/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // console.c #include "quakedef.h" console_t con_main; console_t *con_current; // point to either con_main #define Font_ScreenWidth() (vid.pixelwidth) static int Con_DrawProgress(int left, int right, int y); #ifdef QTERM #include typedef struct qterm_s { console_t *console; qboolean running; HANDLE process; HANDLE pipein; HANDLE pipeout; HANDLE pipeinih; HANDLE pipeoutih; struct qterm_s *next; } qterm_t; qterm_t *qterms; qterm_t *activeqterm; #endif //int con_linewidth; // characters across screen //int con_totallines; // total lines in console scrollback float con_cursorspeed = 4; cvar_t con_numnotifylines = SCVAR("con_notifylines","4"); //max lines to show cvar_t con_notifytime = SCVAR("con_notifytime","3"); //seconds cvar_t con_centernotify = SCVAR("con_centernotify", "0"); cvar_t con_displaypossibilities = SCVAR("con_displaypossibilities", "1"); cvar_t con_maxlines = SCVAR("con_maxlines", "1024"); cvar_t cl_chatmode = SCVAR("cl_chatmode", "2"); #define NUM_CON_TIMES 24 float con_times[NUM_CON_TIMES]; // realtime time the line was generated // for transparent notify lines //int con_vislines; int con_notifylines; // scan lines to clear for notify lines #define MAXCMDLINE 256 extern unsigned char key_lines[32][MAXCMDLINE]; extern int edit_line; extern int key_linepos; static conline_t *selstartline, *selendline; static unsigned int selstartoffset, selendoffset; qboolean con_initialized; /*makes sure the console object works*/ void Con_Finit (console_t *con) { if (con->current == NULL) { con->oldest = con->current = Z_Malloc(sizeof(conline_t)); con->linecount = 0; } if (con->display == NULL) con->display = con->current; } /*returns a bitmask: 1: currently active 2: has text that has not been seen yet */ int Con_IsActive (console_t *con) { return (con == con_current) | (con->unseentext*2); } /*kills a console_t object. will never destroy the main console*/ void Con_Destroy (console_t *con) { console_t *prev; if (con == &con_main) return; for (prev = &con_main; prev->next; prev = prev->next) { if (prev->next == con) { prev->next = con->next; break; } } BZ_Free(con); if (con_current == con) con_current = &con_main; } /*obtains a console_t without creating*/ console_t *Con_FindConsole(char *name) { console_t *con; for (con = &con_main; con; con = con->next) { if (!strcmp(con->name, name)) return con; } return NULL; } /*creates a potentially duplicate console_t - please use Con_FindConsole first, as its confusing otherwise*/ console_t *Con_Create(char *name) { console_t *con; con = Z_Malloc(sizeof(console_t)); Q_strncpyz(con->name, name, sizeof(con->name)); Con_Finit(con); con->next = con_main.next; con_main.next = con; return con; } /*sets a console as the active one*/ void Con_SetActive (console_t *con) { con_current = con; } /*for enumerating consoles*/ qboolean Con_NameForNum(int num, char *buffer, int buffersize) { console_t *con; for (con = &con_main; con; con = con->next, num--) { if (num <= 0) { Q_strncpyz(buffer, con->name, buffersize); return true; } } if (buffersize>0) *buffer = '\0'; return false; } /*print text to a console*/ void Con_PrintCon (console_t *con, char *txt); #ifdef QTERM void QT_Update(void) { char buffer[2048]; DWORD ret; qterm_t *qt; qterm_t *prev = NULL; for (qt = qterms; qt; qt = (prev=qt)->next) { if (!qt->running) { if (Con_IsActive(qt->console)) continue; Con_Destroy(qt->console); if (prev) prev->next = qt->next; else qterms = qt->next; CloseHandle(qt->pipein); CloseHandle(qt->pipeout); CloseHandle(qt->pipeinih); CloseHandle(qt->pipeoutih); CloseHandle(qt->process); Z_Free(qt); break; //be lazy. } if (WaitForSingleObject(qt->process, 0) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { if ((ret=GetFileSize(qt->pipeout, NULL))) { if (ret!