/* Copyright (C) 2005 David Walton. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, you may incorpotate patents and libraries regarding only hashing and security, on the conditions that it is also open source. This means md4/5, rsa, ssl and similar. */ #include "../plugin.h" //the idea is to send a UIDL request, and compare against the previous list. //this list will be stored on disk on quit. //be aware that we cannot stay connected. POP3 mailboxes are not refreshable without disconnecting. //so we have a special state. char *MD5_GetPop3APOPString(char *timestamp, char *secrit); void IMAP_CreateConnection(char *servername, char *username, char *password); void IMAP_Think (void); //exported. void POP3_CreateConnection(char *servername, char *username, char *password); int pop3_checkfrequency=60*1000; void POP3_Think (void); void POP3_WriteCache (void); //end export list. typedef struct msglist_s { struct msglist_s *next; char name[4]; } msglist_t; msglist_t *msglist; qboolean POP3_IsMessageUnique(char *name) { msglist_t *msg; for (msg = msglist; msg; msg = msg->next) { if (!strcmp(msg->name, name)) return false; } msg = malloc(sizeof(msglist_t) + strlen(name)+1); if (!msg) return false; strcpy(msg->name, name); msg->next = msglist; msglist = msg; return true; } #define POP3_PORT 110 typedef struct pop3_con_s { char server[128]; char username[128]; char password[128]; unsigned int lastnoop; //these are used so we can fail a send. //or recieve only part of an input. //FIXME: make dynamically sizable, as it could drop if the send is too small (That's okay. // but if the read is bigger than one command we suddenly fail entirly.) int sendlen; int sendbuffersize; char *sendbuffer; int readlen; int readbuffersize; char *readbuffer; qboolean drop; qhandle_t socket; //we have a certain number of stages. enum { POP3_NOTCONNECTED, POP3_WAITINGFORINITIALRESPONCE, //waiting for an initial response. POP3_AUTHING, //wating for a response from USER POP3_AUTHING2, //Set PASS, waiting to see if we passed. POP3_LISTING, //Sent UIDL, waiting to see POP3_RETRIEVING, //sent TOP, waiting for message headers to print info. POP3_HEADER, POP3_BODY, POP3_QUITTING } state; int retrlist[256]; //unrecognised uidls are added to this list. int numtoretrieve; char msgsubject[256]; char msgfrom[256]; struct pop3_con_s *next; } pop3_con_t; static pop3_con_t *pop3sv; void POP3_CreateConnection(char *addy, char *username, char *password) { pop3_con_t *con; for (con = pop3sv; con; con = con->next) { if (!strcmp(con->server, addy) && !strcmp(con->username, username)) { if (con->state == POP3_NOTCONNECTED && !con->socket) break; Con_Printf("Already connected to that pop3 server\n"); return; } } if (!con) { con = malloc(sizeof(pop3_con_t)); if (!con) { Con_Printf ("POP3_CreateConnection: out of plugin memory\n"); return; } memset(con, 0, sizeof(*con)); } else con->state = POP3_WAITINGFORINITIALRESPONCE; con->socket = Net_TCPConnect(addy, POP3_PORT); if (!con->socket) { Con_Printf ("POP3_CreateConnection: connect failed\n"); free(con); return; } strlcpy(con->server, addy, sizeof(con->server)); strlcpy(con->username, username, sizeof(con->username)); strlcpy(con->password, password, sizeof(con->password)); if (!con->state) { con->state = POP3_WAITINGFORINITIALRESPONCE; con->next = pop3sv; pop3sv = con; Con_Printf("Connected to %s\n", con->server); } } static void POP3_EmitCommand(pop3_con_t *pop3, char *text) { int newlen; newlen = pop3->sendlen + strlen(text) + 2; if (newlen >= pop3->sendbuffersize || !pop3->sendbuffer) //pre-length check. { char *newbuf; pop3->sendbuffersize = newlen*2; newbuf = malloc(pop3->sendbuffersize); if (!newbuf) { Con_Printf("Memory is low\n"); pop3->drop = true; //failed. return; } if (pop3->sendbuffer) { memcpy(newbuf, pop3->sendbuffer, pop3->sendlen); free(pop3->sendbuffer); } pop3->sendbuffer = newbuf; } snprintf(pop3->sendbuffer+pop3->sendlen, newlen+1, "%s\r\n", text); pop3->sendlen = newlen; // Con_Printf("^3%s\n", text); } static qboolean POP3_ThinkCon(pop3_con_t *pop3) //false means drop the connection. { char *ending; int len; if (pop3->state == POP3_NOTCONNECTED && !pop3->socket) { if (pop3->lastnoop + pop3_checkfrequency < Sys_Milliseconds()) { //we need to recreate the connection now. pop3->lastnoop = Sys_Milliseconds(); POP3_CreateConnection(pop3->server, pop3->username, pop3->password); } return true; } //get the buffer, stick it in our read holder if (pop3->readlen+32 >= pop3->readbuffersize || !pop3->readbuffer) { len = pop3->readbuffersize; if (!pop3->readbuffer) pop3->readbuffersize = 256; else pop3->readbuffersize*=2; ending = malloc(pop3->readbuffersize); if (!ending) { Con_Printf("Memory is low\n"); return false; } if (pop3->readbuffer) { memcpy(ending, pop3->readbuffer, len); free(pop3->readbuffer); } pop3->readbuffer = ending; } len = Net_Recv(pop3->socket, pop3->readbuffer+pop3->readlen, pop3->readbuffersize-pop3->readlen-1); if (len>0) { pop3->readlen+=len; pop3->readbuffer[pop3->readlen] = '\0'; } if (pop3->readlen>0) { ending = strstr(pop3->readbuffer, "\r\n"); if (ending) //pollable text. { *ending = '\0'; // Con_Printf("^2%s\n", pop3->readbuffer); ending+=2; if (pop3->state == POP3_WAITINGFORINITIALRESPONCE) { if (!strncmp(pop3->readbuffer, "+OK", 3)) { char *angle1; char *angle2 = NULL; angle1 = strchr(pop3->readbuffer, '<'); if (angle1) { angle2 = strchr(angle1+1, '>'); } if (angle2) { //just in case angle2[1] = '\0'; POP3_EmitCommand(pop3, va("APOP %s %s", pop3->username, MD5_GetPop3APOPString(angle1, pop3->password))); pop3->state = POP3_AUTHING2; } else { POP3_EmitCommand(pop3, va("USER %s", pop3->username)); pop3->state = POP3_AUTHING; } } else { Con_Printf("Unexpected response from POP3 server\n"); return false; //some sort of error. } } else if (pop3->state == POP3_AUTHING) { if (!strncmp(pop3->readbuffer, "+OK", 3)) { POP3_EmitCommand(pop3, va("PASS %s", pop3->password)); pop3->state = POP3_AUTHING2; } else { Con_Printf("Unexpected response from POP3 server.\nCheck username/password\n"); return false; //some sort of error. } } else if (pop3->state == POP3_AUTHING2) { if (!strncmp(pop3->readbuffer, "+OK", 3)) { POP3_EmitCommand(pop3, "UIDL"); pop3->state = POP3_LISTING; pop3->lastnoop = Sys_Milliseconds(); } else { Con_Printf("Unexpected response from POP3 server.\nCheck username/password\n"); return false; } } else if (pop3->state == POP3_LISTING) { if (!strncmp(pop3->readbuffer, "-ERR", 4)) { Con_Printf("Unexpected response from POP3 server.\nUIDL not supported?\n"); return false; } else if (!strncmp(pop3->readbuffer, "+OK", 3)) { } else if (!strncmp(pop3->readbuffer, ".", 1)) //we only ever search for recent messages. So we fetch them and get sender and subject. { if (!pop3->numtoretrieve) { pop3->state = POP3_QUITTING; POP3_EmitCommand(pop3, "QUIT"); } else { pop3->state = POP3_RETRIEVING; POP3_EmitCommand(pop3, va("RETR %i", pop3->retrlist[--pop3->numtoretrieve])); } } else { char *s; s = pop3->readbuffer; if (*s) { s++; while (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') s++; while (*s == ' ') s++; } if (POP3_IsMessageUnique(s)) if (pop3->numtoretrieve < sizeof(pop3->retrlist)/sizeof(pop3->retrlist[0])) pop3->retrlist[pop3->numtoretrieve++] = atoi(pop3->readbuffer); } } else if (pop3->state == POP3_RETRIEVING) { if (!strncmp(pop3->readbuffer, "+OK", 3)) { pop3->msgsubject[0] = '\0'; pop3->msgfrom[0] = '\0'; pop3->state = POP3_HEADER; } else { //erm... go for the next? if (!pop3->numtoretrieve) { pop3->state = POP3_QUITTING; POP3_EmitCommand(pop3, "QUIT"); } else POP3_EmitCommand(pop3, va("RETR %i", pop3->retrlist[--pop3->numtoretrieve])); } } else if (pop3->state == POP3_HEADER) { if (!strnicmp(pop3->readbuffer, "From: ", 6)) strlcpy(pop3->msgfrom, pop3->readbuffer + 6, sizeof(pop3->msgfrom)); else if (!strnicmp(pop3->readbuffer, "Subject: ", 9)) strlcpy(pop3->msgsubject, pop3->readbuffer + 9, sizeof(pop3->msgsubject)); else if (!strncmp(pop3->readbuffer, ".", 1)) { Con_Printf("New message:\nFrom: %s\nSubject: %s\n", pop3->msgfrom, pop3->msgsubject); if (BUILTINISVALID(SCR_CenterPrint)) SCR_CenterPrint(va("NEW MAIL HAS ARRIVED\n\nTo: %s@%s\nFrom: %s\nSubject: %s", pop3->username, pop3->server, pop3->msgfrom, pop3->msgsubject)); if (!pop3->numtoretrieve) { pop3->state = POP3_QUITTING; POP3_EmitCommand(pop3, "QUIT"); } else { pop3->state = POP3_RETRIEVING; POP3_EmitCommand(pop3, va("RETR %i", pop3->retrlist[--pop3->numtoretrieve])); } } else if (!