/* */ void (entity targ, entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage) T_Damage; void () player_run; void(entity bomb, entity attacker, float rad, entity ignore, string dtype) T_RadiusDamage; void(vector org, float damage) SpawnBlood; void() SuperDamageSound; void (float rec, float number, float dam, float var, float ran, float auto) W_FireShotgun; void (float dam, float rec, string snd, float rng, float rate) FireAssaultRifle; void (float dam, float rec, string snd, float rng, float rate) FirePistol; void (float dam, float rec, string snd, float rng, float rate) FireSMG; void () W_PlayerMenu; void () UseChem; void () Special; void () BuyMenu; void() Sneak; void() Bandage; void() Shield; void() player_knife1; void() player_knifea; void() ExitScreen; void() CharacterSheet; void() UseEquipment; void (float weap, float snd, float drop) DropWeapon; float () weightx; void (entity guy, float slot) GetWeaponWeight; // called by worldspawn void() W_Precache = { precache_sound ("weapons/r_exp3.wav"); // new rocket explosion precache_sound ("weapons/rocket1i.wav"); // spike gun precache_sound ("weapons/sgun1.wav"); precache_sound ("weapons/guncock.wav"); // player shotgun precache_sound ("weapons/ric1.wav"); // ricochet (used in c code) precache_sound ("weapons/ric2.wav"); // ricochet (used in c code) precache_sound ("weapons/ric3.wav"); // ricochet (used in c code) precache_sound ("weapons/ric4.wav"); // ricochet (used in c code) precache_sound ("weapons/ric5.wav"); // ricochet (used in c code) precache_sound ("weapons/spike2.wav"); // super spikes precache_sound ("weapons/tink1.wav"); // spikes tink (used in c code) precache_sound ("weapons/grenade.wav"); // grenade launcher precache_sound ("weapons/bounce.wav"); // grenade bounce precache_sound ("weapons/shotgn2.wav"); // super shotgun }; float() crandom = { return 2*(random() - 0.5); }; /* ================ W_FireMelee ================ */ void(float damage, float dist, float rate) FireMelee = { local vector source; local vector org; makevectors (self.v_angle); source = self.origin + '0 0 16'; traceline (source, source + v_forward*dist, FALSE, self); if (trace_fraction == 1.0) return; org = trace_endpos - v_forward*4; if (trace_ent.takedamage) { trace_ent.axhitme = 1; SpawnBlood (org, 20); T_Damage (trace_ent, self, self, damage+random()*damage); } else { // hit wall sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "player/axhit2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_SPIKE); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, org_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, org_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, org_z); multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS); } }; //============================================================================ vector() wall_velocity = { local vector vel; vel = normalize (self.velocity); vel = normalize(vel + v_up*(random()- 0.5) + v_right*(random()- 0.5)); vel = vel + 2*trace_plane_normal; vel = vel * 200; return vel; }; /* ================ SpawnMeatSpray ================ */ void(vector org, vector vel) SpawnMeatSpray = { local entity missile; local vector org; missile = spawn (); missile.owner = self; missile.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; missile.solid = SOLID_NOT; makevectors (self.angles); missile.velocity = vel; missile.velocity_z = missile.velocity_z + 250 + 50*random(); missile.avelocity = '3000 1000 2000'; // set missile duration missile.nextthink = time + 1; missile.think = SUB_Remove; setmodel (missile, "progs/zom_gib.mdl"); setsize (missile, '0 0 0', '0 0 0'); setorigin (missile, org); }; /* ================ SpawnBlood ================ */ void(vector org, float damage) SpawnBlood = { WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_BLOOD); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, 1); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, org_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, org_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, org_z); multicast (org, MULTICAST_PVS); }; /* ================ spawn_touchblood ================ */ void(float damage) spawn_touchblood = { local vector vel; vel = wall_velocity () * 0.2; SpawnBlood (self.origin + vel*0.01, damage); }; /* ============================================================================== MULTI-DAMAGE Collects multiple small damages into a single damage ============================================================================== */ entity multi_ent; float multi_damage; vector blood_org; float blood_count; vector puff_org; float puff_count; void() ClearMultiDamage = { multi_ent = world; multi_damage = 0; blood_count = 0; puff_count = 0; }; void() ApplyMultiDamage = { if (!multi_ent) return; T_Damage (multi_ent, self, self, multi_damage); }; void(entity hit, float damage) AddMultiDamage = { if (!hit) return; if (hit != multi_ent) { ApplyMultiDamage (); multi_damage = damage; multi_ent = hit; } else multi_damage = multi_damage + damage; }; void() Multi_Finish = { if (puff_count) { WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_GUNSHOT); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, puff_count); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, puff_org_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, puff_org_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, puff_org_z); multicast (puff_org, MULTICAST_PVS); } if (blood_count) { WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_BLOOD); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, blood_count); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, blood_org_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, blood_org_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, blood_org_z); multicast (puff_org, MULTICAST_PVS); } }; /* ============================================================================== BULLETS ============================================================================== */ /* ================ TraceAttack ================ */ void(float damage, vector dir) TraceAttack = { local vector vel, org; vel = normalize(dir + v_up*crandom() + v_right*crandom()); vel = vel + 2*trace_plane_normal; vel = vel * 200; org = trace_endpos - dir*4; if (trace_ent.takedamage) { blood_count = blood_count + 1; blood_org = org; AddMultiDamage (trace_ent, damage); } else { puff_count = puff_count + 1; } }; /* ================ FireBullets Used by shotgun, super shotgun, and enemy soldier firing Go to the trouble of combining multiple pellets into a single damage call. ================ */ /* ============================================================================== ROCKETS ============================================================================== */ void() T_MissileTouch = { local float damg; // if (deathmatch == 4) // { // if ( ((other.weapon == 32) || (other.weapon == 16))) // { // if (random() < 0.1) // { // if (other != world) // { // // bprint (PRINT_HIGH, "Got here\n"); // other.deathtype = "blaze"; // T_Damage (other, self, self.owner, 1000 ); // T_RadiusDamage (self, self.owner, 1000, other); // } // } // } // } if (other == self.owner) return; // don't explode on owner if (self.voided) { return; } self.voided = 1; if (pointcontents(self.origin) == CONTENT_SKY) { remove(self); return; } damg = 100 + random()*20; if (other.health) { other.deathtype = "rocket"; T_Damage (other, self, self.owner, damg ); } // don't do radius damage to the other, because all the damage // was done in the impact T_RadiusDamage (self, self.owner, 120, other, "rocket"); // sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/r_exp3.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); self.origin = self.origin - 8 * normalize(self.velocity); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_EXPLOSION); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z); multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS); remove(self); }; /* ================ W_FireRocket ================ */ void() W_FireRocket = { if (deathmatch != 4) self.currentammo = self.ammo_rockets = self.ammo_rockets - 1; sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/sgun1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); msg_entity = self; WriteByte (MSG_ONE, SVC_SMALLKICK); newmis = spawn (); newmis.owner = self; newmis.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE; newmis.solid = SOLID_BBOX; // set newmis speed makevectors (self.v_angle); newmis.velocity = aim(self, 1000); newmis.velocity = newmis.velocity * 1000; newmis.angles = vectoangles(newmis.velocity); newmis.touch = T_MissileTouch; newmis.voided = 0; // set newmis duration newmis.nextthink = time + 5; newmis.think = SUB_Remove; newmis.classname = "rocket"; setmodel (newmis, "progs/missile.mdl"); setsize (newmis, '0 0 0', '0 0 0'); setorigin (newmis, self.origin + v_forward*8 + '0 0 16'); }; /* =============================================================================== LIGHTNING =============================================================================== */ void(entity from, float damage) LightningHit = { WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_LIGHTNINGBLOOD); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, trace_endpos_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, trace_endpos_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, trace_endpos_z); multicast (trace_endpos, MULTICAST_PVS); T_Damage (trace_ent, from, from, damage); }; /* ================= LightningDamage ================= */ void(vector p1, vector p2, entity from, float damage) LightningDamage = { local entity e1, e2; local vector f; f = p2 - p1; normalize (f); f_x = 0 - f_y; f_y = f_x; f_z = 0; f = f*16; e1 = e2 = world; traceline (p1, p2, FALSE, self); if (trace_ent.takedamage) { LightningHit (from, damage); if (self.classname == "player") { if (other.classname == "player") trace_ent.velocity_z = trace_ent.velocity_z + 400; } } e1 = trace_ent; traceline (p1 + f, p2 + f, FALSE, self); if (trace_ent != e1 && trace_ent.takedamage) { LightningHit (from, damage); } e2 = trace_ent; traceline (p1 - f, p2 - f, FALSE, self); if (trace_ent != e1 && trace_ent != e2 && trace_ent.takedamage) { LightningHit (from, damage); } }; void() W_FireLightning = { local vector org; local float cells; if (self.ammo_cells < 1) { self.weapon = W_BestWeapon (); W_SetCurrentAmmo (); return; } // explode if under water if (self.waterlevel > 1) { if (deathmatch > 3) { if (random() <= 0.5) { self.deathtype = "selfwater"; T_Damage (self, self, self.owner, 4000 ); } else { cells = self.ammo_cells; self.ammo_cells = 0; W_SetCurrentAmmo (); T_RadiusDamage (self, self, 35*cells, world, ""); return; } } else { cells = self.ammo_cells; self.ammo_cells = 0; W_SetCurrentAmmo (); T_RadiusDamage (self, self, 35*cells, world,""); return; } } if (self.t_width < time) { sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/lhit.