/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // cl_tent.c -- client side temporary entities #include "quakedef.h" #include "particles.h" entity_state_t *CL_FindPacketEntity(int num); #define R_AddDecals(a) //disabled for now #ifdef Q2CLIENT typedef enum { Q2TE_GUNSHOT, //0 Q2TE_BLOOD, Q2TE_BLASTER, Q2TE_RAILTRAIL, Q2TE_SHOTGUN, Q2TE_EXPLOSION1, Q2TE_EXPLOSION2, Q2TE_ROCKET_EXPLOSION, Q2TE_GRENADE_EXPLOSION, Q2TE_SPARKS, Q2TE_SPLASH, //10 Q2TE_BUBBLETRAIL, Q2TE_SCREEN_SPARKS, Q2TE_SHIELD_SPARKS, Q2TE_BULLET_SPARKS, Q2TE_LASER_SPARKS, Q2TE_PARASITE_ATTACK, Q2TE_ROCKET_EXPLOSION_WATER, Q2TE_GRENADE_EXPLOSION_WATER, Q2TE_MEDIC_CABLE_ATTACK, Q2TE_BFG_EXPLOSION, //20 Q2TE_BFG_BIGEXPLOSION, Q2TE_BOSSTPORT, // used as '22' in a map, so DON'T RENUMBER!!! Q2TE_BFG_LASER, Q2TE_GRAPPLE_CABLE, Q2TE_WELDING_SPARKS, Q2TE_GREENBLOOD, Q2TE_BLUEHYPERBLASTER, Q2TE_PLASMA_EXPLOSION, Q2TE_TUNNEL_SPARKS, //ROGUE Q2TE_BLASTER2, //30 Q2TE_RAILTRAIL2, Q2TE_FLAME, Q2TE_LIGHTNING, Q2TE_DEBUGTRAIL, Q2TE_PLAIN_EXPLOSION, Q2TE_FLASHLIGHT, Q2TE_FORCEWALL, Q2TE_HEATBEAM, Q2TE_MONSTER_HEATBEAM, Q2TE_STEAM, //40 Q2TE_BUBBLETRAIL2, Q2TE_MOREBLOOD, Q2TE_HEATBEAM_SPARKS, Q2TE_HEATBEAM_STEAM, Q2TE_CHAINFIST_SMOKE, Q2TE_ELECTRIC_SPARKS, Q2TE_TRACKER_EXPLOSION, Q2TE_TELEPORT_EFFECT, Q2TE_DBALL_GOAL, Q2TE_WIDOWBEAMOUT, //50 Q2TE_NUKEBLAST, Q2TE_WIDOWSPLASH, Q2TE_EXPLOSION1_BIG, Q2TE_EXPLOSION1_NP, Q2TE_FLECHETTE //ROGUE } temp_event_t; #define Q2SPLASH_UNKNOWN 0 #define Q2SPLASH_SPARKS 1 #define Q2SPLASH_BLUE_WATER 2 #define Q2SPLASH_BROWN_WATER 3 #define Q2SPLASH_SLIME 4 #define Q2SPLASH_LAVA 5 #define Q2SPLASH_BLOOD 6 #endif // hexen 2 #define TE_STREAM_CHAIN 25 #define TE_STREAM_SUNSTAFF1 26 #define TE_STREAM_SUNSTAFF2 27 #define TE_STREAM_LIGHTNING 28 #define TE_STREAM_COLORBEAM 29 #define TE_STREAM_ICECHUNKS 30 #define TE_STREAM_GAZE 31 #define TE_STREAM_FAMINE 32 #define MAX_BEAMS 64 typedef struct { int entity; short tag; qbyte flags; qbyte type; qbyte skin; struct model_s *model; float endtime; float alpha; vec3_t start, end; int particleeffect; trailstate_t *trailstate; trailstate_t *emitstate; } beam_t; beam_t cl_beams[MAX_BEAMS]; #define MAX_EXPLOSIONS 32 typedef struct { vec3_t origin; vec3_t oldorigin; int firstframe; int numframes; int type; vec3_t angles; int flags; float alpha; float start; float framerate; model_t *model; int skinnum; } explosion_t; explosion_t cl_explosions[MAX_EXPLOSIONS]; sfx_t *cl_sfx_wizhit; sfx_t *cl_sfx_knighthit; sfx_t *cl_sfx_tink1; sfx_t *cl_sfx_ric1; sfx_t *cl_sfx_ric2; sfx_t *cl_sfx_ric3; sfx_t *cl_sfx_r_exp3; cvar_t cl_expsprite = {"cl_expsprite", "0"}; cvar_t r_explosionlight = {"r_explosionlight", "1"}; cvar_t cl_truelightning = {"cl_truelightning", "0", NULL, CVAR_SEMICHEAT}; cvar_t cl_beam_trace = {"cl_beam_trace", "0"}; typedef struct { sfx_t **sfx; char *efname; } tentsfx_t; tentsfx_t tentsfx[] = { {&cl_sfx_wizhit, "wizard/hit.wav"}, {&cl_sfx_knighthit, "hknight/hit.wav"}, {&cl_sfx_tink1, "weapons/tink1.wav"}, {&cl_sfx_ric1, "weapons/ric1.wav"}, {&cl_sfx_ric2, "weapons/ric2.wav"}, {&cl_sfx_ric3, "weapons/ric3.wav"}, {&cl_sfx_r_exp3, "weapons/r_exp3.wav"} }; vec3_t playerbeam_end[MAX_SPLITS]; /* ================= CL_ParseTEnts ================= */ void CL_InitTEnts (void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(tentsfx)/sizeof(tentsfx[0]); i++) { if (COM_FCheckExists(va("sound/%s", tentsfx[i].efname))) *tentsfx[i].sfx = S_PrecacheSound (tentsfx[i].efname); else *tentsfx[i].sfx = NULL; } Cvar_Register (&cl_expsprite, "Temporary entity control"); Cvar_Register (&cl_truelightning, "Temporary entity control"); Cvar_Register (&cl_beam_trace, "Temporary entity control"); Cvar_Register (&r_explosionlight, "Temporary entity control"); } #ifdef Q2CLIENT enum { q2cl_mod_explode, q2cl_mod_smoke, q2cl_mod_flash, q2cl_mod_parasite_segment, q2cl_mod_grapple_cable, q2cl_mod_parasite_tip, q2cl_mod_explo4, q2cl_mod_bfg_explo, q2cl_mod_powerscreen, q2cl_mod_max }; typedef struct { char *modelname; } tentmodels_t; tentmodels_t q2tentmodels[q2cl_mod_max] = { {"models/objects/explode/tris.md2"}, {"models/objects/smoke/tris.md2"}, {"models/objects/flash/tris.md2"}, {"models/monsters/parasite/segment/tris.md2"}, {"models/ctf/segment/tris.md2"}, {"models/monsters/parasite/tip/tris.md2"}, {"models/objects/r_explode/tris.md2"}, {"sprites/s_bfg2.sp2"}, {"models/items/armor/effect/tris.md2"} }; int CLQ2_RegisterTEntModels (void) { // int i; // for (i = 0; i < q2cl_mod_max; i++) // if (!CL_CheckOrDownloadFile(q2tentmodels[i].modelname, false)) // return false; return true; } #endif /* ================= CL_ClearTEnts ================= */ void CL_ClearTEnts (void) { memset (&cl_beams, 0, sizeof(cl_beams)); memset (&cl_explosions, 0, sizeof(cl_explosions)); } /* ================= CL_AllocExplosion ================= */ explosion_t *CL_AllocExplosion (void) { int i; float time; int index; for (i=0 ; i<MAX_EXPLOSIONS ; i++) if (!cl_explosions[i].model) { cl_explosions[i].firstframe = -1; cl_explosions[i].framerate = 10; return &cl_explosions[i]; } // find the oldest explosion time = cl.time; index = 0; for (i=0 ; i<MAX_EXPLOSIONS ; i++) if (cl_explosions[i].start < time) { time = cl_explosions[i].start; index = i; } cl_explosions[index].firstframe = -1; cl_explosions[index].framerate = 10; return &cl_explosions[index]; } /* ================= CL_ParseBeam ================= */ beam_t *CL_NewBeam (int entity, int tag) { beam_t *b; int i; // override any beam with the same entity (unless they used world) if (entity) { for (i=0, b=cl_beams ; i< MAX_BEAMS ; i++, b++) if (b->entity == entity && b->tag == tag) { return b; } } // find a free beam for (i=0, b=cl_beams ; i< MAX_BEAMS ; i++, b++) { if (!b->model) { return b; } } return NULL; } #define STREAM_ATTACHED 16 #define STREAM_TRANSLUCENT 32 void CL_AddBeam (int tent, int ent, vec3_t start, vec3_t end) //fixme: use TE_ numbers instead of 0 - 5 { beam_t *b; model_t *m; int btype, etype; int i; vec3_t impact, normal; vec3_t extra; switch(tent) { case 0: if (ent < 0 && ent >= -512) //a zquake concept. ent between -1 and -maxplayers is to be taken to be a railtrail from a particular player instead of a beam. { // TODO: add support for those finnicky colored railtrails... if (P_ParticleTrail(start, end, rt_railtrail, NULL)) P_ParticleTrailIndex(start, end, 208, 8, NULL); return; } default: m = Mod_ForName("progs/bolt.mdl", false); btype = rt_lightning1; etype = pt_lightning1_end; break; case 1: if (ent < 0 && ent >= -MAX_CLIENTS) //based on the railgun concept - this adds a rogue style TE_BEAM effect. { case 5: m = Mod_ForName("progs/beam.mdl", false); //remember to precache! btype = P_FindParticleType("te_beam"); etype = P_FindParticleType("te_beam_end"); } else { m = Mod_ForName("progs/bolt2.mdl", false); btype = rt_lightning2; etype = pt_lightning2_end; } break; case 2: m = Mod_ForName("progs/bolt3.mdl", false); btype = rt_lightning3; etype = pt_lightning3_end; break; #ifdef Q2CLIENT case 3: m = Mod_ForName(q2tentmodels[q2cl_mod_parasite_segment].modelname, false); btype = P_FindParticleType("te_parasite_attack"); etype = P_FindParticleType("te_parasite_attack_end"); break; case 4: m = Mod_ForName(q2tentmodels[q2cl_mod_grapple_cable].modelname, false); btype = P_FindParticleType("te_grapple_cable"); etype = P_FindParticleType("te_grapple_cable_end"); break; #endif } // save end position for truelightning if (ent) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_SPLITS; i++) { if (ent == (autocam[i]?spec_track[i]:(cl.playernum[i]+1))) { VectorCopy(end, playerbeam_end[i]); break; } } } if (etype >= 0 && cls.state == ca_active && P_TypeIsLoaded(etype)) { if (cl_beam_trace.value) { VectorSubtract(end, start, normal); VectorNormalize(normal); VectorMA(end, 4, normal, extra); //extend the end-point by four if (!TraceLineN(start, extra, impact, normal)) etype = -1; } else { VectorCopy(end, impact); normal[0] = normal[1] = normal[2] = 0; } } b = CL_NewBeam(ent, -1); if (!b) { Con_Printf ("beam list overflow!