/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // net.h -- quake's interface to the networking layer #define PORT_ANY -1 #if defined(NACL) || defined(FTE_TARGET_WEB) #define HAVE_WEBSOCKCL #endif #ifdef __linux__ //#define UNIXSOCKETS #endif //FIXME: should split this into loopback/dgram/stream/dtls/tls/irc //with the ipv4/v6/x as a separate parameter typedef enum { NA_INVALID, NA_LOOPBACK, /*NA_HYBRID,*/ //ipv6 hybrid socket that might accept ipv4 packets too. NA_IP, NA_IPV6, NA_IPX, #ifdef UNIXSOCKETS NA_UNIX, #endif #ifdef IRCCONNECT NA_IRC/*remove!*/, #endif #ifdef HAVE_WEBSOCKCL NA_WEBSOCKET, #endif } netadrtype_t; typedef enum { NP_DGRAM, NP_DTLS, //connected via ICE/WebRTC NP_STREAM, NP_TLS, NP_WS, NP_WSS, NP_NATPMP, //server-only scheme for registering public ports. NP_RTC_TCP, NP_RTC_TLS, //really need a better way to do this than two copies of every protocol... NP_INVALID } netproto_t; typedef enum {NS_CLIENT, NS_SERVER} netsrc_t; typedef struct netadr_s { netadrtype_t type; netproto_t prot; union { qbyte ip[4]; qbyte ip6[16]; qbyte ipx[10]; #ifdef IRCCONNECT struct { char host[32]; char user[32]; char channel[12]; } irc; #endif #ifdef HAVE_WEBSOCKCL char websocketurl[64]; #endif #ifdef UNIXSOCKETS struct { int len; //abstract addresses contain nulls, so this is needed. char path[108]; } un; #endif } address; unsigned short port; unsigned short connum; //which quake connection/socket the address is talking about. 1-based. 0 is unspecified. this is NOT used for address equivelency. unsigned int scopeid; //ipv6 interface id thing. } netadr_t; struct sockaddr_qstorage { short dontusesa_family; unsigned char dontusesa_pad[6]; qint64_t sa_align; unsigned char sa_pad2[112]; }; extern netadr_t net_local_cl_ipadr; extern netadr_t net_from; // address of who sent the packet extern sizebuf_t net_message; //#define MAX_UDP_PACKET (MAX_MSGLEN*2) // one more than msg + header #define MAX_UDP_PACKET 8192 // one more than msg + header extern FTE_ALIGN(4) qbyte net_message_buffer[MAX_OVERALLMSGLEN]; typedef enum { NETERR_SENT = 0, //all is well NETERR_NOROUTE = 1, //destination isn't valid for this socket/etc. try a different one if possible NETERR_DISCONNECTED = 2, //socket can no longer send anything NETERR_MTU = 3, //packet wasn't sent due to MTU NETERR_CLOGGED = 4 //socket is suffering from conjestion } neterr_t; extern cvar_t hostname; int TCP_OpenStream (netadr_t *remoteaddr); //makes things easier struct ftenet_connections_s; void NET_Init (void); void NET_Tick (void); void SVNET_RegisterCvars(void); void NET_InitClient (qboolean loopbackonly); void NET_CloseClient(void); void NET_InitServer (void); qboolean NET_WasSpecialPacket(struct ftenet_connections_s *col); void NET_CloseServer (void); void UDP_CloseSocket (int socket); void NET_Shutdown (void); qboolean NET_GetRates(struct ftenet_connections_s *collection, float *pi, float *po, float *bi, float *bo); qboolean NET_UpdateRates(struct ftenet_connections_s *collection, qboolean inbound, size_t size); //for demos to not be weird void NET_ReadPackets (struct ftenet_connections_s *collection); neterr_t NET_SendPacket (struct ftenet_connections_s *col, int length, const void *data, netadr_t *to); int NET_LocalAddressForRemote(struct ftenet_connections_s *collection, netadr_t *remote, netadr_t *local, int idx); void NET_PrintAddresses(struct ftenet_connections_s *collection); qboolean NET_AddressSmellsFunny(netadr_t *a); qboolean NET_EnsureRoute(struct ftenet_connections_s *collection, char *routename, char *host, netadr_t *adr); void NET_PrintConnectionsStatus(struct ftenet_connections_s *collection); enum addressscope_e { ASCOPE_PROCESS=0, ASCOPE_HOST=1, ASCOPE_LINK=2, ASCOPE_LAN=3, ASCOPE_NET=4 }; enum addressscope_e NET_ClassifyAddress(netadr_t *adr, const char **outdesc); qboolean NET_AddrIsReliable(netadr_t *adr); //hints that the protocol is reliable. if so, we don't need to wait for acks qboolean NET_CompareAdr (netadr_t *a, netadr_t *b); qboolean NET_CompareBaseAdr (netadr_t *a, netadr_t *b); void NET_AdrToStringResolve (netadr_t *adr, void (*resolved)(void *ctx, void *data, size_t a, size_t b), void *ctx, size_t a, size_t b); char *NET_AdrToString (char *s, int len, netadr_t *a); char *NET_SockadrToString (char *s, int len, struct