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int handle = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); int num = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); prvmsearch_t *s; char timestr[128]; G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; for (s = prvmsearches; s; s = s->next) { if (s->handle == handle) { //close it down. if (s->fromprogs != prinst) { PF_Warningf(prinst, "Search handle wasn't valid with that progs\n"); return; } if (num < 0 || num >= s->entries) return; if (s->entry[num].mtime != 0) //return null/empty if the time isn't set/known. { strftime(timestr, sizeof(timestr), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(&s->entry[num].mtime)); RETURN_TSTRING(timestr); } return; } } PF_Warningf(prinst, "Search handle wasn't valid\n"); } //closes filesystem type stuff for when a progs has stopped needing it. void PR_fclose_progs (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst) { PF_fcloseall(prinst); search_close_progs(prinst, true); PF_Hash_DestroyAll(prinst); } //File access //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //reflection //float isfunction(string function_name) void QCBUILTIN PF_isfunction (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *name = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = !!PR_FindFunction(prinst, name, PR_ANY); } //void callfunction(...) void QCBUILTIN PF_callfunction (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *name; func_t f; if (prinst->callargc < 1) PR_BIError(prinst, "callfunction needs at least one argument\n"); name = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0+(prinst->callargc-1)*3); prinst->callargc -= 1; f = PR_FindFunction(prinst, name, PR_ANY); if (f) PR_ExecuteProgram(prinst, f); } //void loadfromfile(string file) void QCBUILTIN PF_loadfromfile (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *filename = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); const char *file = COM_LoadTempFile(filename, 0, NULL); size_t size; if (!file) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; return; } while(prinst->restoreent(prinst, file, &size, NULL)) { file += size; } G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } void QCBUILTIN PF_writetofile(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int fnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)-FIRST_QC_FILE_INDEX; void *ed = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM1); char buffer[65536]; char *entstr; size_t buflen; buflen = 0; entstr = prinst->saveent(prinst, buffer, &buflen, sizeof(buffer), ed); //will save just one entities vars if (entstr) { PF_fwrite_internal (prinst, fnum, entstr, buflen); } } //read (multiple) {entity data} into new entities, with no real indication of how much was read. void QCBUILTIN PF_loadfromdata (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *file = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); size_t size; if (!*file) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; return; } while(prinst->restoreent(prinst, file, &size, NULL)) { file += size; } G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } void QCBUILTIN PF_generateentitydata(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { void *ed = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); char buffer[65536]; char *entstr; size_t buflen; buflen = 0; entstr = prinst->saveent(prinst, buffer, &buflen, sizeof(buffer), ed); if (entstr) RETURN_TSTRING(entstr); else G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } void QCBUILTIN PF_parseentitydata(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { void *ed = G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); const char *file = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); int offset = (prinst->callargc>=3)?G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2):0; size_t size; if (offset < 0) offset = 0; else if (offset) { int boffset = offset; if (VMUTF8) boffset = unicode_byteofsfromcharofs(file, offset, VMUTF8MARKUP); else { int l = strlen(file); if (boffset > l) boffset = l; } file += boffset; } if (!*file) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; return; } if (!prinst->restoreent(prinst, file, &size, ed)) { if (prinst->callargc<3) PF_Warningf(prinst, "parseentitydata: missing opening data\n"); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; return; } else if (prinst->callargc<3) { file += size; while(*file < ' ' && *file) file++; if (*file) PF_Warningf(prinst, "parseentitydata: too much data\n"); } if (VMUTF8) size = unicode_charofsfrombyteofs(file, size, VMUTF8MARKUP); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = offset + size; } //reflection //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Entities void QCBUILTIN PF_WasFreed (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { wedict_t *ent; ent = G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = ED_ISFREE(ent); } void QCBUILTIN PF_num_for_edict (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { wedict_t *ent; ent = G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = ent->entnum; } void QCBUILTIN PF_edict_for_num(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { world_t *w = prinst->parms->user; edict_t *ent; unsigned int num = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); if (num >= w->num_edicts) RETURN_EDICT(prinst, w->edicts); ent = (edict_t*)EDICT_NUM_PB(prinst, num); RETURN_EDICT(prinst, ent); } /* ================= PF_findradius Returns a chain of entities that have origins within a spherical area findradius (origin, radius) ================= */ #define AREA_ALL 0 #define AREA_SOLID 1 #define AREA_TRIGGER 2 void QCBUILTIN PF_findradius (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { world_t *w = prinst->parms->user; extern cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_blowupfallenzombies; extern cvar_t dpcompat_findradiusarealinks; wedict_t *ent, *chain; float rad; float *org; vec3_t eorg; int i, j; int f; chain = w->edicts; org = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); rad = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); if (prinst->callargc > 2) f = G_INT(OFS_PARM2)+prinst->fieldadjust; else f = &((comentvars_t*)NULL)->chain - (int*)NULL; if (dpcompat_findradiusarealinks.ival) { static wedict_t *nearent[32768]; vec3_t mins, maxs; int numents; extern int World_AreaEdicts (world_t *w, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, wedict_t **list, int maxcount, int areatype); mins[0] = org[0] - rad; mins[1] = org[1] - rad; mins[2] = org[2] - rad; maxs[0] = org[0] + rad; maxs[1] = org[1] + rad; maxs[2] = org[2] + rad; numents = World_AreaEdicts(w, mins, maxs, nearent, countof(nearent), AREA_ALL); rad = rad*rad; for (i=0 ; i<numents ; i++) { ent = nearent[i]; if (ent->v->solid == SOLID_NOT && (!((int)ent->v->flags & FL_FINDABLE_NONSOLID)) && !sv_gameplayfix_blowupfallenzombies.value) continue; for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) eorg[j] = org[j] - (ent->v->origin[j] + (ent->v->mins[j] + ent->v->maxs[j])*0.5); if (DotProduct(eorg,eorg) > rad) continue; ((int*)ent->v)[f] = EDICT_TO_PROG(prinst, chain); chain = ent; } } else { rad = rad*rad; for (i=1 ; i<w->num_edicts ; i++) { ent = WEDICT_NUM_PB(prinst, i); if (ED_ISFREE(ent)) continue; if (ent->v->solid == SOLID_NOT && (!((int)ent->v->flags & FL_FINDABLE_NONSOLID)) && !sv_gameplayfix_blowupfallenzombies.value) continue; for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) eorg[j] = org[j] - (ent->v->origin[j] + (ent->v->mins[j] + ent->v->maxs[j])*0.5); if (DotProduct(eorg,eorg) > rad) continue; ((int*)ent->v)[f] = EDICT_TO_PROG(prinst, chain); chain = ent; } } RETURN_EDICT(prinst, chain); } //entity nextent(entity) void QCBUILTIN PF_nextent (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int i; wedict_t *ent; i = G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM0); while (1) { i++; if (i == *prinst->parms->sv_num_edicts) { RETURN_EDICT(prinst, *prinst->parms->sv_edicts); return; } ent = WEDICT_NUM_PB(prinst, i); if (!ED_ISFREE(ent)) { RETURN_EDICT(prinst, ent); return; } } } //entity() spawn void QCBUILTIN PF_Spawn (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { struct edict_s *ed; ed = ED_Alloc(prinst, false, 0); pr_globals = PR_globals(prinst, PR_CURRENT); RETURN_EDICT(prinst, ed); } void QCBUILTIN PF_spawn_object (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int obj = G_INT(OFS_PARM0); int size = G_INT(OFS_PARM1); struct edict_s *ed; ed = ED_Alloc(prinst, obj, size); pr_globals = PR_globals(prinst, PR_CURRENT); RETURN_EDICT(prinst, ed); } //EXTENSION: DP_QC_COPYENTITY //void(entity from, entity to) copyentity = #400 //copies data from one entity to another void QCBUILTIN PF_copyentity (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { world_t *w = prinst->parms->user; wedict_t *in, *out; in = G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); if (prinst->callargc <= 1) out = (wedict_t*)ED_Alloc(prinst, false, 0); else out = G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM1); if (ED_ISFREE(in)) PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_copyentity: source is free"); if (!out || ED_ISFREE(out)) PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_copyentity: destination is free"); if (out->readonly) PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_copyentity: destination is read-only"); if (out->fieldsize != in->fieldsize) PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_copyentity: different object types"); memcpy(out->v, in->v, out->fieldsize); World_LinkEdict(w, out, false); RETURN_EDICT(prinst, out); } void QCBUILTIN PF_entityprotection (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { wedict_t *e = G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); int prot = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); if (ED_ISFREE(e)) PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_entityprotection: entity is free"); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = prot; if (prot < 0 || prot > 1) return; e->readonly = prot; } //Entities //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //String functions //PF_dprint void QCBUILTIN PF_dprint (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { Con_DPrintf ("%s",PF_VarString(prinst, 0, pr_globals)); } //PF_print void QCBUILTIN PF_print (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { Con_Printf ("%s",PF_VarString(prinst, 0, pr_globals)); } //FTE_STRINGS //C style strncasecmp (compare first n characters - case insensitive) //C style strcasecmp (case insensitive string compare) void QCBUILTIN PF_strncasecmp (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *a = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); const char *b = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); if (prinst->callargc > 2) { int len = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); int aofs = prinst->callargc>3?G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3):0; int bofs = prinst->callargc>4?G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4):0; if (VMUTF8) { aofs = aofs?unicode_byteofsfromcharofs(a, aofs, VMUTF8MARKUP):0; bofs = bofs?unicode_byteofsfromcharofs(b, bofs, VMUTF8MARKUP):0; len = max(unicode_byteofsfromcharofs(a+aofs, len, VMUTF8MARKUP), unicode_byteofsfromcharofs(b+bofs, len, VMUTF8MARKUP)); } else { if (aofs < 0 || (aofs && aofs > strlen(a))) aofs = strlen(a); if (bofs < 0 || (bofs && bofs > strlen(b))) bofs = strlen(b); } G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = Q_strncasecmp(a+aofs, b+bofs, len); } else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = Q_strcasecmp(a, b); } //FTE_STRINGS //C style strncmp (compare first n characters - case sensitive. Note that there is no strcmp provided) void QCBUILTIN PF_strncmp (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *a = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); const char *b = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); if (prinst->callargc > 2) { int len = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); int aofs = prinst->callargc>3?G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3):0; int bofs = prinst->callargc>4?G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4):0; if (VMUTF8) { aofs = aofs?unicode_byteofsfromcharofs(a, aofs, VMUTF8MARKUP):0; bofs = bofs?unicode_byteofsfromcharofs(b, bofs, VMUTF8MARKUP):0; len = max(unicode_byteofsfromcharofs(a+aofs, len, VMUTF8MARKUP), unicode_byteofsfromcharofs(b+bofs, len, VMUTF8MARKUP)); } else { if (aofs < 0 || (aofs && aofs > strlen(a))) aofs = strlen(a); if (bofs < 0 || (bofs && bofs > strlen(b))) bofs = strlen(b); } G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = Q_strncmp(a + aofs, b, len); } else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = Q_strcmp(a, b); } //uses qw style \key\value strings void QCBUILTIN PF_infoget (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *info = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); const char *key = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); key = Info_ValueForKey(info, key); RETURN_TSTRING(key); } //uses qw style \key\value strings void QCBUILTIN PF_infoadd (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *info = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); const char *key = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); const char *value = PF_VarString(prinst, 2, pr_globals); char temp[8192]; Q_strncpyz(temp, info, MAXTEMPBUFFERLEN); Info_SetValueForStarKey(temp, key, value, MAXTEMPBUFFERLEN); RETURN_TSTRING(temp); } //string(float pad, string str1, ...) strpad void QCBUILTIN PF_strpad (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char destbuf[4096]; char *dest = destbuf; int pad = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); const char *src = PF_VarString(prinst, 1, pr_globals); //UTF-8-FIXME: pad is chars not bytes... if (pad < 0) { //pad left pad = -pad - strlen(src); if (pad>=sizeof(destbuf)) pad = sizeof(destbuf)-1; if (pad < 0) pad = 0; Q_strncpyz(dest+pad, src, sizeof(destbuf)-pad); while(pad) { dest[--pad] = ' '; } } else { //pad right if (pad>=sizeof(destbuf)) pad = sizeof(destbuf)-1; pad -= strlen(src); if (pad < 0) pad = 0; Q_strncpyz(dest, src, sizeof(destbuf)); dest+=strlen(dest); while(pad-->0) *dest++ = ' '; *dest = '\0'; } RETURN_TSTRING(destbuf); } void QCBUILTIN PF_strtrim (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *str = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); const char *end; char *news; //figure out the new start while (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t' || *str == '\n' || *str == '\r') str++; //figure out the new end. end = str + strlen(str); while(end > str && (end[-1] == ' ' || end[-1] == '\t' || end[-1] == '\n' || end[-1] == '\r')) end--; //copy that substring into a tempstring. ((int *)pr_globals)[OFS_RETURN] = prinst->AllocTempString(prinst, &news, end - str + 1); memcpy(news, str, end-str); news[end-str] = 0; } //part of PF_strconv static int chrconv_number(int i, int base, int conv) { i -= base; switch (conv) { default: case 5: case 6: case 0: break; case 1: base = '0'; break; case 2: base = '0'+128; break; case 3: base = '0'-30; break; case 4: base = '0'+128-30; break; } return i + base; } //part of PF_strconv static int chrconv_punct(int i, int base, int conv) { i -= base; switch (conv) { default: case 0: break; case 1: base = 0; break; case 2: base = 128; break; } return i + base; } //part of PF_strconv static int chrchar_alpha(int i, int basec, int baset, int convc, int convt, int charnum) { //convert case and colour seperatly... i -= baset + basec; switch (convt) { default: case 0: break; case 1: baset = 0; break; case 2: baset = 128; break; case 5: case 6: baset = 128*((charnum&1) == (convt-5)); break; } switch (convc) { default: case 