//included directly from plugin.c //this is the client-only things. static plugin_t *menuplug; //plugin that has the current menu static plugin_t *protocolclientplugin; static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Menu_Control(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { if (qrenderer == QR_NONE) return 0; switch(VM_LONG(arg[0])) { case 0: //take away all menus case 1: if (menuplug) { plugin_t *oldplug = currentplug; currentplug = menuplug; Plug_Menu_Event(3, 0); menuplug = NULL; currentplug = oldplug; Key_Dest_Remove(kdm_emenu); } if (VM_LONG(arg[0]) != 1) return 1; //give us menu control menuplug = currentplug; Key_Dest_Add(kdm_emenu); m_state = m_plugin; return 1; case 2: //weather it's us or not. return currentplug == menuplug && m_state == m_plugin; case 3: //weather a menu is active return !!Key_Dest_Has(kdm_emenu|kdm_gmenu); default: return 0; } } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Key_GetKeyCode(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { int modifier; return Key_StringToKeynum(VM_POINTER(arg[0]), &modifier); } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_SCR_CenterPrint(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { if (qrenderer == QR_NONE) return 0; SCR_CenterPrint(0, VM_POINTER(arg[0]), true); return 0; } typedef struct { //Make SURE that the engine has resolved all cvar pointers into globals before this happens. plugin_t *plugin; char name[64]; int type; char *script; mpic_t *pic; } pluginimagearray_t; int pluginimagearraylen; pluginimagearray_t *pluginimagearray; #include "shader.h" static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Draw_LoadImage(char *name, int type, char *script) { int i; mpic_t *pic; if (!*name) return 0; for (i = 0; i < pluginimagearraylen; i++) { if (!pluginimagearray[i].plugin) break; if (pluginimagearray[i].plugin == currentplug) { if (!strcmp(name, pluginimagearray[i].name)) break; } } if (i == pluginimagearraylen) { pluginimagearraylen++; pluginimagearray = BZ_Realloc(pluginimagearray, pluginimagearraylen*sizeof(pluginimagearray_t)); pluginimagearray[i].pic = NULL; } if (pluginimagearray[i].pic) return i+1; //already loaded. if (qrenderer != QR_NONE) { if (type == 3) pic = NULL; else if (type == 2) pic = R_RegisterShader(name, SUF_NONE, script); else if (type) pic = R2D_SafePicFromWad(name); else pic = R2D_SafeCachePic(name); } else pic = NULL; Q_strncpyz(pluginimagearray[i].name, name, sizeof(pluginimagearray[i].name)); pluginimagearray[i].type = type; pluginimagearray[i].pic = pic; pluginimagearray[i].plugin = currentplug; pluginimagearray[i].script = script?Z_StrDup(script):NULL; return i + 1; } qbyte *Read32BitImageFile(qbyte *buf, int len, int *width, int *height, qboolean *hasalpha, char *fname); static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Draw_LoadImageData(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { qintptr_t ret = 0; char *name = VM_POINTER(arg[0]); // char *mimetype = VM_POINTER(arg[1]); void *codeddata = VM_POINTER(arg[2]); unsigned int datalength = VM_LONG(arg[3]); image_t *t; qbyte *rgbdata; unsigned int width, height; if (VM_OOB(arg[2], arg[3])) return 0; if ((rgbdata = Read32BitImageFile(codeddata, datalength, &width, &height, NULL, name))) { // name = va("%s", name); t = Image_FindTexture(name, NULL, IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_UIPIC|IF_CLAMP); if (!TEXVALID(t)) t = Image_CreateTexture(name, NULL, IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_UIPIC|IF_CLAMP); if (TEXVALID(t)) { Image_Upload(t, TF_RGBA32, rgbdata, NULL, width, height, IF_NOMIPMAP|IF_UIPIC|IF_CLAMP); ret = Plug_Draw_LoadImage(name, 3, NULL); } BZ_Free(rgbdata); } return ret; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Draw_LoadImageShader(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { char *name = VM_POINTER(arg[0]); char *script = VM_POINTER(arg[1]); return Plug_Draw_LoadImage(name, 2, script); } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Draw_LoadImagePic(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { char *name = VM_POINTER(arg[0]); int type = arg[1]; if (type != 0 && type != 1) return 0; return Plug_Draw_LoadImage(name, type, NULL); } void Plug_DrawReloadImages(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < pluginimagearraylen; i++) { if (!pluginimagearray[i].plugin) { pluginimagearray[i].pic = NULL; continue; } pluginimagearray[i].pic = R2D_SafePicFromWad(pluginimagearray[i].name); //pluginimagearray[i].pic = R2D_SafeCachePic(pluginimagearray[i].name); //pluginimagearray[i].pic = NULL; } } static void Plug_FreePlugImages(plugin_t *plug) { int i; for (i = 0; i < pluginimagearraylen; i++) { if (pluginimagearray[i].plugin == plug) { pluginimagearray[i].plugin = 0; pluginimagearray[i].pic = NULL; pluginimagearray[i].name[0] = '\0'; } } } //int R2D_ImageSize (qhandle_t image, float *w, float *h) static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Draw_ImageSize(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { float *w = VM_POINTER(arg[1]), *h = VM_POINTER(arg[2]); int iw, ih, ret; mpic_t *pic; int i; if (VM_OOB(arg[1], sizeof(*w)) || VM_OOB(arg[2], sizeof(*w))) return -1; *w = 0; *h = 0; if (qrenderer == QR_NONE) return 0; i = VM_LONG(arg[0]); if (i <= 0 || i > pluginimagearraylen) return -1; // you fool i = i - 1; if (pluginimagearray[i].plugin != currentplug) return -1; if (pluginimagearray[i].pic) pic = pluginimagearray[i].pic; else if (pluginimagearray[i].type == 1) return 0; //wasn't loaded. else { pic = R2D_SafeCachePic(pluginimagearray[i].name); if (!pic) return -1; } ret = R_GetShaderSizes(pic, &iw, &ih, true); *w = iw; *h = ih; return ret; } //int R2D_Image (float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, qhandle_t image) static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Draw_Image(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { mpic_t *pic; int i; if (qrenderer == QR_NONE) return 0; i = VM_LONG(arg[8]); if (i <= 0 || i > pluginimagearraylen) return -1; // you fool i = i - 1; if (pluginimagearray[i].plugin != currentplug) return -1; if (pluginimagearray[i].pic) pic = pluginimagearray[i].pic; else if (pluginimagearray[i].type == 1) return 0; //wasn't loaded. else { pic = R2D_SafeCachePic(pluginimagearray[i].name); if (!pic) return -1; } R2D_Image(VM_FLOAT(arg[0]), VM_FLOAT(arg[1]), VM_FLOAT(arg[2]), VM_FLOAT(arg[3]), VM_FLOAT(arg[4]), VM_FLOAT(arg[5]), VM_FLOAT(arg[6]), VM_FLOAT(arg[7]), pic); return 1; } //x1,y1,x2,y2 static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Draw_Line(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { R2D_Line(VM_FLOAT(arg[0]), VM_FLOAT(arg[1]), VM_FLOAT(arg[2]), VM_FLOAT(arg[3]), NULL); return 1; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Draw_Character(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { int x, y; if (qrenderer == QR_NONE) return 0; Font_BeginString(font_default, arg[0], arg[1], &x, &y); Font_DrawChar(x, y, CON_WHITEMASK, 0xe000 | (unsigned int)arg[2]); Font_EndString(font_default); return 0; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Draw_CharacterH(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { float x = VM_FLOAT(arg[0]); float y = VM_FLOAT(arg[1]); float h = VM_FLOAT(arg[2]); unsigned int flags = VM_LONG(arg[3]); unsigned int charc = VM_LONG(arg[4]); conchar_t cmask = CON_WHITEMASK; if (qrenderer == QR_NONE) return 0; if (flags & 1) cmask |= CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT; if (!(flags & 2)) cmask |= 0xe000; Font_BeginScaledString(font_default, x, y, h, h, &x, &y); Font_DrawScaleChar(x, y, cmask, charc); Font_EndString(font_default); return 0; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Draw_String(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { int ipx, px, py; conchar_t buffer[2048], *str; unsigned int codeflags, codepoint; if (qrenderer == QR_NONE) return 0; COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, VM_POINTER(arg[2]), buffer, sizeof(buffer), false); str = buffer; Font_BeginString(font_default, VM_FLOAT(arg[0]), VM_FLOAT(arg[1]), &px, &py); ipx = px; while(*str) { str = Font_Decode(str, &codeflags, &codepoint); if (codepoint == '\n') py += Font_CharHeight(); else if (codepoint == '\r') px = ipx; else px = Font_DrawChar(px, py, codeflags, codepoint); } Font_EndString(font_default); return 0; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Draw_StringH(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { float x = VM_FLOAT(arg[0]); float y = VM_FLOAT(arg[1]); float h = VM_FLOAT(arg[2]); unsigned int flags = VM_LONG(arg[3]); char *instr = VM_POINTER(arg[4]); float ipx; conchar_t buffer[2048], *str, cmask = CON_WHITEMASK; unsigned int codeflags, codepoint; unsigned int parseflags = 0; if (qrenderer == QR_NONE) return 0; if (flags & 1) cmask |= CON_2NDCHARSETTEXT; if (flags & 2) parseflags |= PFS_FORCEUTF8; COM_ParseFunString(CON_WHITEMASK, instr, buffer, sizeof(buffer), parseflags); str = buffer; Font_BeginScaledString(font_default, x, y, h, h, &x, &y); ipx = x; while(*str) { str = Font_Decode(str, &codeflags, &codepoint); if (codepoint == '\n') y += Font_CharScaleHeight(); else if (codepoint == '\r') x = ipx; else x = Font_DrawScaleChar(x, y, codeflags, codepoint); } Font_EndString(font_default); return 0; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Draw_Fill(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { float x, y, width, height; if (qrenderer == QR_NONE) return 0; x = VM_FLOAT(arg[0]); y = VM_FLOAT(arg[1]); width = VM_FLOAT(arg[2]); height = VM_FLOAT(arg[3]); R2D_FillBlock(x, y, width, height); return 0; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Draw_ColourP(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { int p = VM_LONG(arg[0]); if (p<0 || p>255) return false; R2D_ImagePaletteColour(p, 1); return 1; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Draw_ColourPA(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { int p = VM_LONG(arg[0]); float a = VM_FLOAT(arg[1]); if (p<0 || p>255) return false; R2D_ImagePaletteColour(p, a); return 1; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Draw_Colour3f(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { R2D_ImageColours(VM_FLOAT(arg[0]), VM_FLOAT(arg[1]), VM_FLOAT(arg[2]), 1); return 1; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Draw_Colour4f(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { R2D_ImageColours(VM_FLOAT(arg[0]), VM_FLOAT(arg[1]), VM_FLOAT(arg[2]), VM_FLOAT(arg[3])); return 1; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_LocalSound(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { if (qrenderer == QR_NONE) return false; S_LocalSound(VM_POINTER(arg[0])); return 0; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_CL_GetStats(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { int i; int pnum = VM_LONG(arg[0]); unsigned int *stats = VM_POINTER(arg[1]); int pluginstats = VM_LONG(arg[2]); int max; if (VM_OOB(arg[1], arg[2]*4)) return 0; if (qrenderer == QR_NONE || !cls.state) return 0; max = pluginstats; if (max > MAX_CL_STATS) max = MAX_CL_STATS; for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { //fill stats with the right player's stats stats[i] = cl.playerview[pnum].stats[i]; } for (; i < pluginstats; i++) //plugin has too many stats (wow) stats[i] = 0; //fill the rest. return max; } #define PLUGMAX_SCOREBOARDNAME 64 typedef struct { int topcolour; int bottomcolour; int frags; char name[PLUGMAX_SCOREBOARDNAME]; int ping; int pl; float activetime; int userid; int spectator; char userinfo[1024]; char team[8]; } vmplugclientinfo_t; static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_GetPlayerInfo(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { int i, pt; vmplugclientinfo_t *out; if (VM_OOB(arg[1], sizeof(vmplugclientinfo_t))) return -1; if (VM_LONG(arg[0]) < -1 || VM_LONG(arg[0] ) >= MAX_CLIENTS) return -2; i = VM_LONG(arg[0]); out = VM_POINTER(arg[1]); if (out) { if (i < 0) { if (i >= -MAX_SPLITS) i = cl.playerview[-i-1].playernum; if (i < 0) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); return 0; } } out->bottomcolour = cl.players[i].rbottomcolor; out->topcolour = cl.players[i].rtopcolor; out->frags = cl.players[i].frags; Q_strncpyz(out->name, cl.players[i].name, PLUGMAX_SCOREBOARDNAME); out->ping = cl.players[i].ping; out->pl = cl.players[i].pl; out->activetime = realtime - cl.players[i].realentertime; out->userid = cl.players[i].userid; out->spectator = cl.players[i].spectator; Q_strncpyz(out->userinfo, cl.players[i].userinfo, sizeof(out->userinfo)); Q_strncpyz(out->team, cl.players[i].team, sizeof(out->team)); } pt = Cam_TrackNum(&cl.playerview[0]); if (pt < 0) return (cl.playerview[0].playernum == i); else return pt == i; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_LocalPlayerNumber(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { return cl.playerview[0].playernum; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_GetLocalPlayerNumbers(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { int i; int first = VM_LONG(arg[0]); int count = VM_LONG(arg[1]); int *playernums = VM_POINTER(arg[2]); int *spectracks = VM_POINTER(arg[3]); if (count < 0 || count > 1000) count = 0; if (VM_OOB(arg[2], sizeof(*playernums)*count) || VM_OOB(arg[3], sizeof(*playernums)*count)) return false; if (first < 0) first = 0; if (first > cl.splitclients) first = cl.splitclients; if (first+count > cl.splitclients) count = cl.splitclients-first; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { playernums[i] = cl.playerview[i].playernum; spectracks[i] = Cam_TrackNum(&cl.playerview[i]); } return count; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_GetServerInfo(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { char *outptr = VM_POINTER(arg[0]); unsigned int outlen = VM_LONG(arg[1]); extern float demtime; if (VM_OOB(arg[0], outlen)) return false; Q_strncpyz(outptr, cl.serverinfo, outlen); Q_strncatz(outptr, va("\\intermission\\%i", cl.intermissionmode), outlen); switch(cls.demoplayback) { case DPB_NONE: break; case DPB_MVD: case DPB_EZTV: Q_strncatz(outptr, "\\demotype\\mvd", outlen); break; case DPB_QUAKEWORLD: Q_strncatz(outptr, "\\demotype\\qw", outlen); break; #ifdef NQPROT case DPB_NETQUAKE: Q_strncatz(outptr, "\\demotype\\nq", outlen); break; #endif #ifdef Q2CLIENT case DPB_QUAKE2: Q_strncatz(outptr, "\\demotype\\q2", outlen); break; #endif } Q_strncatz(outptr, va("\\demotime\\%f", demtime-cls.demostarttime), outlen); #ifdef QUAKEHUD if (cl.playerview[0].statsf[STAT_MATCHSTARTTIME]) Q_strncatz(outptr, va("\\matchstart\\%f", cl.playerview[0].statsf[STAT_MATCHSTARTTIME]/1000), outlen); else #endif Q_strncatz(outptr, va("\\matchstart\\%f", cl.matchgametimestart), outlen); return true; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_SetUserInfo(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { char *key = VM_POINTER(arg[0]); char *value = VM_POINTER(arg[1]); CL_SetInfo(0, key, value); return true; } typedef struct { int seats; struct { float s_avg; float s_mn; float s_mx; float ms_stddev; float fr_avg; int fr_mn; int fr_mx; } ping; struct { //decimals float dropped; float choked; float invalid; } loss; float mlatency; float mrate; float vlatency; float vrate; vec3_t speed; //player speed struct { float in_pps; float in_bps; float out_pps; float out_bps; } clrate; struct { float in_pps; float in_bps; float out_pps; float out_bps; } svrate; int capturing; } vmnetinfo_t; #define has(x) (((quintptr_t)&((vmnetinfo_t*)NULL)->x + sizeof(((vmnetinfo_t*)NULL)->x)) <= outlen) //aka: misc other hud timing crap static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_GetNetworkInfo(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { vmnetinfo_t *outptr = VM_POINTER(arg[0]); unsigned int outlen = VM_LONG(arg[1]); if (VM_OOB(arg[0], outlen)) return false; if (has(capturing)) { #ifdef NOMEDIA outptr->capturing = 0; #else outptr->capturing = Media_Capturing(); #endif } if (has(seats)) outptr->seats = cl.splitclients; if (has(ping)) CL_CalcNet2 (&outptr->ping.s_avg, &outptr->ping.s_mn, &outptr->ping.s_mx, &outptr->ping.ms_stddev, &outptr->ping.fr_avg, &outptr->ping.fr_mn, &outptr->ping.fr_mx, &outptr->loss.dropped, &outptr->loss.choked, &outptr->loss.invalid); if (has(mlatency)) outptr->mlatency = 0; if (has(mrate)) outptr->mrate = IN_DetermineMouseRate(); if (has(vlatency)) outptr->vlatency = 0; if (has(speed)) VectorCopy(outptr->speed, r_refdef.playerview->simvel); if (has(clrate)) NET_GetRates(cls.sockets, &outptr->clrate.in_pps, &outptr->clrate.out_pps, &outptr->clrate.in_bps, &outptr->clrate.out_bps); if (has(svrate)) { memset(&outptr->svrate, 0, sizeof(outptr->svrate)); #ifndef CLIENTONLY NET_GetRates(svs.sockets, &outptr->svrate.in_pps, &outptr->svrate.out_pps, &outptr->svrate.in_bps, &outptr->svrate.out_bps); #endif } return sizeof(vmnetinfo_t); } #undef has static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_GetLocationName(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { float *locpoint = VM_POINTER(arg[0]); char *locname = VM_POINTER(arg[1]); unsigned int locnamelen = VM_LONG(arg[2]); char *result; if (VM_OOB(arg[1], locnamelen)) return 0; result = TP_LocationName(locpoint); Q_strncpyz(locname, result, locnamelen); return VM_LONG(arg[1]); } #ifdef QUAKEHUD typedef struct { unsigned int client; unsigned int items; float armor; float health; vec3_t org; char nick[16]; } teamplayerinfo_t; static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_GetTeamInfo(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { teamplayerinfo_t *players = VM_POINTER(arg[0]); size_t maxplayers = VM_LONG(arg[1]); qboolean showenemies = VM_LONG(arg[2]); qboolean showself = VM_LONG(arg[3]); int count = 0; int i; int self; lerpents_t *le; player_info_t *pl; if (VM_OOB(arg[0], maxplayers*sizeof(*players))) return 0; maxplayers = min(maxplayers, cl.allocated_client_slots); Cvar_Get("ti", "1", CVAR_USERINFO, "Hacks because ktx sucks. Must be 1 in order to receive team information in ktx."); self = cl.playerview[0].playernum; if (cl.playerview[0].cam_state != CAM_FREECAM) self = cl.playerview[0].cam_spec_track; for (i = 0; i < cl.allocated_client_slots && maxplayers > 0; i++) { if (!*cl.players[i].name) //empty slot continue; if (cl.players[i].spectator) //shoo! continue; if (i == self && !showself) continue; if (!showenemies && strcmp(cl.players[i].team, cl.players[self].team)) continue; players->client = i; pl = &cl.players[i]; if (pl->tinfo.time > cl.time) { //mod is explicitly telling us this junk players->items = pl->tinfo.items; players->health = pl->tinfo.health; players->armor = pl->tinfo.armour; VectorCopy(pl->tinfo.org, players->org); Q_strncpyz(players->nick, pl->tinfo.nick, sizeof(players->nick)); } else if (i == self) { //oh hey look, its me. players->items = cl.playerview[0].stats[STAT_ITEMS]; players->armor = cl.playerview[0].statsf[STAT_ARMOR]; players->health = cl.playerview[0].statsf[STAT_HEALTH]; Q_strncpyz(players->nick, "", sizeof(players->nick)); } else if (cls.demoplayback == DPB_MVD || cls.demoplayback == DPB_EZTV) { //scrape it from the mvd (assuming there is one... players->items = cl.players[i].stats[STAT_ITEMS]; players->armor = cl.players[i].statsf[STAT_ARMOR]; players->health = cl.players[i].statsf[STAT_HEALTH]; Q_strncpyz(players->nick, "", sizeof(players->nick)); VectorClear(players->org); } else continue; //no stats, don't bother telling the plugin. //scrape origin from interpolation, if its more valid. if (i+1 < cl.maxlerpents && cl.lerpentssequence && cl.lerpents[i+1].sequence == cl.lerpentssequence) { le = &cl.lerpents[i+1]; VectorCopy(le->origin, players->org); } else if (cl.lerpentssequence && cl.lerpplayers[i].sequence == cl.lerpentssequence) { le = &cl.lerpplayers[i]; VectorCopy(le->origin, players->org); } players++; maxplayers--; count++; } return VM_LONG(count); } #endif static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Con_SubPrint(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { char *name = VM_POINTER(arg[0]); char *text = VM_POINTER(arg[1]); console_t *con; if (!name) name = ""; if (qrenderer == QR_NONE) { if (!