#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "qcc.h" #include "gui.h" #define EMBEDDEBUG void AddSourceFile(const char *parentsrc, const char *filename); void GUI_ParseCommandLine(char *args); void GUI_RevealOptions(void); #ifndef TVM_SETBKCOLOR #define TVM_SETBKCOLOR (TV_FIRST + 29) #endif #ifndef TreeView_SetBkColor #define TreeView_SetBkColor(hwnd, clr) \ (COLORREF)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_SETBKCOLOR, 0, (LPARAM)(clr)) #endif #ifndef TTF_TRACK #define TTF_TRACK 0x0020 #endif #ifndef TTF_ABSOLUTE #define TTF_ABSOLUTE 0x0080 #endif #ifndef TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH #define TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH (WM_USER + 24) #endif #ifndef TTM_TRACKACTIVATE #define TTM_TRACKACTIVATE (WM_USER + 17) #endif #ifndef TTM_TRACKPOSITION #define TTM_TRACKPOSITION (WM_USER + 18) #endif //scintilla stuff #define SCI_GETLENGTH 2006 #define SCI_GETCHARAT 2007 #define SCI_GETCURRENTPOS 2008 #define SCI_SETSAVEPOINT 2014 #define SCI_GETCURLINE 2027 #define SCI_SETCODEPAGE 2037 #define SCI_MARKERDEFINE 2040 #define SCI_MARKERSETFORE 2041 #define SCI_MARKERSETBACK 2042 #define SCI_MARKERADD 2043 #define SCI_MARKERDELETE 2044 #define SCI_MARKERDELETEALL 2045 #define SCI_MARKERSETALPHA 2476 #define SCI_MARKERGET 2046 #define SCI_MARKERNEXT 2047 #define SCI_STYLECLEARALL 2050 #define SCI_STYLESETFORE 2051 #define SCI_STYLESETBACK 2052 #define SCI_STYLESETBOLD 2053 #define SCI_AUTOCSHOW 2100 #define SCI_AUTOCCANCEL 2101 #define SCI_AUTOCACTIVE 2102 #define SCI_AUTOCSETFILLUPS 2112 #define SCI_GETLINE 2153 #define SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION 2166 #define SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE 2167 #define SCI_REPLACESEL 2170 #define SCI_SETTEXT 2181 #define SCI_GETTEXT 2182 #define SCI_CALLTIPSHOW 2200 #define SCI_CALLTIPCANCEL 2201 #define SCI_TOGGLEFOLD 2231 #define SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN 2242 #define SCI_SETMARGINMASKN 2244 #define SCI_SETMARGINSENSITIVEN 2246 #define SCI_SETMOUSEDWELLTIME 2264 #define SCI_CHARLEFT 2304 #define SCI_CHARRIGHT 2306 #define SCI_BACKTAB 2328 #define SCI_SEARCHANCHOR 2366 #define SCI_SEARCHNEXT 2367 #define SCI_BRACEHIGHLIGHTINDICATOR 2498 #define SCI_BRACEBADLIGHTINDICATOR 2499 #define SCI_LINELENGTH 2350 #define SCI_BRACEHIGHLIGHT 2351 #define SCI_BRACEBADLIGHT 2352 #define SCI_BRACEMATCH 2353 #define SCI_ANNOTATIONSETTEXT 2540 #define SCI_ANNOTATIONGETTEXT 2541 #define SCI_ANNOTATIONSETSTYLE 2542 #define SCI_ANNOTATIONGETSTYLE 2543 #define SCI_ANNOTATIONSETSTYLES 2544 #define SCI_ANNOTATIONGETSTYLES 2545 #define SCI_ANNOTATIONGETLINES 2546 #define SCI_ANNOTATIONCLEARALL 2547 #define ANNOTATION_HIDDEN 0 #define ANNOTATION_STANDARD 1 #define ANNOTATION_BOXED 2 #define ANNOTATION_INDENTED 3 #define SCI_ANNOTATIONSETVISIBLE 2548 #define SCI_ANNOTATIONGETVISIBLE 2549 #define SCI_ANNOTATIONSETSTYLEOFFSET 2550 #define SCI_ANNOTATIONGETSTYLEOFFSET 2551 #define SCI_AUTOCSETORDER 2660 #define SCI_SETLEXER 4001 #define SCI_SETPROPERTY 4004 #define SCI_SETKEYWORDS 4005 #define SC_ORDER_PERFORMSORT 1 #define SC_CP_UTF8 65001 #define SCLEX_CPP 3 #define SCE_C_DEFAULT 0 #define SCE_C_COMMENT 1 #define SCE_C_COMMENTLINE 2 #define SCE_C_COMMENTDOC 3 #define SCE_C_NUMBER 4 #define SCE_C_WORD 5 #define SCE_C_STRING 6 #define SCE_C_CHARACTER 7 #define SCE_C_UUID 8 #define SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR 9 #define SCE_C_OPERATOR 10 #define SCE_C_IDENTIFIER 11 #define SCE_C_STRINGEOL 12 #define SCE_C_VERBATIM 13 #define SCE_C_REGEX 14 #define SCE_C_COMMENTLINEDOC 15 #define SCE_C_WORD2 16 #define SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORD 17 #define SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORDERROR 18 #define SCE_C_GLOBALCLASS 19 #define SCE_C_STRINGRAW 20 #define SCE_C_TRIPLEVERBATIM 21 #define SCE_C_HASHQUOTEDSTRING 22 #define SCE_C_PREPROCESSORCOMMENT 23 #define SCE_C_PREPROCESSORCOMMENTDOC 24 #define SCE_C_USERLITERAL 25 #define SCE_C_TASKMARKER 26 #define SCE_C_ESCAPESEQUENCE 27 #define STYLE_BRACELIGHT 34 #define STYLE_BRACEBAD 35 #define SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEREND 25 #define SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID 26 #define SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL 27 #define SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL 28 #define SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB 29 #define SC_MARKNUM_FOLDER 30 #define SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN 31 #define SC_MASK_FOLDERS 0xFE000000 #define SC_MARK_CIRCLE 0 #define SC_MARK_ROUNDRECT 1 #define SC_MARK_ARROW 2 #define SC_MARK_SMALLRECT 3 #define SC_MARK_SHORTARROW 4 #define SC_MARK_EMPTY 5 #define SC_MARK_ARROWDOWN 6 #define SC_MARK_MINUS 7 #define SC_MARK_PLUS 8 #define SC_MARK_VLINE 9 #define SC_MARK_LCORNER 10 #define SC_MARK_TCORNER 11 #define SC_MARK_BOXPLUS 12 #define SC_MARK_BOXPLUSCONNECTED 13 #define SC_MARK_BOXMINUS 14 #define SC_MARK_BOXMINUSCONNECTED 15 #define SC_MARK_LCORNERCURVE 16 #define SC_MARK_TCORNERCURVE 17 #define SC_MARK_CIRCLEPLUS 18 #define SC_MARK_CIRCLEPLUSCONNECTED 19 #define SC_MARK_CIRCLEMINUS 20 #define SC_MARK_CIRCLEMINUSCONNECTED 21 #define SC_MARK_BACKGROUND 22 #define SC_MARK_DOTDOTDOT 23 #define SC_MARK_ARROWS 24 #define SC_MARK_PIXMAP 25 #define SC_MARK_FULLRECT 26 #define SC_MARK_LEFTRECT 27 #define SC_MARK_AVAILABLE 28 #define SC_MARK_UNDERLINE 29 #define SC_MARK_RGBAIMAGE 30 #define SC_MARK_BOOKMARK 31 #define SCN_CHARADDED 2001 #define SCN_SAVEPOINTREACHED 2002 #define SCN_SAVEPOINTLEFT 2003 #define SCN_UPDATEUI 2007 #define SCN_MARGINCLICK 2010 #define SCN_DWELLSTART 2016 #define SCN_DWELLEND 2017 #define SCN_FOCUSOUT 2029 struct SCNotification { NMHDR nmhdr; int position; int ch; int modifiers; int modificationType; const char *text; int length; int linesAdded; int message; DWORD_PTR wParam; LONG_PTR lParam; int line; int foldLevelNow; int foldLevelPrev; int margin; int listType; int x; int y; int token; int annotationLinesAdded; int updated; }; //these all run on the main thread typedef struct editor_s { char filename[MAX_PATH]; //abs HWND window; HWND editpane; HWND tooltip; char tooltiptext[1024]; int curline; pbool modified; pbool scintilla; int savefmt; time_t filemodifiedtime; struct editor_s *next; } editor_t; editor_t *editors; //the engine thread simply sits waiting for responses from the engine typedef struct { int pipeclosed; DWORD tid; HWND window; HWND refocuswindow; HANDLE thread; HANDLE pipefromengine; HANDLE pipetoengine; int embedtype; //0 = not. 1 = separate. 2 = mdi child } enginewindow_t; static pbool EngineCommandf(char *message, ...); static void EngineGiveFocus(void); /* static pbool QCC_RegGetStringValue(HKEY base, char *keyname, char *valuename, void *data, int datalen) { pbool result = false; HKEY subkey; DWORD type = REG_NONE; if (RegOpenKeyEx(base, keyname, 0, KEY_READ, &subkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwlen = datalen-1; result = ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(subkey, valuename, NULL, &type, data, &dwlen); datalen = dwlen; RegCloseKey (subkey); } if (type == REG_SZ || type == REG_EXPAND_SZ) ((char*)data)[datalen] = 0; else ((char*)data)[0] = 0; return result; } static pbool QCC_RegSetValue(HKEY base, char *keyname, char *valuename, int type, void *data, int datalen) { pbool result = false; HKEY subkey; if (RegCreateKeyEx(base, keyname, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &subkey, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegSetValueEx(subkey, valuename, 0, type, data, datalen)) result = true; RegCloseKey (subkey); } return result; } */ /* ============== LoadFile ============== */ unsigned char *PDECL QCC_ReadFile (const char *fname, void *buffer, int len, size_t *sz) { long length; FILE *f; f = fopen(fname, "rb"); if (!f) return NULL; length = fread(buffer, 1, len, f); fclose(f); if (length != len) return NULL; if (sz) *sz = length; return buffer; } int PDECL QCC_RawFileSize (const char *fname) { long length; FILE *f; f = fopen(fname, "rb"); if (!f) return -1; fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); length = ftell(f); fclose(f); return length; } int PDECL QCC_PopFileSize (const char *fname) { extern int qcc_compileactive; int len = QCC_RawFileSize(fname); if (len >= 0 && qcc_compileactive) { AddSourceFile(compilingrootfile, fname); } return len; } #ifdef AVAIL_ZLIB #include "../libs/zlib.h" #endif pbool PDECL QCC_WriteFileW (const char *name, wchar_t *data, int maxchars) { char *u8start = malloc(3+maxchars*4+1); char *u8 = u8start; int offset; pbool result = false; unsigned int inc; FILE *f; //start with the bom //lets just always write a BOM when the file contains something outside ascii. it'll just be more robust when microsoft refuse to use utf8 by default. //its just much less likely to fuck up when people use notepad/wordpad. :s inc = 0xfeff; *u8++ = ((inc>>12) & 0xf) | 0xe0; *u8++ = ((inc>>6) & 0x3f) | 0x80; *u8++ = ((inc>>0) & 0x3f) | 0x80; offset = u8-u8start; //assume its not needed. will set to 0 if it is. while(*data) { inc = *data++; //handle surrogates if (inc >= 0xd800u && inc < 0xdc00u) { unsigned int l = *data; if (l >= 0xdc00u && l < 0xe000u) { data++; inc = (((inc & 0x3ffu)<<10) | (l & 0x3ffu)) + 0x10000; } } if (inc <= 127) *u8++ = inc; else { offset = 0; if (inc <= 0x7ff) { *u8++ = ((inc>>6) & 0x1f) | 0xc0; *u8++ = ((inc>>0) & 0x3f) | 0x80; } else if (inc <= 0xffff) { *u8++ = ((inc>>12) & 0xf) | 0xe0; *u8++ = ((inc>>6) & 0x3f) | 0x80; *u8++ = ((inc>>0) & 0x3f) | 0x80; } else if (inc <= 0x1fffff) { *u8++ = ((inc>>18) & 0x07) | 0xf0; *u8++ = ((inc>>12) & 0x3f) | 0x80; *u8++ = ((inc>> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80; *u8++ = ((inc>> 0) & 0x3f) | 0x80; } else { inc = 0xFFFD; *u8++ = ((inc>>12) & 0xf) | 0xe0; *u8++ = ((inc>>6) & 0x3f) | 0x80; *u8++ = ((inc>>0) & 0x3f) | 0x80; } } } f = fopen(name, "wb"); if (f) { result = fwrite(u8start+offset, 1, u8-(u8start+offset), f) == (u8-(u8start+offset)); fclose(f); } free(u8start); return result; } pbool PDECL QCC_WriteFile (const char *name, void *data, int len) { long length; FILE *f; char *ext = strrchr(name, '.'); if (!stricmp(ext, ".gz")) { #ifdef AVAIL_ZLIB pbool okay = true; char out[1024*8]; z_stream strm = { data, len, 0, out, sizeof(out), 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Z_BINARY, 0, 0 }; f = fopen(name, "wb"); if (!f) return false; deflateInit2(&strm, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION, Z_DEFLATED, MAX_WBITS|16, MAX_MEM_LEVEL, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY); while(okay && deflate(&strm, Z_FINISH) == Z_OK) { if (sizeof(out) - strm.avail_out != fwrite(out, 1, sizeof(out) - strm.avail_out, f)) okay = false; strm.next_out = out; strm.avail_out = sizeof(out); } if (sizeof(out) - strm.avail_out != fwrite(out, 1, sizeof(out) - strm.avail_out, f)) okay = false; deflateEnd(&strm); fclose(f); if (!okay) unlink(name); return okay; #else return false; #endif } f = fopen(name, "wb"); if (!f) return false; length = fwrite(data, 1, len, f); fclose(f); if (length != len) return false; return true; } #undef printf #undef Sys_Error void Sys_Error(const char *text, ...) { va_list argptr; static char msg[2048]; va_start (argptr,text); QC_vsnprintf (msg,sizeof(msg)-1, text,argptr); va_end (argptr); QCC_Error(ERR_INTERNAL, "%s", msg); } FILE *logfile; int logprintf(const char *format, ...) { va_list argptr; static char string[1024]; va_start (argptr, format); #ifdef _WIN32 _vsnprintf (string,sizeof(string)-1, format,argptr); #else vsnprintf (string,sizeof(string), format,argptr); #endif va_end (argptr); printf("%s", string); if (logfile) fputs(string, logfile); return 0; } #define Edit_Redo(hwndCtl) ((BOOL)(DWORD)SNDMSG((hwndCtl), EM_REDO, 0L, 0L)) #define MAIN_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME "FTEMAINWINDOW" #define MDI_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME "FTEMDIWINDOW" #define EDIT_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME "FTEEDITWINDOW" #define OPTIONS_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME "FTEOPTIONSWINDOW" #define ENGINE_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME "FTEEMBEDDEDWINDOW" #define EM_GETSCROLLPOS (WM_USER + 221) #define EM_SETSCROLLPOS (WM_USER + 222) int GUIprintf(const char *msg, ...); void GUIPrint(HWND wnd, char *msg); char finddef[256]; char greptext[256]; extern pbool fl_extramargins; extern char enginebinary[MAX_PATH]; extern char enginebasedir[MAX_PATH]; extern char enginecommandline[8192]; extern QCC_def_t *sourcefilesdefs[]; extern int sourcefilesnumdefs; void RunCompiler(char *args, pbool quick); void RunEngine(void); HINSTANCE ghInstance; HMODULE richedit; HMODULE scintilla; pbool resetprogssrc; //progs.src was changed, reload project info. HWND mainwindow; HWND gamewindow; HWND mdibox; HWND optionsmenu; HWND outputwindow; HWND outputbox; HWND projecttree; HWND search_name; HWND search_gotodef; HWND search_grep; HACCEL accelerators; FILE *logfile; void GrepAllFiles(char *string); struct{ char *text; HWND hwnd; int washit; } buttons[] = { {"Compile"}, {"Progs.src"}, #ifdef EMBEDDEBUG {"Debug"}, #endif {"Options"}, {"Quit"} }; enum { ID_COMPILE = 0, ID_EDIT, #ifdef EMBEDDEBUG ID_RUN, #endif ID_OPTIONS, ID_QUIT }; #define NUMBUTTONS sizeof(buttons)/sizeof(buttons[0]) void GUI_DialogPrint(char *title, char *text) { MessageBox(mainwindow, text, title, 0); } static void FindNextScintilla(editor_t *editor, char *findtext) { int pos = SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_GETCURRENTPOS, 0, 0); Edit_SetSel(editor->editpane, pos+1, pos+1); SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_SEARCHANCHOR, 0, 0); if (SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_SEARCHNEXT, 0, (LPARAM)findtext) != -1) Edit_ScrollCaret(editor->editpane); //make sure its focused else { Edit_SetSel(editor->editpane, pos, pos); //revert the selection change as nothing was found MessageBox(editor->editpane, "No more occurences found", "FTE Editor", 0); } } char *WordUnderCursor(editor_t *editor, char *word, int wordsize, char *term, int termsize, int position); pbool GenAutoCompleteList(char *prefix, char *buffer, int buffersize); //available in xp+ typedef LRESULT (CALLBACK *SUBCLASSPROC)(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT_PTR uIdSubclass, DWORD_PTR dwRefData); BOOL (WINAPI * pSetWindowSubclass)(HWND hWnd, SUBCLASSPROC pfnSubclass, UINT_PTR uIdSubclass, DWORD_PTR dwRefData); LRESULT (WINAPI *pDefSubclassProc)(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT CALLBACK MySubclassWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT_PTR uIdSubclass, DWORD_PTR dwRefData) { editor_t *editor; if (uMsg == WM_CHAR || uMsg == WM_UNICHAR) { switch(wParam) { case VK_SPACE: { BYTE keystate[256]; GetKeyboardState(keystate); if ((keystate[VK_CONTROL] | keystate[VK_LCONTROL]) & 128) { for (editor = editors; editor; editor = editor->next) { if (editor->editpane == hWnd) break; } if (editor->scintilla) { if (!SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_AUTOCACTIVE, 0, 0)) { static char buffer[65536]; char prefixbuffer[128]; char *pre = WordUnderCursor(editor, prefixbuffer, sizeof(prefixbuffer), NULL, 0, SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_GETCURRENTPOS, 