#include "../plugin.h" #include "xml.h" //fixme void (*Con_TrySubPrint)(const char *conname, const char *message); void XML_Destroy(xmltree_t *t); char *XML_GetParameter(xmltree_t *t, char *paramname, char *def) { xmlparams_t *p; if (t) { for (p = t->params; p; p = p->next) if (!strcmp(p->name, paramname)) return p->val; } return def; } void XML_AddParameter(xmltree_t *t, char *paramname, char *value) { xmlparams_t *p = malloc(sizeof(xmlparams_t)); Q_strlcpy(p->name, paramname, sizeof(p->name)); Q_strlcpy(p->val, value, sizeof(p->val)); if (t->params) //reverse insert { xmlparams_t *prev; for(prev = t->params; prev->next; prev = prev->next) ; prev->next = p; p->next = NULL; } else { p->next = t->params; t->params = p; } } void XML_AddParameteri(xmltree_t *t, char *paramname, int value) { char svalue[64]; Q_snprintf(svalue, sizeof(svalue), "%i", value); XML_AddParameter(t, paramname, svalue); } xmltree_t *XML_CreateNode(xmltree_t *parent, char *name, char *xmlns, char *body) { int bodylen = strlen(body); struct subtree_s *node = malloc(sizeof(*node)); //clear out links node->params = NULL; node->child = NULL; node->sibling = NULL; //link into parent if we actually have a parent. if (parent) { if (parent->child) { //add at tail xmltree_t *prev; for(prev = parent->child; prev->sibling; prev = prev->sibling) ; prev->sibling = node; node->sibling = NULL; } else { node->sibling = parent->child; parent->child = node; } } Q_strlcpy(node->name, name, sizeof(node->name)); Q_strlcpy(node->xmlns, xmlns, sizeof(node->xmlns)); Q_strlcpy(node->xmlns_dflt, xmlns, sizeof(node->xmlns_dflt)); node->body = malloc(bodylen+1); memcpy(node->body, body, bodylen+1); if (*xmlns) XML_AddParameter(node, "xmlns", xmlns); return node; } const struct { char code; int namelen; char *name; } xmlchars[] = { {'<', 2, "lt"}, {'>', 2, "gt"}, {'&', 3, "amp"}, {'\'', 4, "apos"}, {'\"', 4, "quot"}, {0, 0, NULL} }; //converts < to < etc. //returns the end of d. char *XML_Markup(char *s, char *d, int dlen) { int i; dlen--; while(*s) { for(i = 0; xmlchars[i].name; i++) { if (*s == xmlchars[i].code) break; } if (xmlchars[i].name) { if (dlen < xmlchars[i].namelen+2) break; *d++ = '&'; memcpy(d, xmlchars[i].name, xmlchars[i].namelen); d+=xmlchars[i].namelen; *d++ = ';'; s++; dlen -= xmlchars[i].namelen+2; } else { if (!dlen) break; dlen--; *d++ = *s++; } } *d = 0; return d; } //inplace. result will always be same length or shorter. //converts < etc to their original chars void XML_Unmark(char *s) { char *d; int i; for (d = s; *s; ) { if (*s == '&') { s++; for (i = 0; xmlchars[i].name; i++) { if (!strncmp(s, xmlchars[i].name, xmlchars[i].namelen) && s[xmlchars[i].namelen] == ';') break; } if (xmlchars[i].name) { s += xmlchars[i].namelen+1; *d++ = xmlchars[i].code; } else { *d++ = '&'; } } else *d++ = *s++; } *d = 0; } struct buf_ctx { char *buf; int len; int maxlen; }; static void buf_cat(struct buf_ctx *buf, char *data, int datalen) { int newlen = buf->len + datalen+1; if (newlen > buf->maxlen) { char *newd; newlen *= 2; newd = malloc(newlen); memcpy(newd, buf->buf, buf->len); free(buf->buf); buf->buf = newd; buf->maxlen = newlen; } memcpy(buf->buf + buf->len, data, datalen); buf->len += datalen; } static void XML_DumpToBuf(struct buf_ctx *buf, xmltree_t *t, int indent) { xmltree_t *c; xmlparams_t *p; int i; for (i = 0; i < indent; i++) buf_cat(buf, " ", 1); buf_cat(buf, "<", 1); buf_cat(buf, t->name, strlen(t->name)); for (p = t->params; p; p = p->next) { buf_cat(buf, " ", 1); buf_cat(buf, p->name, strlen(p->name)); buf_cat(buf, "=\'", 2); buf_cat(buf, p->val, strlen(p->val)); buf_cat(buf, "\'", 1); } if (t->child) { buf_cat(buf, ">", 1); if (indent>=0) buf_cat(buf, "\n", 1); for (c = t->child; c; c = c->sibling) XML_DumpToBuf(buf, c, ((indent<0)?indent:(indent+2))); for (i = 0; i < indent; i++) buf_cat(buf, " ", 1); buf_cat(buf, "</", 2); buf_cat(buf, t->name, strlen(t->name)); buf_cat(buf, ">", 1); } else if (*t->body) { buf_cat(buf, ">", 1); buf_cat(buf, t->body, strlen(t->body)); buf_cat(buf, "</", 2); buf_cat(buf, t->name, strlen(t->name)); buf_cat(buf, ">", 1); } else { buf_cat(buf, "/>", 2); } if (indent>=0) buf_cat(buf, "\n", 1); } char *XML_GenerateString(xmltree_t *root, qboolean readable) { struct buf_ctx buf = {NULL, 0, 0}; XML_DumpToBuf(&buf, root, readable?0:-1); buf_cat(&buf, "", 1); return buf.buf; } xmltree_t *XML_Parse(char *buffer, int *startpos, int maxpos, qboolean headeronly, char *defaultnamespace) { xmlparams_t *p; xmltree_t *child; xmltree_t *ret; int bodypos; int bodymax = 0; int pos, i; char *tagend; char *tagstart; char *ns; char token[1024]; pos = *startpos; while (buffer[pos] >= '\0' && buffer[pos] <= ' ') { if (pos >= maxpos) break; pos++; } if (pos == maxpos) { *startpos = pos; return NULL; //nothing anyway. } //expect a < if (buffer[pos] != '<') { Con_Printf("Missing open bracket\n"); return NULL; //should never happen } if (buffer[pos+1] == '/') { Con_Printf("Unexpected close tag.\n"); return NULL; //err, terminating a parent tag } tagend = strchr(buffer+pos, '>'); if (!tagend) { Con_Printf("Missing close bracket\n"); return NULL; //should never happen } *tagend = '\0'; tagend++; //assume no nulls in the tag header. tagstart = buffer+pos+1; while (*tagstart == ' ' || *tagstart == '\n' || *tagstart == '\r' || *tagstart == '\t') tagstart++; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(token)-1 && *tagstart; ) { if (*tagstart == ' ' || (i&&*tagstart == '/') || (i&&*tagstart == '?') || *tagstart == '\n' || *tagstart == '\r' || *tagstart == '\t') break; token[i++] = *tagstart++; } token[i] = 0; pos = tagend - buffer; ret = malloc(sizeof(xmltree_t)); memset(ret, 0, sizeof(*ret)); ns = strchr(token, ':'); if (ns) { *ns = 0; ns++; memcpy(ret->xmlns, "xmlns:", 6); Q_strlcpy(ret->xmlns+6, token, sizeof(ret->xmlns)-6); Q_strlcpy(ret->name, ns, sizeof(ret->name)); } else { Q_strlcpy(ret->xmlns, "xmlns", sizeof(ret->xmlns)); Q_strlcpy(ret->name, token, sizeof(ret->name)); } while(*tagstart) { int nlen; while(*(unsigned char*)tagstart <= ' ' && *tagstart) tagstart++; //skip whitespace (note that we know there is a null terminator before the end of the buffer) if (!