#define PROGSUSED #include "progsint.h" #include <stdlib.h> static void PR_FreeAllTemps (progfuncs_t *progfuncs); typedef struct prmemb_s { struct prmemb_s *prev; int level; } prmemb_t; void *PRHunkAlloc(progfuncs_t *progfuncs, int ammount, const char *name) { prmemb_t *mem; ammount = sizeof(prmemb_t)+((ammount + 3)&~3); mem = progfuncs->funcs.parms->memalloc(ammount); memset(mem, 0, ammount); mem->prev = prinst.memblocks; if (!prinst.memblocks) mem->level = 1; else mem->level = ((prmemb_t *)prinst.memblocks)->level+1; prinst.memblocks = mem; return ((char *)mem)+sizeof(prmemb_t); } static void *PDECL QC_HunkAlloc(pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, int ammount, char *name) { return PRHunkAlloc((progfuncs_t*)ppf, ammount, name); } int PRHunkMark(progfuncs_t *progfuncs) { return ((prmemb_t *)prinst.memblocks)->level; } void PRHunkFree(progfuncs_t *progfuncs, int mark) { prmemb_t *omem; while(prinst.memblocks) { if (prinst.memblocks->level <= mark) return; omem = prinst.memblocks; prinst.memblocks = prinst.memblocks->prev; externs->memfree(omem); } return; } /*if we ran out of memory, the vm can allocate a new block, but doing so requires fixing up all sorts of pointers*/ static void PRAddressableRelocate(progfuncs_t *progfuncs, char *oldb, char *newb, int oldlen) { unsigned int i; edictrun_t *e; for (i=0 ; i<prinst.maxedicts; i++) { e = (edictrun_t *)(prinst.edicttable[i]); if (e && (char*)e->fields >= oldb && (char*)e->fields < oldb+oldlen) e->fields = ((char*)e->fields - oldb) + newb; } if (progfuncs->funcs.stringtable >= oldb && progfuncs->funcs.stringtable < oldb+oldlen) progfuncs->funcs.stringtable = (progfuncs->funcs.stringtable - oldb) + newb; for (i=0; i < prinst.maxprogs; i++) { if ((char*)prinst.progstate[i].globals >= oldb && (char*)prinst.progstate[i].globals < oldb+oldlen) prinst.progstate[i].globals = (float*)(((char*)prinst.progstate[i].globals - oldb) + newb); if (prinst.progstate[i].strings >= oldb && prinst.progstate[i].strings < oldb+oldlen) prinst.progstate[i].strings = (prinst.progstate[i].strings - oldb) + newb; } for (i = 0; i < prinst.numfields; i++) { if (prinst.field[i].name >= oldb && prinst.field[i].name < oldb+oldlen) prinst.field[i].name = (prinst.field[i].name - oldb) + newb; } externs->addressablerelocated(&progfuncs->funcs, oldb, newb, oldlen); } //for 64bit systems. :) //addressable memory is memory available to the vm itself for writing. //once allocated, it cannot be freed for the lifetime of the VM. //if src is null, data srcsize is left uninitialised for speed. //pad is always 0-filled. void *PRAddressableExtend(progfuncs_t *progfuncs, void *src, size_t srcsize, int pad) { char *ptr; int ammount = (srcsize+pad + 4)&~3; //round up to 4 pad = ammount - srcsize; pad++; //make sure there's always a null, to allow strings to be a little more lazy. if (prinst.addressableused + ammount >= prinst.addressablesize) { /*only do this if the caller states that it can cope with addressable-block relocations/resizes*/ if (externs->addressablerelocated) { #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WINRT) char *newblock; #if 0//def _DEBUG int oldtot = addressablesize; #endif int newsize = (prinst.addressableused + ammount + 4096) & ~(4096-1); newblock = VirtualAlloc (NULL, prinst.addressablesize, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS); if (newblock) { VirtualAlloc (newblock, prinst.addressableused, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); memcpy(newblock, prinst.addressablehunk, prinst.addressableused); #if 0//def _DEBUG VirtualAlloc (prinst.addressablehunk, oldtot, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS); #else VirtualFree (prinst.addressablehunk, 0, MEM_RELEASE); #endif PRAddressableRelocate(progfuncs, prinst.addressablehunk, newblock, prinst.addressableused); prinst.addressablehunk = newblock; prinst.addressablesize = newsize; } #else int newsize = (prinst.addressableused + ammount + 1024*1024) & ~(1024*1024-1); char *newblock = malloc(newsize); if (newblock) { PRAddressableRelocate(progfuncs, prinst.addressablehunk, newblock, prinst.addressableused); free(prinst.addressablehunk); prinst.addressablehunk = newblock; prinst.addressablesize = newsize; } #endif } if (prinst.addressableused + ammount >= prinst.addressablesize) externs->Sys_Error("Not enough addressable memory for progs VM (using %gmb)", prinst.addressablesize/(1024.0*1024)); } prinst.addressableused += ammount; progfuncs->funcs.stringtablesize = prinst.addressableused; #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WINRT) if (!VirtualAlloc (prinst.addressablehunk, prinst.addressableused+1, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE)) externs->Sys_Error("VirtualAlloc failed. Blame windows."); #endif ptr = &prinst.addressablehunk[prinst.addressableused-ammount]; if (src) memcpy(ptr, src, srcsize); #ifdef _DEBUG else memset(ptr, 0xcc, srcsize); #endif memset(ptr+srcsize, 0, pad); return &prinst.addressablehunk[prinst.addressableused-ammount]; } #define MARKER_USED 0xC2A4F5A6u #define MARKER_FREE 0xF1E3E3E7u typedef struct { #ifdef _DEBUG unsigned int marker; #endif unsigned int next; unsigned int prev; unsigned int size; //includes header size } qcmemfreeblock_t; typedef struct { unsigned int marker; #ifdef _DEBUG unsigned int next; unsigned int prev; #endif unsigned int size; //includes header size } qcmemusedblock_t; static void PF_fmem_unlink(progfuncs_t *progfuncs, qcmemfreeblock_t *p) { qcmemfreeblock_t *np; #ifdef _DEBUG if (p->marker != MARKER_FREE) { externs->Printf("PF_fmem_unlink: memory corruption\n"); PR_StackTrace(&progfuncs->funcs, false); } p->marker = 0; #endif if (p->prev) { np = (qcmemfreeblock_t*)(progfuncs->funcs.stringtable + p->prev); np->next = p->next; } else progfuncs->inst.mfreelist = p->next; if (p->next) { np = (qcmemfreeblock_t*)(progfuncs->funcs.stringtable + p->next); np->prev = p->prev; } } void PR_memvalidate (progfuncs_t *progfuncs) { qcmemfreeblock_t *p; unsigned int b,l; b = prinst.mfreelist; l = 0; while (b) { if ((size_t)b >= (size_t)prinst.addressableused) { externs->Printf("PF_memalloc: memory corruption\n"); PR_StackTrace(&progfuncs->funcs, false); return; } p = (qcmemfreeblock_t*)(progfuncs->funcs.stringtable + b); if ( #ifdef _DEBUG p->marker != MARKER_FREE || #endif p->prev != l || (p->next && p->next < b + p->size) || p->next >= prinst.addressableused || b + p->size >= prinst.addressableused || p->prev >= b) { externs->Printf("PF_memalloc: memory corruption\n"); PR_StackTrace(&progfuncs->funcs, false); return; } l = b; b = p->next; } } static void *PDECL PR_memalloc (pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, unsigned int size) { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)ppf; qcmemfreeblock_t *p, *np; qcmemusedblock_t *ub = NULL; unsigned int b,n; /*round size up*/ size = (size+sizeof(qcmemusedblock_t) + 63) & ~63; PR_memvalidate(progfuncs); b = prinst.mfreelist; while (b) { if (/*b < 0 || */b+sizeof(qcmemfreeblock_t) >= prinst.addressableused) { externs->Printf("PF_memalloc: memory corruption\n"); PR_StackTrace(&progfuncs->funcs, false); return NULL; } p = (qcmemfreeblock_t*)(progfuncs->funcs.stringtable + b); if (p->size >= size) { if ((p->next && p->next < b + p->size) || p->next >= prinst.addressableused || b + p->size >= prinst.addressableused || p->prev >= b) { externs->Printf("PF_memalloc: memory corruption\n"); PR_StackTrace(&progfuncs->funcs, false); return NULL; } ub = (qcmemusedblock_t*)p; if (p->size > size + 63) { /*make a new header just after it, with basically the same properties, and shift the important fields over*/ n = b + size; np = (qcmemfreeblock_t*)(progfuncs->funcs.stringtable + b + size); #ifdef _DEBUG np->marker = MARKER_FREE; #endif np->prev = p->prev; np->next = p->next; np->size = p->size - size; if (np->prev) { p = (qcmemfreeblock_t*)(progfuncs->funcs.stringtable + np->prev); p->next = n; } else prinst.mfreelist = n; if (p->next) { p = (qcmemfreeblock_t*)(progfuncs->funcs.stringtable + np->next); p->prev = n; } } else { size = p->size; /*alloc the entire block*/ /*unlink this entry*/ PF_fmem_unlink(progfuncs, p); } break; } b = p->next; } /*assign more space*/ if (!ub) { ub = PRAddressableExtend(progfuncs, NULL, size, 0); if (!ub) { externs->Printf("PF_memalloc: memory exausted\n"); PR_StackTrace(&progfuncs->funcs, false); return NULL; } //FIXME: merge with previous block } memset(ub, 0, size); ub->marker = MARKER_USED; ub->size = size; PR_memvalidate(progfuncs); return ub+1; } static void PDECL PR_memfree (pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, void *memptr) { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)ppf; qcmemusedblock_t *ub; qcmemfreeblock_t *b, *nb, *pb; unsigned int pa, na; //prev addr, next addr unsigned int size; unsigned int ptr = memptr?((char*)memptr - progfuncs->funcs.stringtable):0; /*freeing NULL is ignored*/ if (!ptr) return; PR_memvalidate(progfuncs); ptr -= sizeof(qcmemusedblock_t); if (/*ptr < 0 ||*/ ptr >= prinst.addressableused) { ptr += sizeof(qcmemusedblock_t); if (ptr < prinst.addressableused && !*(char*)memptr) { //the empty string is a point of contention. while we can detect it from fteqcc, its best to not give any special favours (other than nicer debugging, where possible) //we might not actually spot it from other qccs, so warning about it where possible is probably a very good thing. externs->Printf("PF_memfree: unable to free the non-null empty string constant at %x\n", ptr); } else externs->Printf("PF_memfree: pointer invalid - out of range (%x >= %x)\n", ptr, (unsigned int)prinst.addressableused); PR_StackTrace(&progfuncs->funcs, false); return; } //this is the used block that we're trying to free ub = (qcmemusedblock_t*)(progfuncs->funcs.stringtable + ptr); if (ub->marker != MARKER_USED || ub->size <= sizeof(*ub) || ptr + ub->size > (unsigned int)prinst.addressableused) { externs->Printf("PR_memfree: pointer lacks marker - double-freed?\n"); PR_StackTrace(&progfuncs->funcs, false); return; } ub->marker = 0; //invalidate it size = ub->size; ub = NULL; //we have an (ordered) list of free blocks. //in order to free our memory, we need to find the free block before+after the 'new' block for (na = prinst.mfreelist, pa = 0; ;) { if (/*na < 0 ||*/ na >= prinst.addressableused) { externs->Printf("PF_memfree: memory corruption\n"); PR_StackTrace(&progfuncs->funcs, false); return; } if (!na || na >= ptr) { pb = pa?(qcmemfreeblock_t*)(progfuncs->funcs.stringtable + pa):NULL; if (pb && pa+pb->size>ptr) { //previous free block extends into the block that we're trying to free. externs->Printf("PF_memfree: double free\n"); PR_StackTrace(&progfuncs->funcs, false); return; } #ifdef _DEBUG if (pb && pb->marker != MARKER_FREE) { externs->Printf("PF_memfree: use-after-free?\n"); PR_StackTrace(&progfuncs->funcs, false); return; } #endif nb = na?(qcmemfreeblock_t*)(progfuncs->funcs.stringtable + na):NULL; if (nb && ptr+size > na) { externs->Printf("PF_memfree: block extends into neighbour\n"); PR_StackTrace(&progfuncs->funcs, false); return; } #ifdef _DEBUG if (nb && nb->marker != MARKER_FREE) { externs->Printf("PF_memfree: use-after-free?\n"); PR_StackTrace(&progfuncs->funcs, false); return; } #endif /*generate the free block, now we know its proper values*/ b = (qcmemfreeblock_t*)(progfuncs->funcs.stringtable + ptr); #ifdef _DEBUG b->marker = MARKER_FREE; #endif b->prev = pa; b->next = na; b->size = size; if (na) nb->prev = ptr; if (!pa) prinst.mfreelist = ptr; else pb->next = ptr; /*extend this block and kill the next if they are adjacent*/ if (na && b->next == ptr + size) { b->size += nb->size; PF_fmem_unlink(progfuncs, nb); } /*we're adjacent to the previous block, so merge them by killing the newly freed region*/ if (pa && pa + pb->size == ptr) { pb->size += size; PF_fmem_unlink(progfuncs, b); } break; } pa = na; b = (qcmemfreeblock_t*)(progfuncs->funcs.stringtable + pa); na = b->next; } PR_memvalidate(progfuncs); } void PRAddressableFlush(progfuncs_t *progfuncs, size_t totalammount) { prinst.addressableused = 0; prinst.mfreelist = 0; if (totalammount <= 0) //flush { totalammount = prinst.addressablesize; // return; } #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WINRT) if (prinst.addressablehunk && prinst.addressablesize != totalammount) { VirtualFree(prinst.addressablehunk, 0, MEM_RELEASE); //doesn't this look complicated? :p prinst.addressablehunk = NULL; } if (!prinst.addressablehunk) prinst.addressablehunk = VirtualAlloc (prinst.addressablehunk, totalammount, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS); #else if (prinst.addressablehunk && prinst.addressablesize != totalammount) { free(prinst.addressablehunk); prinst.addressablehunk = NULL; } if (!prinst.addressablehunk) prinst.addressablehunk = malloc(totalammount); //linux will allocate-on-use anyway, which is handy. // memset(prinst.addressablehunk, 0xff, totalammount); #endif if (!prinst.addressablehunk) externs->Sys_Error("Out of memory\n"); prinst.addressablesize = totalammount; progfuncs->funcs.stringtablemaxsize = totalammount; } int PDECL PR_InitEnts(pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, int max_ents) { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)ppf; edictrun_t *e; prinst.maxedicts = max_ents; sv_num_edicts = 0; #if 0 { int i; for (i = 0; i < prinst.numfields; i++) { externs->Printf("%s(%i) %i -> %i\n", prinst.field[i].name, prinst.field[i].type, prinst.field[i].progsofs, prinst.field[i].ofs); } } #endif prinst.max_fields_size = prinst.fields_size; prinst.edicttable = (struct edictrun_s**)(progfuncs->funcs.edicttable = PRHunkAlloc(progfuncs, prinst.maxedicts*sizeof(struct edicts_s *), "edicttable")); progfuncs->funcs.edicttable_length = prinst.maxedicts; e = PRHunkAlloc(progfuncs, externs->edictsize, "edict0"); e->fieldsize = prinst.fields_size; e->entnum = 0; e->ereftype = ER_ENTITY; sv_edicts = (struct edict_s *)e; sv_num_edicts = 1; progfuncs->funcs.edicttable[0] = sv_edicts; e->fields = PRAddressableExtend(progfuncs, NULL, e->fieldsize, prinst.max_fields_size-e->fieldsize); QC_ClearEdict(&progfuncs->funcs, sv_edicts); if (externs->entspawn) externs->entspawn(sv_edicts, false); return prinst.max_fields_size; } edictrun_t tempedict={ER_FREE}; //used as a safty buffer static float tempedictfields[2048]; static void PDECL PR_Configure (pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, size_t addressable_size, int max_progs, pbool profiling) //can be used to wipe all memory { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)ppf; unsigned int i; edictrun_t *e; prinst.max_fields_size=0; prinst.fields_size = 0; progfuncs->funcs.stringtable = 0; QC_StartShares(progfuncs); QC_InitShares(progfuncs); for ( i=1 ; i<prinst.maxedicts; i++) { e = (edictrun_t *)(prinst.edicttable[i]); prinst.edicttable[i] = NULL; // e->entnum = i; if (e) externs->memfree(e); } PRHunkFree(progfuncs, 0); //clear mem - our hunk may not be a real hunk. if (addressable_size == (size_t)-1) { #if defined(_WIN64) && !defined(WINRT) addressable_size = 0x80000000; //use of virtual address space rather than physical memory means we can just go crazy and use the max of 2gb. #elif defined(FTE_TARGET_WEB) addressable_size = 8*1024*1024; #else addressable_size = 32*1024*1024; #endif } if (addressable_size > 0x80000000) addressable_size = 0x80000000; PRAddressableFlush(progfuncs, addressable_size); progfuncs->funcs.stringtable = prinst.addressablehunk; pr_progstate = PRHunkAlloc(progfuncs, sizeof(progstate_t) * max_progs, "progstatetable"); /* for(a = 0; a < max_progs; a++) { pr_progstate[a].progs = NULL; } */ prinst.maxprogs = max_progs; prinst.pr_typecurrent=-1; PR_FreeAllTemps(progfuncs); prinst.reorganisefields = false; prinst.profiling = profiling; prinst.profilingalert = Sys_GetClockRate(); progfuncs->funcs.edicttable_length = prinst.maxedicts = 0; prinst.edicttable = (edictrun_t**)(progfuncs->funcs.edicttable = &sv_edicts); sv_num_edicts = 0; //set up a safty buffer so things won't go horribly wrong too often sv_edicts=(struct edict_s *)&tempedict; tempedict.readonly = true; tempedict.fields = tempedictfields; tempedict.ereftype = ER_OBJECT; } static struct globalvars_s *PDECL PR_globals (pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, progsnum_t pnum) { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)ppf; if (pnum < 0) { if (!current_progstate) { static float fallback[RESERVED_OFS]; return (struct globalvars_s *)fallback; //err.. you've not loaded one yet. } return (struct globalvars_s *)current_progstate->globals; } return (struct globalvars_s *)pr_progstate[pnum].globals; } static struct entvars_s *PDECL PR_entvars (pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, struct edict_s *ed) { // progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)ppf; if (((edictrun_t *)ed)->ereftype != ER_ENTITY) return NULL; return (struct entvars_s *)edvars(ed); } static pbool PDECL PR_GetFunctionInfo(pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, func_t func, int *args, pbyte **argsizes, int *builtinnum, char *funcname, size_t funcnamesize) { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)ppf; unsigned int pnum; unsigned int fnum; mfunction_t *f; pnum = (func & 0xff000000)>>24; fnum = (func & 0x00ffffff); if (pnum >= prinst.maxprogs || !pr_progstate[pnum].functions) return false; else if (fnum >= pr_progstate[pnum].progs->numfunctions) return false; else { f = pr_progstate[pnum].functions + fnum; if (args) *args = f->numparms; if (argsizes) *argsizes = f->parm_size; if (builtinnum) *builtinnum = -f->first_statement; if (funcname) { const char *srcname = PR_StringToNative(ppf, f->s_name); size_t nlen = strlen(srcname); if (nlen < funcnamesize) memcpy(funcname, srcname, nlen+1); else *funcname = 0; } return true; } } func_t PDECL PR_FindFunc(pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, const char *funcname, progsnum_t pnum) { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)ppf; mfunction_t *f=NULL; if (pnum == PR_ANY) { for (pnum = 0; (unsigned)pnum < prinst.maxprogs; pnum++) { if (!pr_progstate[pnum].progs) continue; f = ED_FindFunction(progfuncs, funcname, &pnum, pnum); if (f) break; } } else if (pnum == PR_ANYBACK) //run backwards { for (pnum = prinst.maxprogs-1; pnum >= 0; pnum--) { if (!pr_progstate[pnum].progs) continue; f = ED_FindFunction(progfuncs, funcname, &pnum, pnum); if (f) break; } } else f = ED_FindFunction(progfuncs, funcname, &pnum, pnum); if (!f) return 0; { ddef16_t *var16; ddef32_t *var32; progstate_t *ps = &pr_progstate[pnum]; switch(ps->structtype) { case PST_KKQWSV: case PST_DEFAULT: var16 = ED_FindTypeGlobalFromProgs16(progfuncs, ps, funcname, ev_function); //we