=INVALID_FILE_SIZE) { ReadFile(qt->pipeout, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-32, &ret, NULL); buffer[ret] = '\0'; Con_PrintCon(qt->console, buffer); } } } else { Con_PrintCon(qt->console, "Process ended\n"); qt->running = false; } } } void QT_KeyPress(void *user, int key) { qbyte k[2]; qterm_t *qt = user; DWORD send = key; //get around a gcc warning k[0] = key; k[1] = '\0'; if (qt->running) { if (*k == '\r') { // *k = '\r'; // WriteFile(qt->pipein, k, 1, &key, NULL); // Con_PrintCon(k, &qt->console); *k = '\n'; } if (GetFileSize(qt->pipein, NULL)<512) { WriteFile(qt->pipein, k, 1, &send, NULL); Con_PrintCon(qt->console, k); } } return; } void QT_Create(char *command) { HANDLE StdIn[2]; HANDLE StdOut[2]; qterm_t *qt; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; STARTUPINFO SUInf; PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcInfo; int ret; qt = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*qt)); memset(&sa,0,sizeof(sa)); sa.nLength=sizeof(sa); sa.bInheritHandle=true; CreatePipe(&StdOut[0], &StdOut[1], &sa, 1024); CreatePipe(&StdIn[1], &StdIn[0], &sa, 1024); memset(&SUInf, 0, sizeof(SUInf)); SUInf.cb = sizeof(SUInf); SUInf.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; /* qt->pipeout = StdOut[0]; qt->pipein = StdIn[0]; */ qt->pipeoutih = StdOut[1]; qt->pipeinih = StdIn[1]; if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), StdIn[0], GetCurrentProcess(), &qt->pipein, 0, FALSE, // not inherited DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) qt->pipein = StdIn[0]; else CloseHandle(StdIn[0]); if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), StdOut[0], GetCurrentProcess(), &qt->pipeout, 0, FALSE, // not inherited DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) qt->pipeout = StdOut[0]; else CloseHandle(StdOut[0]); SUInf.hStdInput = qt->pipeinih; SUInf.hStdOutput = qt->pipeoutih; SUInf.hStdError = qt->pipeoutih; //we don't want to have to bother working out which one was written to first. if (!SetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, SUInf.hStdOutput)) Con_Printf("Windows sucks\n"); if (!SetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE, SUInf.hStdError)) Con_Printf("Windows sucks\n"); if (!SetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE, SUInf.hStdInput)) Con_Printf("Windows sucks\n"); printf("Started app\n"); ret = CreateProcess(NULL, command, NULL, NULL, true, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, &SUInf, &ProcInfo); qt->process = ProcInfo.hProcess; CloseHandle(ProcInfo.hThread); qt->running = true; qt->console = Con_Create("QTerm"); qt->console->redirect = QT_KeyPress; Con_PrintCon(qt->console, "Started Process\n"); Con_SetVisible(qt->console); qt->next = qterms; qterms = activeqterm = qt; } void Con_QTerm_f(void) { if(Cmd_IsInsecure()) Con_Printf("Server tried stuffcmding a restricted commandqterm %s\n", Cmd_Args()); else QT_Create(Cmd_Args()); } #endif void Key_ClearTyping (void) { key_lines[edit_line][1] = 0; // clear any typing key_linepos = 1; } /* ================ Con_ToggleConsole_f ================ */ void Con_ToggleConsole_f (void) { SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); Key_ClearTyping (); if (key_dest == key_console) { if (m_state) key_dest = key_menu; else key_dest = key_game; } else key_dest = key_console; Con_ClearNotify (); } /* ================ Con_ToggleChat_f ================ */ void Con_ToggleChat_f (void) { Key_ClearTyping (); if (key_dest == key_console) { if (cls.state == ca_active) key_dest = key_game; } else key_dest = key_console; Con_ClearNotify (); } void Con_ClearCon(console_t *con) { conline_t *t; while (con->current) { t = con->current; con->current = t->older; Z_Free(t); } con->display = con->current = con->oldest = NULL; selstartline = NULL; selendline = NULL; /*reset the line pointers, create an active line*/ Con_Finit(con); } /* ================ Con_Clear_f ================ */ void Con_Clear_f (void) { Con_ClearCon(&con_main); } void