0: break; case 1: basec = 'a'; break; case 2: basec = 'A'; break; } return i + basec + baset; } //FTE_STRINGS //bulk convert a string. change case or colouring. void QCBUILTIN PF_strconv (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int ccase = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); //0 same, 1 lower, 2 upper int redalpha = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); //0 same, 1 white, 2 red, 5 alternate, 6 alternate-alternate int rednum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); //0 same, 1 white, 2 red, 3 redspecial, 4 whitespecial, 5 alternate, 6 alternate-alternate const unsigned char *string = PF_VarString(prinst, 3, pr_globals); int len = strlen(string); int i; unsigned char resbuf[8192]; unsigned char *result = resbuf; //UTF-8-FIXME: cope with utf+^U etc if (len >= MAXTEMPBUFFERLEN) len = MAXTEMPBUFFERLEN-1; for (i = 0; i < len; i++, string++, result++) //should this be done backwards? { if (*string >= '0' && *string <= '9') //normal numbers... *result = chrconv_number(*string, '0', rednum); else if (*string >= '0'+128 && *string <= '9'+128) *result = chrconv_number(*string, '0'+128, rednum); else if (*string >= '0'+128-30 && *string <= '9'+128-30) *result = chrconv_number(*string, '0'+128-30, rednum); else if (*string >= '0'-30 && *string <= '9'-30) *result = chrconv_number(*string, '0'-30, rednum); else if (*string >= 'a' && *string <= 'z') //normal numbers... *result = chrchar_alpha(*string, 'a', 0, ccase, redalpha, i); else if (*string >= 'A' && *string <= 'Z') //normal numbers... *result = chrchar_alpha(*string, 'A', 0, ccase, redalpha, i); else if (*string >= 'a'+128 && *string <= 'z'+128) //normal numbers... *result = chrchar_alpha(*string, 'a', 128, ccase, redalpha, i); else if (*string >= 'A'+128 && *string <= 'Z'+128) //normal numbers... *result = chrchar_alpha(*string, 'A', 128, ccase, redalpha, i); else if ((*string & 127) < 16 || !redalpha) //special chars.. *result = *string; else if (*string < 128) *result = chrconv_punct(*string, 0, redalpha); else *result = chrconv_punct(*string, 128, redalpha); } *result = '\0'; RETURN_TSTRING(((char*)resbuf)); } //FTE_STRINGS //returns a string containing one character per parameter (up to the qc max params of 8). void QCBUILTIN PF_chr2str (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int ch; int i; char string[128], *s = string; for (i = 0; i < prinst->callargc; i++) { ch = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0 + i*3); if (VMUTF8 || ch > 0xff) s += unicode_encode(s, ch, (string+sizeof(string)-1)-s, VMUTF8MARKUP||(ch>0xff)); else *s++ = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0 + i*3); } *s++ = '\0'; RETURN_TSTRING(string); } //FTE_STRINGS //returns character at position X void QCBUILTIN PF_str2chr (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int err; char *next; const char *instr = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); int ofs = (prinst->callargc>1)?G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1):0; if (VMUTF8) { if (ofs < 0) ofs = unicode_charcount(instr, 1<<30, VMUTF8MARKUP)+ofs; ofs = unicode_byteofsfromcharofs(instr, ofs, VMUTF8MARKUP); } else { if (ofs < 0) ofs = strlen(instr)+ofs; } if (ofs && (ofs < 0 || ofs > strlen(instr))) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = '\0'; else { if (VMUTF8) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = unicode_decode(&err, instr+ofs, &next, VMUTF8MARKUP); else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = (unsigned char)instr[ofs]; } } //FTE_STRINGS //strstr, without generating a new string. Use in conjunction with FRIK_FILE's substring for more similar strstr. void QCBUILTIN PF_strstrofs (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *instr = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); const char *match = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); int firstofs = (prinst->callargc>2)?G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2):0; if (VMUTF8) firstofs = unicode_byteofsfromcharofs(instr, firstofs, VMUTF8MARKUP); if (firstofs && (firstofs < 0 || firstofs > strlen(instr))) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; return; } match = strstr(instr+firstofs, match); if (!match) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = VMUTF8?unicode_charofsfrombyteofs(instr, match-instr, VMUTF8MARKUP):(match - instr); } //float(string input) stof void QCBUILTIN PF_stof (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *s; s = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = atof(s); } //tstring(float input) ftos void QCBUILTIN PF_ftos (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float v; char pr_string_temp[64]; v = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); if (v == (int)v) sprintf (pr_string_temp, "%d",(int)v); else if (pr_brokenfloatconvert.value) sprintf (pr_string_temp, "%5.1f",v); else Q_ftoa (pr_string_temp, v); RETURN_TSTRING(pr_string_temp); } void QCBUILTIN PF_ftoi (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); } void QCBUILTIN PF_itof (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = G_INT(OFS_PARM0); } //tstring(integer input) itos void QCBUILTIN PF_itos (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int v; char pr_string_temp[64]; v = G_INT(OFS_PARM0); sprintf (pr_string_temp, "%d",v); RETURN_TSTRING(pr_string_temp); } //int(string input) stoi void QCBUILTIN PF_stoi (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *input = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = atoi(input); } //tstring(integer input) htos void QCBUILTIN PF_htos (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { unsigned int v; char pr_string_temp[64]; v = G_INT(OFS_PARM0); sprintf (pr_string_temp, "%08x",v); RETURN_TSTRING(pr_string_temp); } //int(string input) stoh void QCBUILTIN PF_stoh (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *input = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = strtoul(input, NULL, 16); } //vector(string s) stov = #117 //returns vector value from a string void QCBUILTIN PF_stov (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int i; const char *s; float *out; s = PF_VarString(prinst, 0, pr_globals); out = G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN); out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = 0; if (*s == '\'') s++; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t') s++; out[i] = atof (s); if (!out[i] && *s != '-' && *s != '+' && (*s < '0' || *s > '9')) break; // not a number while (*s && *s != ' ' && *s !='\t' && *s != '\'') s++; if (*s == '\'') break; } } //tstring(vector input) vtos void QCBUILTIN PF_vtos (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char pr_string_temp[64]; //sprintf (pr_string_temp, "'%5.1f %5.1f %5.1f'", G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0)[0], G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0)[1], G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0)[2]); sprintf (pr_string_temp, "'%f %f %f'", G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0)[0], G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0)[1], G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0)[2]); RETURN_TSTRING(pr_string_temp); } void QCBUILTIN PF_Logarithm (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { //log2(v) = ln(v)/ln(2) double r; r = log(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); if (prinst->callargc > 1) r /= log(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = r; } void QCBUILTIN PF_strunzone(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { #ifdef QCGC //gc frees everything for us. #else prinst->AddressableFree(prinst, prinst->stringtable + G_INT(OFS_PARM0)); #endif } void QCBUILTIN PF_strzone(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) //frik_file { #ifdef QCGC //just allocate a tempstring instead, because we can. PF_strcat(prinst, pr_globals); #else char *buf; int len = 0; const char *s[8]; int l[8]; int i; for (i = 0; i < prinst->callargc; i++) { s[i] = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0+i*3); l[i] = strlen(s[i]); len += l[i]; } len++; /*for the null*/ buf = prinst->AddressableAlloc(prinst, len); if (!buf) { G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; return; } G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = (char*)buf - prinst->stringtable; len = 0; for (i = 0; i < prinst->callargc; i++) { memcpy(buf, s[i], l[i]); buf += l[i]; } *buf = '\0'; #endif } //string(string str1, string str2, str3, etc) strcat void QCBUILTIN PF_strcat (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char *buf; size_t len = 0; const char *s[8]; int l[8]; int i; for (i = 0; i < prinst->callargc; i++) { s[i] = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0+i*3); l[i] = strlen(s[i]); len += l[i]; #ifndef NOLEGACY if (dpcompat_strcat_limit.ival && len > dpcompat_strcat_limit.ival) { l[i]-= len-dpcompat_strcat_limit.ival; len -= len-dpcompat_strcat_limit.ival; } #endif } len++; /*for the null*/ ((int *)pr_globals)[OFS_RETURN] = prinst->AllocTempString(prinst, &buf, len); if (buf) { len = 0; for (i = 0; i < prinst->callargc; i++) { memcpy(buf, s[i], l[i]); buf += l[i]; } *buf = '\0'; } } //returns a section of a string as a tempstring void QCBUILTIN PF_substring (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int start, length, slen; const char *s; char *string; s = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); start = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); length = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); //UTF-8-FIXME: start+length are chars not bytes... if (VMUTF8) slen = unicode_charcount(s, 1<<30, VMUTF8MARKUP); else slen = strlen(s); if (start < 0) start = slen+start; if (length < 0) length = slen-start+(length+1); if (start < 0) { // length += start; start = 0; } if (start >= slen || length<=0) { RETURN_TSTRING(""); return; } slen -= start; if (length > slen) length = slen; if (VMUTF8) { start = unicode_byteofsfromcharofs(s, start, VMUTF8MARKUP); length = unicode_byteofsfromcharofs(s+start, length, VMUTF8MARKUP); } s += start; ((int *)pr_globals)[OFS_RETURN] = prinst->AllocTempString(prinst, &string, length+1); memcpy(string, s, length); string[length] = '\0'; } void QCBUILTIN PF_strlen(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { if (VMUTF8) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = unicode_charcount(PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0), 1<<30, VMUTF8MARKUP); else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = strlen(PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0)); } //float(string input, string token) instr void QCBUILTIN PF_instr (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *sub; const char *s1; const char *s2; s1 = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); s2 = PF_VarString(prinst, 1, pr_globals); if (!s1 || !s2) { PR_BIError(prinst, "Null string in \"instr\"\n"); return; } sub = strstr(s1, s2); if (sub == NULL) G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; else RETURN_SSTRING(sub); //last as long as the original string } void QCBUILTIN PF_strreplace (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char resultbuf[4096]; char *result = resultbuf; const char *search = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); const char *replace = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); const char *subject = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM2); int searchlen = strlen(search); int replacelen = strlen(replace); if (searchlen) { while (*subject && result < resultbuf + sizeof(resultbuf) - replacelen - 2) { if (!strncmp(subject, search, searchlen)) { subject += searchlen; memcpy(result, replace, replacelen); result += replacelen; } else *result++ = *subject++; } *result = 0; RETURN_TSTRING(resultbuf); } else RETURN_TSTRING(subject); } void QCBUILTIN PF_strireplace (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char resultbuf[4096]; char *result = resultbuf; const char *search = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); const char *replace = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); const char *subject = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM2); int searchlen = strlen(search); int replacelen = strlen(replace); if (searchlen) { while (*subject && result < resultbuf + sizeof(resultbuf) - replacelen - 2) { //UTF-8-FIXME: case insensitivity is awkward... if (!strnicmp(subject, search, searchlen)) { subject += searchlen; memcpy(result, replace, replacelen); result += replacelen; } else *result++ = *subject++; } *result = 0; RETURN_TSTRING(resultbuf); } else RETURN_TSTRING(subject); } //string(entity ent) etos = #65 void QCBUILTIN PF_etos (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char s[64]; snprintf (s, sizeof(s), "entity %i", G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM0)); RETURN_TSTRING(s); } //DP_QC_STRINGCOLORFUNCTIONS // #476 float(string s) strlennocol - returns how many characters are in a string, minus color codes void QCBUILTIN PF_strlennocol (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *in = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); char result[8192]; conchar_t flagged[8192]; unsigned int len = 0; COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, in, flagged, sizeof(flagged), false); COM_DeFunString(flagged, NULL, result, sizeof(result), true, false); for (len = 0; result[len]; len++) ; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = len; } //DP_QC_STRINGCOLORFUNCTIONS // string (string s) strdecolorize - returns the passed in string with color codes stripped void QCBUILTIN PF_strdecolorize (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *in = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); char result[8192]; conchar_t flagged[8192]; COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, in, flagged, sizeof(flagged), false); COM_DeFunString(flagged, NULL, result, sizeof(result), true, false); RETURN_TSTRING(result); } //DP_QC_STRING_CASE_FUNCTIONS void QCBUILTIN PF_strtolower (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *in = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); char result[8192]; unicode_strtolower(in, result, sizeof(result), VMUTF8MARKUP); RETURN_TSTRING(result); } //DP_QC_STRING_CASE_FUNCTIONS void QCBUILTIN PF_strtoupper (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *in = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); char result[8192]; unicode_strtoupper(in, result, sizeof(result), VMUTF8MARKUP); RETURN_TSTRING(result); } //DP_QC_STRFTIME void QCBUILTIN PF_strftime (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *in = PF_VarString(prinst, 1, pr_globals); char result[8192]; char uresult[8192]; time_t ctime; struct tm *tm; ctime = time(NULL); if (G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)) tm = localtime(&ctime); else tm = gmtime(&ctime); //msvc sucks. if (!strcmp(in, "%R")) in = "%H:%M"; else if (!strcmp(in, "%F")) in = "%Y-%m-%d"; strftime(result, sizeof(result), in, tm); unicode_strtoupper(result, uresult, sizeof(uresult), VMUTF8MARKUP); RETURN_TSTRING(uresult); } //String functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //515's String functions struct strbuf { pubprogfuncs_t *prinst; char **strings; size_t used; size_t allocated; int flags; }; #define BUFFLAG_SAVED 1 #define BUFSTRBASE 1 struct strbuf *strbuflist; size_t strbufmax; static void PR_buf_savegame(vfsfile_t *f, pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, qboolean binary) { unsigned int i, bufno; for (bufno = 0; bufno < strbufmax; bufno++) { if (strbuflist[bufno].prinst == prinst && (strbuflist[bufno].flags & BUFFLAG_SAVED)) { VFS_PRINTF (f, "buffer %u %i %i %u\n", bufno, 1, ev_string, (unsigned int)strbuflist[bufno].used); VFS_PRINTF (f, "{\n"); for (i = 0; i < strbuflist[bufno].used; i++) if (strbuflist[bufno].strings[i]) VFS_PRINTF (f, "%u %s\n", i, strbuflist[bufno].strings[i]); VFS_PRINTF (f, "}\n"); } } } void PF_buf_shutdown(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst) { size_t i, bufno; for (bufno = 0; bufno < strbufmax; bufno++) { if (strbuflist[bufno].prinst == prinst) { for (i = 0; i < strbuflist[bufno].used; i++) Z_Free(strbuflist[bufno].strings[i]); Z_Free(strbuflist[bufno].strings); strbuflist[bufno].strings = NULL; strbuflist[bufno].used = 0; strbuflist[bufno].allocated = 0; strbuflist[bufno].prinst = NULL; } } while (strbufmax>0 && !strbuflist[strbufmax-1].prinst) strbufmax--; if (!strbufmax) { Z_Free(strbuflist); strbuflist = NULL; } } // #440 float() buf_create (DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS) void QCBUILTIN PF_buf_create (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { size_t i; const char *type = ((prinst->callargc>0)?PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0):"string"); unsigned int flags = ((prinst->callargc>1)?G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1):BUFFLAG_SAVED); flags &= BUFFLAG_SAVED; if (!Q_strcasecmp(type, "string")) ; else { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; return; } //flags&1 == saved. apparently. for (i = 0; i < strbufmax; i++) { if (!strbuflist[i].prinst) break; } if (i == strbufmax) { if (!ZF_ReallocElements((void**)&strbuflist, &strbufmax, strbufmax+1, sizeof(*strbuflist))) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; return; } } strbuflist[i].prinst = prinst; strbuflist[i].used = 0; strbuflist[i].allocated = 0; strbuflist[i].strings = NULL; strbuflist[i].flags = flags; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = i+BUFSTRBASE; } // #441 void(float bufhandle) buf_del (DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS) void QCBUILTIN PF_buf_del (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { size_t i; size_t bufno = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)-BUFSTRBASE; if (bufno >= strbufmax) return; if (strbuflist[bufno].prinst != prinst) return; for (i = 0; i < strbuflist[bufno].used; i++) Z_Free(strbuflist[bufno].strings[i]); Z_Free(strbuflist[bufno].strings); strbuflist[bufno].strings = NULL; strbuflist[bufno].used = 0; strbuflist[bufno].allocated = 0; strbuflist[bufno].prinst = NULL; } // #442 float(float bufhandle) buf_getsize (DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS) void QCBUILTIN PF_buf_getsize (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { size_t bufno = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)-BUFSTRBASE; if (bufno >= strbufmax) return; if (strbuflist[bufno].prinst != prinst) return; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = strbuflist[bufno].used; } // #443 void(float bufhandle_from, float bufhandle_to) buf_copy (DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS) void QCBUILTIN PF_buf_copy (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { size_t buffrom = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)-BUFSTRBASE; size_t bufto = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)-BUFSTRBASE; size_t i; if (bufto == buffrom) //err... return; if (buffrom >= strbufmax) return; if (strbuflist[buffrom].prinst != prinst) return; if (bufto >= strbufmax) return; if (strbuflist[bufto].prinst != prinst) return; //obliterate any and all existing data. for (i = 0; i < strbuflist[bufto].used; i++) Z_Free(strbuflist[bufto].strings[i]); Z_Free(strbuflist[bufto].strings); //copy new data over. strbuflist[bufto].used = strbuflist[bufto].allocated = strbuflist[buffrom].used; strbuflist[bufto].strings = BZ_Malloc(strbuflist[buffrom].used * sizeof(char*)); for (i = 0; i < strbuflist[buffrom].used; i++) strbuflist[bufto].strings[i] = strbuflist[buffrom].strings[i]?Z_StrDup(strbuflist[buffrom].strings[i]):NULL; } static int PF_buf_sort_sortprefixlen; static int QDECL PF_buf_sort_ascending(const void *a, const void *b) { return strncmp(*(char**)a, *(char**)b, PF_buf_sort_sortprefixlen); } static int QDECL PF_buf_sort_descending(const void *b, const void *a) { return strncmp(*(char**)a, *(char**)b, PF_buf_sort_sortprefixlen); } // #444 void(float bufhandle, float sortprefixlen, float backward) buf_sort (DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS) void QCBUILTIN PF_buf_sort (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { size_t bufno = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)-BUFSTRBASE; int sortprefixlen = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); qboolean backwards = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); int s,d; char **strings; if (bufno >= strbufmax) return; if (strbuflist[bufno].prinst != prinst) return; if (sortprefixlen <= 0) sortprefixlen = 0x7fffffff; //take out the nulls first, to avoid weird/crashy sorting for (s = 0, d = 0, strings = strbuflist[bufno].strings; s < strbuflist[bufno].used; ) { if (!strings[s]) { s++; continue; } strings[d++] = strings[s++]; } strbuflist[bufno].used = d; //no nulls now, sort it. PF_buf_sort_sortprefixlen = sortprefixlen; //eww, a global. burn in hell. if (backwards) //z first qsort(strings, strbuflist[bufno].used, sizeof(char*), PF_buf_sort_descending); else //a first qsort(strings, strbuflist[bufno].used, sizeof(char*), PF_buf_sort_ascending); } // #445 string(float bufhandle, string glue) buf_implode (DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS) void QCBUILTIN PF_buf_implode (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { size_t bufno = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)-BUFSTRBASE; const char *glue = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); unsigned int gluelen = strlen(glue); size_t retlen, l, i; char **strings; char *ret; if (bufno >= strbufmax) return; if (strbuflist[bufno].prinst != prinst) return; //count neededlength strings = strbuflist[bufno].strings; for (i = 0, retlen = 0; i < strbuflist[bufno].used; i++) { if (strings[i]) { if (retlen) retlen += gluelen; retlen += strlen(strings[i]); } } //generate the output ret = malloc(retlen+1); for (i = 0, retlen = 0; i < strbuflist[bufno].used; i++) { if (strings[i]) { if (retlen) { memcpy(ret+retlen, glue, gluelen); retlen += gluelen; } l = strlen(strings[i]); memcpy(ret+retlen, strings[i], l); retlen += l; } } //add the null and return ret[retlen] = 0; RETURN_TSTRING(ret); free(ret); } // #446 string(float bufhandle, float string_index) bufstr_get (DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS) void QCBUILTIN PF_bufstr_get (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { size_t bufno = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)-BUFSTRBASE; size_t index = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); if ((unsigned int)bufno >= strbufmax) { RETURN_CSTRING(""); return; } if (strbuflist[bufno].prinst != prinst) { RETURN_CSTRING(""); return; } if (index >= strbuflist[bufno].used) { RETURN_CSTRING(""); return; } RETURN_TSTRING(strbuflist[bufno].strings[index]); } // #447 void(float bufhandle, float string_index, string str) bufstr_set (DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS) void QCBUILTIN PF_bufstr_set (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { size_t bufno = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)-BUFSTRBASE; size_t index = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); const char *string = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM2); size_t oldcount; if (bufno >= strbufmax) return; if (strbuflist[bufno].prinst != prinst) return; if (index >= strbuflist[bufno].allocated) { if (index > 1024*1024) { PR_RunWarning(prinst, "index outside sanity range\n"); return; } oldcount = strbuflist[bufno].allocated; strbuflist[bufno].allocated = (index + 256); strbuflist[bufno].strings = BZ_Realloc(strbuflist[bufno].strings, strbuflist[bufno].allocated*sizeof(char*)); memset(strbuflist[bufno].strings+oldcount, 0, (strbuflist[bufno].allocated - oldcount) * sizeof(char*)); } if (strbuflist[bufno].strings[index]) Z_Free(strbuflist[bufno].strings[index]); strbuflist[bufno].strings[index] = Z_Malloc(strlen(string)+1); strcpy(strbuflist[bufno].strings[index], string); if (index >= strbuflist[bufno].used) strbuflist[bufno].used = index+1; } size_t PF_bufstr_add_internal(int bufno, const char *string, int appendonend) { size_t index; if (appendonend) { //add on end index = strbuflist[bufno].used; } else { //find a hole for (index = 0; index < strbuflist[bufno].used; index++) if (!strbuflist[bufno].strings[index]) break; } //expand it if needed if (index >= strbuflist[bufno].allocated) { int oldcount; oldcount = strbuflist[bufno].allocated; strbuflist[bufno].allocated = (index + 256); strbuflist[bufno].strings = BZ_Realloc(strbuflist[bufno].strings, strbuflist[bufno].allocated*sizeof(char*)); memset(strbuflist[bufno].strings+oldcount, 0, (strbuflist[bufno].allocated - oldcount) * sizeof(char*)); } //add in the new string. if (strbuflist[bufno].strings[index]) Z_Free(strbuflist[bufno].strings[index]); strbuflist[bufno].strings[index] = Z_Malloc(strlen(string)+1); strcpy(strbuflist[bufno].strings[index], string); if (index >= strbuflist[bufno].used) strbuflist[bufno].used = index+1; return index; } // #448 float(float bufhandle, string str, float order) bufstr_add (DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS) void QCBUILTIN PF_bufstr_add (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { size_t bufno = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)-BUFSTRBASE; const char *string = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); int order = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); if (bufno >= strbufmax) return; if (strbuflist[bufno].prinst != prinst) return; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = PF_bufstr_add_internal(bufno, string, order); } // #449 void(float bufhandle, float string_index) bufstr_free (DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS) void QCBUILTIN PF_bufstr_free (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { size_t bufno = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)-BUFSTRBASE; size_t index = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); if (bufno >= strbufmax) return; if (strbuflist[bufno].prinst != prinst) return; if (index >= strbuflist[bufno].used) return; //not valid anyway. if (strbuflist[bufno].strings[index]) Z_Free(strbuflist[bufno].strings[index]); strbuflist[bufno].strings[index] = NULL; } void QCBUILTIN PF_buf_cvarlist (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { size_t bufno = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)-BUFSTRBASE; const char *pattern = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); const char *antipattern = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM2); int i; cvar_group_t *grp; cvar_t *var; extern cvar_group_t *cvar_groups; if (bufno >= strbufmax) return; if (strbuflist[bufno].prinst != prinst) return; //obliterate any and all existing data. for (i = 0; i < strbuflist[bufno].used; i++) Z_Free(strbuflist[bufno].strings[i]); Z_Free(strbuflist[bufno].strings); strbuflist[bufno].used = strbuflist[bufno].allocated = 0; //ignore name2, no point listing it twice. for (grp=cvar_groups ; grp ; grp=grp->next) for (var=grp->cvars ; var ; var=var->next) { if (pattern && wildcmp(pattern, var->name)) continue; if (antipattern && !wildcmp(antipattern, var->name)) continue; PF_bufstr_add_internal(bufno, var->name, true); } } //directly reads a file into a stringbuffer void QCBUILTIN PF_buf_loadfile (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *fname = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); size_t bufno = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)-BUFSTRBASE; vfsfile_t *file; char line[8192]; const char *fallback; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; if (bufno >= strbufmax) return; if (strbuflist[bufno].prinst != prinst) return; if (!QC_FixFileName(fname, &fname, &fallback)) { Con_Printf("qcfopen: Access denied: %s\n", fname); return; } file = FS_OpenVFS(fname, "rb", FS_GAME); if (!file && fallback) file = FS_OpenVFS(fallback, "rb", FS_GAME); if (!file) return; while(VFS_GETS(file, line, sizeof(line))) { PF_bufstr_add_internal(bufno, line, true); } VFS_CLOSE(file); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 1; } void QCBUILTIN PF_buf_writefile (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { size_t fnum = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) - FIRST_QC_FILE_INDEX; size_t bufno = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)-BUFSTRBASE; char **strings; int idx, midx; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; if (bufno >= strbufmax) return; if (strbuflist[bufno].prinst != prinst) return; if (fnum >= MAX_QC_FILES) return; if (pf_fopen_files[fnum].prinst != prinst) return; if (prinst->callargc >= 3) idx = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); else idx = 0; if (prinst->callargc >= 4) midx = idx + G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3); else midx = strbuflist[bufno].used - idx; idx = bound(0, idx, (int)strbuflist[bufno].used); midx = min(midx, (int)strbuflist[bufno].used); for(strings = strbuflist[bufno].strings; idx < midx; idx++) { if (strings[idx]) { PF_fwrite_internal (prinst, fnum, strings[idx], strlen(strings[idx])); PF_fwrite_internal (prinst, fnum, "\n", 1); } } G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 1; } //515's String functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //float(float caseinsensitive, string s, ...) crc16 = #494 (DP_QC_CRC16) void QCBUILTIN PF_crc16 (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int insens = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); const char *str = PF_VarString(prinst, 1, pr_globals); int len = strlen(str); if (insens) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = QCRC_Block_AsLower(str, len); else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = QCRC_Block(str, len); } void QCBUILTIN PF_digest_internal (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals, const char *hashtype, const void *str, size_t len) { int digestsize, i; unsigned char digest[64]; unsigned char hexdig[sizeof(digest)*2+1]; if (!strcmp(hashtype, "MD4")) { digestsize = 16; Com_BlockFullChecksum(str, len, digest); } //md5? else if (!strcmp(hashtype, "SHA1")) { digestsize = SHA1(digest, sizeof(digest), str, len); } // else if (!strcmp(hashtype, "SHA256")) // { // digestsize = SHA2(digest, sizeof(digest), str, len); // } //sha384 //sha512 else if (!strcmp(hashtype, "CRC16")) { digestsize = 2; *(unsigned short*)digest = QCRC_Block(str, len); } else digestsize = 0; if (digestsize) { for (i = 0; i < digestsize; i++) { const char *hex = "0123456789abcdef"; hexdig[i*2+0] = hex[digest[i]>>4]; hexdig[i*2+1] = hex[digest[i]&0xf]; } hexdig[i*2] = 0; RETURN_TSTRING(hexdig); } else G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } void QCBUILTIN PF_digest_hex (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *hashtype = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); const char *str = PF_VarString(prinst, 1, pr_globals); PF_digest_internal(prinst, pr_globals, hashtype, str, strlen(str)); } void QCBUILTIN PF_digest_ptr (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *hashtype = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); int qcptr = G_INT(OFS_PARM1); int size = G_INT(OFS_PARM2); if (qcptr < 0 || qcptr+size >= prinst->stringtablesize) { PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_digest_ptr: invalid dest\n"); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; return; } PF_digest_internal(prinst, pr_globals, hashtype, prinst->stringtable + qcptr, size); } // #510 string(string in) uri_escape = #510; void QCBUILTIN PF_uri_escape (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { static const char *hex = "0123456789ABCDEF"; unsigned char result[8192]; unsigned char *o = result; const unsigned char *s = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); *result = 0; while (*s && o < result+sizeof(result)-4) { if ((*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'z') || (*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'Z') || (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') || *s == '.' || *s == '-' || *s == '_') *o++ = *s++; else { *o++ = '%'; *o++ = hex[*s>>4]; *o++ = hex[*s&0xf]; s++; } } *o = 0; RETURN_TSTRING(result); } // #511 string(string in) uri_unescape = #511; void QCBUILTIN PF_uri_unescape (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { unsigned char *s = (unsigned char*)PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); unsigned char resultbuf[8192]; unsigned char *i, *o; unsigned char hex; i = s; o = resultbuf; while (*i && o < resultbuf+sizeof(resultbuf)-2) { if (*i == '%') { hex = 0; if (i[1] >= 'A' && i[1] <= 'F') hex += i[1]-'A'+10; else if (i[1] >= 'a' && i[1] <= 'f') hex += i[1]-'a'+10; else if (i[1] >= '0' && i[1] <= '9') hex += i[1]-'0'; else { *o++ = *i++; continue; } hex <<= 4; if (i[2] >= 'A' && i[2] <= 'F') hex += i[2]-'A'+10; else if (i[2] >= 'a' && i[2] <= 'f') hex += i[2]-'a'+10; else if (i[2] >= '0' && i[2] <= '9') hex += i[2]-'0'; else { *o++ = *i++; continue; } *o++ = hex; i += 3; } else *o++ = *i++; } *o = 0; RETURN_TSTRING(resultbuf); } #ifdef WEBCLIENT static void PR_uri_get_callback(struct dl_download *dl) { world_t *w = dl->user_ctx; pubprogfuncs_t *prinst = w->progs; float id = dl->user_float; int selfnum = dl->user_num; func_t func; if (!prinst || dl->user_sequence != w->spawncount) return; func = PR_FindFunction(prinst, "URI_Get_Callback", PR_ANY); if (!func) Con_Printf("URI_Get_Callback missing\n"); else if (func) { int len; char *buffer; struct globalvars_s *pr_globals = PR_globals(prinst, PR_CURRENT); *w->g.self = selfnum; G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) = id; G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1) = (dl->replycode!