0, 0)); if (pre && *pre) if (GenAutoCompleteList(pre, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) { SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_AUTOCSETFILLUPS, 0, (LPARAM)".,[<>(*/+-=\t\n"); SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_AUTOCSHOW, strlen(pre), (LPARAM)buffer); } return FALSE; } } } } break; } } if (uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN || uMsg == WM_SYSKEYDOWN) { switch(wParam) { case VK_F3: { char buffer[128]; GetWindowText(search_name, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (*buffer == 0) SetFocus(search_name); else { editor_t *editor; for (editor = editors; editor; editor = editor->next) { if (editor->editpane == hWnd) break; } if (editor->scintilla) { FindNextScintilla(editor, buffer); } } } return 0; } } if (uMsg == WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK && hWnd == outputbox) { CHARRANGE selrange = {0}; SendMessage(hWnd, EM_EXGETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)&selrange); if (1) //some text is selected. { unsigned int bytes; char line[1024]; char *colon1, *colon2 = NULL; int l1; int l2; l1 = Edit_LineFromChar(hWnd, selrange.cpMin); l2 = Edit_LineFromChar(hWnd, selrange.cpMax); if (l1 == l2) { bytes = Edit_GetLine(hWnd, Edit_LineFromChar(outputbox, selrange.cpMin), line, sizeof(line)-1); line[bytes] = 0; for (colon1 = line+strlen(line)-1; *colon1 <= ' ' && colon1>=line; colon1--) *colon1 = '\0'; if (!strncmp(line, "warning: ", 9)) memmove(line, line+9, sizeof(line)); colon1=line; do { colon1 = strchr(colon1+1, ':'); } while (colon1 && colon1[1] == '\\'); if (colon1) { colon2 = strchr(colon1+1, ':'); while (colon2 && colon2[1] == '\\') { colon2 = strchr(colon2+1, ':'); } if (colon2) { *colon1 = '\0'; *colon2 = '\0'; EditFile(line, atoi(colon1+1)-1, false); } else if (!strncmp(line, "Source file: ", 13)) EditFile(line+13, -1, false); else if (!strncmp(line, "Including: ", 11)) EditFile(line+11, -1, false); } else if (!strncmp(line, "including ", 10)) EditFile(line+10, -1, false); else if (!strncmp(line, "compiling ", 10)) EditFile(line+10, -1, false); else if (!strncmp(line, "prototyping ", 12)) EditFile(line+12, -1, false); else if (!strncmp(line, "Couldn't open file ", 19)) EditFile(line+19, -1, false); Edit_SetSel(hWnd, selrange.cpMin, selrange.cpMin); //deselect it. } } return 0; } return pDefSubclassProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } HWND CreateAnEditControl(HWND parent, pbool *scintillaokay) { HWND newc = NULL; #ifdef SCISTATIC extern int Scintilla_RegisterClasses(void *hinst); scintilla = ghInstance; Scintilla_RegisterClasses(scintilla); #else if (!scintilla && scintillaokay) { #ifdef _WIN64 scintilla = LoadLibrary("SciLexer_64.dll"); if (!scintilla) #endif scintilla = LoadLibrary("SciLexer.dll"); } #endif if (!richedit) richedit = LoadLibrary("RICHED32.DLL"); if (!newc && scintilla && scintillaokay) { newc=CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "Scintilla", "", WS_CHILD /*| ES_READONLY*/ | WS_VISIBLE | WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL | ES_LEFT | ES_WANTRETURN | ES_MULTILINE | ES_AUTOVSCROLL, 0, 0, 0, 0, parent, NULL, ghInstance, NULL); } if (newc) *scintillaokay = true; else if (scintillaokay) { *scintillaokay = false; scintillaokay = NULL; } if (!newc) newc=CreateWindowExW(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, richedit?RICHEDIT_CLASSW:L"EDIT", L"", WS_CHILD /*| ES_READONLY*/ | WS_VISIBLE | WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL | ES_LEFT | ES_WANTRETURN | ES_MULTILINE | ES_AUTOVSCROLL, 0, 0, 0, 0, parent, NULL, ghInstance, NULL); if (!newc) newc=CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, richedit?RICHEDIT_CLASS10A:"EDIT", //fall back to the earlier version "", WS_CHILD /*| ES_READONLY*/ | WS_VISIBLE | WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL | ES_LEFT | ES_WANTRETURN | ES_MULTILINE | ES_AUTOVSCROLL, 0, 0, 0, 0, parent, NULL, ghInstance, NULL); if (!newc) { //you've not got RICHEDIT installed properly, I guess FreeLibrary(richedit); richedit = NULL; newc=CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "EDIT", "", WS_CHILD /*| ES_READONLY*/ | WS_VISIBLE | WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL | ES_LEFT | ES_WANTRETURN | ES_MULTILINE | ES_AUTOVSCROLL, 0, 0, 0, 0, parent, NULL, ghInstance, NULL); } if (!newc) return NULL; if (scintillaokay) { SendMessage(newc, SCI_SETCODEPAGE, SC_CP_UTF8, 0); SendMessage(newc, SCI_SETLEXER, SCLEX_CPP, 0); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_DEFAULT, RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLECLEARALL,0, 0); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_COMMENT, RGB(0x00, 0x80, 0x00)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_COMMENTLINE, RGB(0x00, 0x80, 0x00)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_COMMENTDOC, RGB(0x00, 0x80, 0x00)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_NUMBER, RGB(0xA0, 0x10, 0x10)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_WORD, RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0xFF)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_STRING, RGB(0xA0, 0x10, 0x10)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_CHARACTER, RGB(0xA0, 0x10, 0x10)); // SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_UUID, RGB(0xA0, 0x10, 0x10)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR, RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0xFF)); // SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_OPERATOR, RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); // SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_IDENTIFIER, RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_STRINGEOL, RGB(0xA0, 0x10, 0x10)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_VERBATIM, RGB(0xA0, 0x10, 0x10)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_REGEX, RGB(0xA0, 0x10, 0x10)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_COMMENTLINEDOC, RGB(0xA0, 0x10, 0x10)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_WORD2, RGB(0xA0, 0x10, 0x10)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORD, RGB(0xA0, 0x10, 0x10)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORDERROR, RGB(0xA0, 0x10, 0x10)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_GLOBALCLASS, RGB(0xA0, 0x10, 0x10)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_STRINGRAW, RGB(0xA0, 0x00, 0x00)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_TRIPLEVERBATIM, RGB(0xA0, 0x10, 0x10)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_HASHQUOTEDSTRING, RGB(0xA0, 0x10, 0x10)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_PREPROCESSORCOMMENT, RGB(0xA0, 0x10, 0x10)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_PREPROCESSORCOMMENTDOC, RGB(0xA0, 0x10, 0x10)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_USERLITERAL, RGB(0xA0, 0x10, 0x10)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_TASKMARKER, RGB(0xA0, 0x10, 0x10)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, SCE_C_ESCAPESEQUENCE, RGB(0xA0, 0x10, 0x10)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, STYLE_BRACELIGHT, RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x3F)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETBACK, STYLE_BRACELIGHT, RGB(0xef, 0xaf, 0xaf)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETBOLD, STYLE_BRACELIGHT, TRUE); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETFORE, STYLE_BRACEBAD, RGB(0x3F, 0x00, 0x00)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_STYLESETBACK, STYLE_BRACEBAD, RGB(0xff, 0xaf, 0xaf)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_SETKEYWORDS, 0, (LPARAM) "if else for do not while asm break case const continue " "default entity enum enumflags extern " "float goto int integer noref " "nosave shared state optional string " "struct switch thinktime until loop " "typedef union var vector void " "accessor get set inline " "virtual nonvirtual class static nonstatic local return" ); SendMessage(newc, SCI_SETMOUSEDWELLTIME, 1000, 0); SendMessage(newc, SCI_AUTOCSETORDER, SC_ORDER_PERFORMSORT, 0); SendMessage(newc, SCI_AUTOCSETFILLUPS, 0, (LPARAM)".,[<>(*/+-=\t\n"); //line numbers SendMessage(newc, SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN, 0, (LPARAM)fl_extramargins?40:0); //add margin for breakpoints SendMessage(newc, SCI_SETMARGINMASKN, 1, (LPARAM)~SC_MASK_FOLDERS); SendMessage(newc, SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN, 1, (LPARAM)16); SendMessage(newc, SCI_SETMARGINSENSITIVEN, 1, (LPARAM)true); //give breakpoints a nice red circle. SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERDEFINE, 0, SC_MARK_CIRCLE); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERSETFORE, 0, RGB(0x7F, 0x00, 0x00)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERSETBACK, 0, RGB(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00)); //give current line a yellow arrow SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERDEFINE, 1, SC_MARK_SHORTARROW); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERSETFORE, 1, RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERSETBACK, 1, RGB(0x7F, 0x7F, 0x00)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERDEFINE, 2, SC_MARK_BACKGROUND); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERSETFORE, 2, RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERSETBACK, 2, RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERSETALPHA, 2, 0x40); //add margin for folding SendMessage(newc, SCI_SETPROPERTY, (WPARAM)"fold", (LPARAM)"1"); SendMessage(newc, SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN, 2, (LPARAM)fl_extramargins?16:0); SendMessage(newc, SCI_SETMARGINMASKN, 2, (LPARAM)SC_MASK_FOLDERS); SendMessage(newc, SCI_SETMARGINSENSITIVEN, 2, (LPARAM)true); //stop the images from being stupid SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERDEFINE, SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN, SC_MARK_BOXMINUS); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERDEFINE, SC_MARKNUM_FOLDER, SC_MARK_BOXPLUS); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERDEFINE, SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB, SC_MARK_VLINE); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERDEFINE, SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL, SC_MARK_LCORNERCURVE); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERDEFINE, SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEREND, SC_MARK_BOXPLUSCONNECTED); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERDEFINE, SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID, SC_MARK_BOXMINUSCONNECTED); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERDEFINE, SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL, SC_MARK_TCORNERCURVE); //and fuck with colours so that its visible. #define FOLDBACK RGB(0x50, 0x50, 0x50) SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERSETFORE, SC_MARKNUM_FOLDER, RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERSETBACK, SC_MARKNUM_FOLDER, FOLDBACK); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERSETFORE, SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN, RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERSETBACK, SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN, FOLDBACK); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERSETFORE, SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID, RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERSETBACK, SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID, FOLDBACK); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERSETBACK, SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB, FOLDBACK); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERSETFORE, SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEREND, RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERSETBACK, SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEREND, FOLDBACK); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERSETBACK, SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL, FOLDBACK); SendMessage(newc, SCI_MARKERSETBACK, SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL, FOLDBACK); } else { //go to lucidia console, 10pt CHARFORMAT cf; memset(&cf, 0, sizeof(cf)); cf.cbSize = sizeof(cf); cf.dwMask = CFM_BOLD | CFM_FACE;// | CFM_SIZE; strcpy(cf.szFaceName, "Lucida Console"); cf.yHeight = 5; SendMessage(newc, EM_SETCHARFORMAT, SCF_ALL, (WPARAM)&cf); if (richedit) { SendMessage(newc, EM_EXLIMITTEXT, 0, 1<<20); } } if (!pDefSubclassProc || !pSetWindowSubclass) { HMODULE lib = LoadLibrary("comctl32.dll"); if (lib) { pDefSubclassProc = (void*)GetProcAddress(lib, "DefSubclassProc"); pSetWindowSubclass = (void*)GetProcAddress(lib, "SetWindowSubclass"); } } if (pDefSubclassProc && pSetWindowSubclass) pSetWindowSubclass(newc, MySubclassWndProc, 0, (DWORD_PTR)parent); ShowWindow(newc, SW_SHOW); return newc; } enum { IDM_OPENDOCU=32, IDM_OPENNEW, IDM_GREP, IDM_GOTODEF, IDM_OUTPUT_WINDOW, IDM_SHOWLINENUMBERS, IDM_SAVE, IDM_RECOMPILE, IDM_FIND, IDM_QUIT, IDM_UNDO, IDM_REDO, IDM_ABOUT, IDM_CASCADE, IDM_TILE_HORIZ, IDM_TILE_VERT, IDM_DEBUG_REBUILD, IDM_DEBUG_SETNEXT, IDM_DEBUG_RUN, IDM_DEBUG_STEPOVER, IDM_DEBUG_STEPINTO, IDM_DEBUG_STEPOUT, IDM_DEBUG_TOGGLEBREAK, IDI_O_LEVEL0, IDI_O_LEVEL1, IDI_O_LEVEL2, IDI_O_LEVEL3, IDI_O_DEFAULT, IDI_O_DEBUG, IDI_O_CHANGE_PROGS_SRC, IDI_O_ADDITIONALPARAMETERS, IDI_O_OPTIMISATION, IDI_O_COMPILER_FLAG, IDI_O_APPLYSAVE, IDI_O_APPLY, IDI_O_TARGETH2, IDI_O_TARGETFTE, IDI_O_ENGINE, IDI_O_ENGINEBASEDIR, IDI_O_ENGINECOMMANDLINE, IDM_FIRSTCHILD }; static void EditorReload(editor_t *editor); int EditorSave(editor_t *edit); void EditFile(char *name, int line, pbool setcontrol); pbool EditorModified(editor_t *e); void QueryOpenFile(void) { char filename[MAX_PATH]; char oldpath[MAX_PATH+10]; OPENFILENAME ofn; memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hInstance = ghInstance; ofn.lpstrFile = filename; ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(filename)-1; memset(filename, 0, sizeof(filename)); GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(oldpath)-1, oldpath); if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) EditFile(filename, -1, false); SetCurrentDirectory(oldpath); } //IDM_ stuff that needs no active window void GenericMenu(WPARAM wParam) { switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDM_OPENNEW: QueryOpenFile(); break; case IDM_RECOMPILE: buttons[ID_COMPILE].washit = true; break; case IDM_ABOUT: MessageBox(NULL, "FTE QuakeC Compiler ("__DATE__" "__TIME__")\nWritten by Forethought Entertainment, whoever that is.