Cmd_ConEcho_f(void) { console_t *con; con = Con_FindConsole(Cmd_Argv(1)); if (!con) con = Con_Create(Cmd_Argv(1)); if (con) { Cmd_ShiftArgs(1, false); Con_PrintCon(con, Cmd_Args()); Con_PrintCon(con, "\n"); } } void Cmd_ConClear_f(void) { console_t *con; con = Con_FindConsole(Cmd_Argv(1)); if (con) Con_ClearCon(con); } void Cmd_ConClose_f(void) { console_t *con; con = Con_FindConsole(Cmd_Argv(1)); if (con) Con_Destroy(con); } void Cmd_ConActivate_f(void) { console_t *con; con = Con_FindConsole(Cmd_Argv(1)); if (con) Con_SetActive(con); } /* ================ Con_ClearNotify ================ */ void Con_ClearNotify (void) { int i; for (i=0 ; ilinecount >= con_maxlines.ival) { if (con->oldest == con->current) break; if (selstartline == con->oldest) selstartline = NULL; if (selendline == con->oldest) selendline = NULL; if (con->display == con->oldest) con->display = con->oldest->newer; con->oldest = con->oldest->newer; Z_Free(con->oldest->older); con->oldest->older = NULL; con->linecount--; } con->linecount++; if (con == &con_main) con_times[con->linesprinted++%NUM_CON_TIMES] = realtime; con->current->newer = Z_Malloc(sizeof(conline_t)); con->current->newer->older = con->current; con->current = con->current->newer; con->current->length = 0; if (con->display == con->current->older) con->display = con->current; break; default: if (cr) { con->current->length = 0; cr = false; } if (selstartline == con->current) selstartline = NULL; if (selendline == con->current) selendline = NULL; oc = con->current; con->current = BZ_Realloc(con->current, sizeof(*con->current)+(con->current->length+1)*sizeof(conchar_t)); if (con->display == oc) con->display = con->current; if (con->oldest == oc) con->oldest = con->current; if (con->current->older) con->current->older->newer = con->current; o = (conchar_t *)(con->current+1)+con->current->length; *o = *c; con->current->length+=1; break; } c++; } } void Con_Print (char *txt) { Con_PrintCon(&con_main, txt); //client console } void Con_CycleConsole(void) { con_current = con_current->next; if (!con_current) con_current = &con_main; } void Con_Log(char *s); /* ================ Con_Printf Handles cursor positioning, line wrapping, etc ================ */ #ifndef CLIENTONLY extern redirect_t sv_redirected; extern char outputbuf[8000]; void SV_FlushRedirect (void); #endif #define MAXPRINTMSG 4096 // FIXME: make a buffer size safe vsprintf? void VARGS Con_Printf (const char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char msg[MAXPRINTMSG]; va_start (argptr,fmt); vsnprintf (msg,sizeof(msg), fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); #ifndef CLIENTONLY // add to redirected message if (sv_redirected) { if (strlen (msg) + strlen(outputbuf) > sizeof(outputbuf) - 1) SV_FlushRedirect (); strcat (outputbuf, msg); if (sv_redirected != -1) return; } #endif // also echo to debugging console Sys_Printf ("%s", msg); // also echo to debugging console // log all messages to file Con_Log (msg); if (!con_initialized) return; // write it to the scrollable buffer Con_Print (msg); } void VARGS Con_SafePrintf (char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char msg[MAXPRINTMSG]; va_start (argptr,fmt); vsnprintf (msg,sizeof(msg)-1, fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); // write it to the scrollable buffer Con_Printf ("%s", msg); } void VARGS Con_TPrintf (translation_t text, ...) { va_list argptr; char msg[MAXPRINTMSG]; char *fmt = languagetext[text][cls.language]; va_start (argptr,text); vsnprintf (msg,sizeof(msg), fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); // write it to the scrollable buffer Con_Printf ("%s", msg); } void VARGS Con_SafeTPrintf (translation_t text, ...) { va_list argptr; char msg[MAXPRINTMSG]; char *fmt = languagetext[text][cls.language]; va_start (argptr,text); vsnprintf (msg,sizeof(msg), fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); // write