=200)?dl->replycode:0; //for compat with DP, we change any 200s to 0. G_INT(OFS_PARM2) = 0; if (dl->file) { len = VFS_GETLEN(dl->file); buffer = malloc(len+1); buffer[len] = 0; VFS_READ(dl->file, buffer, len); G_INT(OFS_PARM2) = PR_TempString(prinst, buffer); free(buffer); } PR_ExecuteProgram(prinst, func); } } #endif // uri_get() gets content from an URL and calls a callback "uri_get_callback" with it set as string; an unique ID of the transfer is returned // returns 1 on success, and then calls the callback with the ID, 0 or the HTTP status code, and the received data in a string //float(string uril, float id) uri_get = #513; void QCBUILTIN PF_uri_get (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { #ifndef WEBCLIENT Con_Printf("uri_get is not implemented in this build\n"); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; #else world_t *w = prinst->parms->user; struct dl_download *dl = NULL; const unsigned char *url = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); float id = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); const char *mimetype = (prinst->callargc >= 3)?PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM2):""; const char *dataorsep = (prinst->callargc >= 4)?PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM3):""; int strbufid = (prinst->callargc >= 5)?G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4):0; //float cryptokeyidx = (prinst->callargc >= 5)?G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM5):0; //DP feature, not supported in FTE. adds a X-D0-Blind-ID-Detached-Signature header signing [postdata\0]querystring if (!pr_enable_uriget.ival) { Con_Printf("PF_uri_get(\"%s\",%g): %s disabled\n", url, id, pr_enable_uriget.name); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; return; } if (HTTP_CL_GetActiveDownloads() > 32) { //don't spam. I don't like it when you spam. Con_Printf("PF_uri_get(\"%s\",%g): too many pending downloads\n", url, id); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; return; } if (*mimetype) { Con_DPrintf("PF_uri_post(%s,%g)\n", url, id); if (strbufid) { size_t bufno = strbufid-BUFSTRBASE; if (bufno < strbufmax && strbuflist[bufno].prinst == prinst) { const char *glue = dataorsep; unsigned int gluelen = strlen(dataorsep); size_t datalen, l, i; char **strings; char *data; //count neededlength strings = strbuflist[bufno].strings; for (i = 0, datalen = 0; i < strbuflist[bufno].used; i++) { if (strings[i]) { if (datalen) datalen += gluelen; datalen += strlen(strings[i]); } } //concat it, with dataorsep separating each element data = malloc(datalen+1); for (i = 0, datalen = 0; i < strbuflist[bufno].used; i++) { if (strings[i]) { if (datalen) { memcpy(data+datalen, glue, gluelen); datalen += gluelen; } l = strlen(strings[i]); memcpy(data+datalen, strings[i], l); datalen += l; } } //add the null and send it data[datalen] = 0; dl = HTTP_CL_Put(url, mimetype, data, strlen(data), PR_uri_get_callback); free(data); } } else { //simple data post. dl = HTTP_CL_Put(url, mimetype, dataorsep, strlen(dataorsep), PR_uri_get_callback); } } else { Con_DPrintf("PF_uri_get(%s,%g)\n", url, id); dl = HTTP_CL_Get(url, NULL, PR_uri_get_callback); } if (dl) { dl->user_ctx = w; dl->user_float = id; dl->user_num = *w->g.self; dl->user_sequence = w->spawncount; dl->isquery = true; #ifdef MULTITHREAD DL_CreateThread(dl, NULL, NULL); #endif G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 1; } else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; #endif } void QCBUILTIN PF_netaddress_resolve(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *address = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); int defaultport = (prinst->callargc > 1)?G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1):0; netadr_t adr; char result[256]; if (NET_StringToAdr(address, defaultport, &adr)) RETURN_TSTRING(NET_AdrToString (result, sizeof(result), &adr)); else RETURN_TSTRING(""); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Console functions static struct { char *token; unsigned int start; unsigned int end; } *qctoken; static unsigned int qctoken_count; static unsigned int qctoken_max; void tokenize_flush(void) { while(qctoken_count > 0) { qctoken_count--; free(qctoken[qctoken_count].token); } qctoken_count = 0; free(qctoken); qctoken = NULL; qctoken_max = 0; } void QCBUILTIN PF_ArgC (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) //85 //float() argc; { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = qctoken_count; } int tokenizeqc(const char *str, qboolean dpfuckage) { const char *start = str; while(qctoken_count > 0) { qctoken_count--; free(qctoken[qctoken_count].token); } for (qctoken_count = 0; ; ) { if (qctoken_count == qctoken_max) { void *n = realloc(qctoken, sizeof(*qctoken)*(qctoken_max+8)); if (!n) break; qctoken_max+=8; qctoken = n; } /*skip whitespace here so the token's start is accurate*/ while (*str && *(unsigned char*)str <= ' ') str++; if (!*str) break; qctoken[qctoken_count].start = str - start; str = COM_StringParse (str, com_token, sizeof(com_token), false, dpfuckage); if (!str) break; qctoken[qctoken_count].token = strdup(com_token); qctoken[qctoken_count].end = str - start; qctoken_count++; } return qctoken_count; } /*KRIMZON_SV_PARSECLIENTCOMMAND added these two - note that for compatibility with DP, this tokenize builtin is veeery vauge and doesn't match the console*/ void QCBUILTIN PF_Tokenize (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) //84 //void(string str) tokanize; { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = tokenizeqc(PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0), true); } void QCBUILTIN PF_tokenize_console (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) //84 //void(string str) tokanize; { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = tokenizeqc(PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0), false); } void QCBUILTIN PF_tokenizebyseparator (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *str = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); const char *sep[7]; int seplen[7]; int seps = 0, s; const char *start = str; int tlen; qboolean found = true; while (seps < prinst->callargc - 1 && seps < 7) { sep[seps] = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1 + seps*3); seplen[seps] = strlen(sep[seps]); seps++; } while(qctoken_count > 0) { qctoken_count--; free(qctoken[qctoken_count].token); } if (qctoken_count == qctoken_max) { void *n = realloc(qctoken, sizeof(*qctoken)*(qctoken_max+8)); if (!n) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = qctoken_count; return; } qctoken_max+=8; qctoken = n; } qctoken[qctoken_count].start = 0; if (*str) for(;;) { found = false; /*see if its a separator*/ if (!*str) { qctoken[qctoken_count].end = str - start; found = true; } else { for (s = 0; s < seps; s++) { if (!strncmp(str, sep[s], seplen[s])) { qctoken[qctoken_count].end = str - start; str += seplen[s]; found = true; break; } } } /*it was, split it out*/ if (found) { tlen = qctoken[qctoken_count].end - qctoken[qctoken_count].start; qctoken[qctoken_count].token = malloc(tlen + 1); memcpy(qctoken[qctoken_count].token, start + qctoken[qctoken_count].start, tlen); qctoken[qctoken_count].token[tlen] = 0; qctoken_count++; if (qctoken_count == qctoken_max) { void *n = realloc(qctoken, sizeof(*qctoken)*(qctoken_max+8)); if (!n) break; qctoken_max+=8; qctoken = n; } if (*str) qctoken[qctoken_count].start = str - start; else break; } str++; } G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = qctoken_count; } void QCBUILTIN PF_argv_start_index (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int idx = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); /*negative indexes are relative to the end*/ if (idx < 0) idx += qctoken_count; if ((unsigned int)idx >= qctoken_count) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = qctoken[idx].start; } void QCBUILTIN PF_argv_end_index (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int idx = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); /*negative indexes are relative to the end*/ if (idx < 0) idx += qctoken_count; if ((unsigned int)idx >= qctoken_count) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = -1; else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = qctoken[idx].end; } void QCBUILTIN PF_ArgV (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) //86 //string(float num) argv; { int idx = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); /*negative indexes are relative to the end*/ if (idx < 0) idx += qctoken_count; if ((unsigned int)idx >= qctoken_count) G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; else RETURN_TSTRING(qctoken[idx].token); } void QCBUILTIN PF_argescape(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char temp[8192]; const char *str = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); RETURN_TSTRING(COM_QuotedString(str, temp, sizeof(temp), false)); } //Console functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Maths functions void QCBUILTIN PF_random (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = (rand ()&0x7fff) / ((float)0x8000); } //float(float number, float quantity) bitshift = #218; void QCBUILTIN PF_bitshift(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int bitmask; int shift; bitmask = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); shift = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); if (shift < 0) bitmask >>= -shift; else bitmask <<= shift; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = bitmask; } //float(float a, floats) min = #94 void QCBUILTIN PF_min (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int i; float f; if (prinst->callargc == 2) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = min(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0), G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); } else if (prinst->callargc >= 3) { f = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); for (i = 1; i < prinst->callargc; i++) { if (G_FLOAT((OFS_PARM0 + i * 3)) < f) f = G_FLOAT((OFS_PARM0 + i * 3)); } G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = f; } else PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_min: must supply at least 2 floats\n"); } //float(float a, floats) max = #95 void QCBUILTIN PF_max (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int i; float f; if (prinst->callargc == 2) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = max(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0), G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); } else if (prinst->callargc >= 3) { f = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); for (i = 1; i < prinst->callargc; i++) { if (G_FLOAT((OFS_PARM0 + i * 3)) > f) f = G_FLOAT((OFS_PARM0 + i * 3)); } G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = f; } else { PR_BIError(prinst, "PF_min: must supply at least 2 floats\n"); } } //float(float minimum, float val, float maximum) bound = #96 void QCBUILTIN PF_bound (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { if (G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1) > G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2)) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2); else if (G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1) < G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); } void QCBUILTIN PF_mod (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float a = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); float n = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); if (n == 0) { PR_RunWarning(prinst, "mod by zero\n"); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } else { //because QC is inherantly floaty, lets use floats. G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = a - (n * (int)(a/n)); // G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = a % n; } } void QCBUILTIN PF_Sin (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = sin(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); } void QCBUILTIN PF_Cos (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = cos(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); } void QCBUILTIN PF_Sqrt (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = sqrt(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); } void QCBUILTIN PF_pow (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = pow(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0), G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); } void QCBUILTIN PF_asin (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = asin(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); } void QCBUILTIN PF_acos (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = acos(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); } void QCBUILTIN PF_atan (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = atan(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); } void QCBUILTIN PF_atan2 (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = atan2(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0), G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1)); } void QCBUILTIN PF_tan (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = tan(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); } void QCBUILTIN PF_fabs (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float v; v = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = fabs(v); } void QCBUILTIN PF_rint (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float f; f = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); if (f > 0) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = (int)(f + 0.5); else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = (int)(f - 0.5); } void QCBUILTIN PF_floor (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = floor(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); } void QCBUILTIN PF_ceil (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = ceil(G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0)); } void QCBUILTIN PF_anglemod (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float v = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); while (v >= 360) v = v - 360; while (v < 0) v = v + 360; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = v; } //void(vector dir) vectorvectors //Writes new values for v_forward, v_up, and v_right based on the given forward vector void QCBUILTIN PF_vectorvectors (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { world_t *world = prinst->parms->user; VectorCopy(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), world->g.v_forward); VectorNormalize(world->g.v_forward); VectorVectors(world->g.v_forward, world->g.v_right, world->g.v_up); } void QCBUILTIN PF_crossproduct (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { CrossProduct(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1), G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)); } //Maths functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef NOLEGACY unsigned int FTEToDPContents(unsigned int contents) { unsigned int r = 0; if (contents & FTECONTENTS_SOLID) r |= DPCONTENTS_SOLID; if (contents & FTECONTENTS_WATER) r |= DPCONTENTS_WATER; if (contents & FTECONTENTS_SLIME) r |= DPCONTENTS_SLIME; if (contents & FTECONTENTS_LAVA) r |= DPCONTENTS_LAVA; if (contents & FTECONTENTS_SKY) r |= DPCONTENTS_SKY; if (contents & FTECONTENTS_BODY) r |= DPCONTENTS_BODY; if (contents & FTECONTENTS_CORPSE) r |= DPCONTENTS_CORPSE; if (contents & Q3CONTENTS_NODROP) r |= DPCONTENTS_NODROP; if (contents & FTECONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP) r |= DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP; if (contents & FTECONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP) r |= DPCONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP; if (contents & Q3CONTENTS_DONOTENTER) r |= DPCONTENTS_DONOTENTER; if (contents & Q3CONTENTS_BOTCLIP) r |= DPCONTENTS_BOTCLIP; // if (contents & FTECONTENTS_OPAQUE) // r |= DPCONTENTS_OPAQUE; return r; } #endif /* =============== PF_droptofloor void() droptofloor =============== */ void QCBUILTIN PF_droptofloor (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { extern cvar_t pr_droptofloorunits; world_t *world = prinst->parms->user; wedict_t *ent; vec3_t end; vec3_t start; trace_t trace; const float *gravitydir; ent = PROG_TO_WEDICT(prinst, *world->g.self); if (ent->xv->gravitydir[2] || ent->xv->gravitydir[1] || ent->xv->gravitydir[0]) gravitydir = ent->xv->gravitydir; else gravitydir = world->g.defaultgravitydir; VectorCopy (ent->v->origin, end); if (pr_droptofloorunits.value > 0) VectorMA(end, pr_droptofloorunits.value, gravitydir, end); else VectorMA(end, 256, gravitydir, end); VectorCopy (ent->v->origin, start); trace = World_Move (world, start, ent->v->mins, ent->v->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent); if (trace.fraction == 1 || trace.allsolid) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; else { VectorCopy (trace.endpos, ent->v->origin); World_LinkEdict (world, ent, false); ent->v->flags = (int)ent->v->flags | FL_ONGROUND; ent->v->groundentity = EDICT_TO_PROG(prinst, trace.ent); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 1; } } /* ============= PF_checkbottom ============= */ void QCBUILTIN PF_checkbottom (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { world_t *world = prinst->parms->user; wedict_t *ent; vec3_t gravup; ent = G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); if (ent->xv->gravitydir[0] || ent->xv->gravitydir[1] || ent->xv->gravitydir[2]) VectorNegate(ent->xv->gravitydir, gravup); else VectorSet(gravup, 0, 0, 1); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = World_CheckBottom (world, ent, gravup); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Vector functions //vector() randomvec = #91 void QCBUILTIN PF_randomvector (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { vec3_t temp; do { temp[0] = (rand() & 32767) * (2.0 / 32767.0) - 1.0; temp[1] = (rand() & 32767) * (2.0 / 32767.0) - 1.0; temp[2] = (rand() & 32767) * (2.0 / 32767.0) - 1.0; } while (DotProduct(temp, temp) >= 1); VectorCopy (temp, G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)); } /* ============== PF_changeyaw This was a major timewaster in progs, so it was converted to C FIXME: add gravitydir support ============== */ float World_changeyaw (wedict_t *ent); void QCBUILTIN PF_changeyaw (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { world_t *w = prinst->parms->user; wedict_t *ent; // float ideal, current, move, speed; ent = PROG_TO_WEDICT(prinst, *w->g.self); World_changeyaw(ent); } //void() changepitch = #63; //FIXME: support gravitydir void QCBUILTIN PF_changepitch (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { world_t *w = prinst->parms->user; wedict_t *ent; float ideal, current, move, speed; ent = PROG_TO_WEDICT(prinst, *w->g.self); current = anglemod( ent->v->angles[1] ); ideal = ent->xv->idealpitch; speed = ent->xv->pitch_speed; if (current == ideal) return; move = ideal - current; if (ideal > current) { if (move >= 180) move = move - 360; } else { if (move <= -180) move = move + 360; } if (move > 0) { if (move > speed) move = speed; } else { if (move < -speed) move = -speed; } ent->v->angles[1] = anglemod (current + move); } //float vectoyaw(vector, optional entity reference) void QCBUILTIN PF_vectoyaw (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float *value1; float x, y; float yaw; value1 = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); if (prinst->callargc >= 2) { vec3_t axis[3]; World_GetEntGravityAxis(G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM1), axis); x = DotProduct(value1, axis[0]); y = DotProduct(value1, axis[1]); } else { x = value1[0]; y = value1[1]; } if (y == 0 && x == 0) yaw = 0; else { yaw = (int) (atan2(y, x) * 180 / M_PI); if (yaw < 0) yaw += 360; } G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = yaw; } //float(vector) vlen void QCBUILTIN PF_vlen (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float *value1 = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = sqrt(DotProduct(value1, value1)); } //float(vector) vhlen void QCBUILTIN PF_vhlen (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float *value1 = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = sqrt(DotProduct2(value1, value1)); } //vector vectoangles(vector) void QCBUILTIN PF_vectoangles (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float *value1, *up; value1 = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); if (prinst->callargc >= 2) up = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); else up = NULL; VectorAngles(value1, up, G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN), true); } //vector normalize(vector) void QCBUILTIN PF_normalize (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { float *value1; vec3_t newvalue; float newf; value1 = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); newf = value1[0] * value1[0] + value1[1] * value1[1] + value1[2]*value1[2]; newf = sqrt(newf); if (newf == 0) newvalue[0] = newvalue[1] = newvalue[2] = 0; else { newf = 1/newf; newvalue[0] = value1[0] * newf; newvalue[1] = value1[1] * newf; newvalue[2] = value1[2] * newf; } VectorCopy (newvalue, G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)); } void QCBUILTIN PF_rotatevectorsbyangles (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { world_t *w = prinst->parms->user; float *ang = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0); vec3_t src[3], trans[3], res[3]; ang[0]*=r_meshpitch.value; AngleVectors(ang, trans[0], trans[1], trans[2]); ang[0]*=r_meshpitch.value; VectorInverse(trans[1]); VectorCopy(w->g.v_forward, src[0]); VectorNegate(w->g.v_right, src[1]); VectorCopy(w->g.v_up, src[2]); R_ConcatRotations(trans, src, res); VectorCopy(res[0], w->g.v_forward); VectorNegate(res[1], w->g.v_right); VectorCopy(res[2], w->g.v_up); } void QCBUILTIN PF_rotatevectorsbymatrix (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { world_t *w = prinst->parms->user; vec3_t src[3], trans[3], res[3]; VectorCopy(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), src[0]); VectorNegate(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1), src[1]); VectorCopy(G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2), src[2]); VectorCopy(w->g.v_forward, src[0]); VectorNegate(w->g.v_right, src[1]); VectorCopy(w->g.v_up, src[2]); R_ConcatRotations(trans, src, res); VectorCopy(res[0], w->g.v_forward); VectorNegate(res[1], w->g.v_right); VectorCopy(res[2], w->g.v_up); } //Vector functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Progs internals void QCBUILTIN PF_Abort(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { prinst->AbortStack(prinst); } //this func calls a function in annother progs //it works in the same way as the above func, except that it calls by reference to a function, as opposed to by it's name //used for entity function variables - not actually needed anymore void QCBUILTIN PF_externrefcall (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { // int progsnum; func_t f; int i; // progsnum = G_PROG(OFS_PARM0); f = G_INT(OFS_PARM1); for (i = OFS_PARM0; i < OFS_PARM5; i+=3) VectorCopy(G_VECTOR(i+(2*3)), G_VECTOR(i)); PR_ExecuteProgram(prinst, f); } void QCBUILTIN PF_externset (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) //set a value in annother progs { int n = G_PROG(OFS_PARM0); int v = G_INT(OFS_PARM1); const char *varname = PF_VarString(prinst, 2, pr_globals); eval_t *var; var = PR_FindGlobal(prinst, varname, n, NULL); if (var) var->_int = v; } void QCBUILTIN PF_externvalue (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) //return a value in annother progs { int n = G_PROG(OFS_PARM0); const char *varname = PF_VarString(prinst, 1, pr_globals); eval_t *var; if (*varname == '&') { //return its address instead of its value, for pointer use. var = prinst->FindGlobal(prinst, varname+1, n, NULL); if (var) G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = (char*)var - prinst->stringtable; else G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } else { var = prinst->FindGlobal(prinst, varname, n, NULL); if (var) { G_INT(OFS_RETURN+0) = ((int*)&var->_int)[0]; G_INT(OFS_RETURN+1) = ((int*)&var->_int)[1]; G_INT(OFS_RETURN+2) = ((int*)&var->_int)[2]; } else { n = prinst->FindFunction(prinst, varname, n); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = n; } } } void QCBUILTIN PF_externcall (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) //this func calls a function in annother progs (by name) { int progsnum; const char *funcname; int i; string_t failedst = G_INT(OFS_PARM1); func_t f; progsnum = G_PROG(OFS_PARM0); funcname = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM1); f = PR_FindFunction(prinst, funcname, progsnum); if (f) { for (i = OFS_PARM0; i < OFS_PARM5; i+=3) VectorCopy(G_VECTOR(i+(2*3)), G_VECTOR(i)); PR_ExecuteProgram(prinst, f); } else { f = PR_FindFunction(prinst, "MissingFunc", progsnum); if (!f) { PR_BIError(prinst, "Couldn't find function %s", funcname); return; } for (i = OFS_PARM0; i < OFS_PARM6; i+=3) VectorCopy(G_VECTOR(i+(1*3)), G_VECTOR(i)); G_INT(OFS_PARM0) = failedst; PR_ExecuteProgram(prinst, f); } } void QCBUILTIN PF_traceon (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { prinst->debug_trace = DEBUG_TRACE_INTO; } void QCBUILTIN PF_traceoff (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { prinst->debug_trace = DEBUG_TRACE_OFF; } void QCBUILTIN PF_coredump (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { size_t size = 1024*1024*8; char *buffer = BZ_Malloc(size); prinst->save_ents(prinst, buffer, &size, size, 3); COM_WriteFile("core.txt", FS_GAMEONLY, buffer, size); BZ_Free(buffer); } void QCBUILTIN PF_eprint (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { size_t max = 1024*1024; size_t size = 0; char *buffer = BZ_Malloc(max); char *buf; buf = prinst->saveent(prinst, buffer, &size, max, (struct edict_s*)G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0)); Con_Printf("Entity %i:\n%s\n", G_EDICTNUM(prinst, OFS_PARM0), buf); BZ_Free(buffer); } void QCBUILTIN PF_break (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { PR_RunWarning (prinst, "break statement"); } void QCBUILTIN PF_error (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *s; s = PF_VarString(prinst, 0, pr_globals); /* Con_Printf ("======SERVER ERROR in %s:\n%s\n", PR_GetString(pr_xfunction->s_name) ,s); ed = PROG_TO_EDICT(pr_global_struct->self); ED_Print (ed); */ PR_StackTrace(prinst, false); Con_Printf("%s\n", s); if (developer.value) { // SV_Error ("Program error: %s", s); PF_break(prinst, pr_globals); prinst->debug_trace = DEBUG_TRACE_INTO; } else { PR_AbortStack(prinst); PR_BIError (prinst, "Program error: %s", s); } } //Progs internals //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //System //Sends text over to the client's execution buffer void QCBUILTIN PF_localcmd (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *str; str = PF_VarString(prinst, 0, pr_globals); if (developer.ival >= 2) { PR_StackTrace(prinst, false); Con_Printf("localcmd: %s\n", str); } if (!strcmp(str, "host_framerate 0\n")) Cbuf_AddText ("sv_mintic 0\n", RESTRICT_INSECURE); //hmm... do this better... else Cbuf_AddText (str, RESTRICT_INSECURE); } void QCBUILTIN PF_gettime (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { int timer = (prinst->callargc > 0)?G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0):0; switch(timer) { default: case 0: //cached time at start of frame G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = realtime; break; case 1: //actual time G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = Sys_DoubleTime(); break; //case 2: //highres.. looks like time into the frame //case 3: //uptime //case 4: //cd track #ifndef SERVERONLY case 5: //sim time G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = cl.time; break; #endif } } void QCBUILTIN PF_calltimeofday (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { date_t date; func_t f; f = PR_FindFunction(prinst, "timeofday", PR_ANY); if (f) { COM_TimeOfDay(&date); G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) = (float)date.sec; G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1) = (float)date.min; G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2) = (float)date.hour; G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3) = (float)date.day; G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4) = (float)date.mon; G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM5) = (float)date.year; G_INT(OFS_PARM6) = (int)PR_TempString(prinst, date.str); PR_ExecuteProgram(prinst, f); } } void QCBUILTIN PF_sprintf_internal (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals, const char *s, int firstarg, char *outbuf, int outbuflen) { const char *s0; char *o = outbuf, *end = outbuf + outbuflen, *err; int width, precision, thisarg, flags; char formatbuf[16]; char *f; int argpos = firstarg; int isfloat; static int dummyivec[3] = {0, 0, 0}; static float dummyvec[3] = {0, 0, 0}; #define PRINTF_ALTERNATE 1 #define PRINTF_ZEROPAD 2 #define PRINTF_LEFT 4 #define PRINTF_SPACEPOSITIVE 8 #define PRINTF_SIGNPOSITIVE 16 formatbuf[0] = '%'; #define GETARG_FLOAT(a) (((a)>=firstarg && (a)<prinst->callargc) ? (G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0 + 3 * (a))) : 0) #define GETARG_VECTOR(a) (((a)>=firstarg && (a)<prinst->callargc) ? (G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0 + 3 * (a))) : dummyvec) #define GETARG_INT(a) (((a)>=firstarg && (a)<prinst->callargc) ? (G_INT(OFS_PARM0 + 3 * (a))) : 0) #define GETARG_INTVECTOR(a) (((a)>=firstarg && (a)<prinst->callargc) ? ((int*) G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0 + 3 * (a))) : dummyivec) #define GETARG_STRING(a) (((a)>=firstarg && (a)<prinst->callargc) ? (PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0 + 3 * (a))) : "") for(;;) { s0 = s; switch(*s) { case 0: goto finished; case '%': ++s; if(*s == '%') goto verbatim; // complete directive format: // %3$*1$.