sockaddr_qstorage *a, size_t sizeofa); char *NET_BaseAdrToString (char *s, int len, netadr_t *a); size_t NET_StringToSockaddr2 (const char *s, int defaultport, netadrtype_t afhint, struct sockaddr_qstorage *sadr, int *addrfamily, int *addrsize, size_t addrcount); #define NET_StringToSockaddr(s,p,a,f,z) (NET_StringToSockaddr2(s,p,NA_INVALID,a,f,z,1)>0) size_t NET_StringToAdr2 (const char *s, int defaultport, netadr_t *a, size_t addrcount, const char **pathstart); #define NET_StringToAdr(s,p,a) NET_StringToAdr2(s,p,a,1,NULL) qboolean NET_PortToAdr (netadrtype_t adrfamily, netproto_t adrprot, const char *s, netadr_t *a); qboolean NET_IsClientLegal(netadr_t *adr); qboolean NET_IsLoopBackAddress (netadr_t *adr); qboolean NET_StringToAdrMasked (const char *s, qboolean allowdns, netadr_t *a, netadr_t *amask); char *NET_AdrToStringMasked (char *s, int len, netadr_t *a, netadr_t *amask); void NET_IntegerToMask (netadr_t *a, netadr_t *amask, int bits); qboolean NET_CompareAdrMasked(netadr_t *a, netadr_t *b, netadr_t *mask); qboolean FTENET_AddToCollection(struct ftenet_connections_s *col, const char *name, const char *address, netadrtype_t addrtype, netproto_t addrprot); enum certprops_e { QCERT_PEERFINGERPRINT }; size_t NET_GetConnectionCertificate(struct ftenet_connections_s *col, netadr_t *a, enum certprops_e prop, char *out, size_t outsize); #ifdef HAVE_DTLS qboolean NET_DTLS_Create(struct ftenet_connections_s *col, netadr_t *to); qboolean NET_DTLS_Decode(struct ftenet_connections_s *col); qboolean NET_DTLS_Disconnect(struct ftenet_connections_s *col, netadr_t *to); void NET_DTLS_Timeouts(struct ftenet_connections_s *col); #endif extern cvar_t timeout; extern cvar_t tls_ignorecertificateerrors; //evil evil evil. struct ftecrypto_s; qboolean NET_RegisterCrypto(void *module, struct ftecrypto_s *driver); //============================================================================ #define OLD_AVG 0.99 // total = oldtotal*OLD_AVG + new*(1-OLD_AVG) #define MAX_LATENT 32 #define MAX_ADR_SIZE 64 typedef struct { qboolean fatal_error; #ifdef NQPROT int isnqprotocol; qboolean nqreliable_allowed; //says the peer has acked the last reliable (or timed out and needs resending). float nqreliable_resendtime;//force nqreliable_allowed, thereby forcing a resend of anything n qbyte nqunreliableonly; //nq can't cope with certain reliables some times. if 2, we have a reliable that result in a block (that should be sent). if 1, we are blocking. if 0, we can send reliables freely. if 3, then we just want to ignore clc_moves #endif qboolean pext_fragmentation; //fte's packet fragmentation extension, to avoid issues with low mtus. qboolean pext_stunaware; //prevent the two lead-bits of packets from being either 0(stun), so stray stun packets cannot mess things up for us. struct netprim_s netprim; int mtu; //the path mtu, if known int dupe; //how many times to dupe packets float last_received; // for timeouts // the statistics are cleared at each client begin, because // the server connecting process gives a bogus picture of the data float frame_latency; // rolling average float frame_rate; int drop_count; // dropped packets, cleared each level int good_count; // cleared each level int bytesin; int bytesout; netadr_t remote_address; netsrc_t sock; int qport; int qportsize; // bandwidth estimator double cleartime; // if realtime > nc->cleartime, free to go // double rate; // seconds / qbyte // sequencing variables int incoming_unreliable; //dictated by the other end. int incoming_sequence; int incoming_acknowledged; int incoming_reliable_acknowledged; // single bit int incoming_reliable_sequence; // single bit, maintained local int outgoing_unreliable; int outgoing_sequence; int reliable_sequence; // single bit int last_reliable_sequence; // sequence number of last send // reliable staging and holding areas sizebuf_t message; // writing buffer to send to server qbyte message_buf[MAX_OVERALLMSGLEN]; //nq has message truncation. int reliable_length; int reliable_start; qbyte reliable_buf[MAX_OVERALLMSGLEN]; // unacked reliable message // time and size data to calculate bandwidth int outgoing_size[MAX_LATENT]; double outgoing_time[MAX_LATENT]; struct huffman_s *compresstable; //nq servers must recieve truncated packets. int in_fragment_length; char