#include "../plugin.h" #include "ezquakeisms.h" #include "hud.h" #include "hud_editor.h" int sb_lines; float scr_con_current; int sb_showteamscores; int sb_showscores; int host_screenupdatecount; float alphamul; cvar_t *scr_newHud; char *Cmd_Argv(int arg) { static char buf[4][128]; if (arg >= 4) return ""; pCmd_Argv(arg, buf[arg], sizeof(buf[arg])); return buf[arg]; } float infofloat(char *info, char *findkey, float def); void Draw_SetOverallAlpha(float a) { alphamul = a; } void Draw_AlphaFillRGB(float x, float y, float w, float h, qbyte r, qbyte g, qbyte b, qbyte a) { pDraw_Colour4f(r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0, a/255.0 * alphamul); pDraw_Fill(x, y, w, h); pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, 1); } void Draw_Fill(float x, float y, float w, float h, qbyte pal) { pDraw_Colourpa(pal, alphamul); pDraw_Fill(x, y, w, h); pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, 1); } const char *ColorNameToRGBString (const char *newval) { return newval; } byte *StringToRGB(const char *str) { static byte rgba[4]; int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { while(*str && *str <= ' ') str++; if (!*str) rgba[i] = 255; else rgba[i] = strtoul(str, (char**)&str, 0); } return rgba; } void Draw_TextBox (int x, int y, int width, int lines) { } char *TP_LocationName (vec3_t location) { static char locname[256]; pGetLocationName(location, locname, sizeof(locname)); return locname; } void Draw_SPic(float x, float y, mpic_t *pic, float scale) { qhandle_t image = (intptr_t)pic; float w, h; pDraw_ImageSize(image, &w, &h); pDraw_Image(x, y, w*scale, h*scale, 0, 0, 1, 1, image); } void Draw_SSubPic(float x, float y, mpic_t *pic, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, float scale) { qhandle_t image = (intptr_t)pic; float w, h; pDraw_ImageSize(image, &w, &h); pDraw_Image(x, y, (s2-s1)*scale, (t2-t1)*scale, s1/w, t1/h, s2/w, t2/h, image); } void Draw_EZString(float x, float y, char *str, float scale, qboolean red) { unsigned int flags = 0; if (red) flags |= 1; pDraw_StringH(x, y, scale, flags, str); } #define Draw_STransPic Draw_SPic void Draw_Character(float x, float y, unsigned int ch) { pDraw_Character(x, y, 0xe000|ch); } void Draw_SCharacter(float x, float y, unsigned int ch, float scale) { pDraw_CharacterH(x, y, 8*scale, 0, 0xe000|ch); } void SCR_DrawWadString(float x, float y, float scale, char *str) { pDraw_String(x, y, str); //FIXME } void Draw_SAlphaSubPic2(float x, float y, mpic_t *pic, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, float sw, float sh, float alpha) { qhandle_t image = (intptr_t)pic; float w, h; pDraw_ImageSize(image, &w, &h); pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, alpha * alphamul); pDraw_Image(x, y, (s2-s1)*sw, (t2-t1)*sh, s1/w, t1/h, s2/w, t2/h, image); pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, 1); } void Draw_AlphaFill(float x, float y, float w, float h, unsigned int pal, float alpha) { if (pal >= 256) pDraw_Colour4f(((pal>>16)&0xff)/255.0, ((pal>>8)&0xff)/255.0, ((pal>>0)&0xff)/255.0, alpha * alphamul); else pDraw_Colourpa(pal, alpha * alphamul); pDraw_Fill(x, y, w, h); pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, 1); } void Draw_AlphaPic(float x, float y, mpic_t *pic, float alpha) { qhandle_t image = (intptr_t)pic; float