*2$ld width = -1; precision = -1; thisarg = -1; flags = 0; isfloat = -1; // is number following? if(*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') { width = strtol(s, &err, 10); if(!err) { Con_Printf("PF_sprintf: bad format string: %s\n", s0); goto finished; } if(*err == '$') { thisarg = width + (firstarg-1); width = -1; s = err + 1; } else { if(*s == '0') { flags |= PRINTF_ZEROPAD; if(width == 0) width = -1; // it was just a flag } s = err; } } if(width < 0) { for(;;) { switch(*s) { case '#': flags |= PRINTF_ALTERNATE; break; case '0': flags |= PRINTF_ZEROPAD; break; case '-': flags |= PRINTF_LEFT; break; case ' ': flags |= PRINTF_SPACEPOSITIVE; break; case '+': flags |= PRINTF_SIGNPOSITIVE; break; default: goto noflags; } ++s; } noflags: if(*s == '*') { ++s; if(*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') { width = strtol(s, &err, 10); if(!err || *err != '$') { Con_Printf("PF_sprintf: invalid format string: %s\n", s0); goto finished; } s = err + 1; } else width = argpos++; width = GETARG_FLOAT(width); if(width < 0) { flags |= PRINTF_LEFT; width = -width; } } else if(*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') { width = strtol(s, &err, 10); if(!err) { Con_Printf("PF_sprintf: invalid format string: %s\n", s0); goto finished; } s = err; if(width < 0) { flags |= PRINTF_LEFT; width = -width; } } // otherwise width stays -1 } if(*s == '.') { ++s; if(*s == '*') { ++s; if(*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') { precision = strtol(s, &err, 10); if(!err || *err != '$') { Con_Printf("PF_sprintf: invalid format string: %s\n", s0); goto finished; } s = err + 1; } else precision = argpos++; precision = GETARG_FLOAT(precision); } else if(*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') { precision = strtol(s, &err, 10); if(!err) { Con_Printf("PF_sprintf: invalid format string: %s\n", s0); goto finished; } s = err; } else { Con_Printf("PF_sprintf: invalid format string: %s\n", s0); goto finished; } } for(;;) { switch(*s) { case 'h': isfloat = 1; break; case 'l': isfloat = 0; break; case 'L': isfloat = 0; break; case 'j': break; case 'z': break; case 't': break; default: goto nolength; } ++s; } nolength: // now s points to the final directive char and is no longer changed if (*s == 'p' || *s == 'P') { //%p is slightly different from %x. //always 8-bytes wide with 0 padding, always ints. flags |= PRINTF_ZEROPAD; if (width < 0) width = 8; if (isfloat < 0) isfloat = 0; } else if (*s == 'i') { //%i defaults to ints, not floats. if(isfloat < 0) isfloat = 0; } //assume floats, not ints. if(isfloat < 0) isfloat = 1; if(thisarg < 0) thisarg = argpos++; if(o < end - 1) { f = &formatbuf[1]; if(*s != 's' && *s != 'c' && *s != 'S') if(flags & PRINTF_ALTERNATE) *f++ = '#'; if(flags & PRINTF_ZEROPAD) *f++ = '0'; if(flags & PRINTF_LEFT) *f++ = '-'; if(flags & PRINTF_SPACEPOSITIVE) *f++ = ' '; if(flags & PRINTF_SIGNPOSITIVE) *f++ = '+'; *f++ = '*'; if(precision >= 0) { *f++ = '.'; *f++ = '*'; } if (*s == 'p') *f++ = 'x'; else if (*s == 'P') *f++ = 'X'; else *f++ = *s; *f++ = 0; if(width < 0) // not set width = 0; switch(*s) { case 'd': case 'i': case 'I': if(precision < 0) // not set Q_snprintfz(o, end - o, formatbuf, width, (isfloat ? (int) GETARG_FLOAT(thisarg) : (int) GETARG_INT(thisarg))); else Q_snprintfz(o, end - o, formatbuf, width, precision, (isfloat ? (int) GETARG_FLOAT(thisarg) : (int) GETARG_INT(thisarg))); o += strlen(o); break; case 'o': case 'u': case 'x': case 'X': case 'p': case 'P': if(precision < 0) // not set Q_snprintfz(o, end - o, formatbuf, width, (isfloat ? (unsigned int) GETARG_FLOAT(thisarg) : (unsigned int) GETARG_INT(thisarg))); else Q_snprintfz(o, end - o, formatbuf, width, precision, (isfloat ? (unsigned int) GETARG_FLOAT(thisarg) : (unsigned int) GETARG_INT(thisarg))); o += strlen(o); break; case 'e': case 'E': case 'f': case 'F': case 'g': case 'G': if(precision < 0) // not set Q_snprintfz(o, end - o, formatbuf, width, (isfloat ? (double) GETARG_FLOAT(thisarg) : (double) GETARG_INT(thisarg))); else Q_snprintfz(o, end - o, formatbuf, width, precision, (isfloat ? (double) GETARG_FLOAT(thisarg) : (double) GETARG_INT(thisarg))); o += strlen(o); break; case 'v': case 'V': f[-2] += 'g' - 'v'; if(precision < 0) // not set Q_snprintfz(o, end - o, va("%s %s %s", /* NESTED SPRINTF IS NESTED */ formatbuf, formatbuf, formatbuf), width, (isfloat ? (double) GETARG_VECTOR(thisarg)[0] : (double) GETARG_INTVECTOR(thisarg)[0]), width, (isfloat ? (double) GETARG_VECTOR(thisarg)[1] : (double) GETARG_INTVECTOR(thisarg)[1]), width, (isfloat ? (double) GETARG_VECTOR(thisarg)[2] : (double) GETARG_INTVECTOR(thisarg)[2]) ); else Q_snprintfz(o, end - o, va("%s %s %s", /* NESTED SPRINTF IS NESTED */ formatbuf, formatbuf, formatbuf), width, precision, (isfloat ? (double) GETARG_VECTOR(thisarg)[0] : (double) GETARG_INTVECTOR(thisarg)[0]), width, precision, (isfloat ? (double) GETARG_VECTOR(thisarg)[1] : (double) GETARG_INTVECTOR(thisarg)[1]), width, precision, (isfloat ? (double) GETARG_VECTOR(thisarg)[2] : (double) GETARG_INTVECTOR(thisarg)[2]) ); o += strlen(o); break; case 'c': if((flags & PRINTF_ALTERNATE) || !VMUTF8) { //precision+width are in bytes if(precision < 0) // not set Q_snprintfz(o, end - o, formatbuf, width, (isfloat ? (unsigned int) GETARG_FLOAT(thisarg) : (unsigned int) GETARG_INT(thisarg))); else Q_snprintfz(o, end - o, formatbuf, width, precision, (isfloat ? (unsigned int) GETARG_FLOAT(thisarg) : (unsigned int) GETARG_INT(thisarg))); o += strlen(o); } else { //precision+width are in chars unsigned int c = (isfloat ? (unsigned int) GETARG_FLOAT(thisarg) : (unsigned int) GETARG_INT(thisarg)); char buf[16]; c = unicode_encode(buf, c, sizeof(buf), VMUTF8MARKUP); buf[c] = 0; if(precision < 0) // not set precision = end - o - 1; unicode_strpad(o, end - o, buf, (flags & PRINTF_LEFT) != 0, width, precision, VMUTF8MARKUP); o += strlen(o); } break; case 'S': { char quotedbuf[65536]; //FIXME: no idea how big this actually needs to be. const char *s = GETARG_STRING(thisarg); s = COM_QuotedString(s, quotedbuf, sizeof(quotedbuf), false); if((flags & PRINTF_ALTERNATE) || !VMUTF8) { //precision+width are in bytes if(precision < 0) // not set Q_snprintfz(o, end - o, formatbuf, width, s); else Q_snprintfz(o, end - o, formatbuf, width, precision, s); o += strlen(o); } else { //precision+width are in chars if(precision < 0) // not set precision = end - o - 1; unicode_strpad(o, end - o, s, (flags & PRINTF_LEFT) != 0, width, precision, VMUTF8MARKUP); o += strlen(o); } } break; case 's': if((flags & PRINTF_ALTERNATE) || !VMUTF8) { //precision+width are in bytes if(precision < 0) // not set Q_snprintfz(o, end - o, formatbuf, width, GETARG_STRING(thisarg)); else Q_snprintfz(o, end - o, formatbuf, width, precision, GETARG_STRING(thisarg)); o += strlen(o); } else { //precision+width are in chars if(precision < 0) // not set precision = end - o - 1; unicode_strpad(o, end - o, GETARG_STRING(thisarg), (flags & PRINTF_LEFT) != 0, width, precision, VMUTF8MARKUP); o += strlen(o); } break; default: Con_Printf("PF_sprintf: invalid format string: %s\n", s0); goto finished; } } ++s; break; default: verbatim: if(o < end - 1) *o++ = *s; s++; break; } } finished: *o = 0; } void QCBUILTIN PF_sprintf (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { char outbuf[65536]; //FIXME: no idea how big this actually needs to be. PF_sprintf_internal(prinst, pr_globals, PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0), 1, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf)); RETURN_TSTRING(outbuf); } //float() void QCBUILTIN PF_numentityfields (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { unsigned int count = 0; prinst->FieldInfo(prinst, &count); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = count; } void QCBUILTIN PF_findentityfield (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *fieldname = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); unsigned int count = 0, fidx; fdef_t *fdef; fdef = prinst->FieldInfo(prinst, &count); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; for (fidx = 0; fidx < count; fidx++) { if (!strcmp(fdef[fidx].name, fieldname)) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = fidx; break; } } } void QCBUILTIN PF_entityfieldref (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { unsigned int fidx = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); unsigned int count = 0; fdef_t *fdef; fdef = prinst->FieldInfo(prinst, &count); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; if (fidx < count) { G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = fdef[fidx].ofs; } } //string(float fieldnum) void QCBUILTIN PF_entityfieldname (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { unsigned int fidx = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); unsigned int count = 0; fdef_t *fdef; fdef = prinst->FieldInfo(prinst, &count); if (fidx < count) { RETURN_TSTRING(fdef[fidx].name); } else G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } //float(float fieldnum) void QCBUILTIN PF_entityfieldtype (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { unsigned int fidx = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); unsigned int count = 0; fdef_t *fdef = prinst->FieldInfo(prinst, &count); if (fidx < count) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = fdef[fidx].type; } else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } //string(float fieldnum, entity ent) void QCBUILTIN PF_getentityfieldstring (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { unsigned int fidx = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); wedict_t *ent = (wedict_t *)G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM1); eval_t *eval; unsigned int count = 0; fdef_t *fdef = prinst->FieldInfo(prinst, &count); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; if (fidx < count) { #if !defined(CLIENTONLY) && !defined(NOLEGACY) qboolean isserver = (prinst == sv.world.progs); #endif eval = (eval_t *)&((float *)ent->v)[fdef[fidx].ofs]; #ifndef NOLEGACY //extra code to be lazy so that xonotic doesn't go crazy and spam the fuck out of e if ((fdef->type & 0xff) == ev_vector) { if (eval->_vector[0]==0&&eval->_vector[1]==0&&eval->_vector[2]==0) return; } #ifndef CLIENTONLY #ifdef HEXEN2 else if (isserver && (float*)eval == &((edict_t*)ent)->xv->drawflags && eval->_float == 96) return; #endif else if (isserver && (float*)eval == &((edict_t*)ent)->xv->uniquespawnid) return; #endif else if (((float*)eval == &ent->xv->dimension_solid || (float*)eval == &ent->xv->dimension_hit #ifndef CLIENTONLY || (isserver && ((float*)eval == &((edict_t*)ent)->xv->dimension_see || (float*)eval == &((edict_t*)ent)->xv->dimension_seen)) #endif ) && eval->_float == 255) return; else { if (!eval->_int) return; } #endif RETURN_TSTRING(prinst->UglyValueString(prinst, fdef[fidx].type, eval)); } } //float(float fieldnum, entity ent, string s) void QCBUILTIN PF_putentityfieldstring (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { unsigned int fidx = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0); wedict_t *ent = (wedict_t *)G_EDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM1); const char *str = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM2); eval_t *eval; unsigned int count = 0; fdef_t *fdef = prinst->FieldInfo(prinst, &count); if (fidx < count) { eval = (eval_t *)&((float *)ent->v)[fdef[fidx].ofs]; G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = prinst->ParseEval(prinst, eval, fdef[fidx].type, str); } else G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } //must match ordering in Cmd_ExecuteString. void QCBUILTIN PF_checkcommand (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { const char *str = PR_GetStringOfs(prinst, OFS_PARM0); //functions, aliases, cvars. in that order. if (Cmd_Exists(str)) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 1; return; } if (Cmd_AliasExist(str, RESTRICT_INSECURE)) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 2; return; } if (Cvar_FindVar(str)) { G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 3; return; } G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } void QCBUILTIN PF_physics_supported(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { #ifdef USERBE world_t *world = prinst->parms->user; if (prinst->callargc) { if (G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) && !world->rbe) World_RBE_Start(world); else if (!G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) && world->rbe) World_RBE_Shutdown(world); } if (world->rbe) G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 1; else #endif G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = 0; } #ifdef USERBE void QCBUILTIN PF_physics_enable(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { wedict_t*e = G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); int isenable = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); world_t *world = prinst->parms->user; rbecommandqueue_t cmd; cmd.command = isenable?RBECMD_ENABLE:RBECMD_DISABLE; cmd.edict = e; if (world->rbe) world->rbe->PushCommand(world, &cmd); } void QCBUILTIN PF_physics_addforce(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { wedict_t*e = G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); float *force = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); float *relative_ofs = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); world_t *world = prinst->parms->user; rbecommandqueue_t cmd; cmd.command = RBECMD_FORCE; cmd.edict = e; VectorCopy(force, cmd.v1); VectorCopy(relative_ofs, cmd.v2); if (world->rbe) world->rbe->PushCommand(world, &cmd); } void QCBUILTIN PF_physics_addtorque(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { wedict_t*e = G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); float *torque = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); world_t *world = prinst->parms->user; rbecommandqueue_t cmd; cmd.command = RBECMD_TORQUE; cmd.edict = e; VectorCopy(torque, cmd.v1); if (world->rbe) world->rbe->PushCommand(world, &cmd); } #endif /* ============= PF_pushmove ============= */ void QCBUILTIN PF_pushmove (pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, struct globalvars_s *pr_globals) { world_t *world = prinst->parms->user; wedict_t *ent; float *move; float *amove; ent = G_WEDICT(prinst, OFS_PARM0); move = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1); amove = G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM2); G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = WPhys_Push(world, ent, move, amove); } void PR_Common_Shutdown(pubprogfuncs_t *progs, qboolean errored) { #if defined(SKELETALOBJECTS) || defined(RAGDOLLS) skel_reset(progs->parms->user); #endif PR_fclose_progs(progs); search_close_progs(progs, !errored); #ifdef ENGINE_ROUTING PR_Route_Shutdown (progs->parms->user); #endif #ifdef TEXTEDITOR Editor_ProgsKilled(progs); #endif tokenize_flush(); } void PR_Common_SaveGame(vfsfile_t *f, pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, qboolean binary) { PR_buf_savegame(f, prinst, binary); } #define DEF_SAVEGLOBAL (1u<<15) static void PR_AutoCvarApply(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, eval_t *val, etype_t type, cvar_t *var) { switch(type & ~DEF_SAVEGLOBAL) { case ev_float: val->_float = var->value; break; case ev_integer: val->_int = var->ival; break; case ev_string: #ifdef QCGC if (*var->string) val->_int = PR_NewString(prinst, var->string); else val->_int = 0; #else if (val->_int) prinst->RemoveProgsString(prinst, val->_int); if (*var->string) val->_int = PR_SetString(prinst, var->string); else val->_int = 0; #endif break; case ev_vector: { char res[128]; char *vs = var->string; vs = COM_ParseOut(vs, res, sizeof(res)); val->_vector[0] = atof(res); vs = COM_ParseOut(vs, res, sizeof(res)); val->_vector[1] = atof(res); vs = COM_ParseOut(vs, res, sizeof(res)); val->_vector[2] = atof(res); } break; } } /*called when a var has changed*/ void PR_AutoCvar(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, cvar_t *var) { char *gname; eval_t *val; etype_t type; int n, p; if (var->flags & CVAR_NOUNSAFEEXPAND) return; for (n = 0; n < 2; n++) { gname = n?var->name2:var->name; if (!gname) continue; gname = va("autocvar_%s", gname); for (p = 0; p < prinst->numprogs; p++) { val = PR_FindGlobal(prinst, gname, p, &type); if (val) PR_AutoCvarApply(prinst, val, type, var); } } } void PDECL PR_FoundAutoCvarGlobal(pubprogfuncs_t *progfuncs, char *name, eval_t *val, etype_t type, void *ctx) { cvar_t *var; const char *vals; int nlen; name += 9; //autocvar_ switch(type & ~DEF_SAVEGLOBAL) { case ev_float: //ignore individual vector componants. let the vector itself do all the work. nlen = strlen(name); if(nlen >= 2 && name[nlen-2] == '_' && (name[nlen-1] == 'x' || name[nlen-1] == 'y' || name[nlen-1] == 'z')) return; vals = va("%g", val->_float); break; case ev_integer: vals = va("%i", val->_int); break; case ev_vector: vals = va("%g %g %g", val->_vector[0], val->_vector[1], val->_vector[2]); break; case ev_string: vals = PR_GetString(progfuncs, val->string); val->_int = 0; break; default: return; } var = Cvar_Get(name, vals, 0, "autocvars"); if (!var || (var->flags & CVAR_NOUNSAFEEXPAND)) return; var->flags |= CVAR_TELLGAMECODE; PR_AutoCvarApply(progfuncs, val, type, var); } void PDECL PR_FoundDoTranslateGlobal(pubprogfuncs_t *progfuncs, char *name, eval_t *val, etype_t type, void *ctx) { const char *olds; const char *news; if ((type & ~DEF_SAVEGLOBAL) != ev_string) return; olds = PR_GetString(progfuncs, val->string); news = PO_GetText(ctx, olds); if (news != olds) val->string = PR_NewString(progfuncs, news); } //called after each progs is loaded void PR_ProgsAdded(pubprogfuncs_t *prinst, int newprogs, const char *modulename) { vfsfile_t *f = NULL, *f2 = NULL; char lang[64], *h; extern cvar_t language; if (!prinst || newprogs < 0) return; Q_strncpyz(lang, language.string, sizeof(lang)); while ((h = strchr(lang, '-'))) *h = '_'; for(;;) { if (!f) f = FS_OpenVFS(va("%s.%s.po", modulename, *lang?lang:"default"), "rb", FS_GAME); if (!f2) f2 = FS_OpenVFS(va("common.%s.po", *lang?lang:"default"), "rb", FS_GAME); if (f && f2) break; if (!*lang) break; h = strchr(lang, '_'); if (h) *h = 0; else break; } if (f || f2) { void *pofile = PO_Create(); PO_Merge(pofile, f); PO_Merge(pofile, f2); prinst->FindPrefixGlobals (prinst, newprogs, "dotranslate_", PR_FoundDoTranslateGlobal, pofile); PO_Close(pofile); } prinst->FindPrefixGlobals (prinst, newprogs, "autocvar_", PR_FoundAutoCvarGlobal, NULL); QCLoadBreakpoints("", modulename); } #define NOBI 0, NULL, {NULL}, lh_extension_t QSG_Extensions[] = { //as a special hack, the first 32 entries are PEXT features. //some of these are overkill yes, but they are all derived from the fteextensions flags and document the underlaying protocol available. //(which is why there are two lists of extensions here) //note: not all of these are actually supported. This list mearly reflects the values of the PEXT_ constants. //Check protocol.h to make sure that the related PEXT is enabled. The engine will only accept if they are actually supported. {"FTE_PEXT_SETVIEW", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "NQ's svc_setview works correctly even in quakeworld"}, {"DP_ENT_SCALE"}, //entities may be rescaled {"FTE_PEXT_LIGHTSTYLECOL"}, //lightstyles may have colours. {"DP_ENT_ALPHA"}, //transparent entites {"FTE_PEXT_VIEW2"}, //secondary view. {"FTE_PEXT_ACURATETIMINGS"}, //allows full interpolation {"FTE_PEXT_SOUNDDBL"}, //twice the sound indexes {"FTE_PEXT_FATNESS"}, //entities may be expanded along their vertex normals {"DP_HALFLIFE_MAP"}, //entity can visit a hl bsp {"FTE_PEXT_TE_BULLET"}, //additional particle effect. Like TE_SPIKE and TE_SUPERSPIKE {"FTE_PEXT_HULLSIZE"}, //means we can tell a client to go to crouching hull {"FTE_PEXT_MODELDBL"}, //max of 512 models {"FTE_PEXT_ENTITYDBL"}, //max of 1024 ents {"FTE_PEXT_ENTITYDBL2"}, //max of 2048 ents {"FTE_PEXT_FLOATCOORDS"}, {"FTE_PEXT_VWEAP"}, {"FTE_PEXT_Q2BSP"}, //supports q2 maps. No bugs are apparent. {"FTE_PEXT_Q3BSP"}, //quake3 bsp support. dp probably has an equivelent, but this is queryable per client. {"DP_ENT_COLORMOD"}, {NULL}, //splitscreen - not queryable. {"FTE_HEXEN2", 3, NULL, {"particle2", "particle3", "particle4"}}, //client can use hexen2 maps. server can use hexen2 progs {"FTE_PEXT_SPAWNSTATIC"}, //means that static entities can have alpha/scale and anything else the engine supports on normal ents. (Added for >256 models, while still being compatible - previous system failed with -1 skins) {"FTE_PEXT_CUSTOMTENTS", 2, NULL, {"RegisterTempEnt", "CustomTempEnt"}}, {"FTE_PEXT_256PACKETENTITIES"}, //client is able to receive unlimited packet entities (server caps itself to 256 to prevent insanity). {NULL}, {"TEI_SHOWLMP2", 6, NULL, {"showpic", "hidepic", "movepic", "changepic", "showpicent", "hidepicent"}}, //telejano doesn't actually export the moveent/changeent (we don't want to either cos it would stop frik_file stuff being autoregistered) {"DP_GFX_QUAKE3MODELTAGS", 1, NULL, {"setattachment"}}, {"FTE_PK3DOWNLOADS"}, {"PEXT_CHUNKEDDOWNLOADS"}, {"EXT_CSQC_SHARED"}, //this is a separate extension because it requires protocol modifications. note: this is also the extension that extends the allowed stats. {"PEXT_DPFLAGS"}, {"EXT_CSQC"}, //this is the base csqc extension. I'm not sure what needs to be separate and what does not. //{"EXT_CSQC_DELTAS"},//this is a separate extension because the feature may be banned in a league due to cheat protection. //the rest are generic extensions {"??TOMAZ_STRINGS", 6, NULL, {"tq_zone", "tq_unzone", "tq_strcat", "tq_substring", "tq_stof", "tq_stov"}}, {"??TOMAZ_FILE", 4, NULL, {"tq_fopen", "tq_fclose", "tq_fgets", "tq_fputs"}}, {"??MVDSV_BUILTINS", 21, NULL, {"executecommand", "mvdtokenize", "mvdargc", "mvdargv", "teamfield", "substr", "mvdstrcat", "mvdstrlen", "str2byte", "str2short", "mvdnewstr", "mvdfreestr", "conprint", "readcmd", "mvdstrcpy", "strstr", "mvdstrncpy", "log", "redirectcmd", "mvdcalltimeofday", "forcedemoframe"}}, //end of mvdsv // Tomaz - QuakeC File System End {"BX_COLOREDTEXT"}, {"DP_CON_SET", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "The 'set' console command exists, and can be used to create/set cvars."}, #ifndef SERVERONLY {"DP_CON_SETA", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "The 'seta' console command exists, like the 'set' command, but also marks the cvar for archiving, allowing it to be written into the user's config. Use this command in your default.cfg file."}, #endif {"DP_EF_ADDITIVE"}, //--{"DP_ENT_ALPHA"}, //listed above {"DP_EF_BLUE"}, //hah!! This is QuakeWorld!!! {"DP_EF_FULLBRIGHT"}, //Rerouted to hexen2 support. {"DP_EF_NODEPTHTEST"}, //for cheats {"DP_EF_NODRAW"}, //implemented by sending it with no modelindex {"DP_EF_NOGUNBOB"}, //nogunbob. sane people should use csqc instead. {"DP_EF_NOSHADOW"}, {"DP_EF_RED"}, //--{"DP_ENT_COLORMOD"}, //listed above {"DP_ENT_CUSTOMCOLORMAP"}, {"DP_ENT_EXTERIORMODELTOCLIENT"}, //--{"DP_ENT_SCALE"}, //listed above {"DP_ENT_TRAILEFFECTNUM", 1, NULL, {"particleeffectnum"}, "self.traileffectnum=particleeffectnum(\"myeffectname\"); can be used to attach a particle trail to the given server entity. This is equivelent to calling trailparticles each frame."}, //only in dp6 currently {"DP_ENT_GLOW"}, {"DP_ENT_VIEWMODEL"}, {"DP_GECKO_SUPPORT", 7, NULL, {"gecko_create", "gecko_destroy", "gecko_navigate", "gecko_keyevent", "gecko_mousemove", "gecko_resize", "gecko_get_texture_extent"}}, {"DP_GFX_FONTS", 2, NULL, {"findfont", "loadfont"}}, //note: font slot numbers/names are not special in fte. // {"DP_GFX_FONTS_FREETYPE"}, //extra cvars are not supported. // {"DP_GFX_QUAKE3MODELTAGS"}, {"DP_GFX_SKINFILES"}, {"DP_GFX_SKYBOX"}, //according to the spec. :) {"DP_HALFLIFE_MAP_CVAR"}, //to an extend {"DP_HALFLIFE_SPRITE"}, {"DP_INPUTBUTTONS"}, {"DP_LIGHTSTYLE_STATICVALUE"}, {"DP_LITSUPPORT"}, {"DP_MD3_TAGSINFO", 2, NULL, {"gettagindex", "gettaginfo"}}, {"DP_MONSTERWALK", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "MOVETYPE_WALK is valid on non-player entities. Note that only players receive acceleration etc in line with none/bounce/fly/noclip movetypes on the player, thus you will have to provide your own accelerations (incluing gravity) yourself."}, {"DP_MOVETYPEBOUNCEMISSILE"}, //I added the code for hexen2 support. {"DP_MOVETYPEFOLLOW"}, {"DP_QC_ASINACOSATANATAN2TAN", 5, NULL, {"asin", "acos", "atan", "atan2", "tan"}}, {"DP_QC_CHANGEPITCH", 1, NULL, {"changepitch"}}, {"DP_QC_COPYENTITY", 1, NULL, {"copyentity"}}, {"DP_QC_CRC16", 1, NULL, {"crc16"}}, {"DP_QC_CVAR_DEFSTRING", 1, NULL, {"cvar_defstring"}}, {"DP_QC_CVAR_STRING", 1, NULL, {"cvar_string"}}, //448 builtin. {"DP_QC_CVAR_TYPE", 1, NULL, {"cvar_type"}}, {"DP_QC_EDICT_NUM", 1, NULL, {"edict_num"}}, {"DP_QC_ENTITYDATA", 5, NULL, {"numentityfields", "entityfieldname", "entityfieldtype", "getentityfieldstring", "putentityfieldstring"}}, {"DP_QC_ETOS", 1, NULL, {"etos"}}, {"DP_QC_FINDCHAIN", 1, NULL, {"findchain"}}, {"DP_QC_FINDCHAINFLOAT", 1, NULL, {"findchainfloat"}}, {"DP_QC_FINDFLAGS", 1, NULL, {"findflags"}}, {"DP_QC_FINDCHAINFLAGS", 1, NULL, {"findchainflags"}}, {"DP_QC_FINDFLOAT", 1, NULL, {"findfloat"}}, {"DP_QC_FS_SEARCH", 4, NULL, {"search_begin", "search_end", "search_getsize", "search_getfilename"}}, {"DP_QC_GETSURFACE", 6, NULL, {"getsurfacenumpoints", "getsurfacepoint", "getsurfacenormal", "getsurfacetexture", "getsurfacenearpoint", "getsurfaceclippedpoint"}}, {"DP_QC_GETSURFACEPOINTATTRIBUTE", 1, NULL, {"getsurfacepointattribute"}}, {"DP_QC_MINMAXBOUND", 3, NULL, {"min", "max", "bound"}}, {"DP_QC_MULTIPLETEMPSTRINGS", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "Superseded by DP_QC_UNLIMITEDTEMPSTRINGS. Functions that return a temporary string will not overwrite/destroy previous temporary strings until at least 16 strings are returned (or control returns to the engine)."}, {"DP_QC_RANDOMVEC", 1, NULL, {"randomvec"}}, {"DP_QC_RENDER_SCENE", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "clearscene+addentity+setviewprop+renderscene+setmodel are available to menuqc. WARNING: DP advertises this extension without actually supporting it, FTE does actually support it."}, {"DP_QC_SINCOSSQRTPOW", 4, NULL, {"sin", "cos", "sqrt", "pow"}}, {"DP_QC_SPRINTF", 1, NULL, {"sprintf"}, "Provides the sprintf builtin, which allows for rich formatting along the lines of C's function with the same name. Not to be confused with QC's sprint builtin."}, {"DP_QC_STRFTIME", 1, NULL, {"strftime"}}, {"DP_QC_STRING_CASE_FUNCTIONS", 2, NULL, {"strtolower", "strtoupper"}}, {"DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS", 10, NULL, {"buf_create", "buf_del", "buf_getsize", "buf_copy", "buf_sort", "buf_implode", "bufstr_get", "bufstr_set", "bufstr_add", "bufstr_free"}}, {"DP_QC_STRINGCOLORFUNCTIONS", 2, NULL, {"strlennocol", "strdecolorize"}}, {"DP_QC_STRREPLACE", 2, NULL, {"strreplace", "strireplace"}}, {"DP_QC_TOKENIZEBYSEPARATOR", 1, NULL, {"tokenizebyseparator"}}, {"DP_QC_TRACEBOX", 1, NULL, {"tracebox"}}, {"DP_QC_TRACETOSS"}, {"DP_QC_TRACE_MOVETYPE_HITMODEL"}, {"DP_QC_TRACE_MOVETYPE_WORLDONLY"}, {"DP_QC_TRACE_MOVETYPES"}, //this one is just a lame excuse to add annother extension... {"DP_QC_UNLIMITEDTEMPSTRINGS", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "Supersedes DP_QC_MULTIPLETEMPSTRINGS, superseded by FTE_QC_PERSISTENTTEMPSTRINGS. Specifies that all temp strings will be valid at least until the QCVM returns."}, {"DP_QC_URI_ESCAPE", 2, NULL, {"uri_escape", "uri_unescape"}}, #ifdef WEBCLIENT {"DP_QC_URI_GET", 1, NULL, {"uri_get"}}, {"DP_QC_URI_POST", 1, NULL, {"uri_get"}}, #endif {"DP_QC_VECTOANGLES_WITH_ROLL"}, {"DP_QC_VECTORVECTORS", 1, NULL, {"vectorvectors"}}, {"DP_QC_WHICHPACK", 1, NULL, {"whichpack"}}, {"DP_QUAKE2_MODEL"}, {"DP_QUAKE2_SPRITE"}, {"DP_QUAKE3_MODEL"}, {"DP_REGISTERCVAR", 1, NULL, {"registercvar"}}, {"DP_SND_SOUND7_WIP2"}, //listed only to silence xonotic, if anyone tries running that. {"DP_SND_STEREOWAV"}, {"DP_SND_OGGVORBIS"}, {"DP_SOLIDCORPSE"}, {"DP_SPRITE32"}, //hmm... is it legal to advertise this one? {"DP_SV_BOTCLIENT", 2, NULL, {"spawnclient", "clienttype"}}, {"DP_SV_CLIENTCOLORS", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "Provided only for compatibility with DP."}, {"DP_SV_CLIENTNAME", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "Provided only for compatibility with DP."}, {"DP_SV_DRAWONLYTOCLIENT"}, {"DP_SV_DROPCLIENT", 1, NULL, {"dropclient"}, "Equivelent to quakeworld's stuffcmd(self,\"disconnect\\n\"); hack"}, {"DP_SV_EFFECT", 1, NULL, {"effect"}}, {"DP_SV_EXTERIORMODELFORCLIENT"}, {"DP_SV_NODRAWTOCLIENT"}, //I prefer my older system. Guess I might as well remove that older system at some point. {"DP_SV_PLAYERPHYSICS", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "Allows reworking parts of NQ player physics. USE AT OWN RISK - this necessitates NQ physics and is thus guarenteed to break prediction."}, // {"DP_SV_POINTPARTICLES", 3, NULL, {"particleeffectnum", "pointparticles", "trailparticles"}, "Specifies that pointparticles (and trailparticles) exists in ssqc as well as csqc (and that dp's trailparticles argument fuckup will normally work). ssqc values can be passed to csqc for use, the reverse is not true. Does NOT mean that DP's effectinfo.txt is supported, only that ssqc has functionality equivelent to csqc."}, {"DP_SV_POINTSOUND", 1, NULL, {"pointsound"}}, {"DP_SV_PRECACHEANYTIME", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "Specifies that the various precache builtins can be called at any time. WARNING: precaches are sent reliably while sound events, modelindexes, and particle events are not. This can mean sounds and particles might not work the first time around, or models may take a while to appear (after the reliables are received and the model is loaded from disk). Always attempt to precache a little in advance in order to reduce these issues (preferably at the start of the map...)"}, {"DP_SV_PRINT", 1, NULL, {"print"}, "Says that the print builtin can be used from nqssqc (as well as just csqc), bypassing the developer cvar issues."}, {"DP_SV_SETCOLOR"}, {"DP_SV_SPAWNFUNC_PREFIX"}, {"DP_SV_WRITEPICTURE", 1, NULL, {"WritePicture"}}, {"DP_SV_WRITEUNTERMINATEDSTRING", 1, NULL, {"WriteUnterminatedString"}}, {"DP_TE_BLOOD", 1, NULL, {"te_blood"}}, {"_DP_TE_BLOODSHOWER", 1, NULL, {"te_bloodshower"}}, {"DP_TE_CUSTOMFLASH", 1, NULL, {"te_customflash"}}, {"DP_TE_EXPLOSIONRGB", 1, NULL, {"te_explosionrgb"}}, {"_DP_TE_FLAMEJET", 1, NULL, {"te_flamejet"}}, {"DP_TE_PARTICLECUBE", 1, NULL, {"te_particlecube"}}, {"DP_TE_PARTICLERAIN", 1, NULL, {"te_particlerain"}}, {"DP_TE_PARTICLESNOW", 1, NULL, {"te_particlesnow"}}, {"_DP_TE_PLASMABURN", 1, NULL, {"te_plasmaburn"}}, {"_DP_TE_QUADEFFECTS1", 4, NULL, {"te_gunshotquad", "te_spikequad", "te_superspikequad", "te_explosionquad"}}, {"DP_TE_SMALLFLASH", 1, NULL, {"te_smallflash"}}, {"DP_TE_SPARK", 1, NULL, {"te_spark"}}, {"DP_TE_STANDARDEFFECTBUILTINS", 14, NULL, { "te_gunshot", "te_spike", "te_superspike", "te_explosion", "te_tarexplosion", "te_wizspike", "te_knightspike", "te_lavasplash", "te_teleport", "te_explosion2", "te_lightning1", "te_lightning2", "te_lightning3", "te_beam"}}, {"DP_VIEWZOOM"}, {"EXT_BITSHIFT", 1, NULL, {"bitshift"}}, {"EXT_DIMENSION_VISIBILITY"}, {"EXT_DIMENSION_PHYSICS"}, {"EXT_DIMENSION_GHOST"}, {"FRIK_FILE", 11, NULL, {"stof", "fopen","fclose","fgets","fputs","strlen","strcat","substring","stov","strzone","strunzone"}}, {"FTE_CALLTIMEOFDAY", 1, NULL, {"calltimeofday"}, "Replication of mvdsv functionality (call calltimeofday to cause 'timeofday' to be called, with arguments that can be saved off to a global). Generally strftime is simpler to use."