\n\nIf you have problems with wordpad corrupting your qc files, try saving them using utf-16 encoding via notepad.", "About", 0); break; case IDM_CASCADE: SendMessage(mdibox, WM_MDICASCADE, 0, 0); break; case IDM_TILE_HORIZ: SendMessage(mdibox, WM_MDITILE, MDITILE_HORIZONTAL, 0); break; case IDM_TILE_VERT: SendMessage(mdibox, WM_MDITILE, MDITILE_VERTICAL, 0); break; case IDM_OUTPUT_WINDOW: if (outputwindow && outputbox) { SetFocus(outputwindow); SetFocus(outputbox); } break; case IDM_SHOWLINENUMBERS: { editor_t *ed; MENUITEMINFO mii = {sizeof(mii)}; fl_extramargins = !fl_extramargins; mii.fMask = MIIM_STATE; mii.fState = fl_extramargins?MFS_CHECKED:MFS_UNCHECKED; SetMenuItemInfo(GetMenu(mainwindow), IDM_SHOWLINENUMBERS, FALSE, &mii); for (ed = editors; ed; ed = ed->next) { if (ed->scintilla) { SendMessage(ed->editpane, SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN, 0, (LPARAM)fl_extramargins?40:0); SendMessage(ed->editpane, SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN, 2, (LPARAM)fl_extramargins?16:0); } } } break; case IDM_DEBUG_RUN: EditFile(NULL, -1, true); EngineGiveFocus(); if (!EngineCommandf("qcresume\n")) RunEngine(); return; case IDM_DEBUG_REBUILD: buttons[ID_COMPILE].washit = true; return; case IDM_DEBUG_STEPOVER: EditFile(NULL, -1, true); EngineCommandf("qcstep over\n"); return; case IDM_DEBUG_STEPINTO: EditFile(NULL, -1, true); EngineCommandf("qcstep into\n"); return; case IDM_DEBUG_STEPOUT: EditFile(NULL, -1, true); EngineCommandf("qcstep out\n"); return; } } void EditorMenu(editor_t *editor, WPARAM wParam) { switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDM_OPENDOCU: { char buffer[1024]; int total; total = SendMessage(editor->editpane, EM_GETSELTEXT, (WPARAM)sizeof(buffer)-1, (LPARAM)buffer); buffer[total]='\0'; if (!total) { MessageBox(NULL, "There is no name currently selected.", "Whoops", 0); break; } else EditFile(buffer, -1, false); } break; case IDM_SAVE: EditorSave(editor); break; case IDM_FIND: SetFocus(search_name); break; case IDM_GREP: { char buffer[1024]; int total; total = SendMessage(editor->editpane, EM_GETSELTEXT, (WPARAM)sizeof(buffer)-1, (LPARAM)buffer); buffer[total]='\0'; if (!total) { MessageBox(NULL, "There is no search text specified.", "Whoops", 0); break; } else GrepAllFiles(buffer); } break; case IDM_GOTODEF: { char buffer[1024]; int total; total = SendMessage(editor->editpane, EM_GETSELTEXT, (WPARAM)sizeof(buffer)-1, (LPARAM)buffer); buffer[total]='\0'; if (!total) { MessageBox(NULL, "There is no name currently selected.", "Whoops", 0); break; } else GoToDefinition(buffer); } break; case IDM_UNDO: Edit_Undo(editor->editpane); break; case IDM_REDO: Edit_Redo(editor->editpane); break; case IDM_DEBUG_TOGGLEBREAK: { int mode; if (editor->scintilla) { mode = !(SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_MARKERGET, editor->curline, 0) & 1); SendMessage(editor->editpane, mode?SCI_MARKERADD:SCI_MARKERDELETE, editor->curline, 0); } else mode = 2; EngineCommandf("qcbreakpoint %i \"%s\" %i\n", mode, editor->filename, editor->curline+1); } return; case IDM_DEBUG_SETNEXT: EngineCommandf("qcjump \"%s\" %i\n", editor->filename, editor->curline+1); return; default: GenericMenu(wParam); break; } } char *WordUnderCursor(editor_t *editor, char *word, int wordsize, char *term, int termsize, int position) { unsigned char linebuf[1024]; DWORD charidx; DWORD lineidx; POINT pos; RECT rect; if (editor->scintilla) { DWORD len; lineidx = SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, position, 0); charidx = position - SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE, lineidx, 0); len = SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_LINELENGTH, lineidx, 0); if (len >= sizeof(linebuf)) return ""; len = SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_GETLINE, lineidx, (LPARAM)linebuf); linebuf[len] = 0; if (charidx >= len) charidx = len-1; } else { GetCursorPos(&pos); GetWindowRect(editor->editpane, &rect); pos.x -= rect.left; pos.y -= rect.top; charidx = SendMessage(editor->editpane, EM_CHARFROMPOS, 0, (LPARAM)&pos); lineidx = SendMessage(editor->editpane, EM_LINEFROMCHAR, charidx, 0); charidx -= SendMessage(editor->editpane, EM_LINEINDEX, lineidx, 0); Edit_GetLine(editor->editpane, lineidx, linebuf, sizeof(linebuf)); } if (word) { //skip back to the start of the word while(charidx > 0 && ( (linebuf[charidx-1] >= 'a' && linebuf[charidx-1] <= 'z') || (linebuf[charidx-1] >= 'A' && linebuf[charidx-1] <= 'Z') || (linebuf[charidx-1] >= '0' && linebuf[charidx-1] <= '9') || linebuf[charidx-1] == '_' || linebuf[charidx-1] == ':' || linebuf[charidx-1] >= 128 )) { charidx--; } //copy the result out lineidx = 0; wordsize--; while (wordsize && (linebuf[charidx] >= 'a' && linebuf[charidx] <= 'z') || (linebuf[charidx] >= 'A' && linebuf[charidx] <= 'Z') || (linebuf[charidx] >= '0' && linebuf[charidx] <= '9') || linebuf[charidx] == '_' || linebuf[charidx] == ':' || linebuf[charidx] >= 128 ) { word[lineidx++] = linebuf[charidx++]; wordsize--; } word[lineidx++] = 0; } if (term) { //skip back to the start of the word while(charidx > 0 && ( (linebuf[charidx-1] >= 'a' && linebuf[charidx-1] <= 'z') || (linebuf[charidx-1] >= 'A' && linebuf[charidx-1] <= 'Z') || (linebuf[charidx-1] >= '0' && linebuf[charidx-1] <= '9') || linebuf[charidx-1] == '_' || linebuf[charidx-1] == ':' || linebuf[charidx-1] == '.' || linebuf[charidx-1] == '[' || linebuf[charidx-1] == ']' || linebuf[charidx-1] >= 128 )) { charidx--; } //copy the result out lineidx = 0; termsize--; while (termsize && (linebuf[charidx] >= 'a' && linebuf[charidx] <= 'z') || (linebuf[charidx] >= 'A' && linebuf[charidx] <= 'Z') || (linebuf[charidx] >= '0' && linebuf[charidx] <= '9') || linebuf[charidx] == '_' || linebuf[charidx] == ':' || linebuf[charidx] == '.' || linebuf[charidx] == '[' || linebuf[charidx] == ']' || linebuf[charidx] >= 128 ) { term[lineidx++] = linebuf[charidx++]; termsize--; } term[lineidx++] = 0; } return word; } pbool GenAutoCompleteList(char *prefix, char *buffer, int buffersize) { QCC_def_t *def; int prefixlen = strlen(prefix); int usedbuffer = 0; int l; int fno; for (fno = 0; fno < sourcefilesnumdefs; fno++) { for (def = sourcefilesdefs[fno]; def; def = def->next) { if (def->scope) continue; //ignore locals, because we don't know where we are, and they're probably irrelevent. //make sure it has the right prefix if (!strncmp(def->name, prefix, prefixlen)) //but ignore it if its one of those special things that you're not meant to know about. if (strcmp(def->name, "IMMEDIATE") && !strchr(def->name, ':') && !strchr(def->name, '.') && !strchr(def->name, '*') && !strchr(def->name, '[')) { l = strlen(def->name); if (l && usedbuffer+2+l < buffersize) { if (usedbuffer) buffer[usedbuffer++] = ' '; memcpy(buffer+usedbuffer, def->name, l); usedbuffer += l; } } } } buffer[usedbuffer] = 0; return usedbuffer>0; } editor_t *tooltip_editor = NULL; char tooltip_variable[256]; char tooltip_type[256]; char tooltip_comment[2048]; size_t tooltip_position; char *GetTooltipText(editor_t *editor, int pos, pbool dwell) { static char buffer[1024]; char wordbuf[256], *text; char term[256]; char *defname; defname = WordUnderCursor(editor, wordbuf, sizeof(wordbuf), term, sizeof(term), pos); if (!*defname) return NULL; else if (globalstable.numbuckets) { QCC_def_t *def; int fno; int line; char *macro = QCC_PR_CheckCompConstTooltip(defname, buffer, buffer + sizeof(buffer)); if (macro && *macro) return macro; if (dwell) { tooltip_editor = NULL; *tooltip_variable = 0; tooltip_position = 0; *tooltip_type = 0; *tooltip_comment = 0; } line = SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, pos, 0); //FIXME: we may need to display types too for (fno = 0, def = NULL; fno < sourcefilesnumdefs && !def; fno++) { for (def = sourcefilesdefs[fno]; def; def = def->next) { if (def->scope) continue; if (!strcmp(def->name, defname)) { //FIXME: look at the scope's function to find the start+end of the function and filter based upon that, to show locals break; } } } if (def) { char typebuf[1024]; char valuebuf[1024]; char *value = ""; if (def->constant && def->type->type == ev_float) QC_snprintfz(value=valuebuf, sizeof(valuebuf), " = %g", def->symboldata[def->ofs]._float); else if (def->constant && def->type->type == ev_integer) QC_snprintfz(value=valuebuf, sizeof(valuebuf), " = %i", def->symboldata[def->ofs]._int); else if (def->constant && def->type->type == ev_vector) QC_snprintfz(value=valuebuf, sizeof(valuebuf), " = '%g %g %g'", def->symboldata[def->ofs].vector[0], def->symboldata[def->ofs].vector[1], def->symboldata[def->ofs].vector[2]); //note function argument names do not persist beyond the function def. we might be able to read the function's localdefs for them, but that's unreliable/broken with builtins where they're most needed. if (def->comment) QC_snprintfz(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, "%s %s%s\r\n%s", TypeName(def->type, typebuf, sizeof(typebuf)), def->name, value, def->comment); else QC_snprintfz(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, "%s %s%s", TypeName(def->type, typebuf, sizeof(typebuf)), def->name, value); if (dwell) { strncpy(tooltip_type, TypeName(def->type, typebuf, sizeof(typebuf)), sizeof(tooltip_type)-1); if (def->comment) strncpy(tooltip_comment, def->comment, sizeof(tooltip_comment)-1); } text = buffer; } else text = NULL; if (dwell) { strncpy(tooltip_variable, term, sizeof(tooltip_variable)-1); tooltip_position = pos; tooltip_editor = editor; EngineCommandf("qcinspect \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", term, (def && def->scope)?def->scope->name:""); if (text) SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_CALLTIPSHOW, (WPARAM)pos, (LPARAM)text); } return text; } else return NULL;//"Type info not available. Compile first."; } //scans the preceeding line(s) to find the ideal indentation for the highlighted line //indentbuf may contain spaces or tabs. preferably tabs. static void scin_get_line_indent(HWND editpane, int lineidx, char *indentbuf, size_t sizeofbuf) { int i; int len; while (lineidx --> 0) { len = SendMessage(editpane, SCI_LINELENGTH, lineidx, 0); *indentbuf = 0; if (len+2 < sizeofbuf) { //FIXME: ignore whitespace len = SendMessage(editpane, SCI_GETLINE, lineidx, (LPARAM)indentbuf); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (indentbuf[i] == ' ' || indentbuf[i] == '\t') continue; break; } if (i == len) continue; if (len >= 3 && indentbuf[len-3] == '{') indentbuf[i++] = '\t'; //add an indent indentbuf[i] = 0; return; } } *indentbuf = 0; //failed } void Scin_HandleCharAdded(editor_t *editor, struct SCNotification *not, int pos) { if (not->ch == '(') { char *s = GetTooltipText(editor, pos-1, FALSE); tooltip_editor = NULL; if (s) SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_CALLTIPSHOW, (WPARAM)pos, (LPARAM)s); } else if (not->ch == '}') { //if the first char on the line, fix up indents to match previous-1 char prevline[65536]; char newline[4096]; int pos = SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_GETCURRENTPOS, 0, 0); int lineidx = SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, pos, 0); int linestart = SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE, lineidx, 0); int plen; int nlen = SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_LINELENGTH, lineidx, 0); if (nlen >= sizeof(newline)) return; nlen = SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_GETLINE, lineidx, (LPARAM)newline); if (linestart > 2) { scin_get_line_indent(editor->editpane, lineidx, prevline, sizeof(prevline)); plen = strlen(prevline); if (plen > nlen) return; //already indented a bit or something if (!strncmp(prevline, newline, plen)) //same indent { SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_CHARLEFT, 0, 0); //move to the indent SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_BACKTAB, 0, 0); //do shift-tab to un-indent the current selection (one line supposedly) SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_CHARRIGHT, 0, 0); //and move back to the right of the } } } } else if (not->ch == '\r' || not->ch == '\n') { char linebuf[65536]; int pos = SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_GETCURRENTPOS, 0, 0); int lineidx = SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, pos, 0); int linestart = SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE, lineidx, 0); int len = SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_LINELENGTH, lineidx, 0); if (pos == linestart) { scin_get_line_indent(editor->editpane, lineidx, linebuf, sizeof(linebuf)); SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_REPLACESEL, 0, (LPARAM)linebuf); } } /* else if (0)//(!SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_AUTOCACTIVE, 0, 0)) { char buffer[65536]; char prefixbuffer[128]; char *pre = WordUnderCursor(editor, prefixbuffer, sizeof(prefixbuffer), NULL, 0, SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_GETCURRENTPOS, 0, 0)); if (pre && *pre) if (GenAutoCompleteList(pre, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) { SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_AUTOCSETFILLUPS, 0, (LPARAM)"\t\n"); SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_AUTOCSHOW, strlen(pre), (LPARAM)buffer); } } */ } static LRESULT CALLBACK EditorWndProc(HWND hWnd,UINT message, WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { RECT rect; HDC hdc; PAINTSTRUCT ps; editor_t *editor; for (editor = editors; editor; editor = editor->next) { if (editor->window == hWnd) break; if (editor->window == NULL) break; //we're actually creating it now. } if (!editor) goto gdefault; switch (message) { case WM_CLOSE: case WM_QUIT: if (editor->modified) { switch (MessageBox(hWnd, "Would you like to save?", editor->filename, MB_YESNOCANCEL)) { case IDCANCEL: return false; case IDYES: if (!EditorSave(editor)) return false; case IDNO: default: break; } } goto gdefault; case WM_DESTROY: { editor_t *e; if (editor == editors) { editors = editor->next; free(editor); return 0; } for (e = editors; e; e = e->next) { if (e->next == editor) { e->next = editor->next; free(editor); return 0; } } MessageBox(0, "Couldn't destroy file reference", "WARNING", 0); } goto gdefault; case WM_CREATE: editor->editpane = CreateAnEditControl(hWnd, &editor->scintilla); if (richedit) { SendMessage(editor->editpane, EM_EXLIMITTEXT, 0, 1<<31); SendMessage(editor->editpane, EM_SETUNDOLIMIT, 256, 256); } editor->tooltip = CreateWindowEx(0, TOOLTIPS_CLASS, NULL, WS_POPUP|TTS_ALWAYSTIP|TTS_NOPREFIX, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, hWnd, NULL, ghInstance, NULL); if (editor->tooltip) { TOOLINFO toolInfo = { 0 }; toolInfo.cbSize = sizeof(toolInfo); toolInfo.hwnd = hWnd; toolInfo.uFlags = TTF_IDISHWND | TTF_SUBCLASS | TTF_TRACK | TTF_ABSOLUTE; toolInfo.uId = (UINT_PTR)editor->editpane; toolInfo.lpszText = ""; SendMessage(editor->tooltip, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM)&toolInfo); SendMessage(editor->tooltip, TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, 500); } goto gdefault; case WM_SETFOCUS: SetFocus(editor->editpane); goto gdefault; case WM_SIZE: GetClientRect(hWnd, &rect); SetWindowPos(editor->editpane, NULL, 0, 0, rect.right-rect.left, rect.bottom-rect.top, 0); goto gdefault; case WM_PAINT: hdc=BeginPaint(hWnd,(LPPAINTSTRUCT)&ps); EndPaint(hWnd,(LPPAINTSTRUCT)&ps); return TRUE; break; case WM_SETCURSOR: if (!editor->scintilla) { POINT pos; char *newtext; TOOLINFO toolInfo = { 0 }; toolInfo.cbSize = sizeof(toolInfo); toolInfo.hwnd = hWnd; toolInfo.uFlags = TTF_IDISHWND | TTF_SUBCLASS | TTF_TRACK | TTF_ABSOLUTE; toolInfo.uId = (UINT_PTR)editor->editpane; newtext = GetTooltipText(editor, -1, FALSE); toolInfo.lpszText = editor->tooltiptext; if (!newtext) newtext = ""; if (strcmp(editor->tooltiptext, newtext)) { strncpy(editor->tooltiptext, newtext, sizeof(editor->tooltiptext)-1); SendMessage(editor->tooltip, TTM_UPDATETIPTEXT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)&toolInfo); if (*editor->tooltiptext) SendMessage(editor->tooltip, TTM_TRACKACTIVATE, (WPARAM)TRUE, (LPARAM)&toolInfo); else SendMessage(editor->tooltip, TTM_TRACKACTIVATE, (WPARAM)FALSE, (LPARAM)&toolInfo); } GetCursorPos(&pos); if (pos.x >= 60) pos.x -= 60; else pos.x = 0; pos.y += 30; SendMessage(editor->tooltip, TTM_TRACKPOSITION, (WPARAM)0, MAKELONG(pos.x, pos.y)); } goto gdefault; case WM_COMMAND: if (HIWORD(wParam) == EN_CHANGE && (HWND)lParam == editor->editpane) { if (!editor->modified && !editor->scintilla) { char title[2048]; CHARRANGE chrg; editor->modified = true; if (EditorModified(editor)) if (MessageBox(NULL, "warning: file was modified externally. reload?", "Modified!", MB_YESNO) == IDYES) EditorReload(editor); SendMessage(editor->editpane, EM_EXGETSEL, 0, (LPARAM) &chrg); editor->curline = Edit_LineFromChar(editor->editpane, chrg.cpMin); if (editor->modified) sprintf(title, "*%s:%i - FTEQCC Editor", editor->filename, 1+editor->curline); else sprintf(title, "%s:%i - FTEQCC Editor", editor->filename, 1+editor->curline); SetWindowText(editor->window, title); } } else { if (mdibox) goto gdefault; EditorMenu(editor, wParam); } break; case WM_NOTIFY: { NMHDR *nmhdr; char title[2048]; nmhdr = (NMHDR *)lParam; if (editor->scintilla) { struct SCNotification *not = (struct SCNotification*)nmhdr; int pos = SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_GETCURRENTPOS, 0, 0); int l = SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, pos, 0); int mode; if (editor->curline != l) editor->curline = l; switch(nmhdr->code) { case SCN_MARGINCLICK: l = SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, not->position, 0); if (not->margin == 1) { /*fixme: should we scan the statements to ensure the line is valid? this applies to the f9 key too*/ mode = !(SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_MARKERGET, l, 0) & 1); SendMessage(editor->editpane, mode?SCI_MARKERADD:SCI_MARKERDELETE, l, 0); EngineCommandf("qcbreakpoint %i \"%s\" %i\n", mode, editor->filename, l+1); } else if (not->margin == 2) { SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_TOGGLEFOLD, l, 0); } break; case SCN_CHARADDED: Scin_HandleCharAdded(editor, not, pos); break; case SCN_SAVEPOINTREACHED: editor->modified = false; break; case SCN_SAVEPOINTLEFT: editor->modified = true; if (EditorModified(editor)) if (MessageBox(NULL, "warning: file was modified externally. reload?", "Modified!", MB_YESNO) == IDYES) EditorReload(editor); break; case SCN_UPDATEUI: { int pos1, pos2; if (strchr("{}[]()", SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_GETCHARAT, pos, 0))) pos1 = pos; else if (strchr("{}[]()", SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_GETCHARAT, pos-1, 0))) pos1 = pos-1; else pos1 = -1; if (pos1 != -1) pos2 = SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_BRACEMATCH, pos1, 0); else pos2 = -1; if (pos2 == -1) SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_BRACEBADLIGHT, pos1, 0); else SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_BRACEHIGHLIGHT, pos1, pos2); } break; case SCN_DWELLSTART: GetTooltipText(editor, not->position, TRUE); break; case SCN_DWELLEND: case SCN_FOCUSOUT: tooltip_editor = NULL; SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_CALLTIPCANCEL, 0, 0); break; } if (editor->modified) sprintf(title, "*%s:%i - FTEQCC Editor", editor->filename, 1+editor->curline); else sprintf(title, "%s:%i - FTEQCC Editor", editor->filename, 1+editor->curline); SetWindowText(editor->window, title); } else { SELCHANGE *sel; switch(nmhdr->code) { case EN_SELCHANGE: sel = (SELCHANGE *)nmhdr; editor->curline = Edit_LineFromChar(editor->editpane, sel->chrg.cpMin); if (editor->modified) sprintf(title, "*%s:%i - FTEQCC Editor", editor->filename, 1+editor->curline); else sprintf(title, "%s:%i - FTEQCC Editor", editor->filename, 1+editor->curline); SetWindowText(editor->window, title); break; } } } default: gdefault: if (mdibox) return DefMDIChildProc(hWnd,message,wParam,lParam); else return DefWindowProc(hWnd,message,wParam,lParam); } return 0; } unsigned short *QCC_makeutf16(char *mem, unsigned int len, int *outlen); char *QCC_SanitizeCharSet(char *mem, unsigned int *len, pbool *freeresult, int *origfmt); static void EditorReload(editor_t *editor) { struct stat sbuf; int flen; char *rawfile; char *file; pbool dofree; flen = QCC_RawFileSize(editor->filename); if (flen >= 0) { rawfile = malloc(flen+1); QCC_ReadFile(editor->filename, rawfile, flen, NULL); rawfile[flen] = 0; } else { rawfile = NULL; flen = 0; } file = QCC_SanitizeCharSet(rawfile, &flen, &dofree, &editor->savefmt); stat(editor->filename, &sbuf); editor->filemodifiedtime = sbuf.st_mtime; if (editor->scintilla) { // SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_SETUNDOCOLLECTION, 0, 0); SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)file); // SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_SETUNDOCOLLECTION, 1, 0); SendMessage(editor->editpane, EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER, 0, 0); SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_SETSAVEPOINT, 0, 0); } else { SendMessage(editor->editpane, EM_SETEVENTMASK, 0, 0); /*clear it out*/ Edit_SetSel(editor->editpane,0,Edit_GetTextLength(editor->editpane)); Edit_ReplaceSel(editor->editpane,""); if (file) { // char msg[1024]; wchar_t *ch = QCC_makeutf16(file, flen, NULL); Edit_SetSel(editor->editpane,0,0); SetWindowTextW(editor->editpane, ch); /*if (errors) { QC_snprintfz(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s contains encoding errors. Invalid bytes have been converted to the 0xe000 private use area.", editor->filename); MessageBox(editor->editpane, msg, "Encoding errors.", MB_ICONWARNING); }*/ free(ch); } SendMessage(editor->editpane, EM_SETEVENTMASK, 0, ENM_SELCHANGE|ENM_CHANGE); } if (dofree) free(file); free(rawfile); editor->modified = false; } //line is 0-based. use -1 for no reselection void EditFile(char *name, int line, pbool setcontrol) { char title[1024]; editor_t *neweditor; WNDCLASS wndclass; HMENU menu, menufile, menuhelp, menunavig; if (setcontrol) { for (neweditor = editors; neweditor; neweditor = neweditor->next) { if (neweditor->scintilla) { SendMessage(neweditor->editpane, SCI_MARKERDELETEALL, 1, 0); SendMessage(neweditor->editpane, SCI_MARKERDELETEALL, 2, 0); } } } if (!name) return; for (neweditor = editors; neweditor; neweditor = neweditor->next) { if (neweditor->window && !strcmp(neweditor->filename, name)) { if (line >= 0) { Edit_SetSel(neweditor->editpane, Edit_LineIndex(neweditor->editpane, line), Edit_LineIndex(neweditor->editpane, line+1)-1); Edit_ScrollCaret(neweditor->editpane); if (setcontrol && neweditor->scintilla) { SendMessage(neweditor->editpane, SCI_MARKERADD, line, 1); SendMessage(neweditor->editpane, SCI_MARKERADD, line, 2); } } if (mdibox) SendMessage(mdibox, WM_MDIACTIVATE, (WPARAM)neweditor->window, 0); SetFocus(neweditor->window); SetFocus(neweditor->editpane); return; } } if (QCC_RawFileSize(name) == -1) { QC_snprintfz(title, sizeof(title), "File not found:\n%s\nCreate it?", name); if (MessageBox(NULL, title, "Error", MB_ICONWARNING|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2) != IDYES) return; } neweditor = malloc(sizeof(editor_t)); if (!neweditor) { MessageBox(NULL, "Low memory", "Error", 0); return; } neweditor->next = editors; editors = neweditor; neweditor->savefmt = UTF8_RAW; strncpy(neweditor->filename, name, sizeof(neweditor->filename)-1); if (!mdibox) { menu = CreateMenu(); menufile = CreateMenu(); menuhelp = CreateMenu(); menunavig = CreateMenu(); AppendMenu(menu, MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)menufile, "&File"); AppendMenu(menu, MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)menunavig, "&Navigation"); AppendMenu(menu, MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)menuhelp, "&Help"); AppendMenu(menufile, 0, IDM_OPENNEW, "Open new file "); AppendMenu(menufile, 0, IDM_SAVE, "&Save "); // AppendMenu(menufile, 0, IDM_FIND, "&Find"); AppendMenu(menufile, 0, IDM_UNDO, "Undo Ctrl+Z"); AppendMenu(menufile, 0, IDM_REDO, "Redo Ctrl+Y"); AppendMenu(menunavig, 0, IDM_GOTODEF, "Go to definition"); AppendMenu(menunavig, 0, IDM_OPENDOCU, "Open selected file"); AppendMenu(menuhelp, 0, IDM_ABOUT, "About"); } wndclass.style = 0; wndclass.lpfnWndProc = EditorWndProc; wndclass.cbClsExtra = 0; wndclass.cbWndExtra = 0; wndclass.hInstance = ghInstance; wndclass.hIcon = 0; wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor (NULL,IDC_ARROW); wndclass.hbrBackground = (void *)COLOR_WINDOW; wndclass.lpszMenuName = 0; wndclass.lpszClassName = EDIT_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME; RegisterClass(&wndclass); neweditor->window = NULL; if (mdibox) { MDICREATESTRUCT mcs; sprintf(title, "%s", name); mcs.szClass = EDIT_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME; mcs.szTitle = name; mcs.hOwner = ghInstance; mcs.x = mcs.cx = CW_USEDEFAULT; mcs.y = mcs.cy = CW_USEDEFAULT; mcs.style = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; mcs.lParam = 0; neweditor->window = (HWND) SendMessage (mdibox, WM_MDICREATE, 0, (LONG_PTR) (LPMDICREATESTRUCT) &mcs); } else { sprintf(title, "%s - FTEEditor", name); neweditor->window=CreateWindow(EDIT_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME, title, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 0, 0, 640, 480, NULL, NULL, ghInstance, NULL); } if (!mdibox) SetMenu(neweditor->window, menu); if (!neweditor->window) { MessageBox(NULL, "Failed to create editor window", "Error", 0); return; } SetWindowLongPtr(neweditor->window, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)neweditor); EditorReload(neweditor); if (line >= 0) Edit_SetSel(neweditor->editpane, Edit_LineIndex(neweditor->editpane, line), Edit_LineIndex(neweditor->editpane, line+1)); else Edit_SetSel(neweditor->editpane, Edit_LineIndex(neweditor->editpane, 0), Edit_LineIndex(neweditor->editpane, 0)); Edit_ScrollCaret(neweditor->editpane); ShowWindow(neweditor->window, SW_SHOW); SetFocus(mainwindow); SetFocus(neweditor->window); SetFocus(neweditor->editpane); if (setcontrol && neweditor->scintilla) { SendMessage(neweditor->editpane, SCI_MARKERADD, line, 1); SendMessage(neweditor->editpane, SCI_MARKERADD, line, 2); } } int EditorSave(editor_t *edit) { DWORD selstart; char title[2048]; struct stat sbuf; int len; wchar_t *wfile; char *afile; BOOL failed = TRUE; int saved = false; if (edit->scintilla) { //wordpad will corrupt any embedded quake chars if we force a bom, because it'll re-save using the wrong char encoding by default. int bomlen = 0; if (edit->savefmt == UTF32BE || edit->savefmt == UTF32LE || edit->savefmt == UTF16BE) edit->savefmt = UTF16LE; if (edit->savefmt == UTF8_BOM) bomlen = 3; else if (edit->savefmt == UTF16BE || edit->savefmt == UTF16LE) bomlen = 2; else if (edit->savefmt == UTF32BE || edit->savefmt == UTF32LE) bomlen = 4; len = SendMessage(edit->editpane, SCI_GETLENGTH, 0, 0); afile = malloc(bomlen+len+1); if (!afile) { MessageBox(NULL, "Save failed - not enough mem", "Error", 0); return false; } if (bomlen == 3) memcpy(afile, "\xEF\xBB\xBF", bomlen); else memcpy(afile, "\xFF\xFE\x00\x00", bomlen); //utf-16le or utf-32le. don't bother with be SendMessage(edit->editpane, SCI_GETTEXT, len+1, bomlen+(LPARAM)afile); //because wordpad saves in ansi by default instead of the format the file was originally saved in, we HAVE to use ansi without if (edit->savefmt != UTF8_BOM && edit->savefmt != UTF8_RAW) { int mchars; char *mc; int wchars = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, afile, len, NULL, 0); if (wchars) { wchar_t *wc = malloc(wchars * sizeof(wchar_t)); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, afile, len, wc, wchars); if (edit->savefmt == UTF_ANSI) { mchars = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wc, wchars, NULL, 0, "", &failed); if (mchars) { mc = malloc(mchars); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wc, wchars, mc, mchars, "", &failed); if (!failed) { if (!QCC_WriteFile(edit->filename, mc, mchars)) saved = -1; else saved = true; } free(mc); } } else { if (!QCC_WriteFile(edit->filename, wc, wchars)) saved = -1; else saved = true; } free(wc); } } if (!saved) { if (!QCC_WriteFile(edit->filename, afile, bomlen+len)) saved = -1; else saved = true; } free(afile); if (saved < 0) { free(afile); MessageBox(NULL, "Save failed\nCheck path and ReadOnly flags", "Failure", 0); return false; } SendMessage(edit->editpane, SCI_SETSAVEPOINT, 0, 0); } else { len = GetWindowTextLengthW(edit->editpane); wfile = malloc((len+1)*2); if (!wfile) { MessageBox(NULL, "Save failed - not enough mem", "Error", 0); return false; } GetWindowTextW(edit->editpane, wfile, len+1); if (!QCC_WriteFileW(edit->filename, wfile, len)) { free(wfile); MessageBox(NULL, "Save failed\nCheck path and ReadOnly flags", "Failure", 0); return false; } free(wfile); } /*now whatever is on disk should have the current time*/ edit->modified = false; stat(edit->filename, &sbuf); edit->filemodifiedtime = sbuf.st_mtime; //remove the * in a silly way. SendMessage(edit->editpane, EM_GETSEL, (WPARAM)&selstart, (LPARAM)0); sprintf(title, "%s:%i - FTEQCC Editor", edit->filename, 1+Edit_LineFromChar(edit->editpane, selstart)); SetWindowText(edit->window, title); return true; } void EditorsRun(void) { } char *GUIReadFile(const char *fname, void *buffer, int blen, size_t *sz) { editor_t *e; for (e = editors; e; e = e->next) { if (e->window && !strcmp(e->filename, fname)) { // int elen = GetWindowTextLengthW(e->editpane); //our qcc itself is fine with utf-16, so long as it has a BOM. if (e->scintilla) { SendMessage(e->editpane, SCI_GETTEXT, blen, (LPARAM)buffer); } else { *(wchar_t*)buffer = 0xfeff; GetWindowTextW(e->editpane, (wchar_t*)buffer+1, blen); } if (e->modified) { if (EditorModified(e)) { if (MessageBox(e->window, "File was modified on disk. Overwrite?", e->filename, MB_YESNO) == IDYES) { if (e->scintilla) { QCC_WriteFile(e->filename, buffer, blen); SendMessage(e->editpane, SCI_SETSAVEPOINT, 0, 0); //tell the control that it was saved. } else QCC_WriteFileW(e->filename, (wchar_t*)buffer+1, blen); } } } return buffer; } } return QCC_ReadFile(fname, buffer, blen, NULL); } int GUIFileSize(const char *fname) { editor_t *e; for (e = editors; e; e = e->next) { if (e->window && !strcmp(e->filename, fname)) { int len; if (e->scintilla) len = SendMessage(e->editpane, SCI_GETLENGTH, 0, 0); else len = (GetWindowTextLengthW(e->editpane)+1)*2; return len; } } return QCC_PopFileSize(fname); } /*checks if the file has been modified externally*/ pbool EditorModified(editor_t *e) { struct stat sbuf; stat(e->filename, &sbuf); if (e->filemodifiedtime != sbuf.st_mtime) return true; return false; } char *COM_ParseOut (const char *data, char *out, int outlen) { int c; int len; len = 0; out[0] = 0; if (!data) return NULL; // skip whitespace skipwhite: while ( (c = *data) <= ' ') { if (c == 0) return NULL; // end of file; data++; } // skip // comments if (c=='/') { if (data[1] == '/') { while (*data && *data != '\n') data++; goto skipwhite; } } //skip / * comments if (c == '/' && data[1] == '*') { data+=2; while(*data) { if (*data == '*' && data[1] == '/') { data+=2; goto skipwhite; } data++; } goto skipwhite; } // handle marked up quoted strings specially (c-style, but with leading \ before normal opening ") if (c == '\\' && data[1] == '\"') { data+=2; while (1) { if (len >= outlen-2) { out[len] = '\0'; return (char*)data; } c = *data++; if (!c) { out[len] = 0; return (char*)data-1; } if (c == '\\') { c = *data++; switch(c) { case '\r': if (*data == '\n') data++; case '\n': continue; case 'n': c = '\n'; break; case 't': c = '\t'; break; case 'r': c = '\r'; break; case '$': case '\\': case '\'': break; case '"': c = '"'; out[len] = c; len++; continue; default: c = '?'; break; } } if (c=='\"' || !c) { out[len] = 0; return (char*)data; } out[len] = c; len++; } } // handle legacy quoted strings specially if (c == '\"') { data++; while (1) { if (len >= outlen-1) { out[len] = 0; return (char*)data; } c = *data++; if (c=='\"' || !c) { out[len] = 0; return (char*)data; } out[len] = c; len++; } } // parse a regular word do { if (len >= outlen-1) { out[len] = 0; return (char*)data; } out[len] = c; data++; len++; c = *data; } while (c>32); out[len] = 0; return (char*)data; } static void EngineGiveFocus(void) { HWND game; if (gamewindow) { enginewindow_t *ctx = (enginewindow_t*)(LONG_PTR)GetWindowLongPtr(gamewindow, GWLP_USERDATA); if (ctx) { if (ctx->refocuswindow) { SetForegroundWindow(ctx->refocuswindow); return; } } SetFocus(gamewindow); game = GetWindow(gamewindow, GW_CHILD); if (game) SetForegroundWindow(game); //make sure the game itself has focus } } static pbool EngineCommandWnd(HWND wnd, char *message) { //qcresume - resume running //qcinto - singlestep. execute-with-debugging child functions //qcover - singlestep. execute-without-debugging child functions //qcout - singlestep. leave current function and enter parent. //qcbreak "$loc" - set breakpoint //qcwatch "$var" - set watchpoint //qcstack - force-report stack trace enginewindow_t *ctx; if (wnd) { ctx = (enginewindow_t*)(LONG_PTR)GetWindowLongPtr(gamewindow, GWLP_USERDATA); if (ctx) { if (ctx->pipetoengine) { DWORD written = 0; WriteFile(ctx->pipetoengine, message, strlen(message), &written, NULL); return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } static pbool EngineCommandf(char *message, ...) { va_list va; char finalmessage[1024]; va_start (va, message); vsnprintf (finalmessage, sizeof(finalmessage)-1, message, va); va_end (va); return EngineCommandWnd(gamewindow, finalmessage); } static pbool EngineCommandWndf(HWND wnd, char *message, ...) { va_list va; char finalmessage[1024]; va_start (va, message); vsnprintf (finalmessage, sizeof(finalmessage)-1, message, va); va_end (va); return EngineCommandWnd(wnd, finalmessage); } unsigned int WINAPI threadwrapper(void *args) { enginewindow_t *ctx = args; { char workingdir[MAX_PATH+10]; char absexe[MAX_PATH+10]; char absbase[MAX_PATH+10]; char mssucks[MAX_PATH+10]; char *gah; PROCESS_INFORMATION childinfo; STARTUPINFO startinfo; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pipesec = {sizeof(pipesec), NULL, TRUE}; char cmdline[8192]; _snprintf(cmdline, sizeof(cmdline), "\"%s\" %s -qcdebug", enginebinary, enginecommandline); memset(&startinfo, 0, sizeof(startinfo)); startinfo.cb = sizeof(startinfo); startinfo.hStdInput = NULL; startinfo.hStdError = NULL; startinfo.hStdOutput = NULL; startinfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; //create pipes for the stdin/stdout. CreatePipe(&ctx->pipefromengine, &startinfo.hStdOutput, &pipesec, 0); CreatePipe(&startinfo.hStdInput, &ctx->pipetoengine, &pipesec, 0); SetHandleInformation(ctx->pipefromengine, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0); SetHandleInformation(ctx->pipetoengine, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0); //let the engine know who to give focus to { char message[256]; DWORD written; _snprintf(message, sizeof(message)-1, "debuggerwnd %#p\n", (void*)mainwindow); WriteFile(ctx->pipetoengine, message, strlen(message), &written, NULL); } //let the engine know which window to embed itself in if (ctx->embedtype) { char message[256]; DWORD written; RECT rect; GetClientRect(ctx->window, &rect); _snprintf(message, sizeof(message)-1, "vid_recenter %i %i %i %i %#p\n", 0, 0, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom-rect.top, (void*)ctx->window); WriteFile(ctx->pipetoengine, message, strlen(message), &written, NULL); } GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(workingdir)-1, workingdir); strcpy(mssucks, enginebasedir); while ((gah = strchr(mssucks, '/'))) *gah = '\\'; PathCombine(absbase, workingdir, mssucks); strcpy(mssucks, enginebinary); while ((gah = strchr(mssucks, '/'))) *gah = '\\'; PathCombine(absexe, absbase, mssucks); if (!CreateProcess(absexe, cmdline, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, absbase, &startinfo, &childinfo)) { HRESULT hr = GetLastError(); switch(hr) { case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: MessageBox(mainwindow, "File Not Found", "Cannot Start Engine", 0); break; case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: MessageBox(mainwindow, "Path Not Found", "Cannot Start Engine", 0); break; case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: MessageBox(mainwindow, "Access Denied", "Cannot Start Engine", 0); break; default: MessageBox(mainwindow, qcva("gla: %x", hr), "Cannot Start Engine", 0); break; } } //these ends of the pipes were inherited by now, so we can discard them in the caller. CloseHandle(startinfo.hStdOutput); CloseHandle(startinfo.hStdInput); } { char buffer[8192]; unsigned int bufoffs = 0; char *nl; while(1) { DWORD avail; //use Peek so we can read exactly how much there is without blocking, so we don't have to read byte-by-byte. PeekNamedPipe(ctx->pipefromengine, NULL, 0, NULL, &avail, NULL); if (!avail) avail = 1; //so we do actually sleep. if (avail > sizeof(buffer)-1 - bufoffs) avail = sizeof(buffer)-1 - bufoffs; if (!ReadFile(ctx->pipefromengine, buffer + bufoffs, avail, &avail, NULL) || !avail) { break; } bufoffs += avail; while(1) { buffer[bufoffs] = 0; nl = strchr(buffer, '\n'); if (nl) { *nl = 0; if (!strncmp(buffer, "status ", 7)) { //SetWindowText(ctx->window, buffer+7); } else if (!strcmp(buffer, "status")) { //SetWindowText(ctx->window, "Engine"); } else if (!strcmp(buffer, "curserver")) { //not interesting } else if (!strncmp(buffer, "qcstack ", 6)) { //qcvm is giving a stack trace //stack reset //stack "$func" "$loc" //local $depth } else if (!strncmp(buffer, "qcstep ", 7) || !strncmp(buffer, "qcfault ", 8)) { //post it, because of thread ownership issues. static char filenamebuffer[256]; char line[16]; char error[256]; char *l = COM_ParseOut(buffer+7, filenamebuffer, sizeof(filenamebuffer)); while (*l == ' ') l++; if (*l == ':') l++; l = COM_ParseOut(l, line, sizeof(line)); l = COM_ParseOut(l, error, sizeof(error)); PostMessage(ctx->window, WM_USER, atoi(line), (LPARAM)filenamebuffer); //and tell the owning window to try to close it again if (*error) PostMessage(ctx->window, WM_USER+3, 0, (LPARAM)strdup(error)); //and tell the owning window to try to close it again } else if (!strncmp(buffer, "qcvalue ", 8)) { //qcvalue "$variableformula" "$value" //update tooltip to show engine's current value PostMessage(ctx->window, WM_USER+2, 0, (LPARAM)strdup(buffer+8)); //and tell the owning window to try to close it again } else if (!strncmp(buffer, "qcreloaded ", 10)) { //so we can resend any breakpoint commands //qcreloaded "$vmname" "$progsname" char caption[256]; HWND gw = GetWindow(ctx->window, GW_CHILD); if (gw) { GetWindowText(gw, caption, sizeof(caption)); SetWindowText(ctx->window, caption); } PostMessage(ctx->window, WM_USER+1, 0, 0); //and tell the owning window to try to close it again } else if (!strncmp(buffer, "refocuswindow", 13) && (buffer[13] == ' ' || !buffer[13])) { char *l = buffer+13; while(*l == ' ') l++; ctx->refocuswindow = (HWND)strtoul(l, &l, 0); ShowWindow(ctx->window, SW_HIDE); } else { //handle anything else we need to handle here printf("Unknown command from engine \"%s\"\n", buffer); } nl++; bufoffs -= (nl-buffer); memmove(buffer, nl, bufoffs); } else break; } } CloseHandle(ctx->pipefromengine); ctx->pipefromengine = NULL; CloseHandle(ctx->pipetoengine); ctx->pipetoengine = NULL; } ctx->pipeclosed = true; PostMessage(ctx->window, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); //and tell the owning window to try to close it again return 0; } static LRESULT CALLBACK EngineWndProc(HWND hWnd,UINT message, WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { enginewindow_t *ctx; editor_t *editor; switch (message) { case WM_CREATE: ctx = malloc(sizeof(*ctx)); memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx)); SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)ctx); ctx->window = hWnd; ctx->embedtype = (int)((CREATESTRUCT*)lParam)->lpCreateParams; ctx->thread = (HANDLE)CreateThread(NULL, 0, threadwrapper, ctx, 0, &ctx->tid); break; case WM_SIZE: ctx = (enginewindow_t*)(LONG_PTR)GetWindowLongPtr(gamewindow, GWLP_USERDATA); if (ctx && ctx->embedtype) { RECT r; GetClientRect(hWnd, &r); EngineCommandWndf(hWnd, "vid_recenter %i %i %i %i %#p\n", r.left, r.top, r.right-r.left, r.bottom - r.top, (void*)ctx->window); } goto gdefault; case WM_CLOSE: //ask the engine to quit ctx = (enginewindow_t*)(LONG_PTR)GetWindowLongPtr(gamewindow, GWLP_USERDATA); if (ctx && !ctx->pipeclosed) { EngineCommandWnd(hWnd, "quit force\n"); break; } goto gdefault; case WM_DESTROY: EngineCommandWnd(hWnd, "quit force\n"); //just in case ctx = (enginewindow_t*)(LONG_PTR)GetWindowLongPtr(gamewindow, GWLP_USERDATA); if (ctx) { WaitForSingleObject(ctx->thread, INFINITE); CloseHandle(ctx->thread); free(ctx); } if (hWnd == gamewindow) gamewindow = NULL; break; case WM_USER: //engine broke. show code. if (lParam) SetForegroundWindow(mainwindow); EditFile((char*)lParam, wParam-1, true); break; case WM_USER+1: //engine loaded a progs, reset breakpoints. for (editor = editors; editor; editor = editor->next) { int line = -1; if (!editor->scintilla) continue; for (;;) { line = SendMessage(editor->editpane, SCI_MARKERNEXT, line, 1); if (line == -1) break; //no more. line++; EngineCommandWndf(hWnd, "qcbreakpoint 1 \"%s\" %i\n", editor->filename, line); } } //and now let the engine continue SetFocus(hWnd); EngineCommandWnd(hWnd, "qcresume\n"); break; case WM_USER+2: { char varname[1024]; char varvalue[1024]; char *line = (char*)lParam; line = COM_ParseOut(line, varname, sizeof(varname)); line = COM_ParseOut(line, varvalue, sizeof(varvalue)); if (tooltip_editor && !strcmp(varname, tooltip_variable)) { char tip[2048]; if (*tooltip_comment) _snprintf(tip, sizeof(tip)-1, "%s %s = %s\r\n%s", tooltip_type, tooltip_variable, varvalue, tooltip_comment); else _snprintf(tip, sizeof(tip)-1, "%s %s = %s", tooltip_type, tooltip_variable, varvalue); SendMessage(tooltip_editor->editpane, SCI_CALLTIPSHOW, (WPARAM)tooltip_position, (LPARAM)tip); } free((char*)lParam); } break; case WM_USER+3: { char *msg = (char*)lParam; MessageBox(mainwindow, msg, "QC Fault", 0); free(msg); } break; default: gdefault: return DefMDIChildProc(hWnd,message,wParam,lParam); } return 0; } static INT CALLBACK StupidBrowseCallbackProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPARAM lp, LPARAM pData) { //'stolen' from microsoft's knowledge base. //required to work around microsoft being annoying. TCHAR szDir[MAX_PATH]; char *foo; switch(uMsg) { case BFFM_INITIALIZED: if (GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(szDir)/sizeof(TCHAR), szDir)) { foo = strrchr(szDir, '\\'); if (foo) *foo = 0; foo = strrchr(szDir, '\\'); if (foo) *foo = 0; SendMessage(hwnd, BFFM_SETSELECTION, TRUE, (LPARAM)szDir); } break; case BFFM_SELCHANGED: if (SHGetPathFromIDList((LPITEMIDLIST) lp ,szDir)) { while(foo = strchr(szDir, '\\')) *foo = '/'; //fixme: verify that id1 is a subdir perhaps? SendMessage(hwnd,BFFM_SETSTATUSTEXT,0,(LPARAM)szDir); } break; } return 0; } void PromptForEngine(int force) { #ifndef OFN_DONTADDTORECENT #define OFN_DONTADDTORECENT 0x02000000 #endif char oldworkingdir[MAX_PATH+10]; //cmdlg changes it... char workingdir[MAX_PATH+10]; GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(oldworkingdir)-1, oldworkingdir); if (!*enginebasedir || force==1) { BROWSEINFO bi; LPITEMIDLIST il; memset(&bi, 0, sizeof(bi)); bi.hwndOwner = mainwindow; bi.pidlRoot = NULL; GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(workingdir)-1, workingdir); bi.pszDisplayName = workingdir; bi.lpszTitle = "Please locate your base directory"; bi.ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS|BIF_STATUSTEXT; bi.lpfn = StupidBrowseCallbackProc; bi.lParam = 0; bi.iImage = 0; il = SHBrowseForFolder(&bi); SetCurrentDirectory(oldworkingdir); //revert microsoft stupidity. if (il) { char *foo; char absbase[MAX_PATH+10]; SHGetPathFromIDList(il, absbase); CoTaskMemFree(il); GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(workingdir)-1, workingdir); //use the relative path instead. this'll be stored in a file, and I expect people will zip+email without thinking. if (!PathRelativePathToA(enginebasedir, workingdir, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, absbase, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) QC_strlcpy(enginebasedir, absbase, sizeof(enginebasedir)); while(foo = strchr(enginebasedir, '\\')) *foo = '/'; } else return; if (optionsmenu) DestroyWindow(optionsmenu); buttons[ID_OPTIONS].washit = true; } if (!*enginebinary || force==2) { char *s; char initialdir[MAX_PATH+10]; char absengine[MAX_PATH+10]; OPENFILENAME ofn; pbool okay; memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = mainwindow; ofn.hInstance = ghInstance; ofn.lpstrFile = absengine; ofn.Flags = OFN_EXPLORER|OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST|OFN_DONTADDTORECENT; ofn.lpstrTitle = "Please choose an engine"; ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(enginebinary)-1; ofn.lpstrFilter = "Executables\0*.exe\0All files\0*.*\0"; GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(workingdir)-1, workingdir); _snprintf(absengine, sizeof(absengine), "%s/", enginebasedir); for (s = absengine; *s; s++) if (*s == '/') *s = '\\'; PathCombine(initialdir, workingdir, absengine); strcpy(absengine, "fteglqw.exe"); //and the fuck-you-microsoft loop for (s = initialdir; *s; s++) if (*s == '/') *s = '\\'; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = initialdir; okay = GetOpenFileName(&ofn); while (!okay) { switch(CommDlgExtendedError()) { case FNERR_INVALIDFILENAME: *enginebinary = 0; okay = GetOpenFileName(&ofn); continue; } break; } if (!PathRelativePathToA(enginebinary, initialdir, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, absengine, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) QC_strlcpy(enginebinary, absengine, sizeof(enginebasedir)); if (!strncmp(enginebinary, ".\\", 2)) memmove(enginebinary, enginebinary+2, strlen(enginebinary+2)+1); //undo any damage caused by microsoft's stupidity SetCurrentDirectory(oldworkingdir); if (!okay) return; if (optionsmenu) DestroyWindow(optionsmenu); buttons[ID_OPTIONS].washit = true; if (*enginebinary && (!*enginecommandline || force==2)) { char absbase[MAX_PATH+10]; char guessdir[MAX_PATH+10]; char *slash; GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(workingdir)-1, workingdir); _snprintf(guessdir, sizeof(guessdir), "%s/", enginebasedir); for (s = guessdir; *s; s++) if (*s == '/') *s = '\\'; PathCombine(absbase, workingdir, guessdir); if (PathRelativePathToA(guessdir, absbase, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, workingdir, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { if (!strncmp(guessdir, ".