w, h; pDraw_ImageSize(image, &w, &h); pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, alpha * alphamul); pDraw_Image(x, y, w, h, 0, 0, 1, 1, image); pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, 1); } void Draw_AlphaSubPic(float x, float y, mpic_t *pic, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, float alpha) { qhandle_t image = (intptr_t)pic; float w, h; pDraw_ImageSize(image, &w, &h); pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, alpha * alphamul); pDraw_Image(x, y, s2-s1, t2-t1, s1/w, t1/h, s2/w, t2/h, image); pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, 1); } void SCR_HUD_DrawBar(int direction, int value, float max_value, float *rgba, int x, int y, int width, int height) { int amount; if(direction >= 2) // top-down amount = Q_rint(abs((height * value) / max_value)); else// left-right amount = Q_rint(abs((width * value) / max_value)); pDraw_Colour4f(rgba[0]/255.0, rgba[1]/255.0, rgba[2]/255.0, rgba[3]/255.0 * alphamul); if(direction == 0) // left->right pDraw_Fill(x, y, amount, height); else if (direction == 1) // right->left pDraw_Fill(x + width - amount, y, amount, height); else if (direction == 2) // down -> up pDraw_Fill(x, y + height - amount, width, amount); else // up -> down pDraw_Fill(x, y, width, amount); pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, 1); } void Draw_Polygon(int x, int y, vec3_t *vertices, int num_vertices, qbool fill, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a) { pDraw_Colour4f(r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0, a/255.0 * alphamul); // pDraw_Line(x1, y1, x2, y1); pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, 1); } void Draw_ColoredString3(float x, float y, const char *str, clrinfo_t *clr, int huh, int wut) { pDraw_Colour4f(clr->c[0]/255.0, clr->c[1]/255.0, clr->c[2]/255.0, clr->c[3]/255.0 * alphamul); pDraw_String(x, y, str); pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, 1); } void UI_PrintTextBlock() { } void Draw_AlphaRectangleRGB(int x, int y, int w, int h, int foo, int bar, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a) { float x1 = x; float x2 = x+w; float y1 = y; float y2 = y+h; pDraw_Colour4f(r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0, a/255.0 * alphamul); pDraw_Line(x1, y1, x2, y1); pDraw_Line(x2, y1, x2, y2); pDraw_Line(x1, y2, x2, y2); pDraw_Line(x1, y1, x1, y2); pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, 1); } void Draw_AlphaLineRGB(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float width, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a) { pDraw_Colour4f(r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0, a/255.0 * alphamul); pDraw_Line(x1, y1, x2, y2); pDraw_Colour4f(1, 1, 1, 1); } mpic_t *Draw_CachePicSafe(const char *name, qbool crash, qbool ignorewad) { if (!*name) return NULL; return (mpic_t*)(qintptr_t)pDraw_LoadImage(name, false); } mpic_t *Draw_CacheWadPic(const char *name) { return (mpic_t*)(qintptr_t)pDraw_LoadImage(name, true); } mpic_t *SCR_LoadCursorImage(char *cursorimage) { return Draw_CachePicSafe(cursorimage, false, true); } unsigned int Sbar_ColorForMap (unsigned int m) { if (m >= 16) return m; m = (m < 0) ? 0 : ((m > 13) ? 