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); self.t_width = time + 0.6; } msg_entity = self; WriteByte (MSG_ONE, SVC_SMALLKICK); if (deathmatch != 4) self.currentammo = self.ammo_cells = self.ammo_cells - 1; org = self.origin + '0 0 16'; traceline (org, org + v_forward*600, TRUE, self); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_LIGHTNING2); WriteEntity (MSG_MULTICAST, self); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, org_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, org_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, org_z); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, trace_endpos_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, trace_endpos_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, trace_endpos_z); multicast (org, MULTICAST_PHS); LightningDamage (self.origin, trace_endpos + v_forward*4, self, 30); }; //============================================================================= void() GrenadeExplode = { if (self.voided) { return; } self.voided = 1; T_RadiusDamage (self, self.owner, 120, world, "grenade"); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_EXPLOSION); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z); multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS); remove (self); }; void() GrenadeTouch = { if (other == self.owner) return; // don't explode on owner if (other.takedamage == DAMAGE_AIM) { GrenadeExplode(); return; } sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/bounce.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); // bounce sound if (self.velocity == '0 0 0') self.avelocity = '0 0 0'; }; /* ================ W_FireGrenade ================ */ void() W_FireGrenade = { if (deathmatch != 4) self.currentammo = self.ammo_rockets = self.ammo_rockets - 1; sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/grenade.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); msg_entity = self; WriteByte (MSG_ONE, SVC_SMALLKICK); newmis = spawn (); newmis.voided=0; newmis.owner = self; newmis.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; newmis.solid = SOLID_BBOX; newmis.classname = "grenade"; // set newmis speed makevectors (self.v_angle); if (self.v_angle_x) newmis.velocity = v_forward*600 + v_up * 200 + crandom()*v_right*10 + crandom()*v_up*10; else { newmis.velocity = aim(self, 10000); newmis.velocity = newmis.velocity * 600; newmis.velocity_z = 200; } newmis.avelocity = '300 300 300'; newmis.angles = vectoangles(newmis.velocity); newmis.touch = GrenadeTouch; // set newmis duration if (deathmatch == 4) { newmis.nextthink = time + 2.5; self.attack_finished = time + 1.1; // self.health = self.health - 1; T_Damage (self, self, self.owner, 10 ); } else newmis.nextthink = time + 2.5; newmis.think = GrenadeExplode; setmodel (newmis, "progs/grenade.mdl"); setsize (newmis, '0 0 0', '0 0 0'); setorigin (newmis, self.origin); }; //============================================================================= void() spike_touch; void() superspike_touch; /* =============== launch_spike Used for both the player and the ogre =============== */ void(vector org, vector dir) launch_spike = { newmis = spawn (); newmis.voided=0; newmis.owner = self; newmis.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE; newmis.solid = SOLID_BBOX; newmis.angles = vectoangles(dir); newmis.touch = spike_touch; newmis.classname = "spike"; newmis.think = SUB_Remove; newmis.nextthink = time + 6; setmodel (newmis, "progs/spike.mdl"); setsize (newmis, VEC_ORIGIN, VEC_ORIGIN); setorigin (newmis, org); newmis.velocity = dir * 1000; }; void() W_FireSuperSpikes = { local vector dir; local entity old; sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/spike2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); self.attack_finished = time + 0.2; if (deathmatch != 4) self.currentammo = self.ammo_nails = self.ammo_nails - 2; dir = aim (self, 1000); launch_spike (self.origin + '0 0 16', dir); newmis.touch = superspike_touch; setmodel (newmis, "progs/s_spike.mdl"); setsize (newmis, VEC_ORIGIN, VEC_ORIGIN); msg_entity = self; WriteByte (MSG_ONE, SVC_SMALLKICK); }; void(float ox) W_FireSpikes = { local vector dir; local entity old; makevectors (self.v_angle); if (self.ammo_nails >= 2 && self.weapon == IT_SUPER_NAILGUN) { W_FireSuperSpikes (); return; } if (self.ammo_nails < 1) { self.weapon = W_BestWeapon (); W_SetCurrentAmmo (); return; } sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/rocket1i.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); self.attack_finished = time + 0.2; if (deathmatch != 4) self.currentammo = self.ammo_nails = self.ammo_nails - 1; dir = aim (self, 1000); launch_spike (self.origin + '0 0 16' + v_right*ox, dir); msg_entity = self; WriteByte (MSG_ONE, SVC_SMALLKICK); }; .float hit_z; void() spike_touch = { local float rand; if (other == self.owner) return; if (self.voided) { return; } self.voided = 1; if (other.solid == SOLID_TRIGGER) return; // trigger field, do nothing if (pointcontents(self.origin) == CONTENT_SKY) { remove(self); return; } // hit something that bleeds if (other.takedamage) { spawn_touchblood (9); other.deathtype = "nail"; T_Damage (other, self, self.owner, 9); } else { WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); if (self.classname == "wizspike") WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_WIZSPIKE); else if (self.classname == "knightspike") WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_KNIGHTSPIKE); else WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_SPIKE); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z); multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS); } remove(self); }; void() superspike_touch = { local float rand; if (other == self.owner) return; if (self.voided) { return; } self.voided = 1; if (other.solid == SOLID_TRIGGER) return; // trigger field, do nothing if (pointcontents(self.origin) == CONTENT_SKY) { remove(self); return; } // hit something that bleeds if (other.takedamage) { spawn_touchblood (18); other.deathtype = "supernail"; T_Damage (other, self, self.owner, 18); } else { WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_SUPERSPIKE); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z); multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS); } remove(self); }; /* =============================================================================== PLAYER WEAPON USE =============================================================================== */ void(float temp_weapon) GetWeaponModel = { if (temp_weapon == 0) self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_fist.mdl"; else if (temp_weapon == 1) self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_knife.mdl"; else if (temp_weapon == 2) self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_axe.mdl"; else if (temp_weapon == 3) self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_knife.mdl"; else if (temp_weapon == 4) self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_axe.mdl"; else if (temp_weapon == 5) self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_1911.mdl"; else if (temp_weapon == 6) self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_deagle.mdl"; else if (temp_weapon == 7) self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_1911.mdl"; else if (temp_weapon == 8) self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_alien.mdl"; else if (temp_weapon == 9) self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_pipe.mdl"; else if (temp_weapon == 10) self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_double.mdl"; else if (temp_weapon == 11) self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_shotgun.mdl"; else if (temp_weapon == 12) self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_jackhammer.mdl"; else if (temp_weapon == 13) self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_mp9.mdl"; else if (temp_weapon == 14) self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_mp7.mdl"; else if (temp_weapon == 15) self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_rangem.mdl"; else if (temp_weapon == 16) self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_ak47.mdl"; else if (temp_weapon == 17) self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_ak47.mdl"; else if (temp_weapon == 18) self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_srifle.mdl"; else if (temp_weapon == 19) self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_night.mdl"; else if (temp_weapon == 99) self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_handgren.mdl"; }; void() W_SetCurrentAmmo = { local float temp_weapon; local string x; player_run (); // get out of any weapon firing states self.items = self.items - ( self.items & (IT_SHELLS | IT_NAILS | IT_ROCKETS | IT_CELLS) ); if (self.current_slot == 1) self.currentammo = self.mag1; else if (self.current_slot == 2) self.currentammo = self.mag2; else if (self.current_slot == 3 && self.handgrenade > 0) self.currentammo = self.handgrenade; else if (self.current_slot == 4) { if (self.team == 1) { sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "misc/tools.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); self.items = (self.items | IT_LIGHTNING); self.currentammo = 0; self.weaponmodel = ""; } else sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "misc/menu3.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); } else sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "misc/menu3.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); if (self.current_slot == 1) x = GetWeaponName(self, self.slot1); if (self.current_slot == 2) x = GetWeaponName(self, self.slot2); if (self.current_slot == 3) x = "grenade"; if (self.current_slot == 4) x = "tools"; sprint(self, 2, x); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, " selected.\n"); sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "misc/weapon.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); if (self.current_slot == 1) GetWeaponModel(self.slot1); if (self.current_slot == 2) GetWeaponModel(self.slot2); if (self.current_slot == 3) GetWeaponModel(99); if (self.current_slot == 1) self.currentammo = self.mag1; if (self.current_slot == 2) self.currentammo = self.mag2; }; float() W_BestWeapon = { local float it; it = self.items; if (self.waterlevel <= 1 && self.ammo_cells >= 1 && (it & IT_LIGHTNING) ) return IT_LIGHTNING; else if(self.ammo_nails >= 2 && (it & IT_SUPER_NAILGUN) ) return IT_SUPER_NAILGUN; else if(self.ammo_shells >= 2 && (it & IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN) ) return IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN; else if(self.ammo_nails >= 1 && (it & IT_NAILGUN) ) return IT_NAILGUN; else if(self.ammo_shells >= 1 && (it & IT_SHOTGUN) ) return IT_SHOTGUN; /* if(self.ammo_rockets >= 1 && (it & IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER) ) return IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER; else if(self.ammo_rockets >= 1 && (it & IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER) ) return IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER; */ return IT_AXE; }; void () ReloadWeapon = { local float x; if (self.current_slot != 1 && self.current_slot != 2) return; if (self.rtime > 0) return; if (self.current_slot == 1) { if (self.ammo1 <= 0) return; if (self.maxmag1 == self.mag1) return; if (self.slot1 <= 4) return; if (self.slot1 >= 9 && self.slot1 <= 11) { sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/shell.wav", TRUE, ATTN_NORM); self.mag1 = self.mag1 + 1; self.ammo1 = self.ammo1 - 1; self.currentammo = self.mag1; self.rtime = 50; return; } sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/reload.wav", TRUE, ATTN_NORM); sprint(self, 2, "reloading...