must make sure we actually have a function def - 'light' is defined as a field before it is defined as a function. if (!var16) return (f - ps->functions) | (pnum << 24); return *(int *)&ps->globals[var16->ofs]; case PST_QTEST: case PST_FTE32: case PST_UHEXEN2: var32 = ED_FindTypeGlobalFromProgs32(progfuncs, ps, funcname, ev_function); //we must make sure we actually have a function def - 'light' is defined as a field before it is defined as a function. if (!var32) return (f - ps->functions) | (pnum << 24); return *(int *)&ps->globals[var32->ofs]; } externs->Sys_Error("Error with def size (PR_FindFunc)"); } return 0; } static void PDECL QC_FindPrefixedGlobals(pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, int pnum, char *prefix, void (PDECL *found) (pubprogfuncs_t *progfuncs, char *name, union eval_s *val, etype_t type, void *ctx), void *ctx) { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)ppf; unsigned int i; ddef16_t *def16; ddef32_t *def32; int len = strlen(prefix); if (pnum == PR_CURRENT) pnum = prinst.pr_typecurrent; if (pnum == PR_ANY) { for (pnum = 0; (unsigned)pnum < prinst.maxprogs; pnum++) { if (!pr_progstate[pnum].progs) continue; QC_FindPrefixedGlobals(ppf, pnum, prefix, found, ctx); } return; } if (!pr_progstate[pnum].progs) return; switch(pr_progstate[pnum].structtype) { case PST_DEFAULT: case PST_KKQWSV: for (i=1 ; i<pr_progstate[pnum].progs->numglobaldefs ; i++) { def16 = &pr_progstate[pnum].globaldefs16[i]; if (!strncmp(def16->s_name+progfuncs->funcs.stringtable,prefix, len)) found(&progfuncs->funcs, def16->s_name+progfuncs->funcs.stringtable, (eval_t *)&pr_progstate[pnum].globals[def16->ofs], def16->type, ctx); } break; case PST_QTEST: case PST_FTE32: case PST_UHEXEN2: for (i=1 ; i<pr_progstate[pnum].progs->numglobaldefs ; i++) { def32 = &pr_progstate[pnum].globaldefs32[i]; if (!strncmp(def32->s_name+progfuncs->funcs.stringtable,prefix, len)) found(&progfuncs->funcs, def32->s_name+progfuncs->funcs.stringtable, (eval_t *)&pr_progstate[pnum].globals[def32->ofs], def32->type, ctx); } break; } } static pbool PDECL PR_FindBuiltins (pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, progsnum_t prnum, int binum, pbool (PDECL *found) (pubprogfuncs_t *progfuncs, const char *name, void *ctx), void *ctx) //calls the callback for each function reference that's mapped to the specified builtin number. { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)ppf; mfunction_t *func; unsigned int i; if ((unsigned)prnum > (unsigned)prinst.maxprogs) { externs->Printf("Progsnum %"pPRIi" out of bounds\n", prnum); return false; } if (!pr_progstate[prnum].progs) return false; if (binum < 0) return false; //invalid binum = -binum; for (i=1 ; i<pr_progstate[prnum].progs->numfunctions ; i++) { func = &pr_progstate[prnum].functions[i]; if (func->first_statement == binum) if (!found(ppf, PR_StringToNative(ppf, func->s_name), ctx)) return false; } return true; } eval_t *PDECL PR_FindGlobal(pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, const char *globname, progsnum_t pnum, etype_t *type) { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)ppf; unsigned int i; ddef16_t *var16; ddef32_t *var32; progstate_t *cp; if (type) *type = ev_void; if (pnum == PR_CURRENT && current_progstate) cp = current_progstate; else if (pnum == PR_ANY) { eval_t *ev; for (i = 0; i < prinst.maxprogs; i++) { if (!pr_progstate[i].progs) continue; ev = PR_FindGlobal(&progfuncs->funcs, globname, i, type); if (ev) return ev; } return NULL; } else if (pnum >= 0 && (unsigned)pnum < prinst.maxprogs && pr_progstate[pnum].progs) cp = &pr_progstate[pnum]; else return NULL; switch(cp->structtype) { case PST_DEFAULT: case PST_KKQWSV: if (!(var16 = ED_FindGlobalFromProgs16(progfuncs, cp, globname))) return NULL; if (type) *type = var16->type; return (eval_t *)&cp->globals[var16->ofs]; case PST_QTEST: case PST_FTE32: case PST_UHEXEN2: if (!(var32 = ED_FindGlobalFromProgs32(progfuncs, cp, globname))) return NULL; if (type) *type = var32->type; return (eval_t *)&cp->globals[var32->ofs]; } externs->Sys_Error("Error with def size (PR_FindGlobal)"); return NULL; } static char *PDECL PR_VarString (pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, int first) { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)ppf; int i; static char out[1024]; const char *s; out[0] = 0; for (i=first ; i<progfuncs->funcs.callargc ; i++) { s = PR_StringToNative(ppf, G_STRING(OFS_PARM0+i*3)); if (s) { if (strlen(out) + strlen(s) + 1 >= sizeof(out)) return out; strcat (out, s); } } return out; } static int PDECL PR_QueryField (pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, unsigned int fieldoffset, etype_t *type, char const**name, evalc_t *fieldcache) { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)ppf; fdef_t *var; var = ED_FieldAtOfs(progfuncs, fieldoffset); if (!var) return false; if (type) *type = var->type & ~(DEF_SAVEGLOBAL|DEF_SHARED); if (name) *name = var->name; if (fieldcache) { fieldcache->ofs32 = var; fieldcache->varname = var->name; } return true; } eval_t *PDECL QC_GetEdictFieldValue(pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, struct edict_s *ed, const char *name, etype_t type, evalc_t *cache) { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)ppf; fdef_t *var; if (!cache) { var = ED_FindField(progfuncs, name); if (!var || (var->type != type && type)) return NULL; return (eval_t *) &(((int*)(((edictrun_t*)ed)->fields))[var->ofs]); } if (!cache->varname) { cache->varname = name; var = ED_FindField(progfuncs, name); if (!var || (var->type != type && type)) { cache->ofs32 = NULL; return NULL; } cache->ofs32 = var; cache->varname = var->name; if (!ed) return (void*)~0; //something not null return (eval_t *) &(((int*)(((edictrun_t*)ed)->fields))[var->ofs]); } if (cache->ofs32 == NULL) return NULL; return (eval_t *) &(((int*)(((edictrun_t*)ed)->fields))[cache->ofs32->ofs]); } static struct edict_s *PDECL ProgsToEdict (pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, int progs) { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)ppf; if ((unsigned)progs >= (unsigned)prinst.maxedicts) { externs->Printf("Bad entity index %i\n", progs); if (prinst.pr_depth) { PR_StackTrace (ppf, false); // progfuncs->funcs.pr_trace += 1; } progs = 0; } return (struct edict_s *)PROG_TO_EDICT_PB(progfuncs.inst, progs); } static int PDECL EdictToProgs (pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, struct edict_s *ed) { // progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)ppf; return EDICT_TO_PROG(progfuncs, ed); } string_t PDECL PR_StringToProgs (pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, const char *str) { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)ppf; char **ntable; int i, free=-1; if (!str) return 0; if (str >= progfuncs->funcs.stringtable && str < progfuncs->funcs.stringtable + prinst.addressableused) return str - progfuncs->funcs.stringtable; for (i = prinst.numallocedstrings-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (prinst.allocedstrings[i] == str) return (string_t)((unsigned int)i | STRING_STATIC); if (!prinst.allocedstrings[i]) free = i; } if (free != -1) { i = free; prinst.allocedstrings[i] = (char*)str; return (string_t)((unsigned int)i | STRING_STATIC); } if (prinst.numallocedstrings < prinst.maxallocedstrings) { i = prinst.numallocedstrings++; prinst.allocedstrings[i] = (char*)str; return (string_t)((unsigned int)i | STRING_STATIC); } prinst.maxallocedstrings += 1024; ntable = progfuncs->funcs.parms->memalloc(sizeof(char*) * prinst.maxallocedstrings); memcpy(ntable, prinst.allocedstrings, sizeof(char*) * prinst.numallocedstrings); memset(ntable + prinst.numallocedstrings, 0, sizeof(char*) * (prinst.maxallocedstrings - prinst.numallocedstrings)); if (prinst.allocedstrings) progfuncs->funcs.parms->memfree(prinst.allocedstrings); prinst.allocedstrings = ntable; i = prinst.numallocedstrings++; prinst.allocedstrings[i] = (char*)str; return (string_t)((unsigned int)i | STRING_STATIC); } //if ed is null, fld points to a global. if str_is_static, then s doesn't need its own memory allocated. static void PDECL PR_SetStringField(pubprogfuncs_t *progfuncs, struct edict_s *ed, string_t *fld, const char *str, pbool str_is_static) { if (!str) *fld = 0; else { #ifdef QCGC *fld = PR_AllocTempString(progfuncs, str); #else if (!str_is_static) str = PR_AddString(progfuncs, str, 0, false); *fld = PR_StringToProgs(progfuncs, str); #endif } } static char *PDECL PR_RemoveProgsString (pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, string_t str) { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)ppf; char *ret; //input string is expected to be an allocated string //if its a temp, or a constant, just return NULL. if (((unsigned int)str & STRING_SPECMASK) == STRING_STATIC) { int i = str & ~STRING_SPECMASK; if (i >= prinst.numallocedstrings) { PR_RunWarning(&progfuncs->funcs, "invalid static string %x\n", str); return NULL; } if (prinst.allocedstrings[i]) { ret = prinst.allocedstrings[i]; prinst.allocedstrings[i] = NULL; //remove it return ret; } else { PR_RunWarning(&progfuncs->funcs, "invalid static string %x (already free)\n", str); return NULL; //urm, was freed... } } PR_RunWarning(&progfuncs->funcs, "invalid static string %x\n", str); return NULL; } const char *ASMCALL PR_StringToNative (pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, string_t str) { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)ppf; if (((unsigned int)str & STRING_SPECMASK) == STRING_STATIC) { int i = str & ~STRING_SPECMASK; if (i >= prinst.numallocedstrings) { if (!progfuncs->funcs.debug_trace) //don't spam this PR_RunWarning(&progfuncs->funcs, "invalid static string %x\n", str); return ""; } if (prinst.allocedstrings[i]) return prinst.allocedstrings[i]; else { if (!progfuncs->funcs.debug_trace) PR_RunWarning(&progfuncs->funcs, "invalid static string %x\n", str); return ""; //urm, was freed... } } if (((unsigned int)str & STRING_SPECMASK) == STRING_TEMP) { unsigned int i = str & ~STRING_SPECMASK; tempstr_t *ts; if (i >= prinst.maxtempstrings || !(ts=prinst.tempstrings[i])) { if (!progfuncs->funcs.debug_trace) PR_RunWarning(&progfuncs->funcs, "invalid temp string %x\n", str); return ""; } return ts->value; } if ((unsigned int)str >= (unsigned int)prinst.addressableused) { if (!progfuncs->funcs.debug_trace) PR_RunWarning(&progfuncs->funcs, "invalid string offset %x\n", str); return ""; } return progfuncs->funcs.stringtable + str; } //guarentees a return value for tempstrings, but requires a small enough data size to do so. eval_t *PR_GetReadTempStringPtr(progfuncs_t *progfuncs, string_t str, size_t offset, size_t datasize) { static eval_t dummy; //don't resize anything when reading. if (((unsigned int)str & STRING_SPECMASK) == STRING_TEMP) { unsigned int i = str & ~STRING_SPECMASK; tempstr_t *temp; if (i < prinst.maxtempstrings && (temp=prinst.tempstrings[i])) { if (offset + datasize <= temp->size) return (eval_t*)(temp->value + offset); else if (datasize <= sizeof(dummy)) return &dummy; } } return NULL; } eval_t *PR_GetWriteTempStringPtr(progfuncs_t *progfuncs, string_t str, size_t offset, size_t datasize) { if (((unsigned int)str & STRING_SPECMASK) == STRING_TEMP) { unsigned int i = str & ~STRING_SPECMASK; tempstr_t *temp; if (i < prinst.maxtempstrings && (temp=prinst.tempstrings[i])) { if (offset + datasize >= temp->size) { //access is beyond the current size. expand it. unsigned int newsize; tempstr_t *newtemp; newsize = offset + datasize; if (newsize > (1u<<20u)) return NULL; //gotta have a cut-off point somewhere. newsize = (newsize+sizeof(float)-1)&~(sizeof(float)-1); newtemp = progfuncs->funcs.parms->memalloc(sizeof(tempstr_t) - sizeof(((tempstr_t*)NULL)->value) + newsize); if (!newtemp) return NULL; newtemp->size = newsize; memcpy(newtemp->value, temp->value, temp->size); memset(newtemp->value+temp->size, 0, newsize-temp->size); progfuncs->funcs.parms->memfree(temp); prinst.tempstrings[i] = temp = newtemp; } return (eval_t*)(temp->value + offset); } } return NULL; } //returns null for invalid accesses. WARNING: invalidates any other pointers to the same tempstring so use this before getting any read pointers (or strings!). void *PR_PointerToNative_Resize(pubprogfuncs_t *inst, pint_t ptr, size_t offset, size_t datasize) { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)inst; if (((unsigned int)ptr & STRING_SPECMASK) == STRING_TEMP) { //buffer. these auto-upsize. unsigned int i = ptr & ~STRING_SPECMASK; tempstr_t *temp; if (i < prinst.maxtempstrings && (temp=prinst.tempstrings[i])) { if (datasize > temp->size || offset >= temp->size-datasize) { //access is beyond the current size. expand it. unsigned int newsize; tempstr_t *newtemp; newsize = offset + datasize; if (newsize > (1u<<20u)) return NULL; //gotta have a cut-off point somewhere. newsize = (newsize+sizeof(float)-1)&~(sizeof(float)-1); newtemp = progfuncs->funcs.parms->memalloc(sizeof(tempstr_t) - sizeof(((tempstr_t*)NULL)->value) + newsize); if (!newtemp) return NULL; //erk! newtemp->size = newsize; memcpy(newtemp->value, temp->value, temp->size); memset(newtemp->value+temp->size, 0, newsize-temp->size); progfuncs->funcs.parms->memfree(temp); prinst.tempstrings[i] = temp = newtemp; } return (eval_t*)(temp->value + offset); } return NULL; //nothing not allocated. } else { //regular pointer offset += ptr; if (datasize > inst->stringtablesize || offset >= inst->stringtablesize-datasize || !offset) return NULL; //can't autoresize these. just fail. return inst->stringtable + ptr; } return NULL; } void *PR_PointerToNative_MoInvalidate(pubprogfuncs_t *inst, pint_t ptr, size_t offset, size_t datasize) { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)inst; if (((unsigned int)ptr & STRING_SPECMASK) == STRING_TEMP) { //buffer. these auto-upsize. unsigned int i = ptr & ~STRING_SPECMASK; tempstr_t *temp; if (i < prinst.maxtempstrings && (temp=prinst.tempstrings[i])) { if (datasize > temp->size || offset >= temp->size-datasize) { //access is beyond the current size. we're not allowed to break any other pointers though, so just fail and let the caller handle that. return NULL; //gotta have a cut-off point somewhere. } return (eval_t*)(temp->value + offset); } return NULL; //nothing not allocated. } else { //regular pointer offset += ptr; if (datasize > inst->stringtablesize || offset >= inst->stringtablesize-datasize || !offset) return NULL; //can't autoresize these. just fail. return inst->stringtable + ptr; } return NULL; } void QCBUILTIN PF_memgetval (pubprogfuncs_t *inst, struct globalvars_s *globals) { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)inst; //read 32 bits from a pointer. int dst = G_INT(OFS_PARM0); float ofs = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); int size = sizeof(int); if (ofs != (float)(int)ofs) PR_RunWarning(inst, "PF_memgetval: non-integer offset\n"); dst += ofs*size; if (dst < 0 || dst+size >= inst->stringtablesize) { PR_RunError(inst, "PF_memgetval: invalid dest\n"); return; } if (dst & 3) PR_RunWarning(inst, "PF_memgetval: misaligned pointer (%#x)\n", dst); G_INT(OFS_RETURN) = *(int*)(inst->stringtable + dst); } void QCBUILTIN PF_memsetval (pubprogfuncs_t *inst, struct globalvars_s *globals) { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)inst; //write 32 bits to a pointer. int dst = G_INT(OFS_PARM0); float ofs = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1); int val = G_INT(OFS_PARM2); int size = sizeof(int); if (ofs != (float)(int)ofs) PR_RunWarning(inst, "PF_memsetval: non-integer offset\n"); dst += ofs*size; if (dst < 0 || dst+size >= inst->stringtablesize) { PR_RunError(inst, "PF_memsetval: invalid dest\n"); return; } if (dst & 3) PR_RunWarning(inst, "PF_memgetval: misaligned pointer (%#x)\n", dst); *(int*)(inst->stringtable + dst) = val; } //#define GCTIMINGS #ifdef QCGC #define smallbool char static smallbool *PR_QCGC_Mark(void *mem, size_t memsize, size_t numtemps) { unsigned int *str; //the reference we're considering size_t p; smallbool *marked; //just booleans. could compact. marked = malloc(sizeof(*marked) * numtemps); memset(marked, 0, sizeof(*marked) * numtemps); //mark everything the qc has access to, even if it isn't even a string! //note that I did try specifically checking only data explicitly marked as a string type, but that was: //a) a smidge slower (lots of extra loops and conditions I guess) //b) doesn't work with pointers/structs (yes, we assume it'll all be aligned). //c) both methods got the same number of false positives in my test (2, probably dead strunzoned references) for (str = mem, p = 0; p < memsize; p+=sizeof(*str), str++) { if ((*str & STRING_SPECMASK) == STRING_TEMP) { unsigned int idx = *str &~ STRING_SPECMASK; if (idx < numtemps) marked[idx] = true; } } return marked; } static size_t PR_QCGC_Sweep(progfuncs_t *progfuncs, smallbool *marked, tempstr_t **tempstrings, unsigned int numtemps) { unsigned int p; unsigned int swept = 0; #ifdef GCTIMINGS unsigned int unswept = 0; unsigned int errors = 0; #endif for (p = 0; p < numtemps; p++) { if (marked[p]) { //still live... #ifdef GCTIMINGS unswept++; if (!tempstrings[p]) errors++; #endif } else if (tempstrings[p]) { //not marked, but was valid at the time our snapshot was taken #ifdef _DEBUG if (tempstrings[p] != prinst.tempstrings[p]) { //something weird happened. tempstrings are supposed to be immutable (at least in length). externs->Sys_Error("tempstring was reallocated while gc was running"); continue; } #endif swept++; //FIXME: Security Race: its possible for a mod to do weird manipulations to access the tempstring while we're still freeing it, allowing it to read something outside of its sandbox. //one option would be to have the main thread bounce it back to the worker after its complete, so we can actually free the memory only after main thread has acknowledged that its tempstrings are nulled. prinst.tempstrings[p] = NULL; externs->memfree(tempstrings[p]); } } free(marked); return swept; } #ifdef THREADEDGC #include "quakedef.h" struct qcgccontext_s { int done; unsigned int clearedtemps; //number of temps that were swept away progfuncs_t *progfuncs; //careful! size_t maxtemps; //so it doesn't go stale tempstr_t **tempstrings;//so we don't get confused over temps added while marking size_t memsize; unsigned int amem[1]; }; void PR_QCGC_Done(void *ctx, void *data, size_t a, size_t b) { struct qcgccontext_s *gc = ctx; gc->done = true; } void PR_QCGC_Thread(void *ctx, void *data, size_t a, size_t b) { struct qcgccontext_s *gc = ctx; progfuncs_t *progfuncs = gc->progfuncs; smallbool *marked; #ifdef GCTIMINGS double