\n"); return; } b->entity = ent; b->model = m; b->tag = -1; b->flags |= /*STREAM_ATTACHED|*/1; b->endtime = cl.time + 0.2; b->alpha = 1; b->particleeffect = btype; VectorCopy (start, b->start); VectorCopy (end, b->end); if (etype >= 0) { P_RunParticleEffectState (impact, normal, 1, etype, &(b->emitstate)); R_AddDecals(end); R_AddStain(end, -10, -10, -10, 20); } } void CL_ParseBeam (int tent) { int ent; vec3_t start, end; ent = MSG_ReadShort (); start[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); start[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); start[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); end[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); end[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); end[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); CL_AddBeam(tent, ent, start, end); } void CL_ParseStream (int type) { int ent; vec3_t start, end; beam_t *b, *b2; int flags; int tag; float duration; int skin; ent = MSG_ReadShort(); flags = MSG_ReadByte(); tag = flags&15; flags-=tag; duration = (float)MSG_ReadByte()*0.05; skin = 0; if(type == TE_STREAM_COLORBEAM) { skin = MSG_ReadByte(); } start[0] = MSG_ReadCoord(); start[1] = MSG_ReadCoord(); start[2] = MSG_ReadCoord(); end[0] = MSG_ReadCoord(); end[1] = MSG_ReadCoord(); end[2] = MSG_ReadCoord(); b = CL_NewBeam(ent, tag); if (!b) { Con_Printf ("beam list overflow!\n"); return; } b->entity = ent; b->tag = tag; b->flags = flags; b->model = NULL; b->endtime = cl.time + duration; b->alpha = 1; VectorCopy (start, b->start); VectorCopy (end, b->end); switch(type) { case TE_STREAM_ICECHUNKS: b->model = Mod_ForName("models/stice.mdl", true); b->flags |= 2; b->particleeffect = P_AllocateParticleType("te_stream_icechunks"); R_AddStain(end, -10, -10, 0, 20); break; case TE_STREAM_SUNSTAFF1: b->model = Mod_ForName("models/stsunsf1.mdl", true); b->particleeffect = P_AllocateParticleType("te_stream_sunstaff1"); if (b->particleeffect < 0) { b2 = CL_NewBeam(ent, tag+128); if (b2) { memcpy(b2, b, sizeof(*b2)); b2->model = Mod_ForName("models/stsunsf2.mdl", true); b2->alpha = 0.5; } } break; case TE_STREAM_SUNSTAFF2: b->model = Mod_ForName("models/stsunsf1.mdl", true); b->particleeffect = P_AllocateParticleType("te_stream_sunstaff2"); R_AddStain(end, -10, -10, -10, 20); break; } } /* ================= CL_ParseTEnt ================= */ #ifdef NQPROT void CL_ParseTEnt (qboolean nqprot) #else void CL_ParseTEnt (void) #endif { #ifndef NQPROT #define nqprot false //it's easier #endif int type; vec3_t pos, pos2; dlight_t *dl; int rnd; // explosion_t *ex; int cnt, colour; type = MSG_ReadByte (); switch (type) { case TE_WIZSPIKE: // spike hitting wall pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); R_AddStain(pos, -10, 0, -10, 20); if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 1, pt_wizspike)) P_RunParticleEffect (pos, vec3_origin, 20, 30); S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_wizhit, pos, 1, 1); break; case TE_KNIGHTSPIKE: // spike hitting wall pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); R_AddStain(pos, -10, -10, -10, 20); if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 1, pt_knightspike)) P_RunParticleEffect (pos, vec3_origin, 226, 20); S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_knighthit, pos, 1, 1); break; case DPTE_SPIKEQUAD: pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); R_AddStain(pos, -10, -10, -10, 20); R_AddDecals(pos); if (P_RunParticleEffectTypeString(pos, NULL, 1, "te_spikequad")) if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 1, pt_spike)) if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 10, pt_gunshot)) P_RunParticleEffect (pos, vec3_origin, 0, 10); if ( rand() % 5 ) S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_tink1, pos, 1, 1); else { rnd = rand() & 3; if (rnd == 1) S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_ric1, pos, 1, 1); else if (rnd == 2) S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_ric2, pos, 1, 1); else S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_ric3, pos, 1, 1); } break; case TE_SPIKE: // spike hitting wall pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); R_AddStain(pos, -10, -10, -10, 20); R_AddDecals(pos); if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 1, pt_spike)) if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 10, pt_gunshot)) P_RunParticleEffect (pos, vec3_origin, 0, 10); if ( rand() % 5 ) S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_tink1, pos, 1, 1); else { rnd = rand() & 3; if (rnd == 1) S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_ric1, pos, 1, 1); else if (rnd == 2) S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_ric2, pos, 1, 1); else S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_ric3, pos, 1, 1); } break; case DPTE_SUPERSPIKEQUAD: // super spike hitting wall pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); R_AddStain(pos, -10, -10, -10, 20); R_AddDecals(pos); if (P_RunParticleEffectTypeString(pos, NULL, 1, "te_superspikequad")) if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 1, pt_superspike)) if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 2, pt_spike)) if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 20, pt_gunshot)) P_RunParticleEffect (pos, vec3_origin, 0, 20); if ( rand() % 5 ) S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_tink1, pos, 1, 1); else { rnd = rand() & 3; if (rnd == 1) S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_ric1, pos, 1, 1); else if (rnd == 2) S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_ric2, pos, 1, 1); else S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_ric3, pos, 1, 1); } break; case TE_SUPERSPIKE: // super spike hitting wall pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); R_AddStain(pos, -10, -10, -10, 20); R_AddDecals(pos); if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 1, pt_superspike)) if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 2, pt_spike)) if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 20, pt_gunshot)) P_RunParticleEffect (pos, vec3_origin, 0, 20); if ( rand() % 5 ) S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_tink1, pos, 1, 1); else { rnd = rand() & 3; if (rnd == 1) S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_ric1, pos, 1, 1); else if (rnd == 2) S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_ric2, pos, 1, 1); else S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_ric3, pos, 1, 1); } break; #ifdef PEXT_TE_BULLET case TE_BULLET: if (!