/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // upper design bounds #define MAX_MAP_HULLSDQ1 4 #define MAX_MAP_HULLSDH2 8 #define MAX_MAP_HULLSM 8 #define RBSP_STYLESPERSURF 4 #define Q1Q2BSP_STYLESPERSURF 4 #ifdef Q1BSPS #define MAXCPULIGHTMAPS 16 //max lightmaps mixed by the cpu (vanilla q1bsp=4, fte extensions=no real cap, must be >=MAXRLIGHTMAPS) #elif defined(Q1BSPS) #define MAXCPULIGHTMAPS Q1Q2BSP_STYLESPERSURF //max lightmaps mixed by the cpu (vanilla q1bsp=4, fte extensions=no real cap, must be >=MAXRLIGHTMAPS) #else #define MAXCPULIGHTMAPS MAXRLIGHTMAPS //max lightmaps mixed by the cpu (vanilla q1bsp=4, fte extensions=no real cap, must be >=MAXRLIGHTMAPS) #endif //#define MAX_MAP_MODELS 256 //#define MAX_MAP_BRUSHES 0x8000 //#define MAX_MAP_ENTITIES 1024 //#define MAX_MAP_ENTSTRING 65536 //FIXME: make sure that any 16bit indexes are bounded properly //FIXME: ensure that we don't get any count*size overflows #define SANITY_LIMIT(t) ((unsigned int)(0x7fffffffu/sizeof(t))) //sanity limit for the array, to ensure a 32bit value cannot overflow us. //#define SANITY_MAX_MAP_PLANES 65536*64 //sanity //#define SANITY_MAX_MAP_NODES 65536*64 //sanity //#define SANITY_MAX_MAP_CLIPNODES 65536*64 //sanity //#define MAX_MAP_LEAFS 1 //pvs buffer size. not sanity. //#define SANITY_MAX_MAP_LEAFS 65536*64 //too many leafs results in massive amounts of ram used for pvs/phs caches. //#define SANITY_MAX_MAP_VERTS 65536 //sanity //#define SANITY_MAX_MAP_FACES 65536*64 //sanity //#define MAX_MAP_MARKSURFACES 65536 //sanity //#define MAX_MAP_TEXINFO 4096 //sanity //#define MAX_MAP_EDGES 256000 //#define MAX_MAP_SURFEDGES 512000 //#define MAX_MAP_MIPTEX 0x200000 //#define MAX_MAP_LIGHTING 0x100000 //#define MAX_MAP_VISIBILITY 0x200000 #define SANITY_MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES ((~0u)/sizeof(q2cbrushside_t)) // key / value pair sizes #define MAX_KEY 32 #define MAX_VALUE 1024 //============================================================================= #define BSPVERSIONPREREL 28 #define BSPVERSION 29 //HalfLife support #define BSPVERSIONHL 30 #define BSPVERSION_LONG1 (('B' << 24) | ('S' << 16) | ('P' << 8) | '2') /*RMQ support (2PSB). 32bits instead of shorts for all but bbox sizes*/ #define BSPVERSION_LONG2 (('B' << 0) | ('S' << 8) | ('P' << 16) | ('2'<<24)) /*BSP2 support. 32bits instead of shorts for everything*/ typedef struct { int fileofs, filelen; } lump_t; #define LUMP_ENTITIES 0 #define LUMP_PLANES 1 #define LUMP_TEXTURES 2 #define LUMP_VERTEXES 3 #define LUMP_VISIBILITY 4 #define LUMP_NODES 5 #define LUMP_TEXINFO 6 #define LUMP_FACES 7 #define LUMP_LIGHTING 8 #define LUMP_CLIPNODES 9 #define LUMP_LEAFS 10 #define LUMP_MARKSURFACES 11 #define LUMP_EDGES 12 #define LUMP_SURFEDGES 13 #define LUMP_MODELS 14 #define HEADER_LUMPS 15 typedef struct { float mins[3], maxs[3]; float origin[3]; int headnode[MAX_MAP_HULLSDQ1]; int visleafs; // not including the solid leaf 0 int firstface, numfaces; } dq1model_t; typedef struct { float mins[3], maxs[3]; float origin[3]; int headnode[MAX_MAP_HULLSDH2]; int visleafs; // not including the solid leaf 0 int firstface, numfaces; } dh2model_t; typedef struct { int version; lump_t lumps[HEADER_LUMPS]; } dheader_t; typedef struct { int nummiptex; int dataofs[4]; // [nummiptex] } dmiptexlump_t; #define MIPLEVELS 4 typedef struct miptex_s { char name[16]; unsigned width, height; unsigned offsets[MIPLEVELS]; // four mip maps stored } miptex_t; typedef struct { float