*name) { Con_Printf("%s", text); return 1; } return false; } con = Con_FindConsole(name); if (!con) { con = Con_Create(name, 0); Con_SetActive(con); if (currentplug->conexecutecommand) { con->notif_x = 0; con->notif_y = 8*4; con->notif_w = vid.width; con->notif_t = 8; con->notif_l = 4; con->flags |= CONF_NOTIFY; con->userdata = currentplug; con->linebuffered = Plug_SubConsoleCommand; } } Con_PrintCon(con, text, con->parseflags); return 1; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Con_RenameSub(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { char *name = VM_POINTER(arg[0]); console_t *con; if (qrenderer == QR_NONE) return false; con = Con_FindConsole(name); if (!con) return 0; Q_strncpyz(con->name, name, sizeof(con->name)); return 1; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Con_IsActive(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { char *name = VM_POINTER(arg[0]); console_t *con; if (qrenderer == QR_NONE) return false; con = Con_FindConsole(name); if (!con) return false; return Con_IsActive(con); } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Con_SetActive(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { char *name = VM_POINTER(arg[0]); console_t *con; if (qrenderer == QR_NONE) return false; con = Con_FindConsole(name); if (!con) con = Con_Create(name, 0); Con_SetActive(con); return true; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Con_Destroy(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { char *name = VM_POINTER(arg[0]); console_t *con; if (qrenderer == QR_NONE) return false; con = Con_FindConsole(name); if (!con) return false; Con_Destroy(con); return true; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Con_NameForNum(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { char num = VM_LONG(arg[0]); char *buffer = VM_POINTER(arg[1]); int buffersize = VM_LONG(arg[2]); if (VM_OOB(arg[1], buffersize) || buffersize < 1) return false; if (qrenderer == QR_NONE) return false; return Con_NameForNum(num, buffer, buffersize); } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Con_GetConsoleFloat(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { char *conname = VM_POINTER(arg[0]); char *attrib = VM_POINTER(arg[1]); int retbuf; float ret; console_t *con = Con_FindConsole(conname); ret = -1; if (!con) ret = -1; else if (!strcmp(attrib, "unseen")) ret = con->unseentext; else if (!strcmp(attrib, "markup")) { if (con->parseflags & PFS_NOMARKUP) ret = 0; else if (con->parseflags & PFS_KEEPMARKUP) ret = 2; else ret = 1; } else if (!strcmp(attrib, "forceutf8")) ret = (con->parseflags&PFS_FORCEUTF8)?true:false; else if (!strcmp(attrib, "hidden")) ret = (con->flags & CONF_HIDDEN)?true:false; else if (!strcmp(attrib, "iswindow")) ret = (con->flags & CONF_ISWINDOW)?true:false; else if (!strcmp(attrib, "wnd_x")) ret = con->wnd_x; else if (!strcmp(attrib, "wnd_y")) ret = con->wnd_y; else if (!strcmp(attrib, "wnd_w")) ret = con->wnd_w; else if (!strcmp(attrib, "wnd_h")) ret = con->wnd_h; else if (!strcmp(attrib, "linecount")) ret = con->linecount; VM_FLOAT(retbuf) = ret; return retbuf; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Con_SetConsoleFloat(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { char *conname = VM_POINTER(arg[0]); char *attrib = VM_POINTER(arg[1]); float val = VM_FLOAT(arg[2]); console_t *con = Con_FindConsole(conname); if (!con) { con = Con_Create(conname, 0); if (!con) return -1; con->userdata = currentplug; con->linebuffered = Plug_SubConsoleCommand; } if (!strcmp(attrib, "unseen")) con->unseentext = !!val; else if (!strcmp(attrib, "markup")) { int cur = val; con->parseflags &= ~(PFS_NOMARKUP|PFS_KEEPMARKUP); if (cur == 0) con->parseflags |= PFS_NOMARKUP; else if (cur == 2) con->parseflags |= PFS_KEEPMARKUP; } else if (!strcmp(attrib, "forceutf8")) con->parseflags = (con->parseflags & ~PFS_FORCEUTF8) | (val?PFS_FORCEUTF8:0); else if (!strcmp(attrib, "hidden")) con->flags = (con->flags & ~CONF_HIDDEN) | (val?CONF_HIDDEN:0); else if (!strcmp(attrib, "iswindow")) { con->flags = (con->flags & ~CONF_ISWINDOW) | (val?CONF_ISWINDOW:0); if (con_curwindow == con && !