(cls.fteprotocolextensions & PEXT_TE_BULLET)) Host_EndGame("Thought PEXT_TE_BULLET was disabled"); pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); R_AddStain(pos, -10, -10, -10, 20); R_AddDecals(pos); if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 1, pt_bullet)) if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 10, pt_gunshot)) P_RunParticleEffect (pos, vec3_origin, 0, 10); if ( rand() % 5 ) S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_tink1, pos, 1, 1); else { rnd = rand() & 3; if (rnd == 1) S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_ric1, pos, 1, 1); else if (rnd == 2) S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_ric2, pos, 1, 1); else S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_ric3, pos, 1, 1); } break; case TE_SUPERBULLET: pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); R_AddStain(pos, -10, -10, -10, 20); R_AddDecals(pos); if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 1, pt_superbullet)) if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 2, pt_bullet)) if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 20, pt_gunshot)) P_RunParticleEffect (pos, vec3_origin, 0, 20); if ( rand() % 5 ) S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_tink1, pos, 1, 1); else { rnd = rand() & 3; if (rnd == 1) S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_ric1, pos, 1, 1); else if (rnd == 2) S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_ric2, pos, 1, 1); else S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_ric3, pos, 1, 1); } break; #endif case DPTE_EXPLOSIONQUAD: // rocket explosion // particles pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); if (P_RunParticleEffectTypeString(pos, NULL, 1, "te_explosionquad")) if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 1, pt_explosion)) P_RunParticleEffect(pos, NULL, 107, 1024); // should be 97-111 R_AddStain(pos, -1, -1, -1, 100); // light if (r_explosionlight.value) { dl = CL_AllocDlight (0); VectorCopy (pos, dl->origin); dl->radius = 150 + bound(0, r_explosionlight.value, 1)*200; dl->die = cl.time + 1; dl->decay = 300; dl->color[0] = 0.2; dl->color[1] = 0.155; dl->color[2] = 0.05; dl->channelfade[0] = 0.196; dl->channelfade[1] = 0.23; dl->channelfade[2] = 0.12; } // sound S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_r_exp3, pos, 1, 1); // sprite if (cl_expsprite.value) // temp hopefully { explosion_t *ex = CL_AllocExplosion (); VectorCopy (pos, ex->origin); ex->start = cl.time; ex->model = Mod_ForName ("progs/s_explod.spr", true); } break; case TE_EXPLOSION: // rocket explosion // particles pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 1, pt_explosion)) P_RunParticleEffect(pos, NULL, 107, 1024); // should be 97-111 R_AddStain(pos, -1, -1, -1, 100); // light if (r_explosionlight.value) { dl = CL_AllocDlight (0); VectorCopy (pos, dl->origin); dl->radius = 150 + bound(0, r_explosionlight.value, 1)*200; dl->die = cl.time + 1; dl->decay = 300; dl->color[0] = 0.2; dl->color[1] = 0.155; dl->color[2] = 0.05; dl->channelfade[0] = 0.196; dl->channelfade[1] = 0.23; dl->channelfade[2] = 0.12; } // sound S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_r_exp3, pos, 1, 1); // sprite if (cl_expsprite.value && !nqprot) // temp hopefully { explosion_t *ex = CL_AllocExplosion (); VectorCopy (pos, ex->origin); ex->start = cl.time; ex->model = Mod_ForName ("progs/s_explod.spr", true); } break; case DPTE_EXPLOSIONRGB: pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 1, pt_explosion)) P_RunParticleEffect(pos, NULL, 107, 1024); // should be 97-111 R_AddStain(pos, -1, -1, -1, 100); // light if (r_explosionlight.value) { dl = CL_AllocDlight (0); VectorCopy (pos, dl->origin); dl->radius = 150 + bound(0, r_explosionlight.value, 1)*200; dl->die = cl.time + 0.5; dl->decay = 300; dl->color[0] = 0.4f*MSG_ReadByte()/255.0f; dl->color[1] = 0.4f*MSG_ReadByte()/255.0f; dl->color[2] = 0.4f*MSG_ReadByte()/255.0f; dl->channelfade[0] = 0; dl->channelfade[1] = 0; dl->channelfade[2] = 0; } S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_r_exp3, pos, 1, 1); break; case DPTE_TEI_BIGEXPLOSION: pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); if (P_RunParticleEffectTypeString(pos, NULL, 1, "te_bigexplosion")) if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 1, pt_explosion)) P_RunParticleEffect(pos, NULL, 107, 1024); // should be 97-111 R_AddStain(pos, -1, -1, -1, 100); // light if (r_explosionlight.value) { dl = CL_AllocDlight (0); VectorCopy (pos, dl->origin); // no point in doing this the fuh/ez way dl->radius = 500*bound(0, r_explosionlight.value, 1); dl->die = cl.time + 1; dl->decay = 500; dl->color[0] = 0.4f; dl->color[1] = 0.3f; dl->color[2] = 0.15f; dl->channelfade[0] = 0; dl->channelfade[1] = 0; dl->channelfade[2] = 0; } S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_r_exp3, pos, 1, 1); break; case TE_TAREXPLOSION: // tarbaby explosion pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); P_BlobExplosion (pos); S_StartSound (-2, 0, cl_sfx_r_exp3, pos, 1, 1); break; case TE_LIGHTNING1: // lightning bolts case TE_LIGHTNING2: // lightning bolts CL_ParseBeam (type - TE_LIGHTNING1); break; case TE_LIGHTNING3: // lightning bolts CL_ParseBeam (2); break; case TE_LAVASPLASH: pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); P_LavaSplash (pos); break; case TE_TELEPORT: pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 1, pt_teleportsplash); break; case DPTE_GUNSHOTQUAD: // bullet hitting wall pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); R_AddStain(pos, -10, -10, -10, 20); if (P_RunParticleEffectTypeString(pos, NULL, 1, "te_gunshotquad")) if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 1, pt_gunshot)) P_RunParticleEffect (pos, vec3_origin, 0, 20); break; case TE_GUNSHOT: // bullet hitting wall if (nqprot) cnt = 1; else cnt = MSG_ReadByte (); pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); R_AddStain(pos, -10, -10, -10, 20); if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, cnt, pt_gunshot)) P_RunParticleEffect (pos, vec3_origin, 0, 20*cnt); break; case TE_BLOOD: // bullets hitting body cnt = MSG_ReadByte (); pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); R_AddStain(pos, 0, -10, -10, 40); if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, cnt, pt_blood)) P_RunParticleEffect (pos, vec3_origin, 73, 20*cnt); break; case TE_LIGHTNINGBLOOD: // lightning hitting body pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); R_AddStain(pos, 1, -10, -10, 20); if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 1, pt_lightningblood)) P_RunParticleEffect (pos, vec3_origin, 225, 50); break; case TE_RAILTRAIL: pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos2[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos2[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos2[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); if (P_ParticleTrail(pos, pos2, rt_railtrail, NULL)) P_ParticleTrailIndex(pos, pos2, 208, 8, NULL); break; case TE_STREAM_CHAIN: case TE_STREAM_SUNSTAFF1: case TE_STREAM_SUNSTAFF2: case TE_STREAM_LIGHTNING: case TE_STREAM_COLORBEAM: case TE_STREAM_ICECHUNKS: case TE_STREAM_GAZE: case TE_STREAM_FAMINE: CL_ParseStream (type); break; case DPTE_BLOOD: pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos2[0] = MSG_ReadChar (); pos2[1] = MSG_ReadChar (); pos2[2] = MSG_ReadChar (); cnt = MSG_ReadByte (); P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, pos2, cnt, pt_blood); break; case DPTE_SPARK: pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos2[0] = MSG_ReadChar (); pos2[1] = MSG_ReadChar (); pos2[2] = MSG_ReadChar (); cnt = MSG_ReadByte (); { extern int pt_spark; P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, pos2, cnt, pt_spark); } break; case DPTE_BLOODSHOWER: pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos2[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos2[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos2[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); cnt = MSG_ReadCoord (); //speed cnt = MSG_ReadShort (); { VectorAdd(pos, pos2, pos); VectorScale(pos, 0.5, pos); P_RunParticleEffectTypeString(pos, NULL, cnt, "te_bloodshower"); } break; case DPTE_SMALLFLASH: pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); // light dl = CL_AllocDlight (0); VectorCopy (pos, dl->origin); dl->radius = 200; dl->decay = 1000; dl->die = cl.time + 0.2; dl->color[0] = 0.4; dl->color[1] = 0.4; dl->color[2] = 0.4; break; case DPTE_CUSTOMFLASH: pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); // light dl = CL_AllocDlight (0); VectorCopy (pos, dl->origin); dl->radius = MSG_ReadByte()*8; pos2[0] = (MSG_ReadByte() + 1) * (1.0 / 256.0); dl->die = cl.time + pos2[0]; dl->decay = dl->radius / pos2[0]; // DP's range is 0-2 for lights, FTE is 0-0.4.. 255/637.5 = 0.4 dl->color[0] = MSG_ReadByte()*(1.0f/637.5f); dl->color[1] = MSG_ReadByte()*(1.0f/637.5f); dl->color[2] = MSG_ReadByte()*(1.0f/637.5f); break; case DPTE_FLAMEJET: // origin pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); // velocity pos2[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos2[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos2[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); // count cnt = MSG_ReadByte (); if (P_RunParticleEffectTypeString(pos, pos2, cnt, "te_flamejet")) P_RunParticleEffect (pos, pos2, 232, cnt); break; case DPTE_PLASMABURN: // origin pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); // light dl = CL_AllocDlight (0); VectorCopy (pos, dl->origin); dl->radius = 200; dl->decay = 1000; dl->die = cl.time + 0.2; dl->color[0] = 0.2; dl->color[1] = 0.2; dl->color[2] = 0.2; // stain (Hopefully this is close to how DP does it) R_AddStain(pos, -10, -10, -10, 30); if (P_ParticleTrail(pos, pos2, P_FindParticleType("te_plasmaburn"), NULL)) P_ParticleTrailIndex(pos, pos2, 15, 0, NULL); break; case DPTE_TEI_G3: //nexuiz's nex beam pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos2[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos2[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos2[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); //sigh... MSG_ReadCoord (); MSG_ReadCoord (); MSG_ReadCoord (); if (P_ParticleTrail(pos, pos2, P_FindParticleType("te_nexbeam"), NULL)) P_ParticleTrailIndex(pos, pos2, 15, 0, NULL); break; case DPTE_SMOKE: //org pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); //dir pos2[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos2[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos2[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); //count cnt = MSG_ReadByte (); { extern int pt_smoke; P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, pos2, cnt, pt_smoke); } break; case DPTE_TEI_PLASMAHIT: pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); //dir pos2[0] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos2[1] = MSG_ReadCoord (); pos2[2] = MSG_ReadCoord (); cnt = MSG_ReadByte (); { extern int pt_plasma; P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, pos2, cnt, pt_plasma); } break; case DPTE_PARTICLECUBE: { vec3_t dir; int jitter; int gravity; //min pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord(); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord(); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord(); //max pos2[0] = MSG_ReadCoord(); pos2[1] = MSG_ReadCoord(); pos2[2] = MSG_ReadCoord(); //dir dir[0] = MSG_ReadCoord(); dir[1] = MSG_ReadCoord(); dir[2] = MSG_ReadCoord(); cnt = MSG_ReadShort(); //count colour = MSG_ReadByte (); //colour gravity = MSG_ReadByte (); //gravity flag jitter = MSG_ReadCoord(); //jitter P_RunParticleCube(pos, pos2, dir, cnt, colour, gravity, jitter); } break; case DPTE_PARTICLERAIN: { vec3_t dir; //min pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord(); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord(); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord(); //max pos2[0] = MSG_ReadCoord(); pos2[1] = MSG_ReadCoord(); pos2[2] = MSG_ReadCoord(); //dir dir[0] = MSG_ReadCoord(); dir[1] = MSG_ReadCoord(); dir[2] = MSG_ReadCoord(); cnt = MSG_ReadShort(); //count colour = MSG_ReadByte (); //colour P_RunParticleWeather(pos, pos2, dir, cnt, colour, "rain"); } break; case DPTE_PARTICLESNOW: { vec3_t dir; //min pos[0] = MSG_ReadCoord(); pos[1] = MSG_ReadCoord(); pos[2] = MSG_ReadCoord(); //max pos2[0] = MSG_ReadCoord(); pos2[1] = MSG_ReadCoord(); pos2[2] = MSG_ReadCoord(); //dir dir[0] = MSG_ReadCoord(); dir[1] = MSG_ReadCoord(); dir[2] = MSG_ReadCoord(); cnt = MSG_ReadShort(); //count colour = MSG_ReadByte (); //colour P_RunParticleWeather(pos, pos2, dir, cnt, colour, "snow"); } break; default: Host_EndGame ("CL_ParseTEnt: bad type - %i", type); } } void MSG_ReadPos (vec3_t pos); void MSG_ReadDir (vec3_t dir); typedef struct { int netstyle; int particleeffecttype; char stain[3]; qbyte radius; vec3_t dlightrgb; float dlightradius; float dlighttime; vec3_t dlightcfade; } clcustomtents_t; #define CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT 1 #define CTE_CUSTOMDIRECTION 2 #define CTE_STAINS 4 #define CTE_GLOWS 8 #define CTE_CHANNELFADE 16 #define CTE_ISBEAM 128 clcustomtents_t customtenttype[255]; //network based. void CL_ParseCustomTEnt(void) { int count; vec3_t pos; vec3_t pos2; vec3_t dir; char *str; clcustomtents_t *t; int type = MSG_ReadByte(); if (type == 255) //255 is register { type = MSG_ReadByte(); if (type == 255) Host_EndGame("Custom temp type 255 isn't valid\n"); t = &customtenttype[type]; t->netstyle = MSG_ReadByte(); str = MSG_ReadString(); t->particleeffecttype = P_AllocateParticleType(str); if (t->netstyle & CTE_STAINS) { t->stain[0] = MSG_ReadChar(); t->stain[1] = MSG_ReadChar(); t->stain[2] = MSG_ReadChar(); t->radius = MSG_ReadByte(); } else t->radius = 0; if (t->netstyle & CTE_GLOWS) { t->dlightrgb[0] = MSG_ReadByte()/255.0f; t->dlightrgb[1] = MSG_ReadByte()/255.0f; t->dlightrgb[2] = MSG_ReadByte()/255.0f; t->dlightradius = MSG_ReadByte(); t->dlighttime = MSG_ReadByte()/16.0f; if (t->netstyle & CTE_CHANNELFADE) { t->dlightcfade[0] = MSG_ReadByte()/64.0f; t->dlightcfade[1] = MSG_ReadByte()/64.0f; t->dlightcfade[2] = MSG_ReadByte()/64.0f; } } else t->dlighttime = 0; return; } t = &customtenttype[type]; if (t->particleeffecttype < 0) Host_EndGame("Custom Temporary entity %i was not registered\n", type); if (t->netstyle & CTE_ISBEAM) { MSG_ReadPos (pos); MSG_ReadPos (pos2); P_ParticleTrail(pos, pos2, t->particleeffecttype, NULL); } else { if (t->netstyle & CTE_CUSTOMCOUNT) count = MSG_ReadByte(); else count = 1; MSG_ReadPos (pos); VectorCopy(pos, pos2); if (t->netstyle & CTE_CUSTOMDIRECTION) { MSG_ReadDir (dir); P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, dir, 1, t->particleeffecttype); } else P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 1, t->particleeffecttype); } if (t->netstyle & CTE_STAINS) { //added at pos2 - end of trail R_AddStain(pos2, t->stain[0], t->stain[1], t->stain[2], 40); } if (t->netstyle & CTE_GLOWS) { //added at pos1 firer's end. dlight_t *dl; dl = CL_AllocDlight (0); VectorCopy (pos, dl->origin); dl->radius = t->dlightradius*4; dl->die = cl.time + t->dlighttime; dl->decay = t->radius/t->dlighttime; dl->color[0] = t->dlightrgb[0]; dl->color[1] = t->dlightrgb[1]; dl->color[2] = t->dlightrgb[2]; if (t->netstyle & CTE_CHANNELFADE) { dl->channelfade[0] = t->dlightcfade[0]; dl->channelfade[1] = t->dlightcfade[1]; dl->channelfade[2] = t->dlightcfade[2]; } /* if (dl->color[0] < 0) dl->channelfade[0] = 0; else dl->channelfade[0] = dl->color[0]/t->dlighttime; if (dl->color[1] < 0) dl->channelfade[1] = 0; else dl->channelfade[1] = dl->color[0]/t->dlighttime; if (dl->color[2] < 0) dl->channelfade[2] = 0; else dl->channelfade[2] = dl->color[0]/t->dlighttime; */ } } void CL_ClearCustomTEnts(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(customtenttype)/sizeof(customtenttype[0]); i++) customtenttype[i].particleeffecttype = -1; } void CLNQ_ParseParticleEffect (void) { vec3_t org, dir; int i, count, msgcount, color; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) org[i] = MSG_ReadCoord (); for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) dir[i] = MSG_ReadChar () * (1.0/16); msgcount = MSG_ReadByte (); color = MSG_ReadByte (); if (msgcount == 255) count = 1024; else count = msgcount; P_RunParticleEffect (org, dir, color, count); } void CL_ParseParticleEffect2 (void) { vec3_t org, dmin, dmax; int i, msgcount, color, effect; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) org[i] = MSG_ReadCoord (); for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) dmin[i] = MSG_ReadFloat (); for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) dmax[i] = MSG_ReadFloat (); color = MSG_ReadShort (); msgcount = MSG_ReadByte (); effect = MSG_ReadByte (); P_RunParticleEffect2 (org, dmin, dmax, color, effect, msgcount); } void CL_ParseParticleEffect3 (void) { vec3_t org, box; int i, msgcount, color, effect; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) org[i] = MSG_ReadCoord (); for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) box[i] = MSG_ReadByte (); color = MSG_ReadShort (); msgcount = MSG_ReadByte (); effect = MSG_ReadByte (); P_RunParticleEffect3 (org, box, color, effect, msgcount); } void CL_ParseParticleEffect4 (void) { vec3_t org; int i, msgcount, color, effect; float radius; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) org[i] = MSG_ReadCoord (); radius = MSG_ReadByte(); color = MSG_ReadShort (); msgcount = MSG_ReadByte (); effect = MSG_ReadByte (); P_RunParticleEffect4 (org, radius, color, effect, msgcount); } void CL_SpawnSpriteEffect(vec3_t org, model_t *model, int startframe, int framecount, int framerate) { explosion_t *ex; ex = CL_AllocExplosion (); VectorCopy (org, ex->origin); ex->start = cl.time; ex->model = model; ex->firstframe = startframe; ex->numframes = framecount; ex->framerate = framerate; ex->angles[0] = 0; ex->angles[1] = 0; ex->angles[2] = 0; } // [vector] org [byte] modelindex [byte] startframe [byte] framecount [byte] framerate // [vector] org [short] modelindex [short] startframe [byte] framecount [byte] framerate void CL_ParseEffect (qboolean effect2) { vec3_t org; int modelindex; int startframe; int framecount; int framerate; org[0] = MSG_ReadCoord(); org[1] = MSG_ReadCoord(); org[2] = MSG_ReadCoord(); if (effect2) modelindex = MSG_ReadShort(); else modelindex = MSG_ReadByte(); if (effect2) startframe = MSG_ReadShort(); else startframe = MSG_ReadByte(); framecount = MSG_ReadByte(); framerate = MSG_ReadByte(); CL_SpawnSpriteEffect(org, cl.model_precache[modelindex], startframe, framecount, framerate); } #ifdef Q2CLIENT void CL_SmokeAndFlash(vec3_t origin) { explosion_t *ex; ex = CL_AllocExplosion (); VectorCopy (origin, ex->origin); VectorClear(ex->angles); // ex->type = ex_misc; ex->numframes = 4; ex->flags = Q2RF_TRANSLUCENT; ex->start = cl.time; ex->model = Mod_ForName (q2tentmodels[q2cl_mod_smoke].modelname, false); ex = CL_AllocExplosion (); VectorCopy (origin, ex->origin); VectorClear(ex->angles); // ex->type = ex_flash; ex->flags = Q2RF_FULLBRIGHT; ex->numframes = 2; ex->start = cl.time; ex->model = Mod_ForName (q2tentmodels[q2cl_mod_flash].modelname, false); } void CL_Laser (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int colors) { explosion_t *ex = CL_AllocExplosion(); ex->firstframe = 0; ex->numframes = 10; ex->alpha = 0.33f; ex->model = (void*)0xDEAFF00D; //something not null ex->skinnum = (colors >> ((rand() % 4)*8)) & 0xff; VectorCopy (start, ex->origin); VectorCopy (end, ex->oldorigin); ex->flags = Q2RF_TRANSLUCENT | Q2RF_BEAM; ex->start = cl.time; ex->framerate = 100; // smoother fading } static qbyte splash_color[] = {0x00, 0xe0, 0xb0, 0x50, 0xd0, 0xe0, 0xe8}; #define ATTN_NONE 0 #define ATTN_NORM 1 #define ATTN_STATIC 1 void Q2S_StartSound(vec3_t origin, int entnum, int entchannel, sfx_t *sfx, float fvol, float attenuation, float timeofs) { S_StartSound(entnum, entchannel, sfx, origin, fvol, attenuation); } void CLQ2_ParseTEnt (void) { int type; vec3_t pos, pos2, dir; explosion_t *ex; int cnt; int color; int r; // int ent; // int magnitude; type = MSG_ReadByte (); switch (type) { case Q2TE_BLOOD: // bullet hitting flesh MSG_ReadPos (pos); MSG_ReadDir (dir); if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, dir, 1, pt_blood)) P_RunParticleEffect(pos, dir, 0xe8, 60); R_AddStain(pos, 0, -10, -10, 40); break; case Q2TE_GUNSHOT: // bullet hitting wall case Q2TE_SPARKS: case Q2TE_BULLET_SPARKS: MSG_ReadPos (pos); MSG_ReadDir (dir); if (type == Q2TE_GUNSHOT) P_RunParticleEffect (pos, dir, 0, 40); else P_RunParticleEffect (pos, dir, 0xe0, 6); R_AddStain(pos, -10, -10, -10, 20); if (type != Q2TE_SPARKS) { CL_SmokeAndFlash(pos); // impact sound (nope, not the same as Q1...) cnt = rand()&15; if (cnt == 1) Q2S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, S_PrecacheSound ("world/ric1.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); else if (cnt == 2) Q2S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, S_PrecacheSound ("world/ric2.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); else if (cnt == 3) Q2S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, S_PrecacheSound ("world/ric3.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); } break; case Q2TE_SCREEN_SPARKS: case Q2TE_SHIELD_SPARKS: MSG_ReadPos (pos); MSG_ReadDir (dir); if (type == Q2TE_SCREEN_SPARKS) P_RunParticleEffect (pos, dir, 0xd0, 40); else P_RunParticleEffect (pos, dir, 0xb0, 40); //FIXME : replace or remove this sound S_StartSound (-2, 0, S_PrecacheSound ("weapons/lashit.wav"), pos, 1, 1); break; case Q2TE_SHOTGUN: // bullet hitting wall MSG_ReadPos (pos); MSG_ReadDir (dir); P_RunParticleEffect (pos, dir, 0, 20); CL_SmokeAndFlash(pos); R_AddStain(pos, -10, -10, -10, 20); break; case Q2TE_SPLASH: // bullet hitting water cnt = MSG_ReadByte (); MSG_ReadPos (pos); MSG_ReadDir (dir); r = MSG_ReadByte (); if (r > 6) color = 0x00; else color = splash_color[r]; P_RunParticleEffect (pos, dir, color, cnt); if (r == Q2SPLASH_SPARKS) { r = rand() & 3; if (r == 1) Q2S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, S_PrecacheSound ("world/spark5.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); else if (r == 2) Q2S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, S_PrecacheSound ("world/spark6.