13 : m); m *= 16; return m < 128 ? m + 8 : m + 8; } int Sbar_TopColor(player_info_t *pi) { return Sbar_ColorForMap(pi->topcolour); } int Sbar_BottomColor(player_info_t *pi) { return Sbar_ColorForMap(pi->bottomcolour); } int dehex(char nib) { if (nib >= '0' && nib <= '9') return nib - '0'; if (nib >= 'a' && nib <= 'f') return nib - 'a' + 10; if (nib >= 'A' && nib <= 'F') return nib - 'A' + 10; return 0; } char *TP_ParseFunChars(char *str, qbool chat) { static char resultbuf[1024]; char *out = resultbuf, *end = resultbuf+sizeof(resultbuf)-1; while (out < end) { if (str[0] == '$' && str[1] == 'x' && str[2] && str[3]) { *out++ = (dehex(str[2]) << 4) | dehex(str[3]); str+=4; } else if (str[0] == '$') { int c = 0; switch (str[1]) { case '\\': c = 0x0D; break; case ':': c = 0x0A; break; case '[': c = 0x10; break; case ']': c = 0x11; break; case 'G': c = 0x86; break; case 'R': c = 0x87; break; case 'Y': c = 0x88; break; case 'B': c = 0x89; break; case '(': c = 0x80; break; case '=': c = 0x81; break; case ')': c = 0x82; break; case 'a': c = 0x83; break; case '<': c = 0x1d; break; case '-': c = 0x1e; break; case '>': c = 0x1f; break; case ',': c = 0x1c; break; case '.': c = 0x9c; break; case 'b': c = 0x8b; break; case 'c': case 'd': c = 0x8d; break; case '$': c = '$'; break; case '^': c = '^'; break; case '0':case '1':case '2':case '3':case '4':case '5':case '6':case '7':case '8':case '9': c = str[1] -'0' + 0x12;break; } if (c) { *out++ = c; str++; } str++; } else if (*str) *out++ = *str++; else break; } *out = 0; return resultbuf; } char *TP_ItemName(unsigned int itbit) { return "Dunno"; } void Replace_In_String(char *src, size_t strsize, char leadchar, int patterns, ...) { char orig[1024]; char *out, *outstop; va_list ap; int i; strlcpy(orig, src, sizeof(orig)); out = src; outstop = out + strsize-1; src = orig; while(*src) { if (out == outstop) break; if (*src != leadchar) *out++ = *src++; else if (*++src == leadchar) *out++ = leadchar; else { va_start(ap, patterns); for (i = 0; i < patterns; i++) { const char *arg = va_arg(ap, const char *); const char *val = va_arg(ap, const char *); size_t alen = strlen(arg); if (!strncmp(src, arg, strlen(arg))) { strlcpy(out, val, (outstop-out)+1); out += strlen(out); src += alen; break; } } if (i == patterns) { strlcpy(out, "unknown", (outstop-out)+1); out += strlen(out); } va_end(ap); } } *out = 0; } int SCR_GetClockStringWidth(const char *s, qbool big, float scale) { int w = 0; if (big) { while(*s) w += ((*s++==':')?16:24); } else w = strlen(s) * 8; return w * scale; } int SCR_GetClockStringHeight(qbool big, float scale) { return (big?24:8)*scale; } char *SecondsToMinutesString(int print_time, char *buffer, size_t buffersize) { int tens_minutes, minutes, tens_seconds, seconds; tens_minutes = fmod (print_time / 600, 6); minutes = fmod (print_time / 60, 10); tens_seconds = fmod (print_time / 10, 6); seconds = fmod (print_time, 10); snprintf (buffer, buffersize, "%i%i:%i%i", tens_minutes, minutes, tens_seconds, seconds); return buffer; } char *SCR_GetGameTime(int t, char *buffer, size_t buffersize) { float timelimit; timelimit = (t == TIMETYPE_GAMECLOCKINV) ? 