starttime, markedtime, endtime; starttime = Sys_DoubleTime(); #endif marked = PR_QCGC_Mark(gc->amem, gc->memsize, gc->maxtemps); #ifdef GCTIMINGS markedtime = Sys_DoubleTime(); #endif gc->clearedtemps = PR_QCGC_Sweep(progfuncs, marked, gc->tempstrings, gc->maxtemps); #ifdef GCTIMINGS endtime = Sys_DoubleTime(); gc->externs->Printf("live: %u, dead: %u, threadtime: mark=%f, sweep=%f, total=%f\n", prinst.livetemps-gc->clearedtemps, gc->clearedtemps, (markedtime - starttime), (endtime - markedtime), endtime-starttime); #endif COM_InsertWork(WG_MAIN, PR_QCGC_Done, gc, NULL, 0, 0); } #endif static void PR_ExpandTempStrings(progfuncs_t *progfuncs, size_t newmax) { tempstr_t **ntable = progfuncs->funcs.parms->memalloc(sizeof(*ntable) * newmax); memcpy(ntable, prinst.tempstrings, sizeof(*ntable) * prinst.maxtempstrings); memset(ntable+prinst.maxtempstrings, 0, sizeof(*ntable) * (newmax-prinst.maxtempstrings)); prinst.maxtempstrings = newmax; if (prinst.tempstrings) progfuncs->funcs.parms->memfree(prinst.tempstrings); prinst.tempstrings = ntable; } static string_t PDECL PR_AllocTempStringLen (pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, char **str, unsigned int len) { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t *)ppf; int i; if (!str) return 0; if (prinst.livetemps == prinst.maxtempstrings) { #ifdef THREADEDGC //need to wait for the gc to finish, otherwise it might be wiping freed strings that we're still using. while (prinst.gccontext) { COM_WorkerPartialSync(prinst.gccontext, &prinst.gccontext->done, false); PR_RunGC(progfuncs); } #endif PR_ExpandTempStrings(progfuncs, prinst.maxtempstrings*2 + 1024); } for (i = prinst.nexttempstring; i < prinst.maxtempstrings && prinst.tempstrings[i]; i++) ; if (i == prinst.maxtempstrings) { for (i = 0; i < prinst.nexttempstring && prinst.tempstrings[i]; i++) ; if (i == prinst.nexttempstring) return 0; //panic! } prinst.nexttempstring = i; prinst.livetemps++; prinst.tempstrings[i] = progfuncs->funcs.parms->memalloc(sizeof(tempstr_t) - sizeof(((tempstr_t*)NULL)->value) + len); prinst.tempstrings[i]->size = len; *str = prinst.tempstrings[i]->value; return (string_t)((unsigned int)i | STRING_TEMP); } void PR_RunGC (progfuncs_t *progfuncs) { #ifdef THREADEDGC if (!prinst.gccontext) #endif { if (prinst.livetemps < prinst.maxtempstrings/2 || prinst.nexttempstring < prinst.maxtempstrings/2) { //don't bother yet return; } #ifdef THREADEDGC if (externs->usethreadedgc) { #ifdef GCTIMINGS double starttime = Sys_DoubleTime(), endtime; #endif struct qcgccontext_s *gc = prinst.gccontext = malloc(sizeof(*gc) - sizeof(gc->amem) + prinst.addressableused + sizeof(*gc->tempstrings)*prinst.maxtempstrings); gc->done = false; gc->clearedtemps = 0; gc->progfuncs = progfuncs; gc->memsize = prinst.addressableused; memcpy(gc->amem, prinst.addressablehunk, prinst.addressableused); gc->maxtemps = prinst.maxtempstrings; gc->tempstrings = (void*)((char*)gc->amem+prinst.addressableused); memcpy(gc->tempstrings, prinst.tempstrings, sizeof(*gc->tempstrings)*gc->maxtemps); COM_InsertWork(WG_LOADER, PR_QCGC_Thread, gc, NULL, 0, 0); #ifdef GCTIMINGS endtime = Sys_DoubleTime(); gc->externs->Printf("preparetime=%f\n", (endtime - starttime)); #endif return; } #endif { //same-thread gc. smallbool *marked = PR_QCGC_Mark(prinst.addressablehunk, prinst.addressableused, prinst.maxtempstrings); size_t swept = PR_QCGC_Sweep(progfuncs, marked, prinst.tempstrings, prinst.maxtempstrings); prinst.livetemps -= swept; //if over half the (max)strings are still live, just increase the max so we are not spamming collections if (prinst.livetemps >= prinst.maxtempstrings/2) PR_ExpandTempStrings(progfuncs, prinst.maxtempstrings * 2); } } #ifdef THREADEDGC else if (prinst.gccontext->done) { prinst.livetemps -= prinst.gccontext->clearedtemps; free(prinst.gccontext); prinst.gccontext = NULL; //if over half the (max)strings are still live, just increase the max so we are not spamming collections if (prinst.livetemps >= prinst.maxtempstrings/2) PR_ExpandTempStrings(progfuncs, prinst.maxtempstrings * 2); } #endif } static void PR_FreeAllTemps (progfuncs_t *progfuncs) { unsigned int i; #ifdef THREADEDGC while (prinst.gccontext) { COM_WorkerPartialSync(prinst.gccontext, &prinst.gccontext->done, false); PR_RunGC(progfuncs); } #endif for (i = 0; i < prinst.maxtempstrings; i++) { externs->memfree(prinst.tempstrings[i]); prinst.tempstrings[i] = NULL; } prinst.maxtempstrings = 0; prinst.nexttempstring = 0; prinst.livetemps = 0; } #else static string_t PDECL PR_AllocTempStringLen (pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, char **str, unsigned int len) { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)ppf; tempstr_t **ntable, *n; int newmax; int i; if (!str) return 0; if (prinst.numtempstrings == prinst.maxtempstrings) { newmax = prinst.maxtempstrings + 1024; ntable = progfuncs->funcs.parms->memalloc(sizeof(char*) * newmax); memcpy(ntable, prinst.tempstrings, sizeof(char*) * prinst.numtempstrings); prinst.maxtempstrings = newmax; if (prinst.tempstrings) progfuncs->funcs.parms->memfree(prinst.tempstrings); prinst.tempstrings = ntable; } i = prinst.numtempstrings; if (i == 0x10000000) return 0; prinst.numtempstrings++; n = progfuncs->funcs.parms->memalloc(sizeof(tempstr_t) - sizeof(((tempstr_t*)NULL)->value) + len); n->size = len; *str = n->value; prinst.tempstrings[i] = n; //doesn't have its value yet... return (string_t)((unsigned int)i | STRING_TEMP); } void PR_FreeTemps (progfuncs_t *progfuncs, int depth) { int i; if (depth > prinst.numtempstrings) { Sys_Error("QC Temp stack inverted\n"); return; } for (i = depth; i < prinst.numtempstrings; i++) { externs->memfree(prinst.tempstrings[i]); } prinst.numtempstrings = depth; } static void PR_FreeAllTemps (progfuncs_t *progfuncs) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < prinst.numtempstrings; i++) { externs->memfree(prinst.tempstrings[i]); prinst.tempstrings[i] = NULL; } prinst.numtempstrings = 0; prinst.nexttempstring = 0; } #endif string_t PDECL PR_AllocTempString (pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, const char *str) { char *out; string_t res; size_t len; if (!str) return 0; len = strlen(str)+1; res = PR_AllocTempStringLen(ppf, &out, len); if (res) memcpy(out, str, len); return res; } static pbool PDECL PR_DumpProfiles (pubprogfuncs_t *ppf, pbool resetprofiles) { progfuncs_t *progfuncs = (progfuncs_t*)ppf; struct progstate_s *ps; unsigned int i, f, j, s; prclocks_t cpufrequency; struct { char *fname; int profile; prclocks_t profiletime; prclocks_t totaltime; } *sorted, t; if (!prinst.profiling) { prinst.profiling = true; return false; } cpufrequency = Sys_GetClockRate(); for (i = 0; i < prinst.maxprogs; i++) { ps = &pr_progstate[i]; if (ps->progs == NULL) //we havn't loaded it yet, for some reason continue; externs->Printf("%s:\n", ps->filename); sorted = malloc(sizeof(*sorted) * ps->progs->numfunctions); //pull out the functions in order to sort them for (s = 0, f = 0; f < ps->progs->numfunctions; f++) { if (!ps->functions[f].profile) continue; sorted[s].fname = ps->functions[f].s_name+progfuncs->funcs.stringtable; sorted[s].profile = ps->functions[f].profile; sorted[s].profiletime = ps->functions[f].profiletime - ps->functions[f].profilechildtime; sorted[s].totaltime = ps->functions[f].profiletime; if (resetprofiles) { ps->functions[f].profile = 0; ps->functions[f].profiletime = 0; ps->functions[f].profilechildtime = 0; } s++; } // good 'ol bubble sort for (f = 0; f < s; f++) { for (j = f; j < s; j++) if (sorted[f].profiletime > sorted[j].profiletime) { t = sorted[f]; sorted[f] = sorted[j]; sorted[j] = t; } } //print it out externs->Printf("%8s %9s %10s: %s\n", "ops", "self-time", "total-time", "function"); for (f = 0; f < s; f++) externs->Printf("%8u %9f %10f: %s\n", sorted[f].profile, ull2dbl(sorted[f].profiletime) / ull2dbl(cpufrequency), ull2dbl(sorted[f].totaltime) / ull2dbl(cpufrequency), sorted[f].fname); free(sorted); } return true; } static void PDECL PR_Shutdown(pubprogfuncs_t *ppf); static pubprogfuncs_t deffuncs = { PROGSTRUCT_VERSION, PR_Shutdown, PR_Configure, PR_LoadProgs, PR_InitEnts, PR_ExecuteProgram, PR_globals, PR_entvars, PR_RunError, ED_Print, ED_Alloc, ED_AllocIndex, ED_Free, QC_EDICT_NUM, QC_NUM_FOR_EDICT, PR_VarString, NULL, //progstate 0, //numprogs PR_FindFunc, #if defined(MINIMAL) || defined(OMIT_QCC) NULL, NULL, #else Comp_Begin, Comp_Continue, #endif filefromprogs, NULL,//filefromnewprogs, ED_Print, PR_SaveEnts, PR_LoadEnts, PR_SaveEnt, PR_RestoreEnt, PR_FindGlobal, QC_GetEdictFieldValue, ProgsToEdict, EdictToProgs, PR_EvaluateDebugString, 0,//trace PR_StackTrace, PR_ToggleBreakpoint, NULL, //parms #if 1//defined(MINIMAL) || defined(OMIT_QCC) NULL, //decompile #else QC_Decompile, #endif 0, //callargc 0, //string table(pointer base address) 0, //string table size 0, //max size 0, //field adjust(aditional field offset) 0, //field slots allocated (for builtins to clamp field reference args). PR_ForkStack, PR_ResumeThread, PR_AbortStack, PR_GetBuiltinCallInfo, PR_FindBuiltins, QC_RegisterFieldVar, ED_NewString, QC_HunkAlloc, PR_memalloc, PR_memfree, PR_AllocTempString, PR_AllocTempStringLen, PR_StringToProgs, PR_StringToNative, PR_QueryField, QC_ClearEdict, QC_FindPrefixedGlobals, PR_SetWatchPoint, QC_AddSharedVar, QC_AddSharedFieldVar, PR_RemoveProgsString, PR_GetFunctionInfo, PR_GenerateStatementString, ED_FieldInfo, PR_UglyValueString, ED_ParseEval, PR_SetStringField, PR_DumpProfiles, 0, NULL, }; static int PDECL qclib_null_printf(const char *s, ...) { return 0; } static void *PDECL qclib_malloc(int size) { return malloc(size); } static void PDECL qclib_free(void *ptr) { free(ptr); } #ifdef FTE_TARGET_WEB #undef printf #define printf NULL //should be some null wrapper instead #endif //progfuncs_t *progfuncs = NULL; #undef memfree #undef prinst #undef extensionbuiltin #undef field #undef shares #undef maxedicts #undef sv_num_edicts static void PDECL PR_Shutdown(pubprogfuncs_t *ppf) { void (VARGS *f) (void *); progfuncs_t *inst = (progfuncs_t*)ppf; unsigned int i; edictrun_t *e; f = inst->funcs.parms->memfree; for ( i=1 ; i<inst->inst.maxedicts; i++) { e = (edictrun_t *)(inst->funcs.edicttable[i]); inst->funcs.edicttable[i] = NULL; if (e) { // e->entnum = i; f(e); } } PRHunkFree(inst, 0); #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WINRT) VirtualFree(inst->inst.addressablehunk, 0, MEM_RELEASE); //doesn't this look complicated? :p #else free(inst->inst.addressablehunk); #endif PR_FreeAllTemps(inst); if (inst->inst.allocedstrings) f(inst->inst.allocedstrings); inst->inst.allocedstrings = NULL; if (inst->inst.tempstrings) f(inst->inst.tempstrings); inst->inst.tempstrings = NULL; free(inst->inst.watch_name); if (inst->inst.field) f(inst->inst.field); if (inst->inst.shares) f(inst->inst.shares); //free memory f(inst); } #ifndef WIN32 #define QCLIBINT //don't use dllspecifications #endif #if defined(QCLIBDLL_EXPORTS) #ifdef _WIN32 __declspec(dllexport) #else __attribute__((visibility("default"))) #endif #endif pubprogfuncs_t * PDECL InitProgs(progexterns_t *ext) { progfuncs_t *funcs; if (!ext) { static progexterns_t defexterns; ext = &defexterns; } else if (ext->progsversion != PROGSTRUCT_VERSION) return NULL; #undef memalloc #undef pr_progstate #undef pr_argc funcs = (ext->memalloc?ext->memalloc:qclib_malloc)(sizeof(progfuncs_t)); memcpy(&funcs->funcs, &deffuncs, sizeof(pubprogfuncs_t)); memset(&funcs->inst, 0, sizeof(funcs->inst)); funcs->funcs.progstate = &funcs->inst.progstate; funcs->funcs.parms = ext; { //defs incase following structure is not passed. static struct edict_s *safe_edicts; static int safe_num_edicts; static double safetime=0; if (!ext->progsversion) ext->progsversion = PROGSTRUCT_VERSION; if (!ext->Printf) ext->Printf = qclib_null_printf; if (!ext->DPrintf) ext->DPrintf = qclib_null_printf; if (!ext->Sys_Error) ext->Sys_Error = (void*)exit; if (!ext->memalloc) ext->memalloc = qclib_malloc; if (!ext->memfree) ext->memfree = qclib_free; if (!ext->gametime) ext->gametime = &safetime; if (!ext->edicts) ext->edicts = &safe_edicts; if (!ext->num_edicts) ext->num_edicts = &safe_num_edicts; if (!ext->edictsize) ext->edictsize = sizeof(edictrun_t); } SetEndian(); return &funcs->funcs; } #ifdef QCC void main (int argc, char **argv) { progexterns_t ext; progfuncs_t *funcs; funcs = InitProgs(&ext); if (funcs->PR_StartCompile(argc, argv)) while(funcs->PR_ContinueCompile()); } #endif