}, {"FTE_CSQC_ALTCONSOLES", 4, NULL, {"con_getset", "con_printf", "con_draw", "con_input"}, "The engine tracks multiple consoles. These may or may not be directly visible to the user."}, {"FTE_CSQC_BASEFRAME", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "Specifies that .basebone, .baseframe2, .baselerpfrac, baseframe1time, etc exist in csqc. These fields affect all bones in the entity's model with a lower index than the .basebone field, allowing you to give separate control to the legs of a skeletal model, without affecting the torso animations."}, #ifdef HALFLIFEMODELS {"FTE_CSQC_HALFLIFE_MODELS"}, //hl-specific skeletal model control #endif {"FTE_CSQC_SERVERBROWSER", 12, NULL, { "gethostcachevalue", "gethostcachestring", "resethostcachemasks", "sethostcachemaskstring", "sethostcachemasknumber", "resorthostcache", "sethostcachesort", "refreshhostcache", "gethostcachenumber", "gethostcacheindexforkey", "addwantedhostcachekey", "getextresponse"}, "Provides builtins to query the engine's serverbrowser servers list from ssqc. Note that these builtins are always available in menuqc."}, {"FTE_CSQC_SKELETONOBJECTS", 15, NULL, { "skel_create", "skel_build", "skel_get_numbones", "skel_get_bonename", "skel_get_boneparent", "skel_find_bone", "skel_get_bonerel", "skel_get_boneabs", "skel_set_bone", "skel_premul_bone", "skel_premul_bones", "skel_copybones", "skel_delete", "frameforname", "frameduration"}, "Provides container objects for skeletal bone data, which can be modified on a per bone basis if needed. This allows you to dynamically generate animations (or just blend them with greater customisation) instead of being limited to a single animation or two."}, {"FTE_CSQC_RAWIMAGES", 2, NULL, {"r_uploadimage","r_readimage"}, "Provides raw rgba image access to csqc. With this, the csprogs can read textures into qc-accessible memory, modify it, and then upload it to the renderer."}, {"FTE_CSQC_RENDERTARGETS", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR exists and can be used to redirect any rendering to a texture instead of the screen."}, {"FTE_CSQC_REVERB", 1, NULL, {"setup_reverb"}, "Specifies that the mod can create custom reverb effects. Whether they will actually be used or not depends upon the sound driver."}, {"FTE_CSQC_WINDOWCAPTION", 1, NULL, {"setwindowcaption"}, "Provides csqc with the ability to change the window caption as displayed when running windowed or in the task bar when switched out."}, {"FTE_ENT_SKIN_CONTENTS", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "self.skin = CONTENTS_WATER; makes a brush entity into water. use -16 for a ladder."}, {"FTE_ENT_UNIQUESPAWNID"}, {"FTE_EXTENDEDTEXTCODES"}, {"FTE_FORCESHADER", 1, NULL, {"shaderforname"}, "Allows csqc to override shaders on models with an explicitly named replacement. Also allows you to define shaders with a fallback if it does not exist on disk."}, //I'd rename this to _CSQC_ but it does technically provide this builtin to menuqc too, not that the forceshader entity field exists there... but whatever. {"FTE_FORCEINFOKEY", 1, NULL, {"forceinfokey"}, "Provides an easy way to change a user's userinfo from the server."}, {"FTE_GFX_QUAKE3SHADERS", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "specifies that the engine has full support for vanilla quake3 shaders"}, {"FTE_GFX_REMAPSHADER", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "With the raw power of stuffcmds, the r_remapshader console command is exposed! This mystical command can be used to remap any shader to another. Remapped shaders that specify $diffuse etc in some form will inherit the textures implied by the surface."}, // {"FTE_GFX_IQM_HITMESH", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "Supports hitmesh iqm extensions. Also supports geomsets and embedded events."}, {"FTE_GFX_MODELEVENTS", 1, NULL, {"processmodelevents", "getnextmodelevent", "getmodeleventidx"}, "Provides a query for per-animation events in model files, including from progs/foo.mdl.events files."}, {"FTE_ISBACKBUFFERED", 1, NULL, {"isbackbuffered"}, "Allows you to check if a client has too many reliable messages pending."}, {"FTE_MEMALLOC", 4, NULL, {"memalloc", "memfree", "memcpy", "memfill8"}, "Allows dynamically allocating memory. Use pointers to access this memory. Memory will not be saved into saved games."}, #ifdef HAVE_MEDIA_DECODER #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WINRT) {"FTE_MEDIA_AVI", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "playfilm command supports avi files."}, #endif #ifdef Q2CLIENT {"FTE_MEDIA_CIN", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "playfilm command supports q2 cin files."}, #endif #ifdef Q3CLIENT {"FTE_MEDIA_ROQ", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "playfilm command supports q3 roq files."}, #endif #endif {"FTE_MULTIPROGS", 5, NULL, {"externcall", "addprogs", "externvalue", "externset", "instr"}, "Multiple progs.dat files can be loaded inside the same qcvm. Insert new ones with addprogs inside the 'init' function, and use externvalue+externset to rewrite globals (and hook functions) to link them together. Note that the result is generally not very clean unless you carefully design for it beforehand."}, //multiprogs functions are available. {"FTE_MULTITHREADED", 3, NULL, {"sleep", "fork", "abort"}, "Faux multithreading, allowing multiple contexts to run in sequence."}, {"FTE_MVD_PLAYERSTATS", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "In csqc, getplayerstat can be used to query any player's stats when playing back MVDs. isdemo will return 2 in this case."}, #ifdef SERVER_DEMO_PLAYBACK {"FTE_MVD_PLAYBACK", NOBI "The server itself is able to play back MVDs."}, #endif #ifdef SVCHAT {"FTE_QC_NPCCHAT", 1, NULL, {"chat"}}, //server looks at chat files. It automagically branches through calling qc functions as requested. #endif #ifdef PSET_SCRIPT {"FTE_PART_SCRIPT", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "Specifies that the r_particledesc cvar can be used to select a list of particle effects to load from particles/*.cfg, the format of which is documented elsewhere."}, {"FTE_PART_NAMESPACES", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "Specifies that the engine can use foo.bar to load effect foo from particle description bar. When used via ssqc, this should cause the client to download whatever effects as needed."}, #ifndef NOLEGACY {"FTE_PART_NAMESPACE_EFFECTINFO", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "Specifies that effectinfo.bar can load effects from effectinfo.txt for DP compatibility."}, #endif #endif {"FTE_QC_BASEFRAME", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "Specifies that .basebone and .baseframe exist in ssqc. These fields affect all bones in the entity's model with a lower index than the .basebone field, allowing you to give separate control to the legs of a skeletal model, without affecting the torso animations, from ssqc."}, {"FTE_QC_FILE_BINARY", 4, NULL, {"fread","fwrite","fseek","fsize"}, "Extends FRIK_FILE with binary read+write, as well as allowing seeking. Requires pointers."}, {"FTE_QC_CHANGELEVEL_HUB", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "Adds an extra argument to changelevel which is carried over to the next map in the 'spawnspot' global. Maps will be saved+reloaded until the extra argument is omitted again, purging all saved maps. Saved games will contain a copy of each preserved map. parm1-parm64 globals can be used, giving more space to transfer more player data."}, {"FTE_QC_CHECKCOMMAND", 1, NULL, {"checkcommand"}, "Provides a way to test if a console command exists, and whether its a command/alias/cvar. Does not say anything about the expected meanings of any arguments or values."}, {"FTE_QC_CHECKPVS", 1, NULL, {"checkpvs"}}, {"FTE_QC_CROSSPRODUCT", 1, NULL, {"crossproduct"}}, {"FTE_QC_CUSTOMSKINS", 1, NULL, {"setcustomskin", "loadcustomskin", "applycustomskin", "releasecustomskin"}, "The engine supports the use of q3 skins, as well as the use of such skin 'files' to specify rich top+bottom colours, qw skins, geomsets, or texture composition even on non-players.."}, {"FTE_QC_FS_SEARCH_SIZEMTIME", 2, NULL, {"search_getfilesize", "search_getfilemtime"}}, {"FTE_QC_HARDWARECURSORS", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "setcursormode exists in both csqc+menuqc, and accepts additional arguments to specify a cursor image to use when this module has focus. If the image exceeds hardware limits (or hardware cursors are unsupported), it will be emulated using regular draws - this at least still avoids conflicting cursors as only one will ever be used, even if console+menu+csqc are all overlayed."}, {"FTE_QC_HASHTABLES", 6, NULL, {"hash_createtab", "hash_destroytab", "hash_add", "hash_get", "hash_delete", "hash_getkey"}, "Provides efficient string-based lookups."}, {"FTE_QC_INFOKEY", 2, NULL, {"infokey", "stof"}, "QuakeWorld's infokey builtin works, and reports at least name+topcolor+bottomcolor+ping(in ms)+ip(unmasked, but not always ipv4)+team(aka bottomcolor in nq). Does not require actual localinfo/serverinfo/userinfo, but they're _highly_ recommended to any engines with csqc"}, {"FTE_QC_INTCONV", 6, NULL, {"stoi", "itos", "stoh", "htos", "itof", "ftoi"}, "Provides string<>int conversions, including hex representations."}, {"FTE_QC_MATCHCLIENTNAME", 1, NULL, {"matchclientname"}}, {"FTE_QC_MULTICAST", 1, NULL, {"multicast"}, "QuakeWorld's multicast builtin works along with MSG_MULTICAST, but also with unicast support."}, // {"FTE_QC_MESHOBJECTS", 0, NULL, {"mesh_create", "mesh_build", "mesh_getvertex", "mesh_getindex", "mesh_setvertex", "mesh_setindex", "mesh_destroy"}, "Provides qc with the ability to create its own meshes."}, {"FTE_QC_PAUSED"}, #ifdef QCGC {"FTE_QC_PERSISTENTTEMPSTRINGS", NOBI "Supersedes DP_QC_MULTIPLETEMPSTRINGS. Temp strings are garbage collected automatically, and do not expire while they're still in use. This makes strzone redundant."}, #endif #ifdef RAGDOLL {"FTE_QC_RAGDOLL_WIP", 1, NULL, {"ragupdate", "skel_set_bone_world", "skel_mmap"}}, #endif {"FTE_QC_SENDPACKET", 1, NULL, {"sendpacket"}, "Allows the use of out-of-band udp packets to/from other hosts. Includes the SV_ParseConnectionlessPacket event."}, {"FTE_QC_STUFFCMDFLAGS", 1, NULL, {"stuffcmdflags"}, "Variation on regular stuffcmd that gives control over how spectators/mvds should be treated."}, {"FTE_QC_TRACETRIGGER"}, #ifdef Q2CLIENT {"FTE_QUAKE2_CLIENT", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "This engine is able to act as a quake2 client"}, #endif #ifdef Q2SERVER {"FTE_QUAKE2_SERVER", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "This engine is able to act as a quake2 server"}, #endif #ifdef Q3CLIENT {"FTE_QUAKE3_CLIENT", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "This engine is able to act as a quake3 client"}, #endif #ifdef Q3SERVER {"FTE_QUAKE3_SERVER", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "This engine is able to act as a quake3 server"}, #endif {"FTE_SOLID_LADDER", NOBI "Allows a simple trigger to remove effects of gravity (solid 20). obsolete. will prolly be removed at some point as it is not networked properly. Use FTE_ENT_SKIN_CONTENTS"}, {"FTE_SPLITSCREEN", NOBI "Client supports splitscreen, controlled via cl_splitscreen. Servers require allow_splitscreen 1 if splitscreen is to be used over the internet. Mods that use csqc will need to be aware for this to work properly. per-client networking may be problematic."}, #ifdef SQL // serverside SQL functions for managing an SQL database connection {"FTE_SQL", 9, NULL, {"sqlconnect","sqldisconnect","sqlopenquery","sqlclosequery","sqlreadfield","sqlerror","sqlescape","sqlversion", "sqlreadfloat"}, "Provides sql* builtins which can be used for sql database access"}, #ifdef USE_MYSQL {"FTE_SQL_MYSQL", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "SQL functionality is able to utilise mysql"}, #endif #ifdef USE_SQLITE {"FTE_SQL_SQLITE", 0, NULL, {NULL}, "SQL functionality is able to utilise sqlite databases"}, #endif #endif //eperimental advanced strings functions. //reuses the FRIK_FILE builtins (with substring extension) {"FTE_STRINGS", 17, NULL, {"stof", "strlen","strcat","substring","stov","strzone","strunzone", "strstrofs", "str2chr", "chr2str", "strconv", "infoadd", "infoget", "strncmp", "strcasecmp", "strncasecmp", "strpad"}, "Extra builtins (and additional behaviour) to make string manipulation easier"}, {"FTE_SV_POINTPARTICLES", 3, NULL, {"particleeffectnum", "pointparticles", "trailparticles"}, "Specifies that particleeffectnum, pointparticles, and trailparticles exist in ssqc as well as csqc. particleeffectnum acts as a precache, allowing ssqc values to be networked up with csqc for use. Use in combination with FTE_PART_SCRIPT+FTE_PART_NAMESPACES to use custom effects. This extension is functionally identical to the DP version, but avoids any misplaced assumptions about the format of the client's particle descriptions."}, {"FTE_SV_REENTER"}, {"FTE_TE_STANDARDEFFECTBUILTINS", 14, NULL, {"te_gunshot", "te_spike", "te_superspike", "te_explosion", "te_tarexplosion", "te_wizspike", "te_knightspike", "te_lavasplash", "te_teleport", "te_lightning1", "te_lightning2", "te_lightning3", "te_lightningblood", "te_bloodqw"}, "Provides builtins to replace writebytes, with a QW compatible twist."}, #ifdef TERRAIN {"FTE_TERRAIN_MAP", 1, NULL, {"terrain_edit"}, "This engine supports .hmp files, as well as terrain embedded within bsp files."}, {"FTE_RAW_MAP", 7, NULL, {"brush_get","brush_create","brush_delete","brush_selected","brush_getfacepoints","brush_calcfacepoints","brush_findinvolume"}, "This engine supports directly loading .map files, as well as realtime editing of the various brushes."}, #endif {"KRIMZON_SV_PARSECLIENTCOMMAND", 3, NULL, {"clientcommand", "tokenize", "argv"}, "SSQC's SV_ParseClientCommand function is able to handle client 'cmd' commands. The tokenizing parts also work in csqc."}, //very very similar to the mvdsv system. {"NEH_CMD_PLAY2"}, {"NEH_RESTOREGAME"}, //{"PRYDON_CLIENTCURSOR"}, {"QSG_CVARSTRING", 1, NULL, {"qsg_cvar_string"}}, {"QW_ENGINE", 3, NULL, {"infokey", "stof", "logfrag"}}, //warning: interpretation of .skin on players can be dodgy, as can some other QW features that differ from NQ. {"QWE_MVD_RECORD", NOBI "You can use the easyrecord command to record MVD demos serverside."}, //Quakeworld extended get the credit for this one. (mvdsv) {"TEI_MD3_MODEL"}, {"TENEBRAE_GFX_DLIGHTS", 0, NULL,{NULL}, "Allows ssqc to attach rtlights to entities with various special properties."}, // {"TQ_RAILTRAIL"}, //treat this as the ZQ style railtrails which the client already supports, okay so the preparse stuff needs strengthening. {"ZQ_MOVETYPE_FLY", NOBI "MOVETYPE_FLY works on players."}, {"ZQ_MOVETYPE_NOCLIP", NOBI "MOVETYPE_NOCLIP works on players."}, {"ZQ_MOVETYPE_NONE", NOBI "MOVETYPE_NONE works on players."}, // {"ZQ_QC_PARTICLE"}, //particle builtin works in QW ( we don't mimic ZQ fully though) {"ZQ_VWEP", 1, NULL, {"precache_vwep_model"}}, {"ZQ_QC_STRINGS", 7, NULL, {"stof", "strlen","strcat","substring","stov","strzone","strunzone"}, "The strings-only subset of FRIK_FILE is supported."} //a trimmed down FRIK_FILE. }; unsigned int QSG_Extensions_count = sizeof(QSG_Extensions)/sizeof(QSG_Extensions[0]); #endif