60 * infofloat(cl.serverinfo, "timelimit", 0) + 1: 0; if (cl.countdown || cl.standby) SecondsToMinutesString(timelimit, buffer, buffersize); else SecondsToMinutesString((int) abs(timelimit - (cl.time - cl.matchstart)), buffer, buffersize); return buffer; } const char* SCR_GetTimeString(int timetype, const char *format) { static char buffer[256]; switch(timetype) { case TIMETYPE_CLOCK: { time_t t; struct tm *ptm; time (&t); ptm = localtime (&t); if (!ptm) return "-:-"; if (!strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, format, ptm)) return "-:-"; return buffer; } case TIMETYPE_GAMECLOCK: case TIMETYPE_GAMECLOCKINV: return SCR_GetGameTime(timetype, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); case TIMETYPE_DEMOCLOCK: return SecondsToMinutesString(infofloat(cl.serverinfo, "demotime", 0), buffer, sizeof(buffer)); default: return "01234"; } } void SCR_DrawBigClock(int x, int y, int style, int blink, float scale, const char *t) { extern mpic_t *sb_nums[2][11]; extern mpic_t *sb_colon/*, *sb_slash*/; qbool lblink = (int)(cls.realtime*2) & 1; if (style > 1) style = 1; if (style < 0) style = 0; while (*t) { if (*t >= '0' && *t <= '9') { Draw_STransPic(x, y, sb_nums[style][*t-'0'], scale); x += 24*scale; } else if (*t == ':') { if (lblink || !blink) Draw_STransPic (x, y, sb_colon, scale); x += 16*scale; } else { Draw_SCharacter(x, y, *t+(style?128:0), 3*scale); x += 24*scale; } t++; } } void SCR_DrawSmallClock(int x, int y, int style, int blink, float scale, const char *t) { qbool lblink = (int)(cls.realtime*2) & 1; int c; if (style > 3) style = 3; if (style < 0) style = 0; while (*t) { c = (int) *t; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { if (style == 1) c += 128; else if (style == 2 || style == 3) c -= 30; } else if (c == ':') { if (style == 1 || style == 3) c += 128; if (lblink || !blink) ; else c = ' '; } Draw_SCharacter(x, y, c, scale); x+= 8*scale; t++; } } #include "builtin_huds.h" void EZHud_UseNquake_f(void) { const char *hudstr = builtin_hud_nquake; pCmd_AddText(hudstr, true); } struct { xcommand_t cmd; const char *name; } concmds[128]; int numconcmds; qboolean Cmd_AddCommand (const char *funcname, xcommand_t function) { if (numconcmds < sizeof(concmds)/sizeof(concmds[0])) { concmds[numconcmds].cmd = function; concmds[numconcmds].name = funcname; numconcmds++; pCmd_AddCommand(funcname); return true; } Con_Printf("ezhud: too many console commands\n"); return false; }; qintptr_t EZHud_ExecuteCommand(qintptr_t *args) { char buffer[128]; int i; pCmd_Argv(0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); for (i = 0; i < numconcmds; i++) { if (!strcmp(buffer, concmds[i].name)) { concmds[i].cmd(); return 1; } } return 0; } int IN_BestWeapon(void) { return 0; } qbool VID_VSyncIsOn(void){return false;} double vid_vsync_lag; vrect_t scr_vrect; qintptr_t EZHud_Tick(qintptr_t *args) { static float lasttime, lasttime_min = 99999; static int framecount; //realtime(ms), realtime(secs), servertime float oldtime = cls.realtime; cls.realtime = *(float*)&args[1]; cls.frametime = cls.realtime - oldtime; cl.time = *(float*)&args[2]; if (cls.realtime - lasttime > 1) { cls.fps = framecount/(cls.realtime - lasttime); lasttime = cls.realtime; framecount = 0; if (cls.realtime - lasttime_min > 30) { cls.min_fps = cls.fps; lasttime_min = cls.realtime; } else if (cls.min_fps > cls.fps) cls.min_fps = cls.fps; } framecount++; return 1; } char *findinfo(char *info, char *findkey) { int kl = strlen(findkey); char *key, *value; while(*info) { key = strchr(info, '\\'); if (!key) break; key++; value = strchr(key, '\\'); if (!value) break; info = value+1; if (!strncmp(key, findkey, kl) && key[kl] == '\\') return info; } return NULL; } char *infostring(char *info, char *findkey, char *buffer, size_t