/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "quakedef.h" #ifdef SWQUAKE #include "r_local.h" #endif #ifdef RGLQUAKE #include "glquake.h"//hack #endif #include "renderque.h" #include "r_partset.h" int pt_explosion, pt_emp, pt_pointfile, pt_entityparticles, pt_darkfield, pt_blob, pt_blood, pt_lightningblood, pt_gunshot, pt_wizspike, pt_knightspike, pt_spike, pt_superspike, pt_lavasplash, pt_teleportsplash, pt_blasterparticles, pt_superbullet, pt_bullet; int pe_default, pe_size2, pe_size3; int rt_blastertrail, rt_railtrail, rt_bubbletrail, rt_rocket, rt_lightning1, rt_lightning2, rt_lightning3; //triangle fan sparks use these. static double sint[7] = {0.000000, 0.781832, 0.974928, 0.433884, -0.433884, -0.974928, -0.781832}; static double cost[7] = {1.000000, 0.623490, -0.222521, -0.900969, -0.900969, -0.222521, 0.623490}; void R_RunParticleEffect2 (vec3_t org, vec3_t dmin, vec3_t dmax, int color, int effect, int count); void R_RunParticleEffect3 (vec3_t org, vec3_t box, int color, int effect, int count); void R_RunParticleEffect4 (vec3_t org, float radius, int color, int effect, int count); int R_RunParticleEffectType (vec3_t org, vec3_t dir, float count, int typenum); #define crand() (rand()%32767/16383.5f-1) void D_DrawParticleTrans (particle_t *pparticle); void D_DrawSparkTrans (particle_t *pparticle); #define MAX_BEAMS 2048 // default max # of beam segments #define MAX_PARTICLES 32768 // default max # of particles at one // time //int ramp1[8] = {0x6f, 0x6d, 0x6b, 0x69, 0x67, 0x65, 0x63, 0x61}; //int ramp2[8] = {0x6f, 0x6e, 0x6d, 0x6c, 0x6b, 0x6a, 0x68, 0x66}; //int ramp3[8] = {0x6d, 0x6b, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1}; particle_t *free_particles; particle_t *particles; //contains the initial list of alloced particles. int r_numparticles; beamseg_t *free_beams; beamseg_t *beams; int r_numbeams; vec3_t r_pright, r_pup, r_ppn; extern cvar_t r_bouncysparks; extern cvar_t r_part_rain; extern cvar_t gl_part_explosionheart, gl_part_emp; extern cvar_t gl_part_trifansparks; extern cvar_t r_bloodstains; cvar_t r_particlesdesc = {"r_particlesdesc", "spikeset", NULL, CVAR_LATCH|CVAR_SEMICHEAT}; cvar_t r_part_rain_quantity = {"r_part_rain_quantity", "1"}; cvar_t gl_part_trifansparks = {"gl_part_trifansparks", "0"}; cvar_t r_particle_tracelimit = {"r_particle_tracelimit", "250"}; static float particletime; typedef struct skytris_s { struct skytris_s *next; vec3_t org; vec3_t x; vec3_t y; float area; float nexttime; msurface_t *face; } skytris_t; //these could be deltas or absolutes depending on ramping mode. typedef struct { vec3_t rgb; float alpha; float scale; float rotation; } ramp_t; typedef struct part_type_s { char name[MAX_QPATH]; char texname[MAX_QPATH]; vec3_t rgb; vec3_t rgbchange; vec3_t rgbrand; int colorindex; int colorrand; qboolean citracer; float rgbchangetime; vec3_t rgbrandsync; float scale, alpha; float alphachange; float die, randdie; float randomvel, veladd; float offsetspread; float offsetspreadvert; float randomvelvert; float randscale; qboolean isbeam; enum {BM_MERGE, BM_ADD, BM_SUBTRACT} blendmode; float rotationstartmin, rotationstartrand; float rotationmin, rotationrand; float scaledelta; float count; int texturenum; int assoc; int cliptype; float clipcount; int emit; float emittime; float emitrand; float emitstart; float areaspread; float areaspreadvert; float scalefactor; float invscalefactor; float offsetup; // make this into a vec3_t later with dir, possibly for mdls enum {SM_BOX, SM_CIRCLE, SM_BALL, SM_SPIRAL, SM_TRACER, SM_TELEBOX, SM_LAVASPLASH, SM_UNICIRCLE} spawnmode; //box = even spread within the area //circle = around edge of a circle //ball = filled sphere //spiral = spiral trail //tracer = tracer trail //telebox = q1-style telebox //lavasplash = q1-style lavasplash //unicircle = uniform circle float gravity; vec3_t friction; float clipbounce; int stains; enum {RAMP_NONE, RAMP_DELTA, RAMP_ABSOLUTE} rampmode; int rampindexes; ramp_t *ramp; int loaded; particle_t *particles; beamseg_t *beams; skytris_t *skytris; } part_type_t; int numparticletypes; part_type_t *part_type; part_type_t *GetParticleType(char *name) { int i; part_type_t *ptype; for (i = 0; i < numparticletypes; i++) { ptype = &part_type[i]; if (!strcmp(ptype->name, name)) return ptype; } part_type = BZ_Realloc(part_type, sizeof(part_type_t)*(numparticletypes+1)); ptype = &part_type[numparticletypes++]; strcpy(ptype->name, name); ptype->assoc=-1; ptype->cliptype = -1; ptype->emit = -1; ptype->loaded = 0; ptype->ramp = NULL; return ptype; } int AllocateParticleType(char *name) { return GetParticleType(name) - part_type; } int ParticleTypeForName(char *name) { int to; to = GetParticleType(name) - part_type; if (to < 0 || to >= numparticletypes) { return -1; } return to; } int FindParticleType(char *name) { int i; for (i = 0; i < numparticletypes; i++) { if (!strcmp(part_type[i].name, name)) return i; } return -1; } static void R_Part_Modified(void) { if (Cmd_FromServer()) return; //server stuffed particle descriptions don't count. f_modified_particles = true; if (care_f_modified) { care_f_modified = false; Cbuf_AddText("say particles description has changed\n", RESTRICT_LOCAL); } } int CheckAssosiation(char *name, int from) { int to, orig; orig = to = FindParticleType(name); if (to < 0) { return -1; } while(to != -1) { if (to == from) { Con_Printf("Assosiation would cause infinate loop\n"); return -1; } to = part_type[to].assoc; } return orig; } void R_ParticleEffect_f(void) { char *var, *value; char *buf; particle_t *parts; beamseg_t *beamsegs; skytris_t *st; part_type_t *ptype; int pnum, assoc; if (Cmd_Argc()!=2) { Con_Printf("No name for particle effect\n"); return; } buf = Cbuf_GetNext(Cmd_ExecLevel); while (*buf && *buf <= ' ') buf++; //no whitespace please. if (*buf != '{') { Cbuf_InsertText(buf, Cmd_ExecLevel); Con_Printf("This is a multiline command and should be used within config files\n"); return; } ptype = GetParticleType(Cmd_Argv(1)); if (!ptype) { Con_Printf("Bad name\n"); return; } R_Part_Modified(); pnum = ptype-part_type; parts = ptype->particles; beamsegs = ptype->beams; st = ptype->skytris; if (ptype->ramp) BZ_Free(ptype->ramp); memset(ptype, 0, sizeof(*ptype)); ptype->particles = parts; ptype->beams = beamsegs; ptype->skytris = st; strcpy(ptype->name, Cmd_Argv(1)); ptype->assoc=-1; ptype->cliptype = -1; ptype->emit = -1; ptype->alpha = 1; ptype->alphachange = 1; ptype->clipbounce = 0.8; ptype->colorindex = -1; ptype->rotationstartmin = -M_PI; //start with a random angle ptype->rotationstartrand = M_PI-ptype->rotationstartmin; ptype->rotationmin = 0; //but don't spin ptype->rotationrand = 0; while(1) { buf = Cbuf_GetNext(Cmd_ExecLevel); while (*buf && *buf <= ' ') buf++; //no whitespace please. if (*buf == '}') break; if (!*buf) { Con_Printf("Unexpected End Of Buffer\n"); return; } Cmd_TokenizeString(buf); var = Cmd_Argv(0); value = Cmd_Argv(1); if (!strcmp(var, "texture")) Q_strncpyz(ptype->texname, value, sizeof(ptype->texname)); else if (!strcmp(var, "rotationstart")) { ptype->rotationstartmin = atof(value)*M_PI/180; if (Cmd_Argc()>2) ptype->rotationstartrand = atof(Cmd_Argv(2))*M_PI/180-ptype->rotationstartmin; else ptype->rotationstartrand = 0; } else if (!strcmp(var, "rotationspeed")) { ptype->rotationmin = atof(value)*M_PI/180; if (Cmd_Argc()>2) ptype->rotationrand = atof(Cmd_Argv(2))*M_PI/180-ptype->rotationmin; else ptype->rotationrand = 0; } else if (!strcmp(var, "scale")) ptype->scale = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "scalerand")) ptype->randscale = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "scalefactor")) ptype->scalefactor = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "scaledelta")) ptype->scaledelta = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "step")) ptype->count = 1/atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "count")) ptype->count = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "alpha")) ptype->alpha = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "alphachange")) ptype->alphachange = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "die")) ptype->die = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "diesubrand")) ptype->randdie = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "randomvel")) { ptype->randomvel = atof(value); if (Cmd_Argc()>2) ptype->randomvelvert = atof(Cmd_Argv(2)); else ptype->randomvelvert = ptype->randomvel; } else if (!strcmp(var, "veladd")) ptype->veladd = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "friction")) { ptype->friction[2] = ptype->friction[1] = ptype->friction[0] = atof(value); if (Cmd_Argc()>3) { ptype->friction[2] = atof(Cmd_Argv(3)); ptype->friction[1] = atof(Cmd_Argv(2)); } else if (Cmd_Argc()>2) { ptype->friction[2] = atof(Cmd_Argv(2)); } } else if (!strcmp(var, "gravity")) ptype->gravity = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "clipbounce")) ptype->clipbounce = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "assoc")) { assoc = CheckAssosiation(value, pnum); //careful - this can realloc all the particle types ptype = &part_type[pnum]; ptype->assoc = assoc; } else if (!strcmp(var, "colorindex")) ptype->colorindex = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "colorrand")) ptype->colorrand = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "citracer")) ptype->citracer = true; else if (!strcmp(var, "red")) ptype->rgb[0] = atof(value)/255; else if (!strcmp(var, "green")) ptype->rgb[1] = atof(value)/255; else if (!strcmp(var, "blue")) ptype->rgb[2] = atof(value)/255; else if (!strcmp(var, "reddelta")) { ptype->rgbchange[0] = atof(value)/255; if (!ptype->rgbchangetime) ptype->rgbchangetime = ptype->die; } else if (!strcmp(var, "greendelta")) { ptype->rgbchange[1] = atof(value)/255; if (!ptype->rgbchangetime) ptype->rgbchangetime = ptype->die; } else if (!strcmp(var, "bluedelta")) { ptype->rgbchange[2] = atof(value)/255; if (!ptype->rgbchangetime) ptype->rgbchangetime = ptype->die; } else if (!strcmp(var, "rgbdeltatime")) ptype->rgbchangetime = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "redrand")) ptype->rgbrand[0] = atof(value)/255; else if (!strcmp(var, "greenrand")) ptype->rgbrand[1] = atof(value)/255; else if (!strcmp(var, "bluerand")) ptype->rgbrand[2] = atof(value)/255; else if (!strcmp(var, "rgbrandsync")) ptype->rgbrandsync[0] = ptype->rgbrandsync[1] = ptype->rgbrandsync[2] = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "redrandsync")) ptype->rgbrandsync[0] = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "greenrandsync")) ptype->rgbrandsync[1] = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "bluerandsync")) ptype->rgbrandsync[2] = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "stains")) ptype->stains = atoi(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "blend")) { if (!strcmp(value, "add")) ptype->blendmode = BM_ADD; else if (!strcmp(value, "subtract")) ptype->blendmode = BM_SUBTRACT; else ptype->blendmode = BM_MERGE; } else if (!strcmp(var, "spawnmode")) { if (!strcmp(value, "circle")) ptype->spawnmode = SM_CIRCLE; else if (!strcmp(value, "ball")) ptype->spawnmode = SM_BALL; else if (!strcmp(value, "spiral")) ptype->spawnmode = SM_SPIRAL; else if (!strcmp(value, "tracer")) ptype->spawnmode = SM_TRACER; else if (!strcmp(value, "telebox")) ptype->spawnmode = SM_TELEBOX; else if (!strcmp(value, "lavasplash")) ptype->spawnmode = SM_LAVASPLASH; else if (!strcmp(value, "uniformcircle")) ptype->spawnmode = SM_UNICIRCLE; else ptype->spawnmode = SM_BOX; } else if (!strcmp(var, "isbeam")) ptype->isbeam = true; else if (!strcmp(var, "cliptype")) { assoc = ParticleTypeForName(value);//careful - this can realloc all the particle types ptype = &part_type[pnum]; ptype->cliptype = assoc; } else if (!strcmp(var, "clipcount")) ptype->clipcount = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "emit")) { assoc = ParticleTypeForName(value);//careful - this can realloc all the particle types ptype = &part_type[pnum]; ptype->emit = assoc; } else if (!strcmp(var, "emitinterval")) ptype->emittime = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "emitintervalrand")) ptype->emitrand = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "emitstart")) ptype->emitstart = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "areaspread")) ptype->areaspread = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "areaspreadvert")) ptype->areaspreadvert = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "offsetspread")) ptype->offsetspread = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "offsetspreadvert")) ptype->offsetspreadvert = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "up")) ptype->offsetup = atof(value); else if (!strcmp(var, "rampmode")) { if (!strcmp(value, "none")) ptype->rampmode = RAMP_NONE; else if (!strcmp(value, "absolute")) ptype->rampmode = RAMP_ABSOLUTE; else //if (!strcmp(value, "delta")) ptype->rampmode = RAMP_DELTA; } else if (!strcmp(var, "rampindexlist")) { // better not use this with delta ramps... int cidx, i; i = 1; while (i <= Cmd_Argc()) { ptype->ramp = BZ_Realloc(ptype->ramp, sizeof(ramp_t)*(ptype->rampindexes+1)); cidx = atoi(Cmd_Argv(i)); ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].alpha = cidx > 255 ? 0.5 : 1; cidx = d_8to24rgbtable[cidx]; ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].rgb[0] = (cidx & 0xff) * (1/255.0); ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].rgb[1] = (cidx >> 8 & 0xff) * (1/255.0); ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].rgb[2] = (cidx >> 16 & 0xff) * (1/255.0); ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].scale = ptype->scale; ptype->rampindexes++; i++; } } else if (!strcmp(var, "rampindex")) { int cidx; ptype->ramp = BZ_Realloc(ptype->ramp, sizeof(ramp_t)*(ptype->rampindexes+1)); cidx = atoi(value); ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].alpha = cidx > 255 ? 0.5 : 1; if (Cmd_Argc() > 2) // they gave alpha ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].alpha *= atof(Cmd_Argv(2)); cidx = d_8to24rgbtable[cidx]; ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].rgb[0] = (cidx & 0xff) * (1/255.0); ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].rgb[1] = (cidx >> 8 & 0xff) * (1/255.0); ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].rgb[2] = (cidx >> 16 & 0xff) * (1/255.0); if (Cmd_Argc() > 3) // they gave scale ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].scale = atof(Cmd_Argv(3)); else ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].scale = ptype->scale; ptype->rampindexes++; } else if (!strcmp(var, "ramp")) { ptype->ramp = BZ_Realloc(ptype->ramp, sizeof(ramp_t)*(ptype->rampindexes+1)); ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].rgb[0] = atof(value)/255; if (Cmd_Argc()>3) //seperate rgb { ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].rgb[1] = atof(Cmd_Argv(2))/255; ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].rgb[2] = atof(Cmd_Argv(3))/255; if (Cmd_Argc()>4) //have we alpha and scale changes? { ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].alpha = atof(Cmd_Argv(4)); if (Cmd_Argc()>4) //have we scale changes? ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].scale = atof(Cmd_Argv(5)); else ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].scale = ptype->scaledelta; } else { ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].alpha = ptype->alpha; ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].scale = ptype->scaledelta; } } else //they only gave one value { ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].rgb[1] = ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].rgb[0]; ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].rgb[2] = ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].rgb[0]; ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].alpha = ptype->alpha; ptype->ramp[ptype->rampindexes].scale = ptype->scaledelta; } ptype->rampindexes++; } else Con_DPrintf("%s is not a recognised particle type field\n", var); } ptype->invscalefactor = 1-ptype->scalefactor; ptype->loaded = 1; if (ptype->rampmode && !ptype->ramp) { ptype->rampmode = RAMP_NONE; Con_Printf("Particle type %s has a ramp mode but no ramp\n", ptype->name); } else if (ptype->ramp && !ptype->rampmode) { Con_Printf("Particle type %s has a ramp but no ramp mode\n", ptype->name); } #ifdef RGLQUAKE if (qrenderer == QR_OPENGL) { ptype->texturenum = Mod_LoadHiResTexture(ptype->texname, true, true, true); if (!ptype->texturenum) ptype->texturenum = explosiontexture; } #endif } void R_AssosiateEffect_f (void) { char *modelname = Cmd_Argv(1); char *effectname = Cmd_Argv(2); int effectnum; model_t *model; if ( strstr(modelname, "player") || strstr(modelname, "eyes") || strstr(modelname, "flag") || strstr(modelname, "tf_stan") || strstr(modelname, ".bsp") || strstr(modelname, "turr")) { Con_Printf("Sorry: Not allowed to attach effects to model \"%s\"\n", modelname); return; } model = Mod_FindName(modelname); if (model->flags & EF_ROTATE) { Con_Printf("Sorry: You may not assosiate effects with item model \"%s\"\n", modelname); return; } effectnum = AllocateParticleType(effectname); model->particleeffect = effectnum; model->particleengulphs = atoi(Cmd_Argv(3)); R_Part_Modified(); } void R_AssosiateTrail_f (void) { char *modelname = Cmd_Argv(1); char *effectname = Cmd_Argv(2); int effectnum; model_t *model; if ( strstr(modelname, "player") || strstr(modelname, "eyes") || strstr(modelname, "flag") || strstr(modelname, "tf_stan")) { Con_Printf("Sorry, you can't assosiate trails with model \"%s\"\n", modelname); return; } model = Mod_FindName(modelname); effectnum = AllocateParticleType(effectname); model->particletrail = effectnum; model->nodefaulttrail = true; //we could have assigned the trail to a model that wasn't loaded. R_Part_Modified(); } void R_DefaultTrail (model_t *model) { if (model->nodefaulttrail == true) return; if (model->flags & EF_ROCKET) model->particletrail = rt_rocket;//q2 models do this without flags. else if (model->flags & EF_GRENADE) model->particletrail = AllocateParticleType("t_grenade"); else if (model->flags & EF_GIB) model->particletrail = AllocateParticleType("t_gib"); else if (model->flags & EF_TRACER) model->particletrail = AllocateParticleType("t_tracer"); else if (model->flags & EF_ZOMGIB) model->particletrail = AllocateParticleType("t_zomgib"); else if (model->flags & EF_TRACER2) model->particletrail = AllocateParticleType("t_tracer2"); else if (model->flags & EF_TRACER3) model->particletrail = AllocateParticleType("t_tracer3"); else if (model->flags & EF_BLOODSHOT) model->particletrail = AllocateParticleType("t_bloodshot"); else if (model->flags & EF_FIREBALL) model->particletrail = AllocateParticleType("t_fireball"); else if (model->flags & EF_ACIDBALL) model->particletrail = AllocateParticleType("t_acidball"); else if (model->flags & EF_ICE) model->particletrail = AllocateParticleType("t_ice"); else if (model->flags & EF_SPIT) model->particletrail = AllocateParticleType("t_spit"); else if (model->flags & EF_SPELL) model->particletrail = AllocateParticleType("t_spell"); else if (model->flags & EF_VORP_MISSILE) model->particletrail = AllocateParticleType("t_vorpmissile"); else if (model->flags & EF_SET_STAFF) model->particletrail = AllocateParticleType("t_setstaff"); else if (model->flags & EF_MAGICMISSILE) model->particletrail = AllocateParticleType("t_magicmissile"); else if (model->flags & EF_BONESHARD) model->particletrail = AllocateParticleType("t_boneshard"); else if (model->flags & EF_SCARAB) model->particletrail = AllocateParticleType("t_scarab"); else model->particletrail = -1; } #if _DEBUG // R_BeamInfo_f - debug junk void R_BeamInfo_f (void) { beamseg_t *bs; int i, j, k, l, m; i = 0; for (bs = free_beams; bs; bs = bs->next) i++; Con_Printf("%i free beams\n", i); for (i = 0; i < numparticletypes; i++) { m = l = k = j = 0; for (bs = part_type[i].beams; bs; bs = bs->next) { if (!bs->p) k++; if (bs->flags & BS_DEAD) l++; if (bs->flags & BS_LASTSEG) m++; j++; } if (j) Con_Printf("Type %i = %i NULL p, %i DEAD, %i LASTSEG, %i total\n", i, k, l, m, j); } } void R_PartInfo_f (void) { particle_t *p; int i, j; i = 0; for (p = free_particles; p; p = p->next) i++; Con_Printf("%i free particles\n", i); for (i = 0; i < numparticletypes; i++) { j = 0; for (p = part_type[i].particles; p; p = p->next) j++; if (j) Con_Printf("Type %i = %i total\n", i, j); } } #endif /* =============== R_InitParticles =============== */ void R_InitParticles (void) { char *particlecvargroupname = "Particle effects"; int i; if (r_numparticles) //already inited return; i = COM_CheckParm ("-particles"); if (i) { r_numparticles = (int)(Q_atoi(com_argv[i+1])); } else { r_numparticles = MAX_PARTICLES; } r_numbeams = MAX_BEAMS; particles = (particle_t *) Hunk_AllocName (r_numparticles * sizeof(particle_t), "particles"); beams = (beamseg_t *) Hunk_AllocName (r_numbeams * sizeof(beamseg_t), "beams"); Cmd_AddCommand("r_part", R_ParticleEffect_f); Cmd_AddCommand("r_effect", R_AssosiateEffect_f); Cmd_AddCommand("r_trail", R_AssosiateTrail_f); #if _DEBUG Cmd_AddCommand("r_partinfo", R_PartInfo_f); Cmd_AddCommand("r_beaminfo", R_BeamInfo_f); #endif //particles Cvar_Register(&r_particlesdesc, particlecvargroupname); Cvar_Register(&r_bouncysparks, particlecvargroupname); Cvar_Register(&r_part_rain, particlecvargroupname); Cvar_Register(&r_part_rain_quantity, particlecvargroupname); Cvar_Register(&gl_part_trifansparks, particlecvargroupname); Cvar_Register(&r_particle_tracelimit, particlecvargroupname); pt_explosion = AllocateParticleType("te_explosion"); pt_emp = AllocateParticleType("te_emp"); pt_pointfile = AllocateParticleType("te_pointfile"); pt_entityparticles = AllocateParticleType("ef_entityparticles"); pt_darkfield = AllocateParticleType("ef_darkfield"); pt_blob = AllocateParticleType("te_blob"); pt_blood = AllocateParticleType("te_blood"); pt_lightningblood = AllocateParticleType("te_lightningblood"); pt_gunshot = AllocateParticleType("te_gunshot"); pt_lavasplash = AllocateParticleType("te_lavasplash"); pt_teleportsplash = AllocateParticleType("te_teleportsplash"); rt_blastertrail = AllocateParticleType("t_blastertrail"); pt_blasterparticles = AllocateParticleType("te_blasterparticles"); pt_wizspike = AllocateParticleType("te_wizspike"); pt_knightspike = AllocateParticleType("te_knightspike"); pt_spike = AllocateParticleType("te_spike"); pt_superspike = AllocateParticleType("te_superspike"); rt_railtrail = AllocateParticleType("t_railtrail"); rt_bubbletrail = AllocateParticleType("t_bubbletrail"); rt_rocket = AllocateParticleType("t_rocket"); rt_lightning1 = AllocateParticleType("t_lightning1"); rt_lightning2 = AllocateParticleType("t_lightning2"); rt_lightning3 = AllocateParticleType("t_lightning3"); pt_superbullet = AllocateParticleType("te_superbullet"); pt_bullet = AllocateParticleType("te_bullet"); pe_default = AllocateParticleType("pe_default"); pe_size2 = AllocateParticleType("pe_size2"); pe_size3 = AllocateParticleType("pe_size3"); } /* =============== R_ClearParticles =============== */ void R_ClearParticles (void) { int i; free_particles = &particles[0]; for (i=0 ;i<r_numparticles ; i++) particles[i].next = &particles[i+1]; particles[r_numparticles-1].next = NULL; free_beams = &beams[0]; for (i=0 ;i<r_numbeams ; i++) { beams[i].p = NULL; beams[i].flags = BS_DEAD; beams[i].next = &beams[i+1]; } beams[r_numbeams-1].next = NULL; particletime = cl.time; #ifdef RGLQUAKE if (qrenderer == QR_OPENGL) { for (i = 0; i < numparticletypes; i++) { if (*part_type[i].texname) { part_type[i].texturenum = Mod_LoadHiResTexture(part_type[i].texname, true, true, true); if (!part_type[i].texturenum) part_type[i].texturenum = explosiontexture; } } } #endif for (i = 0; i < numparticletypes; i++) { part_type[i].particles = NULL; part_type[i].beams = NULL; part_type[i].skytris = NULL; } } void R_Part_NewServer(void) { extern model_t mod_known[]; extern int mod_numknown; model_t *mod; int i; for (i = 0; i < numparticletypes; i++) { *part_type[i].texname = '\0'; part_type[i].scale = 0; part_type[i].loaded = 0; if (part_type->ramp) BZ_Free(part_type->ramp); part_type->ramp = NULL; } for (i=0 , mod=mod_known ; i<mod_numknown ; i++, mod++) { mod->particleeffect = -1; mod->particletrail = -1; mod->nodefaulttrail = false; R_DefaultTrail(mod); } f_modified_particles = false; //particle descriptions submitted by the server are deemed to not be cheats but game configs. if (!stricmp(r_particlesdesc.string, "none")) return; else if (!stricmp(r_particlesdesc.string, "faithful") || !