\\", 2)) memmove(guessdir, guessdir+2, strlen(guessdir+2)+1); slash = strchr(guessdir, '/'); if (slash) *slash = 0; slash = strchr(guessdir, '\\'); if (slash) *slash = 0; if (!*guessdir) QC_snprintfz(enginecommandline, sizeof(enginecommandline), "-window -nohome"); else if (!strchr(guessdir, ' ')) QC_snprintfz(enginecommandline, sizeof(enginecommandline), "-window -nohome -game %s", guessdir); else QC_snprintfz(enginecommandline, sizeof(enginecommandline), "-window -nohome -game \"%s\"", guessdir); } } } } void RunEngine(void) { int embedtype = 0; //0 has focus issues. if (!gamewindow) { WNDCLASS wndclass; MDICREATESTRUCT mcs; PromptForEngine(0); memset(&wndclass, 0, sizeof(wndclass)); wndclass.style = 0; wndclass.lpfnWndProc = EngineWndProc; wndclass.cbClsExtra = 0; wndclass.cbWndExtra = 0; wndclass.hInstance = ghInstance; wndclass.hIcon = 0; wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor (NULL,IDC_ARROW); wndclass.hbrBackground = (void *)COLOR_WINDOW; wndclass.lpszMenuName = 0; wndclass.lpszClassName = ENGINE_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME; RegisterClass(&wndclass); if (embedtype != 2) { gamewindow = CreateWindowA(ENGINE_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME, "Debug", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 0, 0, 640, 480, NULL, NULL, ghInstance, (void*)embedtype); if (embedtype) ShowWindow(gamewindow, SW_SHOW); } else { memset(&mcs, 0, sizeof(mcs)); mcs.szClass = ENGINE_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME; mcs.szTitle = "Debug"; mcs.hOwner = ghInstance; mcs.x = CW_USEDEFAULT; mcs.y = CW_USEDEFAULT; mcs.cx = 640; mcs.cy = 480; mcs.style = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; mcs.lParam = embedtype; gamewindow = (HWND) SendMessage (mdibox, WM_MDICREATE, 0, (LONG_PTR) (LPMDICREATESTRUCT) &mcs); } } else { enginewindow_t *e = (enginewindow_t*)(LONG_PTR)GetWindowLongPtr(gamewindow, GWLP_USERDATA); } // SendMessage(mdibox, WM_MDIACTIVATE, (WPARAM)gamewindow, 0); } HWND targitem_hexen2; HWND targitem_fte; HWND nokeywords_coexistitem; HWND autoprototype_item; //HWND autohighlight_item; HWND extraparmsitem; #ifdef EMBEDDEBUG HWND w_enginebinary; HWND w_enginebasedir; HWND w_enginecommandline; #endif static LRESULT CALLBACK OptionsWndProc(HWND hWnd,UINT message, WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { int i; switch (message) { case WM_DESTROY: optionsmenu = NULL; break; case WM_COMMAND: switch(wParam) { case IDI_O_APPLYSAVE: case IDI_O_APPLY: for (i = 0; optimisations[i].enabled; i++) { if (optimisations[i].flags & FLAG_HIDDENINGUI) continue; if (Button_GetCheck(optimisations[i].guiinfo)) optimisations[i].flags |= FLAG_SETINGUI; else optimisations[i].flags &= ~FLAG_SETINGUI; } fl_hexen2 = Button_GetCheck(targitem_hexen2); fl_ftetarg = Button_GetCheck(targitem_fte); for (i = 0; compiler_flag[i].enabled; i++) { if (compiler_flag[i].flags & FLAG_HIDDENINGUI) continue; if (Button_GetCheck(compiler_flag[i].guiinfo)) compiler_flag[i].flags |= FLAG_SETINGUI; else compiler_flag[i].flags &= ~FLAG_SETINGUI; } Edit_GetText(extraparmsitem, parameters, sizeof(parameters)-1); #ifdef EMBEDDEBUG Edit_GetText(w_enginebinary, enginebinary, sizeof(enginebinary)-1); Edit_GetText(w_enginebasedir, enginebasedir, sizeof(enginebasedir)-1); Edit_GetText(w_enginecommandline, enginecommandline, sizeof(enginecommandline)-1); #endif if (wParam == IDI_O_APPLYSAVE) GUI_SaveConfig(); DestroyWindow(hWnd); break; case IDI_O_CHANGE_PROGS_SRC: { char *s, *s2; char filename[MAX_PATH]; char oldpath[MAX_PATH+10]; OPENFILENAME ofn; memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hInstance = ghInstance; ofn.lpstrFile = filename; ofn.lpstrTitle = "Please find progs.src"; ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(filename)-1; ofn.lpstrFilter = "QuakeC source\0*.src\0All files\0*.*\0"; memset(filename, 0, sizeof(filename)); GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(oldpath)-1, oldpath); ofn.lpstrInitialDir = oldpath; if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) { strcpy(progssrcdir, filename); for(s = progssrcdir; s; s = s2) { s2 = strchr(s+1, '\\'); if (!s2) break; s = s2; } if (s) { *s = '\0'; strcpy(progssrcname, s+1); } else strcpy(progssrcname, filename); SetCurrentDirectory(progssrcdir); *progssrcdir = '\0'; } resetprogssrc = true; } break; case IDI_O_LEVEL0: case IDI_O_LEVEL1: case IDI_O_LEVEL2: case IDI_O_LEVEL3: for (i = 0; optimisations[i].enabled; i++) { if (optimisations[i].flags & FLAG_HIDDENINGUI) continue; if (optimisations[i].optimisationlevel<=(int)wParam-IDI_O_LEVEL0) Button_SetCheck(optimisations[i].guiinfo, 1); else Button_SetCheck(optimisations[i].guiinfo, 0); } if (!fl_nondfltopts) { for (i = 0; optimisations[i].enabled; i++) { if (optimisations[i].guiinfo) EnableWindow(optimisations[i].guiinfo, TRUE); } fl_nondfltopts = true; } break; case IDI_O_DEBUG: for (i = 0; optimisations[i].enabled; i++) { if (optimisations[i].flags & FLAG_HIDDENINGUI) continue; if (optimisations[i].flags&FLAG_KILLSDEBUGGERS) Button_SetCheck(optimisations[i].guiinfo, 0); } if (!fl_nondfltopts) { for (i = 0; optimisations[i].enabled; i++) { if (optimisations[i].guiinfo) EnableWindow(optimisations[i].guiinfo, TRUE); } fl_nondfltopts = true; } break; case IDI_O_DEFAULT: for (i = 0; optimisations[i].enabled; i++) { if (optimisations[i].flags & FLAG_HIDDENINGUI) continue; if (optimisations[i].flags & FLAG_ASDEFAULT) Button_SetCheck(optimisations[i].guiinfo, 1); else Button_SetCheck(optimisations[i].guiinfo, 0); } if (fl_nondfltopts) { for (i = 0; optimisations[i].enabled; i++) { if (optimisations[i].guiinfo) EnableWindow(optimisations[i].guiinfo, FALSE); } fl_nondfltopts = false; } break; } break; case WM_HELP: { HELPINFO *hi; hi = (HELPINFO *)lParam; switch(hi->iCtrlId) { case IDI_O_DEFAULT: MessageBox(hWnd, "Sets the default optimisations", "Help", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION); break; case IDI_O_DEBUG: MessageBox(hWnd, "Clears all optimisations which can make your progs harder to debug", "Help", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION); break; case IDI_O_LEVEL0: case IDI_O_LEVEL1: case IDI_O_LEVEL2: case IDI_O_LEVEL3: MessageBox(hWnd, "Sets a specific optimisation level", "Help", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION); break; case IDI_O_CHANGE_PROGS_SRC: MessageBox(hWnd, "Use this button to change your root source file.\nNote that fteqcc compiles sourcefiles from editors first, rather than saving. This means that changes are saved ONLY when you save them, but means that switching project mid-compile can result in problems.", "Help", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION); break; case IDI_O_ADDITIONALPARAMETERS: MessageBox(hWnd, "Type in additional commandline parameters here. Use -Dname to define a named precompiler constant before compiling.", "Help", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION); break; case IDI_O_APPLY: MessageBox(hWnd, "Apply changes shown.", "Help", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION); break; case IDI_O_APPLYSAVE: MessageBox(hWnd, "Apply changes shown and save the settings for next time.", "Help", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION); break; case IDI_O_OPTIMISATION: for (i = 0; optimisations[i].enabled; i++) { if (optimisations[i].guiinfo == hi->hItemHandle) { MessageBox(hWnd, optimisations[i].description, "Help", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION); break; } } break; case IDI_O_COMPILER_FLAG: for (i = 0; compiler_flag[i].enabled; i++) { if (compiler_flag[i].guiinfo == hi->hItemHandle) { MessageBox(hWnd, compiler_flag[i].description, "Help", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION); break; } } break; case IDI_O_TARGETH2: MessageBox(hWnd, "Click here to compile a hexen2 compatible progs, as well as enable all hexen2 keywords. Note that this uses the -Thexen2. There are other targets available.", "Help", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION); break; case IDI_O_TARGETFTE: MessageBox(hWnd, "Click here to allow the use of extended instructions not found in the original instruction set.", "Help", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION); break; } } break; default: return DefWindowProc(hWnd,message,wParam,lParam); } return 0; } void OptionsDialog(void) { char nicername[256], *us; HWND subsection; RECT r; WNDCLASS wndclass; HWND wnd; int i; int flagcolums=1; int x; int y; int my; int height; int num; int cflagsshown; if (optionsmenu) { BringWindowToTop(optionsmenu); return; } memset(&wndclass, 0, sizeof(wndclass)); wndclass.style = 0; wndclass.lpfnWndProc = OptionsWndProc; wndclass.cbClsExtra = 0; wndclass.cbWndExtra = 0; wndclass.hInstance = ghInstance; wndclass.hIcon = 0; wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor (NULL,IDC_ARROW); wndclass.hbrBackground = (void *)COLOR_WINDOW; wndclass.lpszMenuName = 0; wndclass.lpszClassName = OPTIONS_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME; RegisterClass(&wndclass); height = 0; for (i = 0; optimisations[i].enabled; i++) { if (optimisations[i].flags & FLAG_HIDDENINGUI) continue; height++; } cflagsshown = 0; for (i = 0; compiler_flag[i].enabled; i++) { if (compiler_flag[i].flags & FLAG_HIDDENINGUI) continue; cflagsshown++; } height = (height+1)/2; height *= 16; height += 112; while (cflagsshown*16 > height*flagcolums) flagcolums++; if (height < (cflagsshown*16)/flagcolums) height = (cflagsshown*16)/flagcolums; r.right = 408 + flagcolums*168; if (r.right < 640) r.right = 640; height += 88; r.left = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)/2-320; r.top = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)/2-240; r.bottom = r.top + height; r.right += r.left; AdjustWindowRectEx (&r, WS_CAPTION|WS_SYSMENU, FALSE, 0); optionsmenu=CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP, OPTIONS_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME, "Options - FTE QuakeC compiler", WS_CAPTION|WS_SYSMENU, r.left, r.top, r.right-r.left, r.bottom-r.top, NULL, NULL, ghInstance, NULL); subsection = CreateWindow("BUTTON", "Optimisations", WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_GROUPBOX, 0, 0, 400, height-40*4+24, optionsmenu, NULL, ghInstance, NULL); num = 0; for (i = 0; optimisations[i].enabled; i++) { if (optimisations[i].flags & FLAG_HIDDENINGUI) { optimisations[i].guiinfo = NULL; continue; } QC_strlcpy(nicername, optimisations[i].fullname, sizeof(nicername)); while((us = strchr(nicername, '_'))) *us = ' '; optimisations[i].guiinfo = wnd = CreateWindow("BUTTON",nicername, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, 8+200*(num&1),16+16*(num/2),200-16,16, subsection, (HMENU)IDI_O_OPTIMISATION, ghInstance, NULL); if (optimisations[i].flags&FLAG_SETINGUI) Button_SetCheck(wnd, 1); else Button_SetCheck(wnd, 0); if (!fl_nondfltopts) EnableWindow(wnd, FALSE); num++; } CreateWindow("BUTTON","O0", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 8,height-40*5+24,64,32, optionsmenu, (HMENU)IDI_O_LEVEL0, ghInstance, NULL); CreateWindow("BUTTON","O1", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 8+64,height-40*5+24,64,32, optionsmenu, (HMENU)IDI_O_LEVEL1, ghInstance, NULL); CreateWindow("BUTTON","O2", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 8+64*2,height-40*5+24,64,32, optionsmenu, (HMENU)IDI_O_LEVEL2, ghInstance, NULL); CreateWindow("BUTTON","O3", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 8+64*3,height-40*5+24,64,32, optionsmenu, (HMENU)IDI_O_LEVEL3, ghInstance, NULL); CreateWindow("BUTTON","Debug", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 8+64*4,height-40*5+24,64,32, optionsmenu, (HMENU)IDI_O_DEBUG, ghInstance, NULL); CreateWindow("BUTTON","Default", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 8+64*5,height-40*5+24,64,32, optionsmenu, (HMENU)IDI_O_DEFAULT, ghInstance, NULL); #ifdef EMBEDDEBUG w_enginebinary = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "EDIT", enginebinary, WS_CHILD /*| ES_READONLY*/ | WS_VISIBLE | ES_LEFT | ES_AUTOHSCROLL, 8, height-40-30*3, 400-16, 22, optionsmenu, (HMENU)IDI_O_ENGINE, ghInstance, NULL); w_enginebasedir = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "EDIT", enginebasedir, WS_CHILD /*| ES_READONLY*/ | WS_VISIBLE | ES_LEFT | ES_AUTOHSCROLL, 8, height-40-30*2, 400-16, 22, optionsmenu, (HMENU)IDI_O_ENGINEBASEDIR, ghInstance, NULL); w_enginecommandline = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "EDIT", enginecommandline, WS_CHILD /*| ES_READONLY*/ | WS_VISIBLE | ES_LEFT | ES_AUTOHSCROLL, 8, height-40-30, 400-16, 22, optionsmenu, (HMENU)IDI_O_ENGINECOMMANDLINE, ghInstance, NULL); #endif CreateWindow("BUTTON","Apply", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 8,height-40,64,32, optionsmenu, (HMENU)IDI_O_APPLY, ghInstance, NULL); CreateWindow("BUTTON","Save", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 8+64,height-40,64,32, optionsmenu, (HMENU)IDI_O_APPLYSAVE, ghInstance, NULL); CreateWindow("BUTTON","progs.src", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 8+64*2,height-40,64,32, optionsmenu, (HMENU)IDI_O_CHANGE_PROGS_SRC, ghInstance, NULL); y=4; targitem_hexen2 = wnd = CreateWindow("BUTTON","HexenC", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, 408,y,200-16,16, optionsmenu, (HMENU)IDI_O_TARGETH2, ghInstance, NULL); y+=16; if (fl_hexen2) Button_SetCheck(wnd, 1); else Button_SetCheck(wnd, 0); targitem_fte = wnd = CreateWindow("BUTTON","Extended Instructions", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, 408,y,200-16,16, optionsmenu, (HMENU)IDI_O_TARGETFTE, ghInstance, NULL); y+=16; if (fl_ftetarg) Button_SetCheck(wnd, 1); else Button_SetCheck(wnd, 0); /* autohighlight_item = wnd = CreateWindow("BUTTON","Syntax Highlighting", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, 408,y,200-16,16, optionsmenu, (HMENU)IDI_O_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTING, ghInstance, NULL); y+=16; if (fl_autohighlight) Button_SetCheck(wnd, 1); else Button_SetCheck(wnd, 0); */ x = 408; my = y; for (i = 0; compiler_flag[i].enabled; i++) { if (compiler_flag[i].flags & FLAG_HIDDENINGUI) { compiler_flag[i].guiinfo = NULL; continue; } if (y > height-(88+40)) { y = 4; x += 168; } compiler_flag[i].guiinfo = wnd = CreateWindow("BUTTON",compiler_flag[i].fullname, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, x,y,168,16, optionsmenu, (HMENU)IDI_O_COMPILER_FLAG, ghInstance, NULL); y+=16; if (my < y) my = y; if (compiler_flag[i].flags & FLAG_SETINGUI) Button_SetCheck(wnd, 1); else Button_SetCheck(wnd, 0); } CreateWindow("STATIC","Extra Parameters:", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 408,my,200-16,16, optionsmenu, (HMENU)0, ghInstance, NULL); my+=16; extraparmsitem = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "EDIT",parameters, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE|ES_LEFT | ES_WANTRETURN | ES_MULTILINE | ES_AUTOVSCROLL, 408,my,r.right-r.left - 408 - 8,height-my-4, optionsmenu, (HMENU)IDI_O_ADDITIONALPARAMETERS, ghInstance, NULL); ShowWindow(optionsmenu, SW_SHOWDEFAULT); } #undef printf WNDPROC combosubclassproc; static LRESULT CALLBACK SearchComboSubClass(HWND hWnd,UINT message, WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { switch (message) { case WM_KEYDOWN: switch (wParam) { case VK_RETURN: PostMessage(mainwindow, WM_COMMAND, 