point[3]; } dvertex_t; // 0-2 are axial planes #define PLANE_X 0 #define PLANE_Y 1 #define PLANE_Z 2 // 3-5 are non-axial planes snapped to the nearest #define PLANE_ANYX 3 #define PLANE_ANYY 4 #define PLANE_ANYZ 5 typedef struct { float normal[3]; float dist; int type; // PLANE_X - PLANE_ANYZ ?remove? trivial to regenerate } dplane_t; #define Q1CONTENTS_EMPTY -1 #define Q1CONTENTS_SOLID -2 #define Q1CONTENTS_WATER -3 #define Q1CONTENTS_SLIME -4 #define Q1CONTENTS_LAVA -5 #define Q1CONTENTS_SKY -6 #define Q1CONTENTS_STRIPPED -7 /*not known to engine*/ #define Q1CONTENTS_CLIP -8 /*solid to players*/ #define Q1CONTENTS_FLOW_1 -9 /*moves player*/ #define Q1CONTENTS_FLOW_2 -10 /*moves player*/ #define Q1CONTENTS_FLOW_3 -11 /*moves player*/ #define Q1CONTENTS_FLOW_4 -12 /*moves player*/ #define Q1CONTENTS_FLOW_5 -13 /*moves player*/ #define Q1CONTENTS_FLOW_6 -14 /*moves player*/ #define Q1CONTENTS_TRANS -15 /*should be solid I guess*/ #define Q1CONTENTS_LADDER -16 /*player can climb up/down*/ // !!! if this is changed, it must be changed in asm_i386.h too !!! typedef struct { int planenum; short children[2]; // negative numbers are -(leafs+1), not nodes short mins[3]; // for sphere culling short maxs[3]; unsigned short firstface; unsigned short numfaces; // counting both sides } dsnode_t; typedef struct { int planenum; int children[2]; // negative numbers are -(leafs+1), not nodes short mins[3]; // for sphere culling short maxs[3]; unsigned int firstface; unsigned int numfaces; // counting both sides } dl1node_t; typedef struct { int planenum; int children[2]; // negative numbers are -(leafs+1), not nodes float mins[3]; // for sphere culling float maxs[3]; unsigned int firstface; unsigned int numfaces; // counting both sides } dl2node_t; typedef struct { int planenum; short children[2]; // negative numbers are contents } dsclipnode_t; typedef struct { int planenum; int children[2]; // negative numbers are contents } dlclipnode_t; typedef struct { int planenum; int children[2]; // negative numbers are contents } mclipnode_t; typedef struct texinfo_s { float vecs[2][4]; // [s/t][xyz offset] int miptex; int flags; } texinfo_t; #define TEX_SPECIAL 1 // sky or slime, no lightmap or 256 subdivision // note that edge 0 is never used, because negative edge nums are used for // counterclockwise use of the edge in a face typedef struct { unsigned short v[2]; // vertex numbers } dsedge_t; typedef struct { unsigned int v[2]; // vertex numbers } dledge_t; #ifdef RFBSPS #define MAXRLIGHTMAPS 4 //max lightmaps mixed by the gpu (rbsp=4, otherwise 1) #else #define MAXRLIGHTMAPS 1 //max lightmaps mixed by the gpu (rbsp=4, otherwise 1) #endif typedef struct { short planenum; short side; int firstedge; // we must support > 64k edges short numedges; short texinfo; // lighting info qbyte styles[Q1Q2BSP_STYLESPERSURF]; int lightofs; // start of [numstyles*surfsize] samples } dsface_t; typedef struct { int planenum; int side; int firstedge; // we must support > 64k edges int numedges; int texinfo; // lighting info qbyte styles[Q1Q2BSP_STYLESPERSURF]; int lightofs; // start of [numstyles*surfsize] samples } dlface_t; #define AMBIENT_WATER 0 #define AMBIENT_SKY 1 #define AMBIENT_SLIME 2 #define AMBIENT_LAVA 3 #define NUM_AMBIENTS 4 // automatic ambient sounds // leaf 0 is the generic CONTENTS_SOLID leaf, used for all solid areas // all other leafs need visibility info typedef struct { int contents; int visofs; // -1 = no visibility info short mins[3]; // for frustum