(con->flags & CONF_ISWINDOW)) con_curwindow = NULL; else if (!con_curwindow && (con->flags & CONF_ISWINDOW)) con_curwindow = con; } else if (!strcmp(attrib, "wnd_x")) con->wnd_x = val; else if (!strcmp(attrib, "wnd_y")) con->wnd_y = val; else if (!strcmp(attrib, "wnd_w")) con->wnd_w = val; else if (!strcmp(attrib, "wnd_h")) con->wnd_h = val; else if (!strcmp(attrib, "linebuffered")) { con->userdata = currentplug; con->linebuffered = val?Plug_SubConsoleCommand:0; } else if (!strcmp(attrib, "linecount")) { if (val == 0) Con_ClearCon(con); else return -1; } else return -1; return true; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Con_GetConsoleString(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { const char *conname = VM_POINTER(arg[0]); const char *attrib = VM_POINTER(arg[1]); char *value = VM_POINTER(arg[2]); size_t size = VM_LONG(arg[3]); console_t *con = Con_FindConsole(conname); if (VM_OOB(arg[2], arg[3])) return 0; if (!con) return 0; else if (!strcmp(attrib, "footer")) ; else if (!strcmp(attrib, "title")) { Q_strncpyz(value, con->title, size); } else if (!strcmp(attrib, "backimage")) { if (con->backshader) Q_strncpyz(value, con->backshader->name, size); else Q_strncpyz(value, con->backimage, size); } return 0; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Con_SetConsoleString(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { const char *conname = VM_POINTER(arg[0]); const char *attrib = VM_POINTER(arg[1]); const char *value = VM_POINTER(arg[2]); console_t *con = Con_FindConsole(conname); if (!con) { con = Con_Create(conname, 0); if (!con) return -1; con->userdata = currentplug; con->linebuffered = Plug_SubConsoleCommand; } if (!con) return 0; else if (!strcmp(attrib, "footer")) Con_Footerf(con, false, "%s", value); else if (!strcmp(attrib, "title")) Q_strncpyz(con->title, value, sizeof(con->title)); else if (!strcmp(attrib, "backimage")) { Q_strncpyz(con->backimage, value, sizeof(con->backimage)); if (con->backshader) R_UnloadShader(con->backshader); } else if (!strcmp(attrib, "backvideomap")) { Q_strncpyz(con->backimage, "", sizeof(con->backimage)); if (con->backshader) R_UnloadShader(con->backshader); con->backshader = R_RegisterCustom(va("consolevid_%s", con->name), SUF_NONE, Shader_DefaultCinematic, value); } else return -1; return 0; } static qintptr_t VARGS Plug_S_RawAudio(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { int sourceid = VM_LONG(arg[0]); qbyte *data = VM_POINTER(arg[1]); int speed = VM_LONG(arg[2]); int samples = VM_LONG(arg[3]); int channels = VM_LONG(arg[4]); int width = VM_LONG(arg[5]); int volume = VM_FLOAT(arg[6]); int datasize = samples * channels * width; if (VM_OOB(arg[1], datasize) || datasize < 1) return false; S_RawAudio(sourceid, data, speed, samples, channels, width, volume); return 0; } #include "com_mesh.h" #ifdef SKELETALMODELS static int QDECL Plug_RegisterModelFormatText(const char *formatname, char *magictext, qboolean (QDECL *load) (struct model_s *mod, void *buffer, size_t fsize)) { void *module = currentplug; return Mod_RegisterModelFormatText(module, formatname, magictext, load); } static int QDECL Plug_RegisterModelFormatMagic(const char *formatname, unsigned int magic, qboolean (QDECL *load) (struct model_s *mod, void *buffer, size_t fsize)) { void *module = currentplug; return Mod_RegisterModelFormatMagic(module, formatname, magic, load); } static void QDECL Plug_UnRegisterModelFormat(int idx) { void *module = currentplug; Mod_UnRegisterModelFormat(module, idx); } static void QDECL Plug_UnRegisterAllModelFormats(void) { void *module = currentplug; Mod_UnRegisterAllModelFormats(module); } #endif qintptr_t VARGS Plug_Mod_GetPluginModelFuncs(void *offset, quintptr_t mask, const qintptr_t *arg) { #ifdef SKELETALMODELS static modplugfuncs_t funcs = { MODPLUGFUNCS_VERSION, Plug_RegisterModelFormatText, Plug_RegisterModelFormatMagic, Plug_UnRegisterModelFormat, Plug_UnRegisterAllModelFormats, ZG_Malloc, R_ConcatTransforms, Matrix3x4_Invert_Simple, VectorAngles, AngleVectors, GenMatrixPosQuat4Scale, COM_StripExtension, Alias_ForceConvertBoneData }; if (VM_LONG(arg[0]) >= sizeof(funcs)) return (qintptr_t)&funcs; else #endif return 0; } void