*r_particlesdesc.string) Cbuf_AddText(particle_set_faithful, RESTRICT_SERVER); else if (!stricmp(r_particlesdesc.string, "spikeset")) Cbuf_AddText(particle_set_spikeset, RESTRICT_SERVER); else if (!stricmp(r_particlesdesc.string, "highfps")) Cbuf_AddText(particle_set_highfps, RESTRICT_SERVER); else { Cbuf_AddText(va("exec %s.cfg\n", r_particlesdesc.string), RESTRICT_LOCAL); /*#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(WIN32) //expand the particles cfg into a C style quoted string, and copy to clipboard so I can paste it in. { char *TL_ExpandToCString(char *in); extern HWND mainwindow; char *file = COM_LoadTempFile(va("%s.cfg", r_particlesdesc.string)); char *lptstrCopy, *buf, temp; int len; HANDLE hglbCopy = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, com_filesize*2); lptstrCopy = GlobalLock(hglbCopy); while(file && *file) { len = strlen(file)+1; if (len > 1024) len = 1024; temp = file[len-1]; file[len-1] = '\0'; buf = TL_ExpandToCString(file); file[len-1] = temp; len-=1; com_filesize -= len; file+=len; len = strlen(buf); memcpy(lptstrCopy, buf, len); lptstrCopy+=len; } *lptstrCopy = '\0'; GlobalUnlock(hglbCopy); if (!OpenClipboard(mainwindow)) return; EmptyClipboard(); SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, hglbCopy); CloseClipboard(); } #endif*/ } } void R_ReadPointFile_f (void) { FILE *f; vec3_t org; int r; int c; char name[MAX_OSPATH]; COM_StripExtension(cl.worldmodel->name, name); strcat(name, ".pts"); COM_FOpenFile (name, &f); if (!f) { Con_Printf ("couldn't open %s\n", name); return; } R_ClearParticles(); Con_Printf ("Reading %s...\n", name); c = 0; for ( ;; ) { r = fscanf (f,"%f %f %f\n", &org[0], &org[1], &org[2]); if (r != 3) break; c++; if (c%8) continue; if (!free_particles) { Con_Printf ("Not enough free particles\n"); break; } R_RunParticleEffectType(org, NULL, 1, pt_pointfile); } fclose (f); Con_Printf ("%i points read\n", c); } void R_AddRainParticles(void) { float x; float y; static float skipped; static float lastrendered; int ptype; vec3_t org, vdist; skytris_t *st; if (!r_part_rain.value || !r_part_rain_quantity.value) { skipped = true; return; } if (lastrendered < particletime - 0.5) skipped = true; //we've gone for half a sec without any new rain. This would cause some strange effects, so reset times. if (skipped) { for (ptype = 0; ptype<numparticletypes; ptype++) { for (st = part_type[ptype].skytris; st; st = st->next) { st->nexttime = particletime; } } } skipped = false; lastrendered = particletime; /* { int i; glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); st = skytris; for (i = 0; i < r_part_rain_quantity.value; i++) st = st->next; glVertex3f(st->org[0], st->org[1], st->org[2]); glVertex3f(st->org[0]+st->x[0], st->org[1]+st->x[1], st->org[2]+st->x[2]); glVertex3f(st->org[0]+st->y[0], st->org[1]+st->y[1], st->org[2]+st->y[2]); glEnd(); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); glBegin(GL_POINTS); for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { x = frandom()*frandom(); y = frandom() * (1-x); VectorMA(st->org, x, st->x, org); VectorMA(org, y, st->y, org); glVertex3f(org[0], org[1], org[2]); } glEnd(); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } */ for (ptype = 0; ptype<numparticletypes; ptype++) { if (!part_type[ptype].loaded) //woo, batch skipping. continue; for (st = part_type[ptype].skytris; st; st = st->next) { // if (st->face->visframe != r_framecount) // continue; while (st->nexttime < particletime) { if (!free_particles) return; st->nexttime += 10000/(st->area*r_part_rain_quantity.value); x = frandom()*frandom(); y = frandom() * (1-x); VectorMA(st->org, x, st->x, org); VectorMA(org, y, st->y, org); VectorSubtract(org, r_refdef.vieworg, vdist); if (Length(vdist) > (1024+512)*frandom()) continue; if (!(cl.worldmodel->hulls->funcs.HullPointContents(cl.worldmodel->hulls, org) & FTECONTENTS_SOLID)) { if (st->face->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK) { vdist[0] = -st->face->plane->normal[0]; vdist[1] = -st->face->plane->normal[1]; vdist[2] = -st->face->plane->normal[2]; R_RunParticleEffectType(org, vdist, 1, ptype); } else R_RunParticleEffectType(org, st->face->plane->normal, 1, ptype); } } } } } void R_Part_SkyTri(float *v1, float *v2, float *v3, msurface_t *surf) { float dot; float xm; float ym; float theta; vec3_t xd; vec3_t yd; skytris_t *st; st = Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(skytris_t)); st->next = part_type[surf->texinfo->texture->parttype].skytris; VectorCopy(v1, st->org); VectorSubtract(v2, st->org, st->x); VectorSubtract(v3, st->org, st->y); VectorCopy(st->x, xd); VectorCopy(st->y, yd); /* xd[2] = 0; //prevent area from being valid on vertical surfaces yd[2] = 0; */ xm = Length(xd); ym = Length(yd); dot = DotProduct(xd, yd); theta = acos(dot/(xm*ym)); st->area = sin(theta)*xm*ym; st->nexttime = particletime; st->face = surf; if (st->area<=0) return;//bummer. part_type[surf->texinfo->texture->parttype].skytris = st; } void R_EmitSkyEffectTris(model_t *mod, msurface_t *fa) { vec3_t verts[64]; int v1; int v2; int v3; int numverts; int i, lindex; float *vec; // // convert edges back to a normal polygon // numverts = 0; for (i=0 ; i<fa->numedges ; i++) { lindex = mod->surfedges[fa->firstedge + i]; if (lindex > 0) vec = mod->vertexes[mod->edges[lindex].v[0]].position; else vec = mod->vertexes[mod->edges[-lindex].v[1]].position; VectorCopy (vec, verts[numverts]); numverts++; if (numverts>=64) { Con_Printf("Too many verts on sky surface\n"); return; } } v1 = 0; v2 = 1; for (v3 = 2; v3 < numverts; v3++) { R_Part_SkyTri(verts[v1], verts[v2], verts[v3], fa); v2 = v3; } } void R_DarkFieldParticles (float *org, qbyte colour) { int i, j, k; vec3_t dir, norg; for (i=-16 ; i<16 ; i+=8) for (j=-16 ; j<16 ; j+=8) for (k=0 ; k<32 ; k+=8) { if (!free_particles) return; norg[0] = org[0] + i + (rand()&3); norg[1] = org[1] + j + (rand()&3); norg[2] = org[2] + k + (rand()&3); dir[0] = j; dir[1] = i; dir[2] = k; R_RunParticleEffectType(norg, dir, 1, pt_darkfield); } } /* =============== R_EntityParticles =============== */ #define NUMVERTEXNORMALS 162 float r_avertexnormals[NUMVERTEXNORMALS][3] = { #include "anorms.h" }; vec3_t avelocities[NUMVERTEXNORMALS]; float beamlength = 16; vec3_t avelocity = {23, 7, 3}; float partstep = 0.01; float timescale = 0.01; void R_EntityParticles (float *org, qbyte colour, float *radius) { int count; int i; float angle; float sr, sp, sy, cr, cp, cy; vec3_t forward, norg; count = 50; if (!avelocities[0][0]) { for (i=0 ; i<NUMVERTEXNORMALS*3 ; i++) avelocities[0][i] = (rand()&255) * 0.01; } for (i=0 ; i<NUMVERTEXNORMALS ; i++) //fixme: make selectable spawnmode. { if (!free_particles) return; angle = cl.time * avelocities[i][0]; sy = sin(angle); cy = cos(angle); angle = cl.time * avelocities[i][1]; sp = sin(angle); cp = cos(angle); angle = cl.time * avelocities[i][2]; sr = sin(angle); cr = cos(angle); forward[0] = cp*cy; forward[1] = cp*sy; forward[2] = -sp; norg[0] = org[0] + r_avertexnormals[i][0]*radius[0] + forward[0]*beamlength; norg[1] = org[1] + r_avertexnormals[i][1]*radius[1] + forward[1]*beamlength; norg[2] = org[2] + r_avertexnormals[i][2]*radius[2] + forward[2]*beamlength; R_RunParticleEffectType(norg, forward, 1, pt_entityparticles); } } /* =============== R_ParticleExplosion =============== */ void R_ParticleExplosion (vec3_t org) { // int i, j; // particle_t *p; R_RunParticleEffectType(org, NULL, 1, pt_explosion); R_AddStain(org, -1, -1, -1, 100); /* for (i=0 ; i<r_particles_in_explosion.value ; i++) { if (!free_particles) return; if ((rand()&3)==3) { p = free_particles; free_particles = p->next; p->next = active_sparks; active_sparks = p; p->scale = 1; p->alpha = 0.8 + (rand()&15)/(15.0*5); p->die = particletime + 7; p->color = ramp1[0]; p->ramp = rand()&3; if (i & 1) { p->type = st_shrapnal; for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) { p->org[j] = org[j];// + ((rand()%32)-16); p->vel[j] = ((rand()%512)-256)*r_particle_explosion_speed.value; } } else { p->type = pt_grav; for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) { p->org[j] = org[j];// + ((rand()%32)-16); p->vel[j] = ((rand()%512)-256)*r_particle_explosion_speed.value; } } } else { p = free_particles; free_particles = p->next; p->next = active_sparks; active_sparks = p; p->scale = 1; p->alpha = 0.8; p->die = particletime + 7; p->color = ramp1[0]; p->ramp = rand()&3; if (i & 1) { p->type = st_shrapnal; for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) { p->org[j] = org[j];// + ((rand()%32)-16); p->vel[j] = ((rand()%512)-256)*r_particle_explosion_speed.value; } } else { p->type = st_shrapnal; for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) { p->org[j] = org[j];// + ((rand()%32)-16); p->vel[j] = ((rand()%512)-256)*r_particle_explosion_speed.value; } } } }*/ } /* =============== R_BlobExplosion =============== */ void