it to the scrollable buffer Con_Printf ("%s", msg); } /* ================ Con_DPrintf A Con_Printf that only shows up if the "developer" cvar is set ================ */ void VARGS Con_DPrintf (char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char msg[MAXPRINTMSG]; extern cvar_t log_developer; if (!developer.value && !log_developer.value) return; // early exit va_start (argptr,fmt); vsnprintf (msg,sizeof(msg)-1, fmt,argptr); va_end (argptr); if (!developer.value) Con_Log(msg); else Con_PrintCon(&con_main, msg); } /* ============================================================================== DRAWING ============================================================================== */ /* ================ Con_DrawInput The input line scrolls horizontally if typing goes beyond the right edge ================ */ void Con_DrawInput (int left, int right, int y) { #ifdef _WIN32 extern qboolean ActiveApp; #endif int i; int lhs, rhs; int p; unsigned char *text, *fname; extern int con_commandmatch; conchar_t maskedtext[MAXCMDLINE]; conchar_t *endmtext; conchar_t *cursor; conchar_t *cchar; qboolean cursorframe; int x; if (key_dest != key_console && con_current->vislines != vid.height) return; // don't draw anything (always draw if not active) if (!con_current->linebuffered) return; //fixme: draw any unfinished lines of the current console instead. text = key_lines[edit_line]; //copy it to an alternate buffer and fill in text colouration escape codes. //if it's recognised as a command, colour it yellow. //if it's not a command, and the cursor is at the end of the line, leave it as is, // but add to the end to show what the compleation will be. i = text[key_linepos]; text[key_linepos] = 0; cursor = COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, text, maskedtext, sizeof(maskedtext)-1*sizeof(conchar_t), true); text[key_linepos] = i; endmtext = COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, text, maskedtext, sizeof(maskedtext)-1*sizeof(conchar_t), true); endmtext[1] = 0; i = 0; x = left; if (con_current->commandcompletion) { if (text[1] == '/' || Cmd_IsCommand(text+1)) { //color the first token yellow, it's a valid command for (p = 1; (maskedtext[p]&CON_CHARMASK)>' '; p++) maskedtext[p] = (maskedtext[p]&CON_CHARMASK) | (COLOR_YELLOW<linewidth); if (cursor == endmtext) //cursor is at end { int cmdstart; cmdstart = text[1] == '/'?2:1; fname = Cmd_CompleteCommand(text+cmdstart, true, true, con_commandmatch); if (fname) //we can compleate it to: { for (p = key_linepos-cmdstart; fname[p]>' '; p++) maskedtext[p+cmdstart] = (unsigned int)fname[p] | (COLOR_GREEN<linewidth); #ifdef _WIN32 if (!ActiveApp) cursorframe = 0; else #endif cursorframe = ((int)(realtime*con_cursorspeed)&1); for (lhs = 0, i = key_linepos-1; i >= 0; i--) { lhs += Font_CharWidth(maskedtext[i]); } for (rhs = 0, i = key_linepos+1; maskedtext[i]; i++) { rhs += Font_CharWidth(maskedtext[i]); } //put the cursor in the middle x = (right-left)/2; //move the line to the right if there's not enough text to touch the right hand side if (x < right-rhs) x = right - rhs; //if the left hand side is on the right of the left point (overrides right alignment) if (x - lhs > 0) x = lhs; lhs = x - lhs + left; for (cchar = maskedtext; cchar < cursor; cchar++) { lhs = Font_DrawChar(lhs, y, *cchar); } rhs = x + left; if (cursorframe) { extern cvar_t com_parseutf8; if (com_parseutf8.ival) Font_DrawChar(rhs, y, (*cursor&~(CON_BGMASK|CON_FGMASK)) | (COLOR_BLUE<linesprinted+NUM_CON_TIMES; int maxlines; float t; Font_BeginString(font_conchar, x, y, &x, &y); maxlines = con_numnotifylines.value; if (maxlines < 0) maxlines = 0; if (maxlines > NUM_CON_TIMES) maxlines = NUM_CON_TIMES; y = Con_DrawProgress(0, Font_ScreenWidth(), 0); l = con->current; if (!l->length) l = l->older; for (; l && cn > con->linesprinted && lines > NUM_CON_TIMES-maxlines; l = l->older) { t = con_times[--cn % NUM_CON_TIMES]; if (!t) break; //cleared t = realtime - t; if (t > con_notifytime.value) break; line = Font_LineBreaks((conchar_t*)(l+1), (conchar_t*)(l+1)+l->length, Font_ScreenWidth(), lines, starts, ends); if (!line && lines > 0) { lines--; starts[lines] = NULL; ends[lines] = NULL; } while(line --> 0 && lines > 0) { lines--; starts[lines] = starts[line]; ends[lines] = ends[line]; } if (lines == 0) break; } //clamp it properly while (lines < NUM_CON_TIMES-maxlines) lines++; while (lines < NUM_CON_TIMES) { x = 0; if (con_centernotify.value) { for (c = starts[lines]; c < ends[lines]; c++) { x += Font_CharWidth(*c); } x = (vid.width - x) / 2; } Font_LineDraw(x, y, starts[lines], ends[lines]); y += Font_CharHeight(); lines++; } if (key_dest == key_message) { conchar_t *starts[8]; conchar_t *ends[8]; conchar_t markup[MAXCMDLINE+64]; conchar_t *c; int lines, i; c = COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, va(chat_team?"say_team: %s":"say: %s", chat_buffer), markup, sizeof(markup), true); *c++ = (0xe00a+((int)(realtime*con_cursorspeed)&1))|CON_WHITEMASK; lines = Font_LineBreaks(markup, c, Font_ScreenWidth(), 8, starts, ends); for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) { x = 0; Font_LineDraw(x, y, starts[i], ends[i]); y += Font_CharHeight(); } } if (y > con_notifylines) con_notifylines = y; Font_EndString(font_conchar); } //send all the stuff that was con_printed to sys_print. //This is so that system consoles in windows can scroll up and have all the text. void Con_PrintToSys(void) { console_t *curcon = &con_main; conline_t *l; int i; conchar_t *t; for (l = curcon->oldest; l; l = l->newer) { t = (conchar_t*)(l+1); //fixme: utf8? for (i = 0; i < l->length; i++) Sys_Printf("%c", t[i]&0xff); Sys_Printf("\n"); } } //returns the bottom of the progress bar static int Con_DrawProgress(int left, int right, int y) { #ifdef RUNTIMELIGHTING extern model_t *lightmodel; extern int relitsurface; #endif conchar_t dlbar[1024]; unsigned char progresspercenttext[128]; char *progresstext = NULL; char *txt; int x, tw; int i, j; int barwidth, barleft; float progresspercent = 0; *progresspercenttext = 0; // draw the download bar // figure out width if (cls.downloadmethod) { unsigned int count, total; qboolean extra; progresstext = cls.downloadlocalname; progresspercent = cls.downloadpercent; if ((int)(realtime/2)&1) sprintf(progresspercenttext, " %02d%% (%ukbps)", (int)progresspercent, CL_DownloadRate()/1000); else { CL_GetDownloadSizes(&count, &total, &extra); if (total == 0) { //just show progress sprintf(progresspercenttext, " %02f%%", progresspercent); } else { sprintf(progresspercenttext, " %02d%% (%u%skb)", (int)progresspercent, total/1024, extra?"+":""); } } } #ifdef RUNTIMELIGHTING else if (lightmodel) { if (relitsurface < lightmodel->numsurfaces) { progresstext = "light"; progresspercent = (relitsurface*100.0f) / lightmodel->numsurfaces; sprintf(progresspercenttext, " %02d%%", (int)progresspercent); } } #endif //at this point: //progresstext: what is being downloaded/done (can end up truncated) //progresspercent: its percentage (used only for the slider) //progresspercenttext: that percent as text, essentually the right hand part of the bar. if (progresstext) { //chop off any leading path if ((txt = strrchr(progresstext, '/')) != NULL) txt++; else txt = progresstext; x = 0; COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, txt, dlbar, sizeof(dlbar), false); for (i = 0; dlbar[i]; ) { x += Font_CharWidth(dlbar[i]); i++; } //if the string is wider than a third of the screen if (x > (right - left)/3) { //truncate the file name and add ... x += 3*Font_CharWidth('.'|CON_WHITEMASK); while (x > (right - left)/3 && i > 0) { i--; x -= Font_CharWidth(dlbar[i]); } dlbar[i++] = '.'|CON_WHITEMASK; dlbar[i++] = '.'|CON_WHITEMASK; dlbar[i++] = '.'