Plug_Client_Init(void) { Plug_RegisterBuiltin("CL_GetStats", Plug_CL_GetStats, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Menu_Control", Plug_Menu_Control, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Key_GetKeyCode", Plug_Key_GetKeyCode, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Draw_LoadImageData", Plug_Draw_LoadImageData, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Draw_LoadImageShader", Plug_Draw_LoadImageShader, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Draw_LoadImage", Plug_Draw_LoadImagePic, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Draw_Image", Plug_Draw_Image, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Draw_ImageSize", Plug_Draw_ImageSize, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Draw_Character", Plug_Draw_Character, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Draw_CharacterH", Plug_Draw_CharacterH, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Draw_String", Plug_Draw_String, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Draw_StringH", Plug_Draw_StringH, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Draw_Fill", Plug_Draw_Fill, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Draw_Line", Plug_Draw_Line, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Draw_Colourp", Plug_Draw_ColourP, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Draw_Colourpa", Plug_Draw_ColourPA, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Draw_Colour3f", Plug_Draw_Colour3f, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Draw_Colour4f", Plug_Draw_Colour4f, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Con_SubPrint", Plug_Con_SubPrint, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Con_RenameSub", Plug_Con_RenameSub, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Con_IsActive", Plug_Con_IsActive, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Con_SetActive", Plug_Con_SetActive, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Con_Destroy", Plug_Con_Destroy, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Con_NameForNum", Plug_Con_NameForNum, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Con_GetConsoleFloat", Plug_Con_GetConsoleFloat, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Con_SetConsoleFloat", Plug_Con_SetConsoleFloat, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Con_GetConsoleString", Plug_Con_GetConsoleString, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Con_SetConsoleString", Plug_Con_SetConsoleString, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("LocalSound", Plug_LocalSound, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("SCR_CenterPrint", Plug_SCR_CenterPrint, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); #ifdef QUAKEHUD Plug_RegisterBuiltin("GetTeamInfo", Plug_GetTeamInfo, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); #endif Plug_RegisterBuiltin("GetLocationName", Plug_GetLocationName, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("GetPlayerInfo", Plug_GetPlayerInfo, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("LocalPlayerNumber", Plug_LocalPlayerNumber, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("GetLocalPlayerNumbers", Plug_GetLocalPlayerNumbers, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("GetServerInfo", Plug_GetServerInfo, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("SetUserInfo", Plug_SetUserInfo, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("GetNetworkInfo", Plug_GetNetworkInfo, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("S_RawAudio", Plug_S_RawAudio, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER); Plug_RegisterBuiltin("Mod_GetPluginModelFuncs", Plug_Mod_GetPluginModelFuncs, PLUG_BIF_NEEDSRENDERER|PLUG_BIF_DLLONLY); } void Plug_Client_Close(plugin_t *plug) { Plug_FreePlugImages(plug); if (menuplug == plug) { menuplug = NULL; Key_Dest_Remove(kdm_emenu); } if (protocolclientplugin == plug) { protocolclientplugin = NULL; if (cls.protocol == CP_PLUGIN) cls.protocol = CP_UNKNOWN; } } void Plug_Client_Shutdown(void) { BZ_Free(pluginimagearray); pluginimagearray = NULL; pluginimagearraylen = 0; }