void bprint(float plev, string st, string s2){} float PRINT_MEDIUM = 1; #include "/../inventory.qc" float show_inventory; vector mousepos; float showcontextmenu; vector contextpos; float slotnum; //the current slot under the mousecursor float sliderpos; float downslotnum; //the slot number when the mousecursor when down vector toppos = '0 32 0'; float k_mouse1; float mouseisdown; void(vector pos, float slotno) SlotImage = { local float it; local string itname; if (slotno == downslotnum && slotnum) slotno = slotnum; else if (slotno == slotnum && downslotnum) slotno = downslotnum; it = getstati(31+slotno); itname = GetItemImage(ToIID(it)); drawpic(pos, strcat("gui/", itname), '96 96 0', '1 1 1', 1); }; void() Invent_Draw = { local float i; local float it; local string itname; local float op; local float height; height = cvar("vid_conheight"); //how much space have we got for the slider? local float slotofs; slotofs = sliderpos*96*8 + 96*3; for (i = 3; i < 16; i++) { SlotImage(((i*96-slotofs) * '0 1 0'), i+1); // itname = GetItemName(ToIID(it)); // drawstring(toppos + ((i*8-slotofs) * '0 1 0'), strcat(itname, " (", ftos(ToStatus(it)), ")"), '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1); } drawstring('112 248 0', " HAND 1 ", '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1); SlotImage('112 256 0', 1); drawstring('112 248 0'+'96 0 0', " HAND 2 ", '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1); SlotImage('112 256 0'+'96 0 0', 2); drawstring('112 248 0'+'192 0 0', " ARMOUR ", '8 8 8', '1 1 1', 1); SlotImage('112 256 0'+'192 0 0', 3); drawpic('96 0 0', "gui/scrollup.jpg", '16 16 0', '1 1 1', 1); for (i = 0; i < height; i+=16) drawpic('96 16 0'+i*'0 1 0', "gui/scrollbar.jpg", '16 16 0', '1 1 1', 1); drawpic('96 0 0'+(height-16)*'0 1 0', "gui/scrolldown.jpg", '16 16 0', '1 1 1', 1); drawpic('96 16 0'+sliderpos*(height-48)*'0 1 0', "gui/scrollbox.jpg", '16 16 0', '1 1 1', 1); if (showcontextmenu) { op = floor((mousepos_y - contextpos_y)/8); drawfill(contextpos - '8 8 0', '88 24 0'+'16 16 0', '0 0 0', 0.7); drawstring(contextpos + (0 * '0 8 0'), "Use/Reload", '8 8 0', '1 1 0' + (op!=0)*'0 0 1', 1); drawstring(contextpos + (1 * '0 8 0'), "Put In Hand", '8 8 0', '1 1 0' + (op!=1)*'0 0 1', 1); drawstring(contextpos + (2 * '0 8 0'), "Drop", '8 8 0', '1 1 0' + (op!=2)*'0 0 1', 1); } else { if (mousepos_x >= 96) { slotnum = 0; if (mousepos_x >= 112 && mousepos_x <= 112+3*96) if (mousepos_y >= 256 && mousepos_y <= 256+96) slotnum = floor((mousepos_x - 112)/96) + 1; } else { slotnum = floor((mousepos_y + slotofs)/96) + 1; } // slotnum = floor((mousepos_y - toppos_y)/8) + 1; } drawstring('128 0 0', ftos(slotnum), '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1); it = getstati(31+slotnum); itname = GetItemName(ToIID(it)); drawstring('128 32 0', itname, '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1); itname = GetItemDesc(ToIID(it)); drawstring('128 48 0', itname, '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1); // drawfill(mousepos, '8 8 0', '0 0 0', 0.7); // drawstring(mousepos, "^", '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1); drawpic(mousepos, "gui/cursor.jpg", '32 32 0', '1 1 1', 1); }; void() CalcScrollPos = { sliderpos = (mousepos_y-24)/(cvar("vid_conheight")-48); if (sliderpos < 0) sliderpos = 0; if (sliderpos > 1) sliderpos = 1; }; float(float eventtype, float param1, float param2) CSQC_InputEvent = { local float op; if (eventtype == 0) //key down { if (param1 == 'i') { show_inventory = !show_inventory; } else if (!show_inventory) return false; else if (param1 == k_mouse1) { if (mousepos_x >= 96 && mousepos_x <= 96+16) { mouseisdown = true; CalcScrollPos(); } else downslotnum = slotnum; } else return false; return true; } if (eventtype == 1 && show_inventory) //key up { if (param1 == k_mouse1) { if (showcontextmenu) { op = floor((mousepos_y - contextpos_y)/8); if (op == 0) localcmd(strcat("cmd invuse ", ftos(slotnum), "\n")); else if (op == 1) localcmd(strcat("cmd invswap 1 ", ftos(slotnum), "\nimpulse 1\n")); else if (op == 2) localcmd(strcat("cmd invdrop ", ftos(slotnum), "\n")); showcontextmenu = false; } else { if (mousepos_x >= 96 && mousepos_x <= 96+16) { //within the scrollbar mouseisdown = false; } else if (downslotnum == slotnum) //mouse didn't move away { if (slotnum >= 1 && slotnum <= MAXSLOTS) { if (getstati(32+slotnum-1) != 0) //if there's actually an item there { showcontextmenu = true; //show the context menu contextpos = mousepos; } } else { show_inventory = false; //they clicked outside, fools! showcontextmenu = false; } } else { //they dragged showcontextmenu = false; localcmd(strcat("cmd invswap ", ftos(downslotnum), " ", ftos(slotnum), "\nimpulse 1\n")); } } mouseisdown = false; downslotnum = 0; } else return false; return true; } if (eventtype == 2 && show_inventory) //mouse { mousepos_x += param1; mousepos_y += param2; if (mousepos_x < 0) mousepos_x = 0; if (mousepos_y < 0) mousepos_y = 0; if (mouseisdown) CalcScrollPos(); return true; } return false; }; void() FigureOutButtons = { k_mouse1 = stringtokeynum("K_MOUSE1"); };