culling short maxs[3]; unsigned short firstmarksurface; unsigned short nummarksurfaces; qbyte ambient_level[NUM_AMBIENTS]; } dsleaf_t; typedef struct { int contents; int visofs; // -1 = no visibility info short mins[3]; // for frustum culling short maxs[3]; unsigned int firstmarksurface; unsigned int nummarksurfaces; qbyte ambient_level[NUM_AMBIENTS]; } dl1leaf_t; typedef struct { int contents; int visofs; // -1 = no visibility info float mins[3]; // for frustum culling float maxs[3]; unsigned int firstmarksurface; unsigned int nummarksurfaces; qbyte ambient_level[NUM_AMBIENTS]; } dl2leaf_t; //============================================================================ #define MIPLEVELS 4 typedef struct q2miptex_s { char name[32]; unsigned width, height; unsigned offsets[MIPLEVELS]; // four mip maps stored char animname[32]; // next frame in animation chain int flags; int contents; int value; } q2miptex_t; /* ============================================================================== .BSP file format ============================================================================== */ #define IDBSPHEADER (('P'<<24)+('S'<<16)+('B'<<8)+'I') // little-endian "IBSP" #define BSPVERSION_Q2 38 #define BSPVERSION_Q2W 69 #define BSPVERSION_Q3 46 #define BSPVERSION_RTCW 47 #define BSPVERSION_RBSP 1 //also fbsp(just bigger internal lightmaps) // upper design bounds // leaffaces, leafbrushes, planes, and verts are still bounded by // 16 bit short limits #define SANITY_MAX_Q2MAP_MODELS MAX_PRECACHE_MODELS //#define MAX_Q2MAP_ENTITIES 2048 #define SANITY_MAX_MAP_BRUSHES (~0u/sizeof(*out)) #define SANITY_MAX_MAP_LEAFFACES 262144 //sanity only #define MAX_Q2MAP_AREAS 256 #define MAX_Q2MAP_AREAPORTALS 1024 //#define MAX_Q2MAP_VERTS MAX_MAP_VERTS //#define MAX_Q2MAP_FACES MAX_MAP_FACES #define SANITY_MAX_MAP_LEAFBRUSHES (65536*64) //used in an array //#define MAX_Q2MAP_PORTALS 65536 //unused //#define MAX_Q2MAP_EDGES 128000 //unused //#define MAX_Q2MAP_SURFEDGES 256000 //unused //#define MAX_Q2MAP_LIGHTING 0x200000 //unused //#define MAX_Q2MAP_VISIBILITY MAX_MAP_VISIBILITY // key / value pair sizes #define MAX_KEY 32 #define MAX_VALUE 1024 //============================================================================= #define Q2LUMP_ENTITIES 0 #define Q2LUMP_PLANES 1 #define Q2LUMP_VERTEXES 2 #define Q2LUMP_VISIBILITY 3 #define Q2LUMP_NODES 4 #define Q2LUMP_TEXINFO 5 #define Q2LUMP_FACES 6 #define Q2LUMP_LIGHTING 7 #define Q2LUMP_LEAFS 8 #define Q2LUMP_LEAFFACES 9 #define Q2LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES 10 #define Q2LUMP_EDGES 11 #define Q2LUMP_SURFEDGES 12 #define Q2LUMP_MODELS 13 #define Q2LUMP_BRUSHES 14 #define Q2LUMP_BRUSHSIDES 15 #define Q2LUMP_POP 16 #define Q2LUMP_AREAS 17 #define Q2LUMP_AREAPORTALS 18 #define Q2HEADER_LUMPS 19 enum Q3LUMP { Q3LUMP_ENTITIES =0, Q3LUMP_SHADERS =1, Q3LUMP_PLANES =2, Q3LUMP_NODES =3, Q3LUMP_LEAFS =4, Q3LUMP_LEAFSURFACES =5, Q3LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES =6, Q3LUMP_MODELS =7, Q3LUMP_BRUSHES =8, Q3LUMP_BRUSHSIDES =9, Q3LUMP_DRAWVERTS =10, Q3LUMP_DRAWINDEXES =11, Q3LUMP_FOGS =12, Q3LUMP_SURFACES =13, Q3LUMP_LIGHTMAPS =14, Q3LUMP_LIGHTGRID =15, Q3LUMP_VISIBILITY =16, #ifdef RFBSPS RBSPLUMP_LIGHTINDEXES=17, #endif Q3LUMPS_TOTAL }; typedef struct { int ident; int version; lump_t lumps[50]; } q2dheader_t; typedef struct { float mins[3], maxs[3]; float origin[3]; // for sounds or lights int headnode; int firstface, numfaces; // submodels just draw faces // without