void(entity e, string s) clientcommand = #440 float(string s) tokenize = #441; string(float n) argv = #442; float(string desc) itemtoslot = { local float slot; slot = stof(desc); if (slot >= 1 && slot <= MAXSLOTS) return slot; sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Not an item\n"); return 0; }; float(float slotno) DecreaseDestroySlot = { local float it; local float iid; local float num; it = ItemInSlot(self, slotno); if (ToStatus(it) <= 1) { SetItemSlot(self, slotno, 0); return true; } else { iid = ToIID(it); num = ToStatus(it); num = num - 1; it = SlotVal(iid, num); SetItemSlot(self, slotno, it); return false; } }; void(string arg1) Cmd_InvUse = { local float it, iid; local float slotno; slotno = itemtoslot(arg1); if (!slotno) { return; } it = ItemInSlot(self, slotno); iid = ToIID(it); if (iid == 0) return; if (WeaponAmmoType(iid)) { //weapons are reloaded ReloadWeapon(slotno); return; } if (iid == IID_CHEM_STIMPACK || iid == IID_CHEM_MEDICALBAG || iid == IID_CHEM_SUPERSTIM) { if (UseHealingChem(iid)) DecreaseDestroySlot(slotno); return; } if (iid == IID_CHEM_ADRENALINE || iid == IID_CHEM_PSYCHO || iid == IID_CHEM_BESERK) { if (UseBoostingChem(iid)) DecreaseDestroySlot(slotno); return; } if (iid == IID_BUILD_MRAMMO || iid == IID_BUILD_SHIELDGEN || iid == IID_BUILD_AUTODOC || iid == IID_BUILD_ROBOFANG) { if (spawn_station(iid)) DecreaseDestroySlot(slotno); return; } sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Don't know how to 'use' item\n"); }; void(string arg1) Cmd_InvDrop = { local float it, iid; local float slotno; slotno = itemtoslot(arg1); if (!slotno) { return; } it = ItemInSlot(self, slotno); iid = ToIID(it); if (iid == 0) return; DropFromSlot(slotno, true, false); }; void(string arg1, string arg2) Cmd_InvSwap = { local float old1, old2; local float slotno1; local float slotno2; slotno1 = itemtoslot(arg1); if (!slotno1) { return; } slotno2 = itemtoslot(arg2); if (!slotno2) { return; } old1 = ItemInSlot(self, slotno1); old2 = ItemInSlot(self, slotno2); if (!FitsInSlot(slotno1, ToIID(old2))) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Not allowed to exchange items\n"); return; } if (!FitsInSlot(slotno2, ToIID(old1))) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Not allowed to exchange items\n"); return; } SetItemSlot(self, slotno1, old2); SetItemSlot(self, slotno2, old1); if (slotno1 == self.current_slot || slotno2 == self.current_slot) W_SetCurrentAmmo(); }; void(string arg1, float iid, float num) Cmd_InvGive = { local float slotno; slotno = itemtoslot(arg1); if (!slotno) { return; } if (num <= 0) num = 1; SetItemSlot(self, slotno, SlotVal(iid, num)); if (slotno == self.current_slot) W_SetCurrentAmmo(); }; void(string line) SV_ParseClientCommand = { local string cmd; tokenize(line); cmd = argv(0); if (self.deadflag) { //no inventory stuff while dead. clientcommand(self, line); } else if (cmd == "invuse") { Cmd_InvUse(argv(1)); } else if (cmd == "invdrop") { Cmd_InvDrop(argv(1)); } else if (cmd == "invswap") { Cmd_InvSwap(argv(1), argv(2)); } else if (cmd == "invgive") { Cmd_InvGive(argv(1), stof(argv(2)), stof(argv(3))); } else if (cmd == "god") { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "sorry, but I'm an athiest\n"); } else clientcommand(self, line); };