#include "quakedef.h" #ifdef EMAILSERVER #include "winquake.h" //FIXME: the DELE command's effects arn't properly checked. //FIXME: no UIDL command //FIXME: remove sequential naming. char *MD5_GetPop3APOPString(char *timestamp, char *secrit); #include "hash.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #define EWOULDBLOCK WSAEWOULDBLOCK #define EMSGSIZE WSAEMSGSIZE #define ECONNRESET WSAECONNRESET #define ECONNABORTED WSAECONNABORTED #define ECONNREFUSED WSAECONNREFUSED #define EADDRNOTAVAIL WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL #define qerrno WSAGetLastError() #else #define qerrno errno #define MSG_PARTIAL 0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define closesocket close #define ioctlsocket ioctl #endif #define POP3_PORT 110 #define POP3_TIMEOUT 30 static qboolean pop3active; static int pop3serversocket; typedef struct { char filename[MAX_QPATH]; int size; qboolean deleted; bucket_t bucket; } pop3message_t; typedef struct svpop3client_s { struct svpop3client_s *next; int socket; float timeout; char *messagelump; int messagelumppos; int messagelumplen; qboolean messagelumphitbody; int messagelumplines; //lines to send past header int nummessages; int totalsize; char greeting[64]; char username[64]; qboolean loggedin; char inmessagebuffer[1024]; int inmessagelen; char outmessagebuffer[1024]; int outmessagelen; qboolean dropwhensent; #define NUMBUCKETS 64 hashtable_t emails; bucket_t *bucketpointer[NUMBUCKETS]; } svpop3client_t; static svpop3client_t *svpop3client; static void POP3_ServerInit(void) { struct sockaddr_in address; unsigned long _true = true; int port = POP3_PORT; if ((pop3serversocket = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) == -1) { Sys_Error ("FTP_TCP_OpenSocket: socket:", strerror(qerrno)); } if (ioctlsocket (pop3serversocket, FIONBIO, &_true) == -1) { Sys_Error ("FTP_TCP_OpenSocket: ioctl FIONBIO:", strerror(qerrno)); } address.sin_family = AF_INET; address.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; if (port == PORT_ANY) address.sin_port = 0; else address.sin_port = htons((short)port); if( bind (pop3serversocket, (void *)&address, sizeof(address)) == -1) { closesocket(pop3serversocket); return; } listen(pop3serversocket, 3); pop3active = true; IWebPrintf("POP3 server is running\n"); return; } static void POP3_ServerShutdown(void) { closesocket(pop3serversocket); pop3active = false; } static void SV_POP3_QueueMessage(svpop3client_t *cl, char *msg) { int len = strlen(msg); if (len + cl->outmessagelen > sizeof(cl->outmessagebuffer)-1) len = sizeof(cl->outmessagebuffer)-1 - cl->outmessagelen; Q_strncpyz(cl->outmessagebuffer+cl->outmessagelen, msg, len+1); cl->outmessagelen += len; } static void POP3_NewConnection(int socket) { unsigned long _true = true; svpop3client_t *newcl; newcl = IWebMalloc(sizeof(svpop3client_t)); if (!newcl) //bother { closesocket(socket); return; } if (ioctlsocket (socket, FIONBIO, &_true) == -1) { closesocket(socket); return; } memset(newcl, 0, sizeof(svpop3client_t)); newcl->socket = socket; newcl->next = svpop3client; svpop3client = newcl; newcl->timeout = realtime + POP3_TIMEOUT; *newcl->outmessagebuffer = '\0'; sprintf(newcl->greeting, "<%i.%i.%i.%i.%i.%i.