bufsize) { char *value = findinfo(info, findkey); char *end; if (value) { end = strchr(value, '\\'); if (!end) end = value + strlen(value); bufsize--; if (bufsize > (end - value)) bufsize = (end - value); memcpy(buffer, value, bufsize); buffer[bufsize] = 0; return buffer; } *buffer = 0; return buffer; } float infofloat(char *info, char *findkey, float def) { char *value = findinfo(info, findkey); if (value) return atof(value); return def; } qintptr_t EZHud_Draw(qintptr_t *args) { char serverinfo[4096]; char val[64]; int i; cl.splitscreenview = args[0]; scr_vrect.x = args[1]; scr_vrect.y = args[2]; scr_vrect.width = args[3]; scr_vrect.height = args[4]; sb_showscores = args[5] & 1; sb_showteamscores = args[5] & 2; pCL_GetStats(0, cl.stats, sizeof(cl.stats)/sizeof(cl.stats[0])); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) pGetPlayerInfo(i, &cl.players[i]); pGetLocalPlayerNumbers(cl.splitscreenview, 1, &cl.playernum, &cl.tracknum); pGetServerInfo(cl.serverinfo, sizeof(serverinfo)); cl.deathmatch = infofloat(cl.serverinfo, "deathmatch", 0); cl.teamplay = infofloat(cl.serverinfo, "teamplay", 0); cl.intermission = infofloat(cl.serverinfo, "intermission", 0); cl.spectator = (cl.playernum>=32)||cl.players[cl.playernum].spectator; infostring(cl.serverinfo, "status", val, sizeof(val)); cl.standby = !strcmp(val, "standby"); cl.countdown = !strcmp(val, "countdown"); cl.matchstart = infofloat(cl.serverinfo, "matchstart", 0); cls.state = ca_active; vid.width = pvid.width; vid.height = pvid.height; infostring(cl.serverinfo, "demotype", val, sizeof(val)); cls.mvdplayback = !strcmp(val, "mvd"); cls.demoplayback = strcmp(val, ""); { static cvar_t *pscr_viewsize = NULL; int size; if (!pscr_viewsize) pscr_viewsize = pCvar_GetNVFDG("viewsize", "100", 0, NULL, NULL); size = cl.intermission ? 120 : pscr_viewsize->value; if (size >= 120) sb_lines = 0; // no status bar at all else if (size >= 110) sb_lines = 24; // no inventory else sb_lines = 24 + 16 + 8; } //cl.faceanimtime //cl.simvel //cl.item_gettime //cls.state; //cls.min_fps; //cls.fps; ////cls.realtime; ////cls.trueframetime; //cls.mvdplayback; //cls.demoplayback; host_screenupdatecount++; HUD_Draw(); return true; } int keydown[K_MAX]; float cursor_x; float cursor_y; float mouse_x; float mouse_y; mpic_t *scr_cursor_icon = NULL; qintptr_t EZHud_MenuEvent(qintptr_t *args) { int eventtype = args[0]; int param = args[1]; mouse_x += args[2] - cursor_x; //FIXME: the hud editor should NOT need this sort of thing mouse_y += args[3] - cursor_y; cursor_x = args[2]; cursor_y = args[3]; HUD_Editor_MouseEvent(cursor_x, cursor_y); switch(eventtype) { case 0: //draw host_screenupdatecount++; HUD_Draw(); HUD_Editor_Draw(); mouse_x = 0; mouse_y = 0; break; case 1: if (param < K_MAX) keydown[param] = true; HUD_Editor_Key(param, 0, true); break; case 2: if (param < K_MAX) keydown[param] = false; HUD_Editor_Key(param, 0, false); break; } return 1; } qintptr_t Plug_Init(qintptr_t *args) { if (BUILTINISVALID(Cvar_GetNVFDG) && BUILTINISVALID(Draw_ImageSize) && BUILTINISVALID(GetTeamInfo) && Plug_Export("SbarBase", EZHud_Draw) && Plug_Export("MenuEvent", EZHud_MenuEvent) && Plug_Export("Tick", EZHud_Tick) && Plug_Export("ExecuteCommand", EZHud_ExecuteCommand)) { Cmd_AddCommand("ezhud_nquake", EZHud_UseNquake_f); HUD_Init(); HUD_Editor_Init(); return 1; } return false; }