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); else Q2S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, S_PrecacheSound ("world/spark7.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); // if (r == 0) // Q2S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, cl_sfx_spark5, 1, ATTN_STATIC, 0); // else if (r == 1) // Q2S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, cl_sfx_spark6, 1, ATTN_STATIC, 0); // else // Q2S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, cl_sfx_spark7, 1, ATTN_STATIC, 0); } break; case Q2TE_LASER_SPARKS: cnt = MSG_ReadByte (); MSG_ReadPos (pos); MSG_ReadDir (dir); color = MSG_ReadByte (); P_RunParticleEffect (pos, dir, color, cnt); break; // RAFAEL case Q2TE_BLUEHYPERBLASTER: MSG_ReadPos (pos); MSG_ReadPos (dir); if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, dir, 1, pt_blasterparticles)) P_RunParticleEffect (pos, dir, 0xe0, 40); break; case Q2TE_BLASTER: // blaster hitting wall MSG_ReadPos (pos); MSG_ReadDir (dir); if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, dir, 1, pt_blasterparticles)) P_RunParticleEffect (pos, dir, 0xe0, 40); R_AddStain(pos, 0, -5, -10, 20); ex = CL_AllocExplosion (); VectorCopy (pos, ex->origin); ex->start = cl.time; ex->model = Mod_ForName (q2tentmodels[q2cl_mod_explode].modelname, false); ex->firstframe = 0; ex->numframes = 4; ex->flags = Q2RF_FULLBRIGHT; ex->angles[0] = acos(dir[2])/M_PI*180; // PMM - fixed to correct for pitch of 0 if (dir[0]) ex->angles[1] = atan2(dir[1], dir[0])/M_PI*180; else if (dir[1] > 0) ex->angles[1] = 90; else if (dir[1] < 0) ex->angles[1] = 270; else ex->angles[1] = 0; ex->angles[0]*=-1; S_StartSound (-2, 0, S_PrecacheSound ("weapons/lashit.wav"), pos, 1, 1); // light if (r_explosionlight.value) { dlight_t *dl; dl = CL_AllocDlight (0); VectorCopy (pos, dl->origin); dl->radius = 150 * bound(0, r_explosionlight.value, 1); dl->die = cl.time + 0.4; dl->decay = 400; dl->color[0] = 0.2; dl->color[1] = 0.2; dl->color[2] = 0.0; dl->channelfade[0] = 0.5; dl->channelfade[1] = 0.51; dl->channelfade[2] = 0.0; } break; case Q2TE_RAILTRAIL: // railgun effect MSG_ReadPos (pos); MSG_ReadPos (pos2); if (P_ParticleTrail(pos, pos2, rt_railtrail, NULL)) P_ParticleTrailIndex(pos, pos2, 0x74, 8, NULL); Q2S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, S_PrecacheSound ("weapons/railgf1a.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Q2TE_EXPLOSION2: case Q2TE_GRENADE_EXPLOSION: case Q2TE_GRENADE_EXPLOSION_WATER: MSG_ReadPos (pos); if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 1, pt_explosion)) P_RunParticleEffect(pos, NULL, 0xe0, 256); R_AddStain(pos, -1, -1, -1, 100); // light if (r_explosionlight.value) { dlight_t *dl; dl = CL_AllocDlight (0); VectorCopy (pos, dl->origin); dl->radius = 150 + bound(0, r_explosionlight.value, 1)*200; dl->die = cl.time + 0.5; dl->decay = 300; dl->color[0] = 0.2; dl->color[1] = 0.1; dl->color[2] = 0.1; dl->channelfade[0] = 0.36; dl->channelfade[1] = 0.19; dl->channelfade[2] = 0.19; } // sound if (type == Q2TE_GRENADE_EXPLOSION_WATER) S_StartSound (-2, 0, S_PrecacheSound ("weapons/xpld_wat.wav"), pos, 1, 1); else S_StartSound (-2, 0, S_PrecacheSound ("weapons/grenlx1a.wav"), pos, 1, 1); // sprite /* if (!R_ParticleExplosionHeart(pos)) { ex = CL_AllocExplosion (); VectorCopy (pos, ex->origin); VectorClear(ex->angles); ex->start = cl.time; ex->model = Mod_ForName (q2tentmodels[q2cl_mod_explo4].modelname, true); ex->firstframe = 30; ex->numframes = 19; } */ break; /* ex = CL_AllocExplosion (); VectorCopy (pos, ex->ent.origin); ex->type = ex_poly; ex->ent.flags = RF_FULLBRIGHT; ex->start = cl.frame.servertime - 100; ex->light = 350; ex->lightcolor[0] = 1.0; ex->lightcolor[1] = 0.5; ex->lightcolor[2] = 0.5; ex->ent.model = cl_mod_explo4; ex->frames = 19; ex->baseframe = 30; ex->ent.angles[1] = rand() % 360; CL_ExplosionParticles (pos); if (type == TE_GRENADE_EXPLOSION_WATER) Q2S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, cl_sfx_watrexp, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); else Q2S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, cl_sfx_grenexp, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); break; */ // RAFAEL case Q2TE_PLASMA_EXPLOSION: MSG_ReadPos (pos); /* ex = CL_AllocExplosion (); VectorCopy (pos, ex->ent.origin); ex->type = ex_poly; ex->ent.flags = RF_FULLBRIGHT; ex->start = cl.frame.servertime - 100; ex->light = 350; ex->lightcolor[0] = 1.0; ex->lightcolor[1] = 0.5; ex->lightcolor[2] = 0.5; ex->ent.angles[1] = rand() % 360; ex->ent.model = cl_mod_explo4; if (frand() < 0.5) ex->baseframe = 15; ex->frames = 15; CL_ExplosionParticles (pos); Q2S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, cl_sfx_rockexp, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); */ break; case Q2TE_EXPLOSION1: case Q2TE_EXPLOSION1_BIG: // PMM case Q2TE_ROCKET_EXPLOSION: case Q2TE_ROCKET_EXPLOSION_WATER: case Q2TE_EXPLOSION1_NP: // PMM MSG_ReadPos (pos); // particle effect if (type != Q2TE_EXPLOSION1_BIG && type != Q2TE_EXPLOSION1_NP) { if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 1, pt_explosion)) P_RunParticleEffect(pos, NULL, 0xe0, 256); R_AddStain(pos, -1, -1, -1, 100); } // light if (r_explosionlight.value) { dlight_t *dl; dl = CL_AllocDlight (0); VectorCopy (pos, dl->origin); dl->radius = 150 + bound(0, r_explosionlight.value, 1)*200; dl->die = cl.time + 0.5; dl->decay = 300; dl->color[0] = 0.2; dl->color[1] = 0.1; dl->color[2] = 0.08; dl->channelfade[0] = 0.36; dl->channelfade[1] = 0.19; dl->channelfade[2] = 0.19; } // sound if (type == Q2TE_ROCKET_EXPLOSION_WATER) S_StartSound (-2, 0, S_PrecacheSound ("weapons/xpld_wat.wav"), pos, 1, 1); else S_StartSound (-2, 0, S_PrecacheSound ("weapons/rocklx1a.wav"), pos, 1, 1); // sprite /* if (!R_ParticleExplosionHeart(pos)) { ex = CL_AllocExplosion (); VectorCopy (pos, ex->origin); VectorClear(ex->angles); ex->start = cl.time; ex->model = Mod_ForName (q2tentmodels[q2cl_mod_explo4].modelname, false); if (rand()&1) ex->firstframe = 15; else ex->firstframe = 0; ex->numframes = 15; }*/ break; /* ex = CL_AllocExplosion (); VectorCopy (pos, ex->ent.origin); ex->type = ex_poly; ex->ent.flags = RF_FULLBRIGHT; ex->start = cl.frame.servertime - 100; ex->light = 350; ex->lightcolor[0] = 1.0; ex->lightcolor[1] = 0.5; ex->lightcolor[2] = 0.5; ex->ent.angles[1] = rand() % 360; if (type != TE_EXPLOSION1_BIG) // PMM ex->ent.model = cl_mod_explo4; // PMM else ex->ent.model = cl_mod_explo4_big; if (frand() < 0.5) ex->baseframe = 15; ex->frames = 15; if ((type != TE_EXPLOSION1_BIG) && (type != TE_EXPLOSION1_NP)) // PMM CL_ExplosionParticles (pos); // PMM if (type == TE_ROCKET_EXPLOSION_WATER) Q2S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, cl_sfx_watrexp, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); else Q2S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, cl_sfx_rockexp, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); break; */ case Q2TE_BFG_EXPLOSION: MSG_ReadPos (pos); /* ex = CL_AllocExplosion (); VectorCopy (pos, ex->ent.origin); ex->type = ex_poly; ex->flags = RF_FULLBRIGHT; ex->start = cl.q2frame.servertime - 100; ex->light = 350; ex->lightcolor[0] = 0.0; ex->lightcolor[1] = 1.0; ex->lightcolor[2] = 0.0; ex->model = cl_mod_bfg_explo; ex->flags |= RF_TRANSLUCENT; ex->alpha = 0.30; ex->frames = 4; */ break; case Q2TE_BFG_BIGEXPLOSION: MSG_ReadPos (pos); // CL_BFGExplosionParticles (pos); if (P_RunParticleEffectTypeString(pos, dir, 1, "te_bfg_bigexplosion")) P_RunParticleEffect(pos, dir, 0xd0, 256); // TODO: x+(r%8) unstead of x&7+(r&7) break; case Q2TE_BFG_LASER: MSG_ReadPos (pos); MSG_ReadPos (pos2); CL_Laser(pos, pos2, 0xd0d1d2d3); break; case Q2TE_BUBBLETRAIL: MSG_ReadPos (pos); MSG_ReadPos (pos2); if (P_ParticleTrail(pos, pos2, rt_bubbletrail, NULL)) P_ParticleTrailIndex(pos, pos2, 4, 8, NULL); break; case Q2TE_PARASITE_ATTACK: case Q2TE_MEDIC_CABLE_ATTACK: CL_ParseBeam (3); break; case Q2TE_BOSSTPORT: // boss teleporting to station MSG_ReadPos (pos); /* CL_BigTeleportParticles (pos); */ Q2S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, S_PrecacheSound ("misc/bigtele.wav"), 1, ATTN_NONE, 0); break; case Q2TE_GRAPPLE_CABLE: CL_ParseBeam (4); MSG_ReadPos (pos); break; // RAFAEL case Q2TE_WELDING_SPARKS: cnt = MSG_ReadByte (); MSG_ReadPos (pos); MSG_ReadDir (dir); color = MSG_ReadByte (); // TODO: fix to Q2's standards P_RunParticleEffect(pos, dir, color, cnt); /* CL_ParticleEffect2 (pos, dir, color, cnt); ex = CL_AllocExplosion (); VectorCopy (pos, ex->ent.origin); ex->type = ex_flash; // note to self // we need a better no draw flag ex->ent.flags = RF_BEAM; ex->start = cl.frame.servertime - 0.1; ex->light = 100 + (rand()%75); ex->lightcolor[0] = 1.0; ex->lightcolor[1] = 1.0; ex->lightcolor[2] = 0.3; ex->ent.model = cl_mod_flash; ex->frames = 2; */ break; case Q2TE_GREENBLOOD: MSG_ReadPos (pos); MSG_ReadDir (dir); if (P_RunParticleEffectTypeString(pos, dir, 1, "te_greenblood")) P_RunParticleEffect(pos, dir, 0xdf, 30); // TODO: x+(r%8) unstead of x&7+(r&7) // CL_ParticleEffect2 (pos, dir, 0xdf, 30); break; // RAFAEL case Q2TE_TUNNEL_SPARKS: cnt = MSG_ReadByte (); MSG_ReadPos (pos); MSG_ReadDir (dir); color = MSG_ReadByte (); // CL_ParticleEffect3 (pos, dir, color, cnt); break; //============= //PGM // PMM -following code integrated for flechette (different color) case Q2TE_BLASTER2: // green blaster hitting wall MSG_ReadPos (pos); MSG_ReadDir (dir); if (P_RunParticleEffectTypeString(pos, dir, 1, "te_blaster2")) if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, dir, 1, pt_blasterparticles)) P_RunParticleEffect (pos, dir, 0xd0, 40); R_AddStain(pos, -10, 0, -10, 20); ex = CL_AllocExplosion (); VectorCopy (pos, ex->origin); ex->start = cl.time; ex->model = Mod_ForName (q2tentmodels[q2cl_mod_explode].modelname, false); ex->firstframe = 0; ex->numframes = 4; ex->flags = Q2RF_FULLBRIGHT; ex->angles[0] = acos(dir[2])/M_PI*180; // PMM - fixed to correct for pitch of 0 if (dir[0]) ex->angles[1] = atan2(dir[1], dir[0])/M_PI*180; else if (dir[1] > 0) ex->angles[1] = 90; else if (dir[1] < 0) ex->angles[1] = 270; else ex->angles[1] = 0; ex->angles[0]*=-1; S_StartSound (-2, 0, S_PrecacheSound ("weapons/lashit.wav"), pos, 1, 1); // light if (r_explosionlight.value) { dlight_t *dl; dl = CL_AllocDlight (0); VectorCopy (pos, dl->origin); dl->radius = 150 * bound(0, r_explosionlight.value, 1); dl->die = cl.time + 0.4; dl->decay = 400; dl->color[0] = 0.01; dl->color[1] = 0.2; dl->color[2] = 0.01; dl->channelfade[0] = 0.1; dl->channelfade[1] = 0.5; dl->channelfade[2] = 0.1; } break; case Q2TE_FLECHETTE: // blue blaster effect MSG_ReadPos (pos); MSG_ReadDir (dir); if (P_RunParticleEffectTypeString(pos, dir, 1, "te_blaster2")) if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, dir, 1, pt_blasterparticles)) P_RunParticleEffect (pos, dir, 0x6f, 40); R_AddStain(pos, -10, -2, 0, 20); ex = CL_AllocExplosion (); VectorCopy (pos, ex->origin); ex->start = cl.time; ex->model = Mod_ForName (q2tentmodels[q2cl_mod_explode].modelname, false); ex->firstframe = 0; ex->numframes = 4; ex->flags = Q2RF_FULLBRIGHT; ex->angles[0] = acos(dir[2])/M_PI*180; // PMM - fixed to correct for pitch of 0 if (dir[0]) ex->angles[1] = atan2(dir[1], dir[0])/M_PI*180; else if (dir[1] > 0) ex->angles[1] = 90; else if (dir[1] < 0) ex->angles[1] = 270; else ex->angles[1] = 0; ex->angles[0]*=-1; S_StartSound (-2, 0, S_PrecacheSound ("weapons/lashit.wav"), pos, 1, 1); // light if (r_explosionlight.value) { dlight_t *dl; dl = CL_AllocDlight (0); VectorCopy (pos, dl->origin); dl->radius = 150 * bound(0, r_explosionlight.value, 1); dl->die = cl.time + 0.4; dl->decay = 400; dl->color[0] = 0.038; dl->color[1] = 0.082; dl->color[2] = 0.150; dl->channelfade[0] = 0.085; dl->channelfade[1] = 0.180; dl->channelfade[2] = 0.300; } break; /* case Q2TE_LIGHTNING: ent = CL_ParseLightning (cl_mod_lightning); S_StartSound (NULL, ent, CHAN_WEAPON, cl_sfx_lightning, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); break; */ case Q2TE_DEBUGTRAIL: MSG_ReadPos (pos); MSG_ReadPos (pos2); if (P_ParticleTrail(pos, pos2, P_AllocateParticleType("te_debugtrail"), NULL)) P_ParticleTrailIndex(pos, pos2, 116, 8, NULL); break; case Q2TE_PLAIN_EXPLOSION: MSG_ReadPos (pos); ex = CL_AllocExplosion (); VectorCopy (pos, ex->origin); // ex->type = ex_poly; ex->flags = Q2RF_FULLBRIGHT; ex->angles[1] = rand() % 360; ex->model = Mod_ForName (q2tentmodels[q2cl_mod_explo4].modelname, false); if (rand() < RAND_MAX/2) ex->firstframe = 15; ex->numframes = 15; Q2S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, S_PrecacheSound("weapons/rocklx1a.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); // light if (r_explosionlight.value) { dlight_t *dl; dl = CL_AllocDlight (0); VectorCopy (pos, dl->origin); dl->radius = 150 + bound(0, r_explosionlight.value, 1)*200; dl->die = cl.time + 0.5; dl->decay = 300; dl->color[0] = 0.2; dl->color[1] = 0.1; dl->color[2] = 0.08; dl->channelfade[0] = 0.36; dl->channelfade[1] = 0.19; dl->channelfade[2] = 0.19; } break; /* case Q2TE_FLASHLIGHT: MSG_ReadPos(&net_message, pos); ent = MSG_ReadShort(&net_message); CL_Flashlight(ent, pos); break; case Q2TE_FORCEWALL: MSG_ReadPos(&net_message, pos); MSG_ReadPos(&net_message, pos2); color = MSG_ReadByte (&net_message); CL_ForceWall(pos, pos2, color); break; case Q2TE_HEATBEAM: ent = CL_ParsePlayerBeam (cl_mod_heatbeam); break; case Q2TE_MONSTER_HEATBEAM: ent = CL_ParsePlayerBeam (cl_mod_monster_heatbeam); break; case Q2TE_HEATBEAM_SPARKS: // cnt = MSG_ReadByte (&net_message); cnt = 50; MSG_ReadPos (&net_message, pos); MSG_ReadDir (&net_message, dir); // r = MSG_ReadByte (&net_message); // magnitude = MSG_ReadShort (&net_message); r = 8; magnitude = 60; color = r & 0xff; CL_ParticleSteamEffect (pos, dir, color, cnt, magnitude); S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, cl_sfx_lashit, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Q2TE_HEATBEAM_STEAM: // cnt = MSG_ReadByte (&net_message); cnt = 20; MSG_ReadPos (&net_message, pos); MSG_ReadDir (&net_message, dir); // r = MSG_ReadByte (&net_message); // magnitude = MSG_ReadShort (&net_message); // color = r & 0xff; color = 0xe0; magnitude = 60; CL_ParticleSteamEffect (pos, dir, color, cnt, magnitude); S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, cl_sfx_lashit, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Q2TE_STEAM: CL_ParseSteam(); break; case Q2TE_BUBBLETRAIL2: // cnt = MSG_ReadByte (&net_message); cnt = 8; MSG_ReadPos (&net_message, pos); MSG_ReadPos (&net_message, pos2); CL_BubbleTrail2 (pos, pos2, cnt); S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, cl_sfx_lashit, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); break; */ case Q2TE_MOREBLOOD: MSG_ReadPos (pos); MSG_ReadDir (dir); if (P_RunParticleEffectTypeString(pos, dir, 