\n"); x = (self.maxmag1 - self.mag1); self.mag1 = self.mag1 + x; self.ammo1 = self.ammo1 - x; self.currentammo = self.mag1; self.rtime = 200; } if (self.current_slot == 2) { if (self.ammo2 <= 0) return; if (self.maxmag2 == self.mag2) return; if (self.slot2 <= 4) return; if (self.slot2 >= 9 && self.slot2 <= 11) { sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/shell.wav", TRUE, ATTN_NORM); self.mag2 = self.mag2 + 1; self.ammo2 = self.ammo2 - 1; self.currentammo = self.mag2; self.rtime = 50; return; } sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/reload.wav", TRUE, ATTN_NORM); sprint(self, 2, "reloading...\n"); x = (self.maxmag2 - self.mag2); self.mag2 = self.mag2 + x; self.ammo2 = self.ammo2 - x; self.currentammo = self.mag2; self.rtime = 200; } }; float() W_CheckNoAmmo = { if (self.current_slot == 1) { if (self.slot1 <= 4) return FALSE; if (self.mag1 < 1 && self.ammo1 < 1) { self.attack_finished = (time + 0.2); stuffcmd (self, "-attack\n"); sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/click.wav", TRUE, ATTN_NORM); return TRUE; } if (self.mag1 <= 0) { stuffcmd (self, "-attack\n"); ReloadWeapon (); return TRUE; } } if (self.current_slot == 2) { if (self.slot2 <= 4) return FALSE; if (self.mag2 < 2 && self.ammo2 < 2) { self.attack_finished = (time + 0.2); stuffcmd (self, "-attack\n"); sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/click.wav", TRUE, ATTN_NORM); return TRUE; } if (self.mag2 <= 0) { stuffcmd (self, "-attack\n"); ReloadWeapon (); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }; /* ============ W_Attack An attack impulse can be triggered now ============ */ void() W_Attack = { local float weap, r; makevectors (self.v_angle); // calculate forward angle for velocity self.show_hostile = time + 1; // wake monsters up if (self.current_slot == 1) weap = self.slot1; if (self.current_slot == 2) weap = self.slot2; if (W_CheckNoAmmo()) return; if (self.rtime > 0) return; if (weap >= 0 && weap <= 4) { self.attack_finished = time + 0.25; player_knife1 (); } else if (weap == 5) FirePistol(10, 2, "weapons/1911.wav", 2000, 0.25); else if (weap == 6) FirePistol(10, 2, "weapons/deagle.wav", 2000, 0.25); else if (weap == 7) FirePistol(10, 2, "weapons/needler.wav", 2000, 0.25); //if (weap == 8) // FireAlienBlaster(); else if (weap == 9) FireAssaultRifle(18, 2, "weapons/rangem.wav", 3000, 0.1); else if (weap == 10) W_FireShotgun (1, 5, 6, 160, 3000, 0); else if (weap == 11) W_FireShotgun (1, 5, 6, 160, 3000, 0); else if (weap == 12) W_FireShotgun (1, 5, 6, 160, 3000, 1); else if (weap == 13) FireSMG(12, 2, "weapons/mp9.wav", 2000, 0.06); else if (weap == 14) FireSMG(12, 2, "weapons/mp7.wav", 2000, 0.06); else if (weap == 15) FireAssaultRifle(14, 2, "weapons/rangem.wav", 4000, 0.5); else if (weap == 16) FireAssaultRifle(14, 2, "weapons/rangem.wav", 4000, 0.1); else if (weap == 17) FireAssaultRifle(18, 2, "weapons/ak47.wav", 6000, 0.1); else if (weap == 18) FireAssaultRifle(30, 2, "weapons/dks-1.wav", 8000, 0.5); else if (weap == 19) FireAssaultRifle(16, 2, "weapons/m4a1.wav", 4000, 0.1); }; /* ============ W_ChangeWeapon ============ */ void() W_ChangeWeapon = { local float it, am, fl, r; it = self.items; am = 0; if (self.impulse == 1) { fl = IT_NAILGUN; self.current_slot = 1; } if (self.impulse == 2) { fl = IT_SUPER_NAILGUN; self.current_slot = 2; } if (self.impulse == 3) { if (self.handgrenade == 0) { sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "no grenade.\n"); sound (self, CHAN_AUTO, "misc/noweapon.wav", 1, ATTN_STATIC); return; } else self.current_slot = 3; } self.weapon = fl; W_SetCurrentAmmo (); }; /* ============ CheatCommand ============ */ void() CheatCommand = { // if (deathmatch || coop) return; self.ammo_rockets = 100; self.ammo_nails = 200; self.ammo_shells = 100; self.items = self.items | IT_AXE | IT_SHOTGUN | IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN | IT_NAILGUN | IT_SUPER_NAILGUN | IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER | IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER | IT_KEY1 | IT_KEY2; self.ammo_cells = 200; self.items = self.items | IT_LIGHTNING; self.weapon = IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER; self.impulse = 0; W_SetCurrentAmmo (); }; /* ============ CycleWeaponCommand Go to the next weapon with ammo ============ */ void() CycleWeaponCommand = { local float it, am; it = self.items; self.impulse = 0; while (1) { am = 0; if (self.weapon == IT_LIGHTNING) { self.weapon = IT_AXE; } else if (self.weapon == IT_AXE) { self.weapon = IT_SHOTGUN; if (self.ammo_shells < 1) am = 1; } else if (self.weapon == IT_SHOTGUN) { self.weapon = IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN; if (self.ammo_shells < 2) am = 1; } else if (self.weapon == IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN) { self.weapon = IT_NAILGUN; if (self.ammo_nails < 1) am = 1; } else if (self.weapon == IT_NAILGUN) { self.weapon = IT_SUPER_NAILGUN; if (self.ammo_nails < 2) am = 1; } else if (self.weapon == IT_SUPER_NAILGUN) { self.weapon = IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER; if (self.ammo_rockets < 1) am = 1; } else if (self.weapon == IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER) { self.weapon = IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER; if (self.ammo_rockets < 1) am = 1; } else if (self.weapon == IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER) { self.weapon = IT_LIGHTNING; if (self.ammo_cells < 1) am = 1; } if ( (self.items & self.weapon) && am == 0) { W_SetCurrentAmmo (); return; } } }; void () ProneOff = { sprint (self, 2, "position: stand.\n"); self.position = 0; player_run (); }; void () ProneOn = { local string x; if (self.velocity_z != 0) return; if (self.position == 2) { ProneOff(); return; } self.maxspeed = (self.maxspeed * 0.25); self.position = 2; self.view_ofs = '0 0 -10'; sprint (self, 2, "position: prone.\n"); }; void () DuckOff = { sprint (self, 2, "position: stand.\n"); self.position = 0; player_run (); }; void () DuckOn = { if (self.velocity_z != 0) return; if (self.position == 1) { DuckOff(); return; } self.maxspeed = (self.maxspeed * 0.50); self.position = 1; self.view_ofs = '0 0 12'; sprint (self, 2, "position: duck.\n"); }; /* ============ CycleWeaponReverseCommand Go to the prev weapon with ammo ============ */ void() CycleWeaponReverseCommand = { local float it, am; it = self.items; self.impulse = 0; while (1) { am = 0; if (self.weapon == IT_LIGHTNING) { self.weapon = IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER; if (self.ammo_rockets < 1) am = 1; } else if (self.weapon == IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER) { self.weapon = IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER; if (self.ammo_rockets < 1) am = 1; } else if (self.weapon == IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER) { self.weapon = IT_SUPER_NAILGUN; if (self.ammo_nails < 2) am = 1; } else if (self.weapon == IT_SUPER_NAILGUN) { self.weapon = IT_NAILGUN; if (self.ammo_nails < 1) am = 1; } else if (self.weapon == IT_NAILGUN) { self.weapon = IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN; if (self.ammo_shells < 2) am = 1; } else if (self.weapon == IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN) { self.weapon = IT_SHOTGUN; if (self.ammo_shells < 1) am = 1; } else if (self.weapon == IT_SHOTGUN) { self.weapon = IT_AXE; } else if (self.weapon == IT_AXE) { self.weapon = IT_LIGHTNING; if (self.ammo_cells < 1) am = 1; } if ( (it & self.weapon) && am == 0) { W_SetCurrentAmmo (); return; } } }; /* ============ ServerflagsCommand Just for development ============ */ void() ServerflagsCommand = { serverflags = serverflags * 2 + 1; }; /* ============ ImpulseCommands ============ */ void() ImpulseCommands = { if (self.impulse >= 1 && self.impulse <= 4 && self.currentmenu == "none") W_ChangeWeapon (); if (self.impulse >= 1 && self.impulse <= 10 && self.currentmenu != "none") W_PlayerMenu (); if (self.impulse == 11) ServerflagsCommand (); if (self.impulse == 12) CycleWeaponReverseCommand (); if (self.impulse == 200) DuckOn (); if (self.impulse == 201) ProneOn (); if (self.impulse == 50) ReloadWeapon (); if (self.impulse == 51) UseChem (); if (self.impulse == 52) BuyMenu (); if (self.impulse == 53) Special (); if (self.impulse == 54) ExitScreen (); if (self.impulse == 55) { if (self.current_slot == 1) DropWeapon (self.slot1, 1, 0); else DropWeapon (self.slot2, 1, 0); } if (self.impulse == 56) CharacterSheet (); if (self.impulse == 57) UseEquipment (); self.impulse = 0; }; /* ============ W_WeaponFrame Called every frame so impulse events can be handled as well as possible ============ */ void() W_WeaponFrame = { if (time < self.attack_finished) return; ImpulseCommands (); // check for attack if (self.button0) { SuperDamageSound (); W_Attack (); } }; /* ======== SuperDamageSound Plays sound if needed ======== */ void() SuperDamageSound = { if (self.super_damage_finished > time) { if (self.super_sound < time) { self.super_sound = time + 1; sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "items/damage3.