%i>", rand(), rand(), rand(), rand(), rand(), rand(), rand()); // _true = strlen(newcl->greeting); printf("newclient\n"); SV_POP3_QueueMessage(newcl, va("+OK %s\r\n", newcl->greeting)); } static int SV_POP3_AddMessage(char *filename, int flags, void *incl) { FILE *f; svpop3client_t *cl = incl; pop3message_t *msg; f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) return true; //shouldn't happen msg = IWebMalloc(sizeof(pop3message_t)); if (!msg) { fclose(f); return false; } Q_strncpyz(msg->filename, filename, sizeof(msg->filename)); msg->deleted = false; fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); msg->size = ftell(f); fclose(f); cl->totalsize+=msg->size; cl->nummessages++; Hash_Add(&cl->emails, va("%i", ++cl->nummessages), msg, &msg->bucket); return true; } static void SV_POP3_CountMessages(svpop3client_t *cl) { Hash_InitTable(&cl->emails, NUMBUCKETS, cl->bucketpointer); cl->totalsize=0; Sys_EnumerateFiles(".", va("emails/%s/*.eml", cl->username), SV_POP3_AddMessage, cl); } static pop3message_t *SV_POP3_GetMessage(svpop3client_t *cl, int num) { pop3message_t *msg; msg = IWebMalloc(sizeof(pop3message_t)); if (!msg) return NULL; if (msg->deleted) return NULL; msg = Hash_Get(&cl->emails, va("%i", num)); return msg; } static void SV_POP3_CleanUp(svpop3client_t *cl, qboolean dodelete) //closes the messages list created by SV_POP3_CountMessages { pop3message_t *msg; int mn; for (mn = 1; mn <= cl->nummessages; mn++) { msg = SV_POP3_GetMessage(cl, mn); if (!msg) continue; if (dodelete && msg->deleted) { remove(msg->filename); } Hash_Remove(&cl->emails, va("%i", mn)); BZ_Free(msg); } } static qboolean SV_POP3_ReadMessage(svpop3client_t *cl, int index) { FILE *f; pop3message_t *msg; msg = SV_POP3_GetMessage(cl, index); if (!msg) return false; if (msg->deleted) return false; f = fopen(msg->filename, "rb"); if (!f) return false; fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); cl->messagelumplen = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); cl->messagelump = IWebMalloc(cl->messagelumplen+3); fread(cl->messagelump, 1, cl->messagelumplen, f); cl->messagelump[cl->messagelumplen++] = '\r'; cl->messagelump[cl->messagelumplen++] = '\n'; fclose(f); cl->messagelumplen = strlen(cl->messagelump); cl->messagelumppos = 0; cl->messagelumphitbody = false; cl->messagelumplines = 0x7fffffff; return true; } static void SV_POP3_BuildListing(svpop3client_t *cl, qboolean isuidl) { pop3message_t *msg; int mn; char *listing; listing = cl->messagelump = IWebMalloc(cl->nummessages*64+3); for (mn = 1; mn <= cl->nummessages; mn++) { msg = SV_POP3_GetMessage(cl, mn); if (!msg || msg->deleted) continue; if (isuidl) sprintf(listing, "%i %s,S=%i\r\n", mn, msg->filename, msg->size); else sprintf(listing, "%i %i\r\n", mn, msg->size); listing += strlen(listing); } cl->messagelumplen = listing - cl->messagelump; } static qboolean SV_POP3_RunClient(svpop3client_t *cl) //true means client should be dropped { int read; char *nl; char *token; int blankline; if (cl->messagelump) { blankline=false; while (cl->outmessagelen < sizeof(cl->outmessagebuffer)-100) { if (cl->messagelumppos >= cl->messagelumplen) break; if (cl->messagelump[cl->messagelumppos] == '.') //double up all '.'s at start of lines cl->outmessagebuffer[cl->outmessagelen++] = '.'; blankline = true; for(;;) { if (cl->messagelumppos >= cl->messagelumplen) break; if (cl->messagelump[cl->messagelumppos] > ' ') blankline = false; cl->outmessagebuffer[cl->outmessagelen++] = cl->messagelump[cl->messagelumppos]; if (cl->messagelump[cl->messagelumppos++] == '\n') break; } if (blankline) cl->messagelumphitbody = true; if (cl->messagelumphitbody) { if (cl->messagelumplines--<=0) cl->messagelumppos = cl->messagelumplen; //easy way to terminate. } } if (cl->messagelumppos >= cl->messagelumplen) { //we've sent the entire buffer now. cl->outmessagebuffer[cl->outmessagelen++] = '.'; cl->outmessagebuffer[cl->outmessagelen++] = '\r'; cl->outmessagebuffer[cl->outmessagelen++] = '\n'; BZ_Free(cl->messagelump); cl->messagelump = NULL; } cl->outmessagebuffer[cl->outmessagelen] = '\0'; printf("%s\n", cl->outmessagebuffer); } if (cl->outmessagelen) { read = send(cl->socket, cl->outmessagebuffer, cl->outmessagelen, MSG_PARTIAL); if (read < 0) read = 0; memmove(cl->outmessagebuffer, cl->outmessagebuffer + read, cl->outmessagelen - read); cl->outmessagelen -= read; cl->outmessagebuffer[cl->outmessagelen] = '\0'; if (cl->dropwhensent && !cl->outmessagelen) return true; } read = recv(cl->socket, cl->inmessagebuffer+cl->inmessagelen, sizeof(cl->inmessagebuffer)-1-cl->inmessagelen, MSG_PARTIAL); if (read == -1) { if (qerrno != EWOULDBLOCK) //blocking is the only way to keep the connection on fail. return true; if (!*cl->inmessagebuffer) return false; //nonblocking allows us to get multiple commands from one packet. } else if (read == 0) //don't quite know why this happens. return true; //believed to be an indication that the other end has disconnected. else { cl->timeout = realtime + POP3_TIMEOUT; cl->inmessagelen += read; if (cl->inmessagelen >= sizeof(cl->inmessagebuffer)-1) //happens if we fill the buffer with no hope of empting it. return true; cl->inmessagebuffer[cl->inmessagelen] = '\0'; } nl = strchr(cl->inmessagebuffer, '\n'); if (nl) { *nl = '\0'; //Con_Printf("%s\n", cl->inmessagebuffer); read = nl - cl->inmessagebuffer + 1; token = COM_ParseToken(cl->inmessagebuffer); //auth mechanism 1 if (!strcmp(com_token, "USER")) { token = COM_ParseToken(token); if (*com_token) { Q_strncpyz(cl->username, com_token, sizeof(cl->username)); SV_POP3_QueueMessage(cl, "+OK User name accepted, password please\r\n"); SV_POP3_CleanUp(cl, true); cl->loggedin = false; } else SV_POP3_QueueMessage(cl, "-ERR no username was specified\r\n"); } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "PASS")) { #ifndef CLIENTONLY int id; extern cvar_t rank_filename; token = COM_ParseToken(token); id = Rank_GetPlayerID(cl->username, atoi(com_token), false); if (!id && *rank_filename.string) { SV_POP3_QueueMessage(cl, "-ERR User or Password not valid\r\n"); SV_POP3_CleanUp(cl, true); cl->loggedin = false; } else #endif { SV_POP3_QueueMessage(cl, "+OK Logged in\r\n"); cl->loggedin = true; SV_POP3_CountMessages(cl); } } //auth2 else if (!strcmp(com_token, "APOP")) { int id; int pass; extern cvar_t rank_filename; token = COM_ParseToken(token); if (*com_token) { Q_strncpyz(cl->username, com_token, sizeof(cl->username)); #ifndef CLIENTONLY token = COM_ParseToken(token); pass = Rank_GetPass(cl->username); id = Rank_GetPlayerID(cl->username, pass, false); if ((!id && *rank_filename.string) || strcmp(MD5_GetPop3APOPString(cl->greeting, va("%i", pass)), com_token)) { SV_POP3_QueueMessage(cl, "-ERR User or Password not valid\r\n"); SV_POP3_CleanUp(cl, true); cl->loggedin = false; } else #endif { SV_POP3_QueueMessage(cl, "+OK Logged in\r\n"); cl->loggedin = true; SV_POP3_CountMessages(cl); } } } //now they need to have been logged in properly. else if (!cl->loggedin) SV_POP3_QueueMessage(cl, "-ERR You didn't log in properly\r\n"); else if (!strcmp(com_token, "STAT")) { char text[64]; sprintf(text, "+OK %i %i\r\n", cl->nummessages, cl->totalsize); SV_POP3_QueueMessage(cl, text); } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "LIST")) { SV_POP3_QueueMessage(cl, "+OK EMail listing follows:\r\n"); SV_POP3_BuildListing(cl, false); } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "DELE")) { pop3message_t *msg; int mnum; token = COM_ParseToken(token); mnum = atoi(com_token); msg = SV_POP3_GetMessage(cl, mnum); if (!msg) SV_POP3_QueueMessage(cl, "-ERR message index out of range\r\n"); else if (msg->deleted) SV_POP3_QueueMessage(cl, "-ERR message already deleted\r\n"); else { msg->deleted = true; SV_POP3_QueueMessage(cl, "+OK Message marked for deleted\r\n"); } } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "TOP")) { token = COM_ParseToken(token); if (SV_POP3_ReadMessage(cl, atoi(com_token))) { token = COM_ParseToken(token); SV_POP3_QueueMessage(cl, "+OK message contents follow:\n"); cl->messagelumplines = atoi(com_token); } else SV_POP3_QueueMessage(cl, "-ERR Message index wasn't valid\n"); } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "RETR")) { token = COM_ParseToken(token); if (SV_POP3_ReadMessage(cl, atoi(com_token))) SV_POP3_QueueMessage(cl, "+OK message contents follow:\n"); else SV_POP3_QueueMessage(cl, "-ERR Message index wasn't valid\n"); } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "UIDL")) { SV_POP3_QueueMessage(cl, "+OK I hope someone likes you\r\n"); SV_POP3_BuildListing(cl, true); } else if (!strcmp(com_token, "QUIT")) { SV_POP3_CleanUp(cl, true); SV_POP3_QueueMessage(cl, "+OK I hope someone likes you\r\n"); cl->dropwhensent = true; } else SV_POP3_QueueMessage(cl, "-ERR Unrecognised command\r\n"); //printf("%s\n", cl->outmessagebuffer); memmove(cl->inmessagebuffer, cl->inmessagebuffer + read, cl->inmessagelen - read); cl->inmessagelen -= read; } return false; } static void SV_POP3_RunClients(void) { svpop3client_t *cl, *prev; cl = svpop3client; prev = NULL; while(cl) { if (cl->timeout < realtime || SV_POP3_RunClient(cl)) { printf("drop client\n"); closesocket(cl->socket); if (prev) prev->next = cl->next; else svpop3client = cl->next; if (cl->messagelump) IWebFree(cl->messagelump); SV_POP3_CleanUp(cl, false); IWebFree(cl); if (prev) cl = prev->next; else cl = svpop3client; continue; } prev = cl; cl = cl->next; } } qboolean SV_POP3(qboolean activewanted) { struct sockaddr from; int fromlen; int clientsock; if (!pop3active) { if (activewanted) POP3_ServerInit(); else return false; } else if (!activewanted) { POP3_ServerShutdown(); return false; } fromlen = sizeof(from); clientsock = accept(pop3serversocket, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen); if (clientsock == -1) { if (qerrno == ECONNABORTED || qerrno == ECONNRESET) { Con_TPrintf (TL_CONNECTIONLOSTORABORTED); return false; } else if (qerrno != EWOULDBLOCK) { Con_TPrintf (TL_NETGETPACKETERROR, strerror(qerrno)); return false; } } else //we got a new client. yay. POP3_NewConnection(clientsock); SV_POP3_RunClients(); return true; } #endif