*tagstart) break; p = malloc(sizeof(xmlparams_t)); nlen = 0; while (nlen < sizeof(p->name)-2) { if (*(unsigned char*)tagstart <= ' ' || *tagstart == '/' || *tagstart == '?') break; if (*tagstart == '=') break; p->name[nlen++] = *tagstart++; } p->name[nlen++] = '\0'; while(*(unsigned char*)tagstart <= ' ' && *tagstart) tagstart++; //skip whitespace (note that we know there is a null terminator before the end of the buffer) if (*tagstart != '=') break; tagstart++; while(*(unsigned char*)tagstart <= ' ' && *tagstart) tagstart++; //skip whitespace (note that we know there is a null terminator before the end of the buffer) nlen = 0; if (*tagstart == '\'') { tagstart++; while (*tagstart && nlen < sizeof(p->name)-2) { if(*tagstart == '\'') break; p->val[nlen++] = *tagstart++; } tagstart++; p->val[nlen++] = '\0'; } else if (*tagstart == '\"') { tagstart++; while (*tagstart && nlen < sizeof(p->name)-2) { if(*tagstart == '\"') break; p->val[nlen++] = *tagstart++; } tagstart++; p->val[nlen++] = '\0'; } else { while (*tagstart && nlen < sizeof(p->name)-2) { if(*tagstart <= ' ') break; p->val[nlen++] = *tagstart++; } p->val[nlen++] = '\0'; } XML_Unmark(p->val); p->next = ret->params; ret->params = p; } ns = XML_GetParameter(ret, ret->xmlns, ""); Q_strlcpy(ret->xmlns, ns, sizeof(ret->xmlns)); ns = XML_GetParameter(ret, "xmlns", NULL); Q_strlcpy(ret->xmlns_dflt, ns?ns:defaultnamespace, sizeof(ret->xmlns_dflt)); tagend[-1] = '>'; if (tagend[-2] == '/') { //no body ret->body = malloc(1); *ret->body = 0; *startpos = pos; return ret; } if (ret->name[0] == '?') { //no body either if (tagend[-2] == '?') { ret->body = malloc(1); *ret->body = 0; *startpos = pos; return ret; } } if (headeronly) { *startpos = pos; return ret; } //does it have a body, or is it child tags? bodypos = 0; while(1) { if (pos == maxpos) { //malformed Con_Printf("tree is malfored\n"); XML_Destroy(ret); return NULL; } if (buffer[pos] == '<') { if (buffer[pos+1] == '/') { //the end of this block //FIXME: check name tagend = strchr(buffer+pos, '>'); if (!tagend) { Con_Printf("No close tag\n"); XML_Destroy(ret); return NULL; //should never happen } tagend++; pos = tagend - buffer; break; } child = XML_Parse(buffer, &pos, maxpos, false, ret->xmlns_dflt); if (!child) { Con_Printf("Child block is unparsable\n"); XML_Destroy(ret); return NULL; } child->sibling = ret->child; ret->child = child; } else { char c = buffer[pos++]; if (bodypos == bodymax) { int nlen = bodypos*2 + 64; char *nb = malloc(nlen); memcpy(nb, ret->body, bodypos); free(ret->body); ret->body = nb; bodymax = nlen; } ret->body[bodypos++] = c; } } if (bodypos == bodymax) { int nlen = bodypos+1; char *nb = malloc(nlen); memcpy(nb, ret->body, bodypos); free(ret->body); ret->body = nb; bodymax = nlen; } ret->body[bodypos++] = '\0'; XML_Unmark(ret->body); *startpos = pos; return ret; } void XML_Destroy(xmltree_t *t) { xmlparams_t *p, *np; if (t->child) XML_Destroy(t->child); if (t->sibling) XML_Destroy(t->sibling); for (p = t->params; p; p = np) { np = p->next; free(p); } free(t->body); free(t); } xmltree_t *XML_ChildOfTree(xmltree_t *t, char *name, int childnum) { if (t) { for (t = t->child; t; t = t->sibling) { if (!strcmp(t->name, name)) { if (childnum-- == 0) return t; } } } return NULL; } xmltree_t *XML_ChildOfTreeNS(xmltree_t *t, char *xmlns, char *name, int childnum) { if (t) { for (t = t->child; t; t = t->sibling) { if (!strcmp(t->xmlns, xmlns) && !strcmp(t->name, name)) { if (childnum-- == 0) return t; } } } return NULL; } char *XML_GetChildBody(xmltree_t *t, char *paramname, char *def) { xmltree_t *c = XML_ChildOfTree(t, paramname, 0); if (c) return c->body; return def; } void XML_ConPrintTree(xmltree_t *t, char *subconsole, int indent) { int start, c, chunk; struct buf_ctx buf = {NULL, 0, 0}; XML_DumpToBuf(&buf, t, indent); buf_cat(&buf, "", 1); for (start = 0; start < buf.len; ) { chunk = buf.len - start; if (chunk > 128) chunk = 128; c = buf.buf[start+chunk]; buf.buf[start+chunk] = 0; Con_TrySubPrint(subconsole, buf.buf+start); buf.buf[start+chunk] = c; start += chunk; } free(buf.buf); } static void XML_SkipWhite(char *msg, int *pos, int max) { while (*pos < max && ( msg[*pos] == ' ' || msg[*pos] == '\t' || msg[*pos] == '\r' || msg[*pos] == '\n' )) *pos+=1; } static qboolean XML_ParseString(char *msg, int *pos, int max, char *out, int outlen) { *out = 0; if (*pos < max && msg[*pos] == '\"') { *pos+=1; outlen--; while (*pos < max && msg[*pos] != '\"') { if (!outlen) return false; *out = msg[*pos]; out++; outlen--; *pos+=1; } if (*pos < max && msg[*pos] == '\"') { *out = 0; *pos+=1; return true; } } else { outlen--; while (*pos < max && msg[*pos] != ' ' && msg[*pos] != '\t' && msg[*pos] != '\r' && msg[*pos] != '\n' && msg[*pos] != ':' && msg[*pos] != ',' && msg[*pos] != '}' && msg[*pos] != '{') { if (!outlen) return false; *out = msg[*pos]; out++; outlen--; *pos+=1; } *out = 0; return true; } return false; } xmltree_t *XML_FromJSON(xmltree_t *t, char *name, char *json, int *jsonpos, int jsonlen) { char child[4096]; XML_SkipWhite(json, jsonpos, jsonlen); if (*jsonpos < jsonlen && json[*jsonpos] == '{') { *jsonpos+=1; XML_SkipWhite(json, jsonpos, jsonlen); t = XML_CreateNode(t, name, "", ""); while (*jsonpos < jsonlen && json[*jsonpos] == '\"') { if (!XML_ParseString(json, jsonpos, jsonlen, child, sizeof(child))) break; XML_SkipWhite(json, jsonpos, jsonlen); if (*jsonpos < jsonlen && json[*jsonpos] == ':') { *jsonpos+=1; if (!XML_FromJSON(t, child, json, jsonpos, jsonlen)) break; } XML_SkipWhite(json, jsonpos, jsonlen); if (*jsonpos < jsonlen && json[*jsonpos] == ',') { *jsonpos+=1; XML_SkipWhite(json, jsonpos, jsonlen); continue; } break; } if (*jsonpos < jsonlen && json[*jsonpos] == '}') { *jsonpos+=1; return t; } XML_Destroy(t); } else if (*jsonpos < jsonlen) { if (XML_ParseString(json, jsonpos, jsonlen, child, sizeof(child))) return XML_CreateNode(t, name, "", child); } return NULL; }