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); } } return; }; void () DropAmmo = { if (self.current_slot == 1) { self.currentammo = (self.mag1 - 1); self.mag1 = (self.mag1 - 1); self.ammo_nails = self.ammo1; } if (self.current_slot == 2) { self.currentammo = (self.mag2 - 1); self.mag2 = (self.mag2 - 1); self.ammo_nails = self.ammo2; } }; void()muzzleflash = { WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_MUZZLEFLASH); WriteEntity (MSG_MULTICAST, self); multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PVS); }; void () autofire = { if (self.frame == 88) self.frame = 89; else self.frame = 88; if (self.weaponframe == 1) self.weaponframe == 2; else if (self.weaponframe == 2) self.weaponframe == 1; muzzleflash (); }; void () autofire_s = { if (self.frame == 88) self.frame = 89; else self.frame = 88; if (self.weaponframe == 1) self.weaponframe == 2; else if (self.weaponframe == 2) self.weaponframe == 1; muzzleflash (); }; void () player_single1 = [ 88, player_single2 ] { self.weaponframe = 1; muzzleflash (); }; void () player_single2 = [ 89, player_run ] { self.weaponframe = 2; }; void () player_single1_s = [ 183, player_single2_s ] { self.weaponframe = 1; muzzleflash (); }; void () player_single2_s = [ 184, player_run ] { self.weaponframe = 2; }; void (vector org) bullet_hole = { local float r; local entity ric; WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_SPIKE); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, org_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, org_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, org_z); multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS); r = random(); ric = spawn(); setorigin(ric, org); if (r <= 0.20) sound (ric, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/ric1.wav", TRUE, ATTN_NORM); else if (r <= 0.40) sound (ric, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/ric2.wav", TRUE, ATTN_NORM); else if (r <= 0.60) sound (ric, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/ric3.wav", TRUE, ATTN_NORM); else if (r <= 0.80) sound (ric, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/ric4.wav", TRUE, ATTN_NORM); else sound (ric, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/ric5.wav", TRUE, ATTN_NORM); remove(ric); }; void (vector test, float length, float dam) penetrate = { local vector org; local vector org2; local vector start; local vector end; local vector end2; local float zdif; local float ydif; local float xdif; local float true; local float go; local float tl; go = 0; tl = 8; length = 32 + dam; while (tl < length) { makevectors (self.v_angle); start = (test + v_forward*tl); if (pointcontents (start) != CONTENT_SOLID && go == 0) //object penetrated { makevectors (self.v_angle); end = (test + (v_forward * 8 * length)); traceline (start, end, FALSE, self); if (trace_fraction == 1) //nothing behind object return; if (trace_fraction > 0) { go = 1; if (trace_ent.takedamage) { if (trace_ent.solid != SOLID_BSP) SpawnBlood (org, 1); T_Damage (trace_ent, self, self, dam); } else { WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_SPIKE); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, trace_endpos_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, trace_endpos_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, trace_endpos_z); multicast (trace_endpos, MULTICAST_PHS); } } } tl = tl + 4; } }; void (entity temp, vector org, float damage) SpawnWood = { if (random()*6 <= 3) sound (temp, CHAN_WEAPON, "misc/woodhit.wav", TRUE, ATTN_NORM); else sound (temp, CHAN_WEAPON, "misc/woodhit2.wav", TRUE, ATTN_NORM); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_SUPERSPIKE); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, org_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, org_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, org_z); multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS); }; void () EMPExplode = { local entity te; self.velocity = VEC_ORIGIN; WriteByte (MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_BROADCAST, TE_TAREXPLOSION); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_x); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_y); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_z); sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/flash.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/flash.wav", 0.2, ATTN_NONE); te = findradius (self.origin, 300); while (te) { if ((((te.classname == "camera") || (te.classname == "alarm")) && (te.owner.pcamera == 0))) { te.owner.pcamera = 0; te.owner.pcamera2 = 0; te.owner.equipment_state = 0; sprint (self.owner, 2, te.owner.netname); sprint (self.owner, 2, "'s "); sprint (self.owner, 2, te.classname); sprint (self.owner, 2, " was wiped out!\n"); remove (te); } te = te.chain; } T_RadiusDamage (self, self.owner, 45+random()*45, other, ""); remove (self); }; void (vector org) CreateSmoke = { newmis = spawn (); setmodel (newmis, "progs/smoke.mdl"); setorigin (newmis, org); newmis.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; newmis.solid = SOLID_NOT; newmis.velocity = VEC_ORIGIN; newmis.nextthink = (time + SVC_BIGKICK); newmis.think = SUB_Remove; newmis.touch = SUB_Null; newmis.classname = "smoke"; newmis.frame = 0; newmis.cnt = 0; newmis.avelocity_x = (random () * 100); newmis.avelocity_y = (random () * 100); setsize (newmis, VEC_ORIGIN, VEC_ORIGIN); }; void () SmokeThink = { local entity te; local float ct; self.cnt = (self.cnt + 1); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_GUNSHOT); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, 2); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z); multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PVS); self.nextthink = (time + 0.33); if (self.cnt >= 90) remove (self); }; void () FragExplode = { local float r; sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "ambience/gunfire7.wav", 1, ATTN_NONE); self.origin = (self.origin + '0 0 16'); WriteByte (MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_BROADCAST, TE_EXPLOSION); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_x); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_y); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_z); r = random (); if ((r < 0.3)) { sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/exp1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); } if ((r < 0.65)) { sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/exp2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); } else { sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/exp3.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); } T_RadiusDamage (self, self.owner, 50+random()*50, other, ""); remove (self); }; void () PlasmaExplode = { local float r; sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "ambience/gunfire7.wav", 1, ATTN_NONE); self.origin = (self.origin + '0 0 16'); self.velocity = VEC_ORIGIN; WriteByte (MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_BROADCAST, TE_TAREXPLOSION); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_x); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_y); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_z); sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/flash.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); T_RadiusDamage (self, self.owner, 80+random()*80, other, ""); remove (self); }; void () FlashExplode = { local entity te; local float dot; local float dot2; local vector vec; self.velocity = VEC_ORIGIN; setmodel (self, "progs/blast.mdl"); WriteByte (0, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (0, WEAPON_SPIKES); WriteCoord (0, self.origin_x); WriteCoord (0, self.origin_y); WriteCoord (0, self.origin_z); sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/flash.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); te = findradius (self.origin, 1200); while (te) { if (te.classname == "raider") te.attack_finished = time + 6; if (te.classname == "radwolf") te.attack_finished = time + 6; if ((te.classname == "player")) { makevectors (te.angles); vec = normalize ((self.origin - te.origin)); dot = (vec * v_forward); if ((((dot > 0.3) && CanDamage (self, te)) && (dot2 == 0))) { stuffcmd (te, "v_cshift 255 255 255 255\n"); stuffcmd (te, "v_idlescale 10\n"); te.flash = 6; } } te = te.chain; } remove (self); }; void () HandGrenExplode = { if ((self.cnt == 0)) { FragExplode (); } else { if ((self.cnt == 1)) { EMPExplode (); } else { if ((self.cnt == 2)) { self.nextthink = (time + 0.5); self.think = SmokeThink; } else { if ((self.cnt == AS_MELEE)) { FlashExplode (); } else { if ((self.cnt == WEAPON_SPIKES)) { PlasmaExplode (); } } } } } }; void () HandGrenBounce = { local float r; r = (random () * TE_LIGHTNING3); self.velocity = self.velocity * 0.75; if ((r < AS_MELEE)) { sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "misc/bounce_1.wav", 0.9, ATTN_NORM); } else { if ((r < TE_LIGHTNING2)) { sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "misc/bounce_2.wav", 0.9, ATTN_NORM); } else { sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "misc/bounce_3.wav", 0.9, ATTN_NORM); } } }; void () FireHandGrenade = { local float type; if (self.handgrenade <= 0) return; type = self.grenadetype; self.handgrenade = self.handgrenade - 1; self.grenadetype = 0; self.currentammo = 0; msg_entity = self; WriteByte (MSG_ONE, SVC_SMALLKICK); newmis = spawn (); newmis.owner = self; newmis.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; newmis.solid = SOLID_BBOX; newmis.classname = "grenade"; newmis.skin = 0; makevectors (self.v_angle); newmis.velocity = aim (self, 800); newmis.velocity = (newmis.velocity * 800); newmis.velocity_z = (newmis.velocity_z + 200); newmis.angles = vectoangles (newmis.velocity); newmis.avelocity_x = (random () * 300); newmis.avelocity_y = (random () * 300); newmis.avelocity_z = (random () * 300); newmis.touch = HandGrenBounce; newmis.nextthink = (time + 2.5); if (type == 1) newmis.think = FragExplode; if (type == 2) newmis.think = EMPExplode; if (type == 3) newmis.think = SmokeThink; if (type == 4) newmis.think = FlashExplode; newmis.frame = 1; setmodel (newmis, "progs/handgren.mdl"); setsize (newmis, VEC_ORIGIN, VEC_ORIGIN); setorigin (newmis, ((self.origin + (v_right * TE_BLOOD)) + (v_up * TE_BLOOD))); }; void(float slot, float magazine) GiveAmmo = { if (slot == 1) { self.maxmag1 = magazine; self.ammo1 = magazine * 4; self.mag1 = magazine; } if (slot == 2) { self.maxmag2 = magazine; self.ammo2 = magazine * 4; self.mag2 = magazine; } }; void (float dam, float rec, string snd, float rng, float rate) FirePistol = { local float var, var1, var2, zdif, xdif, ydif, true; local vector dir, source, targ, org, org2, adjust; local string x; stuffcmd(self, "-attack\n"); sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, snd, 1, ATTN_NORM); self.attack_finished = (time + rate); if (self.attack == 0 && self.position == POS_STAND) player_single1 (); if (self.attack == 0 && self.position >= POS_DUCK) player_single1_s (); if (self.position == 0) adjust = '0 0 0'; if (self.position == 1) adjust = '0 0 -16'; if (self.position == 2) adjust = '0 0 -32'; DropAmmo (); makevectors (self.v_angle); if (self.recoil >= 15) self.recoil = 15; if (self.attack >= 1) { if (self.position == 0) player_single1 (); if (self.position == 1) player_single1_s (); if (self.position == 2) player_single1 (); } if (self.attack >= 1) { if (self.position == 0) autofire (); if (self.position == 1) autofire_s (); if (self.position == 2) player_single1 (); } var = 50; if (self.velocity != '0 0 0') var = 400; var = var + (40 * self.recoil); if (self.attack <= 3 && self.position == 1 && self.velocity_z == 0) var = (var * 0.75); if (self.attack <= 3 && self.position == 2 && self.velocity_z == 0) var = (var * 0.5); self.attack = self.attack + 1; self.recoil = self.recoil + 4; source = self.origin + '0 0 22'; targ = self.origin + '0 0 22' + v_right*crandom()* var + v_up*crandom()*var; traceline (source+adjust, targ+adjust+v_forward*4000, FALSE, self); if (trace_fraction == 1) return; org = trace_endpos - v_forward * 1; org2 = trace_endpos + (v_forward * ((trace_ent.size_y / 2) + (trace_ent.size_x / 2))); if (trace_ent.takedamage) { org2 = (trace_endpos + (v_forward * ((trace_ent.size_y / 2) + (trace_ent.size_x / 2)))); zdif = org_z - trace_ent.origin_z; ydif = org2_y - trace_ent.origin_y; xdif = org2_x - trace_ent.origin_x; true = 0; if (((ydif >= CONTENT_SKY) && (ydif <= TE_LIGHTNING2))) true = 1; if (((xdif >= CONTENT_SKY) && (xdif <= TE_LIGHTNING2))) true = 1; if (self.attack <= 5 && true == 1 && zdif >= (trace_ent.size_z / 2 * 0.8)) self.critical = 3; dam = (dam * (1 - trace_fraction)); if (trace_ent.solid != SOLID_BSP) SpawnBlood (org, 1); if (trace_ent.solid == SOLID_BSP) SpawnWood (trace_ent, org, 1); T_Damage (trace_ent, self, self, dam); if (trace_ent.solid == SOLID_BSP) penetrate (org, (dam / 2), (dam / 2)); } else { bullet_hole (org); dir = vectoangles (source - targ); penetrate (org, (dam / 2), (dam / 2)); return; } }; void (float dam, float rec, string snd, float rng, float rate) FireSMG = { local float var, var1, var2, zdif, xdif, ydif, true; local vector dir, source, targ, org, org2, adjust; local string x; sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, snd, 1, ATTN_NORM); self.attack_finished = (time + rate); if (self.attack == 0 && self.position == POS_STAND) player_single1 (); if (self.attack == 0 && self.position >= POS_DUCK) player_single1_s (); if (self.position == 0) adjust = '0 0 0'; if (self.position == 1) adjust = '0 0 -16'; if (self.position == 2) adjust = '0 0 -32'; DropAmmo (); makevectors (self.v_angle); if (self.recoil >= 15) self.recoil = 15; if (self.attack >= 1) { if (self.position == 0) player_single1 (); if (self.position == 1) player_single1_s (); if (self.position == 2) player_single1 (); } if (self.attack >= 1) { if (self.position == 0) autofire (); if (self.position == 1) autofire_s (); if (self.position == 2) player_single1 (); } var = 200; if (self.velocity != '0 0 0') var = 200; var = var + (40 * self.recoil); if (self.attack <= 3 && self.position == 1 && self.velocity_z == 0) var = (var * 0.75); if (self.attack <= 3 && self.position == 2 && self.velocity_z == 0) var = (var * 0.5); self.attack = self.attack + 1; self.recoil = self.recoil + 3; source = self.origin + '0 0 22'; targ = self.origin + '0 0 22' + v_right*crandom()* var + v_up*crandom()*var; traceline (source+adjust, targ+adjust+v_forward*4000, FALSE, self); if (trace_fraction == 1) return; org = trace_endpos - v_forward * 2; org2 = trace_endpos + (v_forward * ((trace_ent.size_y / 2) + (trace_ent.size_x / 2))); if (trace_ent.takedamage) { org2 = (trace_endpos + (v_forward * ((trace_ent.size_y / 2) + (trace_ent.size_x / 2)))); zdif = org_z - trace_ent.origin_z; ydif = org2_y - trace_ent.origin_y; xdif = org2_x - trace_ent.origin_x; true = 0; if (((ydif >= CONTENT_SKY) && (ydif <= TE_LIGHTNING2))) true = 1; if (((xdif >= CONTENT_SKY) && (xdif <= TE_LIGHTNING2))) true = 1; if (self.attack <= 5 && true == 1 && zdif >= (trace_ent.size_z / 2 * 0.8)) self.critical = 3; dam = (dam * (1 - trace_fraction)); if (trace_ent.solid != SOLID_BSP) SpawnBlood (org, 1); if (trace_ent.solid == SOLID_BSP) SpawnWood (trace_ent, org, 1); T_Damage (trace_ent, self, self, dam); if (trace_ent.solid == SOLID_BSP) penetrate (org, (dam / 2), (dam / 2)); } else { bullet_hole (org); dir = vectoangles (source - targ); penetrate (org, (dam / 2), (dam / 2)); return; } }; void (float dam, float rec, string snd, float rng, float rate) FireAssaultRifle = { local float var, var1, var2, zdif, xdif, ydif, true; local vector dir, source, targ, org, org2, adjust; local string x; sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, snd, 1, ATTN_NORM); self.attack_finished = (time + rate); if (self.attack == 0 && self.position == POS_STAND) player_single1 (); if (self.attack == 0 && self.position >= POS_DUCK) player_single1_s (); if (self.attack >= 1 && self.position == POS_STAND) autofire (); if (self.attack >= 1 && self.position >= POS_DUCK) autofire_s (); if (self.position == 0) adjust = '0 0 0'; if (self.position == 1) adjust = '0 0 -16'; if (self.position == 2) adjust = '0 0 -32'; DropAmmo (); makevectors (self.v_angle); if (self.recoil >= 15) self.recoil = 15; if (self.attack >= 1) { if (self.position == 0) player_single1 (); if (self.position == 1) player_single1_s (); if (self.position == 2) player_single1 (); } if (self.attack >= 1) { if (self.position == 0) autofire (); if (self.position == 1) autofire_s (); if (self.position == 2) player_single1 (); } var = 50; if (self.velocity != '0 0 0') var = 400; var = var + (40 * self.recoil); if (self.attack <= 3 && self.position == 1 && self.velocity_z == 0) var = (var * 0.75); if (self.attack <= 3 && self.position == 2 && self.velocity_z == 0) var = (var * 0.5); self.attack = self.attack + 1; self.recoil = self.recoil + 5; source = self.origin + '0 0 22'; targ = self.origin + '0 0 22' + v_right*crandom()* var + v_up*crandom()*var; traceline (source+adjust, targ+adjust+v_forward*4000, FALSE, self); if (trace_fraction == 1) return; org = trace_endpos - v_forward * 2; org2 = trace_endpos + (v_forward * ((trace_ent.size_y / 2) + (trace_ent.size_x / 2))); if (trace_ent.takedamage) { org2 = (trace_endpos + (v_forward * ((trace_ent.size_y / 2) + (trace_ent.size_x / 2)))); zdif = org_z - trace_ent.origin_z; ydif = org2_y - trace_ent.origin_y; xdif = org2_x - trace_ent.origin_x; true = 0; if (((ydif >= CONTENT_SKY) && (ydif <= TE_LIGHTNING2))) true = 1; if (((xdif >= CONTENT_SKY) && (xdif <= TE_LIGHTNING2))) true = 1; if (self.attack <= 5 && true == 1 && zdif >= (trace_ent.size_z / 2 * 0.8)) self.critical = 3; dam = (dam * (1 - trace_fraction)); if (trace_ent.solid != SOLID_BSP) SpawnBlood (org, 1); if (trace_ent.solid == SOLID_BSP) SpawnWood (trace_ent, org, 1); T_Damage (trace_ent, self, self, dam); if (trace_ent.solid == SOLID_BSP) penetrate (org, (dam / 2), (dam / 2)); } else { bullet_hole (org); dir = vectoangles (source - targ); penetrate (org, (dam / 2), (dam / 2)); return; } }; void () Screenshake = { local entity te; te = findradius (self.origin, 700); while (te) { if (((te.classname == "player") && (te.ghost == 0))) { stuffcmd (te, "v_iyaw_level 2\n"); stuffcmd (te, "v_iyaw_cycle 32\n"); stuffcmd (te, "v_ipitch_level 2\n"); stuffcmd (te, "v_ipitch_cycle 32\n"); stuffcmd (te, "v_iroll_level 2\n"); stuffcmd (te, "v_iroll_cycle 32\n"); stuffcmd (te, "v_idlescale 1\n"); } te = te.chain; } }; void () ScreenshakeSingle = { stuffcmd (self, "v_iyaw_level 2\n"); stuffcmd (self, "v_iyaw_cycle 32\n"); stuffcmd (self, "v_ipitch_level 2\n"); stuffcmd (self, "v_ipitch_cycle 32\n"); stuffcmd (self, "v_iroll_level 2\n"); stuffcmd (self, "v_iroll_cycle 32\n"); stuffcmd (self, "v_idlescale 1\n"); }; void () ExplosionFrames = { self.avelocity = '300 300 250'; self.nextthink = (time + 0.02); self.frame = (self.frame + 1); if (self.frame == 16) remove (self); }; void (float input) Explosion = { local float r; self.effects = EF_DIMLIGHT; self.touch = SUB_Null; setmodel (self, "progs/blast.mdl"); r = random (); if ((r < 0.3)) sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/exp1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); if ((r < 0.65)) sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/exp2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); else sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/exp3.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); WriteByte (MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_BROADCAST, TE_EXPLOSION); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_x); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_y); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_z); Screenshake (); self.frame = AS_MELEE; self.velocity = VEC_ORIGIN; self.avelocity = '300 300 250'; self.think = ExplosionFrames; self.nextthink = (time + 0.02); }; void () WeaponTouch = { if (other.classname != "player") return; if (other.ghost != 0) return; if (other.current_slot == WEAPON_SPIKES) { return; } if (other.current_slot == AS_MELEE) return; if (self.handgrenade == 1) { if (other.handgrenade > 0) { sprint(other, 2, "already have a grenade.\n"); return; } sound (other, CHAN_BODY, "misc/item1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); other.handgrenade = self.handgrenade; other.grenadetype = self.grenadetype; sprint(other, 2, "picked up a grenade.\n"); remove(self); return; } if (((other.current_slot == 1) && (other.slot1 != 0))) return; if (((other.current_slot == 2) && (other.slot2 != 0))) return; sound (other, CHAN_BODY, "misc/item1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); if ((other.current_slot == 1)) { GetWeaponWeight (other, self.cnt); other.slot1 = self.cnt; stuffcmd (other, "impulse 1\n"); other.ammo1 = self.slot1; other.maxmag1 = self.slot2; other.mag1 = self.class; GetWeaponModel (self.slot1); remove (self); } if ((other.current_slot == 2)) { GetWeaponWeight (other, self.cnt); other.slot2 = self.cnt; stuffcmd (other, "impulse 2\n"); other.ammo2 = self.slot1; other.maxmag2 = self.slot2; other.mag2 = self.class; GetWeaponModel (self.slot2); remove (self); } }; void (float weap, float snd, float drop) DropWeapon = { local string mdel; if (self.attack_finished > time && drop == 0) return; if (self.current_slot == 3 && self.handgrenade == 0) return; if (self.current_slot == 4 && self.c4 == 0) return; if (weap == 0) return; if (snd == 1) sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/lock4.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); makevectors (self.v_angle); newmis = spawn (); newmis.owner = self; newmis.classname = "dropped_weapon"; newmis.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; newmis.