in_fragment_buf[MAX_OVERALLMSGLEN]; int in_fragment_start; } netchan_t; extern int net_drop; // packets dropped before this one void Net_Master_Init(void); void Netchan_Init (void); int Netchan_Transmit (netchan_t *chan, int length, qbyte *data, int rate); void Netchan_OutOfBand (netsrc_t sock, netadr_t *adr, int length, qbyte *data); void VARGS Netchan_OutOfBandPrint (netsrc_t sock, netadr_t *adr, char *format, ...) LIKEPRINTF(3); void VARGS Netchan_OutOfBandTPrintf (netsrc_t sock, netadr_t *adr, int language, translation_t text, ...); qboolean Netchan_Process (netchan_t *chan); void Netchan_Setup (netsrc_t sock, netchan_t *chan, netadr_t *adr, int qport); unsigned int Net_PextMask(unsigned int protover, qboolean fornq); extern cvar_t net_mtu; qboolean Netchan_CanPacket (netchan_t *chan, int rate); void Netchan_Block (netchan_t *chan, int bytes, int rate); qboolean Netchan_CanReliable (netchan_t *chan, int rate); #ifdef NQPROT enum nqnc_packettype_e { NQNC_IGNORED, NQNC_ACK, NQNC_RELIABLE, NQNC_UNRELIABLE, }; enum nqnc_packettype_e NQNetChan_Process(netchan_t *chan); #endif #ifdef HUFFNETWORK #define HUFFCRC_QUAKE3 0x286f2e8d typedef struct huffman_s huffman_t; int Huff_PreferedCompressionCRC (void); void Huff_EncryptPacket(sizebuf_t *msg, int offset); void Huff_DecryptPacket(sizebuf_t *msg, int offset); huffman_t *Huff_CompressionCRC(int crc); void Huff_CompressPacket(huffman_t *huff, sizebuf_t *msg, int offset); void Huff_DecompressPacket(huffman_t *huff, sizebuf_t *msg, int offset); int Huff_GetByte(qbyte *buffer, int *count); void Huff_EmitByte(int ch, qbyte *buffer, int *count); #endif #ifdef NQPROT //taken from nq's net.h //refer to that for usage info. :) #define NETFLAG_LENGTH_MASK 0x0000ffff #define NETFLAG_DATA 0x00010000 #define NETFLAG_ACK 0x00020000 #define NETFLAG_NAK 0x00040000 #define NETFLAG_EOM 0x00080000 #define NETFLAG_UNRELIABLE 0x00100000 #define NETFLAG_CTL 0x80000000 #define NQ_NETCHAN_GAMENAME "QUAKE" #define NQ_NETCHAN_VERSION 3 #define NQ_NETCHAN_VERSION_QEX 4 //the rerelease's id, used for nqish-over dtls. #define CCREQ_CONNECT 0x01 #define CCREQ_SERVER_INFO 0x02 #define CCREQ_PLAYER_INFO 0x03 #define CCREQ_RULE_INFO 0x04 #define CCREQ_PROQUAKE_RCON 0x05 #define CCREP_ACCEPT 0x81 #define CCREP_REJECT 0x82 #define CCREP_SERVER_INFO 0x83 #define CCREP_PLAYER_INFO 0x84 #define CCREP_RULE_INFO 0x85 //server->client protocol info #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_NQ 15 #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_H2 19 #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_NEHD 250 #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_FITZ 666 #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_RMQ 999 #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_DP5 3502 #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_DP6 3503 #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_DP7 3504 #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_BJP1 10000 #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_BJP2 10001 #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_BJP3 10002 #define MOD_PROQUAKE 1 //#define MOD_PROQUAKE_VERSION (10*3.1) //password feature added //#define MOD_PROQUAKE_VERSION (10*3.2) //first 'cheatfree' #define MOD_PROQUAKE_VERSION (10*3.3) //no real changes, but w/e, this is the highest we can claim without having serverside issues. //#define MOD_PROQUAKE_VERSION (10*3.4) //added nat wait weirdness that's redundant and breaks the whole single-port thing by using two ports on the client too. *sigh*. //#define MOD_PROQUAKE_VERSION (10*3.5) //optional cheatfree encryption //#define MOD_PROQUAKE_VERSION (10*4.51) //current version /*RMQ protocol flags*/ #define RMQFL_SHORTANGLE (1 << 1) #define RMQFL_FLOATANGLE (1 << 2) #define RMQFL_24BITCOORD (1 << 3) #define RMQFL_FLOATCOORD (1 << 4) #define RMQFL_EDICTSCALE (1 << 5) #define RMQFL_ALPHASANITY (1 << 6) #define RMQFL_INT32COORD (1 << 7) #define RMQFL_MOREFLAGS (1 << 31) #endif int UDP_OpenSocket (int port); int UDP6_OpenSocket (int port); int IPX_OpenSocket (int port); int NetadrToSockadr (netadr_t *a, struct sockaddr_qstorage *s); void SockadrToNetadr (struct sockaddr_qstorage *s, int sizeofsockaddr, netadr_t *a); qboolean NET_Sleep(float seconds, qboolean stdinissocket);