|CON_WHITEMASK; dlbar[i] = 0; } //i is the char index of the dlbar so far, x is the char width of it. //add a couple chars dlbar[i] = ':'|CON_WHITEMASK; x += Font_CharWidth(dlbar[i]); i++; dlbar[i] = ' '|CON_WHITEMASK; x += Font_CharWidth(dlbar[i]); i++; COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, progresspercenttext, dlbar+i, sizeof(dlbar)-i*sizeof(conchar_t), false); for (j = i, tw = 0; dlbar[j]; ) { tw += Font_CharWidth(dlbar[j]); j++; } barwidth = (right-left) - (x + tw); //draw the right hand side x = right - tw; for (j = i; dlbar[j]; j++) x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, dlbar[j]); //draw the left hand side x = left; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, dlbar[j]); //and in the middle we have lots of stuff barwidth -= (Font_CharWidth(0xe080|CON_WHITEMASK) + Font_CharWidth(0xe082|CON_WHITEMASK)); x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, 0xe080|CON_WHITEMASK); barleft = x; for(;;) { if (x + Font_CharWidth(0xe081|CON_WHITEMASK) > barleft+barwidth) break; x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, 0xe081|CON_WHITEMASK); } x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, 0xe082|CON_WHITEMASK); Font_DrawChar(barleft+(barwidth*progresspercent)/100 - Font_CharWidth(0xe083|CON_WHITEMASK)/2, y, 0xe083|CON_WHITEMASK); y += Font_CharHeight(); } return y; } //draws console selection choices at the top of the screen, if multiple consoles are available //its ctrl+tab to switch between them int Con_DrawAlternateConsoles(int lines) { char *txt; int x, y = 0; if (lines == scr_conlines && con_main.next) { console_t *con = con_current; for (x = 0, con = &con_main; con; con = con->next) { if (con == &con_main) txt = "MAIN"; else txt = con->name; if (x != 0 && x+(strlen(txt)+1)*8 > vid.width) { x = 0; y += 8; } Draw_FunString(x, y, va("^&F%i%s", (con==con_current)+con->unseentext*4, txt)); x+=(strlen(txt)+1)*8; } y += 8; } return y; } /* ================ Con_DrawConsole Draws the console with the solid background ================ */ void Con_DrawConsole (int lines, qboolean noback) { extern qboolean scr_con_forcedraw; int x, y, sx, ex, linecount, linelength; conline_t *l; conchar_t *s; int selsx, selsy, selex, seley, selactive; int top; conchar_t *starts[64], *ends[sizeof(starts)/sizeof(starts[0])]; int i; qboolean haveprogress; int hidelines; if (lines <= 0) return; #ifdef QTERM if (qterms) QT_Update(); #endif // draw the background if (!noback) R2D_ConsoleBackground (0, lines, scr_con_forcedraw); con_current->unseentext = false; con_current->vislines = lines; top = Con_DrawAlternateConsoles(lines); x = 8; y = lines; selactive = Key_GetConsoleSelectionBox(&selsx, &selsy, &selex, &seley); Font_BeginString(font_conchar, x, y, &x, &y); Font_BeginString(font_conchar, selsx, selsy, &selsx, &selsy); Font_BeginString(font_conchar, selex, seley, &selex, &seley); ex = Font_ScreenWidth(); sx = x; ex -= sx; y -= Font_CharHeight(); haveprogress = Con_DrawProgress(x, ex - x, y) != y; y -= Font_CharHeight(); Con_DrawInput (x, ex - x, y); if (selactive) { if (selsx < x) selsx = x; if (selex < x) selex = x; if (selsy > y) selsy = y; if (seley > y) seley = y; selsy -= y; seley -= y; selsy /= Font_CharHeight(); seley /= Font_CharHeight(); selsy--; seley--; if (selsy == seley) { //single line selected backwards if (selex < selsx) { x = selex; selex = selsx; selsx = x; } } if (seley < selsy) { //selection goes upwards x = selsy; selsy = seley; seley = x; x = selex; selex = selsx; selsx = x; } selsy *= Font_CharHeight(); seley *= Font_CharHeight(); selsy += y; seley += y; } if (!con_current->display) con_current->display = con_current->current; l = con_current->display; hidelines = con_current->subline; if (l != con_current->current) { y -= 8; // draw arrows to show the buffer is backscrolled for (x = sx ; xcurrent && l->length == 0) l = l->older; for (; l; l = l->older) { s = (conchar_t*)(l+1); linecount = Font_LineBreaks(s, s+l->length, ex-sx, sizeof(starts)/sizeof(starts[0]), starts, ends); //if Con_LineBreaks didn't find any lines at all, then it was an empty line, and we need to ensure that its still drawn if (linecount == 0) { linecount = 1; starts[0] = ends[0] = NULL; } l->lines = linecount; if (hidelines > 0) { linecount -= hidelines; if (linecount < 0) linecount = 0; hidelines -= linecount; } while (linecount-- > 0) { s = starts[linecount]; linelength = ends[linecount] - s; y -= Font_CharHeight(); if (top && y < top) break; if (selactive) { if (y >= selsy) { if (y <= seley) { int sstart; int send; sstart = sx; send = sstart; for (i = 0; i < linelength; i++) send += Font_CharWidth(s[i]); //show something on blank lines if (send == sstart) send = sstart + Font_CharWidth(' '); if (y >= seley) { send = sstart; for (i = 0; i < linelength; i++) { send += Font_CharWidth(s[i]); if (send > selex) break; } selendline = l; if (s) selendoffset = (s+i+1) - (conchar_t*)(l+1); else selendoffset = 0; } if (y <= selsy) { for (i = 0; i < linelength; i++) { x = Font_CharWidth(s[i]); if (sstart + x > selsx) break; sstart += x; } selstartline = l; if (s) selstartoffset = (s+i) - (conchar_t*)(l+1); else selstartoffset = 0; } R2D_ImagePaletteColour(0, 1.0); R2D_FillBlock((sstart*vid.width)/vid.rotpixelwidth, (y*vid.height)/vid.rotpixelheight, ((send - sstart)*vid.width)/vid.rotpixelwidth, (Font_CharHeight()*vid.height)/vid.rotpixelheight); } } } R2D_ImageColours(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); x = sx; Font_LineDraw(x, y, s, s+linelength); if (y < top) break; } if (y < top) break; } if (!haveprogress && lines == vid.height) { char *version = version_string(); int i; Font_BeginString(font_conchar, vid.width, lines, &x, &y); y -= Font_CharHeight(); for (i = 0; version[i]; i++) x -= Font_CharWidth(version[i] | CON_WHITEMASK|CON_HALFALPHA); for (i = 0; version[i]; i++) x = Font_DrawChar(x, y, version[i] | CON_WHITEMASK|CON_HALFALPHA); } Font_EndString(font_conchar); // draw the input prompt, user text, and cursor if desired SCR_DrawCursor(0); } char *Con_CopyConsole(void) { conchar_t *cur; conline_t *l; conchar_t *lend; char *result; int outlen, maxlen; int finalendoffset; if (!selstartline || !selendline) return NULL; maxlen = 1024*1024; result = Z_Malloc(maxlen+1); l = selstartline; cur = (conchar_t*)(l+1) + selstartoffset; finalendoffset = selendoffset; if (selstartline == selendline) { if (selstartoffset+1 == finalendoffset) { //they only selected a single char? //fix that up to select the entire token while (cur > (conchar_t*)(l+1)) { cur--; if ((*cur & 0xff) == ' ') { cur++; break; } } while (finalendoffset < selendline->length) { if ((((conchar_t*)(l+1))[finalendoffset] & 0xff) != ' ') finalendoffset++; else break; } } } outlen = 0; for (;;) { if (l == selendline) lend = (conchar_t*)(l+1) + finalendoffset; else lend = (conchar_t*)(l+1) + l->length; while (cur < lend) { if (outlen == maxlen) break; result[outlen++] = *cur++; } if (l == selendline) break; l = l->newer; if (!l) { Con_Printf("Error: Bad console buffer\n"); break; } #ifdef _WIN32 result[outlen++] = '\r'; #endif result[outlen++] = '\n'; cur = (conchar_t*)(l+1); } result[outlen++] = 0; return result; } /* ================== Con_NotifyBox ================== */ void Con_NotifyBox (char *text) { double t1, t2; // during startup for sound / cd warnings Con_Printf("\n\n\35\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\37\n"); Con_Printf (text); Con_Printf ("Press a key.\n"); Con_Printf("\35\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\36\37\n"); key_count = -2; // wait for a key down and up key_dest = key_console; do { t1 = Sys_DoubleTime (); SCR_UpdateScreen (); Sys_SendKeyEvents (); t2 = Sys_DoubleTime (); realtime += t2-t1; // make the cursor blink } while (key_count < 0); Con_Printf ("\n"); key_dest = key_game; }