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; newmis.velocity = aim (self, 500); newmis.velocity = (newmis.velocity * 500); newmis.angles_y = (random () * 360); mdel = "progs/w_1911.mdl"; if (weap == 1) mdel = "progs/w_knife.mdl"; if (weap == 2) mdel = "progs/w_knife.mdl"; if (weap == 3) mdel = "progs/w_axe.mdl"; if (weap == 4) mdel = "progs/w_axe.mdl"; if (weap == 5) mdel = "progs/w_1911.mdl"; if (weap == 6) mdel = "progs/w_deagle.mdl"; if (weap == 7) mdel = "progs/w_1911.mdl"; if (weap == 8) mdel = "progs/w_alien.mdl"; if (weap == 9) mdel = "progs/w_pipe.mdl"; if (weap == 10) mdel = "progs/w_shotgun.mdl"; if (weap == 11) mdel = "progs/w_pipe.mdl"; if (weap == 12) mdel = "progs/w_jackhammer.mdl"; if (weap == 13) mdel = "progs/w_mp9.mdl"; if (weap == 14) mdel = "progs/w_mp7.mdl"; if (weap == 15) mdel = "progs/w_rangem.mdl"; if (weap == 16) mdel = "progs/w_ak47.mdl"; if (weap == 17) mdel = "progs/w_ak47.mdl"; if (weap == 18) mdel = "progs/w_srifle.mdl"; if (weap == 19) mdel = "progs/w_night.mdl"; if (weap == 20) mdel = "progs/w_sa80.mdl"; if (weap == 21) mdel = "progs/w_gauss.mdl"; if (weap == 22) mdel = "progs/w_carbine.mdl"; if (self.current_slot == 3) mdel = "progs/grenade2.mdl"; if (self.current_slot == 4 && self.c4 == 1) mdel = "progs/c4.mdl"; setmodel (newmis, mdel); setsize (newmis, '-2 -2 0', '2 2 1'); makevectors (self.v_angle); traceline (self.origin, ((self.origin + (v_forward * IT_LIGHTNING)) + '0 0 32'), FALSE, self); trace_endpos = (trace_endpos - (v_forward * WEAPON_SPIKES)); setorigin (newmis, trace_endpos); newmis.origin_z = self.origin_z; newmis.nextthink = (time + 180); newmis.think = SUB_Remove; newmis.touch = WeaponTouch; newmis.cnt = weap; if (self.current_slot == 1) { self.attack_finished = time; self.slot1_weight = 0; self.slot1 = 0; newmis.slot1 = self.ammo1; newmis.slot2 = self.maxmag1; newmis.class = self.mag1; self.mag1 = 0; self.maxmag1 = 0; GetWeaponModel (); stuffcmd(self, "impulse 1\n"); } if (self.current_slot == 2) { self.attack_finished = time; self.slot2_weight = 0; self.slot2 = 0; newmis.slot1 = self.ammo2; newmis.slot2 = self.maxmag2; newmis.class = self.mag2; self.mag2 = 0; self.maxmag2 = 0; GetWeaponModel (); stuffcmd(self, "impulse 2\n"); } if (self.current_slot == 3) { self.attack_finished = time; newmis.handgrenade = self.handgrenade; newmis.grenadetype = self.grenadetype; stuffcmd(self, "impulse 1\n"); } }; void () GetArmorWeight = { local float wt; if (self.armor == 0) wt = 0; if (self.armor == 1) wt = 3; if (self.armor == 2) wt = 5; if (self.armor == 3) wt = 9; if (self.armor == 4) wt = 15; if (self.armor == 5) wt = 12; if (self.armor == 6) wt = 17; if (self.armor == 7) wt = 6; if (self.armor == 8) wt = 20; self.armor_weight = wt; }; void (entity guy, float slot) GetWeaponWeight = { local float wt; if (slot == 1) wt = 1; else if (slot == 2) wt = 2; else if (slot == 3) wt = 8; else if (slot == 4) wt = 6; else if (slot == 5) wt = 1; else if (slot == 6) wt = 2; else if (slot == 7) wt = 2; else if (slot == 8) wt = 2; else if (slot == 9) wt = 3; else if (slot == 10) wt = 4; else if (slot == 11) wt = 5; else if (slot == 12) wt = 6; else if (slot == 13) wt = 3; else if (slot == 14) wt = 3; else if (slot == 15) wt = 5; else if (slot == 16) wt = 5; else if (slot == 17) wt = 5; else if (slot == 18) wt = 7; else if (slot == 19) wt = 5; else if (slot == 20) wt = 5; else if (slot == 21) wt = 9; else if (slot == 22) wt = 10; else if (slot == 23) wt = 1; if (self.current_slot == 1) self.slot1_weight = wt; if (self.current_slot == 2) self.slot2_weight = wt; }; void (float slot) WeaponAmmo = { local float weap, amount; if (slot == 1) weap = self.slot1; if (slot == 2) weap = self.slot2; if (weap <= 4) amount = 0; else if (weap == 5) amount = 12; else if (weap == 6) amount = 7; else if (weap == 7) amount = 15; else if (weap == 8) amount = 6; else if (weap == 9) amount = 1; else if (weap == 10) amount = 2; else if (weap == 11) amount = 6; else if (weap == 12) amount = 10; else if (weap == 13) amount = 30; else if (weap == 14) amount = 30; else if (weap == 15) amount = 10; else if (weap == 16) amount = 24; else if (weap == 17) amount = 30; else if (weap == 18) amount = 8; else if (weap == 19) amount = 30; else if (weap == 20) amount = 30; else if (weap == 21) amount = 10; else if (weap == 22) amount = 40; if (slot == 1) GiveAmmo (1, amount); if (slot == 2) GiveAmmo (2, amount); }; void() Crosshair = { local float r; local string new; r = 32 + (self.recoil*8); if (r > 256) r = 256; if (r < 0) r = 0; new = ftos(r); stuffcmd(self, "crosshairsize "); stuffcmd(self, new); stuffcmd(self, "\n"); r = 0.75 - (self.recoil*0.03); if (r <= 0.25) r = 0.25; new = ftos(r); stuffcmd(self, "crosshairalpha "); stuffcmd(self, new); stuffcmd(self, "\n"); }; string () GetChemName = { if (self.chem == 1) return "stimpack"; if (self.chem == 2) return "medical bag"; if (self.chem == 3) return "superstim"; if (self.chem == 4) return "adrenaline"; if (self.chem == 5) return "psycho"; if (self.chem == 6) return "berserk"; }; void (entity healer, entity saved) RevivePlayer = { local entity oself; saved.deadflag = DEAD_NO; saved.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; saved.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK; saved.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX; saved.ghost = 0; saved.health = 2; saved.air_finished = time + 10; saved.view_ofs = '0 0 22'; oself = self; self = saved; player_run(); self = oself; stuffcmd(saved, "impulse 1\n"); sprint (healer, PRINT_HIGH, "you revive "); sprint (healer, PRINT_HIGH, trace_ent.netname); sprint (healer, PRINT_HIGH, ".\n "); sprint (saved, PRINT_HIGH, healer.netname); sprint (saved, PRINT_HIGH, " saves you from death.\n"); saved.view2 = world; }; void(float type) UseBoostingChem = { local vector source; local vector org; local string x; x = GetChemName(); if (self.attack_finished > time) return; self.attack_finished = time + 1; makevectors (self.v_angle); source = self.origin + '0 0 0'; traceline (source, source + v_forward*64, FALSE, self); if (trace_fraction == 1.0) { if (self.health < self.max_health && self.rage == 0) { sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "player/berserk.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); self.rage = type; self.ragetime = (20+type)+random()*30; return; } } if (trace_ent.classname == "player" && trace_ent.team == self.team) { if (trace_ent.health <= 0) return; if (trace_ent.rage >= 1) { sprint (self, 2, trace_ent.netname); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, " is already affected.\n"); return; } sprint (trace_ent, 2, self.netname); sprint (trace_ent, PRINT_HIGH, " used a "); sprint (trace_ent, PRINT_HIGH, x); sprint (trace_ent, PRINT_HIGH, " on you.\n"); sound (trace_ent, CHAN_BODY, "player/berserk.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); trace_ent.rage = type; trace_ent.ragetime = (20+type)+random()*30; } }; void(float type) UseHealingChem = { local vector source; local vector org; local float heal; local string x; x = GetChemName(); if (type == 1) x = "bandage"; if (self.attack_finished > time) return; heal = type*5; self.attack_finished = time + 1; makevectors (self.v_angle); source = self.origin + '0 0 0'; traceline (source, source + v_forward*64, FALSE, self); if (trace_fraction == 1.0) { if (self.health >= self.max_health) { sprint(self, 2, "you aren't injured.\n"); return; } if (self.regen >= 1) { sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "you are already healing.\n"); return; } if (self.health < self.max_health && self.regen == 0) { sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "items/r_item2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); self.health = self.health + heal; self.regen = heal; sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "used a "); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, x); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, " to heal yourself.\n"); self.chemcount = self.chemcount - 1; return; } } if (trace_ent.classname == "player" && trace_ent.team == self.team) { if (trace_ent.health <= 0 && coop == 1) { RevivePlayer(self, trace_ent); return; } if (trace_ent.health <= 0 && coop == 0) return; if (trace_ent.regen >= 1) { sprint (self, 2, trace_ent.netname); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, " is already healing.\n"); return; } if (trace_ent.health >= trace_ent.max_health) { sprint(self, 2, trace_ent.netname); sprint(self, 2, " isn't injured.\n"); return; } sprint (trace_ent, 2, self.netname); sprint (trace_ent, PRINT_HIGH, " used a "); sprint (trace_ent, PRINT_HIGH, x); sprint (trace_ent, PRINT_HIGH, " to heal you.\n"); trace_ent.regen = heal; trace_ent.health = trace_ent.health + heal; stuffcmd (trace_ent, "v_cshift 0 0 0 0\n"); sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "items/r_item2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); self.chemcount = self.chemcount - 1; } }; void() UseChem = { if (self.chemcount <= 0 || self.chem == 0) { self.chem = 0; self.chemcount = 0; sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/menu3.wav", 1, ATTN_IDLE); sprint(self, 2, "you are out of chems!\n"); return; } if (self.chem == 1)//stimpack UseHealingChem(2); if (self.chem == 2)//medical bag UseHealingChem(3); if (self.chem == 3)//super-stim UseHealingChem(4); if (self.chem == 4)//adrenaline UseBoostingChem(1); if (self.chem == 5)//jet UseBoostingChem(2); if (self.chem == 6)//psycho UseBoostingChem(3); if (self.chem == 7)//mentats UseBoostingChem(3); if (self.chemcount == 0) self.chem = 0; self.rtime = 100; }; void() Bandage = { if (self.bandages <= 0) { self.bandages = 0; sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/menu3.wav", 1, ATTN_IDLE); sprint(self, 2, "you are out of bandages!\n"); return; } UseHealingChem(1); self.chemcount = self.chemcount - 1; if (self.chemcount == 0) self.chem = 0; }; void () DisplayMenu = { local entity spot; local string menu; local entity te; local string qq; if (self.currentmenu == "none") return; if (self.currentmenu == "shop_list") { menu = ShopString (); centerprint (self, menu); } if (self.currentmenu == "shop_trait") { menu = TraitString (); centerprint (self, menu); } if (self.currentmenu == "shop_perks") { menu = PerkString (); centerprint (self, menu); } if (self.currentmenu == "shop_armor") { menu = ArmorString (); centerprint (self, menu); } if (self.currentmenu == "shop_protect") { menu = ProtectString (); centerprint (self, menu); } if (self.currentmenu == "shop_melee") { menu = MeleeString (); centerprint (self, menu); } if (self.currentmenu == "shop_thrown") { menu = ThrownString (); centerprint (self, menu); } if (self.currentmenu == "shop_pistols") { menu = PistolString (); centerprint (self, menu); } if (self.currentmenu == "shop_shotguns") { menu = ShotgunString (); centerprint (self, menu); } if (self.currentmenu == "shop_rifles") { menu = RifleString (); centerprint (self, menu); } if (self.currentmenu == "shop_chems") { menu = ChemString (); centerprint (self, menu); } if (self.currentmenu == "shop_other") { menu = OtherString (); centerprint (self, menu); } if (self.currentmenu == "shop_equipment") { menu = EquipmentString (); centerprint (self, menu); } if (self.currentmenu == "shop_weapons") { menu = WeaponString (); centerprint (self, menu); } if (((self.currentmenu == "select_skill") && (self.team == 1))) { centerprint (self, "CHOOSE SKILL SET\n\n1 Medic \n2 Assassin \n3 Soldier \n4 Scientist\n"); } if (((self.currentmenu == "select_skill") && (self.team == 2))) { centerprint (self, "CHOOSE SKILL SET\n\n1 Medic \n2 Assassin \n3 Soldier \n4 Scientist\n"); } if ((self.currentmenu == "select_team")) { if (self.class == 0) centerprint (self, "CHOOSE YOUR TEAM\n\n1 Rangers (good)\n2 Raiders (evil)\n3 Auto-Assign \n"); if (self.class >= 0 && self.oldteam == 0) centerprint (self, "CHOOSE YOUR TEAM\n\n1 Rangers (good)\n2 Raiders (evil)\n3 Auto-Assign \n"); if (self.class > 0 && self.oldteam > 0) centerprint (self, "CHOOSE YOUR TEAM\n\n1 Rangers (good)\n2 Raiders (evil)\n3 Auto-Assign \n4 Keep Previous \n"); } if (self.currentmenu == "confirm_team") { sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "player/yourturn.