R_BlobExplosion (vec3_t org) { R_RunParticleEffectType(org, NULL, 1, pt_blob); } int R_RunParticleEffectType (vec3_t org, vec3_t dir, float count, int typenum) { part_type_t *ptype = &part_type[typenum]; int i, j, k, l; float m; particle_t *p; beamseg_t *b, *bfirst; vec3_t ofsvec, arsvec; // offsetspread vec, areaspread vec if (typenum < 0) return 1; if (!ptype->loaded) return 1; // get msvc to shut up j = k = l = 0; m = 0; while(ptype) { // init spawn specific variables b = bfirst = NULL; switch (ptype->spawnmode) { case SM_UNICIRCLE: m = (count*ptype->count); if (ptype->isbeam) m--; if (m < 1) m = 0; else m = (M_PI*2)/m; break; case SM_TELEBOX: l = -ptype->areaspreadvert; case SM_LAVASPLASH: j = k = -ptype->areaspread; break; } // particle spawning loop for (i = 0; i < count*ptype->count; i++) { if (!free_particles) break; p = free_particles; if (ptype->isbeam) { if (!free_beams) break; if (b) { b = b->next = free_beams; free_beams = free_beams->next; } else { b = bfirst = free_beams; free_beams = free_beams->next; } b->texture_s = i; // TODO: FIX THIS NUMBER b->flags = 0; b->p = p; VectorClear(b->dir); } free_particles = p->next; p->next = ptype->particles; ptype->particles = p; p->die = ptype->randdie*frandom(); p->scale = ptype->scale+ptype->randscale*frandom(); if (ptype->die) p->alpha = ptype->alpha-p->die*(ptype->alpha/ptype->die)*ptype->alphachange; else p->alpha = ptype->alpha; p->color = 0; p->nextemit = particletime + ptype->emitstart - p->die; p->rotationspeed = ptype->rotationmin + frandom()*ptype->rotationrand; p->angle = ptype->rotationstartmin + frandom()*ptype->rotationstartrand; if (ptype->colorindex >= 0) { int cidx; cidx = ptype->colorrand > 0 ? rand() % ptype->colorrand : 0; cidx = ptype->colorindex + cidx; if (cidx > 255) p->alpha = p->alpha / 2; // Hexen 2 style transparency cidx = d_8to24rgbtable[cidx & 0xff]; p->rgb[0] = (cidx & 0xff) * (1/255.0); p->rgb[1] = (cidx >> 8 & 0xff) * (1/255.0); p->rgb[2] = (cidx >> 16 & 0xff) * (1/255.0); } else VectorCopy(ptype->rgb, p->rgb); // use org temporarily for rgbsync p->org[2] = frandom(); p->org[0] = p->org[2]*ptype->rgbrandsync[0] + frandom()*(1-ptype->rgbrandsync[0]); p->org[1] = p->org[2]*ptype->rgbrandsync[1] + frandom()*(1-ptype->rgbrandsync[1]); p->org[2] = p->org[2]*ptype->rgbrandsync[2] + frandom()*(1-ptype->rgbrandsync[2]); p->rgb[0] += p->org[0]*ptype->rgbrand[0] + ptype->rgbchange[0]*p->die; p->rgb[1] += p->org[1]*ptype->rgbrand[1] + ptype->rgbchange[1]*p->die; p->rgb[2] += p->org[2]*ptype->rgbrand[2] + ptype->rgbchange[2]*p->die; // randomvel p->vel[0] = crandom()*ptype->randomvel; p->vel[1] = crandom()*ptype->randomvel; p->vel[2] = crandom()*ptype->randomvelvert; // handle spawn modes (org/vel) switch (ptype->spawnmode) { case SM_BOX: ofsvec[0] = crandom(); ofsvec[1] = crandom(); ofsvec[2] = crandom(); arsvec[0] = ofsvec[0]*ptype->areaspread; arsvec[1] = ofsvec[1]*ptype->areaspread; arsvec[2] = ofsvec[2]*ptype->areaspreadvert; break; case SM_TELEBOX: ofsvec[0] = k; ofsvec[1] = j; ofsvec[2] = l+4; VectorNormalize(ofsvec); VectorScale(ofsvec, 1.0-(frandom())*0.55752, ofsvec); // org is just like the original arsvec[0] = j + (rand()&3); arsvec[1] = k + (rand()&3); arsvec[2] = l + (rand()&3); // advance telebox loop j += 4; if (j >= ptype->areaspread) { j = -ptype->areaspread; k += 4; if (k >= ptype->areaspread) { k = -ptype->areaspread; l += 4; if (l >= ptype->areaspreadvert) l = -ptype->areaspreadvert; } } break; case SM_LAVASPLASH: // calc directions, org with temp vector ofsvec[0] = k*8 + (rand()&7); ofsvec[1] = j*8 + (rand()&7); ofsvec[2] = 256; arsvec[0] = ofsvec[0]; arsvec[1] = ofsvec[1]; arsvec[2] = frandom()*ptype->areaspreadvert; VectorNormalize(ofsvec); VectorScale(ofsvec, 1.0-(frandom())*0.55752, ofsvec); // advance splash loop j++; if (j >= ptype->areaspread) { j = -ptype->areaspread; k++; if (k >= ptype->areaspread) k = -ptype->areaspread; } break; case SM_UNICIRCLE: ofsvec[0] = cos(m*i); ofsvec[1] = sin(m*i); ofsvec[2] = 0; VectorScale(ofsvec, ptype->areaspread, arsvec); break; default: // SM_BALL, SM_CIRCLE ofsvec[0] = hrandom(); ofsvec[1] = hrandom(); if (ptype->areaspreadvert) ofsvec[2] = hrandom(); else ofsvec[2] = 0; VectorNormalize(ofsvec); if (ptype->spawnmode != SM_CIRCLE) VectorScale(ofsvec, frandom(), ofsvec); arsvec[0] = ofsvec[0]*ptype->areaspread; arsvec[1] = ofsvec[1]*ptype->areaspread; arsvec[2] = ofsvec[2]*ptype->areaspreadvert; break; } // apply arsvec+ofsvec if (dir) { p->vel[0] += dir[0]*ptype->veladd+ofsvec[0]*ptype->offsetspread; p->vel[1] += dir[1]*ptype->veladd+ofsvec[1]*ptype->offsetspread; p->vel[2] += dir[2]*ptype->veladd+ofsvec[2]*ptype->offsetspreadvert; } else { p->vel[0] += ofsvec[0]*ptype->offsetspread; p->vel[1] += ofsvec[1]*ptype->offsetspread; p->vel[2] += ofsvec[2]*ptype->offsetspreadvert - ptype->veladd; } p->org[0] = org[0] + arsvec[0]; p->org[1] = org[1] + arsvec[1]; p->org[2] = org[2] + arsvec[2] + ptype->offsetup; p->die = particletime + ptype->die - p->die; } // update beam list if (ptype->isbeam) { if (b) { // update dir for bfirst for certain modes since it will never get updated switch (ptype->spawnmode) { case SM_UNICIRCLE: // kinda hackish here, assuming ofsvec contains the point at i-1 arsvec[0] = cos(m*(i-2)); arsvec[1] = sin(m*(i-2)); arsvec[2] = 0; VectorSubtract(ofsvec, arsvec, bfirst->dir); VectorNormalize(bfirst->dir); break; } b->flags |= BS_NODRAW; b->next = ptype->beams; ptype->beams = bfirst; } } // go to next associated effect if (ptype->assoc < 0) break; ptype = &part_type[ptype->assoc]; } return 0; } /* =============== R_RunParticleEffect =============== */ void R_RunParticleEffect (vec3_t org, vec3_t dir, int color, int count) { int ptype; #if 0 if (color == 73) { //blood R_RunParticleEffectType(org, dir, count, pt_blood); return; } if (color == 225) { //lightning blood //a brighter red... R_RunParticleEffectType(org, dir, count, pt_lightningblood); return; } if (color == 0) { //lightning blood R_RunParticleEffectType(org, dir, count, pt_gunshot); return; } #endif ptype = FindParticleType(va("pe_%i", color)); if (R_RunParticleEffectType(org, dir, count, ptype)) { if (count > 130 && part_type[pe_size3].loaded) { part_type[pe_size3].colorindex = color & ~0x7; part_type[pe_size3].colorrand = 8; R_RunParticleEffectType(org, dir, count, pe_size3); return; } if (count > 20 && part_type[pe_size2].loaded) { part_type[pe_size2].colorindex = color & ~0x7; part_type[pe_size2].colorrand = 8; R_RunParticleEffectType(org, dir, count, pe_size2); return; } part_type[pe_default].colorindex = color & ~0x7; part_type[pe_default].colorrand = 8; R_RunParticleEffectType(org, dir, count, pe_default); return; } } //h2 stylie void R_RunParticleEffect2 (vec3_t org, vec3_t dmin, vec3_t dmax, int color, int effect, int count) { int i, j; float num; vec3_t nvel; int ptype = FindParticleType(va("pe2_%i_%i", effect, color)); if (ptype < 0) return; for (i=0 ; i<count ; i++) { if (!free_particles) return; for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) { num = rand() / (float)RAND_MAX; nvel[j] = dmin[j] + ((dmax[j] - dmin[j]) * num); } R_RunParticleEffectType(org, nvel, 1, ptype); } } /* =============== R_RunParticleEffect3 =============== */ //h2 stylie void R_RunParticleEffect3 (vec3_t org, vec3_t box, int color, int effect, int count) { int i, j; vec3_t nvel; float num; int ptype = FindParticleType(va("pe3_%i_%i", effect, color)); if (ptype < 0) return; for (i=0 ; i<count ; i++) { if (!free_particles) return; for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) { num = rand() / (float)RAND_MAX; nvel[j] = (box[j] * num * 2) - box[j]; } R_RunParticleEffectType(org, nvel, 1, ptype); } } /* =============== R_RunParticleEffect4 =============== */ //h2 stylie void R_RunParticleEffect4 (vec3_t org, float radius, int color, int effect, int count) { int i, j; vec3_t nvel; float num; int ptype = FindParticleType(va("pe4_%i_%i", effect, color)); if (ptype < 0) return; for (i=0 ; i<count ; i++) { if (!free_particles) return; for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) { num = rand() / (float)RAND_MAX; nvel[j] = (radius * num * 2) - radius; } R_RunParticleEffectType(org, nvel, 1, ptype); } } /* =============== R_LavaSplash =============== */ void R_LavaSplash (vec3_t org) { R_RunParticleEffectType(org, NULL, 1, pt_lavasplash); } /* =============== R_TeleportSplash =============== */ void R_TeleportSplash (vec3_t org) { R_RunParticleEffectType(org, NULL, 1, pt_teleportsplash); } void CLQ2_BlasterTrail (vec3_t start, vec3_t end) { R_RocketTrail(start, end, rt_blastertrail, NULL); } void R_BlasterParticles (vec3_t start, vec3_t dir) { R_RunParticleEffectType(start, dir, 1, pt_blasterparticles); } void MakeNormalVectors (vec3_t forward, vec3_t right, vec3_t up) { float d; // this rotate and negat guarantees a vector // not colinear with the original right[1] = -forward[0]; right[2] = forward[1]; right[0] = forward[2]; d = DotProduct (right, forward); VectorMA (right, -d, forward, right); VectorNormalize (right); CrossProduct (right, forward, up); } void CLQ2_RailTrail (vec3_t start, vec3_t end) { R_RocketTrail(start, end, rt_railtrail, NULL); } int R_RocketTrail (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int type, trailstate_t *ts) { vec3_t vec, right, up; float len; int tcount; particle_t *p; part_type_t *ptype = &part_type[type]; beamseg_t *b; beamseg_t *bfirst; float veladd = -ptype->veladd; float randvel = ptype->randomvel; float step; float stop; if (!ptype->loaded) return 1; if (ptype->assoc>=0) { VectorCopy(start, vec); if (ts) { trailstate_t nts; memcpy(&nts, ts, sizeof(nts)); R_RocketTrail(vec, end, ptype->assoc, &nts); } else R_RocketTrail(vec, end, ptype->assoc, NULL); } else if (!ptype->die) ts = NULL; step = 1/ptype->count; if (step < 0.01) step = 0.01; VectorSubtract (end, start, vec); len = VectorNormalize (vec); // add offset start[2] += ptype->offsetup; if (ptype->spawnmode == SM_SPIRAL) { VectorVectors(vec, right, up); //nice idea, stops areaspread/offsetspread being so seperate. // VectorScale(right, ptype->offsetspread, right); // VectorScale(up, ptype->offsetspread, up); } if (ts) { stop = ts->lastdist + len; //when to stop len = ts->lastdist; } else { stop = len; len = 0; } // len = ts->lastdist/step; // len = (len - (int)len)*step; // VectorMA (start, -len, vec, start); b = bfirst = NULL; while (len < stop) { len += step; if (!free_particles) { len = stop; break; } p = free_particles; if (ptype->isbeam) { if (!free_beams) { len = stop; break; } if (b) { b = b->next = free_beams; free_beams = free_beams->next; } else { b = bfirst = free_beams; free_beams = free_beams->next; } b->texture_s = len; // not sure how to calc this b->flags = 0; b->p = p; VectorCopy(vec, b->dir); } free_particles = p->next; p->next = ptype->particles; ptype->particles = p; p->die = ptype->randdie*frandom(); p->scale = ptype->scale+ptype->randscale*frandom(); if (ptype->die) p->alpha = ptype->alpha-p->die*(ptype->alpha/ptype->die)*ptype->alphachange; else p->alpha = ptype->alpha; p->color = 0; // if (ptype->spawnmode == SM_TRACER) tcount = (int)(len * ptype->count); if (ptype->colorindex >= 0) { int cidx; cidx = ptype->colorrand > 0 ? rand() % ptype->colorrand : 0; if (ptype->citracer) // colorindex behavior as per tracers in std Q1 cidx += ((tcount & 4) << 1); cidx = ptype->colorindex + cidx; if (cidx > 255) p->alpha = p->alpha / 2; cidx = d_8to24rgbtable[cidx & 0xff]; p->rgb[0] = (cidx & 0xff) * (1/255.0); p->rgb[1] = (cidx >> 8 & 0xff) * (1/255.0); p->rgb[2] = (cidx >> 16 & 0xff) * (1/255.0); } else VectorCopy(ptype->rgb, p->rgb); // use org temporarily for rgbsync p->org[2] = frandom(); p->org[0] = p->org[2]*ptype->rgbrandsync[0] + frandom()*(1-ptype->rgbrandsync[0]); p->org[1] = p->org[2]*ptype->rgbrandsync[1] + frandom()*(1-ptype->rgbrandsync[1]); p->org[2] = p->org[2]*ptype->rgbrandsync[2] + frandom()*(1-ptype->rgbrandsync[2]); p->rgb[0] += p->org[0]*ptype->rgbrand[0] + ptype->rgbchange[0]*p->die; p->rgb[1] += p->org[1]*ptype->rgbrand[1] + ptype->rgbchange[1]*p->die; p->rgb[2] += p->org[2]*ptype->rgbrand[2] + ptype->rgbchange[2]*p->die; VectorCopy (vec3_origin, p->vel); p->nextemit = particletime + ptype->emitstart - p->die; p->rotationspeed = ptype->rotationmin + frandom()*ptype->rotationrand; p->angle = ptype->rotationstartmin + frandom()*ptype->rotationstartrand; switch(ptype->spawnmode) { case SM_TRACER: if (tcount & 1) { p->vel[0] = vec[1]*ptype->offsetspread; p->vel[1] = -vec[0]*ptype->offsetspread; p->org[0] = vec[1]*ptype->areaspread; p->org[1] = -vec[0]*ptype->areaspread; } else { p->vel[0] = -vec[1]*ptype->offsetspread; p->vel[1] = vec[0]*ptype->offsetspread; p->org[0] = -vec[1]*ptype->areaspread; p->org[1] = vec[0]*ptype->areaspread; } p->vel[0] += vec[0]*veladd+crandom()*randvel; p->vel[1] += vec[1]*veladd+crandom()*randvel; p->vel[2] = vec[2]*veladd+crandom()*randvel; p->org[0] += start[0]; p->org[1] += start[1]; p->org[2] = start[2]; break; case SM_SPIRAL: { float tsin, tcos; tcos = cos(len/50)*ptype->areaspread; tsin = sin(len/50)*ptype->areaspread; p->org[0] = start[0] + right[0]*tcos + up[0]*tsin; p->org[1] = start[1] + right[1]*tcos + up[1]*tsin; p->org[2] = start[2] + right[2]*tcos + up[2]*tsin; tcos = cos(len/50)*ptype->offsetspread; tsin = sin(len/50)*ptype->offsetspread; p->vel[0] = vec[0]*veladd+crandom()*randvel + right[0]*tcos + up[0]*tsin; p->vel[1] = vec[1]*veladd+crandom()*randvel + right[1]*tcos + up[1]*tsin; p->vel[2] = vec[2]*veladd+crandom()*randvel + right[2]*tcos + up[2]*tsin; } break; default: p->org[0] = crandom(); p->org[1] = crandom(); p->org[2] = crandom(); p->vel[0] = vec[0]*veladd+crandom()*randvel + p->org[0]*ptype->offsetspread; p->vel[1] = vec[1]*veladd+crandom()*randvel + p->org[1]*ptype->offsetspread; p->vel[2] = vec[2]*veladd+crandom()*randvel + p->org[2]*ptype->offsetspreadvert; p->org[0] = p->org[0]*ptype->areaspread + start[0]; p->org[1] = p->org[1]*ptype->areaspread + start[1]; p->org[2] = p->org[2]*ptype->areaspreadvert + start[2]; break; } VectorMA (start, step, vec, start); p->die = particletime + ptype->die - p->die; } if (ts) { ts->lastdist = len; // update beamseg list if (ptype->isbeam) { if (b) { if (ptype->beams) { if (ts->lastbeam) { b->next = ts->lastbeam->next; ts->lastbeam->next = bfirst; ts->lastbeam->flags &= ~BS_LASTSEG; } else { b->next = ptype->beams; ptype->beams = bfirst; } } else { ptype->beams = bfirst; b->next = NULL; } b->flags |= BS_LASTSEG; ts->lastbeam = b; } if ((!free_particles || !free_beams) && ts->lastbeam) { ts->lastbeam->flags &= ~BS_LASTSEG; ts->lastbeam->flags |= BS_NODRAW; ts->lastbeam = NULL; } } } else if (ptype->isbeam) { if (b) { b->flags |= BS_NODRAW; b->next = ptype->beams; ptype->beams = bfirst; } } return 0; } void R_TorchEffect (vec3_t pos, int type) { #ifdef SIDEVIEWS if (r_secondaryview) //this is called when the models are actually drawn. return; #endif if (cl.paused) return; R_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, host_frametime, type); } void CLQ2_BubbleTrail (vec3_t start, vec3_t end) { R_RocketTrail(start, end, rt_bubbletrail, NULL); } #ifdef Q2BSPS qboolean Q2TraceLineN (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t impact, vec3_t normal) { vec3_t nul = {0,0,0}; trace_t trace = CM_BoxTrace(start, end, nul, nul, pmove.physents[0].model->hulls[0].firstclipnode, MASK_SOLID); if (trace.fraction < 1) { VectorCopy (trace.plane.normal, normal); VectorCopy (trace.endpos, impact); return true; } return false; } #endif qboolean DoomTraceLineN (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t impact, vec3_t normal) { return false; } #if 1 //extra code to make em bounce of doors. qboolean TraceLineN (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t impact, vec3_t normal) { trace_t trace; float len, bestlen; int i; vec3_t delta, ts, te; physent_t *pe; hull_t *hull; qboolean clipped=false; memset (&trace, 0, sizeof(trace)); VectorSubtract(end, start, delta); bestlen = Length(delta); VectorCopy (end, impact); for (i=0 ; i< pmove.numphysent ; i++) { pe = &pmove.physents[i]; if (pe->model) { hull = &pe->model->hulls[0]; memset (&trace, 0, sizeof(trace)); VectorSubtract(start, pe->origin, ts); VectorSubtract(end, pe->origin, te); if (!hull->funcs.RecursiveHullCheck (hull, hull->firstclipnode, 0, 1, ts, te, &trace)) { VectorSubtract(trace.endpos, ts, delta); len = Length(delta); if (len < bestlen) { bestlen = len; VectorCopy (trace.plane.normal, normal); VectorAdd (pe->origin, trace.endpos, impact); } clipped=true; } if (trace.startsolid) { VectorNormalize(delta); normal[0] = -delta[0]; normal[1] = -delta[1]; normal[2] = -delta[2]; VectorCopy (start, impact); return true; } } } if (clipped) { return true; } else { return false; } } #else //basic (faster) qboolean TraceLineN (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t impact, vec3_t normal) { pmtrace_t trace; memset (&trace, 0, sizeof(trace)); trace.fraction = 1; if (cl.worldmodel->hulls->funcs.RecursiveHullCheck (cl.worldmodel->hulls, 0, 0, 1, start, end, &trace)) return false; if (trace.startsolid) return true; VectorCopy (trace.endpos, impact); VectorCopy (trace.plane.normal, normal); return true; } #endif part_type_t *lasttype; static vec3_t pright, pup; float pframetime; #ifdef RGLQUAKE void GL_DrawTexturedParticle(particle_t *p, part_type_t *type) { float x,y; float scale; if (lasttype != type) { if (type-part_type>=numparticletypes||type-part_type<0) //FIXME:! Work out why this is needed... { Con_Printf("Serious bug alert\n"); return; } lasttype = type; glEnd(); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); GL_Bind(type->texturenum); if (type->blendmode == BM_ADD) //addative glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE); // else if (type->blendmode == BM_SUBTRACT) //subtractive // glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); else glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glShadeModel(GL_FLAT); glBegin(GL_QUADS); } scale = (p->org[0] - r_origin[0])*vpn[0] + (p->org[1] - r_origin[1])*vpn[1] + (p->org[2] - r_origin[2])*vpn[2]; scale = (scale*p->scale)*(type->invscalefactor) + p->scale * (type->scalefactor*250); if (scale < 20) scale = 0.25; else scale = 0.25 + scale * 0.001; glColor4f ( p->rgb[0], p->rgb[1], p->rgb[2], p->alpha); if (p->angle) { x = sin(p->angle)*scale; y = cos(p->angle)*scale; } else { x = 0; y = scale; } glTexCoord2f(0,0); glVertex3f (p->org[0] - x*pright[0] - y*pup[0], p->org[1] - x*pright[1] - y*pup[1], p->org[2] - x*pright[2] - y*pup[2]); glTexCoord2f(0,1); glVertex3f (p->org[0] - y*pright[0] + x*pup[0], p->org[1] - y*pright[1] + x*pup[1], p->org[2] - y*pright[2] + x*pup[2]); glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex3f (p->org[0] + x*pright[0] + y*pup[0], p->org[1] + x*pright[1] + y*pup[1], p->org[2] + x*pright[2] + y*pup[2]); glTexCoord2f(1,0); glVertex3f (p->org[0] + y*pright[0] - x*pup[0], p->org[1] + y*pright[1] - x*pup[1], p->org[2] + y*pright[2] - x*pup[2]); } void GL_DrawTrifanParticle(particle_t *p, part_type_t *type) { int i; vec3_t v; float scale; if (lasttype != type) { lasttype = type; glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); if (type->blendmode == BM_ADD) //addative glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE); // else if (type->blendmode == BM_SUBTRACT) //subtractive // glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); else glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); } glEnd(); scale = (p->org[0] - r_origin[0])*vpn[0] + (p->org[1] - r_origin[1])*vpn[1] + (p->org[2] - r_origin[2])*vpn[2]; scale = (scale*p->scale)*(type->invscalefactor) + p->scale * (type->scalefactor*250); if (scale < 20) scale = 0.05; else scale = 0.05 + scale * 0.0002; /* if ((p->vel[0]*p->vel[0]+p->vel[1]*p->vel[1]+p->vel[2]*p->vel[2])*2*scale > 30*30) scale = 1+1/30/Length(p->vel)*2;*/ glBegin (GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); glColor4f ( p->rgb[0], p->rgb[1], p->rgb[2], p->alpha); glVertex3fv (p->org); glColor4f ( p->rgb[0]/2, p->rgb[1]/2, p->rgb[2]/2, 0); for (i=7 ; i>=0 ; i--) { v[0] = p->org[0] - p->vel[0]*scale + vright[0]*cost[i%7]*p->scale + vup[0]*sint[i%7]*p->scale; v[1] = p->org[1] - p->vel[1]*scale + vright[1]*cost[i%7]*p->scale + vup[1]*sint[i%7]*p->scale; v[2] = p->org[2] - p->vel[2]*scale + vright[2]*cost[i%7]*p->scale + vup[2]*sint[i%7]*p->scale; glVertex3fv (v); } glEnd (); glBegin (GL_LINES); } void GL_DrawSparkedParticle(particle_t *p, part_type_t *type) { if (lasttype != type) { lasttype = type; glEnd(); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); GL_Bind(type->texturenum); if (type->blendmode == BM_ADD) //addative glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE); // else if (type->blendmode == BM_SUBTRACT) //subtractive // glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); else glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); glBegin(GL_LINES); } glColor4f ( p->rgb[0], p->rgb[1], p->rgb[2], p->alpha); glVertex3f (p->org[0], p->org[1], p->org[2]); glColor4f ( p->rgb[0], p->rgb[1], p->rgb[2], 0); glVertex3f (p->org[0]-p->vel[0]/10, p->org[1]-p->vel[1]/10, p->org[2]-p->vel[2]/10); } void GL_DrawParticleBeam_Textured(beamseg_t *b, part_type_t *type) { vec3_t v, point; vec3_t cr; beamseg_t *c; particle_t *p; particle_t *q; float ts; // if (!b->next) // return; c = b->next; q = c->p; // if (!q) // return; p = b->p; // if (!p) // return; if (lasttype != type) { lasttype = type; glEnd(); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); GL_Bind(type->texturenum); if (type->blendmode == BM_ADD) //addative glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE); // else if (type->blendmode == BM_SUBTRACT) //subtractive // glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); else glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); glBegin(GL_QUADS); } glColor4f(q->rgb[0], q->rgb[1], q->rgb[2], q->alpha); // glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); VectorSubtract(r_refdef.vieworg, q->org, v); VectorNormalize(v); CrossProduct(c->dir, v, cr); ts = (c->texture_s*type->rotationstartmin + particletime*type->rotationmin)/754; VectorMA(q->org, -q->scale, cr, point); glTexCoord2f(ts, 0); glVertex3fv(point); VectorMA(q->org, q->scale, cr, point); glTexCoord2f(ts, 1); glVertex3fv(point); glColor4f(p->rgb[0], p->rgb[1], p->rgb[2], p->alpha); VectorSubtract(r_refdef.vieworg, p->org, v); VectorNormalize(v); CrossProduct(b->dir, v, cr); // replace with old p->dir? ts = (b->texture_s*type->rotationstartmin + particletime*type->rotationmin)/754; VectorMA(p->org, p->scale, cr, point); glTexCoord2f(ts, 1); glVertex3fv(point); VectorMA(p->org, -p->scale, cr, point); glTexCoord2f(ts, 0); glVertex3fv(point); // glEnd(); } void GL_DrawParticleBeam_Untextured(beamseg_t *b, part_type_t *type) { vec3_t v; vec3_t cr; beamseg_t *c; particle_t *p; particle_t *q; vec3_t point[4]; // if (!b->next) // return; c = b->next; q = c->p; // if (!q) // return; p = b->p; // if (!p) // return; if (lasttype != type) { lasttype = type; glEnd(); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); GL_Bind(type->texturenum); if (type->blendmode == BM_ADD) //addative glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE); // else if (type->blendmode == BM_SUBTRACT) //subtractive // glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); else glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); glBegin(GL_QUADS); } // glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); VectorSubtract(r_refdef.vieworg, q->org, v); VectorNormalize(v); CrossProduct(c->dir, v, cr); VectorMA(q->org, -q->scale, cr, point[0]); VectorMA(q->org, q->scale, cr, point[1]); VectorSubtract(r_refdef.vieworg, p->org, v); VectorNormalize(v); CrossProduct(b->dir, v, cr); // replace with old p->dir? VectorMA(p->org, p->scale, cr, point[2]); VectorMA(p->org, -p->scale, cr, point[3]); //one half //back out //back in //front in //front out glColor4f(q->rgb[0], q->rgb[1], q->rgb[2], 0); glVertex3fv(point[0]); glColor4f(q->rgb[0], q->rgb[1], q->rgb[2], q->alpha); glVertex3fv(q->org); glColor4f(p->rgb[0], p->rgb[1], p->rgb[2], p->alpha); glVertex3fv(p->org); glColor4f(p->rgb[0], p->rgb[1], p->rgb[2], 0); glVertex3fv(point[3]); //front out //front in //back in //back out glColor4f(p->rgb[0], p->rgb[1], p->rgb[2], 0); glVertex3fv(point[2]); glColor4f(p->rgb[0], p->rgb[1], p->rgb[2], p->alpha); glVertex3fv(p->org); glColor4f(q->rgb[0], q->rgb[1], q->rgb[2], q->alpha); glVertex3fv(q->org); glColor4f(q->rgb[0], q->rgb[1], q->rgb[2], 0); glVertex3fv(point[1]); // glEnd(); } #endif #ifdef SWQUAKE void SWD_DrawParticleSpark(particle_t *p, part_type_t *type) { int r,g,b; //if you have a cpu with mmx, good for you... r = p->rgb[0]*255; if (r < 0) r = 0; else if (r > 255) r = 255; g = p->rgb[1]*255; if (g < 0) g = 0; else if (g > 255) g = 255; b = p->rgb[2]*255; if (b < 0) b = 0; else if (b > 255) b = 255; p->color = GetPalette(r, g, b); D_DrawSparkTrans(p); } void SWD_DrawParticleBlob(particle_t *p, part_type_t *type) { int r,g,b; //This really shouldn't be like this. Pitty the 32 bit renderer... r = p->rgb[0]*255; if (r < 0) r = 0; else if (r > 255) r = 255; g = p->rgb[1]*255; if (g < 0) g = 0; else if (g > 255) g = 255; b = p->rgb[2]*255; if (b < 0) b = 0; else if (b > 255) b = 255; p->color = GetPalette(r, g, b); D_DrawParticleTrans(p); } #endif void DrawParticleTypes (void texturedparticles(particle_t *,part_type_t*), void sparkparticles(particle_t*,part_type_t*), void beamparticlest(beamseg_t*,part_type_t*), void beamparticlesut(beamseg_t*,part_type_t*)) { qboolean (*tr) (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t impact, vec3_t normal); int i; vec3_t oldorg; vec3_t stop, normal; part_type_t *type; particle_t *p, *kill; ramp_t *ramp; float grav; vec3_t friction; float dist; particle_t *kill_list, *kill_first; beamseg_t *b, *bkill; int traces=r_particle_tracelimit.value; lasttype = NULL; pframetime = host_frametime; if (cl.paused || r_secondaryview) pframetime = 0; VectorScale (vup, 1.5, pup); VectorScale (vright, 1.5, pright); #ifdef SWQUAKE VectorScale (vright, xscaleshrink, r_pright); VectorScale (vup, yscaleshrink, r_pup); VectorCopy (vpn, r_ppn); #endif #ifdef Q2BSPS if (cl.