walking the bsp tree } q2dmodel_t; typedef struct { float mins[3]; float maxs[3]; int firstsurface; int num_surfaces; int firstbrush; int num_brushes; } q3dmodel_t; // 0-2 are axial planes #define PLANE_X 0 #define PLANE_Y 1 #define PLANE_Z 2 // 3-5 are non-axial planes snapped to the nearest #define PLANE_ANYX 3 #define PLANE_ANYY 4 #define PLANE_ANYZ 5 // contents flags are seperate bits // a given brush can contribute multiple content bits // multiple brushes can be in a single leaf #define FTECONTENTS_EMPTY 0x00000000 #define FTECONTENTS_SOLID 0x00000001 //q2window 0x00000002 //q2aux 0x00000004 #define FTECONTENTS_LAVA 0x00000008 #define FTECONTENTS_SLIME 0x00000010 #define FTECONTENTS_WATER 0x00000020 #define FTECONTENTS_FLUID (FTECONTENTS_WATER|FTECONTENTS_SLIME|FTECONTENTS_LAVA|FTECONTENTS_SKY) //sky is a fluid for q1 code. //q2mist 0x00000040 //q3notteam1 0x00000080 //q3notteam2 0x00000100 //q3nobotclip 0x00000200 // 0x00000400 // 0x00000800 // 0x00001000 // 0x00002000 #define FTECONTENTS_LADDER 0x00004000 //q2areaportal,q3areaportal 0x00008000 #define FTECONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP 0x00010000 #define FTECONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP 0x00020000 //q2current0,q3teleporter 0x00040000 //q2current90,q3jumppad 0x00080000 //q2current180,q3clusterportal 0x00100000 //q2current270,q3donotenter 0x00200000 //q2currentup,q3botclip 0x00400000 //q2currentdown,q3mover 0x00800000 //q2origin,q3origin 0x01000000 //could define, but normally removed by compiler, so why? #define FTECONTENTS_BODY 0x02000000 #define FTECONTENTS_CORPSE 0x04000000 #define FTECONTENTS_DETAIL 0x08000000 //not very useful to us, but used by .map support //q2translucent,q3structual 0x10000000 //q2ladder,q3translucent 0x20000000 //q3trigger 0x40000000 #define FTECONTENTS_SKY/*q3nodrop*/ 0x80000000 // lower bits are stronger, and will eat weaker brushes completely #define Q2CONTENTS_SOLID FTECONTENTS_SOLID //0x00000001 #define Q2CONTENTS_WINDOW 0x00000002 // translucent, but not watery #define Q2CONTENTS_AUX 0x00000004 #define Q2CONTENTS_LAVA FTECONTENTS_LAVA //0x00000008 #define Q2CONTENTS_SLIME FTECONTENTS_SLIME //0x00000010 #define Q2CONTENTS_WATER FTECONTENTS_WATER //0x00000020 #define Q2CONTENTS_MIST 0x00000040 //0x00000080 //0x00000100 //0x00000200 //0x00000400 //0x00000800 //0x00001000 //0x00002000 //FTECONTENTS_LADDER //0x00004000 // remaining contents are non-visible, and don't eat brushes #define Q2CONTENTS_AREAPORTAL 0x00008000 #define Q2CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP FTECONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP //0x00010000 #define Q2CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP FTECONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP //0x00020000 // currents can be added to any other contents, and may be mixed #define Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_0 0x00040000 #define Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_90 0x00080000 #define Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_180 0x00100000 #define Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_270 0x00200000 #define Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_UP 0x00400000 #define Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_DOWN 0x00800000 #define Q2CONTENTS_ORIGIN 0x01000000 // removed before bsping an entity #define Q2CONTENTS_MONSTER FTECONTENTS_BODY //0x02000000 // should never be on a brush, only in game #define Q2CONTENTS_DEADMONSTER