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); if (self.team == 1) centerprint (self, "you will respawn as\n\nRanger - OK?\n1 Yes \n2 No \n"); if (self.team == 2) centerprint (self, "you will respawn as\n\nRaider - OK?\n1 Yes \n2 No \n"); } if (self.currentmenu == "confirm_skill") { sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "player/yourturn.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); if (self.class == 1) centerprint (self, "your class will be\n\nMedic - OK?\n1 Yes \n2 No \n"); if (self.class == 2) centerprint (self, "your class will be\n\nAssassin - OK?\n1 Yes \n2 No \n"); if (self.class == 3) centerprint (self, "your class will be\n\nSoldiier - OK?\n1 Yes \n2 No \n"); if (self.class == 4) centerprint (self, "your class will be\n\nScientist - OK?\n1 Yes \n2 No \n"); } if (self.currentmenu == "menu_build") { menu = BuildString (); centerprint (self, menu); } }; void () Special = { if (self.class == 1) Bandage (); if (self.class == 2) Sneak (); if (self.class == 4) self.currentmenu = "menu_build"; }; void () hos_run1; void () hos_stand1; void (vector org, entity guy, float input, float cost) spawn_station; void () ExitScreen = { local float car; local float q; local entity te; local string x; if (self.class == 0) return; if (self.ghost == 1) return; if (self.team == 0) return; if (self.attack_finished > time) return; if (trace_ent.classname == "hostage" && trace_ent.health > 0 && trace_fraction < 1) { if (self.team != 1) return; if (self.currentmenu == "menu_build") return; if (trace_ent.cnt == 0) { sprint (self, 2, "hostage is now following you.\n"); trace_ent.nextthink = (time + 0.1); trace_ent.think = hos_run1; trace_ent.cnt = 1; trace_ent.friend = self; return; } else { if (trace_ent.cnt == 1) { sprint (self, 2, "hostage stopped following you.\n"); trace_ent.nextthink = (time + 0.1); trace_ent.think = hos_stand1; trace_ent.cnt = 0; trace_ent.friend = trace_ent; return; } } return; } if ((self.currentmenu != "none")) { centerprint (self, "\n"); self.currentmenu = "none"; } }; void () Sneak = { local float w; w = weightx(); if (self.sneak >= 1) { sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "items/inv1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); centerprint (self, " Uncloaked \n"); setmodel (self, "progs/guy.mdl"); self.sneak = 0; return; } if (self.ammo_cells < 20) { sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "wait for stealth-boy to recharge.\n"); return; } if (self.sneak == 0 && self.class == 2) { sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "items/inv1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); centerprint (self, " cloaked and sneaking \n(1% detection chance)"); self.sneak = 1; return; } else if (self.sneak == 0 && self.class != 2) { sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "items/inv1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); centerprint (self, " cloaked \n(15% detection chance)"); self.sneak = 3; return; } else if (self.sneak == 0 && w > 20) { sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "items/inv1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); centerprint (self, " too much gear \n"); setmodel (self, "progs/guy.mdl"); self.sneak = 0; return; } }; void () Shield = { if (self.class != 6) { centerprint (self, "You can't shield yourself!\n"); return; } if (self.sneak == 2) { centerprint (self, " Unshielded \n"); self.sneak = 0; sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "items/protect2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); return; } if (self.ammo_cells < 10) { centerprint (self, "wait for your shield to recharge.\n"); return; } if (self.sneak == 0) { centerprint (self, " Energy Shield \n"); self.sneak = 2; sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "items/protect.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); return; } }; void () station_die = { if ((self.buildtype == 1)) { if ((self.team == 1)) { blue_weapon = 0; } else { if ((self.team == 2)) { red_weapon = 0; } } } if ((self.buildtype == 2)) { if ((self.team == 1)) { blue_armor = 0; } else { if ((self.team == 2)) { red_armor = 0; } } } if ((self.buildtype == AS_MELEE)) { if ((self.team == 1)) { blue_gadget = 0; } else { if ((self.team == 2)) { red_gadget = 0; } } } Explosion (2); }; void () station_think = { local entity dog; local entity te; local string qq; local float zz, x; self.nextthink = time + 2; self.frame = self.buildtype; if (self.track.team != self.team) { station_die (); return; } if (self.chemcount <= 0) { station_die (); return; } if (self.buildtype == 1)//barricade { sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "items/protect2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); te = findradius (self.origin, 256); while (te) { if (te.classname == "player" && te.team == self.team) { if (self.chemcount <= 0) { sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/menu2.wav", TRUE, ATTN_NORM); sprint (te, 2, "the shield generator is out of power.\n"); return; } if (te.classname == "player") { te.protect = 3; self.chemcount = self.chemcount - 1; stuffcmd(te, "v_cshift 0 100 100 100\n"); } } te = te.chain; } } if (self.buildtype == 2)//autodoc { te = findradius (self.origin, 70); while (te) { if (te.classname == "player" && te.team == self.team) { if (self.chemcount <= 0) { sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/item1.wav", TRUE, ATTN_NORM); sprint (te, 2, "the autodoc is out of medical supplies.\n"); return; } if (te.health < te.max_health) { sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "items/r_item2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); sprint (te, 2, "the auto-doc heals you for 3 health.\n"); te.health = te.health + 3; self.chemcount = self.chemcount - 1; if (te.health > te.max_health) te.health = te.max_health; } } te = te.chain; } } if (self.buildtype == 0)//mr. ammo { te = findradius (self.origin, 60); while (te) { if (te.classname == "player" && te.team == self.team) { if (self.chemcount <= 0) { sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/item1.wav", TRUE, ATTN_NORM); sprint (te, 2, "this mr.ammo is out of ammunition.\n"); return; } x = 300; if (te.current_slot == 1 && te.ammo2 < (x)) { sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/item1.wav", TRUE, ATTN_NORM); zz = (te.maxmag1 / 2); zz = ceil (zz); qq = ftos (zz); sprint (te, 2, qq); sprint (te, 2, " ammo was received from the mr.ammo.\n"); te.ammo1 = (te.ammo1 + zz); te.ammo1 = ceil (te.ammo1); self.chemcount = self.chemcount - 1; } else { if (te.current_slot == 2 && te.ammo2 < (x)) { sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/item1.wav", TRUE, ATTN_NORM); zz = (te.maxmag2 / 2); zz = ceil (zz); qq = ftos (zz); sprint (te, 2, qq); sprint (te, 2, " ammo was received from the mr.ammo.\n"); te.ammo2 = (te.ammo2 + zz); te.ammo2 = ceil (te.ammo2); self.chemcount = self.chemcount - 1; } } } te = te.chain; } } }; void () Bar_Think = { local float var; local float dot1; if ((self.owner.health < WEAPON_SHOTGUN)) { remove (self); return; } if ((self.owner.health >= self.owner.max_health)) { remove (self); return; } self.flags = self.flags; if ((self.owner.position == WEAPON_SHOTGUN)) { dot1 = WEAPON_SHOTGUN; } if ((dot1 == WEAPON_SHOTGUN)) { self.frame = MULTICAST_ALL; setmodel (self, ""); self.nextthink = (time + 0.01); return; } if (((self.owner.health >= WEAPON_SHOTGUN) && (dot1 == MULTICAST_ALL))) { self.frame = floor (((self.owner.health / self.owner.max_health) * TE_WIZSPIKE)); setorigin (self, (self.owner.origin + '0 0 48')); self.nextthink = (time + 0.01); setmodel (self, "progs/hbar.spr"); } }; void (entity guy) spawn_dot = { local entity hologram; hologram = spawn (); hologram.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; hologram.solid = SOLID_NOT; hologram.owner = self; setmodel (hologram, "progs/hbar.spr"); hologram.skin = self.skin; setorigin (hologram, self.origin); setsize (hologram, VEC_ORIGIN, VEC_ORIGIN); hologram.angles = self.angles; hologram.colormap = self.colormap; hologram.cnt = MULTICAST_ALL; hologram.think = Bar_Think; hologram.nextthink = (time + 0.01); }; void (vector org, entity guy, float input, float cost) spawn_station = { local entity dog; local entity te; if (input == 3) { te = find (world, classname, "robofang"); while (te) { if (te.track == self && te.buildtype == 3) { makevectors (self.v_angle); setorigin(te, self.origin + v_forward*32); return; } te = find (te, classname, "robofang"); } } if (self.scraps < cost) { sprint (self, 2, "not enough metal.\n"); return; } if (input == 4) { if (self.handgrenade == 0) { sprint (self, 2, "need a grenade.\n"); return; } if (self.handgrenade == 1) { self.grenadetype = 0; self.handgrenade = 0; } } self = guy; te = find (world, classname, "station"); while (te) { if (te.track == self && te.buildtype == input) { sprint (self, 2, "already have one.\n"); return; } te = find (te, classname, "station"); } if (input == 3) { te = findradius (self.origin, 128); while (te) { if (te != self && te.classname == "player" && te.health > 0) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "not with other players nearby.\n"); return; } te = te.chain; } } makevectors (self.v_angle); org = ((org + (v_forward * IT_LIGHTNING)) + (v_up * EF_FLAG2)); if ((pointcontents ((org + '0 20 0')) != CONTENT_EMPTY)) { sprint (self, 2, "can't build there.\n"); return; } if ((pointcontents ((org + '0 -20 0')) != CONTENT_EMPTY)) { sprint (self, 2, "can't build there.\n"); return; } if ((pointcontents ((org + '20 0 0')) != CONTENT_EMPTY)) { sprint (self, 2, "can't build there.\n"); return; } if ((pointcontents ((org + '-20 0 0')) != CONTENT_EMPTY)) { sprint (self, 2, "can't build there.\n"); return; } if ((pointcontents ((org + '0 0 50')) != CONTENT_EMPTY)) { sprint (self, 2, "can't build there.\n"); return; } if ((pointcontents ((org + '0 0 -10')) != CONTENT_EMPTY)) { sprint (self, 2, "can't build there.\n"); return; } self.impulse = 0; te = findradius (org, 40); while (te) { if (te.classname == "spawn1") { sprint (self, 2, "can't build at spawn.\n"); return; } if (te.classname == "spawn2") { sprint (self, 2, "can't build at spawn.\n"); return; } if (te.classname == "ghoul") { sprint (self, 2, "somethings in the way.\n"); return; } if (((te.classname == "player") && (te.health > 0))) { sprint (self, 2, "can't build on players.\n"); return; } if (((te.classname == "station") && (te.health > 0))) { sprint (self, 2, "can't build on other stations.\n"); return; } te = te.chain; } self.scraps = (self.scraps - cost); dog = spawn (); dog.team = self.team; dog.track = self; self = dog; spawn_dot (dog); self.origin = org; self.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; self.