*pop3->readbuffer) pop3->state = POP3_BODY; } else if (pop3->state == POP3_BODY) { if (!strncmp(pop3->readbuffer, "..", 2)) { //line of text, skipping first '.' Con_Printf("%s\n", pop3->readbuffer+1); } else if (!strncmp(pop3->readbuffer, ".", 1)) { Con_Printf("New message:\nFrom: %s\nSubject: %s\n", pop3->msgfrom, pop3->msgsubject); if (BUILTINISVALID(SCR_CenterPrint)) SCR_CenterPrint(va("NEW MAIL HAS ARRIVED\n\nTo: %s@%s\nFrom: %s\nSubject: %s", pop3->username, pop3->server, pop3->msgfrom, pop3->msgsubject)); if (!pop3->numtoretrieve) { pop3->state = POP3_QUITTING; POP3_EmitCommand(pop3, "QUIT"); } else { pop3->state = POP3_RETRIEVING; POP3_EmitCommand(pop3, va("RETR %i", pop3->retrlist[--pop3->numtoretrieve])); } } else { //normal line of text Con_Printf("%s\n", pop3->readbuffer); } } else if (pop3->state == POP3_QUITTING) { pop3->state = POP3_NOTCONNECTED; Net_Close(pop3->socket); pop3->lastnoop = Sys_Milliseconds(); pop3->socket = 0; pop3->readlen = 0; pop3->sendlen = 0; return true; } else { Con_Printf("Bad client state\n"); return false; } pop3->readlen -= ending - pop3->readbuffer; memmove(pop3->readbuffer, ending, strlen(ending)+1); } } if (pop3->drop) return false; if (pop3->sendlen) { len = Net_Send(pop3->socket, pop3->sendbuffer, pop3->sendlen); if (len>0) { pop3->sendlen-=len; memmove(pop3->sendbuffer, pop3->sendbuffer+len, pop3->sendlen+1); } } return true; } void POP3_Think (void) { pop3_con_t *prev = NULL; pop3_con_t *pop3; for (pop3 = pop3sv; pop3; pop3 = pop3->next) { if (pop3->drop || !POP3_ThinkCon(pop3)) { if (!prev) pop3sv = pop3->next; else prev->next = pop3->next; if (pop3->socket) Net_Close(pop3->socket); free(pop3); if (!prev) break; } prev = pop3; } } int EmailNotification_Frame(int *args) { POP3_Think(); IMAP_Think(); return 0; } void IMAP_Account(void) { char arg1[64]; char arg2[64]; char arg3[64]; Cmd_Argv(1, arg1, sizeof(arg1)); Cmd_Argv(2, arg2, sizeof(arg2)); Cmd_Argv(3, arg3, sizeof(arg3)); if (!*arg1) { Con_Printf("imapaccount <servername> <username> <password>\n"); } else IMAP_CreateConnection(arg1, arg2, arg3); } void POP3_Account(void) { char arg1[64]; char arg2[64]; char arg3[64]; Cmd_Argv(1, arg1, sizeof(arg1)); Cmd_Argv(2, arg2, sizeof(arg2)); Cmd_Argv(3, arg3, sizeof(arg3)); if (!*arg1) { Con_Printf("pop3account <servername> <username> <password>\n"); Con_Printf("Say you had an acount called \"foo\" at yahoo's mail servers\n"); Con_Printf("Yahoo's pop3 servers are named \"pop.mail.yahoo.co.uk\"\n"); Con_Printf("Then if your password was bar, this is the command you would use\n"); Con_Printf("pop3account pop.mail.yahoo.co.uk foo bar\n"); Con_Printf("Of course, different pop3 servers have different naming conventions\n"); Con_Printf("So read your provider's documentation\n"); } else POP3_CreateConnection(arg1, arg2, arg3); } int EmailNotification_ExecuteCommand(int *args) { char cmd[64]; Cmd_Argv(0, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); if (!strcmp(cmd, "imapaccount")) { IMAP_Account(); return true; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "pop3account")) { POP3_Account(); return true; } return false; } int Plug_Init(int *args) { if (!Plug_Export("Tick", EmailNotification_Frame) || !Plug_Export("ExecuteCommand", EmailNotification_ExecuteCommand)) { Con_Print("email notification plugin failed\n"); return false; } Cmd_AddCommand("imapaccount"); Cmd_AddCommand("pop3account"); Con_Print("email notification plugin loaded\n"); return true; }