FTECONTENTS_CORPSE //0x04000000 #define Q2CONTENTS_DETAIL 0x08000000 // brushes to be added after vis leafs #define Q2CONTENTS_TRANSLUCENT 0x10000000 // auto set if any surface has trans #define Q2CONTENTS_LADDER 0x20000000 //0x40000000 //FTECONTENTS_SKY //0x80000000 #define Q3CONTENTS_SOLID FTECONTENTS_SOLID //0x00000001 // should never be on a brush, only in game //0x00000002 //0x00000004 #define Q3CONTENTS_LAVA FTECONTENTS_LAVA //0x00000008 #define Q3CONTENTS_SLIME FTECONTENTS_SLIME //0x00000010 #define Q3CONTENTS_WATER FTECONTENTS_WATER //0x00000020 //0x00000040 #define Q3CONTENTS_NOTTEAM1 0x00000080 #define Q3CONTENTS_NOTTEAM2 0x00000100 #define Q3CONTENTS_NOBOTCLIP 0x00000200 //0x00000400 //0x00000800 //0x00001000 //0x00002000 //FTECONTENTS_LADDER //0x00004000 #define Q3CONTENTS_AREAPORTAL 0x00008000 #define Q3CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP FTECONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP //0x00010000 #define Q3CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP FTECONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP //0x00020000 #define Q3CONTENTS_TELEPORTER 0x00040000 #define Q3CONTENTS_JUMPPAD 0x00080000 #define Q3CONTENTS_CLUSTERPORTAL 0x00100000 #define Q3CONTENTS_DONOTENTER 0x00200000 #define Q3CONTENTS_BOTCLIP 0x00400000 #define Q3CONTENTS_MOVER 0x00800000 #define Q3CONTENTS_ORIGIN Q2CONTENTS_ORIGIN //0x01000000 #define Q3CONTENTS_BODY FTECONTENTS_BODY //0x02000000 #define Q3CONTENTS_CORPSE FTECONTENTS_CORPSE //0x04000000 #define Q3CONTENTS_DETAIL Q2CONTENTS_DETAIL //0x08000000 #define Q3CONTENTS_STRUCTURAL 0x10000000 #define Q3CONTENTS_TRANSLUCENT 0x20000000 #define Q3CONTENTS_TRIGGER 0x40000000 #define Q3CONTENTS_NODROP FTECONTENTS_SKY //0x80000000 //qc compat only. not used internally. #define DPCONTENTS_SOLID 1 // hit a bmodel, not a bounding box #define DPCONTENTS_WATER 2 #define DPCONTENTS_SLIME 4 #define DPCONTENTS_LAVA 8 #define DPCONTENTS_SKY 16 #define DPCONTENTS_BODY 32 // hit a bounding box, not a bmodel #define DPCONTENTS_CORPSE 64 // hit a SOLID_CORPSE entity #define DPCONTENTS_NODROP 128 // an area where backpacks should not spawn #define DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP 256 // blocks player movement #define DPCONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP 512 // blocks monster movement #define DPCONTENTS_DONOTENTER 1024 // AI hint brush #define DPCONTENTS_BOTCLIP 2048 // AI hint brush #define DPCONTENTS_OPAQUE 4096 // only fully opaque brushes get this (may be useful for line of sight checks) //Texinfo flags - warning: these mix with q3 surface flags #define TI_LIGHT 0x1 // value will hold the light strength #define TI_SLICK 0x2 // effects game physics #define TI_SKY 0x4 // don't draw, but add to skybox #define TI_WARP 0x8 // turbulent water warp #define TI_TRANS33 0x10 #define TI_TRANS66 0x20 #define TI_FLOWING 0x40 // scroll towards angle #define TI_NODRAW 0x80 // don't bother referencing the texture #define TI_ALPHATEST 0x100 //Surface flags //#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_NODAMAGE 0x1 // never give falling damage //#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_SLICK 0x2 // effects game physics //#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY 0x4 // lighting from environment map #define Q3SURFACEFLAG_LADDER 0x8 //#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT 0x10 // don't make missile explosions //#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOMARKS 0x20 // don't leave missile marks //#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_FLESH 0x40 // make flesh sounds and effects //#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_NODRAW 0x80 // don't generate a drawsurface at all //#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_HINT 0x100 // make a primary bsp splitter //#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKIP 0x200 // completely ignore, allowing non-closed brushes //#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOLIGHTMAP 0x400 // surface doesn't need a lightmap //#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_POINTLIGHT 0x800 // generate lighting info at vertexes //#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_METALSTEPS 0x1000 // clanking footsteps //#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOSTEPS 0x2000 // no footstep sounds //#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_NONSOLID 0x4000 // don't collide against curves with this set //#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_LIGHTFILTER 0x8000 // act as a light filter during q3map -light //#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_ALPHASHADOW 0x10000 // do per-pixel light shadow casting in q3map //#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_NODLIGHT 0x20000 // don't dlight even if solid (solid lava, skies) //#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_DUST 0x40000 // leave a dust trail when walking on this surface // content masks. Allow q2contents_window in here //#define MASK_ALL (-1) #define MASK_WORLDSOLID (FTECONTENTS_SOLID|Q2CONTENTS_WINDOW) /*default trace type for something simple that ignores non-bsp stuff*/ #define MASK_POINTSOLID (FTECONTENTS_SOLID|Q2CONTENTS_WINDOW|FTECONTENTS_BODY) /*default trace type for an entity of no size*/ #define MASK_BOXSOLID (FTECONTENTS_SOLID|FTECONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP|Q2CONTENTS_WINDOW|FTECONTENTS_BODY) /*default trace type for an entity that does have size*/ #define MASK_PLAYERSOLID MASK_BOXSOLID //#define MASK_DEADSOLID (Q2CONTENTS_SOLID|Q2CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP|Q2CONTENTS_WINDOW) //#define MASK_MONSTERSOLID (Q2CONTENTS_SOLID|Q2CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP|Q2CONTENTS_WINDOW|Q2CONTENTS_MONSTER) #define MASK_WATER (FTECONTENTS_WATER|FTECONTENTS_LAVA|FTECONTENTS_SLIME) //#define MASK_OPAQUE (Q2CONTENTS_SOLID|Q2CONTENTS_SLIME|Q2CONTENTS_LAVA) //#define MASK_SHOT (Q2CONTENTS_SOLID|Q2CONTENTS_MONSTER|Q2CONTENTS_WINDOW|Q2CONTENTS_DEADMONSTER) #define Q2MASK_CURRENT (Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_0|Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_90|Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_180|Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_270|Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_UP|Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_DOWN) typedef struct { int planenum; int children[2]; // negative numbers are -(leafs+1), not nodes short mins[3]; // for frustom culling short maxs[3]; unsigned short firstface; unsigned short numfaces; // counting both sides } q2dnode_t; typedef struct { int plane; int children[2]; int mins[3]; int maxs[3]; } q3dnode_t; typedef struct q2texinfo_s { float vecs[2][4]; // [s/t][xyz offset] int flags; // miptex flags + overrides int value; // light emission, etc char texture[32]; // texture name (textures/ *.wal) int nexttexinfo; // for animations, -1 = end of chain } q2texinfo_t; typedef