1, "te_moreblood")) if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, dir, 4, pt_blood)) P_RunParticleEffect(pos, dir, 0xe8, 250); break; /* case Q2TE_CHAINFIST_SMOKE: dir[0]=0; dir[1]=0; dir[2]=1; MSG_ReadPos(&net_message, pos); CL_ParticleSmokeEffect (pos, dir, 0, 20, 20); break; case Q2TE_ELECTRIC_SPARKS: MSG_ReadPos (&net_message, pos); MSG_ReadDir (&net_message, dir); // CL_ParticleEffect (pos, dir, 109, 40); CL_ParticleEffect (pos, dir, 0x75, 40); //FIXME : replace or remove this sound S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, cl_sfx_lashit, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); break; */ case Q2TE_TRACKER_EXPLOSION: MSG_ReadPos (pos); // effect if (P_RunParticleEffectTypeString(pos, NULL, 1, "te_tracker_explosion")) P_RunParticleEffect(pos, NULL, 0, 128); // TODO: needs to be nonrandom instead of 0+r%8 // light // light if (r_explosionlight.value) { dlight_t *dl; dl = CL_AllocDlight (0); VectorCopy (pos, dl->origin); dl->radius = 150 * bound(0, r_explosionlight.value, 1); dl->die = cl.time + 0.1; dl->minlight = 250; dl->color[0] = -0.2; dl->color[1] = -0.2; dl->color[2] = -0.2; } // sound Q2S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, S_PrecacheSound("weapons/disrupthit.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); break; case Q2TE_TELEPORT_EFFECT: case Q2TE_DBALL_GOAL: MSG_ReadPos (pos); if (P_RunParticleEffectType(pos, NULL, 1, pt_teleportsplash)) P_RunParticleEffect(pos, NULL, 8, 768); // This effect won't match --- // Color should be 7+(rand()%8) // not 8&~7+(rand()%8) break; /* case Q2TE_WIDOWBEAMOUT: CL_ParseWidow (); break; case Q2TE_NUKEBLAST: CL_ParseNuke (); break; */ case Q2TE_WIDOWSPLASH: MSG_ReadPos (pos); // this one is really annoying, it's supposed to be a random choice // between 2*8, 13*8, 21*8, 18*8 if (P_RunParticleEffectTypeString(pos, NULL, 1, "te_widowsplash")) P_RunParticleEffect(pos, NULL, 13*8, 256); break; //PGM //============== default: Host_EndGame ("CLQ2_ParseTEnt: bad/non-implemented type %i", type); } } #endif /* ================= CL_NewTempEntity ================= */ entity_t *CL_NewTempEntity (void) { entity_t *ent; if (cl_numvisedicts == MAX_VISEDICTS) return NULL; ent = &cl_visedicts[cl_numvisedicts]; cl_numvisedicts++; ent->keynum = 0; memset (ent, 0, sizeof(*ent)); ent->colormap = vid.colormap; #ifdef PEXT_SCALE ent->scale = 1; #endif #ifdef PEXT_TRANS ent->alpha = 1; #endif return ent; } /* ================= CL_UpdateBeams ================= */ void CL_UpdateBeams (void) { int i, j; beam_t *b; vec3_t dist, org; float *vieworg; float d; entity_t *ent; entity_state_t *st; float yaw, pitch; float forward, offset; extern cvar_t cl_truelightning, v_viewheight; // update lightning for (i=0, b=cl_beams ; i< MAX_BEAMS ; i++, b++) { if (!b->model) continue; if (b->endtime < cl.time) { P_DelinkTrailstate(&b->trailstate); P_DelinkTrailstate(&b->emitstate); b->model = NULL; continue; } // if coming from the player, update the start position if ((b->flags & 1) && b->entity > 0 && b->entity <= MAX_CLIENTS) { for (j = 0; j < cl.splitclients; j++) { if (b->entity == (autocam[j]?spec_track[j]:(cl.playernum[j]+1))) { player_state_t *pl; // VectorSubtract(cl.simorg, b->start, org); // VectorAdd(b->end, org, b->end); //move the end point by simorg-start pl = &cl.frames[cl.parsecount&UPDATE_MASK].playerstate[b->entity-1]; if (pl->messagenum == cl.parsecount) { vec3_t fwd, org, ang; float delta, f, len; if (cl.spectator && autocam[j]) { vieworg = pl->origin; } else vieworg = cl.simorg[j]; VectorCopy (vieworg, b->start); b->start[2] += cl.crouch[j] + bound(-7, v_viewheight.value, 4); f = bound(0, cl_truelightning.value, 1); if (!f) break; VectorSubtract (playerbeam_end[j], vieworg, org); len = VectorLength(org); org[2] -= 22; // adjust for view height vectoangles (org, ang); // lerp pitch ang[0] = -ang[0]; if (ang[0] < -180) ang[0] += 360; ang[0] += (cl.simangles[j][0] - ang[0]) * f; // lerp yaw delta = cl.simangles[j][1] - ang[1]; if (delta > 180) delta -= 360; if (delta < -180) delta += 360; ang[1] += delta * f; ang[2] = 0; AngleVectors (ang, fwd, ang, ang); VectorCopy(fwd, ang); VectorScale (fwd, len, fwd); VectorCopy (cl.simorg[j], org); org[2] += 16; VectorAdd (org, fwd, b->end); if (cl_beam_trace.value) { vec3_t normal; VectorMA(org, len+4, ang, fwd); if (TraceLineN(org, fwd, ang, normal)) VectorCopy (ang, b->end); } break; } } } } else if (b->flags & STREAM_ATTACHED) { player_state_t *pl; st = CL_FindPacketEntity(b->entity); if (st) { VectorCopy(st->origin, b->start); } else if (b->entity <= MAX_CLIENTS && b->entity > 0) { pl = &cl.frames[cl.parsecount&UPDATE_MASK].playerstate[b->entity-1]; VectorCopy(pl->origin, b->start); b->start[2]+=16; } } // calculate pitch and yaw VectorSubtract (b->end, b->start, dist); if (dist[1] == 0 && dist[0] == 0) { yaw = 0; if (dist[2] > 0) pitch = 90; else pitch = 270; } else { yaw = (int) (atan2(dist[1], dist[0]) * 180 / M_PI); if (yaw < 0) yaw += 360; forward = sqrt (dist[0]*dist[0] + dist[1]*dist[1]); pitch = (int) (atan2(dist[2], forward) * 180 / M_PI); if (pitch < 0) pitch += 360; } /* if (1) //cool funky particle mode. { CL_LightningParticleBeam(b->start, b->end); continue; } */ // if (part_type[rt_lightning1].loaded) // if (!P_ParticleTrail(b->start, b->end, rt_lightning1, NULL)) // continue; if (b->particleeffect >= 0 && !P_ParticleTrail(b->start, b->end, b->particleeffect, &b->trailstate)) continue; // add new entities for the lightning VectorCopy (b->start, org); d = VectorNormalize(dist); if(b->flags & 2) { offset = (int)(cl.time*40)%30; for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { org[i] += dist[i]*offset; } } while (d > 0) { ent = CL_NewTempEntity (); if (!ent) return; VectorCopy (org, ent->origin); ent->model = b->model; ent->drawflags |= MLS_ABSLIGHT; ent->abslight = 192; ent->alpha = b->alpha; ent->angles[0] = -pitch; ent->angles[1] = yaw; ent->angles[2] = (int)((cl.time*d*1000))%360; //paused lightning too. AngleVectors(ent->angles, ent->axis[0], ent->axis[1], ent->axis[2]); ent->angles[0] = pitch; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) org[i] += dist[i]*30; d -= 30; } } } /* ================= CL_UpdateExplosions ================= */ void CL_UpdateExplosions (void) { int i; float f; int of; int numframes; int firstframe; explosion_t *ex; entity_t *ent; for (i=0, ex=cl_explosions ; i< MAX_EXPLOSIONS ; i++, ex++) { if (!ex->model) continue; f = ex->framerate*(cl.time - ex->start); if (ex->firstframe >= 0) { firstframe = ex->firstframe; numframes = ex->numframes; } else { firstframe = 0; numframes = ex->model->numframes; } of = (int)f-1; if ((int)f >= numframes || (int)f < 0) { ex->model = NULL; continue; } if (of < 0) of = 0; ent = CL_NewTempEntity (); if (!ent) return; VectorCopy (ex->origin, ent->origin); VectorCopy (ex->oldorigin, ent->oldorigin); VectorCopy (ex->angles, ent->angles); ent->skinnum = ex->skinnum; ent->angles[0]*=-1; AngleVectors(ent->angles, ent->axis[0], ent->axis[1], ent->axis[2]); VectorInverse(ent->axis[1]); ent->model = ex->model; ent->frame = (int)f+firstframe; ent->oldframe = of+firstframe; ent->lerpfrac = 1-(f - (int)f); ent->alpha = 1.0 - f/(numframes); ent->flags = ex->flags; } } entity_state_t *CL_FindPacketEntity(int num); /* ================= CL_UpdateTEnts ================= */ void CL_UpdateTEnts (void) { CL_UpdateBeams (); CL_UpdateExplosions (); }