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_quake2 || cl.worldmodel->fromgame == fg_quake3) tr = Q2TraceLineN; else #endif tr = TraceLineN; kill_list = kill_first = NULL; for (i = 0; i < numparticletypes; i++) { type = &part_type[i]; if (!type->die) { while ((p=type->particles)) { if (!type->isbeam) { if (*type->texname) RQ_AddDistReorder((void*)texturedparticles, p, type, p->org); else RQ_AddDistReorder((void*)sparkparticles, p, type, p->org); } type->particles = p->next; // p->next = free_particles; // free_particles = p; p->next = kill_list; kill_list = p; if (!kill_first) // branch here is probably faster than list traversal later kill_first = p; } if (type->beams) { b = type->beams; } while ((b=type->beams) && (b->flags & BS_DEAD)) { type->beams = b->next; b->next = free_beams; free_beams = b; } while (b) { if (!(b->flags & BS_NODRAW)) { // no BS_NODRAW implies b->next != NULL // BS_NODRAW should imply b->next == NULL or b->next->flags & BS_DEAD VectorCopy(b->next->p->org, stop); VectorCopy(b->p->org, oldorg); VectorSubtract(stop, oldorg, b->next->dir); VectorNormalize(b->next->dir); VectorAdd(stop, oldorg, stop); VectorScale(stop, 0.5, stop); if (*type->texname) RQ_AddDistReorder((void*)beamparticlest, b, type, stop); else RQ_AddDistReorder((void*)beamparticlesut, b, type, stop); } // clean up dead entries ahead of current for ( ;; ) { bkill = b->next; if (bkill && (bkill->flags & BS_DEAD)) { b->next = bkill->next; bkill->next = free_beams; free_beams = bkill; continue; } break; } b->flags |= BS_DEAD; b = b->next; } continue; } //kill off early ones. for ( ;; ) { kill = type->particles; if (kill && kill->die < particletime) { type->particles = kill->next; // kill->next = free_particles; // free_particles = kill; kill->next = kill_list; kill_list = kill; if (!kill_first) kill_first = kill; continue; } break; } grav = type->gravity*pframetime; VectorScale(type->friction, pframetime, friction); for (p=type->particles ; p ; p=p->next) { for ( ;; ) { kill = p->next; if (kill && kill->die < particletime) { p->next = kill->next; // kill->next = free_particles; // free_particles = kill; kill->next = kill_list; kill_list = kill; if (!kill_first) kill_first = kill; continue; } break; } VectorCopy(p->org, oldorg); p->org[0] += p->vel[0]*pframetime; p->org[1] += p->vel[1]*pframetime; p->org[2] += p->vel[2]*pframetime; p->vel[0] -= friction[0]*p->vel[0]; p->vel[1] -= friction[1]*p->vel[1]; p->vel[2] -= friction[2]*p->vel[2]; p->vel[2] -= grav; p->angle += p->rotationspeed*pframetime; switch (type->rampmode) { case RAMP_ABSOLUTE: ramp = type->ramp + (int)(type->rampindexes * (type->die - (p->die - particletime)) / type->die); VectorCopy(ramp->rgb, p->rgb); p->alpha = ramp->alpha; p->scale = ramp->scale; break; case RAMP_DELTA: //particle ramps ramp = type->ramp + (int)(type->rampindexes * (type->die - (p->die - particletime)) / type->die); VectorMA(p->rgb, pframetime, ramp->rgb, p->rgb); p->alpha -= pframetime*ramp->alpha; p->scale += pframetime*ramp->scale; break; case RAMP_NONE: //particle changes acording to it's preset properties. if (particletime < (p->die-type->die+type->rgbchangetime)) { p->rgb[0] += pframetime*type->rgbchange[0]; p->rgb[1] += pframetime*type->rgbchange[1]; p->rgb[2] += pframetime*type->rgbchange[2]; } p->alpha -= pframetime*(type->alpha/type->die)*type->alphachange; p->scale += pframetime*type->scaledelta; } if (type->emit >= 0) { if (type->emittime < 0) R_RocketTrail(oldorg, p->org, type->emit, NULL); else if (p->nextemit < particletime) { p->nextemit = particletime + type->emittime + frandom()*type->emitrand; R_RunParticleEffectType(p->org, p->vel, 1, type->emit); } } if (type->cliptype>=0 && r_bouncysparks.value) { if (traces-->0&&tr(oldorg, p->org, stop, normal)) { if (type->stains && r_bloodstains.value) R_AddStain(stop, p->rgb[1]*-10+p->rgb[2]*-10, p->rgb[0]*-10+p->rgb[2]*-10, p->rgb[0]*-10+p->rgb[1]*-10, 30*p->alpha); if (type->cliptype == i) { //bounce dist = DotProduct(p->vel, normal) * (-1-(rand()/(float)0x7fff)/2); VectorMA(p->vel, dist, normal, p->vel); VectorCopy(stop, p->org); p->vel[0] *= type->clipbounce; p->vel[1] *= type->clipbounce; p->vel[2] *= type->clipbounce; if (!*type->texname && Length(p->vel)<1000*pframetime && !type->isbeam) p->die = -1; } else { p->die = -1; VectorNormalize(p->vel); R_RunParticleEffectType(stop, p->vel, type->clipcount/part_type[type->cliptype].count, type->cliptype); } continue; } } else if (type->stains && r_bloodstains.value) { if (traces-->0&&tr(oldorg, p->org, stop, normal)) { R_AddStain(stop, p->rgb[1]*-10+p->rgb[2]*-10, p->rgb[0]*-10+p->rgb[2]*-10, p->rgb[0]*-10+p->rgb[1]*-10, 30*p->alpha); p->die = -1; continue; } } if (!type->isbeam) { if (*type->texname) RQ_AddDistReorder((void*)texturedparticles, p, type, p->org); else RQ_AddDistReorder((void*)sparkparticles, p, type, p->org); } } // beams are dealt with here // kill early entries for ( ;; ) { bkill = type->beams; if (bkill && (bkill->flags & BS_DEAD || bkill->p->die < particletime) && !(bkill->flags & BS_LASTSEG)) { type->beams = bkill->next; bkill->next = free_beams; free_beams = bkill; continue; } break; } b = type->beams; if (!b) continue; for ( ;; ) { if (b->next) { // mark dead entries if (b->flags & (BS_LASTSEG|BS_DEAD|BS_NODRAW)) { // kill some more dead entries for ( ;; ) { bkill = b->next; if (bkill && (bkill->flags & BS_DEAD) && !(bkill->flags & BS_LASTSEG)) { b->next = bkill->next; bkill->next = free_beams; free_beams = bkill; continue; } break; } if (!bkill) // have to check so we don't hit NULL->next continue; } else { if (!(b->next->flags & BS_DEAD)) { VectorCopy(b->next->p->org, stop); VectorCopy(b->p->org, oldorg); VectorSubtract(stop, oldorg, b->next->dir); VectorNormalize(b->next->dir); VectorAdd(stop, oldorg, stop); VectorScale(stop, 0.5, stop); if (*type->texname) RQ_AddDistReorder((void*)beamparticlest, b, type, stop); else RQ_AddDistReorder((void*)beamparticlesut, b, type, stop); } // if (b->p->die < particletime) // b->flags |= BS_DEAD; } } else { if (b->p->die < particletime) // end of the list check b->flags |= BS_DEAD; break; } if (b->p->die < particletime) b->flags |= BS_DEAD; b = b->next; } } RQ_RenderDistAndClear(); // lazy delete for particles is done here if (kill_list) { kill_first->next = free_particles; free_particles = kill_list; } particletime += pframetime; } /* =============== R_DrawParticles =============== */ void R_DrawParticles (void) { R_AddRainParticles(); #if defined(RGLQUAKE) if (qrenderer == QR_OPENGL) { glDepthMask(0); glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); glEnable (GL_BLEND); glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glBegin(GL_QUADS); if (gl_part_trifansparks.value) DrawParticleTypes(GL_DrawTexturedParticle, GL_DrawTrifanParticle, GL_DrawParticleBeam_Textured, GL_DrawParticleBeam_Untextured); else DrawParticleTypes(GL_DrawTexturedParticle, GL_DrawSparkedParticle, GL_DrawParticleBeam_Textured, GL_DrawParticleBeam_Untextured); glEnd(); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glDepthMask(1); return; } #endif #ifdef SWQUAKE if (qrenderer == QR_SOFTWARE) { D_StartParticles(); DrawParticleTypes(SWD_DrawParticleBlob, SWD_DrawParticleSpark, NULL, NULL);//SWD_DrawParticleBeam); D_EndParticles(); return; } #endif }