0x4404, (LPARAM)search_gotodef); return true; case VK_F3: { char buffer[128]; GetWindowText(search_name, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (*buffer != 0) { HWND ew = (HWND)SendMessage(mdibox, WM_MDIGETACTIVE, 0, 0); editor_t *editor; for (editor = editors; editor; editor = editor->next) { if (editor->window == ew) break; } if (editor && editor->scintilla) { FindNextScintilla(editor, buffer); SetFocus(editor->window); SetFocus(editor->editpane); } } } } break; } return CallWindowProc(combosubclassproc, hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } static LRESULT CALLBACK MainWndProc(HWND hWnd,UINT message, WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { int width; int i; RECT rect; HDC hdc; PAINTSTRUCT ps; switch (message) { case WM_CREATE: { CLIENTCREATESTRUCT ccs; HMENU rootmenu, windowmenu, m; rootmenu = CreateMenu(); AppendMenu(rootmenu, MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)(m = CreateMenu()), "&File"); AppendMenu(m, 0, IDM_OPENNEW, "Open new file "); AppendMenu(m, 0, IDM_SAVE, "&Save Ctrl+S "); AppendMenu(m, 0, IDM_RECOMPILE, "&Recompile Ctrl+R "); // AppendMenu(m, 0, IDM_FIND, "&Find"); AppendMenu(m, 0, IDM_UNDO, "Undo Ctrl+Z"); AppendMenu(m, 0, IDM_REDO, "Redo Ctrl+Y"); AppendMenu(rootmenu, MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)(m = CreateMenu()), "&Navigation"); AppendMenu(m, 0, IDM_GOTODEF, "Go to definition\tF12"); AppendMenu(m, 0, IDM_OPENDOCU, "Open selected file"); AppendMenu(m, 0, IDM_OUTPUT_WINDOW, "Show Output Window\tF6"); AppendMenu(m, (fl_extramargins?MF_CHECKED:MF_UNCHECKED), IDM_SHOWLINENUMBERS, "Show Line Numbers"); AppendMenu(rootmenu, MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)(m = windowmenu = CreateMenu()), "&Window"); AppendMenu(m, 0, IDM_CASCADE, "Cascade"); AppendMenu(m, 0, IDM_TILE_HORIZ, "Tile Horizontally"); AppendMenu(m, 0, IDM_TILE_VERT, "Tile Vertically"); AppendMenu(rootmenu, MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)(m = CreateMenu()), "&Debug"); AppendMenu(m, 0, IDM_DEBUG_REBUILD, "Rebuild\tF7"); AppendMenu(m, 0, IDM_DEBUG_SETNEXT, "Set Next Statement\tF8"); AppendMenu(m, 0, IDM_DEBUG_RUN, "Run/Resume\tF5"); AppendMenu(m, 0, IDM_DEBUG_STEPOVER, "Step Over\tF10"); AppendMenu(m, 0, IDM_DEBUG_STEPINTO, "Step Into\tF11"); AppendMenu(m, 0, IDM_DEBUG_STEPOUT, "Step Out\tShift-F11"); AppendMenu(m, 0, IDM_DEBUG_TOGGLEBREAK, "Set Breakpoint\tF9"); AppendMenu(rootmenu, MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)(m = CreateMenu()), "&Help"); AppendMenu(m, 0, IDM_ABOUT, "About"); SetMenu(hWnd, rootmenu); // Retrieve the handle to the window menu and assign the // first child window identifier. memset(&ccs, 0, sizeof(ccs)); ccs.hWindowMenu = windowmenu; ccs.idFirstChild = IDM_FIRSTCHILD; // Create the MDI client window. mdibox = CreateWindow( "MDICLIENT", (LPCTSTR) NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_VSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL, 0, 0, 320, 200, hWnd, (HMENU) 0xCAC, ghInstance, (LPSTR) &ccs); ShowWindow(mdibox, SW_SHOW); projecttree = CreateWindow(WC_TREEVIEW, (LPCTSTR) NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_VSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL | TVS_HASBUTTONS |TVS_LINESATROOT|TVS_HASLINES, 0, 0, 320, 200, hWnd, (HMENU) 0xCAC, ghInstance, (LPSTR) &ccs); ShowWindow(projecttree, SW_SHOW); if (projecttree) { search_name = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "COMBOBOX", (LPCTSTR) NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN|CBS_DROPDOWN|CBS_SORT, 0, 0, 320, 200, hWnd, (HMENU) 0x4403, ghInstance, (LPSTR) NULL); { //microsoft suck big hairy donkey balls. //this tries to get the edit box of the combo control. HWND comboedit = GetWindow(search_name, GW_CHILD); combosubclassproc = (WNDPROC) SetWindowLongPtr(comboedit, GWLP_WNDPROC, (DWORD_PTR) SearchComboSubClass); } ShowWindow(search_name, SW_SHOW); search_gotodef = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "BUTTON", "Def", WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN/* | BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON*/, 0, 0, 320, 200, hWnd, (HMENU) 0x4404, ghInstance, (LPSTR) NULL); ShowWindow(search_gotodef, SW_SHOW); search_grep = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "BUTTON", "Grep", WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN/* | BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON*/, 0, 0, 320, 200, hWnd, (HMENU) 0x4405, ghInstance, (LPSTR) NULL); ShowWindow(search_grep, SW_SHOW); } } break; case WM_CTLCOLORBTN: return (LRESULT)GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT);//COLOR_BACKGROUND; case WM_DESTROY: mainwindow = NULL; break; case WM_SIZE: GetClientRect(mainwindow, &rect); if (projecttree) { SetWindowPos(projecttree, NULL, 0, 0, 192, rect.bottom-rect.top - 34 - 48, 0); SetWindowPos(search_name, NULL, 0, rect.bottom-rect.top - 33 - 48, 192, 24, 0); SetWindowPos(search_gotodef, NULL, 0, rect.bottom-rect.top - 33 - 24, 192/2, 24, 0); SetWindowPos(search_grep, NULL, 192/2, rect.bottom-rect.top - 33 - 24, 192/2, 24, 0); SetWindowPos(mdibox?mdibox:outputbox, NULL, 192, 0, rect.right-rect.left-192, rect.bottom-rect.top - 32, 0); } else SetWindowPos(mdibox?mdibox:outputbox, NULL, 0, 0, rect.right-rect.left, rect.bottom-rect.top - 32, 0); width = (rect.right-rect.left); width/=NUMBUTTONS; for (i = 0; i < NUMBUTTONS; i++) { SetWindowPos(buttons[i].hwnd, NULL, width*i, rect.bottom-rect.top - 32, width, 32, 0); } break; // goto gdefault; case WM_PAINT: hdc=BeginPaint(hWnd,(LPPAINTSTRUCT)&ps); EndPaint(hWnd,(LPPAINTSTRUCT)&ps); return TRUE; break; case WM_COMMAND: i = LOWORD(wParam); if (i == 0x4403) { char buffer[65536]; char text[128]; switch(HIWORD(wParam)) { case CBN_EDITUPDATE: GetWindowText(search_name, text, sizeof(text)-1); if (GenAutoCompleteList(text, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) { char token[128]; char *list; DWORD start=0,end=0; SendMessage(search_name, CB_GETEDITSEL, (WPARAM)&start, (LPARAM)&end); ComboBox_ResetContent(search_name); //windows is shit. this clears the text too. SetWindowText(search_name, text); ComboBox_SetEditSel(search_name, start, end); for (list = buffer; ; ) { list = COM_ParseOut(list, token, sizeof(token)); if (!*token) break; ComboBox_AddString(search_name, token); } } return true; } goto gdefault; } if (i == 0x4404) { GetWindowText(search_name, finddef, sizeof(finddef)-1); return true; } if (i == 0x4405) { GetWindowText(search_name, greptext, sizeof(greptext)-1); return true; } if (i>0 && i <= NUMBUTTONS) { buttons[i-1].washit = 1; break; } if (i < IDM_FIRSTCHILD) { HWND ew; editor_t *editor; ew = (HWND)SendMessage(mdibox, WM_MDIGETACTIVE, 0, 0); for (editor = editors; editor; editor = editor->next) { if (editor->window == ew) break; } if (editor) EditorMenu(editor, wParam); else GenericMenu(wParam); break; } goto gdefault; case WM_NOTIFY: if (lParam) { NMHDR *nm; HANDLE item; TVITEM i; char filename[256]; char itemtext[256]; int oldlen; int newlen; nm = (NMHDR*)lParam; if (nm->hwndFrom == projecttree) { switch(nm->code) { case NM_DBLCLK: item = TreeView_GetSelection(projecttree); memset(&i, 0, sizeof(i)); i.hItem = item; i.mask = TVIF_TEXT|TVIF_PARAM; i.pszText = itemtext; i.cchTextMax = sizeof(itemtext)-1; if (!TreeView_GetItem(projecttree, &i)) return 0; if (!i.lParam) return 0; strcpy(filename, i.pszText); while(item) { item = TreeView_GetParent(projecttree, item); i.hItem = item; if (!TreeView_GetItem(projecttree, &i)) break; if (!TreeView_GetParent(projecttree, item)) break; oldlen = strlen(filename); newlen = strlen(i.pszText); memmove(filename+newlen+1, filename, oldlen+1); filename[newlen] = '/'; strncpy(filename, i.pszText, newlen); } EditFile(filename, -1, false); break; } } } default: gdefault: if (mdibox) return DefFrameProc(hWnd,mdibox,message,wParam,lParam); else return DefWindowProc(hWnd,message,wParam,lParam); } return 0; } static void DoTranslateMessage(MSG *msg) { if (!TranslateAccelerator(mainwindow, accelerators, msg)) { TranslateMessage(msg); DispatchMessage(msg); } } static LRESULT CALLBACK OutputWindowProc(HWND hWnd,UINT message, WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { RECT rect; switch (message) { case WM_DESTROY: outputwindow = NULL; outputbox = NULL; break; case WM_CREATE: outputbox = CreateAnEditControl(hWnd, NULL); case WM_SIZE: GetClientRect(hWnd, &rect); SetWindowPos(outputbox, NULL, 0, 0, rect.right-rect.left, rect.bottom-rect.top, 0); default: return DefMDIChildProc(hWnd,message,wParam,lParam); } return 0; } void GUIPrint(HWND wnd, char *msg) { // MSG wmsg; int len; static int writing; if (writing) return; if (!mainwindow) { printf("%s", msg); return; } writing=true; len=Edit_GetTextLength(wnd); /* if ((unsigned)len>(32767-strlen(msg))) Edit_SetSel(wnd,0,len); else*/ Edit_SetSel(wnd,len,len); Edit_ReplaceSel(wnd,msg); /* while (PeekMessage (&wmsg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE)) { if (!GetMessage (&wmsg, NULL, 0, 0)) break; DoTranslateMessage(&wmsg); } */ writing=false; } unsigned int utf8_decode(int *error, const void *in, char **out) { //uc is the output unicode char unsigned int uc = 0xfffdu; //replacement character //l is the length unsigned int l = 1; const unsigned char *str = in; if ((*str & 0xe0) == 0xc0) { if ((str[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80) { l = 2; uc = ((str[0] & 0x1f)<<6) | (str[1] & 0x3f); if (!uc || uc >= (1u<<7)) //allow modified utf-8 *error = 0; else *error = 2; } else *error = 1; } else if ((*str & 0xf0) == 0xe0) { if ((str[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80 && (str[2] & 0xc0) == 0x80) { l = 3; uc = ((str[0] & 0x0f)<<12) | ((str[1] & 0x3f)<<6) | ((str[2] & 0x3f)<<0); if (uc >= (1u<<11)) *error = 0; else *error = 2; } else *error = 1; } else if ((*str & 0xf8) == 0xf0) { if ((str[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80 && (str[2] & 0xc0) == 0x80 && (str[3] & 0xc0) == 0x80) { l = 4; uc = ((str[0] & 0x07)<<18) | ((str[1] & 0x3f)<<12) | ((str[2] & 0x3f)<<6) | ((str[3] & 0x3f)<<0); if (uc >= (1u<<16)) *error = 0; else *error = 2; } else *error = 1; } else if ((*str & 0xfc) == 0xf8) { if ((str[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80 && (str[2] & 0xc0) == 0x80 && (str[3] & 0xc0) == 0x80 && (str[4] & 0xc0) == 0x80) { l = 5; uc = ((str[0] & 0x03)<<24) | ((str[1] & 0x3f)<<18) | ((str[2] & 0x3f)<<12) | ((str[3] & 0x3f)<<6) | ((str[4] & 0x3f)<<0); if (uc >= (1u<<21)) *error = 0; else *error = 2; } else *error = 1; } else if ((*str & 0xfe) == 0xfc) { //six bytes if ((str[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80 && (str[2] & 0xc0) == 0x80 && (str[3] & 0xc0) == 0x80 && (str[4] & 0xc0) == 0x80) { l = 6; uc = ((str[0] & 0x01)<<30) | ((str[1] & 0x3f)<<24) | ((str[2] & 0x3f)<<18) | ((str[3] & 0x3f)<<12) | ((str[4] & 0x3f)<<6) | ((str[5] & 0x3f)<<0); if (uc >= (1u<<26)) *error = 0; else *error = 2; } else *error = 1; } //0xfe and 0xff, while plausable leading bytes, are not permitted. #if 0 else if ((*str & 0xff) == 0xfe) { if ((str[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80 && (str[2] & 0xc0) == 0x80 && (str[3] & 0xc0) == 0x80 && (str[4] & 0xc0) == 0x80) { l = 7; uc = 0 | ((str[1] & 0x3f)<<30) | ((str[2] & 0x3f)<<24) | ((str[3] & 0x3f)<<18) | ((str[4] & 0x3f)<<12) | ((str[5] & 0x3f)<<6) | ((str[6] & 0x3f)<<0); if (uc >= (1u<<31)) *error = 0; else *error = 2; } else *error = 1; } else if ((*str & 0xff) == 0xff) { if ((str[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80 && (str[2] & 0xc0) == 0x80 && (str[3] & 0xc0) == 0x80 && (str[4] & 0xc0) == 0x80) { l = 8; uc = 0 | ((str[1] & 0x3f)<<36) | ((str[2] & 0x3f)<<30) | ((str[3] & 0x3f)<<24) | ((str[4] & 0x3f)<<18) | ((str[5] & 0x3f)<<12) | ((str[6] & 0x3f)<<6) | ((str[7] & 0x3f)<<0); if (uc >= (1llu<<36)) *error = false; else *error = 2; } else *error = 1; } #endif else if (*str & 0x80) { //sequence error *error = 1; uc = 0xe000u + *str; } else { //ascii char *error = 0; uc = *str; } *out = (void*)(str + l); if (!*error) { //try to deal with surrogates by decoding the low if we see a high. if (uc >= 0xd800u && uc < 0xdc00u) { #if 1 //cesu-8 char *lowend; unsigned int lowsur = utf8_decode(error, str + l, &lowend); if (*error == 4) { *out = lowend; uc = (((uc&0x3ffu) << 10) | (lowsur&0x3ffu)) + 0x10000; *error = false; } else #endif { *error = 3; //bad - lead surrogate without tail. } } if (uc >= 0xdc00u && uc < 0xe000u) *error = 4; //bad - tail surrogate //these are meant to be illegal too if (uc == 0xfffeu || uc == 0xffffu || uc > 0x10ffffu) *error = 2; //illegal code } return uc; } //outlen is the size of out in _BYTES_. wchar_t *widen(wchar_t *out, size_t outbytes, const char *utf8, const char *stripchars) { size_t outlen; wchar_t *ret = out; //utf-8 to utf-16, not ucs-2. unsigned int codepoint; int error; outlen = outbytes/sizeof(wchar_t); if (!outlen) return L""; outlen--; while (*utf8) { if (stripchars && strchr(stripchars, *utf8)) { //skip certain ascii chars utf8++; continue; } codepoint = utf8_decode(&error, utf8, (void*)&utf8); if (error || codepoint > 0x10FFFFu) codepoint = 0xFFFDu; if (codepoint > 0xffff) { if (outlen < 2) break; outlen -= 2; codepoint -= 0x10000u; *out++ = 0xD800 | (codepoint>>10); *out++ = 0xDC00 | (codepoint&0x3ff); } else { if (outlen < 1) break; outlen -= 1; *out++ = codepoint; } } *out = 0; return ret; } int GUIEmitOutputText(HWND wnd, int start, char *text, int len, DWORD colour) { wchar_t wc[2048]; int c; CHARFORMAT cf; if (!len) return start; c = text[len]; text[len] = '\0'; // wc = QCC_makeutf16(text, len, &ol); widen(wc, sizeof(wc), text, "\r"); text[len] = c; Edit_SetSel(wnd,start,start); SendMessageW(wnd, EM_REPLACESEL, 0L, (LPARAM)wc); len = wcslen(wc); Edit_SetSel(wnd,start,start+len); memset(&cf, 0, sizeof(cf)); cf.cbSize = sizeof(cf); cf.dwMask = CFM_COLOR; cf.crTextColor = colour; SendMessage(wnd, EM_SETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, (LPARAM)&cf); Edit_SetSel(wnd,start+len,start+len); Edit_ScrollCaret(wnd); return start + len; } int outlen; int outstatus; pbool gui_doannotates; int GUIprintf(const char *msg, ...) { va_list argptr; char buf[1024]; char rn[3] = "\n"; char *st, *s; int args; // MSG wmsg; DWORD col; va_start (argptr,msg); args = QC_vsnprintf (buf,sizeof(buf)-1, msg,argptr); va_end (argptr); buf[sizeof(buf)-5] = '.'; buf[sizeof(buf)-4] = '.'; buf[sizeof(buf)-3] = '.'; buf[sizeof(buf)-2] = '\n'; buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = 0; printf("%s", buf); //OutputDebugStringA(buf); if (logfile) fprintf(logfile, "%s", buf); if (!