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; setsize (self, '-16 -16 0', '16 16 40'); self.health = SVC_INTERMISSION; self.max_health = (300 + (input * 50)); self.th_die = station_die; setmodel (self, "progs/station.mdl"); self.classname = "station"; self.think = station_think; self.helmet = 2; self.buildtype = input; if (self.buildtype == 0) self.netname = "mr. ammo"; if (self.buildtype == 1) self.netname = "shield generator"; if (self.buildtype == 2) self.netname = "autodoc"; if (self.buildtype == 3) { setsize(self, '-24 -24 -24', '24 24 24'); self.netname = "robofang"; setmodel (self, "progs/dog.mdl"); } if (self.buildtype == 4) { setsize(self, '-4 -4 -4', '4 4 4'); self.netname = "grenade"; setmodel (self, "progs/grenade2.mdl"); } self.frame = 4; }; void () BuyMenu = { local float is_shop; local entity te; local entity shop; local entity spot; local entity oldself; local vector spot1; local vector spot2; local float r; local float cyc; local string menu; if (self.currentmenu == "777") return; is_shop = 0; if (coop == 0) { te = findradius (self.origin, 250); while (te) { if (te.classname == "buyzone1" && self.team == 1) is_shop = 1; if (te.classname == "buyzone2" && self.team == 2) is_shop = 1; te = te.chain; } } if (coop == 1) { te = findradius (self.origin, 80); while (te) { if (te.classname == "buyzone") is_shop = 1; if (te.classname == "merchant") is_shop = 1; te = te.chain; } } if ((is_shop == 0)) { centerprint (self, "nothing but the afterglow, here.\n(find a trader)"); return; } if ((is_shop == 1)) { menu = ShopString (); centerprint (self, menu); self.currentmenu = "shop_list"; if (self.current_slot != 0 && self.current_slot != 2) self.current_slot = 1; return; } }; void () CharacterSheet = { local string x; local float qq; local float ratio; local float r1; local float r2; local float var; var = weightx (); stuffcmd (self, "toggleconsole\n"); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "\n\n\n\n ** INFO ** \n"); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Class "); if (self.class == 1) sprint (self, 2, "Medic"); if (self.class == 2) sprint (self, 2, "Assassin"); if (self.class == 3) sprint (self, 2, "Soldier"); if (self.class == 4) sprint (self, 2, "Scientist"); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "\nTeam "); if (self.team == 1) sprint (self, 2, "Rangers\n"); if (self.team == 2) sprint (self, 2, "Raiders\n"); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Score "); r1 = (self.dead); r2 = (self.kills); if (r1 == 0) r1 = 1; ratio = (r2 / r1); x = ftos (ratio); sprint (self, 2, x); sprint (self, 2, " ("); x = ftos (self.kills); sprint (self, 2, x); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "/"); x = ftos (self.dead); sprint (self, 2, x); sprint (self, 2, ") "); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "\nSpeed "); x = ftos (self.maxspeed); sprint (self, 2, x); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "/300\n"); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Money "); x = ftos (self.ammo_shells); sprint (self, 2, x); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "$\n"); if (self.class == 2) { sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Bandages "); x = ftos (self.bandages); sprint (self, 2, x); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "\n"); } if (self.class == 6) { sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Scraps "); x = ftos (self.scraps); sprint (self, 2, x); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "\n"); } sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "\nArmor "); x = GetArmorName(); sprint (self, 2, x); sprint (self, 2, " ("); x = ftos (self.armor_weight); sprint (self, 2, x); sprint (self, 2, ")\n"); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Protective "); x = GetProtectName(); sprint (self, 2, x); sprint (self, 2, "\n"); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Chem "); x = GetChemName(); sprint (self, 2, x); x = ftos (self.chemcount); sprint (self, 2, "["); sprint (self, 2, x); sprint (self, 2, "]"); sprint (self, 2, "\n"); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Gadget "); x = GetEquipmentName(); sprint (self, 2, x); sprint (self, 2, "\n"); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Perk "); x = GetPerkName(); sprint (self, 2, x); sprint (self, 2, "\n"); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Trait "); x = GetTraitName(); sprint (self, 2, x); sprint (self, 2, "\n"); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Weapon 1 "); x = GetWeaponName (self, self.slot1); sprint (self, 2, x); sprint (self, 2, " ("); x = ftos (self.slot1_weight); sprint (self, 2, x); sprint (self, 2, ") ("); sprint (self, 2, self.ammotype1); sprint (self, 2, ")\n"); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Weapon 2 "); x = GetWeaponName (self, self.slot2); sprint (self, 2, x); sprint (self, 2, " ("); x = ftos (self.slot2_weight); sprint (self, 2, x); sprint (self, 2, ") ("); sprint (self, 2, self.ammotype2); sprint (self, 2, ")\n\n"); qq = weightx (); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Weight "); x = ftos (qq); sprint (self, 2, x); qq = self.max_weight; sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "/"); x = ftos (qq); sprint (self, 2, x); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "\n"); return; }; void () UseEquipment = { if (self.equipment == 0) { centerprint(self, " no extra equipment \n"); return; } if (self.equipment == 1) { centerprint(self, " medic's bag \nlets you carry more stimpacks\n"); return; } if (self.equipment == 4) { centerprint(self, " belt pouch \ngives you room for two extra grenades\n"); return; } if (self.equipment == 5) { centerprint(self, " backpack \nlets you carry more ammunition\n"); return; } if (self.equipment == 6) { centerprint(self, " toolkit mark ii \nbuild, defuse and open doors faster\n"); return; } if (self.equipment == 7 && self.equipment_state == 0) { sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "climbing gear in place.\n"); sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/item2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); self.maxspeed = 100; self.velocity_z = 0; self.equipment_state = 1; } if (self.equipment == 7 && self.equipment_state == 1) { sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "climbing gear retrieved.\n"); sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/item2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); self.grab = 0; self.equipment_state = 0; return; } if (self.equipment == 8) { centerprint(self, " enhanced battery \nallows longer cloaking\n"); return; } if (self.equipment == 9) { Sneak(); return; } }; void (vector s_aim, float dam, float var, float ran) W_FireBuckshotSpread1 = { local vector source; local vector targ; local vector org; local float r; local float srange; local float zdif; local vector src; local vector pos; local float ydif; local float xdif; local float true; makevectors (self.v_angle); source = (self.origin + '0 0 20'); targ = ((((((s_aim + ((v_right * random ()) * var)) - ((v_right * random ()) * var)) + ((v_up * random ()) * var)) - ((v_up * random ()) * var)) + (((v_up * random ()) * var) * 0.5)) + (v_forward * ran)); traceline (source, targ, FALSE, self); if ((trace_fraction == 1)) { return; } org = (trace_endpos - (v_forward * 2)); if (trace_ent.takedamage) { dam = ((random () * dam) + dam); dam = (dam * (1 - trace_fraction)); if (trace_ent.solid != SOLID_BSP) SpawnBlood (org, 1); if (trace_ent.solid == SOLID_BSP) SpawnWood (trace_ent, org, 1); zdif = (org_z - trace_ent.origin_z); ydif = (org_y - trace_ent.origin_y); xdif = (org_x - trace_ent.origin_x); true = 0; if (((ydif >= CONTENT_SLIME) && (ydif <= WEAPON_SPIKES))) { true = 1; } if (((xdif >= CONTENT_SLIME) && (xdif <= WEAPON_SPIKES))) { true = 1; } if (((true == 1) && (zdif >= ((trace_ent.size_z / 2) * 0.8)))) { if (self.attack > 2) dam = (dam * 0.4); self.critical = 3; } T_Damage (trace_ent, self, self, dam); } else { bullet_hole (org); } }; void (float rec, float number, float dam, float var, float ran, float auto) W_FireShotgun = { local vector dir; local vector p_aim; local float var1; local float var2; local float var3; local float var4; local float weap; local vector adjust; if (self.current_slot == 1) weap = self.slot1; else weap = self.slot2; if (self.velocity != '0 0 0') { var1 = ((random () * 48) * (6 + self.recoil * 1.5)); var2 = ((random () * 48) * (6 + self.recoil * 1.5)); var3 = ((random () * 48) * (6 + self.recoil * 1.5)); var4 = ((random () * 48) * (6 + self.recoil * 1.5)); } if (self.position == 2) { var1 = ((random () * 12) * (6 + self.recoil * 1.5)); var2 = ((random () * 12) * (6 + self.recoil * 1.5)); var3 = ((random () * 12) * (6 + self.recoil * 1.5)); var4 = ((random () * 12) * (6 + self.recoil * 1.5)); } if (self.position == 1) { var1 = ((random () * IDLE3A) * (6 + self.recoil * 1.5)); var2 = ((random () * IDLE3A) * (6 + self.recoil * 1.5)); var3 = ((random () * IDLE3A) * (6 + self.recoil * 1.5)); var4 = ((random () * IDLE3A) * (6 + self.recoil * 1.5)); } if (self.position == 0) { var1 = ((random () * IDLE10A) * (6 + (self.recoil * 3))); var2 = ((random () * IDLE10A) * (6 + (self.recoil * 3))); var3 = ((random () * IDLE10A) * (6 + (self.recoil * 3))); var4 = ((random () * IDLE10A) * (6 + (self.recoil * 3))); } if (self.position == 0) player_single1 (); if (self.position == 2) player_single1 (); if (self.position == 1) player_single1_s (); stuffcmd (self, "+lookup\n"); stuffcmd (self, "wait\n"); stuffcmd (self, "-lookup\n"); sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/shotgun1.wav", 1.5, ATTN_NORM); if (self.position == 0) p_aim = (((((self.origin + '0 0 20' + adjust) + (v_right * var1)) - (v_right * var2)) + (v_up * var3)) - (v_up * var4)); else if (self.position == 1) p_aim = (((((self.origin + '0 0 4' + adjust) + (v_right * var1)) - (v_right * var2)) + (v_up * var3)) - (v_up * var4)); else if (self.position == 2) p_aim = (((((self.origin + '0 0 -12' + adjust) + (v_right * var1)) - (v_right * var2)) + (v_up * var3)) - (v_up * var4)); msg_entity = self; WriteByte (MSG_ONE, SVC_BIGKICK); DropAmmo (); self.attack = (self.attack + 1); self.recoil = (self.recoil + 8); Crosshair(); if ((self.recoil >= 30)) { self.recoil = 30; } if ((auto == 0)) { self.attack_finished = (time + 0.5); } if ((auto == 1)) { self.attack_finished = (time + 0.2); } if ((weap == DRAW4)) { self.attack_finished = (time + 0.75); } if ((weap == IDLE2A)) { self.attack_finished = (time + 0.4); } dir = aim (self, 10000); var = SVC_INTERMISSION; if ((number == MULTICAST_PVS_R)) { W_FireBuckshotSpread1 (p_aim, dam, var, ran); W_FireBuckshotSpread1 ((p_aim + (v_right * 80)), dam, var, ran); W_FireBuckshotSpread1 ((p_aim - (v_right * 80)), dam, var, ran); W_FireBuckshotSpread1 ((p_aim + (v_up * 80)), dam, var, ran); W_FireBuckshotSpread1 ((p_aim - (v_up * 80)), dam, var, ran); } else { if ((number == AS_MELEE)) { var = 80; W_FireBuckshotSpread1 (p_aim, dam, var, ran); W_FireBuckshotSpread1 (p_aim, dam, var, ran); W_FireBuckshotSpread1 (p_aim, dam, var, ran); } } };