struct { int contents; // OR of all brushes (not needed?) short cluster; short area; short mins[3]; // for frustum culling short maxs[3]; unsigned short firstleafface; unsigned short numleaffaces; unsigned short firstleafbrush; unsigned short numleafbrushes; } q2dleaf_t; typedef struct { int cluster; int area; int mins[3]; int maxs[3]; int firstleafsurface; int num_leafsurfaces; int firstleafbrush; int num_leafbrushes; } q3dleaf_t; typedef struct { unsigned short planenum; // facing out of the leaf short texinfo; } q2dbrushside_t; typedef struct { int planenum; int texinfo; } q3dbrushside_t; typedef struct { int planenum; int texinfo; int facenum; } rbspbrushside_t; typedef struct { int firstside; int numsides; int contents; } q2dbrush_t; typedef struct { int firstside; int num_sides; int shadernum; } q3dbrush_t; #define ANGLE_UP -1 #define ANGLE_DOWN -2 // the visibility lump consists of a header with a count, then // qbyte offsets for the PVS and PHS of each cluster, then the raw // compressed bit vectors #define DVIS_PVS 0 #define DVIS_PHS 1 typedef struct { int numclusters; int bitofs[8][2]; // bitofs[numclusters][2] } q2dvis_t; typedef struct { int numclusters; int rowsize; unsigned char data[1]; } q3dvis_t; // each area has a list of portals that lead into other areas // when portals are closed, other areas may not be visible or // hearable even if the vis info says that it should be typedef struct { int portalnum; int otherarea; } q2dareaportal_t; typedef struct { int numareaportals; int firstareaportal; } q2darea_t; typedef struct { char shadername[OLD_MAX_QPATH]; int surfflags; int contents; } dq3shader_t; typedef struct { float n[3]; float d; } Q3PLANE_t; struct Q3MODEL { float mins[3]; float maxs[3]; int firstsurface; int num_surfaces; int firstbrush; int num_brushes; }; typedef struct { float point[3]; float texcoords[2][2]; float normal[3]; unsigned char color[4]; } q3dvertex_t; typedef struct { float point[3]; float stcoords[2]; float lmtexcoords[RBSP_STYLESPERSURF][2]; float normal[3]; unsigned char color[RBSP_STYLESPERSURF][4]; } rbspvertex_t; struct Q3FOG { char shadername[OLD_MAX_QPATH] ; int brushnum; int visibleside; }; enum q3surfacetype { MST_BAD=0, MST_PLANAR=1, MST_PATCH=2, MST_TRIANGLE_SOUP=3, MST_FLARE=4, MST_FOLIAGE=5, //added in wolf/et MST_PATCH_FIXED=256 //fte, fixed tessellation. Uses high parts of surf->patchwidth/height. if 0 then uses exact CPs instead. }; typedef struct { int shadernum; int fognum; int facetype; int firstvertex; int num_vertices; int firstindex; int num_indexes; int lightmapnum; int lightmap_offs[2]; int lightmap_width; int lightmap_height; float lightmap_origin[3]; float lightmap_vecs[2][3]; float normal[3]; int patchwidth; int patchheight; } q3dface_t; typedef struct { int shadernum; int fognum; int facetype; int firstvertex; int num_vertices; int firstindex; int num_indexes; unsigned char lm_styles[RBSP_STYLESPERSURF]; unsigned char vt_styles[RBSP_STYLESPERSURF]; int lightmapnum[RBSP_STYLESPERSURF]; int lightmap_offs[2][RBSP_STYLESPERSURF]; //yes, weird ordering. int lightmap_width; int lightmap_height; float lightmap_origin[3]; float lightmap_vecs[2][3]; float normal[3]; int patchwidth; int patchheight; } rbspface_t; #define MAX_ENT_LEAFS 32 typedef struct pvscache_s { int num_leafs; unsigned short leafnums[MAX_ENT_LEAFS]; #if defined(Q2BSPS) || defined(Q3BSPS) || defined(TERRAIN) int areanum; //q2bsp int areanum2; //q2bsp int headnode; //q2bsp #endif } pvscache_t;