*buf) { editor_t *ed; /*clear text*/ SetWindowText(outputbox,""); outlen = 0; /*make sure its active so we can actually scroll. stupid windows*/ SetFocus(outputwindow); SetFocus(outputbox); /*colour background to default*/ TreeView_SetBkColor(projecttree, -1); outstatus = 0; if (gui_doannotates) { for (ed = editors; ed; ed = ed->next) { if (ed->scintilla) SendMessage(ed->editpane, SCI_ANNOTATIONCLEARALL, 0, 0); } } return 0; } if (strstr(buf, ": error") || strstr(buf, ": werror")) { if (outstatus < 2) { TreeView_SetBkColor(projecttree, RGB(255, 0, 0)); outstatus = 2; } col = RGB(255, 0, 0); } else if (strstr(buf, ": warning")) { if (outstatus < 1) { TreeView_SetBkColor(projecttree, RGB(255, 255, 0)); outstatus = 1; } col = RGB(128, 128, 0); } else col = RGB(0, 0, 0); s = st = buf; while(*s) { if (*s == '\n') { *s = '\0'; if (!strncmp(st, "code: ", 6)) st+=6; else { if (*st) outlen = GUIEmitOutputText(outputbox, outlen, st, strlen(st), col); outlen = GUIEmitOutputText(outputbox, outlen, rn, 1, col); } if (gui_doannotates) { char *colon1 = strchr(st, ':'); if (colon1) { char *colon2 = strchr(colon1+1, ':'); if (colon2) { unsigned int line; char *validation; *colon1 = 0; line = strtoul(colon1+1, &validation, 10); if (validation == colon2) { editor_t *ed; colon2++; while(*colon2 == ' ' || *colon2 == '\t') colon2++; for (ed = editors; ed; ed = ed->next) { if (!stricmp(ed->filename, st)) { if (ed->scintilla) { if (!SendMessage(ed->editpane, SCI_ANNOTATIONGETLINES, line-1, 0)) { SendMessage(ed->editpane, SCI_ANNOTATIONSETVISIBLE, ANNOTATION_BOXED, 0); SendMessage(ed->editpane, SCI_ANNOTATIONSETTEXT, line-1, (LPARAM)colon2); } else { char buf[8192]; int clen = SendMessage(ed->editpane, SCI_ANNOTATIONGETTEXT, line-1, (LPARAM)NULL); if (clen+1+strlen(colon2) < sizeof(buf)) { clen = SendMessage(ed->editpane, SCI_ANNOTATIONGETTEXT, line-1, (LPARAM)buf); buf[clen++] = '\n'; memcpy(buf+clen, colon2, strlen(colon2)+1); // SendMessage(ed->editpane, SCI_ANNOTATIONSETVISIBLE, ANNOTATION_BOXED, 0); SendMessage(ed->editpane, SCI_ANNOTATIONSETTEXT, line-1, (LPARAM)buf); } } } break; } } } } } } st = s+1; } s++; } if (*st) outlen = GUIEmitOutputText(outputbox, outlen, st, strlen(st), col); /* s = st = buf; while(*s) { if (*s == '\n') { *s = '\0'; if (*st) GUIPrint(outputbox, st); GUIPrint(outputbox, "\r\n"); st = s+1; } s++; } if (*st) GUIPrint(outputbox, st); */ return args; } int Dummyprintf(const char *msg, ...){return 0;} #undef Sys_Error void compilecb(void) { //used to repaint the output window periodically instead of letting it redraw as stuff gets sent to it. this can save significant time on mods with boatloads of warnings. MSG wmsg; SendMessage(outputbox, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0); RedrawWindow(outputbox, NULL, NULL, RDW_ERASE | RDW_FRAME | RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ALLCHILDREN); while (PeekMessage (&wmsg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) DoTranslateMessage(&wmsg); SendMessage(outputbox, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0); } void Sys_Error(const char *text, ...); void RunCompiler(char *args, pbool quick) { char *argv[128]; int argc; progexterns_t ext; progfuncs_t funcs; editor_t *editor; for (editor = editors; editor; editor = editor->next) { if (editor->modified) { if (EditorModified(editor)) { char msg[1024]; sprintf(msg, "%s is modified in both memory and on disk. Overwrite external modification? (saying no will reload from disk)", editor->filename); switch(MessageBox(NULL, msg, "Modification conflict", MB_YESNOCANCEL)) { case IDYES: EditorSave(editor); break; case IDNO: EditorReload(editor); break; case IDCANCEL: break; /*compiling will use whatever is in memory*/ } } else { /*not modified on disk, but modified in memory? try and save it, cos we might as well*/ EditorSave(editor); } } else { /*modified on disk but not in memory? just reload it off disk*/ if (EditorModified(editor)) EditorReload(editor); } } memset(&funcs, 0, sizeof(funcs)); funcs.funcs.parms = &ext; memset(&ext, 0, sizeof(ext)); ext.ReadFile = GUIReadFile; ext.FileSize = GUIFileSize; ext.WriteFile = QCC_WriteFile; ext.Sys_Error = Sys_Error; if (quick) ext.Printf = Dummyprintf; else { ext.Printf = GUIprintf; GUIprintf(""); } if (logfile) fclose(logfile); if (fl_log && !quick) logfile = fopen("fteqcc.log", "wb"); else logfile = NULL; if (outputbox) SendMessage(outputbox, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0); argc = GUI_BuildParms(args, argv, quick); if (CompileParams(&funcs, outputbox?compilecb:NULL, argc, argv)) { if (!quick) { EngineGiveFocus(); EngineCommandf("qcresume\nqcreload\n"); // EngineCommandf("qcresume\nmenu_restart\nrestart\n"); } } if (outputbox) { SendMessage(outputbox, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0); RedrawWindow(outputbox, NULL, NULL, RDW_ERASE | RDW_FRAME | RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ALLCHILDREN); } if (logfile) fclose(logfile); } void CreateOutputWindow(pbool doannoates) { WNDCLASS wndclass; MDICREATESTRUCT mcs; gui_doannotates = doannoates; if (!mdibox) //should already be created return; if (!outputwindow) { wndclass.style = 0; wndclass.lpfnWndProc = OutputWindowProc; wndclass.cbClsExtra = 0; wndclass.cbWndExtra = 0; wndclass.hInstance = ghInstance; wndclass.hIcon = 0; wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor (NULL,IDC_ARROW); wndclass.hbrBackground = (void *)COLOR_WINDOW; wndclass.lpszMenuName = 0; wndclass.lpszClassName = MAIN_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME; RegisterClass(&wndclass); mcs.szClass = MAIN_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME; mcs.szTitle = "Compiler output"; mcs.hOwner = ghInstance; mcs.x = mcs.cx = CW_USEDEFAULT; mcs.y = mcs.cy = CW_USEDEFAULT; mcs.style = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; mcs.lParam = 0; outputwindow = (HWND) SendMessage (mdibox, WM_MDICREATE, 0, (LONG_PTR) (LPMDICREATESTRUCT) &mcs); ShowWindow(outputwindow, SW_SHOW); } //bring it to the front. SendMessage(mdibox, WM_MDIACTIVATE, (WPARAM)outputwindow, 0); } int GrepSubFiles(HTREEITEM node, char *string) { HTREEITEM ch, p; char fullname[1024]; char parentstring[256], *sl; int pl, nl; TV_ITEM parent; int found = 0; if (!node) return found; memset(&parent, 0, sizeof(parent)); *fullname = 0; p = node; while (p) { parent.hItem = p; parent.mask = TVIF_TEXT; parent.pszText = parentstring; parent.cchTextMax = sizeof(parentstring)-1; if (!TreeView_GetItem(projecttree, &parent)) break; nl = strlen(fullname); pl = strlen(parent.pszText); if (nl + 1 + pl + 1 > sizeof(fullname)) return found; memmove(fullname+pl+1, fullname, nl+1); memcpy(fullname, parent.pszText, pl); fullname[pl] = nl?'/':'\0'; p = TreeView_GetParent(projecttree, p); } //skip the leading progs.src/ if its there, because that's an abstraction and does not match the filesystem. sl = strchr(fullname, '/'); found += Grep(sl?sl+1:fullname, string); ch = TreeView_GetChild(projecttree, node); found += GrepSubFiles(ch, string); ch = TreeView_GetNextSibling(projecttree, node); found += GrepSubFiles(ch, string); return found; } void GrepAllFiles(char *string) { int found; CreateOutputWindow(false); GUIprintf(""); found = GrepSubFiles(TreeView_GetChild(projecttree, TVI_ROOT), string); if (found) GUIprintf("grep found %i occurences\n", found); else GUIprintf("grep found nothing\n"); } void AddSourceFile(const char *parentpath, const char *filename) { char string[1024]; unsigned int flags = 0; HANDLE pi; TVINSERTSTRUCT item; TV_ITEM parent; char parentstring[256]; char *slash; QC_strlcpy(string, filename, sizeof(string)); memset(&item, 0, sizeof(item)); memset(&parent, 0, sizeof(parent)); pi = item.hParent = TVI_ROOT; item.hInsertAfter = TVI_LAST;//TVI_SORT; item.item.pszText = string; item.item.state = TVIS_EXPANDED; item.item.stateMask = TVIS_EXPANDED; item.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT|TVIF_STATE|TVIF_PARAM; if (parentpath && stricmp(parentpath, filename)) { item.hParent = TreeView_GetChild(projecttree, item.hParent); do { parent.hItem = item.hParent; parent.mask = TVIF_TEXT; parent.pszText = parentstring; parent.cchTextMax = sizeof(parentstring)-1; if (TreeView_GetItem(projecttree, &parent)) { if (!stricmp(parent.pszText, parentpath)) { pi = item.hParent; break; } } } while(item.hParent=TreeView_GetNextSibling(projecttree, item.hParent)); } else parentpath = NULL; while(item.item.pszText) { if (parentpath) { slash = strchr(item.item.pszText, '/'); if (slash) *slash++ = '\0'; } else slash = NULL; item.hParent = TreeView_GetChild(projecttree, pi); do { parent.hItem = item.hParent; parent.mask = TVIF_TEXT; parent.pszText = parentstring; parent.cchTextMax = sizeof(parentstring)-1; if (TreeView_GetItem(projecttree, &parent)) { if (!stricmp(parent.pszText, item.item.pszText)) break; } } while(item.hParent=TreeView_GetNextSibling(projecttree, item.hParent)); if (!item.hParent) { //add a directory. item.hParent = pi; item.item.lParam = !slash; //lparam = false if we're only adding this node to get at a child. pi = (HANDLE)SendMessage(projecttree,TVM_INSERTITEM,0,(LPARAM)&item); item.hParent = pi; } else pi = item.hParent; item.item.pszText = slash; } } //progssrcname should already have been set. void SetProgsSrc(void) { FILE *f; TVINSERTSTRUCT item; TV_ITEM parent; memset(&item, 0, sizeof(item)); memset(&parent, 0, sizeof(parent)); if (projecttree) { int size; char *buffer; f = fopen (progssrcname, "rb"); if (!f) return; fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); size = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); buffer = malloc(size+1); if (!buffer) { fclose(f); return; } buffer[size] = '\0'; fread(buffer, 1, size, f); fclose(f); pr_file_p = QCC_COM_Parse(buffer); if (*qcc_token == '#') { //aaaahhh! newstyle! AddSourceFile(NULL, progssrcname); } else { pr_file_p = QCC_COM_Parse(pr_file_p); //we dont care about the produced progs.dat AddSourceFile(NULL, progssrcname); while(pr_file_p) { AddSourceFile(progssrcname, qcc_token); pr_file_p = QCC_COM_Parse(pr_file_p); //we dont care about the produced progs.dat } } free(buffer); RunCompiler(parameters, true); } } int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { pbool fl_acc; unsigned int i; WNDCLASS wndclass; ACCEL acceleratorlist[] = { {FCONTROL|FVIRTKEY, 'S', IDM_SAVE}, {FCONTROL|FVIRTKEY, 'F', IDM_FIND}, {FCONTROL|FVIRTKEY, 'R', IDM_RECOMPILE}, // {FVIRTKEY, VK_F4, IDM_NEXTERROR}, {FVIRTKEY, VK_F5, IDM_DEBUG_RUN}, {FVIRTKEY, VK_F6, IDM_OUTPUT_WINDOW}, {FVIRTKEY, VK_F7, IDM_DEBUG_REBUILD}, {FVIRTKEY, VK_F8, IDM_DEBUG_SETNEXT}, {FVIRTKEY, VK_F9, IDM_DEBUG_TOGGLEBREAK}, {FVIRTKEY, VK_F10, IDM_DEBUG_STEPOVER}, {FVIRTKEY, VK_F11, IDM_DEBUG_STEPINTO}, {FSHIFT|FVIRTKEY, VK_F11, IDM_DEBUG_STEPOUT}, {FVIRTKEY, VK_F12, IDM_GOTODEF} }; ghInstance= hInstance; GUI_SetDefaultOpts(); // if (!QCC_RegGetStringValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\FTE QuakeWorld\\fteqccgui", "enginebinary", enginebinary, sizeof(enginebinary))) strcpy(enginebinary, ""); // if (!QCC_RegGetStringValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\FTE QuakeWorld\\fteqccgui", "enginebasedir", enginebasedir, sizeof(enginebasedir))) strcpy(enginebasedir, ""); // if (!QCC_RegGetStringValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\FTE QuakeWorld\\fteqccgui", "enginecommandline", enginecommandline, sizeof(enginecommandline))) strcpy(enginecommandline, ""); if(strstr(lpCmdLine, "-stdout")) { GUI_ParseCommandLine(lpCmdLine); RunCompiler(lpCmdLine, false); return 0; } if (!*lpCmdLine) { int len; FILE *f; char *s; f = fopen("fteqcc.arg", "rb"); if (f) { fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); len = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); lpCmdLine = malloc(len+1); fread(lpCmdLine, 1, len, f); lpCmdLine[len] = '\0'; fclose(f); while(s = strchr(lpCmdLine, '\r')) *s = ' '; while(s = strchr(lpCmdLine, '\n')) *s = ' '; } } GUI_ParseCommandLine(lpCmdLine); GUI_RevealOptions(); for (i = 0, fl_acc = false; compiler_flag[i].enabled; i++) { if (!strcmp("acc", compiler_flag[i].abbrev)) { fl_acc = !!(compiler_flag[i].flags & FLAG_SETINGUI); break; } } if (!fl_acc && !*progssrcname) { strcpy(progssrcname, "preprogs.src"); if (QCC_RawFileSize(progssrcname)==-1) strcpy(progssrcname, "progs.src"); if (QCC_RawFileSize(progssrcname)==-1) { char *s, *s2; char filename[MAX_PATH]; char oldpath[MAX_PATH+10]; OPENFILENAME ofn; memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hInstance = ghInstance; ofn.lpstrFile = filename; ofn.lpstrTitle = "Please find progs.src"; ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(filename)-1; ofn.lpstrFilter = "QuakeC source\0*.src\0All files\0*.*\0"; memset(filename, 0, sizeof(filename)); GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(oldpath)-1, oldpath); ofn.lpstrInitialDir = oldpath; if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) { strcpy(progssrcdir, filename); for(s = progssrcdir; s; s = s2) { s2 = strchr(s+1, '\\'); if (!s2) break; s = s2; } if (s) { *s = '\0'; strcpy(progssrcname, s+1); } else strcpy(progssrcname, filename); } else { MessageBox(NULL, "You didn't select a file", "Error", 0); return 0; } SetCurrentDirectory(progssrcdir); *progssrcdir = '\0'; } } resetprogssrc = true; wndclass.style = 0; wndclass.lpfnWndProc = MainWndProc; wndclass.cbClsExtra = 0; wndclass.cbWndExtra = 0; wndclass.hInstance = ghInstance; wndclass.hIcon = 0; wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor (NULL,IDC_ARROW); wndclass.hbrBackground = (void *)COLOR_WINDOW; wndclass.lpszMenuName = 0; wndclass.lpszClassName = MDI_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME; RegisterClass(&wndclass); accelerators = CreateAcceleratorTable(acceleratorlist, sizeof(acceleratorlist)/sizeof(acceleratorlist[0])); mainwindow = CreateWindow(MDI_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME, "FTE QuakeC compiler", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 0, 0, 640, 480, NULL, NULL, ghInstance, NULL); if (mdibox) { SetWindowText(mainwindow, "FTE QuakeC Development Suite"); } if (!mainwindow) { MessageBox(NULL, "Failed to create main window", "Error", 0); return 0; } InitCommonControls(); /* outputbox=CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "EDIT", "", WS_CHILD | ES_READONLY | WS_VISIBLE | WS_VSCROLL | ES_LEFT | ES_WANTRETURN | ES_MULTILINE | ES_AUTOVSCROLL, 0, 0, 0, 0, mainwindow, NULL, ghInstance, NULL); */ if (!mdibox) outputbox = CreateAnEditControl(mainwindow, NULL); for (i = 0; i < NUMBUTTONS; i++) { buttons[i].hwnd = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "BUTTON", buttons[i].text, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, 5, 5, mainwindow, (HMENU)(LONG_PTR)(i+1), ghInstance, NULL); } ShowWindow(mainwindow, SW_SHOWDEFAULT); if (fl_compileonstart) { CreateOutputWindow(false); RunCompiler(lpCmdLine, false); } else { if (mdibox) { buttons[ID_EDIT].washit = true; } else { GUIprintf("Welcome to FTE QCC\n"); GUIprintf("Source file: "); GUIprintf(progssrcname); GUIprintf("\n"); RunCompiler("-?", false); } } while(mainwindow || editors) { MSG msg; if (resetprogssrc) { //this here, with the compiler below, means that we don't run recursivly. resetprogssrc = false; SetProgsSrc(); } EditorsRun(); while (PeekMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE)) { if (!GetMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) break; if (!mdibox || !TranslateMDISysAccel(mdibox, &msg)) DoTranslateMessage(&msg); } if (mainwindow) { if (buttons[ID_COMPILE].washit) { CreateOutputWindow(true); RunCompiler(parameters, false); buttons[ID_COMPILE].washit = false; } if (buttons[ID_EDIT].washit) { buttons[ID_EDIT].washit = false; if (*progssrcname) EditFile(progssrcname, -1, false); } #ifdef EMBEDDEBUG if (buttons[ID_RUN].washit) { buttons[ID_RUN].washit = false; RunEngine(); } #endif if (buttons[ID_OPTIONS].washit) { buttons[ID_OPTIONS].washit = false; OptionsDialog(); } if (buttons[ID_QUIT].washit) { buttons[ID_QUIT].washit = false; DestroyWindow(mainwindow); } } if (*finddef) { GoToDefinition(finddef); *finddef = '\0'; } if (*greptext) { GrepAllFiles(greptext); *greptext = '\0'; } Sleep(10); } return 0; }